i 1 . ! ".v.. ' 1 '- y j ' No Substitute! 1 You'll find no newspaper en give more real satisf ac tion - than your I LtK'AL MORNING I'AI'KR, with Its , WOH Ml N EV8 and IIO.MH COMM UNITY N EYVS. inilETIETH YEAH Italy Plunges Darner Into 'NHgfrftir&ffl Neutrality Law Effect Is Extended in Proclamation but President in Address Far From Neutral Pledges Resources of United States to Aid of ' Allies and to Rapid Preparation for Own Defense 1 WASHINGTON, J u n e ; Italy of plunging "a dagger into the back of its neighbor," .president Roosevelt tonight pledged the allies "the material resources" of the United States. - Speculating grimly upon' the consequences to America should the "gods of-force" achieve-world dominance, the chief executive held up the prospect of 1 a "helpless night mare," of the American people , without freedom, lodged in prison, handcuffed, hungry and fed through the bars from day to day by the contemptuous, unpitying masters of other continents." , H " These statements he made in a bristling address to the graduating tlass of the UnlversityC of Virginia at Charlottes vine, an address so strongly worded that sources close to the administra tion said it was obvious the Unit ed States' had abandoned a PobI tion.of neutrality forgone of non Deingerency. Cheers and rebel yells from ftsT audience greeted every reference to sympathy with Great Britain and-France. . i "let os not hesitate all of us to proclaim certain truths," he said. '.'Overwhelmingly we, as a nation, , and this applies to all the other American nations, are convinced that military and naval victory for the gods of force and hate would endanger the institu tion of democracy in the western world and that equally, there fore,! the whole of bur sympathies lie with those nations which are giving their life blood in combat against thoseforees." j - 4 i- His reference to the dagger thrust was contained in a depart ure from hit prepared text, r He ald that "on this 10th day of .June, 1940, the hand that held the dagger has struck It into the hack of its neighbor." The speech had already con tained a grim rebuke for Italy, and a narration of his previous efforts to keep that country from for "full speed ahead" upon a two fold program of unstinted mater ial help, to the allies and unf lag extending the war to the Mediter ranean. Italy's entry, he said, showed a disregard for the rights and security of other nations."- To protect the United' States at -this juncture, Mr. Roosevelt called (Turn to page 3, coL 8) Independent put i - For Legislature Nicklas Zylstra Announces j - t . Candidacy; Socialists , s to Talk Nominations Two announcements,- one of an Independent candidacy for v the legislature from Marion county and the other of a local social ist party meeting, for the purpose of discussing presidential : elec tion plans, yesterday interrupted the quiet that followed on the heels of the May 17 primary election.- l-: v .- ' r- - ' With a awing at the Oregon Commonwealth federation and a Call on anti-fifth cofhtnn senti ment, Nicklas J. Zylstra, who is putting -out a community news paper In the ; Hollywood district, announced he would run . as fcn Independent for the legislature. He formerly resided in Poli county and was active In' poli tics there. ' The socialists . will make me , (Turn to Paga S, CoL S) Pageant Practice To Start Tonight Dance groups for the Salem Centennial pageant' will rehearse for the first time tonight in the Willamette, university gymnasium" at 7:30 .o'clock. Director Alfred Ljiuraine announced yesterday. Rehearsals for. the pageant cho rus, in charge of Yrjo Koski, will start Wednesday night rat the First Methodist church at 7:3 d o'clock; and of the Centennial or chestra, Friday night at Crystal Gardens at the same hour. Edou ard Hurlimann is music director for the pageant. - Koski said yesterday that he had recelved.the complete musical score for the pageant and : felt that only a few chorus rehearsals would he required. Temperature Reache$ 93, New High; no Relief Near No relief from the hot weather of the past three days, which yes terday pushed the mercury to, a - 1940 high of 93 degrees In Salem, ' is seen before Thursday at the earliest. The weather bureau has tc recast "fair land- continued , warm"! for today and Wednesday. The coast however Is, predicted to J.ave an overcast eky with fog.- 10 (AP) Sternly accusing ; In One -a Paul Hauser$ Column it was a warm day yesterday and nobody noticed it more than Mr. Zlzzle, the demon motorist. BUT. IS p w- f temporarily : in S the plight of un- mounted cavsl- ft ry because " the Sylph Six has been sent to the hospital for a minor operation. Mr. Z i s s 1 e dislikes walk. ing. He has been i a mo t o r, 1 s e d unit . for some time and if he must n ii i his feet i prefers- t T1E' use them to keep hie desk hraced tightly against the wall. This Is purelya precautionary move, he reasons, in case an earthquake should come along and upset his desk, thereby Uttering the sur rounding block with debris and old paper clips. j There is not much yon can do about the heat: except get out of it and, as Mr. Zlnle learned to his sorrow, this is sometimes impossible. He want ed to walk around with an Ice pack On Iiis brow, but was afraid someone would think it was a hat and mistake him for a female Impersonator. ' So he just walked in. the sun once more and suffered. ! Brave man, Mr. Zizzle. , ' i -- We have been reading the pa pers again and we , have found, tucked away behind the reams of the war, that a California scien- (Turn to page 3, column 6) Barrels Roll out ' ' - ; , " As Strike Halted PORTLAND, Ore.,j June lHf) -Barrels rolled out of the West ern Cooperage plant here today under ji strike-recess agreement to help save the Washington-Oregon strawberry crop. The Cooperage Workers' union and the management agreed to a two-week truce in the 14-week trike to satisfy the berry indus try's pressing demand for barrels. The union demanded, however, that sale or shipments of the con tainers be restricted to' users in the i two states after charging the company was attempting to ship barrel stock to its California ware house against future labor, trouble. 200 Salem Guardsmen Leave Toddy for Defense Practice While headlines scream gloomy news of the war in Europe some 200 Salem I troops of the Oregon national guard leave here in a col umn of 24 trucks at 7 o'clock this morning to join other units of Ore gon's 2 4 9 th coast artillery , regi ment in annual maneuvers at Camp Clatsop and Fort Stevens at the mouth of the Columbia. ,." ; The training camp is scheduled for a two weeks period, but with talk of mobilizing the national gu ard for defense purposes going on in congress, many of the youths leaving here today are. packing an extra toothbrush on the chance that they' may be ordered to re main on full time service beyond the regular camp period. c - Officers ' of the regiment have been studying plana for mobiliza tion with the regular army in case of necessity. - With the devastating effect of airpower as demonstrated in the European war now of prime con sideration in military minds the maneuers will center about myth ical air attacks on the Columbia fortS. '' if- -r. - - T ::' ; ,. ; ? ' Major Arthur B. Bates of Salem commands the anti-aircraft battal ion cf the regiment,' the second Crowds Sjttt-v Italia axes i-W1-;': -:i :'t" ' ';- !'! - fyrf:' 'T' 1 . :" Britisli Arc K Reseutf ul ; 4 Defiance; : Expressed During Dark Day . LONDON, June 10-VAngry crowds participated In wild anti- Italian riots tonight In London, Liverpool, Edinburgh and else where, smashing Italian cafe and shop fronts with bricks and bot tles. Several persons were injured. Mace-brandishing police charged the crowds in Edinburgh, where several were hurt, but failed to stem the .throng of per sons protesting what they regard ed as Italy's "stab in the hack" in declaring war on Britain and France.; J Several were Injured by police batons, and ' the crowds showed their hostility to police interven tion by knocking off the police men s helmets. A London policeman was' se verely cut by flying glass. Similar scenes, involving thou sands of milling persons, were en acted in Liverpool. . Police, who already had begun a general roundup of alien Italians immediately upon Italy's declara tion of war, patrolled the streets heavily. . LONDON, June 10-flVGitf Britain called Italy's entrance into the war an act of "cowardice and treachery," and responded to the challenge tonight with a tre mendous assault by land, sea and air forces on : the reinforced nasi war machine. : Italy's plunge into the conflict at the side of Germany, coupled with acknowledgement of the greatest single day's naval losses, including the! 22,500-ton aircraft carrier .Glorious and, 23,2 Of tons r --other vessels, brought r tons their blackest day of the war. But they responded defiantly by announcing: "The allied governments for some time have discounted the decision of Italy ; to enter the war as Germany's vassal. Their preparations are complete and they will know how to meet the (Turn to page s, col. 3) Ten Are Selected, Pilots' Training Entire Class Passes Exam; Flight Training to Start Soon Names of the ten ground school students who received top grades in the CAA air training exami nation and qualified for actual flight training were announced yesterday by Instructor Vera DeAutremont, The ten were selected from a class of 25, all of whom passed the private pilots written exami nation. Selected for flight training,-' in order of grades received, were Edward Felton, John A. Trumm, Melvin Holt, Stephen Stone, Jr.; Russell A. Mohney, Lei and V. Williamson, Adrian A'. Elchelber ger. Dean G. Grimm, John L. Zur eher and Varnel E. Denham. Chosen as alternates were Richard Holt, C. H. Reese, Rob ert B. Ramage, William K. See ley and Paul M. Koenlg. The ten successful . students must first pass physical ; exami nations before being given flight training, v DeAutremont said flight instruction will start in about ten days. ; . ;' f battalion, ' 1 , . Salem also has one of the newly formed searchlight : batteries, a unit of 71 men commanded by First Lieutenant Donald G. Pon jade. The battery will work with huge army searchlights in spot ting "enemy" planes during sim ulated night aircraft attacks. . Oregon artillerymen this year for the first time also will operate three-inch anti-aircraft guns, and anti-aircraft machine guns In training for defense, of the Colum bia river entrance. One battalion of three firing! batteries will train as in the past with ten-inch disap pearing coast artillery rifles. Most of today will be spent in establishing camp. The troops will take over the harbor defenses on Wednesday, firing subcalibre guns daring the remainder of the week. Practice with regular service am munition will follow next week. Salem Is also the location of headquarters 'battery of 70 men and the medical detachment of 22 mien. An Albany battery also will be at camp. r- u., i ;--;..r.:-"-4 . j Personnel of the entire regi ment includes E93 men and 41 of ficers with Colonel CUf ton M. Ir win of Salem commanding. P8UN Salexrv Oregon, Tuesday Morning, June) . 11. 1943 Grangers Hear Pblicy Outline By State Chief Broadening of Tax Base, Jtiepeai 01 rieciprocai i Trade Advocated 1! ' I; 67tii Oregon Convention Underlay; Delegates re Greeted Here Opening the 7th annual Ore gon state grange conviitlon, -Master Ray W. Gill in, an address yes- ierdav afternoon advised grangers to support public ownership of power, repeal of reciprocal trade agreements, registration of lobby ists and broadening the basis for taxation and to oppose fall pri mary' in the state.- i Also touching briefly on war and national defense. Gill empha sized; the need to Iprotect the tountry from fifth column activl ties but warned against spy hunt ins; by "over-xealous patriots." "It is the duty of evry patriotic citizen to supply any information that will lead to the protection of pur country from fifth; column ac tivities . . but there, is danger that in the excitement that pre vails, over-zealous patriots may try to take the law info their own hands." he said. h- After describing grj&mge activi ties in attempts Xo establish pub lic utility districts, the master declared. "With our country con fronted with the greatest war de fense of all time, we j should not hesitate to strengthen the power of our government through the expansion of publlely owned power. " 1 1- Reciprocal trade agreements, he said, have handicapped American (Turn to Page t, noi. ) Mrs. W. D. Smith : ... Is Dies Here Monday Writer, Methodisi Church Member Is Victim of . Heart Ailment Mrs. William ' Dllimon Smith, 12, resident of Salem since 1908, idled last night at galjem General hospital where she eras taken Sat urday after suffering ia heart at tack. She lived at 1865 Center Street. 7" !; Born In Wayne county, Indiana, April Iti. 1858, Mary Elizabeth Leonard moved with her family to Iowa in 1S64. She was married to William Dillmon Smiti in Guthrie county in that state July 8, 1877. Before coming to Salem they moved to Kansas in 1888 and later back to Iowa. Mrs. Smith was a member of the First ! Methodist church here, of Chapter AB. PEO sisterhood; the Salem Woman's club afcd the Mod ern Writers' club. Survivine are' three! sons. Wil 11am E. Smith, Veal estate broker, iand Rav L. Smith, law professor at Willamette universfty, both of Salem: and Paul R. Spiith, attor- iney at Santa Monica, Calif.; two daughters, Grace Elisabeth Smith, an assistant attorney J general ot Oregon, of Salem, and Mrs. Elva Mae Walton of Montclsir, NJ, and lone grandson, Ralph Wilfred Wal ton, jr.; of Montelalr. Funeral services will be held at 3 p.m. Wednesday from the chapel of the W. T. Rigdon company with Dr. J. C. Harrison, pastor of the First "Methodist church, officiat ing. Concluding services will be jheld at Cityt View cemetery. iWaiDearation Voted at (jttawa OTTJLWaI - June 1 D-flPV-T h e Canadian bouse of commons un animously j approved declaration bf a state of war against Italy late today as Prime Minister W. Lu MacKenzie King called Italian Premier Mussolini 'a cjarrion bird waiting for brave med to die." j The resolution, calling on' King George ; formally to proclaim , state of war between panada and Italy, was proposed bjf the prime minister, seconded by opposition Leader j R. B. Hansom, and car ried by i acclamation. ' 1 vThe senate, scheduled to- meet tomorrpw, -was summoned hastily to give! its expected, endorsement to the resolution. i - MacKenzie King, speaking to ia house subdued by the news that Canada's Defense : Minister Nor man Rogers had just been killed In an airplane crash,! lifted his voice as he upbraided Italy for entering the war at j Germany's side. , 7 ; ; . I .. . , 1 :-. ,1- .... Lato ' Spori G PORTLAND. J ani Louls Jennings, and Vincent Dolp. bota Portland, i each cirded a 71 today to lead at the halfway point of qualifying In the Oregon ama teur golf tournament. ' uoip naa 34-ST, Jennings 8S-3 s, jto finish one under par."-; , The final 18 will be played to- jmerrowi, - . : r r - , p Siasy Green. PortlandJ long jbitting 15-year-old, won medal honors In the women's tourna ment Krith as SO. She was two stroker below the ' f defending champion, Marion McDou gall and JDabe Freesei both Portland, -SSSSSSn3EP WSx "- - i ak 1 ' t .m . a "i. s . V . -K. aw If 1 Mm DCD 1651 France Moves Capital; Nazis Nearing Paris .2 . Some Tanks Reach City Region; 1 Main Front Is 35 Miles. Away Seine Is Combat Scene on West; Center of , Line Holds Weill i ! - i PARIS, June ip.-V-Thei gov ernment fled from , Paris: : the capital of the republic of France, tonight as marauding German tanks were reported to have reached the region of the city it self. Premier Paul Reynaud has gone to join the French armies, a brief ministry of information communi que said. 1 "The high command asked the ministers to effect their with drawal to the provinces in con formity with established disposi tions. This withdrawal has been effected." ' Havas, the French news agency. suspended services in Paris, start ing at 2 a. m. tomorrow. (5 p. m PST Monday). Newspapers already had ceased to appear in the French capital. which in peacetime has a popula tion of nearly 3,000,000. Some German armored advance guards were said to have pene trated to the environs ot Paris' it self in Isolated raids through the French lines. But the main front was about miles west and northeast of the - ai.reB.iu ok civiiiu the city was steadily swelling. Delay Announcement Until Move Completed The announcement of the de parture of the ministers was made only after - they were safely in stalled "somewhere in France" in the southern provinces. The government transfer at Generalissimo Weygand's "request was approved last night at a cab inet meeting. Under cover of darkness the ministers drove to their new of fices last night with their prin cipal aides. This morning the rest of the functionaries followed. Most (Turn to page 8, col. 1 Battleship Oregon Sinking Attempted 600 Tons of Water Pumped out; Sabotage Act, Mayor Asserts ! ' - ' ' PORTLAND, June IMffO-Six hundred tons of w a t e r were pumped from the historic Battle ship Oregon today as pouce press ed investigation of an attempt to Bcuttle the old sea greyhound yes- The" Battleahia' Oregon com mission offered .91600 for infor mation linking any person or per sons with the scuttling attempt and planned to ask assistance of the federal bureau 01 investiga tion. . i : ,'ir ' -: i - Two se arv'es were opened, allowing 0"O -tons of water to flood the after magazine compart ment above the- engine room. Damage , w a s negligible, Capt. Samuel A. Munroe, chief custod ian said. , i.-K.i?: Maror Joseph K. Carson blamed saboteurs and ordered De tective Chief John J. Keegan to make a thorough investigation. Harry V. Reed, vice chairman of, the commission, said opinion is- uivldeu, some 'believing it was 1 the work ot juveniles and others maintaining it' was delib erate sabotage. . Preliminary Investigation show ed the valves were opened be tween 2 a.m. and 2:30 a.m.: Sun day. ' . i- - The. 44-yesr-old , vessel, wnicn made: naval history with Its 15, 00 0-mile record run to participate in the -battle of Santiago in 1898, is enshrined in a marine park. Dewey Criticizes : Belligerent Talk NEW June 10-H-Com- menticg oa President Roosevelt's radio speech tonight, Thomas . E. Dewey, candidate for the republi can presidential nomination, de clared the president spoke la "the voice of a belligerent." PresI1ent Roosevelt's speech gives cstjpe for grace concern." he said. "Th words may bai : the words cf a neutral but the voice is the voice cf a,.beSigerent . . . If the'president iatenda to involve us In this war he should say so open ly. That is an issue for the -people to decide.' ' . T ' rmn ill mm mm Italy Gives Fascists Order for War BENITO MUSSOLINI Army Is Ordered Boosted, 400,000 Authority .for i Mobilizing Guartl Is Favored by House Committee WASHINGTON, June 10-(ff)- An unprecedented., peace-time in crease in the size of the army- from 280,000 to 400,000; was approved today by the house mili tary committee together with leg islation empowering the president to mobilize the national guard for duty In the United States and Its possession- ' v : . 'L This action on a quostloa which had aroused much controversy in congress topped a day of many developments In connection "with America's armament program 1. The house accepted senate increases of about' 8667.000,000 in the regular army appropriation bill, and sent the measure back to the senate for further consid eration. The increases, all in line with the administration defense recommendations," raise the total of the bill to about 11,500.000, 000. i2. The senate passed compro mise measures authorizing an 11 per cent increase la the navy and an expansion of the air force to 10,000 planes, and authorizing appropriations of 1655,000,000. The house has yet to give its final approval. " 3. The house rules committee approved the 81,004,000,000 de fense tax program ank scheduled It for debate in the house tomor row. 1 4. President Roosevelt sent con gress a request for legislation au thorizing the navy to build three llghter-than-air craft of 1,000,000 cubic feet capacity for experimen tal purposes and coast patrol work. ' - 6. The army was reported pre paring to trade In about 150 com bat training planes.) mostly bomb ers, to manufacturers who would be free to Sell them to the allies. t. The senate jndlciary com mittee urged the senate to ap prove legislation requiring that aliens be registered and finger printed, as an anti-fifth, column measure. 15,000 Served Oysters !';' -; ''v : 'V ""''- ' -'' BAY CITY. Ore.. June 10WJP1 -More than ; 200.000 Tillamook bay oysters were served to 15,000 persons at Bay City's fourth an nual oyster festival Saturday and Sunday.- . . - Balkans Agog; ; To Fill Obligations, States BUDAPEST, June 10-VTur- key's imminent fulfillment of her mutual assistance pact with ; Bri tain and France became the key tonight to the future of the vastly-worried Balkans, which rum bled with frenxied military prepa rations as a result of Italy's decla ration of war against the allies. Cloaked in sudden strict cen sorship, the Turkish government declared a state of "alert," put ting the nation on a virtually full wartime basis.' 1 Turkish, officials- said unoffic ially they were ready to . lire up to their own military precautions whllfr casting anxious eyes toward taly and Soviet Russia. . ' Despite Premier Mussolini's statement that Italy's little neigh bors would be safe as long as they observed strict neutrality, the Balkans were taking no chances, for they haye expected the worst while hoping for the best ever since Germany and the allies went to war last September.. . - By nations, this la the way the situation shaped up tonight in this traditional! Under box ct ga roref ' I P, Turkeyt ! -- ;.. v- . j Strict censorship was enforced Pric 3a newsstands So Surprise - Indicated; Kiviera DriYeUnciOttfirmecE- Mussolini's Peclaration Is Greeted With Cheers and Tears; Calls 'Allies 'Holders of Gold" , : ' :ri$- -'"- f--v". '-"e'h"": . :'y-' Mediterranean Control Is Cited as Aim; British Consulate Is Stormed but Protected hy Troops r ROME, June 11 (Tuesday) (AP) Italy Was at war today oil the side of Germany against France and Great Britain but the ominously blacked out Italian. capital gave no hint as to where Premier Mussolini's blackshirt legions struck first. -j- .: , -' f., v - Although Berlin reports said Italian troops already had set foot upon France, striking up through the Riviera, thers) was no confirmation here. j This would comport with the long-anticipated Italian plan to strike secretly with the first blow, making fullest use of the strategy of surprise. i Rome was blacked out except for feeble blue lamps and Uas Bulletin NEW YORE, June . The official BriUsh wireles in' a broadcast intercepted at 10:18 p. m. (PST) today by , CBS said there have been no reports as yet of any engagements grow ing out of Italy's entrance into . the war.' ' S --'::," SHANGHAI, Jane -llflV The government of ; the British crown colony of Hongkong to day took over all Italian prop erty of the colony.. . j . SHANGHAI, June I 1 l-(ff)-The United State marines, part of the defense forces of the in- ? ternatJonal settlement here; took up precautionary patrols in f heir sector today to preserve order amidst increased tension' arising ont of Italy's entry into tho European war. I ' : The British, French, and Ital ian force acted similarly to their defense areas, j RepresenUtives of all gov ernments concerned stated that ' the status qno in the settlement would be preserved. . TOKYO, Juno llP-Vlce Foreign Minister Masayukl Tani today 'advised the diplomatic representatives of Italy, Ger many, France, England and the United State that Japan is anxious to eliminate ' any inci- (Turn to page 3, column 4) s Child Dies After Being Hit by Car Alice Marie Lane, , daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Harold Lane of route 3, Salem, died late Monday night following injuries sunerea when .struck by an automobile about 7: SO. o'clock Sunday night near : Llbertr. according to a re port filed with the sheriff's office. . The automobile was I driven by Mark O. Half leld of Garden oad. Funeral arrangementrtfor tne Lane child had-not been completed Monday night. The body is at the Rigdon mortuary. p . Turkey Ready and telephone communication with the outside world was cut off for a short time as tho na tion hastened emergency military preparations looking . to Joining Britain and France. , i . Semi-official statements failed to disclose when and how Turkey would fulfill her pact. : It -was disclosed that ' Turkey and Russia withdrew troops from their mutual frontier recently un der a secret agreement, Hungary: Tho foreign office declared "Hungary at the outbreak ot war" had defined her attitude, which will not change now when Italy enters the war. Hungary has reason to believe that the peace of Europe will not be affected fcy this new conflict." - - ; For, all 'these optimistic words, Hungarian troops, which a v e been mobollzed in force for the past several weeks, were reported already on the march toward the Rumanian, border. . Rumania: ' -. T- ': .. - -. King Carol strengthened his defense forces on the 1 Yugoslav and Rttss!an frontiers Immediate ly upon the news that Italy had CTurn to page 3, col. ) ; . 7ealher Pair and continued warm with low humidity today and Wednesday; overcast with ; log on coast. Al a x. temp. Monday 03, mio. 41 River -2.0 ft. West wind." 17o. 65 .1 Strategy dimmed headlights on the few automobiles and' bicycles allowed to be at large. St ee 1-helmetcd blackshirt troops patrolled tho city through the night. Premier Mussolini cast the fate ful die in a dramatic announce ment ) which called- the allies "starvers" and the holders of "all the riches and gold on earth," Jtaly ; cheered bis decision, and wept tool but mostly it cheered. r'' Attacks on French possessions in, Mediterranean were considered imminent in response to tho continual cries for Italian , con quest of such prizes as Corsica and Tunisia. I Mussolini defined his princlpsl war aim as control of the Mediter ranean and warned ills non-belligerent neighbors to rigidly pre serve .neutrality; lest the war spread to the Balkans and to Egypt and Turkey. The hate which had been ham mered into Italian minds in a five-year propaganda campaign was epitomized in Mussolini's as sertion that recent history might be summarized in "phrases, prom ises, threats of blackmail . and the. League. of Nations' siege. This was in reference to the sanc tions Imposed on Italy during its conquest of Ethiopia. Italy finally took the field with Germany, Mussolini s a id, Mto smash the territorial : military chains suffocating us in our own sea."- , i;! , . ': ; . 1 " . ' Posters On walls of every Italian community proclaim Italian rights to Nice, i Savoia, Corsica, Malta, Tunisia, Jibuti and the Sues canal. -;.' , i In fighting for them, Mussolini asserted, Italy will . keep her pledge to Germany .to "march to the end with friends." I - The plunge clearly was seen here as the fruition of the his- (Turnt to Psge 8, Col. 1) Manila t tan Brings Load of Refugees NEW YORK, June 10p-Her eight decks packed with humanity in search of peace, the liner Man hattan sped into safe harbor to day carving a record load ot 1J1 refugees 8 6 7 of whom were aliens from Genoa and Naples, only a few hours after Italy threw her armed forces into the caul dron of war. Cradled in the vessel were- so many babies 194. minor children were .j aboard that the ship's laundry, suspended all other serv ices to wash diapers. ' Only yesterday, a similar refu gee ship the . President Roose velt landed more than; 700 per sons, including 220 children, from England and Ireland, and racing across the Atlantic is a third ves selthe President ' Harrison with some 600 men, women and children from Genoa. A fourth American ship, the liner Wash ington, sailed from Lisbon for Galway, Ireland, en route, to New York to add more passengers to a. load already exceeding her normal capacity, 5 Butteeteers Hear : Citizens Tonight Citizens hearing on the pro posed 19 40-t 41 school budt-ft vi:i be held at the rrc!;nx cf tYi school board toclgbt at S o'r' ,. c at the ' administration 'iniliaii-.", 434 North High street.' , The budget provides for a t?x levy of S361.5SS.50, sn -lncr--. of 14,3S2.32 over Ir.;t roar. tal requirement for tLa yc:r set at I676.001.S9. . r,-V-- '-51 .".'.V-'. "H"