The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, June 12, 1940, Page 1, Image 1

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    Power Survey
Is Completed
PGE Reveals
Farther Break-Down
'! Figure Is Planned;
Data of Interest
Co-op Request Opposed ;
: New Street Lighting
j Rate Forthcoming '
: ' '
The survey of the Portland
General Electric company's sys
tem in Salem promised the city
council nearly! a year ago has
been completed, high officials of
the PGE company told Mayor W.
W, Chadwick and a group of
council members yesterday, but
the company desires further to
break down its figures before
final presentation.
The survey was asked as pos
sible forerunner to putting a
people's utility district or muni
cipal ownership proposal before
the people.
The PGE officials, headed by
James II. Polhemus; president of
the company, said the survey has
revealed many things about Sa
lem and Marlon county services
the company has not known it
self. Among these things, they
said, was the great extent of rural
territory being served : from a
Salem distribution point on Sa
lem rates. -. ' . , !
Polhemus said that the corn-;
pany engineers are now j engaged
in breaking down the survey; In
order to determine what would
be equitable rates on a one basis
for communities now served from
Salem on ' the same rates as tn
the city. He said the company
had for years maintained a "pos
tage tamp"' rate by which
charges were not varied by con
sideration of the distance from
the source of . power. This ays-
l .(Turn, to page, 2,; column 1)
Submarine Halts '
Liner Washington
Threat of Torpedo. Caufes
' Urder to; Man Boats;
I no Panic Occurs
AT SEA, Jane ll.-(!p)r-Calm un
der the supervision or 'Officers of
- thts United States liner, men,
"" women and children climbed into
lifeboats in the grey dawn today
while Capt. , Harry Manning held
at bay one unidentified submarine
which had threatened to torpedo
her In "ten minutes" and outman
euvered another.
,We are an American ship,"
"We are an American ship," Cap
tain Manning repeated over and
over in answering ' the signalled
threats of .the first undersea boat.
This finally satisfied the sub
marine commander who gave the
Washington a "go on" signal.
There were few, if any instan
ces of terror among the 1,020 pas
sengers and 570 crew members.
All donned lifebelts for the emergency.-
- - : I
Excitement from the meeting
with; this first submarine had
scarcely died down when a second
undersea craft was sighted on the
horizon. r - i -
This time, Capt. Manning did
Hot wait to receive threats of a
torpedo. He adopted tiie tactics of
an' old-time, experienced naviga-
Hei , swiftly swung the ! prow of
the Washington la the direction
of the rising sun. : i
This maneuver put the Wash
ington between the sun t and, the
second submarine. Its blinding
rays prevented the submarine
commander from s e e l n g . the
American ship. .
- Capt. . Manning i then ' ordered
full , steam . ahead 1 and left the
submersible far behind. ! j
The undersea "raiders came
upon the Washington, which was
plainly marked with great Ameri
can flags on her sides, about 180
xnCes off tie Spanish coast," as
she was speeding toward, Galway,
Ireland, to pick up more Ameri
cans fleeing war sones. j
Ark of Satko Is !
V HigH on Mudbank
J At Prince Rupert
ll-CP)-The Ark of : Juneau,
Alaska' bound with, her 'skipper
Paul Satkb and his iamlly of
eighty was ' sitting i high and dry
on a mudbank outside the harbor
here late today.::.-
Fishermen familiar with the
northern jwaters, however, - hast
ened to explain there was nothing
dangerousi nor particularly un
nsnal About th a Ark's predicament,
which was caused by the tide leav
ing her stranded on Metlakatla
bar as tha attempted to cross into
Cfciathata'tpand. - .; f . j ; '
The nnwieldy home-made craft
will probably float across at high
tide, they isdded. r.n j -; .
The Ark, powered by a 13-y ear
eld '-automobile engine, I arrived
liere Sunday after a 15-day trip
frci Acacortes, JVash, :
erature Hits 98.
t 7
r s
Forest Fire on South
Some Damage to Logs and Equipment; Hot
Spot in. Northwest Rogehurg, 102
Yesterday at 98 decrees was the hottest June 11 in R.
lerrTs history, so far as the
Dureau, continuous since ivzs, disclose. Continued warmth
is predicted for today.
The nearest approach to the torrid temperature was the
100 degree mark set June 24, 1926. Tuesday's maximum was
... Oreached at about 4:30 p.: m. The
In One
ar . .
Paul Tl miser Column
Things hare been pretty quiet
around the statehouse since the
case ef the missing elephant was
settled, If not y
solved. The of
fice of the state
police and N
s t ate policeman
CharMA Prav
on the w h r 1 p '
glad it's settled.
Thpv vurn vv-
en a pretty bad :
time until It
The elephant
belonged to Cor
poration C o m
missioner . i Lloyd
Smith. It was, he Ful H. Banter, Jr.
maintained stoutly through all of
the tempest the case stirred up, a
solid gold elephant. The state po
lice had doubts.
One day the elephant disap
peared from its appointed place
on the de&k of the corporation
commissioner. Its disappearance
was noted almost immediately and
the best slenths of the state police
called in. They, as is cnstomary
with policemen the world around.
promised an arrest d within 48
honrs. '! " "
Forty -eight hours' came and
went. Nothing happened. It was
then that Corporation Commis
sioner Smith became incensed. He
charged the state police with hor
rible Inefficiency. They could not,
he charged, police the statehouse.
Not even an elephant was safe.
So the police bent to their task.
It was hard work and a crime for
the annals, bnt by diligence and
perseverance they t racked it
down, throwing civeg right and
left as they 'nosed arong the cool
in jr trail. j
They were eniffmf somewhere
around the agricultural building
when the big tscovery was made.
The elephant was discovered, un
damaged and untarnished, quietly
gathering dust on the desk in the
executive department of a certain
high official, an official who had
absolutely no interest in elephants
except as the symbol of the Grand
Old Party. He expressed surprise
when the elephant was discovered.
. The elephant was returned,
Lloyd Smith and, Charlie Pray
presumably shook hands and all
was peacefol again. Bat they still
don't know who took that ele
phant. It's a question that will go
down in the annals of crime along
with "Who kidnaped Charlie
Ross? as unsolved.
Captain Percy Clark, the fire
department wit, says that the first
aid erew isn't worried about the
fifth column! What worries them
is when they have to get out of
bed when the sicks call'em.
i It was so hot yesterday that
Harvey Shaffer's walk slowed
down to a walk. .
Ration's Largest
4H School Opens
wniAiaas, wane li-Vr) A
two-weel summer session of 4H
boys and girls opened at Oregon
State college today with approxi
mately 2000 attending.
The session is the largest of
its kind in the United States.
Several regular faculty members
remained to direct studies. 1
Budget Voted;
Send Pupils to
Since H3 citizens appeared at
the 194041 school budget hear
ing last night, the Salem school
board made final passage of the
$676,001.50 budget and passed
on toother matters, chief of which
was a request by West Salem to
admit seventh and eighth grade
students to Salem schools. : The
new budget provides for a tax levy
ef 1361,586.50, or about two mills.
an increase of J14.982.32 oyer
lasti Tear. -1
Superintendent Frank B. Ben
nett read a; letter from the West
saiem scnooi coara in wnica u
was! stated ithat overcrowding In
West Salem schools necessitated
a change by the 1 opening or
school. It Inquired concerning the
possibility of seventh, and eighth
grade students being taken at one
of the Salem Junior high schools
and tusked for an estimate on tui
tion costs.
By adding two' teachers, the
additional 5 students involved
probably could be accommodated
At Leslie Junior, high school next
o. i v
6 ' S
t 1 .4
' 1 1
Fot. Siletz Cause of
records at. the airport weather
minimum was 51 degrees.
Though today's weather is ex
pected to be no different from
that of the last four days, Thurs
day will be cloudy and cooler with
I showers. Thunderstorms over the
mountains are xorecast.
(By The Associated Press)
Pacific northwest maximum
temperatures were exceeded only
oy tne torna southwest as new
highs for the season were reached
in many areas Tnesday. .
ine aay s record was 102 re
ported at Roseburg, Ore., the only
hotter spot listed by the US wea
ther bureau summary at Seattle
was 109 at Phoenix, Ariz. The
hottest California points were
Redding with 101 and Sacramen
to with 99. t
The mercury reached 100 de
grees in Grants Pass, marking the
second day the southern Oregon
city has sweltered. Temperature
there yesterday reached 99.5.
Portland recorded 9 7 and Ash
land a maximum of 96 degrees,
season records for both. Albany
had a top of 94.
An ocean breeze afforded some
relief at coastal Tillamook, where
the thermometer soared to 84 de
grees, 16 above the summer ave-
lrage. Construction crews on Wil
son river highway tolled id 95 de
grees near the coast range sum
mit. ,
Eugene reported tt nevf-eeostnr-record
of 91.9 degrees.
The highest .reported temper
(Turn to page 2, column 2)
Centennial State
Air Tour Planned
Big Transport Plane Ma tie
Available; Governor and
Mayor to Go .
Jerrold Owen, publicity chair
man ror tne Salem Centennial to
be held in Salem on July 31.
August 1-4 today announced that
plans have been completed for
an air tour of the state to ad
vertise the celebration. .
The United Air Lines, through
oeeiy v. Hau, vice-president, are
loaning the Centennial commis
sion a large Boeing transport
plane for use in the tour. The
plane will leave Salem at 7:23
a.m., Tuesday, June 25 and will
visit Eugene, Medford, Klamath
Falls, Bend, Pendleton and Port
land. Members of the tour party are
Governor Charles A. Sprague,
Mayor w. W. Chadwick; Secre
tary of state Earl Snell; E. H.
Bingenheimer, president of the
Salem Chamber of Commerce; Irl
S. McSherry, general manager of
the Salem Centennial; Dr. Bruce
R. Baxter, of Willamette univer
sity and Jerrold Owen, publicity
chairman. The balance of the
party will be made up of Salem
newspaper representatives.
It is expected that the plane
bearing the officials will be wel
comed in each city by the cham
ber of commerce and members of
the various civic organisations.
The itinerary worked out bv
Traffie Manager S. R. Newman
of the Portland office of United
Air Lines provides for ston-orers
of from 20 to 30 minutes in each
city with the exception of Bend.
In Bend the party will have lunch
and will leave at 1:15 p.m. for
W Salem May
Junior High
year, .Superintendent Bennett said.
The board voted that further in
vestigation he made as to capacity
of tslia and authorized the clerk
to inform the West Salem board
that tuition would be on the basis
of per pupil cost used in setting
tuition for ninth graders from
non-high school districts. ' f ;
Penalty for non-payment of tui
tion was changed after the clerk
reported that the penalty former
ly used, that of holding up report
cards until payment was made,
was not adequate and that In four
eases tuition totaling about 13501
has jbecome delinquent. The new
poller adopted provides that pay
ment be required in advance for
each: month, and that if it becomes
two months overdue the student
be dropped from school.'" f
Use of the high school shop
was granted for a training course
for aircraft metal workers: to be
supervised hj , the state board of
vocational education. The course
will train 60 Salem residents be-
jTura to page 2t cglmaa 32, - h
Farmers Must
Work out Owri
Subsidies Cannot Go ' on
Forever Avers Goes,
Grange Jjessioi?
loganierry JPurcnase py
FSCC Is f Reported at
State Convention
"Sound ahd permanent recovery
in America Is impossible" until
the problem of agriculture at the
mercy or a speculative marketing
system" Is solved, Albert S. Goes,
former land bank commissianer.
told m embers of the Oregon State
Grange In their 67th annual ses
sion at the senior high school here
yesterday. j
Goss asserted that "crop con
trol and other AAA programs have
proven a failure" and said that
the i only solution is cooperative
marketing, and not relying on the
party in power." j;
Goss opposed changes in the
iarm creait associations and ' a
proposed bill to transfer the farm
credit administration to the de
partment of agriculture.
Budget Balancing
Necessary Some Day
"Bjon't he fooled," he said, fby
arguments that the government
should put up the money or guar
antee the bonds as a permanent
policy. Some day it is going toi be
necessary to balance the budket
"That day will be painful. The
public will not tolerate pouring
out shbBidles for agriculture with
out ehd. Then is the time we 111
wish jwe hadpreserved our coop
erative credit system, for we -vfill
have to begin all over again to
build; what we now have." I
A telegram from Senator Charles
L. McNary to Ray,. Gill, master of
the Ojregon Statevdrange, revealed
that purchase of ! 1200 tons j of
fresh jloganberries has been agreed
to by! the federal surplus commod
ities corporation. I
McNary also telegraphed that
wheat acreage should not be ex
panded for fear of 'depression! in
wheat prices because1 of the carry
over in this country ahd Canada.
"Yesterday Senator Barkley ajnd
requested and the president
agreed to a $50,000,000 appropri
ation for the Red Cross to provide
surplus agricultural commjodltes
for export," the telegram adde.
Resolutions, of wnich 87 areito
be considered, will begin to come
before the group at today's ses
sion, j "j
Tuesday's meetings were cen
trum to page 2, column 8)
Uar Bulletins
GENEVA, June. lZff-L
Swiss army communique today
said one soldier was killed and
12 civilians wounded seriously
by five bombs dropped thijs
morning io the Champel-Ca-ronge
suburban district by k
warplane of unnamed naUona
NEW YORK, June 11-FL
British radio report heard by
CBS ! tonight said reports had
been ' received in London of '
revolt in Italian-occupied Ethi
opia and "the raising of the. im
perial Abyssinian standard by
an Abyssinian." ' - j
"Abyssinian tribesmen are
getting ready to take their re
venge," the broadcast said.
OTTAWA, June 12-(Wednes-day)-P)-A
police drive against
Italians in Canada resulted in
the arrest of "several hundred?
persons, it was learned early t4
day. Exact number arrested was
not available Immediately. . I
Police swung into action all
over Canada against Italian ele
ments immediately following It
aly's declaration of war against
the allies Monday1. At midnight
the press censors for Canada
lifted; the prohibition against
mention; of the drive. j
TOKYO, June j12-t?WPan
and Thailand Siam) today
concluded a treaty of friend-'
ship which Yakichiro Sum,
the foreign office spokesman,
described . as funmistakablie '
evidence of Japan's peaceable
intents in the South Pacific.?
THOMAS, Ontario. June '
ll-C?VPxmier Mitchell neb
bum of Ontario declared to
night that the Ontario' provin
cial police had received info?--mation
ithat nazl and fascist
sympathizers in 1 1 the United
States are organised and wait-'
ing only for ' orders "from ;
cross the Atlantic' to attack
Ontario. - j
He i charged that the nazl !
and fascist sympathizers In tbe
. Catted States were well trained '
and equipped ith arms for
quick ! action. 1-'
"I hope that the able-bodied
men of Ontario Will become as
apprehensive of this danger sis
I ami and that they will act
quickly. I ' appeal to them to J
act for the protection of their .
homes and their factories, . Of
their iwiTes and children.";
Guns Believed
Included; Deal
Is Non-Profit
Senate Votes for Broad
Resale Power; Navy
Fund Bill Signed
Aviation Expansion Bill
Goes to White House;
Taxation Studied
unoer a aeai eirec-ted oy tne war
department and the US Steel Ex
port Co., the allies will get S37,-
600,009 worth of surplus muni
tions, equipment and ordnance,
it was announced tonight by the
United States Steel Corp.
Local steel sources said the
transaction signalized an impor
tant step in line with President
Roosevelt's pledge to the allies of
the nation's full material aid.
In acting as the medium for
transfer of the war material, the
steel corporation said its export
subsidiary would derive no profit.
'. Detailed information as to the
types of ordnance and munitions
involved in the deal was not
available ' here. Sources close to
the steel corporation : said, how
ever, that! some large field gans
and shells probably were in
cluded. j . y
WASHIJvOTON, June 1 1 .-JJP)-
warmiy endorsing an organized
"atop Hitler now" movement,
President Roosevelt worked to
(Turn to page 2, column 6)
$2,385,000 Due in
Federal Road Aid
Million and Quarter More
From Forest Road Fund
to Be Spent Here
The Oregon state highway de
partment will receive $2,385,000
under the 1940 federal aid high
way bill pased by the house of
representatives In Washington,
DC. Chief Engineer R. H. Bal
dock estimated here yesterday.
An additional $1,250,000 is ex
pected to be spent from this ap
propriation by the federal govern
ment on forest roads within the
; While the new anticipated au
thorization is below the appro
priation for the 1941 fiscal year,
which was $2,587,000. it is
$214,859 greater than that for
the 1940 fiscal year which ends
June 30.
Mach money expected to come
to the state highway department
from congresV $178,500,000 ap
propriation Includes: Regular
federal aid, $1,535,000; secon
dary federal aid. $310,000; grade
crossings, $420,000, and public
land roads, $120,000.
The new appropriation will be
come available for expenditure on
July 1, 1941.
Late Sports
PORTLAND, Ore., June 11-iflV1
Louis Jennings' golf proficiency
soared with the temperature today
and the Portland public links star,
won medal honors in the 16th an
nual Oregon amateur tournament
with a 36-hole total of 144 strokes,
Jennings followed . his 71 of
Monday with a 73 today. ' Vine
Dolp, Portland, tied with Jen
nings Monday, fell apart under the
biasing sun today and took 81.
Johnny Robbins, Portland, card
ed a 70 for a 148 and second
place. Other, low scorers: Glenn
Splvey, The Dalles, 147; Joe
Ahern, Portland, 147; Jay Bloch,
Portland, 148;" George Harrtng
ton, Medford, 148; John Hogan,
Portland, 148; Roy Wiggins, Os
wego, 150; Dave Hamley, Pendle
ton, 1B1. j . , .?!.. . ': y
It took 1SS to qualify but three
of four players whocf inished with
1ST got In the match play after
a; piayorx. Match play win. start
Wednesday.! - , .
All favorites won first round
matches In the womea's tourna
ment today. Marian' McDougail,
defending champion from Port
land, defeated Mrs. tL R. Bailey.
Portland, 7 and 5. Sissy Green,
1 5-year-old Portland girl who was
medalist ousted Mrs. Fay Wood,
OswegO, 3 and Z. " Babe Freese,
another 15 -year-old star, downed
Mrs. Kenneth Burton, - Portland,
4 and 3. r
Among other scores In the men's
Qualifying: Ray Weston Corval
Us, 156; Bud Haskell, Olympia.
155 (qualified) r Cliff Folen. Cor
vallla. 157;: Robert Utter, Salem,
112; waiter Cline, Salem, 112
tTony Palntr, Salem, 199" "
Allies By
Contrasts: Death
- Saiety for Returning Americans
r - is v
- i ' f i
.t 'J If;.
T I v f j If
- M M r
s. Li j i "
: j
x - ' : . t --
, : .
- r
Above, stark action in a deserted
c. a wo menioers ot uermaa aavanee mop-up squad are snoc oy
French snipers concealed in the ruins. German in the foreground
drops to hiakneeS at the first burst of fire; his companion on the
right is already hit, begins to crumble. Below, some of the hundreds
of United States citizens, including many children, who arrived In
New York on Sunday from Gal way, Ireland, aboard US liner Pres
ident Roosevelt. Others aboard the liner Washington had a sub
marine scare Tuesday hut were not molested. IIN" photos.
Artillery Units
: Arrive, Clatsop
. ASTORIA, Ore., June ll-(ff)-The
249th coast artillery regi
ment arrived at Camp Clatsop
today for two weeks of intensive
anti-aircraft firing exercises. '
One battalion Will fire the Fort
Canby and Fort Stevens coast de
fense guns. Two other batallions
wilf direct anti-aircraft fire under
Colonel Clifton M. Irwin of Sa
lem, Ore. . : ;
Several coastguard and army
planes will be used in the maneuvers.
Hop Growers Eye! Provisions
Of Proposed New Agreement
Hop growers of the Salem area
met last night at the chamber of
commerce, auditorium to hear, an
explanation of the 1940 federal
hop marketing agreement and to
discuss its provisions before vot
ing on its adoption today and tomorrow..---
',: -rf 4',.s. if -'1-ts-' -'-C:
The major part of the1 meeting,
attended by 3 0 .growers,! was de
voted to an explanation of differ
ences between the 1139 marketing
agreement and the 1940 agree
ment approved by the secretary of
agriculture on June 4. . - - v
, The changes, as explained by
W H. ' Anderson, director of the
hop stabilization corporation,' in
clude a provision for determina
tion of hop - production for pur
poses of hop price stabilization
after harvest instead of by esti
mate after July 1 as in 'previous
. The new, agreement- also ; pro
vides for crop inspection- by
agents appointed by the managing
agent of the control board instead
of members of the growers', allo
cation committee.: Administrative
expense' for the plan is i also cut
of , US Muniti
on West Front,
French village evacuated by the al-
Willett Winner,
Grange Oratory
Thomas Willett of the Baker
region won the state grange ora
torical contest on the state lec
turer's program last night, a fea
ture ojf the Oregon convention.
Winners in six regions com
peted here, placing as follows:
Lois Young. Marion, second; -Joe
Walton, Douglas, third; Mrs. Lo
raine Irby,- Wasco, fourth; -Florence
Elliott, Forest Grove, fifth,
and Ray Ham by. Bend, sixth.
Other numbers on the program
were musical selections and read
ings. . . ..."
from four-tenths to three-tenths
of a cent per pound per member.
Reorganization of committees
to handle crops will also provide
for a new control ' board of if,
members,; a- growers' allocation
committed of 10 members, and a
growers advisory committee for
each of the three coast states par
tlclpatingiof 12 members each.
,The plan will go into effect. It
was stated, if handlers of 60 per
cent of tho year's volume of hops
agree to it, or if two-thirds of the
growers, by number or volume of
hops produced, approve the step.
4 Anderson pointed out that the
proposed marketing agreement
would only be Invoked if the vol
ume of hops "produced and the
prices generally offered warrants
ed such action. ' l : , a -
Should the market remain sta
ble and the price above a 30 or 31
cent minimum, the - agreement
would not be used, he said.' '
; Problems arising from the Eu
ropean war, he affirmed, male
the hop market future precaricr?.
A sudden cessation of hosti.I
.(Torn 2, column 4
1 - i
Nazis Declare
French Forces
Are Shattered
Nearly Half --Million Is
Loss Estimate; Paris
Almost Deserted
Italy Loses Limelight and
Also Ships; Action'
- Limited to Air
(By The Associated Press)
The German invaders thmst ta
close to Paris early, today that
persons in the northern residen
tial . districts heard the mutter ef
the big guns and watched the
flashes of battle like white light
ning on the horizon.
In the center of the nartlv-d-
serted city, there was the quiet
such as precedes a storm.
The ; French command an
nounced last night that the enemy
apparently was seeking to force
a decision west of the Olse. which
would be almost directly north of
fans, and said that the dog-tired
but still fighting French armies
to the northeast of the city had
wunarawn to the south bank of
the historic Marne.
On the west flank, the French
were struggling to prevent the
Germans from - throwing, bridges
across th Seine, -. . ,.
Italy's ensry, into- the war as
Germany's partner i produced a
wide-Hung bustle of aerial bom
bardments in the - Mediterranean.
Red sea and even in the Africa
interior. ; ' i
Rome itself had an air raid
alarm. but no attack on the city
was disclosed and ft ' was an
nounced that the first Italian war
communique, already delayed,
would be issued at' 1,0 a. ei.
Wednesday (1 a. m. PST).
The South African air- force
, (Turn to page 2, Column 4)
Rome Blacks out,
Raid Alarm Heard
; f . : . '
King Goes to Front After
Giving Duce Supreme
Rule of Forces
ROME. June 12-( Wednesday L
-")-Thia ancient capital experl-.
encea lis llrst air raid alarm ear
ly today and : was blacked out,
completely. .
W hether enemy planes actual
ly visited the city was not de
termined. Italy, so newly j joined as Ger
many's active partner in the war
against Britain and France, mov
ed secretly in her belligerency.
(British reports told of , seven
Italian air raids on Malta: a
Geneva dispatch, said Crown
Prince ' TJmberto ' planned ' to
throw , his; Italian shock troops
against the French in the south- .
ern half of the maritime Alps;
and meagre ad rices f rora ' the
Swiss telegraphic agency resort- .
ed attacks on French Tuslaia aad
Corsica. ; i x
(British planes raided Italian
Libya and Eritrea, in East Afri
ca, bombing air bases; and South
African - planes raided Italian
Moyale. near Britain's African
Kenya colony.) .
II Duce assumed supreme com
mand of Italy's armed forces en
every front" in the war proclaim
ed to drive the. British and
French from their long-held posi
tion in the Mediterranean.
He took over with the consent
of the, 70-year-old King V Uteri
Emanuel who went J to the field
with the troops and announced
his intention of remaining at the
front as he did t In the World
war.., ' I ';. ; .
Italian troops moved quickly
into valleys atfd mined bridges en
their side of the French frontier
last night
Action of Turkey
on Russ
ANKARA. Turkey, June 11.-
(JP-Tut key summoned probably
200,000 men and officers to mili
tary barracks to Join 250,009 al
ready n&der arms tonight as she
waited a hint from Russia before
castingthe die on war. : r
Informed soldiers said if Soviet
Russia keeps out of the conflict-
Turkey will eater the war on the
side of the allies to , whom she
has pledged assistance ia a Medi
terranean war. :
But if -Josef rt&Ila is ready ta
help Italy ajnd Germany there is
no a'iirnatlve but for thl3 country
to keep tuiet, it 'was &ied '