The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, June 09, 1940, Page 3, Image 3

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Tk CmCII CTATHS-IAXT, Z&tA Orgeau Sunday Kcrs!agv Iua 0. 1J43
' - Q : . I -
Is Set as Goal
Missionaries From China,
TibeffcM Speak
June 25 30
TURNER; -The 89th state con
vention of Churches ' of Christ
will be held at Turner tabernacle
Jane 25 to 30. The theme is "The
Master Calls." Goal of attendance
has been set at 1200.
Speaker Will include Err In F.
.Leake of Hood River and two
Ailssionariea. James H. McCallum
of China; and Vernon Newlands
of Tibet: : General chairman is
A. B. .Cromwell: music director,
J. Claude , Neely: pianist, Mrs.
Helen Neely; general secretary.
C. F. Swander.
A song service will 8 tart the
opening service at 7:30 Tuesday
night. Vernon Newlands will
speak at 7;30 and Ervln F.
Leake at. 8:25.
. Wednesday morning sa panel
discussion on how to meet prob
lems which adults of the church
ia this day must face will be led
by A, B. Cromwell. Cromwell will
also lead worship at 11:15. At
11:30 James A. Pointer will
speak on "The Call to Be Saints."
Arthur Charles Bates will speak
at 2:10, R. W. Coleman At 2:50.
James H. I McCallum at 3:50,,
James H. McCallum ,at 6, Ervln
F. Leake at 8; 25. Bonfire at 9
o'clock will conclude the day.
Thursday Program
Tlfursday morning at 9 a panel
discussion , will be conducted by
Mrs.- M. B. Meachen on how the
church can meet the present mis
sionary emergencies. A. B. Crom
well will lead the 11:15 worship.
Frank W. Zook will speak at
11:30, Willard Wicfciter of .In
dianapolis at2:10, James H. Mc
Callum' at 3:55. The missionary
banquet will be at 5:30. At 8
p. ml ernon Newlaftda will speak
and Ervin F. Leake at 8:25.
Bonfire will again be held at 9
Friday morning at 9-the panel
discussion will be led by Walter
Myers on, what can be done to
reach more-people in the com
munity for Christ. A. B. Crom
well will conduct worship ;,at
11:45 and -rville F. Mick will4
speak at 11:30. Victor P. Morris
-will speak at 2:10 and Vernon
Newlands at 3:20. Dedication of
a new cottage at the Memorial
home will take place at 4;15.
James H. McCallum will speak
at 8 p.m. and Ervin F. Leake at
8:25, followed by bonfire.
Chief objectives in the small
church will be the subject for
the panel discussion Saturday
morning- at 9 o'clock, with Wil
bur R. Hensely leading. A. B.
Cromwell will lead worship ser
vice at 11:45. Walter Fiscus will
speak at 11:30, Walter IL Myers
at 2:50, James H. McCallum at
3:20. Men's banquet will be at
5:30 in the dining ball. The 8
o'clock address will be given by
Vernon Newlands, while Ervin F.
Leake will sjfreak at 8:25, follow
ed by bonfire.
Sunday morning at 9:45 Bible
school will he directed by F. L.
Baker ' of Pendleton. Ervin F.
Leake will speak at morning wor
ship at 11 and J. Claude Neely
will conduct the music. Song ser
vice and worship will take place
at 2:30. At 3:15 the Lord's Sup
per will be directed by A. F.
Van Slyke. vf outh Fellowship sup
per will take place In the dining
hall at 5:30. Song service and
young people's meeting will be at
7 and an address by James H.
McCallum will be at 8. Ervin F.
Leake will speak at 8:25 and the
convention will be adjourned at
. . ,
j Office
Eh chines
We Deliver Phone M02
No extra charge for type
writer loaned while work ia
done. -1 V i ' :
Agents for New Royal
Standard Typewriters
Epb'z STons
4C5 State St Saleci, Ore.
Cruiser Rushed'
w?'' ,
I, "if"
Here is tne 10,000-ton cruiser
a il. . . . es . . .
v f M ,
' "Ft ; 1-7. -
. . . ' ..
eass coast ox oQutn America on wnat was cneny announcea dj wa vy ui vv m juuunm
cruise. Reliable reports declare the cruiser on a special mission of aiding several Latin-American coun
tries, if necessary, in meeting Nazi fifth column activities. i
District Governor
Speaks to Lions
LEBANON -T- Harry W. Scott
of Salem, (Hsfrict governor of
the Lions clubs In the Willam
ette ralley. was the guei.t speaker
at the regular luncheon meeting
of the club Thursday. He told of
the growth' of the clubs in all
parts of the country and outlined
the business to come before the
state convention which will be
held !n Marshfield this month.
,The delegates from here will be
Hiram Grove, Ralph H. Reeves,
William Shepherd and Del Dav
enport with Dr. J. C. Booth, Dr.
Harold Whelan, Hugh Kirkpat
rick and Huson Walters as alter
nates. The new officers elected are
R. H. Reeves, president; Hiram
Groves, vice-president; William
Shepherd, secretary; Del Daven
port, treasurer; Gene Blalock,
tail twister; Dr. J. G. Gill, lion
tamer, and Dr. Whelan, Vern
Reeves and R. Kuhn, directors.
Farewell Party
Given, Monmouth
MONMOUTH Five Monmouth
high school girls, Gloria Tomp
kins, Betty Lou Elliott, Ilia
Schweizer, Amy Tilton and Edna
Bowman, were hostesses Wed
nesday night at, the Schweizer
home for about 40 high school
students. The affair was a fare
well party complimenting Mar
garet and Willis Shafer who are
leaving this week to Join their
parents in Portland after com
pleting the school year here.
Dancing and games were en
joyed. Mrs. Schweizer was assist
ed in serving refreshments by
Annetta Schweizer of Salem, and
Mrs. Robert Beacl of Longvlew,
OCE Faculty Members
Co ou Vacations
MONMOUTH Faculty mem
bers t Oregon College of Educa
tion are enjoying vacations since
Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs.' D. R.
Dewey and Mr. and Mrs. J. A.
Cox are on a fishing trip to the
Siuslaw. The Rose Festival drew
a laige number.
Mfcnmouth high school's last
day of school this -year was spent
as an all school picnic at Hazel
Green park, with faculty mem
bers accompanying the group.
Lodge President Visits
AMITY Mrs. Vernisha Newby,
president of the Rebekah Assem
bly of Oregon, made her first of
ficial visit to Columbia Rebekah
lodge, No. 3, in Portland Tuesday
night. Mrs. Mamie Walker, a for
mer Amity resident, is noble grand
I of Columbia lodge i at Lafayette
Thursday night and will. visit vic
tory Rebekah lodge at McCoy to
Suver News
SUVER Mrs. E. E. DeAr
mond was pleasantly surprised
Saturday night . when many
friends dropped , In for a . birth
day party which was planned by
Mrs. Margaret Weddle. Bidden
guests were Dick Torn, Mr. and
Mrs. Joseph Smith, Mr. and Mrs.
D. . W. Anderson. . Mr.. . and . Mrs.
Charles Voss and sons.. Wesley
and Gordon. Mr. and . Mrs. Will
Stockoff and sons, Billy and Bob
by, Mr. and Mrs. E. B. Gobat,
Mr., and ; Mrs. C. J. DeArmond,
Mr. and Mrs. Conger, Mr. and
Mrs. Weddle and sons and Mrs.
Letha Bevens.
" . Bobby i and T Marjorie Woods,
MelTin Couey, Jeanne Coney,
Kenneth r Peterson, : Retha and
Glenn Gallatin, Don Fleischman
and Pauline Elkins received their
eighth grade diplomas from the
Monmouth grade school Wednes
day. A number of children will
attend summer' school from this
district. Preston Green is driving
the bos again.' ,
Word has been received by
friends here of the marriage of
Nellie RIchter -to Gordon Beck
recently. Nellie lived here and
attended school a few years ago.
Mrs. L.jG. Harris returned Fri
day from a month's visit at the
home of her - brother, Oscar
Fields and family at Oakland,
Calif. She visited her son Glean
who resides there and also scent
four days at the fair. Her daugh
ter Verle of Gerlach, Nev went
to San Francisco to spend one
weekend-while she was there.1
-Mrs. Wesley Kesterand daugh
ters Marian and Emma Lou left
last Sunday for eastern ; Ore job
to spend a week or so.
' Mr. and Mrs. Henry Lamb at
tended a family reunion at the
Charles Clem home at Sumriitt
Sunday, j
Visitors! at the H. F. Douirlss
home last Sunday included Mr.
and Mrs. John Davis of Marsh
field. Margaret Xavia of Salm,
to South America
Qlncy, carrying
two airnlanes. which
..I. .
H. F. Douglas, Mrs. Beulah
Phelps and' Nelda of Corvallls,
Mr. and Mrs. Harold Hermansen
and son of Albany, and from Sal
em Mr. and Mrs. Robert Davis
and Mrs. C. Davis.
Lucile Sweiger has returned to
the H. S. Newton home from
Nashville where she has been
-visiting Mr. and Mrs. EafVcVea-:
son. She willj start to summer
school at OCE Monday.
Summer School to Open
school will open Monday morn-;
ing, June 10, at the Independ
ence training school. No school
busses will be supplied for the:
children In the rural districts,
but any may ( attend who can
furnish their own transportation.:
Classes will be held from 9 to 11.
Tin. or double Wd
" T V s '
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"Goodwill" Trip
was disoatched with all; possible
a i . r a I. JmII '
Keizer Sew Glib
Is Entertained
KEIZER The Keizer sewing
club was entertained Thursday
at the home of Mrs. Q. N.
Thompson, with Mrs. Harold
Hatch assistant hostess.
There were 25 present, which
included guests, Mrs. Joe Died
rich, recently located on the for
mer Folsom place, Mrs. I. F.
Bunnell of Seattle, Mrs. Ray Bun
nell, Gatun, Canal Zone, Pan
ama; Mrs. Harold Tanner, Wanda
Tanner and LaVaun Gardner. It
was decided that the club co
operate with the Home Economic
club of the grange inj Red Cross
work. A report of the year's
work of the club was given by
President Mrs. W. G. Earle.
Rfflovjs '..amuri l&eiry
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Lebanon Planning
LEBANON ,'Wednesdav thn
Mountain. States Jpowef company
officials here received from the
east the deed to the 20-acre tract
along the west side of the San
tiam river 'which the city Is buy
ing (for 'a park. 'The council is
paying -$2000 far the - property.
Councilman ' Ralph ' Scroggins.
chairman of the park committee,
and the . park board - have plans
made for Improvements but are
waiting action of th state super
visor of WPA : for recreational
projects' and probably nothing
will! be started until July.
One half of the amount of
money necessary; for the pur
chase of : new - uniforms for the
high 'school band ' has now been
collected by the Band . Boosters
club, it was announced at the last
meeting. The massed band con
cert! the last day of the fair
brought them $150 and receipts
front the opening Softball game
of the season brought $33.60.
Evelyn Eichner is attending the
summer session at the Belling
ham normal. Mrs; A. J. Norwald
of Ketchikan, Alaska, is visiting
her sister, Mrs. Kenneth Eichner.
Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Coyle and
Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Pape attend
ed the commencement exercises
at the Oregon College of Educa
tion at Monmouth, Audrey Coyle
and Helen Pape were graduated.
Morton Honored
On His Birthday
ton r was surprised Wednesday
night when Mrs. Morton ar
ranged a party in honor of his
birthday anniversary. Five tables
of cards were in play with prizes
going to Mrs. Max Scriber, Mrs:
Karl Haberly, Mra, T. R. Riches,
tt, u -
AH pure lin-soL Bleach
41 fct fTtMeahd-
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I OJuJ I b etyl -it
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I'm r
Elmer; Peterson,- Max Scriber; . .. -Present
were Mr. and Mrs. Karl
Haberly Mr. and. Mrs. .Frank
Egan,;Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Good
knecht, Mr. and Mrs. T. R. Riches,
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Riches,-Mr.
and Mrs. Elmer Peterson. Mr. and
Mrs. Max Scriber. C. . R. . Riches,
LeRoy Rue, Winifred and-Lois
Riches, Phyllis. Jean and .George
Haberly, Ralph Egan, Dudley
Morton,-Mrs. Ida McManua,; Mrs.
Helen Hardie and Mr. and Mrs.
R. M. Morton. - - - V
Has Homecoming
ZENA Twenty sevjen mem
bers' and former members of
Spring Valley - Home Missionary
society 'were honored with a 1
o'clock luncheon at the - home
coming for "which Mrs. Elwood
Cooper opened her " home Thurs
day. Co-hostesses were" Mrs. John
Childers. Mrs. Ben McKinneyand
Mrs. S. D. Crawford.
Additional guests were Mrs.
W. R. Edwards, Violet, Orvetta
and Richard Cooper,- Dorothy
Wilson,' Kay and Lois Margaret
Holdeman. Esther Lou Utterback.
Ardon Sbepard and Evelyn Etzel.
A business meeting followed the
luncheon - which was conducted
b the president, Mrs. 'Fred Mul
ler, and Mrs. Muller appointed
. as nominating commute' for
election - of officers at the jext
meeting in October, Mrs.-8 V. L.
Gibson, Mrs. Victor Utterback
and Mrs. C. M. Purvine.
Resumes of their recent trips
to Mexico City .and Illinois and
Michigan were given by Mrs.
Bertha Wilson and Mrs. Wayne
D. Henry.
Violin solos were played by
Ardon Shepard and Dorothy Wil
Sc -, accompanied by Evelyn Etzel
and Mrs. Bertha Wilson Vocal
numbers were given by Orvetta
and Violet Cooper, accompanied
by Mrs. Elwood Cooper.
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Jaaomip Wddhs a BairgaDira
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Awards of Flower
i' Show Announced
LEBANON Awards made In
the flower 'show held : with '.the
Strawberry , fair have been . an
nounced. For red roses first, see-,
ond and third prizes went to Mrs.
Frank Steward. Mrs.. Fred Mns
grave and Mrs.:' Amos Hauxwell;
for yellow roses, Mrs. Amos Haux
well," Mrs.' Frank : Steward and
Mrs. ."Herbert 'Ramsay; . white
rosea.- John Summers, sr.,'' Mrs.
F.r Steward and . Mrs. Forrest
Weaver;; pink', roses,', Mrs. Amos
Hauxwell. -- John Summers, sr.,
and Mrs. J. S. Groves;: varl-col-ored
roses, Mrs.' Steward, Boyd
Young and C. J. Lansberry ; mix
ed roses, Estelle Kendell. I -Mae
MacDonald and Freda Shimanek.
rPrlzes tor mixed - flowers, in
large containers and in . small
containers were awarded to Mrs.
Clarence Shimanek, Mri George
Alexander and Mrs. E. B. Edes;
and to Mrs. Frank Brown less.
Mrs. Ray Joslin and Mrs. Philip
Lanning. Miniature prizes were
won by Mrs. C. C. Whitcher, Mrs.
Shimanek and Mrs. Oliver Gun
derson. Mrs. Gunderson also re
ceived first and second prizes for
new or unusual flowers,-her en
tries being me and eentaurea.
Third in this class went to Mrs.
Frank Dailey, for renunculus
Prizes for wild flower arrange
ments went to Mrs. Roy Gunder
son, Mrs. W. R. Surry and! Mrs.
Oliver Gunderson.
Peonies, first and third to Mrs.
Amos Hauxwell, and second - to
Mrs. John Grell; sweet peas, Mrs.
Hauxwell, Mrs. Ray Joslin and
Edward Hurner; columbine, Mrs.
C. W. Rice, Mrs. Philip Lanning
and Mrs. Shimanek; delphinium,
Estelle Kendell, Mrs. C. L. Lin
derman and Mrs. Frank Bartu;
iris, first to Mrs. Shimanek, sec
ond and third to Mrs. Oliver
Gunderson, and for snapdragons,
Mrs. Thomas Dillard, Mrs.' Tom
Soulh and Across Street
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Bourn and Mrs. Frank Steward.
Judges were Mrs. Grant Mitsch,
Mtsi .Clara Amos and Mrs. Guy
Parker. The committee in charge
of the display was Mrs. Elsie EI- )
ten berg, : Mrs. C C. Whitcher,
Mrs. C L. Linderman, Mrs. E. C.
i.imassa and Mrs. Rol Oldham. ''
Piotieersl Picnic
Set, Broivnsville
- - , '
of . directors of the Linn County
Pioneer association has made
plans for the annual Pioneer pic- -hlc
to he held In the Brownsville
park June 20. 21 and. 22. It la -thought
that the premiums offer
ed will be large enough to stim
ulate Interest In the parade to
that It will be longer than usual,
President of the association la
Ned Calloway; - vice-president.
Faye Dedman; secretary, F. M,
Coshow; treasurer, W. C Cool
ey. Directors are Burl Calloway,
W. C. Cooley. W. E. Thompson.
43. A. Overton : and John Belts.'
, The ; Brownsville A fire depart
ment will have charge of -the
sports with Ernest Cocheli sign
ing np the baseball teams. Ruth
Lafayette, Faye Warren and Ro
berta Chambers are the program
committee. Other towns will, co-.
operate as heretofore. , : r ...
Make Trip, on Loop
Around Mt. Hood
SlLVERTON Mr. an A Mra.
Harry L. Riches accompanied Mr.'
and Mrs. Albert GLrod on a re- '
cept trip around Mt. Hood Loop. ' ;
j Alma Hal vorson has returned
to the home of her parents here
after completing another year cf
teaching in Bend. 1
i Mrs. A. -B. Stone and' Loraine
Fletcher of Portland werej rectct ,
visitors at Silvertori. j !
n d
Fron Old Location