"t - J Tho OREGON STATESMAN. Salem. Oregon, Sunday Morning, Juno 8. 190 PAGS FIYE Local News Briefs Apply for Water Applications for water! right permits presented last week Included: Mill City Lumber company,1 Lyon, for .078 second foot front North Santlam riTer for fcnlll pond supply In Linn eopnty; state highway commis sloa, tor .035 second foot from fork of Cooter creek for domestic use In Washington county; Leo Katberlner, Dallas, for water from Teal ereefe- aand unnamed tributary of Lucklamute river for Irrigation, of , 40 acres, domestic use and power use In Polk coun ty: Karl . Detjwyler, Silverton route two, for '.04 second foot' from pudding rlTer for irrigation of three jacres in Marion county. Lots florist. P; S592. 1278 N, Lib. Windows Broken- Three large . windows jat the Marion creamery, Commercial and Bellvue streets, weje broken Friday night with rocks. Nothing was missing from the creamery and the damage was apparently out of malicious ness. Jack W. Baker, 86 Par tial! street, a paper mill employe, reported (windows In his automo bile were ' also broken while it was- parked on South Commercial street. . V f i Dr. Riley Speaker -For the tenth consecutive year. Dr. P. O. Riley will deliver the address to the flag !atf the 15th annual re union of 1 the Northwest Veteran Steamboataaen's association at Champoeg ""-Sunday, June 30. Dr. - Riley was made an honorary life member of the association at .Vancouver, Wash., and presented with a bronse plaque. Safety of your savings Is Insured at Salem Federal. 130 S. Liberty. Fire Extinguished Firemen were called yesterday to extin guish a chimney fire at 2580 Hazel avqnue. FLOWERS Florist 0LS0II CourtS High Ph. 7168 Coming Erenta - June 12 Kansas elnb of Salem, Centennial ejecting, KP hall. , Jua 10-17 Oregon state grange convention. Jul j 4 Independence' day. July 81, Aug. l-4-Salem Centennial celebration. Hattle Busick at Adele's. P. 3836. Mo r e -Certificates out Addi tional certificates of election as precinct committeeman and com mltteewoman were" issued yester day by County Clerk. TJ. G. Boyer to the following: republicans. Harry Humphreys, East Stayton; and democrats, Mary Wampler, Central Howe!l; Albert Ebner, West Mt. Angel; Bert Butterfield, Scollard; Winifred Ar Zehner, Sidney; J; Irvine Caplinger, East Salem: Catherine F. But ler, Sublimity. Leonard Walker has declined to serve as West Stayton republican committee man. Cherries wanted-R.A.. Lam., B'gs. Willamette Valley Prune Assoc. Cannery- IncorporatedArticles of Incorporation have been filed by the Allen Fruit Co. with the corporation commissioner, the In corporators being W. G. Allen, Elsi Allen and W. C. Wlnslow. Capital stock Is placed at $25, 000. The business has operated for a nu'mber of years as an un incorporated concern. On June 10 new classes will be started in shorthand. Business English and typing, at Capitol Business College. Individual in struction in other subjects and in use of machines. Special sum mer rates. Registration 28,514 Non-resident motor f vehicle registrations in Oregon fdt the first five months .of 1940 aggregated 28,514, Secre tary ot State Earl Snell reported here Saturday. Registrations for the entire year 1939 totaled 149, 502. Sewing, alterations, remodeling, mending, reas. 677 S. Comm'l. 1 r GREAT E-l Wins : AMERICA THE BEAUTIFUL" ?Kathertne Lee Bates Qi beautiful for spacious sic Frambir-vsf grain rj purple mountain mjstts Akv.th frottl plain! - I Amrica! Am Weal ' IGott shej Hu grace on in' Anj 'crown .thV.'cooJ wUn rc TVom sea teTjmlnln seal II i re y n-"9 t 'inspired by a tour across the United. States in ISM, Miss Catherine Lee. Bates, professor 'of English, at. WeUesley College,' penned this beautiful., patriotic hymn, t On the summit of Pike's Peak where spacious skieeand amber plain are visible for miles around, she wrote the opening tines and completed the hymn coon auerwards at Colorado Springs. A tSOOO StRVlCI COSTS NO MOM 1299 N. Cottage St. - Salem - Telephone 3173 at t Club No. 2 to Meet Townsend clab No. St will stag a special program Monday night at 't o'clock at the Leslie Iethodlst church. Miss Leora Strong, su pervisor of religious education for the Salem public schools, assisted by a group of her pupils, will conf tribute to the program, as will also Mrs. J. A. Shoulseth, Mrs. Addle Curtis and Mr. McGllchrlst; The men of the club will super vise a covered dish supper at 8: SO, and invite their friends t Join them. Table service will furnished. "olden Top - milk. A full cream milk from Guernsey cows This milk has not been skimmed but is sold full cream Just as drawn from the cows. There is 1 nothing better on the market, than this raw milk. Price delivered lie pel quart. -We also j have milk the has been reduced in butter fa to ,4, per cent In compliance wl the state law. Price 10c per quar Tour milk business solicited RLoten Farm Dairy, phone 22572 i . . - Motorist Victim Dora M Slate, Glendale, Calif., was the victim of a hitchhiker she had! glveTa ride. sheeted "?o "J"&- fj IU UllUUlQIfCBlf Will 1C1U1U IV Salem June 16, according to a telegram received at his office yesterday. lice yesterday. Miss Slate said she' picked up the hitchhiker near! Portland. When she was near Sa lem she stopped to get something to eat and the hitchhiker stayed in the car, saying he was not hun gry. Miss Slate let him off at the Salem city limits and shortly af terward discovered a movie cam era missing. Mineral baths and Swedish mas sage for health and weight cor rection. John F. Class Vapo-Path, 330 Bellevue. Phone 4021. Town send Rally The ladies' high-beaded Townsend band of Eugene will furnish special mu sic for a mass , meeting of the various Townsend clubs of the Salem district this afternoon at 2:30 o'clock In the auditorium of the Rush school, corner Mission and University streets. F. K. Has kell, Townsend announcer over KWJJ, will be the principal speaker. G. C. Glllis will preside. The public Is invited. For watch and clock repairing H. T. Love, 141 S. Liberty Provisions Told-One hundred forty four Oregon reserve officers can be provided with accommoda tions at Fort Lewis, Wash., at the mass maneuvers there August 4 to 25, Major General George A. White, commander of the 41st di vision, was advised Saturday. Gen eral .White and his staff will at tend the maneuvers. Don't forget to pay your bills. Tomorrow is the 10th. Maple Loses Light Howard Maple, 1776 Saginaw street, re ported to police yesterday that a flashlight was stolen from his car while It was parked on a parking lot at the ball ' park. A letter with check inclosed was opened, but the check was not taken. Lois Bearshear, formerly of Ruby's shop in Hollywood district now at Anabel's, 428 Court. 5859. Marriage Licenses. Vancouver Marriage licenses issued at Vancouver, Wash,, have been re ceived by Merrill' Smith and Phern F. Mitchell, both of Idan ha; John G. Harms, Aumsvllle and Grace A. Hlrechom, Everett, Wash.; and Alfred J. Henne and Esther R. Alberts, both of Salem. Good to give and smart to wear "Mark Twain shirts," f 1.6 5 and $1.95. A. A. Clothing Co., 121 N. High. "Blitzkrieg" Planned A peace time "blitzkrieg" will be staged at a meeting ot Marlon post 661, Veterans of Foreign Wars, at the VFw building, Church and Hood streets, Monday ! night, according to p. H. RIngle, publicity chairman.- He did not explain what such a "blitzkrieg" was. Conven tion resolutions will be discussed. Gir . la Found Clven shelter overnight by a strait ger who had found her wandertni; toward Sa lem, Virginia lacy, nine-year-old girl reported missing from her West Stayton home Friday.! was returned to her parents yester day . : A . ;)""," Feature Centennial The Kan sas club of Salem will feature the Centennial theme atj the meeting Wednesday night at 1 8 o'clock at the Knights ot Pythias hall.' The public la. Invited to the program which will Include untertainment by the Centennial Synchronisers and; prises for costumes. ...... I For Rent 5 room furn. house, 618. 894 Highland Aje. Tel. 3327. Go to "Wreck" lit Grant Pass this weekend for the Southern Oregon volture, 40 et Sasoclety, "wreck" In the Oregon Caves, are Dr. 'and Mrs. B. Fj Pound and Mr. hnd Mrs. B. E. Owen. Pound is state grand chef fle gare and Owen is chef de gare! ot the Mar ion county volture. J To Return in Week Governor Knee Cut Treated4-Donald Ba- Street, was men yester- ker, six, 1495 Lee treated by first aid day for a. cut on his right knee received when he fell in some broken glass. Perllch Joins Cluimber W. T, Perlicb, meat market! operator, Is a new member of the Chamber of Commerce, according to the organization's weekly) bulletin. Three Handed ! Prison Terms O&asey Gets 3 Years and Moon 1 for Forgery; j Hart Sentenced ; 1 Circuit J u d g e L. H. McMahan sentenced three men to serve va rying terms in the state peniten tiary yesterday when they plead ed entity to forgery and a statu tory crime. I Ben Creasy was Siren a three year sentence on a forgery charge, and Leo H. Moon one year on an identical . charge. Ernest Hart was sentenced to serve two years after pleading guilty to doing an act manifestly tending to contrl b u t e to the delinquency ot a minor.' : t . - i Earl Holgate, under . indict ment on a charge similar to that of j Hart, entered not guilty plea, and was held for trial. Eugene Goetz, Indicted for forgery, was remanded .to the state -hospital lor observation and entered no plea. . I Circuit Court First National Bank of Port land vs. Walter M. and Mildred M. Berard; Salem Automobile, company vs. -Claude E. Bird, and Joseph G. Webb : vs. Cecil Jayne and others:. all dismissed on stlpu- On Blotter 7 Dorothy Cham bers, Grants Pass, is charged with failure to observe a stop sign by city police. . 5 Klaneckyi Vencle Klanecky, late of Lib erty, June 6. Survived by widow, Mrs. Anna Klaneckyi; daughter, Elendr of Salem: son, Leonard Klanecky of Walla Walla,-Wash.; brothers, Henry Klanecky of Al bany, Edward and 4 John Kla n e c k y ef Nebraska; sisters, Mrs. Louise Bisek, Mrs. Mary Ry bin and Mrs. Anna Ienment, all of Nebraska. Recitation of Rosary at Clough-Barrifik chapel, Sun day, 8 p. m. Funeral services at St. Joseph's Catholic church. Monday, June 10, at p a. m. Con-f eluding-services in Blcrest Mem orial park. OBITUARY Lytle Max H. Lytle, at the residence, route seven, Salem, June 7, aged 59 years. Survived by widow, Jen nie M. Lytle; son, L10yd E. Lytle of Salem; brothers, A. K. Lytle of Chicago, John Lytle of St Louis, 'Mo. Funeral services will be held Monday. June! 10, at 1:30 p. m., at Clough-BarHck chapel, with Rev. H. C. Stover officiating. Concluding services will be in City View cemetery. Jones Atj Portland June 6,; Hazel Irene Jones, aged 16 years, late resident of route one, Gaston. Daughter of Mr. and Mrs, Ray Jones and sister of Dale, Paul, Keith, Ward, Stan ley, Alvln, Orval Dean, Ray Jr., Helen. Twila and Rita Jones, all of Gaston. Funeral services will be held in the chapel Of. the. W. T. Rigdoh company Sunday, June 9, at 2 pi m. Concluding Services in Macleay cemetery. i- 1 - Brant Ruth A. Brant, at the residence, 1434 South Cottage street,' June 7, at the age of 56 years.. Survived by husband, Charles W. Brant of Salem; two daughters; Marjorle Ann Brant of Salem and Mrs? Dor othy D. Deacon of Mossy'' Rock; Wash.; one sister, Miss Edna.R. rurdy of Salem. Services will be eld Monday, June 10, at 3:3 0 p. m. at Clough-Banfick chapel. Spanish American War Veterans' auxiliary to have ritualistic serv ices at the graveside. City View cemetery. t Sr- Roth John Roth, at the residence, 925 North Church street, June 7, aged 77 years. Survived by wife, Mrs. Henrietta Roth of Salem; daughters, Mrs. Dorothea Stark of Salem, Mrs. Arnold Zuercher of Whitewater, Kas., Mrs. Anna Jose of Des Moines, la. ; - sons, Dave and Manuel Roth ot Moundrldge, Kas., John, Ted; and Will of Whitewater; 'S31, grandchildren; brothers, William and, Theodore Roth of Salem, Charles of The Dalles; sisters, Mrs. Elolse Stet tier, Mrs. Mary Broer, Mrs. Ber tha Barnett,- all 'of Salem, Mrs. Rose Rich of Orenco, Ore. Fu neral services from CIough-Bar-rick chapel Tuesday, June 11, at 1:30 p. m. Rev. Guy L. Drill will officiate. Interment at Belcrest Memorial park. r Norwood John Wall Norwood, at the res-. idence, route four, Salem, June 7. age 72 years. Survived by wife. Mrs. Olive E. Norwood of Salem: daughters, Mrs. W. H. Batey ot Portland, Mrs. E. M. Beckett of Colorado Springs, Colo., Mrs. K. W. Harrttt of Salem. Mrs. A. L. Luraski of Montana; sons, Fred erick E. of Montana, Howard E. ot Tacoma, John W. of Salem: sisters, Mrs. Clyde Apperson and Mrs. William Dielschneider of McMInnvllle, Mrs. Carl Ehrett of California, Mrs. Homer Goulet of Salem," Mrs. Jamiss Justice ot Se attle, Mrs. Hugh Williamson of Portland; brothers, William of Seattle, James of California; 21 grandchildren and s4 x great grandchildren. Funeral services from Bethel Baptist church. Cot tage and D streets, . Tuesday, June 11, at S p. m. Interment at Lee Mission cemetery. Rev John Olthoff will officiate. Clough- uarrick company In charge. - Chadwick Mary Caroline Chadwick at the residence, 402 North Capitol street, in this city, June 7,. at the age of 72 years. Survived by one brother, Pitzer F. Chadwick of Tacoma, Wash.; five nieces. Mrs. ' Marian Gray Pease . of Seattle, Mrs. Janet Gray Stelwer of Jefferson, Mrs. Claire Chad wick Maury of Olympia. Mrs. Harriett Chadwick Karr of Yak ima, Wash., and Mrs. Elizabeth Chadwick Carlson ot New York City; one nephew, Stephen F, Chadwick of Seattle. Funeral services will be held Monday, June 10, at 11 a. m., at St. Paul's Episcopal church, Rev. George H. Swift officiating. In terment will be in IOOF cem etery. Clough-Barrick company in charge. (Casket will be open to friends at the chapel until 9:30 a. m. Monday). 'is, the big, beautiful Chrysler too see h only $8951 It boasts 122ft ches of wheelbase . . . and leaps to the urge of 103 horsepower in its swghxy Hi ib-Tor fu engine. , Here's a whole lot of pleasure in owning a big car like Chrysler Royal . . packed with the good things that only Chrysler gives you. The most beautiful lines on the road today . w loads of room . . . smart, new interior fabrics and colorings. 1 - UP It's fun to ride on big, luxurious seats . . . with Airfbam cushions . , cradled at the center of balance, the Chrysler way. i It's great to handle a car so "light on its feet'. . so easy to steer, and stop, and park, ' It's satisfying to know that you have so many exclusive engineering advan tages, each with a practical 'value . t like Soperfinished parts . Floating Power . . scientific weight distribu tion ... tin-coated pistons. 1 'See your Chrysler dealer . drite : the Royal 1 .land learn what a heap of fun $895 will buy. And here's the ."pay off". . . this big beau costs less to run than rnany smaller cars. 1 Foc A S-rMajrKoTsCoPdcBTTCd In Detroit. F4crml Tut tdad4. Trmnportmtio ud MflecilTM,ifur.n. DmI kora mA .. , w. .- . ... cisaelishttt dAOMl. I - iimaociileii!8!!!! ic Tune in on Major Bowes, CB.S- Every i Thurs,9to 10PL,E.D.S.T. I FT ALEm AOJTr.(iiM(iDmnD.s am it. ccrcnciAL st. mOlTZ 4S73-U31S Looney David Henry Loeney, at the home on Jefferson route one, June 6, at the ag of 90 years. Survived" by wife, Lona George Looney of Jefferson; .son, George L. Looney of Jefferson; sisters, Mrs. Frances Cornell of Salem and Mrs. Addle Fairbanks of Wil li ts, Calif.; grandson, David Looney. Member of Jefferson lodge No. 13, AF&AM, and charter member of Jefferson Eastern Star. Funeral services were held' Saturday, June S, at the family .residence, the Fisher Funeral home in charge. Rev. W. C. Kantner officiated. Burial at the Looney family cemetery. UlalkeMHomeli !:te2rric3 Tifaslc3 Ansea,.Rlnsa, Lamberts For canning and barreling. Vfalt ear new quarter mil lion gallon bulk storage for. Cherries. Largest similar in stallation in the world just stearin g completion so that your Cherry deliveries will ot be stopped by the Pa clfle coast barrel: shortage or cooperage strike now go ing on for several months. . OREGON mUTT PllODUCTS CO. , . , West Salem . . latlons of settlement out of eenrt. Kenneth MUler by Ethel jMil ler, guardian ad litem, vs. JL E. Frlsxell; complain for HOl.OOO damages for Injuries allegedly sustained by young Miller last January; II fwhen he alleges he was struck by the defendant while riding a bicycle at McGllchrlst and Nob Hill streets. Be alleges Injuries, including , fracture of the right leg above the ankle, will be permanent' ' - Oscar i and Hanna Carlson vs. Guy H. Smith and others; supple mental answer alleges plaintiffs have come into possession of premises Involved since filing ot original answer. Margaret Ho eh individually and as administratrix ff Adam Hoch estate vs. L. J. Marshall and others: demurrer. . Mary A. Coster vs. Richard L. Coster; divorce complaint alleges cruel and Inhuman treatment, asks custody ot minor child 350 attorney's fee,; and order allow ing defendant custody ot child for three months of year. Gervais State bank vs. Balbina P. Bohla and others; complaint for judgment and foreclosure for 3700 and 375 attorney tee. Robert- Fromm vs. Guy O. Smith and wife; waivure of jury trial. -Probate Court Frank E. Loose estate; apprai sal at $17,500 on estate trans ferred within three years ot time of death of Lettle E. Loose, wife of the deceased, by Charles N. Ryan, H. O. White and Clinton Thompson; inheritance tax of 3 8 8. OS assessed against 318,805 net taxable estate. . Jennie A. Jones estate; apprai sal of Earl Burch, B. S. Pass- more and Homer McDonough at 310,960.78, of which $2100 Is in real property, 33731.34 In bank deposits, and remainder In notes. securities and personal effects; 3102 claim ordered paid to Vera Hill personally for nursing ser vices by herself and Merle Jones as executors. M. J. Trester estate: final or der granted Alta Bright, administratrix. Edward B. Patton estate; sec ond annual account of Ernest Ver non Patton, executor, shows re ceipts, 3316.88, disbursements. 3253.36.. Emll J. Roth estate; final de cree granted Edward E.. Roth, administrator. County Leads Gross Chapter Has Banked More Than Original Quota; ' Jane 3 1 Deadline According . to report received f Saturday morning at the local chapter office of the American Red Cross, Marlon county is well in the lead of Oregon chapters In raising its share of the 320,000, 000 asked by the National ,Red Cross tor civilian suferers of the European war. .1 :- But even that Is not too encour aging, the office was informed in asmuch as only approximately 25 per cent ot the 32,654,000 as signed to the Pacific area has beenM t . j . . . . ti runeu lu utile. . Marlon county chapter has banked, up to Saturday morning, 34,750.67. The original quota was 94000 but on May 28 it was an nounced from National Red Cross headquarters that all quotas were at least doubled, or increased in definitely. Contributions continue to come In said Milton L. Meyers; chairman of the war relief committee, but they will have to be speeded up and greatly Increased If the goal Is reached by June 31, date set tor concluding the drive. . Email change-boxes located, in each bank and in the hotels have received approximately 3100, ac cording to Meyers. Those who have small change to give and do not feel like making a bank, de posit of it can. put it in these change boxes. ; "It everyone who gave lat month will share with the suffer ing clTikans of Europe the same s mount from . his income this month then our task will be quick ly completed,' Meyers said, and added, "I know we would all be most gratified to see Marion coun ty go over the top in the lead." Do You Suffer From JIliY'FEVEn? Why be miserable another season? Now Is the time to take precautionary mea- - FIND OCT HOW TO GET RELIEF WITH fapofaifa . "Try It without cost or obligation to yon JOHN T. CLASS Vapo Path - 330 BELLEVUE .-r PhOttO 4021 B3.00 Automobile Public Liablliry and Property Damage . Insurance J , y Covers any make cap anyone driving with your permission, er while driving other cars loaned yon. . For this low cost yon cannot afford to drive a car without liability insurance. ' f For immediate service, phone 4663,, or call at CHUCK O r CHETT INSURANCE AGENCY .SUCCESSORS BURGHARDT INS. AGENCY 129 N. Commercial Phone 4663 . Salem. Ore. THE GREATEST WASHER BUY GEVUBTZ HAS EVER OFFERED ! uu.fi w, Spiral Safety Suds DEIIOHSTRaTIOII SeeltWith Your Own Eyes Mon day ... at Gevnrtzl - a O Exclusive A p e x Spiral (ID95 Dcg. C9.95 20-gal. Apex TTashers . Olisr Apsk Ilcdels hen 44.95. A Fc 1933 Smplcj al . Dsrgiia Prices h'. ' t ' " : .: y LiLeral Supply o Witii fevery 7asner Dasher! 'Washes t pounds ot clothing in only I minutes! It's one-tourth faster, . cleans a third more efficiently than - r any other washer! " . 6 10 GaQsns lo Ualcr Line! t Equipped ' with splash-proof dome i r top and Quick emptying bottom. Finished in a beaatlfal gleaming -: white porcelain. A beantyl ; o Urir jcr! ; ; - Lovell wringer with Instant bar safety release and end re-set lever . . pins streamlined drainboard! - IXaa automatic drain flume - ad justable pressure con troll "'4m 1J I. L Mi: m