The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, June 12, 1940, Page 2, Image 2

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    , FAGS TWO
Power Survey
Is Completed
Farther BreakDoira of
. . Figures Is Planned;
Data of Interest 1
' (Continued from Page L)
Urn. 'he pointed oat. Is against
the 'general trend and : would
probably not be used should the
city or a people's utility district
be offering the service.
. Cooperative WmI Be
Beneficial, Asserts ;
I Haps that tbs council will not
grant sv franchise to the Salem
1 Electric Cooperative association
-was expressed by Polhemus. He
said hat the cooperative, which
nas been seeking "permission to
erect voles along city streets.
would possibly, cut some of the
easiest energy-using sections of
the cUy from the. present power
system i while not ottering serv
ice -to -the less profitable, outside
areas. '"
' 1 Pofhemus also ' said 1 he re
gretted that charge have been
made that the PGE has been
"stalling" in its preparation of
the sunrey of its Salem facilities.
He said the survey was an exten
sive operation in ' which a large
Staff has been engaged and much
mosey spent. -
'The' survey will be ready in
plenty of time for consideration
in( case . it is desired to put a
measure for a people's utility dis
trict or a municipal power sys
tem on the November ballot, the
.officials said; Polhemus said date
for; its completion has been ten-:
tatively set for August 1.
:With Polhemus were George
E; Suiherlin, vice-president of
the PGE, and Fred G. Hodge,
divisions superintendent. Council
men present at the hastily called
session in the office of City At
torney Lawrence Brown were
James H. Nicholson. George- L.
Belt,; C. P. French and Mr. Ger
trude Lobdell.
w Street Light
Schedule Planned
, The PGE representatives also
told the council group that the
power company intends to offer1,
Salem, as well as other municiJ
pannes, a new street ngnung
ached ale based on the street
lighting schedules of the Ten
nessee Valley authority. Salem'
last flat rate street lighting con
tract with the power company ex
pired April 1. J
The new schedule. It i was ex
plained, would be based on fixed
charges for investment, mainten
ance, pole rental and energy. The
energy charge would be one cent
fcer kilowatt Jiour. The PGE rep
fesetatiJi said that under the
flat rate schedule energy charges
have been figured at approxi
mately two cents per kilowatt
The city would be offered the
option of baying the street light
ing system, doing its own main
tenance or continuing- to let the
power company handle all main
tenance and Improvement details.
': The company officials said the
plan Is ready for presentation and
will be accompanied by a com
parison 1 with the - past . flat rate
schedules which company engin
eers wm prepare.
Judge Candidate
, Says no Recount
Affolnh IT ia tar wfcAlaf vA
L p n uv SVOk, LUC 1 C7-
publican nomination for Marion
Jcounty Judge to Leroy Hewlett by
.JS votesi in the May 17 primary
election, announced yesterday he
would not ask for a recount of the
. ballots cast.
' There is no foundation for re
ports that I 'will ask a recount,"
n yesieraay. "My opponent
'parentiy won fairly and that's
Broadway Melody
of 1M0"
Smahlnfr the
Moatj Ring
-7; JJOjC
Tf 1 1 1 iff W
2 Big
est tat sszars rrrrrf sfQ . 2
( y ;t:
eT , ' i
Respite from
s . .- -
.;,rw. .y..y..yy,.:..-.i.-:-.-.K 4
' ' : : :' :' : :- - :
Tutning to something besides wax pictures, we offer the latest in
swim suits as Shown by two New York models. At the left is a one
piece affair with half skirt and built-in under trunks. On the right
is a dressmaker, with gored pleats in contrasting colors in the skirt.
Temperature Hits
98; Relief Loonis
(Continued from page 1)
atnve in Washington was 97 at
Walla Walla, with these close be
hind: Wenatcbee 5. Yakima S4,
GrayHrbor S2. Spokane 91. The
urays narior report, highest of
the year, was accompanied bv the
outbreak of two small forest fires.
The maximum, in Seattle was
A cooling blow appeared in the
offing, however, for the coastal
The weather bureau at Seattle
reported last night that a small
craft warning was hoisted at 7
p. m. on the Washington and Ore
gon coast by "a cyclonle disturb
ance of considerable intensity'
moving in from the Pacific.
DALLAS. June ll.--An un
determined Amoitt of logs and
equipment was destroyed before
flghteTS controlled a forest fire
yesterday In the Cobbe-MttcheU
operations along the south fork
of the Silets river.
Gross Income Tax
Petitions Filed
Six petitions in favor of the
gross Income tax initiative mea
sure whereby its sponsors would
provide old age pensions were
Hied yesterday with Marlon Coun
ty Clerk U. G. Boyer for checking
of more than 300 names signed to
The petition is circulated on be
half of Tom Monks of Portland,
and - has received the support of
old age pension groups in Marion
county and elsewhere.
Also filed recently with the
clerk were initiative petitions for
repeal of the Oregon milk control
law, and for revision of the state's
lottery laws to permit pinball ma
chides and other gambling devices.
Each of the latter sets of peti
tions bears approximately 200
names, the clerk said yesterday.
Storlie Named Head
Of Minnesota Club
lie was elected president of the
Hilts, Minnesota, club here Sun
day when 80 members and frlenda
gathered for the 19th annual
nirmle in Oregon. The club was
formed by former residents of
Hills. Minn., who had settled in
the Willamette valley. In keep
ing with the 80th anniversary be
ing celebrated by the town Itself
this year "Old-timers" was the
tOple Of Sundav'a meetinr A
history of Hills, written by J. N.
-aeoDaen. was read by -Arthnr
Other officers elected Sundav
'Wert vice president. Gilbert Rae,
ana secretary, Ruth Rue of Sa-
Former Residents Visit
AURORA rMrs. C. 8. Moreland
and daughter Share n. of Merrill
were guests -at the J. O. Ottaway
home and were visiting friends
in Aurora, where the Morelands
formerly resided.' .
WtfgAriTT) m
Mom, Pop and Un- yt fm.
-married Kids U Q w;
Single Admission 15c - Kids lOc
And Second li'mimi
1 . Scrapple Cartoon and Kews
ur-T'i 11 , ,' i-,;jM,' 1 yr-mw
War Pictures
Budget Is Voted
By School Board
(Continued from page 1)
tween - 18 and 25 years old for
sheet metal work in airplane fac
tories. Named on an election board to
serve for the school election next
Monday were John Marr. Otto N.
Hoppes. H. L. Clark and Sarah
Mtnzemler. Dr. L. E. Barrick is
the only candidate for director.
Carmen Gueffroy was granted
a year's leave of absence to study
for an advanced degree. She has
been fifth grade teacher at Grant.
The board granted the clerk
authority to execute a lease with
the farm security administration
for office quarters in the old high
school building beginning July 1.
Call Board
Today Madeleine Car
roll. Brian Aberne and
Louis Hayward in "My
Son. My Son." Plus the
March of Time "The Phil
ippines 1898-1946."
Saturday Ann Sheriday and
'James Cagney in "Torrid
Zone." Plus "Cavalcade of
Academy Awards."
T ctd a j feob Burns in
'Alias the IDeacon" with
Mlscha Auerrand Dennis
0Keefe. Plus "Brother
Rat and a Baby" with
Priscllla Laiie, Wayne
Morris and Eddie Albert.
Today "Broadway Mel
ody of 1940" with Fred
Astaire, Eleanor Powell
and George , Murphy. Plus
"Smashing I the Money
Ring" with Ronald Rea
gan. Thursday "Light that,
Failed" with Ronald Cole
man and Ida Luplno. Plus
. "Star Dust" with Linda
Darnell and John Payne.
Saturday midnight show
"Northwest Passage" with
Spencer Tracy, Robert
Young and Walter Bren
Today Pat O'B r i e n
and George Brent in
"Submarine D-l. Plus
"Hawaiian Nights" with
an all star cast.
Friday Gene Autry In
"Blue , Montana Skies"
with : Smiley Burnette.
Plus Charlie Ruggles in
"His Exciting Night" and
Chapter S "Dick Tracy's
Today "Miracle n
Main Street" with Margo.
Plus Victor McLaglen and
Jackie Cooper In "The
Big Guy."
Friday "The Llano Kid"
with Tito Gulrar. Plus
"Television Spy" with
William Henry, Judith
Barrett and William Col
lier, sr.
Today "Liliian ossell"
with Alice Faye, Don
Ameche. Henry Fonda
and Edward Arnold; Held
Saturday "Mad Men of Eur
ope." Plus "Son ; of the
Navy" with James -Dunn
and Jean Parker.
Tcday & TEiirsday
Pat O'Brien
George Brent
Wayne Morris
Plus 2nd Hit
With An .
ATI Star Cast
Battle Line Is
Nearly Half Million Is
Loss Estimate; Paris
Almost Deserted
'I f
(Continued from Page 1.)
heavily bombed Bands Hill and
other objectives in Italian Moyale,
opposite Britain's Kenya colony.
The British bombed the main
Italian air bases in Eritrea on
the southern Red sea and In Libya
on the Mediterranean, and claimed
destruction i of planes on the
ground and gasoline and bomb
supplies. U.
Italy lashed back with eight air
raids on the British naval base
at Malta and was reported to have
struck at Tunisia and Corsica.
In France, despite sudden thund
erstonns which hampered the
German planes and tanks, the at
tack of Adolf Hitler's heavy le
gions was marked by the "great
est violence'' the entire length of
the great double-curving line from
the sea to the Maginot forts, the
French said. ;.
In broad terms, the battle line
apparently extended across France
in this fashion:
From the Bresle river near its
mouth on the channel south and
west to Rouen and along the
Seine from Rouen to Vernon;
East and northeast to the Oise
river and through the ; forest of
Compiegne; j
South somewhere near Chateau
Thierry and 'along the Marne to
an area southwest of Reims;
Thence north and east around
Reims to an area in the Vesle
river valley east of Reims;
Almost due north to the Rethel
vicinity, and, south of the Aisne,
along the Reoutne river into the
Argonne forest and eastward to
the Maginot line.
The French said that under
cover of smoke bombs the Ger
mans tried to bridge the Seine
between Rouen and Vernon and
to ferry tanks across on portable
boats, but the defenders were
counter-attacking there, j
In addition to the German at
tack west of the Oise, they said
German tanks were making an
attempt to encircle Reims.
A heavy German tank drive
from Ferte-Mflon to Fere-en-
Tardenois found only a French
rear guard, the main body already
having fallen back to the south
bank of the Marne.
The rain, j pouring through a
pall of bomb-fired battle-smoke
that drifted over Paris, fell black
ly on the besieged city. Parisian
shop fronts were steel shuttered.
rifle-bearing police patrolled the
streets, nearly deserted except for
the scurrying of occasional refu
gees, and silent except for the
echo of anti-aircraft fire.
The government already has
removed, evidently to Tours in
east central ( France.
The Germans contended that
two French armies had lost 400,
000 to 600,000 men captuVed or
killed and that "no uniform
French line of defense is, left."
Around the world, the British
navy was busy pouncing on Italian
merchant ships; 24 were reported
captured and; at least three scut
tled to escape capture.
Another flurry of naval action
came in an old battle area when
the British dropped bombs on two
German cruisers and a transport
at Trondheim, Norway. '
Hop Growers Eye
Agreement Detail
(Continued from Page 1.)
ties would permit European Pro
ducers to regain South American
and Far Eastern markets now
available to American growers, he
Indicated, with corresponding ill
effects on the latter.
Hop cultivation in coast states
during the present season Ander
son listed at 19,450 acres for Ore
gon. 699 6 for California, and
5 963 for Washington, a total in
crease of 148$ acres. Foreign pro
duction, he estimated, will come
from approximately 68,250 acres
under hop cultivation in Ger
many, England andYugosIavia.
though the amount exported is
questionable. I
Chairman for the meeting, wag
Rodeo Gouley, representative of
the state hop growers' advisory
committee from this district.
Vancouver Cupid Revenue
Drops $700 First Year
Of Marriage Law
VANCOUVER. Wash., i June 11.
-K-Vancouver's revenue from
Issuance' of j marriage ! licenses,
marrying fees to ministers and
justices of the peace, and other
wedding costs, nropped about
$7000 during the first year of
Washington's j three-day marriage
Idw. the license clerk estimated
today. i i
During the lyear preceding June
8, 1939. a. total of 4194 licenses
to marry were sold. The year end
ing Saturday saw the total shrink
10 aoa.
v. . -
ill a i- - - t .-. i
j j H' ' ' SALEM ! aMpIdRt K"'
jiL. ; .rfzrzz:
Forced Landings
Made Safely by
19 Army Planes
NEW YORK. June ll.-P-A-
sauadxon of 19 army attaca
planes, trapped aloft' by fog and
imperiled by diminishing .fuel.
made forced landings at 10 vari
ous eastern airports tonight.
Five planes penetrated the en
veloping fog and landed at near
by .Mitchell field army base tne
Official destination b e f o r e the
storm closed in, but others re
ceived a warning order to seek
haven outside the disturbance. '
US ' army communications offi
cers at Mitchell field said 13 other
attackers had made forced land
ings safely. They reported four
down In Keyport, NJ; one at Mld
dletown. Pa.; one at East Keans
biurg, NJ; one in Camden, NJ:
dne at Lakehurst, NJ; two at
Sjchnectady. NY; two at Belling
field at Washington, DC, and one
si Allentown, Pa.
j The remaining plane, piloted by
L!t. Colan T. Kelly, Jr., was forced
down in a Brooklyn street- Air
officials said he suffered a slight
injury to his Hp and that the
niane's lan dine rear, fuselage and
pk-opellor were damaged slightly.
Colleges Help
Defense Plan
Adding Units to Armories
Proposed; Coaches Get
More Pay
PORTLAND, June ll.-jPr-The
Oregon board of higher education
mpved today to make Its facili
ties available to the nation in the
national defense program.
The board authorized Oregon
State college to apply for a $40,-
000 WPA loan for another unit
to! Its armory and suggested the
University of Oregon prepare a
similar application ; approved use
of four camps for training 185
CAA pilots; passed a resolution
pledging cooperation with the fed- !
e?al and state governments in all j
defense programs.
The board scanned a letter
f rjom Mrs. Olive A. Young, Eu
gene, predicting a "public up
roar" unless science majors are
restored to the University of Ore-!
gon curricula. The letter was
placed on file.
j Chancellor F. M. Hunter of the
system of higher education said
farther savings could be effected
through elimination of unneces
sary courses in the state insti
tutions. J To Advertise State
jThe board accepted the state
highway department's coopera
tion in financing special tourist
programs over KOAC at Corrallis j
this summer. The highway de
partment will make $1800 avail
able. The University of Oregon
was authorized to sponsor a
statewide extension of the pres
ent Multpomah county WPA mu
sic project. j
Theodore P. Cramer of Grants
Pas, former State Bankers' asso
ciation secretary, was named Ore
gon State college business mana
ger and assistant comptroller of
the state system at an annual sal
ary of $4000. j -
j The board approved an increase
in fees at the Oregon Medical
school, of $20 per "term to raise
$4,000 necessary to expand clin
ical and teaching service. It de
clined to assume full cost of continuing-
fruit nutritional research
at the medical school but ordered
if ooo set. aside to aid in such a
S Pay raises to athletic coaches
wlere approved. Including increases
Aj, T. Slats" Gill. Oregon State
basketball coach; William McKa
lip, OSO frosh coach; Hal Moe,
OSC backfield coach, and J. V.
Dixon, OSC line coach. The in
creases, ranged from $120 to $410
a year. I
Personal, adjustments ap
proved Included:
jOregon State college Appoint
ment of Sam E. Keeton as as
sistant in the library, rank of In
structor; appointment of Curtis M.
Eiliott as instructor in econom
ic!; sahbatical leave for Miss Lucy
AJ Case, extension specialist In
nutrition and appointment of
Mbel C. Make, now home dem
onstration agent in Jackson
county, as acting; specialist suc
ceeding Miss Case during her ab-
sehce; appointment of M. Irene
Leach as borne i demonstration
agjent In Clackamas county, suc
ceeding Helen Ann Thomas, re
signed, i f
pregpn College lot Education-
Leave of absence without pay for
Mss Helen C. Anderson, assistant
professor of English and dean of
women; appointment of Mrs. Faith
Kimball Black, executive secretary
acting dean of
women; desig-
nation of Delmer
R. Dewey, as
sistant professor of social science.
aean or men. i
Stidd Heads Loan Men
SUN VALLEY. Idaho. June 11.
-P)-Lee C. Stidd of the first
Federal Savings and Loan associ
ation, of Portland, was elected
president of the Pacific northwest
conference of Savings and .Loan
associations, here today.
. - . ' i Y " '
U Y- :
Monitions Are
Senate Votes for Broad
Resale Power; Navy
Fund BUI Signed
(Continued from pags 1)
day to rush all possible material
help to the allies, while congress
continued its Yapld-f ire action oa
the national defense program, now
grown to $5,021,419,622.
The chief executive announced
to a press conference that the
nation's lists of military supplies
were being combed to see what
rlght be spared for the beleag
uered French and British. At the
same time, the senate.- by a 67
to 18 vote, approved legislation
to permit the government to dis
pose of surplus .World war guns
in a way which will make them
available to the allied armies.
Bills related to the defense
program meanwhile rushed along.
(1) Mr. Roosevelt signed the
$1400.000,000 naval appropria
tion bill. ,
(t) The house passed and sent
to the White . House a measure
authorizing 10,000 planes. 1$.
000 pilots, 22 new combat vessels
and as many auxiliary ships for
the navy, and specifically ap
proving -an 11 per cent increase
in its total surface fleet. Congres
sional action also was completed
on a $1,821,952,222 army ap
propriation bill.
(3) The senate approved ler-
lslation in which the approval
of the sale of guns was written
authorizing, an army air corps of
unlimited size, giving the presi
dent broad power to restrict the
exportation of war materials, and
permitting the government to
construct and lease munitions
plants. The measure next goes
back to the house for action on
senate amendments.
(4)- The house appropriations
committee reported a supplemen
tal appropriation bill of $1,706,-
053.908, for many defense pur
poses, including an addition of
95,000 men to the regular army.
Its bring defense program
appropriations for the current
session to a total of $5,021,619.-
(5) The house pressed forward
with consideration of the defense
tax bill. Intended to raise $1,004,
000,000 annually. Republicans
contended it was not big enough
and objected to procedure under
which only amendments offered
by the wsys and means com
mittee could be considered.
Rpady to Produce
Planes Says Ford
Edsel Ford told reporters today
the Ford Motor company could
turn out thousands of powerful
airplane engines of the type
wanted for Uncle Sam's fighting
After a conference with Wil
liam S. Knudsen, member of the
national defense advisory commis
sion, Ford said they talked mostly
about production of airplane en
gines. This is regarded as the
principal "bottleneck" in achiev
ing President Roosevelt's goal of
50,000 planes per year production
Ford declined to say what type
of engine- the government wanted
him to produce. However, the
army's P-40 pursuit plane which
Ford engineers looked over yes
terday is powered with an Allison
liquid-cooled engine. The Allison
engine Is produced by a company
connected with General Motors.
Large Apartment
Project Planned
Portladn's first major apartment
building project In 10 years will
Btart tomorrow on a 60,000-equare
foot area on lower Portland
George M. Yosa, who will man
age the property, said seven two
story and basement buildings and
three garage compounds, contain
ing 42 apartments and SO garages,
would be built under the national
housing act.
Mission Group Meets ! ;
DAYTON Ten members of the
Dayton Christian Missionary soci
ety attended the June meeting
Thursday afternoon at the home
of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Carr. Mrs.
Alex Cruikshank was a guest. Mrs.
H G. Coburn conducted the devo
tlonals and was lesson leader.
A trv...TTCsrr
k J.fMU,h
Night and Day Trips '
Princess Juliana
-Reaches Halifc
TTAT.rrA-r, June ll-ffH3nrd
ed with secrecy that permitted
neither crowds nor cannon salute,
31-year-old Crown Princess Juii
ana of the Netherlands, first oi
Europe'a refugee royalty to see
peace an tne new worm. reacs
Halifax on' a Dutch warsnip
day. Y"
With her two small daughte
and reported to be expecting
third child the ' crown princess)
seeks rest in the Americas from
harrowing; experiences of the warj
which drove her from her home-t
land. This also might become st
safe seat for the rule of thej
Netherlands empire If Queens
Wllhelmina should be forced
leave England.
Leche Sentenced,
10-Year Maximum
"Kickback" Comhsion Is
Charge; Two Others
u Most Pay Fines
- ALEXANDRIA, La., Jane 11-
OT-Kichard W. Leche, Louisi
ana's revernor- from 13 until
his resignation under fire last
June Zi, was sentenced today to
ten years in federal prison the
stiff est term vet meted out to any
one convicted, in the Louisiana
Judge Ben C. Dawkins denied
defense argument for a new trial
and gave Leche the maximum of
rive years each on two counts of
his conviction June 1 for using
the mails to defraud the state in
purchase of trucks for the high
way commission.
The sentences are to run
secutively, but Judge Dawkins sus
pended another fire-year sentence
on a third count.
The 42-year-old Leche was eon.
victed of receiving IS1.000 In a
xicxDacK" commission from
George Younger, Alexandria motor
dealer, who it was alleged charged
an excessive price for about 200
trucks on an order Leche ArrtA
to him through. L. A- Abernathy.
then state highway commissioner.
Jointly indicted, Abernathy and
Younxer sleaded nlltT. Tiiw
Pounger was fined 3.00 and
Abernathy $1,000. after Judge
uawauns noted: they had helped
the government- In its ease. Va
prison sentence was given them.
Veteran Banker Dies
SPOKANE. June ll.-son-A w
Lindsay, 70-year-old dean of Spo
kane bankers and chairman of
the board of the First National
bank, dted todiv from hrin
hemorrhage which followed a
stroke last night. Lindsay was
born in Island City, Ors in 1870.
IIo Cover Chargo
hi Any Tine!
Salem's Unlqua
Dinino; Rendezvous
FrUd Sptinoj sts
Chicksn i3C
Tender, Delicious Steaks
1 Mi. East on Sllvertosi Road
Minimum Service
Sl.OO per Person
Phona 6110
For Reeervation
tcc ?m cm
mm tmm
ma mum
7 ,n
.Vijv ;
a n -: a t -m i
T - - ft?1
Latest March of Time
. Tits FtHIppInei: '
7brk out Ovn
Solution, View
m aw
Subsidies tartnot on
Forever Avers Cogs,
Grange Session
(Contlnned from page 1)
eluded with an entertainment un
der the direction of Mrs. G. W.r
Thiessen, state grange lecturer.
Candidates for, one position on
the state executive committee
only major office for which there
is an election, were nominated
They were: W. A. Johnson. Grants
Pass, L. Alva Lewis, Klamath
Falls; Minnie McFarland, Board
man; Henry Gustafson, North
Bend; Luke M. Keif, Prineville;
C. P. Adams, Moro, and Noble
Dunlap. Vernonla.
Nominations for other offices
yesterday were:
Steward Rosco Roberts, Jack
son county; Clsrence Carter, Un
ion; J. M. Roeder, Lincoln; and
ueorge wooaward. Umatilla.
Assistant Steward Marion
Kirchem, Clackamas; Raymond
Tennast, Columbia; Joe DuPuis.
umiuiii.; Alien r. wheeler. Lane;
Chester Shute, Hood Rover; Henry-
Adolnhson, Curry; Albert Jul
ian, Linn; W. M. Tate, Marion;
Tom wuiett, Wallowa, and Ed
Hughes, Josephine.
Chaplain Blanche Pickering,
Clatsop, Nina Nichols, Malheur;
Mrs. Florence Tarbell, Columbia;
Mrs. Winnie Cade, Linn; Beulah
Nathan, Jackson; Anna Julian,
Linn;. Laura Carson, Lincoln.
Treasurer Glen L. Adimi,
Polk, and J. D. Perry, Columbia.
Gate keener Max Kllrel. Unit.
nomah; Freeley Sawyer, Jose
phine, and W. G. Howes. Jackson.
Ceres Mildred Largent, Klam
ath; Nellie Kohl, Clackamas;
Ruth Potter. Gilliam; Marie Mon
soa. Coos; Gladys Huricha, Hood
Pomona Mabel Hughes, Jose
phine; Ada Miller, Multnomah;
Eleanor Rich. YamhilL
Lady assistant steward Pearl
Kirchen, Clackamas; Mrs. Flora
Corson, Wasco; Elsie Tate, Mar
ion; Alice Casebeer, Multnomah;
Ruth McReynelds, Washington.
Pkwa Mrs. T. B. Busenbark,
Deuglas; Wilms Schmeltser,
Washington;. Bertha Hanscom,
Umatina. and Mrs. Nellie Allen.
Deschutes. .
Clackamas. Newnort. nnnnv
and Medferd bid for the 1941 con
vention, j
Your merriest moments in
months . . . with swindlers,
suckers, sheriffs and sweet
hearts giving yon the time
of your laugh!
Companion Feature
"Brother Bat and a Baby"
PrtecilU Lsm - Wayne Mor
ris - Jane Bryan Eddie
Alber Jane Wymaa Ron
ald Reagaa.
Cool - Comfortable
ne m&h
TnforraoSoa Ilecrsa"
War 1?