The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, June 13, 1940, Page 3, Image 3

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Turner's School
Election Monday
Two Directors, Clerk Will
- ill 1 . j i ,
r Be Elected; Budget j
-I--.V to Be Passed
. TURNER -Turner school dis
trict trill hold Its annual meeting
Monday night Jane 17 at S o'clock
in the school auditorium to elect
one director- for three years, and
one -for two, years and to. elect a
clerk tor one, " year. The year's
budget will be Toted npon.
. Members of the ill club going
to rCorvallls 4H summer school
are Edith Boyer. Virginia Saren-
son. Rath Bones, Jean and Edwin
Ball. L - ' :
f . Mrs. Frances Whitehead Is one
of the county chaperones.
, Mr.;., and "Mrs. Chester Smith
of Moro were week-end guests of
friends. Smith lived with his
parents, , Mr. ' and Mrs. Arthur
Smith 40 years ago on what la
now the S. K. Riches farm. Mrs.
Arthur ' Smith 1 reported to be
in very poor health at her home
in Wasco. - f
Rachel Riches, who has just
, finished her sophomore year at
Reed college, will take some sum
mer work at the college.
Charles Standley has been
anite ill for some! time at his
home. i . I
Harland Bones Who returned
home some weeks ago from the
Hawaiian Islands, upon the ex
piration of his term of enlistment
in. the army; has recently reenlist-
ed and is at present at Vancouver
barracks. He visited his parents,
Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Bone? over
the week-end.
Lebanon Teacher
Gives Resignation
LEBANON The school board
held a special meeting Monday
night. The resignation of Irene
Moore, who had a leave of ab
sence this past semester to study
in California, was accepted. About
two weeks ago- she wrote that
she would return to Lebanon but
sher later was elected to the de
partment of music in the, high
school at The Dalles. Alice" Hol
maback, who has been substitut
ing for her, was named by the
, board to take the place thus made
vacant. . i v .
Two grade school teachers were
elected. Both are graduates of
the College of Education at Mon
mouth. Dorothy Gerlach of Au
rora has had three years of ( ex
perience, , two in. the Aurora
schools and one in Heppner. Rich
ard C. Cantrell of Dufur has been
teaching' In Hill Military acad
emy. ' . I . .
C. N. Freeman, of Portlandwho
drew the plans for the gymnasium
was selected from among a num
ber of architects to make prints
and specifications for the addi
tion to be built to the south grade
school. When this building was
put tip It was designed so that the
two wings could be extended to
ward the south when more room
should .be needed. This Is the
way the addition will be made.
Wake up your
Taste Thrill
Scotch Graham
at Your Grocer's
John F. Class Vapo-Path for better than twenty
years has been getting almost miraculous results
in relieving sufferers from many different ailments.
Almost 20O of 'these Institutions throughont the
United States offer undisputed evidence j of what
can be accomplished in the case of
or similar ailments. Investigate! Get the facts and
the proof. It; will cost yo nothing. Call now for an
Interview. --.-. .; ....(!.
330 Bellerue Salem,1 Ore. Telephone 4021
and Candy
StorVjlOBrs Week Pays 7:SO
Prclmiae Zinc j
0 399c, U C3 S1.09
2G: Cclgale Denial Cream
25 T7all !iOc
GandC3Uail ; .i
need's Pcissn Qalx Lclicn
Quick reUef from the pain and Itching
. of poison oak
French Tank Falls to Nazi Cameraman
t- -je i
': v
:- f. f
This war action picture Issued by the German censor and Mown to the United States by Atlantic Clip
per purports to show a French tank captured by an armed 3erman photographer. Note the French
soldier with his hands aloft in complete surrender. UN Pbonephoto. 1
Union News
MARION Attendance at Mar
lorn Farmers Union local meeting
was small because of the busy
season. Mr. and Mrs. H. G. Rus
sell were given the obligation by
state president, Harley Libby.
He also gave a talk on work of
the state convention.
Louis Scofield and William
Hardy delegates to the state con
vention gave reports of the con
vention.. -
- Warren Gray reported on the
oil companies increased business.
Mrs. Glascow is chairman of
the refreshment committee for
the next meeting.
The juniors are making plans
for their benefit dance Saturday
night ati the W.O.W. hall. The
public is invited.
Scio Boy Escapes
Drowning; Better
After Bad Shock
i ; I
gCio Charles Bates, 19, who
narrowly escaped drowning in
Thomas creek; 5 miles easi oi
Scio Tuesday, was reportea as
recovering satisfactorily Dy me
attending physician last night.
t Bates, a twm son oi nr. ana
Mrs. Oral Bates of Scio, stepped
Into a 20-foot; hole in tne cree
and sank to tne bottom, xjick ,
Martin,-who was driving across
a nearby bridge, was attracted
by cries for help and rescuea
Bates. He was in critical condi
tion from shock for several hours,
but his recovery is now said to
be ' assured unless pneumonia
should set in.,
Boy Breaks Arm
son of Mr. and Mrs. Larry uoss,
tripped over, a bean wire m nis
father's beam - yard baturaay,
hreaklnar his arm. Darr-Lee naa
reecived a break before in
same arm a few years ago.
Kylos Have Son
SILVERTON Mr. and Mrs.
Ben Kylo of Woodburn are re
porting the birth of a son, June
6, at the Silverton hospital.
It Pays to Trade at Schaefer's Where Prices Are
The Original Yellow Front Drug Prescription Accurately Filled Sola
Special Store in Salem .
A.M.-9;0Q PM: Sat. ,7:SO A.M.-0:4Q
' ' V fl.OO
50c Barbasol
j i i
, , and
Gen Razor vilh 5 Blades
M for 59c
Goggles, Sun Glasses
One Lot at Closeout, fl f
rach -.j..lJ.;-.. LL AlIC
leather carrying case. ' O f Q C
Developing C and Enlargement
'M Printing tewC Covpoa FREE
Extra Prlata, frh e-
Wc OVALTINE, Plcdn :.:U...
'' (Also Chocolate) "
25c MEAD'S PABLUM ....1 .....
Sciasfcr's Herbal Balsam
The Family Tested Congh Syrop I
Actor Montgomery at War Front
.,1 I, -L ,H.MI".""'""I""I"
'rl' .
v vi
I Robert Montgomery and Stuart Benson "
Screen Actor Bob Montgomery, now driving an ambulance ori thi
western front, la shown in this picture with Stuart Benson, famous
American sculptor, who is another member of the volunteer ambuh
. ' i lance unit, !
SDVER Tiny four-months-old
Donna Marie Dannen has the
whooping cough along with the
other Dannen children and Shar
on Ramey The Ramey baby is
with her grandniother, Mrs. Henry
Soekhoff near Amity, in an effort
to avoid her getting it.
E. L. Baker and Eva Adams
of Portland were married last
week in Vancouver. Baker Is a
well-known Suver farmer.
Mrs.' George Armort has been
quite ill for the past few weeks
but is able to be' about again
John Heffley has finished har
vesting about 120 crates of straw
berries off his patch this year.
Several women and children in
the community have been pick
ing there,
Mr. and Mrs. Delmar Vander
pool were hosts at a supper at
their home Friday night. Guests
were Mr. and Mrs. Guy Dery, Mr.
and Mrs. Walter - Vanderpool and
Mr. and Mrs. Steve Benedict.
Blackberries are ripening in
this vicinity and Mrs. Ed Rutsch
man has found enough for a pie.
The ripe ones now are found in
sunny , places.
Mrs, Fred McBUrney and chil
dren are leaving this week to
camp with her husband where he
traps moles and gophers.
Mrs. Sam Suver was hostess
Thursday afternoon when the last
meeting of the Fairview Women's
club met at her home. It was de
cided to hold a picnic at Helmick
park at 7 o'clock, June 20, and
. 135 N. Commerdal - Phones 5197 7023
1 I
P.M. Son. 9;0O AJH.-;00 P.M.
Shave Crean
Long handles.
Stiff bristles .
-' : j
i ' - :" ... '
: v ! !
hmrmmmi : 1
' -- , A
; Vv m- f"
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V v ! 1 l T
v , ' fit
the husbands and families fcr In
vited. Wieners and buns Will, t
served, besides the regular sup
per, j Those present were Mrs.
Amort, Mrs. Preston Green, Mrs.
Jack! Green, Mrs. C. Benedict, Mrs.
Johh Heffley, Mrs. McBurney,
Mrsj E. Lehman, Mrs. Ferd Rats
chman, Mrs. Ed Rutschman, Mrs.
Ernest Johnson, Miss Lois Mc
Burney, and the Misses Ellen and
Margaretha Rutschman. ; f .
A group of relatives from She
Fairview. neighborhood attended
the wedding of their niece and
cousin Miss Lucille Lehman, of
Salem and Lawrence MacCracken
of Silverton at the Rosedale
church near Salem Friday even
ing at 8 o'clock. Thosa gcjlng
were Mr. and Mrs. Ed Lehman
and family, Mr. and Mrs. j Milton
Lehman and family, Mr. and Mrs.
Ferd Rutschman, Mr. and . Mrs.
Ed Rutschman and daughters,'
Mr. and Mrs. Preston Green and
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Green and
son. . i
Agnes Ridders spent the past
wee i at home. Her parents took
her back to Mt. Angel Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. M. S. Kewton
and sons, and Luclle Swelger
went to the coast Sunday.;
The Valley View club held; Its
picnic at Helmick park Sunday.
Twejnty-eightersdns were pres
ent for the dinner. i
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Rolf e and
county visited relatives and their
tnreje children of Dlsston la Lane
friends here Sunday. i ii .
Altvays Low
Agents Penslar Remedies
In ' Marion County
Holidays P;OQ AJHO:OQ PJa
Cclaale Shave Crean
tubes 26c
Choice of Either ;
Brushless or Rapid Shave
-j 1
50e Waterproof
T7esl Tcelh Brosli
New 25c Lislerin Tooth Paste, 343c
50c FEEN-A-MINT ' the
50e N. B. TABLETS - , ' ..' liiie
60c SAL HEPATICA ' ' 9g
The best and easiest remedy
for really removing corns
Members at Sch 06I
- L - w-i- 1 1
atodenta who are members t the
vaiions 4 H iluhs- in - the district
went .-ta Corvallls Monday morn
ing where they .will attend the an
nual 4H elnb summer school sear
sion held on the 'college campus.
Those attending are Myrtle Rock
hill, Vejna May Culp, Linnle Mil
ler. Phyllia ; Mandigo, Gertrude
Bobsonf Jean Magee, Muriel Fer
guson, porothy Lefley, Larry Im
lah and Rnssell Sarreant.. Trans
portation was furnished by Elwin
Mandigo, a C. RockhUl and Mra,
Charles 6argeant. ! ,
Memhera of the 4H Calt club
and their leader. Charles A. Fer
guson, i enjoyed a wiener and
marshmjallow roast Saturday night
along the river bank on the
Charles j Sargeant farm. Present
were Dolorla and! Ronald Flnnl-
eum, Donny Wiley, Muriel and
Nellie Ferguson. Larry Imlah and
RuBseil I Sargeant. i .
Mrs. : Claude Davis and daugh
ter Betty left Saturday for Los
Angeled where they will make
their hme. Mr. Davis has been
employed there throughout the
past winter.
Mr. ajnd Mrs. Elmer G. Mitchell
of Homedale,. Idaho, were guests
Thursday and Friday in the home
of Mr and Mrs. Charles A. Fergu
son and! family. Mrs. Mitehell and
Mrs. Ferguson were girlhood
friends j while living In Caldwell,
Idaho, fend had not seen, each
other fdr 11 years. '
Visits Aumsville "
After 51 Years
AUMSVILLE A visitor in this
community this week is Sylvanns
Wright, a resident here 51 years
ago. At that time Wright left here
and friends had received no word
of his whereabouts since. His for
mer home was the C. E. Lewis
place, which he had considerable
difficulty 'locating since many
changes; had taken place. He re
ported to the few friends he still
found here that his brother, Gro
ver Wright, was drowned in the
Hepner i flood in 1905. His broth
er, Andj-ew Wright, was killed In
an automobile accident four years
ago. Both resided here 50 years
ago. i
Coincident with the return of
Sylvanus Wright, Mrs. Louella
Coffey Cain, also a resident of SO
years ago recently came here for
a short .visit. Mrs. Cain was the
daughter of the late D. D. Coffey
who taught the Aumsville school
50 years ago.
. Mr. and Mrs. Flnchner and
three children have rented the
Ross Clark house, and are occu
pying it. Mr. and Mrs. Flnchner
were formerly residents of LaJun
ta, Colo.
Mr. and Mrs. W. K. Wlnslow
left Thursday for a visit at Cot
tage Grove after which they will
vacation at the beach.
Mehl Funeral Is
Friday, Silverton
SILVERTON G. M. Mehl, 44.
died at his home at Silerton Wed
nesday. Funeral services will be
Friday at 2 p. m. from the Ek
man funeral home with inter
ment In Valley View cemetery,
where Veterans of Foreign Wars
will be In charge of graveside
Born I in Iowa,. March 26, 1896,
he came here at the age of 5
years and had lived at Silverton
since. He was a past commander
of Veterans of Foreign Wars, dis
trict inspector, past district com
mander! and past service officer
of the VFW. - .
: ' ;"''V. ,t -1 ! I jf " -. .
t: 1 -n"i - - U - f
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li ii-i ' S' " . Bonchi .'. TJbll' Spring, ai . Inner- - -'
Ij Hr: ; r r'ji-,-. . Spring Mattreasj . Bod Spread ... )
ii J" .v - ' . !a ; " ." 2 Pillows . . . 2 Boudoir Lamps . ; . - .
I . 1 5C3L ' " ' - "' 'Scart ; - v ''''' ' ' y '
" . , . j - lyfClaSS: '" !
V ' . 3 "-j
l - nBa - bMHp MaainWfBaawaSW -f-..aaiajT " N","l,l,, " M " HI I mi Until ' " ' ' ' ! . "V ' '
Granger Sr Ndws
; CHEUAWA Grangers attend
ing the state convention are espe
cially Invited to attend the Thurs
day night dance of the Chemawa
grange at the hall next to Ket
zer school on the river road 'to
night. Paul Wlnslows orchestra
will play, '
Dayton Gardeners Meet '
members of the. Dayton Garden
dub attended the regular month
ly meeting Monday, afternoon at
the home of Mr. and Mrs.' J; A.
McFarlane. The Garden club
quilt was on display and meth
ods' of disposing of it. were dis
cussed. The next meeting will be
with' Mrs. 'Tom Boulden In Day
ton. . . . ,.
S . V -ft . .J-
I s; I - Hw' Plu ultra of Fatlier'g Dor Gift
Q ' S M A T
inn r
mm JiS ab
;i , i .
Expected At Silverton
From Wisconsin . -
SILVERTON Mrs. R. E. Kleia-
sorge and her .daughter, Harriet
Kleinsorge, are expected home the
latter part of "this week. .
Miss Kleinsorge has been at
the University . of Wisconsin . on
a fellowship, while Mrs. - Klein
sorge, who went east in early
May has been visiting friends and
relatives, attending antique dis
plays and other art exhibits of
interest, - -,
? .cafco
to U
This popularly priced group , of smart
shirts for Father are just the ticket for
that gift. f f
; . f ' .. i )' : ,.v-
. 4 '. . . : .... ' '.
. and you. can be sure, that' you never
did more to please that worthy gentle
man. So step right on down to our
complete , store and make your selections
of fine new Arrows in inesh, weaves and
others. A wide variety of patterns, sty les
and smart colors for summer I l
: . V
Ii taraa VyanwWaaWVajaa
'nr.: s rr:rT- .; in
lot mm
This Old Tratmnt Often
r i
- Brings Happy Raltef , .
Muy saffsrwa retiara Bn teke
nicidT, OMcm thj diMOTW that th tmX w
at ihml trouble mT ba tiid kidney.
Tiba fcUaeya Ntr' wy f Uitint
th aeida Jul mU eat of tb itiooa.
Xbey hlp matt popk w about 3 pxntaa day,
Wbaa disorder of kidney fonctioB parraite
paUoaam matter to remain in your blood, it
any eaiM rr "ff baakaeba, raaumatia paua,
fe paina, loaa of pep ahd anary( Uin op
aighta. awaUm. puffi na under Uia ay, aaad
acLea and diiiin Fraaoaat or aeanty m
aaca nhl amartmg ad bunn aHtiam
tum thera ia aomalhing wwag -.with yoof
I kidnyi or Madder. ; - - : .
- Don i waitl lii your oranM w wwi
POk, wad uocaatuLfy by niiiioca for orar 40
yaaa. They si nappy relief and will balp tha
15 wula of , kidoey tubaa Soh eat poieonoui
waata front your blood. Get Doaa'a ia
1 1
L 1 J ' . .. y u '
' "I '
-j- h
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