The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, June 09, 1940, Page 7, Image 7

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    TO OETGOn CTATISIttH. Sol exzu Oregon Sunday Momlmj, June 5, 1943
:.- : - " ! I " ! ' - ...... . ' Ni
page czvni
By Jack Sords
mer Dodders
Elect Captain
23 to 2
' X ' ''fi . , iwe vnwft neons, ui "
' 'tH-v ; maascr pill terry's X
'-"A" ""ID .-"IIX puus Rwz tUis i&Asz.t pen NsSZ-
J Mis riAVy MrffiAld is
j- OoS WITH IfjOeW YtffcC
Plky grounds to Open Monday
Leslie, Ohnger
Set for Summer
Pools Ready Jjy Wednesday
Morning; Staffs Are
Listed by Gilmore
Olinger and Leslie playgrounds
open the 1940 season at 10:30
Monday morning, immediately
following a staff meeting sched
uled for 9 a. m., it -was an
nounced yestejday by Dttector
era Gilmore.
Due to the decision of A. W.
ndrews, superintendent of build
ing and groundsj for the city
school district, to Install vacuum
' cleaners, the swimming pools will
not open until Wednesday.
As in past years, the activity
programs of the playgrounds will
include kindergarten, midget
softball, baseballL handicrafts,
story hours, softball, horseshoes,
croquet, tennis, supervised play
and swimming. In addition,
t special actirity days and pro
grams will be, staied throughout
the summer.
5 Schedule prawn
- A tentative schedule: Kinder-
- garten, i to ll ji. m.; midget
softball, 10 to 12 4- m.; baseball,
10 to 12 a, m.; handicraft, 1 to 2
p. m.; story hour.j 2 to 3 p. m.;
; softball, 3 to 7 p. jn.; horseshoes,
croquet, tennis abd supervised
play aH day; swimming, 10 a. m.
t to 8 p.lm. - I
The j playgrounds directorate
will again sponsor! the Commer
cial, Industrial and Junior soft
ball leagues. Ani organization
. meeting, at which! time officers
. will be elected and schedules
drawn, is scheduled to take place
',.-7:30 Wednesday night at the
school administration offices, 431
North High street. lA.ll representa
tives j of Spring - Industrial and
Commercial league teams are
Siked to be present.
The Junior league will have its
organization meeting at 5 p. m.
Wednesday, 434 jNorJh H 1 g h
-street. ' ! "
At least eight teams in each of
the Commercial and : Industrial
loops are expected, many of them
the same teams as were entered
last year. Cliff Packer's sporting
goods store and the playgrounds
iare again putting tip trophies for
league winners. I
Playground staff's are:
Ollnger Tom Dirynan, boys'
director; Dorothy Moore, girls'
director; Bud Reynolds, pool di
rector; Bunny Bennett, life
guard; Dave Pattejrson, pool en
, gifteer. I
Leslie Gurnee Flesher, boys'
director; Madeline Morgan, girls'
director: Forbes Mack, pool di
rector; George Cauiey.llfe guard;
Fred Perrin, pool director.
WPA recreational assistants,
assigned through the office of Da
v vid Graham, Marioh county adult
1 educational and recreational su-
nervisor. . include.
I - ii At Olinger G re t a Parrent,'
crafts; Bernice neppara, oasaet
i ry; Charles Winslotr, softball and
- baseball; Maurice Clark, boys'
V activities; Carl Berjry, woodwork
' ' lng and airplane miodel building;
'i Flora Short, childrien'a activities.
At Leslie Kath eriue McGin-
'Lm ' Vlndpmrten! RubT MooT-
jad crafts; Merliii Norton, soft
!J 1 ; Jewse Hayesi boys' activi
t; John Hawk; softball. .; '
Change ot
Date tor
I .
Lcwer Floor 50c,
r. Balcony 40c,
Tickets Cliff Fkrker
Herb Owens,
Wild William Harris Moves to 2nd
In WI Batting Race; Helser Tops
Pitchers; Bucky Leads in Triples
While Yakima's Johhny Stamper continued to lead West
ern International league hitters despite a 26 point slide, Wild
William Harris of our Salem Senators moved up into second
position by adding 28 points, it is revealed by league ave
rages that include some games of June 4. 1
Wild William jumped from 12th to second position,
where he clung with a .358 av-O
erage Just one point away, from
Stamper's .359. The chunky first
base guardian also led the league
in triples, collecting an amazing
nine in 3 9 games to lead his near
est competitor, McGinnis of Spo
kane, by three.
The Pippins continued to dom
inate the team batting race, with
a .29 average, while the cel-lar-dweUing
Wenatchees took over
the team fielding lead with .963.
Roy Helser of our Senators
jumped Into a tie for hurling hon
ors with Yakima's Carl McCon
nell, each with five wins to one
loss. (Both Helser and McCon
nrtl have added a . victory each
since the averages were released. )
Brewer of our Senators and
Kittle of the Pippins have won
the most games, seven each. They
hare lost- three teach.
G AB R H Pet
Yakima .42, 1497 289 444.297
Tacoma 35 1212 206 332 274
Spokane ..37 1308 233 354 2(71
V'couver ..38 1348 210 361 268
W'atchee 43 1527 235 401 263
Salem 39 1332 197 347 261
Wenatchee 22 il42 458 62 963
V'couver 27 1002 476 69 955
Yakima 31 1107 514-i80 953
Salem 35 1011 444 71 953
Tacoma 25 915, 364 64 952
Spokane 23 983 386' 76 947
G AB H Rbl Pet
Edy, Van 10 27 10 2 370
Stamper, Ya 42 184 66 23 359
Harris, Sal i39 151 54 40 358
Firpo, Tac. .27 98 35 18 357
Brenner. T 27 87 31 23 356
Fernandez, Y..42 163 57 43 350
McGinnis, Sp..31 135 47 24 348
Helser, Sal....23 35 12 . 6 343
W. Johns'n, Y..18 47 16 10 340
Harrlman, T..23 95 32 ll 337
Medeghini. T.-ll 8 2 0 313
Qulnn, Van 34 140 11 38 329
Cailteaux, V.-..38 147 48 16 327
O'Brien, Tac..31 101 33 12 327
Lloyd. Van....25 83 27 18 325
Wilson, Sal 13 40 13 5 325
Budnick, Spo..l0 28 9 7 321
Stickle, Sp 33 116 47 13 319
Whipple, Yak..3 154 49 27 318
Budnick, Sp 10 28 9 7 321
Stickle, SPO-..33 116 47 13 319
Whipple, Ya 39 154 49 27 318
Goldman. VL.11 22 7 0 318
Reese. Yak 42 161 51 22 317
Bohetti, W. 42 165 52 34 315
Cole, Wen 35 127 40 14 315
Younker, Ya42 158 49 33 .310
Martinez, Sp34 126 39 A? .310
Samha'mer, V35 136 42 13,309
Christ'hr, W-10 26 ! 1 1 308
Bliss, Yak 42 174 53 23 305
Farrell, Sp-T..20 79 24 12 304
White, Ta 35 150 45 11 300
Clabaugh, 8-.32 104 31 16 298
Baer, Sa 39 147 43 15 293
Jonas, Spo 15- 14 7 4 292
Stewart. VaSg 1584 46 24 291
Cosc'art, Sa 39 149 43 20 289
. Di0 Dallh Hoyal
. ! .
Uofl., Jnns 12 8:30
Reserved Seats 75c (No Tax)
' and turtle's - Auspices America Lerio-
Trailer, We.41 165 47 29 285
Escobar, W....13 63 15 S 283
Jolley, Sp 37 144 40 19 278
Garretson, T..35 133 37 24 278
Crandall, V 28 90 25 16 278
Holt, Yak 15 47 13 I 277
Lightner, S....35 146 40 123274
McNamee. Sp..31 106 29 14 274
Jewell, W.., 43 165 45 17 278
McCue, W 43 170 46 28 171
Orteig, Va 38 143 38 26 266
Springer, Ya..39 156 40 24 256
Petersen, Sa 34 121 31 13 256
Ratto, We 43 165 42 14 255
Abbott, Ta 33 122 31 22 154
Spiesman, Wen 3 10 1.000
McConnell, Yak..l0 5 ; 0 .833
Helser, Sal 9 5 1 .833
Medeghini, Tac.ll 4 1 .800
Kittle, Yak 10 7 3 .788
Christopher, W 10 5 2 .714
Brewer, Sal 13 7 S .700
Porter, Tac 9 4 2 .67
Windsor, Spo 9 '4 2 .667
MerrUl, Van 7 4 2 .667
Cadinha, Tac 6 4 2 .667
Schanz, Tac 9 4 2 .667
Osborne, Van 13 5 S .625
Hawkins. Wen 8 3:2 .600
II. Johnson, Yak 11 5 i 4 .556
Soinila, Sal 10 2 2 .500
Goldman, Van 8 2 2 .500
Opp"elt, Tac 8 2 12 .500
Jonas, Spo ; 8 2 2 .500
Greer, Yak 7 2 2 .500
Budnick, Spo 10 4 5 .444
Lien, Yak .10 4 5 .444
Dailey, Van 9 3 4 .429
Andrews, Spo 8 3 4 .429
Serventi, Spo 11 3 4 .429
Isekite, Tac 6 2 3 .400
Davis, Sal 12 2 S .400
W. Johnson, Yak..l0 2 S .400
Oliver, Sal 8 2 4 .333
! Holmes, Van 6 12 .333
Ckhdlni, Wen 8 I t .338
Jacobsen, Wen 17 .' 3 7 .300
Kralovich, Van ..14 2 .250
Hqhr, Wen 11 1 8 .250
Cjiemence, Sal 6 0:5 .000
Singleton, Wen....ll 0 1 .000
Stanford Mentor
Scans Prospects
PORTLAND, Ore.. June 8--Clark
D. Shaughnessy, new Stan
ford university football coach,
said today all he could j promise
this fall was "a bunch of kids in
there fighting every minute of
Ue game." -
j: The former Chicago mentor
said his team looked good in
spring practice but added "I've
hot seen any of the other squads
On the coast."
Dick Law Fined
In 'Assault Case
ABERDEEN, June 8-(jP)-Dick
Law, Grays harbor CIO union of
ficial whose wife's mysterious
death last January led to a sen
sational Investigation, was fined
150 today by Justice A. D. Gillies
after trial on a charge of beating
np a fellow unionist, ' -
k Herbert Irving charged Law
and a barber, Alex Rudisky, beat
him up after an argument grow
ing out of a union election. The
charge against Rudisky -fas dis
missed. uw 8 attorney gave no
tice of appeal.
County Nominee
May Lose Hand
PORTLAND. J a n e tkflV-Al
Hugh, Adams, CIO longshoreman
and Multnomah county democrat
nominee for the state house of
representatives, was confronted
by possible i amputation of his
right hand today. : ,
He collapsed and underwent a
minor operation several days be
fore the primary election, 1A seri
ous condition developed from a
subsequent hand injury. ; ;
World Famous I I
Correctly Fitted -
We Guarantee Comfort and '
Security j .
40S State Corner Liberty
Rookie Gustine
Tops Nat League
! 'j
NEW YORK, June t-JJPy-Therje's
a comet coming to the top
of the National league batting
galaiy and a few more points
might give the staid old senior
circuit the unusual sensation of
hiving a rookie set the batting
paeej, - j
. The upstart is Second Baseman
Frank Gustine of the Pittsburgh
Pirates, who Inflated his hitting
average from ,3 2 9. to . " . 8 4 8 j this
week. to come within four notches
of. the tNew York 'll Giants. Harry
Banning, the Established leader. (
Gustine was a prime mover in
the renaissance of the Pirates that
saw them finally get their heads
out of the. cellar Friday and was
the big gainer, in a week. In which
most of the hitting leaders Skid
ded dangerously. .
Dannlng himself dropped; so
Brooklyn Dodgers .Dixie' Walker,
who had , been second with .354,
slipped to fifth and .333. Bank
Lieber of Chicago- nosedived 20
points to .323 and tenth place
amoUg the leaders.
j .
Chile liner not
Sunk After All
I i
Her 195 passengers and 81 Crew
members safe and Jovial oyer
their near-shipwreck, the Chilean
liner Copiapo lay tied , up at a
dock! tonight, waterlooged and
damaged after ramming the west
breakwater at Cristobal harbor.
Many of the passengers were
Americans, some of them women
en route to join their 'husbands In
the Canal Zone. j
Taken off In tugs and launches
when the water rushed into j the
Copiapo through a hole in j her
bow,! the passengers over-flowed
hotels and. Canal Zone residents
took 1 some of them into their
Captain Roberto Munos was
quoted by agents of the Chilean
line as saying a jammed steering
gear caused the 7,12 6-ton Coplapo
to hit the rocks.
Hysterical Wins
Hysterlcal, bearing the racing
silks! of George W. Stratton! of
Los Ansreles. captured the 110.000
added Inglewood handicap at Hol
lywood park today, edging jout
434 State SL
Detroit Thumps Fading
Bosox to Close lip Gap
American Xaagv
W li Pet W Ii Xe
Boston ' 28 15 .634 Chicago tl S3 .457
Clovel'd 23 18 .609 With. to tf .426
Itotroit 85 18 .581 Philadel 18 93 .419
X.York 33 SI .623 8tXooia 16 38 .864
... .
BO;S TON, June S-Tall
Johnny Gorslca chalked up his
first major league victory today
as his Detroit Tiger teammates'
thumped the fading- Boston-Red
Sox for the second successive day
to win by 4-2 margin. ' - -
.The Red Sox still clung to the
topmost rung of the American
league ladder by the slim mar
gin of 25 percentage points.
Detroit 4 S i
Boston ....:...2 v x
Gorslca and Tebbetts!" Gale-:
house, Wilson (8), and Desautels.
Milnar Blanka Tanks "
NEW YORK, j- June - 8.-P-A
pair of singles Kjne by Charley
Keller and one by Buster Mills
-were all the hits the world
champions could get-off Ai Milnar
ef the Cleveland Indians today, as
the Tribe won, 3-0. r
: The lefthander "racked up his
eighth victory ot the campaign
against one defeat by his master
ful hurling today. A crowd -of
16,067 cheered him on.
Cleveland 3 T 0
New York- . 0 2 8
Milnar and Hemsley; Russo,
Murphy (9), and Dickey.
i -Browns
Bomb A's
PHILADELPHIA, June 8. -jpy-Roy
Cullenblne, who was traded
to St. Louis by Brooklyn because
he wasn't ' hitting, drove In six
runs today with a homer and
double to lead the Browns to a
15 to 1 victory over the Athletics
behind Eldon Auker's five hit
St. Louis 16 14 3
Philadelphia ...1 6 3
Auker and Swift; Dean, Beck
man (6). C. Miles (6), and
Hayes, Brucker (8).
Chisox Trample Senators
The Chicago White Sox clung to
fifth place today, trampling
Washington, 12-6.
Chicago 12 13 4
Washington 6 13 4
Dietrich, Brown (7) and Tresh;
Chase, Monteagudo (3) and
the final furlong challenge ot A.
A. Baroni's Specify In the mile
and one sixteenth feature.
4Xt Sears
s,ze ust
I M I 'j ah ,
lift .
f. -
Woodburn Juniors
Bill First Game
WOODBURN First taste of
game fire for Woodburn's 1940
American Legion Junior baseball
edition is set for 2:30 Sunday at
Legion park here, when the boys
play a team composed of former
Three pitchers stand out at this
writing, including John Day of
Silverton, Max Coleman of St.
Paul and Miller of Hubbard,
while ""there are three catchers
available,- including Don Lemen
of Hubbard, Alfred Mendenhall of
Canby " and ' Tony Pavlicek " of
Woodburn. '' 1
- The Infield is currently com
prised of Hagedorn of Silverton
at first. Jimmy Pearson of Wood
bum, or Seely of Silverton at see
ondr Pat DeJardln of Gervais at
short and Coleman of St. Taul
or Crosby of Woodburn at third.
The only outfielder who has a
position cinched Is Mardqck of
Newberg. but two prospects from
Dayton will be on deck for Sun
day's clash.
Salem Girls End
Vancouver Series
With Even Break
VANCOUVER, B. C June 8-(CP)-Pade-Barrick's
girl soft
bailers from Salem split an exhi
bition double header with Van
couver Sparlings today.
The visitors combined 16 hits
and five Vancouver errors to take
a! 13-2 decision in the opener, but
were held to four safeties and lost
the second 2-0.
They travel , to Powell River,
BC, for another exhibition fix
ture tomorrow.
Today's games left the visitors
with a record of three wins, three
losses and one tie in the seven
games they played here.
Salem IS 16 2
Vancouver . 2 ;6 5
Bennett and Welsh; Berg, Wy
lle and Le Tan.
Salem 0 4 1
Vancouver 2 8 1
Morgan and Moore; Williams
and Watt.
ti - .k ' ' " ' " rT
V - New rib and non-slud freeds . V safefy freadt . . parade
j of Stars' best ALLSTATES in fhis iMwyilu offer I Sturdy
t . of Stars' best ALLSTATES in fhis new value offer! Sturdy
. i, efinttruction and canter traction otv vou 4 flraatect
v - service possible in fir
tJa added-advantage of
Phone 9123
- i ' .
Three Hurlers
Pounded Hard
Regain Le!ad Lost Friday;
Cubs, Giants, Pirates .
Take Victories .
. . ; -
Hational Loaga
W L Prt W L Pft.
Clnein. SO 13 .698 St-Leata 15 26 .366
Bro'klo 27 13 .693 Philadel 14 34 .368
K. York 34 15 .613 Pittibc 14 25 .359
Chicago 34 23 .523 . Boston 12 25 .324
, CINCINNATI June 8-P)- The
rampaging, Cincinnati Reds ; re
gained the. National League lead
today clubbing out a 23-2 vic
tory over yesterday's leaders, the
Brooklyn Dodgers.
The sharp' contrast . to yester
day's battle, which went to the
Brooks by 4-2 in' 11 Innings and
gave them the league leadership,
today's' game was nothing but, a
batting workout for the Reds and
a mighty headache to the Dodg
ers in general and' to pitchers
Fred Fiuimmons. Carl Boyle and
Van LIngle Mungo In particular.
Brooklyn ... .I...;..,.. 2 7 2
Cincinnati 23 27 1
- Pitxlmmons, Doyle (3), Mun
go (7), and Phelps, Mancuso (4);
Derringer and Lombard, Hersh
berger (9). V
Cubs Best Bees
CHICAGO, June tJP- Vern
Olsen, freshman southpaw,
pitched and batted Chicago to a
3 to 1 victory over Boston today,
giving the cubs their I fifth
straight triumph.' His double sent
Dominic Dallessandro home with
the run that untied the score in
the seventh Inning.
The young hurler also tossed
out Buddy" Hassett trying to steal
home in the fifth, trapped Has
sett on a rundown play between
third and home in the eighth and
had assists on four other plays.
Boston '- , ". 1 8, 0
Chicago s', 3 9 0
Fette, StrinceYich (8), and Lo
pez; Olsen and Collins.
Giants Sweep Cards
ST. LOUIS, June 8-i?P-Wal-ter
Brown, the New York Giants
ace relief twirler, proved .his ef
fectiveness to(s helping his
third-place mates sweep a dou
bleheader from the St. Louis
Cards by 4-2 and 6-2.
First game:
New York 4 9 0
St. Louis ..: 2 13 1
Joiner, W. Brown ( 9 ) and
Odea; Bowman, Russell (5);
. . . and in Safety Tread you get
Kigk denuty and low 'stretch cord
Into the shoes of famed Clyde
Jeffrey will step Ernie Clark as
captain of the Stanford track
team In 1041. Both Clark and
Jeffrey were members of the
mile relay team which broke the
world's record early this year.
Shoun 9) and Owen.
- Second game:
New York ; : 5 14 1
SL Louis . 2 9 2
Melton, ,W. Brown (8) and
Dannlng; Lanier, Davis (4),
White (9) and Owen. Padgett
Pirates 6, Phils 5
PITTSBURGH. June 8-(J"P)-Al-though
outhit 12 to 8, the Pitts
burgh Pirates beat the Philadel'
phla Phillies 6-5 today for their
fourth consecutive victory.
Philadelphia g 12 S
Pittsburgh : ; 6 t 2
Hlghbee, L. Brown (3). SI
Johnson (3), Smoll (7). Syl.
Johnson (8) and : At wood. War
ren (8); Butcher, Heintzelman
(2), M. Brown (8).
, . if
CXTA x .
1 1?,
nJ rnl
'v : Calerru Oregoa