The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, June 13, 1940, Page 12, Image 12

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Oregon- Thursday Morning June IX 1949
i i t
- i"
Commerce Cliib
Talks Housing
Lebanon Group to Help
Other Qubs Plan .
for Building
LEBANON About 40 attended
the meeting lot the Commercial
Iub Monday when thj main ub-
' ject under dlscusBlon .was the
noising situation President Wal
ter Scottotppolnted Del uavenpon
and, Lloyd Gilson as a: committee
to cooperate iwith the men an
notated by thie Lions clnb'a tew
weeks ago tai investigate matters
of plans, cost land capital. Arouna
30 individuals have told the com-
- mittee that they are going to
bnild within the next few months.
' Another rronp hag been planning
.tentatively to bnild several houses
on a tract close to town.
It was reported that Monday
two representatives of building
'and loan -companies In Portland
were in Lebanon to consider the
advisability of opening snch an of
fice here to receive savings depos
its and make loans for building.
- Mrs. Roy Bishop will be the
principal speaker at the luncheon
meeting of Pro America in Al
bany at the Albany hotel Friday.
June 14th. The Lebanon unit will
join the Albany chapter in this
meeting and transportation will
oe arranged for all who wish to
go- - - '
Twenty five boy scouts returned
Sunday night from the three-day
eutlng to Gordon lake. Pete D'Al
fonso and Kenneth Mayer had
charge of the excursion. Seven
went from the; Sweet Home troop.
Those from troop SI of Lebanon
were Walter1 Johanson. Philip
Ashton, Lyon Lawrence, Jesse
Strunk, Richard Miehelson. Rod
ney Cox, Stanley Cntts, Rodney
Savage and Harold Hardin.
Mrs. Zeb Lane of Seattle is- vis--Iting
her sister, Mrs. W. B. Hol
brook. i ' I '
Mrs. Selmer Severson has re
turned to Seattle after visiting
with her relatives and Mrs. Sever
son in Lebanon and Albany. Mr.
Severson who formerly taught
here, is now in the' grocery bus
iness. Mrs. Clara Amos is with rela-
3 yes in. Portland and Astoria this
eek. 1
Stevens- US
'I-.illBtlP :V
time to give
mm mm m
j1) Week
There; are few gifts so appealing to a man as fine
, . neckwear? These smart neW linenized fabric ties
- for summer are especially 4ood because of their
- rich color tones and ability to stand tip under
; f hardest wear. We have new, solid shades, stripes.
. dlaaanals, geometries and
i - ; color. ,
I :
'Here's the Largest and
1 ; - in Salem" 1
nnno niin
Silverton Christian Church Board r ,
1 Of j Missions Installs Officers r at
i Annual i Breakfast Hears Mrs. Leek
SILVERTOX--"Tbe Call oi
Christ to. the Womanhood of To
day was I the topic of the - ad
dress given by Mrs. E. M. Leek
nf Hood ntver. state secretary, at
the annna breakfast Tuesday
morning at the first unnstian
church, of the Christian Womante
hoard of missions. Mrs. Leek
used the dramatic Bible theme of
the Book: of Esther in her plea
for the Jewish people before the
king. She condemned material
ism, totalitarianism! and atheism
as the evils of the World upheaval
and gave as the only hope for
world peaee. the spiritual and
physical program' of a -growing,
glowing and going" church. Trib
ute was paid to a number of mis
sionaries; especially i the Dyes, and
Miss Shoemaker, former Salem
residents.;, , i
Special guests introduced by
School Election
Will Be Monday
At North Santiain
nual school election will be held
Jane 17 at the school house to
elect a director for a three-year
term and a clerk for a one-year
term. Louis Scofield la the visit
ing director and William Hardy
has been clerk for the past year.
! Recent guests at the Howard
home were Mr. and Mrs. E. E.
Van Nuys of The Dalles, Mr. and
Mrs. Frank Van Nuys of Eugene
and Mr. and Mrs. Ira Ray of
Monmouth. Ethel Lansing of Sa
lem is spending a week with Mrs.
Funeral Is Held
For H. Morrison
LEBANON Wednesday at 2
o'clock funeral services were held
In the Lowe mortuary for Homer
Clyde Morrison, 57, who died at
his home Sunday night as the re
sult of a stroke. Rev. Lawrence
Blxler spoke and the men's quar
tern from the Christian church
sang.i Morrison had been a mem
ber of this church since 14. In
terment was in the IOOF ceme
tery. Though born In Iowa, Morri
son spent most of his early life
in Kansas until 1903 when he
went to California. At Hanaford,
Calif., he was married in IS 06
to Jessie Hinkle. In 1908 the
family moved to Lebanon and
though they returned to Califor
nia for a few years they spent
most of the time in Lebanon.
' -Besides the widow, one daugh
ter, Marilyn Clydell, at home and
two Bons, Claire of Lebanon and
Lyle of Porterville, Calif., sur
vive him. There are four grand
children. Two sisters and rone
brother live in California.
Tells Wedding Date
SILVERTON Ethel H a r d i e
was a recent hostess at the Bar
clay House at Oregon City at a
luncheon at which the marriage
date of Lois Metcalf to Nell Hoff
man was announced for June 15.
Miss Hardie and Miss Metcalf
both taught In the Silverton
schools this past year. Miss Har
die will teach at Hood River this
coming 'year.
a real gift to
$1X3 & $L50
dipt fiaures in every
Most Beautiful Selection
Mrs. Martin Hannan, president
and of ficlal "hostess, and by Mrs.
John W. Jordan, program chair
man and toast mistress, were Rev.
and " Mrs. E. M. Leek, of Hood
River; Mrs. ' Blanche Paul, of
Falls City, Mrsr George Dorn-hecker,-
Mra.1 Lillie Ward, Mrs.
Bernice Lewis- and Mrs. Bee Pear
son, all of Palls City.
Installation ceremonials, with
Mrs. Blanche; pant In charge, In
ducted Mrs. Martin placed as
president; Mrs Lynn, R Neal,
vice " president; Mrs. Steven En
loe, secretary Mrs. Guss Herr,
treasurer; Mrs. W. W. Neal, liter
ary secretary; Mrs, Maude Mor
ris, world ! call . secretary; i and
group leaders, Mrs. .Will Egan,
Mrs. Harold Itoop and Mrs. Geo.
Kirk. . ... : i ..
Mrs. Paul ' represents societies
from Albany, Salem, Silverton,
Pallas, Falls City, Perrydale, Mc
Minnville, Dayton and Tillamook.
The kitchen committee in pre
paring the breakfast for the more
than J00 guests were Mrs. Ben
Gifford, Mrs. Harold Roop Mrs.
George Kirk and Mrs. Carl
Specht. Serving the guests were
Ceneva Jordan, Marciel Kaufman,
Louise Specht, Joy Paulson and
Geraldine Leach.
Mr l
m hi i , ir , i Ml , inn --j. i - ii-iii 'i,n 'mil - - ,-- i ii --in ii ' - -- -: n .... ; i i-- - i i -- - - i j
r a. b as- - - j--
Woman's Qub Entertainsi
Families Witli
Dinner, Program
club members entertained the
families at a seven o'clock dinner
Wednesday night In honor Of
Fathers' day. Tables were beauti
fully decorated with rose buds and
sweet peas. The program consisted
of a song "A Welcome to Daddy"!
by a group of girls; reading by
Jack and Darrel Wheeler, selec
tions on the guitar and violin by
Muriel Ward and Dallas Banks;;
duet by O'Leta and VeU Hou?
ley, duet by Mr si It. A. Wells anjd
Mrs. Charles Breeden ; , song by
group of girls. Club Is' adjourned
until October 9 when Mrs. G. A.
Wells and Mrs. Linsey Ward wiM
be hostesses.
Bill and Pete Fiske of Albany
were calling on friends In this
community Friday night. I
Mrs. Lillian Lundberg of Mt.
Iron, Minn., has purchased prop
erty In Buena Vista from Mrs!
Eva Scott. f
Mr, and Mrs. L. S. Prather anid
family, Lena Cobine, Patricia
. 1 . !
At Buena Vista
The rage, of the south ...
An Insulated eole . . .. The j L
. . .line only ... . . tne
original Coolie . . .
Of linen J . . Insulated sole '
. . . Of White . . . Red . . . or
Blue . . . flexible wedge . ; .' '
' f I i 9 8 L .
HornrXnd Eugene- McAtce spent
Sanday at the coast. j '
I Guests at f the R. E, Prather
heme Saturday were Mrs. Leo
Crindray, niece of Mrs. Prather,
and son Louie Cole from Vancou
ver and Mrs. Rohena Boss and
son of Albany. "J
Mr. and Mrs. Rudolph Shields
of Tillamook jsjrent Monday at the
r. E. Prather home.
Mr. and Mire. G. A. Wells, Mr.
and Mrs. C F. Wells, Mr. and Mrs.
Ll S. Prather, Mrs. Cecil Halt
mfin and Deloras attended a musi
cal program J In Salem Monday
night, given by Mabel Teal at the
Meisinger studio. Barbara WeUs
and Alice Prather are pupils of
Miss Teal and presented numbers
oa the program. r
Visit at
From Minnesota
I AIRLIE Mrs. Cecil Barnhart
was visited by her tw sisters,
Mrs. F. O. Anderson and Mrs.
Chamberland and three nieces
Vivian and Gladys Anderson and
Margaret Chamberland. Mr. An
derson accompanied them. .The
Andersons are from :. Hibblng,
Minn., ' and Mrs. Chamberland Is
from Baudette, Minn. Mrs. Barn
hart was a former resident of
Minnesota. j
Rev. and Mrs. Phelps are spend
ing an indefinite time at Tachats.
From the Sports Bar Section . . . comes me grandest as
sortment of "Play Togs" you've ever seen . . . Slack Suits . . .
Sim Suits . . . Play Shoes . . . that will help you "Establish a
Mood" . . . for work . . . for play . . . or for just "downright
They are bright and colorful . . . and 'f eel good.
They're washable and do not wrinkle
"In and outer" styles . . . box back or fitted , . .
O "By Royal" . your guarantee of quality.
Two piece . . 1 'A Shirt .
A Skirt . . and Shorts.
6 In all kinds of colors
Skirts contrast or blend.
Of checkerspun ... Cham
bray . Seersucker ;
Sharkskin. j
Tliey are . . "for; Sun . . .
for Fun . .
tf hers
Commimity Qub
Meets at Pioneer
Vacation Bible School
Is Being Conducted
for Children
PIONEER The Pioneer Com
munity club met at the playshed
Saturday night with Mrs. William
Thlesies in charge of the pro
gram, a mala quartet, William
Thlesies, Howard Coy, Leo K1I
ger and Kenneth Laudahl, sang,
readings were glren by Sylvia
Wells, Virginia Kreger, Mrs. Roy
Black and William Thlesies play
ed a cornet soltf. Mrs. John Kel
ler and Mrs. Chester Neswold had
charge of refreshments. The next
meeting will be directed by the
men with . Frank Dornhecker as
program chairman, Harry Wells,
Archie Brown and William Thle
sies in charge of refreshments.
Mr. and Mrs. Darel Bird have
traded houses with- Mr. and , Mrs;
Ralph Weaver of Dallas. '
The Pioneer school election
will be 'at the schoolhouse June
17 at 8 p. m. -
Mrs. Joy Robbins and Mrs.
Frank Dornhecker are teaching
vacation Bible school, attended
by Margaret Rosie and Junior
Wells, Sally Klnion, Dorothy
to 8.95
. and for You.
to 0.05
iff f - - .
1 S T
Keller and Robert Dornhecker.
Mrs. Joy Robbins, Truman and
Alyce are back In Pioneer after
bein in . Monmouth two ; ; years
where Mrs.-Robbins attended the
normal school. Mrs. Robbins will
teach at Polk Station this winter.
Mr. and Mrs. Howard Coy. and
Carol went to Portland Monday
to get Jimmy, who has been in
the Shriners . hospital since in
March. I
Donald Klnion and Elmo Black
are attending the 4H summer
school Mn Corvallls.
Detroit Reserve .
Officer Is Called .,
For Active Duty
DETROI T Lieutenant and
Mrs. Gunnar Sather left recent
ly for Washington -where Sather
will take two weeks'- active army
duty at Fort Smith. Mrs. Sather
Will visit her parents at .Water
vflle. ". :-"
. . Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Miller of
Oakridge have moved Into the
January residence here. Miller Is
the mechanic lor Mary Creek CCC
camp. ,
Mr. and Mrs. Harold Cham-,
plon have moved from Detroit
to Dallas, where Champion has
secured work.
Claude Miller visited - with his
family in Detroit over the weeV
end.; Miller is working at Dal
las for Jack Carey.
It's of multi-color Jersey ....
Cork-crepe sole, Dutch heel
. . . Also In whitel. . .
It fits snugly, of lastex . . .
White . . . Beige . , . Red . .
Blue . . . Flexible wedge .
mtm ' T .
Improvement Qub
Elects at Valsetz
VAtSETZ ThaJast meeting of
the School Improvement society
was held last week. Mrs. Wil-
mer Hilmer was elected president,
Mrsr Lester Green, rice president J
Thomas Gentle of Monmouth
was speaker at the Valsets grad4
uatlon exercises. Harry Starr
gave the diplomas.' Wayne Searl
was valedictorian and Delia Tnr-
her salutaierlan. DellaPTurner re- ,
celved the girl's medal from the
American Legion and Lavonne
Robinson received the boy's.
. because
it's GOOD
I I 7
. r
Popular. I
m. BS Si