1 1 4 Jit iLOWi KESULTS COST . . Use- SWMTESWm - - ' r - : : : 'jl. ; ; : --4 Statesman ' Classified Ads Call 9101 Classified Advertising Three Insertion per line tic Six 4asrtton per tin 40c On month pei line . II.Z6 Minimum cbargs 1 5c: S U min- Imam 36c; U tnih 4e. No rofunds. Cop for th: pelt accepted eatM 4:34 Ike evening before . pabuearie for etaeaifieatioa. ' Copy rie al tar tnla tiwe wilt b ras-sndes tee ending "lot Late tTWatrx." ' 3 The Statesmen aeasaieJ .sol finaaeial reapeoAib tit j, for errors which stay sppssr la. advert) emsata oablkfaad m Ua tnnt and la . ease where paper fc at taait will reprint that part of aa edvertisenwn Is whiea the tye ngrasnleet aiatake eeenrs - ' TtoltttMBM mmM the right te reject seettionsble aafartisiBg If tartker resarraa the tight te pise adaeruslag neder tka ropee eleasfa eatten. ( . A nrt4 A4 aa a eoataiaias tKateswea sea samber fer aa address ia aar tha preteetiea at the tdw; Use aa matt, tBereter aa answered fey tetter Tea Statesmen Is so a tiberr ta divsige tafernstiea ,ae e tha -Maatitr ed aa sdvertieet aatag "Bund" ad. Livestock Phone 7330 - Phone 7330 ATTENTION WK PICK vp de0 and worthless animals at a moment's notica Top prices (of fox-feed horsea '. OREGON RENDERING & FERTILIZER CO. Phone Salem T834, Collsct FARMERS WORKS PICKS UP. JfREE OF CHARGE. DEAD AND WORTHLESS HORSES AND COWS ANYWHERE IN THE WILLAMETTB VALLEY. WE PAY TOP PRICES PHONE TJ3 COLLECT. 4411 SALEM aaiiii'rMrMiiiiir"iii""Tiiriii omw rmrKR-l n trr1.tta In. teluding Reda Rocka Hampshire, Leg jiorna Day old pullets, .cockerela. Started chicka Phona 22S4L Lee's natcnery nu"vinirii-M''in(iii-i !-,--- - ir HORSES - MARES - MULES : LARGE ASSORTMENT of gentle, chunky, well broken horses and mules en hand at all times. Lota of mated teams. DISCOUNT for cash. CREDIT riven. No carrying charge. ALI. BTOCk PRICED TO SELL. Guaran teed aa repreaented. Free delivery. Bar K Stock Ranch, Harry Kuehne, Carl, ton. Ore. 4 ml. E. of Carlton, 1 mL W; Of Nawberg in Weat Chehalera Valley, Auctions 1 AUCTION MONDAY iriffht. June 19, f p. m. Own. of mod. home leav. town. Partial list Inc. : new Elec. sweeper, comp. OE m-e, GE rtfrig.. Ma, radio, dav. 4: chr., Kd. rug. : Spin, desk, wL din. suite, lamps, : tables; aew. mach, bedraa. turn. Kv. goes. 4 bl. W. city hall, Stayton, L. E. Dawea, Owner. M. A. Groesbeck, auctioneer. Help Wanted ' $3t WEEKLY. GROW Muahrooma. fellar. ahed. W bay fresh. 15c, dry 1.26 lb. FREE BOOK. Muahreoma, 1SZ7 TUlra. Seattle, wash. CHERRY PICKERS, 1 mL weat of Keixer school.' Starting- June 10th. Chas. Weathera. Ph. ;2.8A3; . . . '. CHERRY PICKERS. Ph. 4514. day a. m.. adults. Royal view orchard. South Commercial Street,' two-tentha mile SL cemetery. Help Wanted--Male P RELIABLE MAN WIFE to run El prof, c&ffee agy. Actual samp., credit on easy plan. Exp. unnecea. ol. 2868 Monmouth, Cincinnati, O. S MEN TO care for turkeys Or a Couple. Good wage to right parties. M. C. Smith, 2 mi. S. Gervais on Wa Conda road. Help Wanted Female . GIRL FOR Ren. hsewrk. Ph. S00. SPECIAL WORK FOR 'MARRIED TO OMEN. Earn to $2 weekly and your own dresses FREE, No canvasstng. No Investment. Write fully, giving age ana areas ttti. fashion fkocks, lpt. Tt9847, pINCtNNATI, O. Salesman Wanted ' YO0NG MAN to sell new automatic jralking-aprtnkler. 23.1 N. High. WANTED, SALESMEN . sell air-conditioned cushion shoes it oil proof gas. ta. ahoea. SL $1.50 ev. sale. 200 stvlea. Fr. aam. Moench Shoes, Boston, Mass. ' MAN WANTED for Rawlelgh route. Real opportunity for right man. We Kelp you. get started. Write Rawleirh'a, JPept ORF-187-0, Oakland. Calif. 5 CDrcaoaStateman AOVERTISlko i Western Adrertlalttg -RpresentatlTe , : - Garga O. Close, Iaa, . Sa Traneifco,, Lea Aagalea, -Seattle . ' Eastern Adrertlalns; - RepresentatiTea Bryan Oriffitb A-Broasoa, Iaa. : , Chicago, Kea; York, Detroit Boitoa, Atlanta i Entered at th Potto fflc mt Salem. Oregon, a Second Class Matter. Pa piked every ,tn cm tn g except Msadqy. K uina or tic ta South Commercial ireec j SUBSCRIPTION RATES: Mail Bubaeripttoa Rataa is A4fanea Witaia Oregon; Daily aad . Sunday, Me. 4 ceotat afoa 41 SO; 4, Moa. 4150; seat 1.00. Elsawhara SO eaata per ie -er 4.00 for 1 yr is ad Tinea, far fopy teata. Kewastaada eaata. ' By City Carrier. 40 aants a aieata, f T.24 a yea !a adveaee Is Maries aa4 e)Uaeaat eountiea. ..... THC EVA.CK rXX3RSELL, ) . SCMROEDER.) Q TVG FRONT DOORD3X &Zh DAGVvOOD -4 fv g AhOTWSTELEPHOrJE JL? ,1, ISrT WOMC. I - iisWasiirnT4?i iH.iim ru'vii'r i,TiiifW i'1-- 1W7tB' , ' VS-64sm -a V. - : "t- ' f - t . : Moneyto Loan 1 1 QUICK CASH LOANS CALU WRITE or phone (91(1) t Salem's eldest largest home owned and home managed finance institution.- Tour financial affaira will be dlscuaaed and loans made In strictest prtracy.. Vau will be giren every considers Lion tn the re paying of your loan or granting of ax tensions. 1 to 24 Months to Repay ' Yon can pay In full any time to reduce the cost, r , Only Borrower Signs . No endorsers. Loans made on furniture or not! f SEE ROY H. SIMMONS, MGR. ' ' ' JIM CLARK, ASST. MGR. Lie No, M 11 . - - ' ; I GENERAL FINANCE CORPORATION 134 So. Commercial St. First door aevth of Ladd A Bnab Bank . Convenient tround Auto Loans I Willamette Credit Co flTH FLOOR GUARDIAN BUILDING LICENSE NO. M-I5 MaW0svaMnss4ann4nnkasSS PRIVATE MONEY I AUTO AND TRUCK LOANS I CONTRACTS REFINANCED to re duce payments Money for new or need ear. No delay or red tape Yen will recant peaaeslrn of the. eehlele, 1 TOIl MONTHS TO PAY s ROY H. SIMMONS i 124 South Ceentaercfat Street Pneae 9144 Lie No M-1BJ FHA LOANS H . also prtr loana Asrauns dt EOit, Inc. Maaonio Bids. Loans Wanted i WANTED PRIVATE MONEY . TO LOAN on good Salem real es tate. WlU pay 4 interest. W. H. GRABENHORST dt CO. REAL.TOR3 - WANTED. PRIVATE money for city, farm and acreage loana Net in vestors IV to 4 Interests Examine securities yourself. It will pay you to aeo as for Investment CHIU33 dt MILLER, INC 344 State SL Phone 9241. LOANS W ANTED on rarm and city property. Before borrowing require at Hawkins dt Roberta. FOR &AL.K Good sound first farm mortgages and bonds. Sea B. C Xletin aki. with HAWKINS A ROBERTS. INC Pbene 410 or T44, Situations Wanted " DRCSSMAJC Mrs, Adaltt Ph. 2S. CENTENNIAL COSTUMES made at Fash'netie. 4Z9 Court. Mrs. Coachman. MASON WORK A painting prices reasonable. Call at Hamburger Inn. 1007 S. Com'l. aaasaaaaajaeeabakaaaaaaaaasaasaa- EXPERIENCED SALESMAN. hdw auto or farm machinery rep. parts. For interview. 43 N. 20th. Ph. 8588. EXP.: WOMAN wants apt. house to manage far apt. Box 484, Statesman. For SaleMiscellaneous OODRY'S 474 S. Conx'l ! yscd Davenports ! $4.95 f AND UP , NEW f CXJ. ft. Gibson refrigerator, all steel cabinet, hermetically sealed unit only 179.94. Good Housekeeping Inc, 4S4 Court St SAJBT CHICKS, tea vartetiee now. 3 Ibobeheo every week. Cockerels, pul leta, custom hatching. Tel. 2-286 L Lee a Hatchery. THE APRON Strop. 479 H Hlh essraaaaajaaakaooJsaes ! DAVENPORTS AT GIVE-AWAY PRICES ! $4.95 j AND UP WOODRY 474 S. Coml FOR SALE Caed Ice refrlg-erator. 232 N. Church. CABBAGE PLANTS. e each. San dy wells, Rte, 2. Bx. 49, N. River Rd. 'REGISTERED KERRY Terrier. 1C senate at. yv. jsauern. STRAWB ERRI ES YOU pick tc lb4 Out Orchard Hetghta Rt to Pop corn scML C D. Kennedy, Rte. 4, Box aaabsasaaaeakaseasakakaSsaeasaab THOROBRED SPRINGER Spaniel Pops. 2 month old. Very reasonably priced. Phone 9541 or call 1710 N. 17th St evening. . ! il TR, OLD Pomeranian, $5.00. Hale Mickey. 41S S. 12th, Ph. 747L Maaaaaiasiakaaaaaaakaayaaaa RUBBER STAMPS. 477 Court. 7404. I THOROUGHBRED PEKINGESE puppies, 2K months old. TeL 427,4. il UPRIGHT PIANO,! A-l, for only $49.94 at the F. N. Woodry Auction A rirnlture Mart, 141 Hi. summer, VstVaasslaBaVaaassaaasaaaka, FRUIT JARS, all kinds, 40o do. A up at the F. N. Woodry, Auction A Furniture Mart, 1810 N, Summer, Ph. 6-1-1-0. - .. . . , 4oW"akeaSSBasa18aiasjds ELEC RANGE, reason. 115 N. 14. i New Linoleum Rags. 0 , SIZE 9'xl2 i $3.88 ' WOODRY'S 474 S. Com'l ST. BERNARD PUP. 10 mo. old, reasonably priced. Box 100, Fairriew Ave, or Pli. 7861. asaakaakjaaaeafrajeeaikesaa MARSHALL STRAWBERRIES. Sc. you plHc W. M. Schafer, RU 2, Box 134. Kiver Rd., north. . ; STRAW, you pk. 44c crate.- 31172. 4aoeSaesaaassseeosasaaaMaaak i COMPLETE TURNITURB ft 9 R. house, including targe re frig, Hotpolnt mangle, bedding, dishes, etc $800 will handle, baL $29 per mo. BL E. WKI1, 212 Oreg. BIdg. Ph. 9411 aaaassjaesaiaatia1es4aass18il LOOKING FOR a good guaranteed used electric, wood, gas or oil. range, washing machine or wood circulator. Mi so, see oar bargains ' first. f Y RATER 4k RUSH CO. Si5 N. I jberty Nex t to tha Power Co. H Sloney to Loan floor location Li a. No. S lit r PhoEe 14 For Sale Miscellaneous. MARSHALL STRAWBERRIES, you pick, 3c lb. Ph. 22914. 1 mi. east Big Chief Serv. fits. Kenneth Bayno, RL I, not 191.' TWO WHEEL trailer. Ph. 474L Wanted Miscellaneouo WANTED old gold. Watch dt clock repairing. Orsby, 325 State St. WanteoVFnrnitpre F. N. GLENN WOODRY. Auc tioneers A furniture dealers will pay you more cash or trade for furniture A household goods. We buy or sell ev erything. Ph. 6110. r CASH FOR used furniture A house hold goods. R. Forgey, ph. 7445. Miscellaneons Dental Plate Repair TWO-HOUR SERVICE IN MOST CASES Bring or Mail Your Plates for Repair DR. HARRY SEMLER. DENTIST Allaky Bldg. 3d A Morrison BR 2427 For Rent Rooms ROOM FOR rent. 725 Court. - Rma, prL horns, men. 245 S. Cottage. ATTRACTIVE FURN. rma for of fice girls close in. 535 N. Winter. FURN. R1L. dose In. Ph. 444. aakaaassssaajaasasaasSssaasaaaass HOTEL MARION Rooms Special weekly and monthly rates to perm, guests. Marlon Coffee Shop delicious meals at low prices. SLEEPING ROOMS, close m. .lovely ly private home. men. Reaa. Ph. 1048. HOTEL SALEM, from $4 a week. SLEEP. RM prlv. home. Ph. S539. WELL FURN. rm., 44 N. Cottage. LARGE ROOM, modern home. bath, garage, walking distance. Ph. 7738. Room and Board SEE MA Bowen. COS N. Liberty. LIVE AT Ullmaos, 440 Marlon. GD. HOME, close in. Ph. 8630. ROOM. SUITABLE for 2 boys or 2 girls, with board. 405 Union. asaaaasaaaaaaesaSaaasa1aa1asasaaae. SUMMER BATES, 1149 Union, Ph. 8580. For Rent Apartments PATTON APTS.. 822 State. Fur nished. Ph. C244. Apt. a. .aabaiaaaaWaaaaaskskaaasaasakasaaasabs4a APTS.. FURN., unfurn. Chlidrea welcome. IS up. 1310 & 13th. P. 7089. L 2 AND 3 R. apts.. 439 N. Liberty -faaaaaaaaaaaaaWaaasavaaabrfesVWkak 1 A 2 R. FURN. apt. 845 Ferry. 4 Rma. Mod. Close In. Ph. 8884. SMALL FURN,. apt 250 S. Cottage. APT, PRIV. bath. Summer rates uakpg. rm., zoo4 n. capitoi. MOD. 8 RM. apt, grnd. floor, pri. ent alec range, Friid. Ph. 5977. I R, PRIV. ent., 1st floor, lorlR. all turn.. 473 S. 12th. 2 JIM. FTJRN.. $12. hot wat.. elec. wash, gar., 2590 Lee. Tel. 3946. NEWLY DECOR, apts.. 293 S. Cot. rm. 1940 N.i Capit'oL Adults. NICE SM., ant. 858 Center. HOMIE 3 rut, furn. apt. 2 blks. from State office bldg. 835 N. Capitol. 2 RM. FURN. apt.. 432 Marlon. ..TP.0.??! JlT.r. 5!-. ,2.1! .P!.- 2 3 R. FURN. apts., newly dec., W Maytag, close in, 244 Marion. 3 RM. FURN; Frig., stm. heat, bath, garage. 2005 N. Capitol. FTJRNNIAND 2 rma, 160 Union. FURN. 1 RM. apt., wat. Its.; gas. 2261 Hazel Ave. Ph. 7664. NICE SM. furn. apts.. 690 Union. FURN. AND unfurn. apt. and sleep ing rooms, 633 Ferry. 2 R. FURN. Adults, Phone 8391. VAC. Hawthorne Court. Adults. aa aa aa a a aa- CLOSE IN furn. ant- 2 bdrm. 404 N. Church. Ph. 7748. 2 RM. APT.. 265 S. Com'l. aaaaaaaasi ai, aa,a , My'KfyVa'VrayyJi NICE CLOSE-IN 2 rooms, $18. 891 N. Commercial. APARTMENTS Ph. 6041. 1120 CENTER LOVELY 3 RM. unfurn.. Drl. bath. elec. range, refrtg., garage. Must see to appreciate. Call 1430 I SL $ R.;APT, bath, 449 S. Cottage. I RM. APT., pri. bath, 639 Center. 4 RM. FURN. apt., room for garage, adulta. $25. Phone 610L ONE ROOM furnished apt, 175 S. 14 th. No smokers. COOL 3 ROOM apt., elec. range, Frigidaire, nicely furnished, 2380 Fair grounds Rd. or MXKTON MOORE. 1 80 N. Commercial. 5 R-, BATH. $20. 2 R. w. hf, 7112. aaesbaaaa4sla14ksalaaaa,a CLEAN X SV. furn. court apt. with prlv. bath, laundry tt gar, ht. A wat. iui-iu, ueo. Old Enough lor a Key, Blondie Bloney to Load For a PERSONAL LOAN see. ' The Personal Finance Co. . . . for at "Personar we are special- lour full-time business. ritH OWN FATMENTB Cash Mo payments Inerod- to Ing ALL charges for : Too t mom. .13 mos. 20 sios. $59 $19 93 f 6.42 $ 3 36 ' 104 f 1.84 $10.05 4 73 20 43.47 24.49 18.44 I 300 65.ST 40.14 4.14 Come la for the Caah Too Need Today FINANCE COL t I MILLER, MGR. 2nd i Floor, New Bltgb Bldg. I Phono! I191-- M M-188 - State Ua - Shltl a44asaasssaasSMasaaMssss You Can Boifrow M oney OUR CREDIT requirements; are most reasonable. Loana here a f ie baaed mainly On your-sense of -responsibility and earning capacity. Therefore, you need not hesitate to apply for a loan in any amount up to $300.40. You re pay the loam a little at a time, out of Income and our K-q-u a-l-J--e-d Pay ment Plan makes It easier for yon to budget these sums. Ami, or loan s mo, 12 mo. I 120 mo. $ 4010 4 6.70 $ 4.02 8.04 10.05 30.09 tl 2.89 SO.t 100LOO til. 40 14 26 '28.49 6.34 ! 4 72 13.44 200J90 200i00 42.74 20.14 20.14 UP TO $500 00 ON AUTOMOBILES No cofmakera No wage assignment a No extra, fees. No fines. Single char ges on unpaid monthly balance only. INo Information to employer. frinda !or relatives. Money tn one day. Come in or phone for more Information No obligation, of course. j I CALKINS FINANCjE CO. 261. 2nd fir. First NafL Bfnk Bid. Rhlem, Oregon Phone 4444. S-225 A M-2 7 8 Stata; Licensee. Financial FINANCIAL ! ! EWT HiT.F irnml fire mf iris.! on new Icenstruction. 4 int. Good I invest ment. , I i I RICH L. REIMANN i 167 S. High ! Phone 868$. For I Rent Apartments Irm nnllman kitchen, bath. refriS.. 466 S. Summer. I ! S ROOM FURN. apL, 545 Court. 89 PER MONTH, 355 BeUvue St. MOD. 3 RM. turn. 1553 Stata UNFURN: APT, 15 ST N. jWinter. NEWLY DEC. 1 I R, furn.. 1 blk. Hunt's cantfery,' 112 Union. For Rent Honfces trr'ii PTtnv MttasrU aW 4winfo. ka mirn heat. Counla. 332.SO- 435 N. UTTtifTRWT!T AND linfnni house S tL P. GRANT. 529 Court-Phone 4744 .... . i Senior hij?h schools. Inq. 1296 D St. ,a, Mavr.m n on ITiImI aat- tip for roomers and boairdecs., Imme diate possession. i 429 Oregon Building Fhbne 8121. JjyTJ'rrr''VVmVm)l' V aaaaaaaaaiaa 3 BEDRM, turn, house. 18140 Court. WWM aaiaa a aa w w m wwww w - i snx -fcTTTRKi fnttnrti. Tiavloir's Trail er Camp, 20th A State. Ph. T174. f mwdiinw nAtf VTT.TiA Cmirt. Fur. or! unfurn. Adulta Inq. 99S Milt 1298 (N. CHURCH. PH. 919. i FURN. SR. BSMT.i lanu trays, furnace, i $25. Inquire 1465 Mission. aaa,MWaaMeaaasa4eeeijveava WE HAVE THE PROSPECT r IF YOU want to sell, exchange, lease, rent, see Mr. Laraen ot) Mr Col lins with Hawkins A Roberta 1 HOUSES, Melvin Johnson. jFh. 8723. ! NEW 4 RM. houw. . laundry room. garage-rlnq. 1415 Jeirerson, $12.50.H. Mickey, Ph' 7071. 815 S. 12. 820-4 RMS. 365 FAWK. 332-45 rms.' Modern. N. E.! $45-7 rms. Fairmount Hil. . . i Wr . . I1, 1, pan l C R MOD. house With 1 actio of land. $16.00 i per mo. Phone 303O. j : MOD. 6 ROOMS A nook. I available June 20, phone 5748. j j 320-yi620 STATE ST, 15 rma $20-4-1035 N. 22nd 5 rms.! $30 Furnished bungalow, r 315-Furnished small houie.f -1-LOUtS BECHTEL, 341 State. R. 4. ! NEW S R. 830. 10 A.. newiS R, 825. fhone i lli. ! 4 ROOM MODERN Unfurn East Salem, $35. ! 4 rooms and garage, $16. R. A..FORKNER. 185S N. bouse la Capitot i NEW, CLEAN sub. 4 R, $22.50. I 6 rm. mod, 825, east.! t . J 4 rm; mod, close In, $30. I-' m & H.; SANDERS, 221 N. High. 683$. LARGE HOUSE A 1 acre 315.00 i bdrm. home aoutli i $22.50 Modern country home-., ., I , $40.00 New 6 room, N. 24th f.3J4.ee Si room furnished , 4-$ 30.00 i O. Ji RAE, 1356r UtatO 10. 9191. ! 7 R. MOD. HSE,'N. Salem- IS, R. mod.: except bsmt, iSl$L5A t rlght-partj. f . if. H. WEIR, Realtor, 212 Oreg. Bldg .... F i 6 R. MODERN HOUSE. $35. 7 R. modem, Fairmount WlU, $45. PHONE 8464 OH 9462! j IDEAL HOME for couple at 172 My era for 325.00. 4 rooms, garaire. ! f P. H BELL. REALTOR r 42 Oregoa Building. Phosie 8121 li! FOR RENT I THIS ATTRACTIVE S R. cited fat 1545 Madison $U tser mo. - - - -- - home la- price $34 I W. H. GRABENHORST A CO. i:t & Liberty Btret PFRsnWAI! Here I j . - I "p.". ''' -BT.CHICTOUIiQ r fUTfT : I'-eti I lllffl' I I O.K fCVVGVvOODISNT); 5 SWELLaJ - f 1 ' 1 - i Wkrr - I; For Rent OFFICE ROOMS, 2 $1 Stats Street. Inauire room 200. TeL 8718. -. VERY GOOD buslnessJocatlon, or VEl desk space, 226 State St. Wanted to Rent HSEKPG. RMS. oa grnd. fin fW woman with 2 children. Gd. dist. Bos 484,, Statesman. V ,:. ... ;., . . j For Sale Real Estate SO. SALEM BUNQALOW - i 4 RMS. PLAST hdw. flra, aaraga beantif ui - grounds. largo lot, ta excel, cood.,: orico 92654.40, $400.40 down, bai. flS.00 per mo. Let mo show you this home, CaH Cobwm Grabesborst with W. H. GRABENHORST A CO Realtors - . . ' 1 r , ATTENTION! TWO REAL BUYS J 6200.40 DOWN. $24.00 PER-mo. wtQ bay this 4 no. plast. bouse, part base ment, garage, wired for elec storei 50x130 ft. lot. paved at. Pries $150, $200.00 down. $20.40 per mo, buys this 7 rm. plast. house, flrepl., paved st, large lot Price $1450.04. Call Cobum Grabenhorst with W. H. GRABEN HORST A CO.. Realtora. j , MOD. BEDRM, llv. rm., din. rm, kitchen, - aleeplng porch, hdwd. floors, full basement, gas furnace, $3154 vary easy terms. House sow rented for $32.69. hae, located Sunnysldet lights and water; $600, 150 down. 310 ner mo. i. t . Furnished apartment hae. Incl. gas rerrigeratora, stoves end auto, gaa lur aaee. BARGAIN, $7000 cash. , i 78 A. farm located close to Hasel Green achi. ; Ire. hse, modern, good sized barn room for about 30 cows ; 2 silos, machine ahed and other bldga Small amount of timber ; 7 acres bops. Clear would consider hse. tn town if priced right. Sacrifice price of $10,400. New home just outside city. A.. $1876; $50 dwn, baL $17.69 per month. 32650. "BRAND SPANKIN NEW HOME." 2 bedrms, lge. llv. rm, nice kitchen, attached gar, hdwd. floors and elec. hot water heater, 690 N. 20th. Small dwn. payment, bal. less than rent.. Bargain in country home, located north, just off Psc. highway ; almost new mod. 4 bdrm. home, redecorated; 1 A. of land, finest soil, berries, gar den, lawn, small bam, chicken hse. Only $2950, terms; 9100 dwn.. baL $26 per mo. Vt A, 9 rm. hse., close-in; $1260, $150 dwn.; sal. 815.10 per mo. Small hse, $2500; clear; good loca tion; to trade for t bedim, boms; will assume difference. RICH L. REIMANN 167 S. High ..... ?'A- COURT SITE ONLY 9450 APPROX. 100x140, good location, close to all schools, some trees. NICE CORNER LOT $400 All pavement and walks in, close to all schools and bua. One end about 78 feet wide gives more possibility for home ares than usual corner lot. Ph. 7807 day, 8835 Sunday or evening. SOCOLOFSKY A SON . First National Bank Bldg. ' 2 NEW HOUSES, excellent location. price reasonable. $250 down. BaL terms. Box 685, Statesman. FOR SALE Lota owned by City $125. to $800. i See any real estate man or call 8632 Af?.3 HlghStreet : 81350 5-RM. PLASTERED h ou se north. Garage, paving, on bus line, some terms. $150 down, nice home, 3 rma A nook, hath, garage, paving, pice lawn,' $1350. $3200 5-rtn. English style home In EXCELLENT CONDITION MODERN EVERY WAY cor ner lot, 70x82, fine lawn and ' shrubbery: $1000 cash. $ 509 down. Home 8 blks. from post office, 6 large rms. and unfin ished upstairs, basement, - fur nace; fireplace -east front, cor- ner -lot A BARGAIN 44400. MONEY TO LOAN AT 6 MELVIN JOHN SONs REALTOR 725 Court ;St. Phone 3723. SACRIFICED. PRICED TO SELL NICE 5 R. HOUSE, (modern), fine lot A location, reduced to $2600 give good terms, a snap. Dandy English type home, 4 rooms, (modern), a place that will suit you. Dandy lot with - summer fireplace A pool; finely landscaped. $3675.00 will buy this with $00 down. See JAS. D. SEARS, 478 Court SL MUST SELL 4 room rot La are. Excel, lent condition. Garage. Ideal for cou ple. ATTRACTIVE HOME FOR $.3500 at 1760 N. 20th. Living and dining room, nook, kitchen, $ bedrooms, bath, basement, double garage. P. II. BELL, REALTOR 429 Oregon Building Phone 8121. SI ACRE STOCK ranch. 85 acres In crop "balance pasture and timber, all year creek on place, spring water piped to house. Five room house, two barns, good black soil, no rock, a fine stock ranch at a wonderful bargain at $3500. Terms. - A five room house at 869 N. Liberty St, modern with basement and fur nace. Price 82750 with a down pav ment of $250, bat' $25.00 per month. A five room house on creek, mod ern. Price $2500 ; a down payment of $500 will handle. Balance terms J. F. ULRICH CO, REALTOR 342 State St. Phone 8672 E-Z TERMS ON new homes. 6 R, $1900, $50 dn. Close sub. schl. & bus ser. 5 R.. 12100, W. Salera. A. 5 R, base, furn, firepL Lg. lot, nut trees. In Capital, $2859. 172 S. Liberty Phone 7118. GOOD 8 R' 32900. lg. lot. suitable for rentals or home, $100 to $200 dn, or car, lot or what have you for eq, Phone 7113. THE BEST BUY IN SALEM . SIX RM. mod. hse., large lot, near h. achi. on pay. St. Priced Cheap to sell ay-'Y v. ueiano or Percy unman. NIT- HOME -aeartng ' completion. Open t r Inspection Sunday, 1-6. Third hse. On right east of Keizer school. Reasonable pries and : terma I rms, hardwood floors, H sere fine soil, on paved road. .; -..-. SNAP CLOSE IN- modern; residence .- with modern "4 R. apartment upstairs, oak floors, oil heat, double- garage. Price $4750, A REAL VALUE. W. H. GRABENHORST h CO. ' 134 S. Liberty fit YOUR OPPORTUNITY TO - PURCHASE a good modern 4 R- ana all oa oca floor, late oil heat ing plant, oak floors, garage, A REAL VALUE. Located on Belmont St sear N. lummen Price $4754 CASH. W. H. GRABENHORST A CO. a o. Ltpen 134 S. Uberty Street LOT BARGAIN GOOD COR. let on pared at, loca ted ra-N.- Salem. Price $385. I W H. GRABENHORST A CO. ii k. Ltnerty st FOR PRICE and terms on a 4 bed room bousej base, fur, large lot and well located to state bidga, sea" C H. SANDERS 231 N. High 6834 For Sale Real Estate . THIS 19 EXCEPTIONAL I IRM. HOUSE, beautiful shads A fruit trees AND FOUR LOTS worth $600 each. Ex. Iocs, 12 blka from Bush bank. Only $1809. $309 dn. I-BUDROW-KASMIR REAL ESTATE 13 Ladd A Buab Bldg. . Ph. 6966. ,Wsaaaaasss4aaaseja NEW ATTRACTIVE HOME 1 IN THE country N, 6 rms, hard wood firs, modern design. Price $3909 To see this call Mr. Bartlett with t CHILD3 A MILLER, REALTORS 844 State St - Phono 4J6I. MR RENTER ; WE HATE sereral good homes! to sen wrtn smau down payment, baL like rent ' - - . - . - One 5 to. -plastered, nice .A- clean for- $1976., , v . : Another 4 rms,, large .lot, beautiful trees. 42700. ' - v A . third large house with several sub-rentals $117$. !; 'I All with 1230 down. baL $29 per loa See them. ' ' I . Call Mrs. Ellis with - " I , , CH1LDS A MILLER, REALTORS I 344 State St s Pbons 2ilJ It 0.06 DOWN. 915.49 PER MOJ ILL, BUT this 4 rm. Blast, bonaa located near the stats forestry shops, paved st, xceL location. Price 41464. Call Cobura Grabenherst with W, H. GRABENHORST CO, Realtors. ! ''. ..- -- ,.-, ..-,-j-J-U- OPEN FOR ' " K--" '',f .,f ;' IN SPECTION ! THE HOME BEAUTIFUL ! ' 4 ROOMS, HARDWOOD floors, fire place. Urge rooms, unfinished upstairs, now for sale, terms to your liking. See it today. Open 1:30 to 6:34 p. m. 20 N. 21st St or call 4165 for appoint ment : t - ...... - l : )' FAIRMOUNT HILL $2504 BUYS THIS 9 rm, boms on choice cor, lot 75x190, In this 1 exclusive d 1st Fur, gar, shade . trees, excellent remodeling pos slbitittes. DONT FAIL TO SEE THIS ONE. ' $3509 buys this 7 rm. boms on lot 75x150, on Fairmount Doub. gar, many choice shrubs and shade trees, truly a bargain in a fine borne. Call R, A. Johnaon with, W. H. GRABENHORST A ,CO. 134 8. Liberty Stv ! Ph. 446$. SSaSj as SS at as aa aa aaaaa aa. aa y g-----jj COURT SITE $949 BUYS THIS lot only 14 Wka - out with 75 feet frontage. Near stores and bua Offered by out cf town owner well below the mar ket. DON'T MISS THIS ONE. Call R. A. Johnson with, W. H. GRABENHORST A CO. 134 8. Liberty St Ph. 6468 or 443$ -------------- - ----i-.-wii-ii-tfruuxnxn TODAY'S SPECIAL , THIS 6 RM. borne In good rental dist is a good investment. Never been occupied since a complete re finishing inside and out. East facing, naving paid, new roof, etc. IMMEDIATE POSSESSION. ABSOLUTE SACRI FICE AT. 42104, Call R. A. Johnson with, W. H. GRABENHORST A CO. 134 S. Liberty St Ph. 446 or 4434 CREEK HOME SITES 4 CHOICE HOME sites with creek frontage. Near bua near highway and forestry bidgs. Surroundings will all be new. This is the rinst day on tha market pick your site now. For mors information, ask for R. A. Johnson with, - . t W. H. GRABENHORST CO. 134 S.f Liberty St l-c-x" '-t 4 ROOM HOUSE, garage, trees, $950 cash. 1 i $100 down, baL $24 per ma., buys S rms. and garage. Large lot with, trees, 91900. R. A. FORKNER, 1853 N. Capitol - -- - -- " ii-n-ii-ii-irvuruii Tm vrTT wrau i"n nim n WE CAN build you a nice suburban home for $2500 with a small down payment C. H. SANDERS 231 N. High 5 83 A 6 . ROOM STRICTLY modern borne, tile drain board, large living and din ing. WeH located. A bargain for 82900. C. H. SANDERS. 231 No. High. MM. BEFORE YOU BUY SEE THIS 7-rm. nicely landscaped modern home, 3300 : down, 33604. H. P. GRAJNT, REALTOR 82 Court StT I f'nop lT EXCEPTIONAL BUY! vrw IA11PDV hnn,. it. one Dedroom down, two up, full base., xirepiace, wea constructed, beautiful moss lawn. 83800 $250 down. C 11. SANDERS--231 N. High 6834, Exchange Real Estate VALLEY FOR SAN FRANCISCO 855 ACRE FARM. 200 cultivated, some timber A fruit good bldga, folly equipped; farm tractor, etc, appro x. 100 sheep. 40 goats, 3 horses, abont 13 ml. from Salem. Value $15,009. Take San Francisco rental property, call Mr. Bartlett with CHILDS A MILLER, REALTORS 344 State St. Phone 9261. WILL TRADE 3 new mod. homes A $6,0000 in A-l contracts, one or all for Oregon land, give full details first let ter, L. Oden, 15 N. Second Ave, Phoe nix, Arizona. j $1500 CASH, STEAM cleaning bua located in a good town close to Salem. 335,000, Salem's finest auto camp; 18 unite; best location In Willamette valley ; tourist season just starting. Good steady all-year business. Popular stopping place for salesmen. Nice clean business. Will stand the closest Inves tigation. Will help to finance. A real established business and mon ey maker. Seaaon just opening; mod ern equipped ice cream and lunch bus iness. See this at once. Bus. bldg. located In W. Salem. In come $51. per mo. Price $3750; $2500 cash baL terma Shown by appoint ment only. RICH 1. REIMANN 167 S. High t Phona $83$. ias ia i r"fr ia i CififmrirrtifJfXjy0XfK0i COAST DAIRY farm. 5 rm. modern house, grade A bldga. 2 creeks, springs. This is a dandy place, trade for Valley property or business. MYRTON MOORE, REAL ESTATE 180 No. Commercial Suits 17. MODERN 4 ROOMS, N. E. Salem, to trade for Eugene property, aa ex ceptional buy for cash. R. A. FORKNER, 1853 N. Capitol For Sale Farms .. LISTEN IF YOU want a nice little country ni see this 35 acre tract which we are offering for only $3700. It's a tit tle beauty spot ha 12 acres cleared, baL timber A pasture. Close to Salem. - See Mrs1 Ellis with : - CHILDS A MILLER. REALTORS 444 State St Phone 21. aesaaeaseiasnsankaaasa4saassaa - FEDERAL LAND BANK FARMS r WE ARE offering prospective pur chasers a new and more lenient plan by which they may get established oa farm of their own. Many prices have been revised Write C. A. Barnes, Field Salesman, : 17 East Eighth Street Eugene. Oregon, ' or call at the local National Farm Loan Association, 314 Oregon Bldg. - i THE FEDERAL LAND BANK! OF SPOKANE , , FINE 204 ACRES, river bottom soil, H In cult, bal. wood and pas ture large mod. house with farm bldga. 2 miles from town and high school. $1009 down. baL reaa. terma TeL 7772. ; sta38g4ia4ias4aMa4 62 A, TEAM, 4 cows, X heifers, piga chlcken machinery, crops, 85 A. cult,. 4 R. house, large barn, oiled road, only 85200, 91004 down, 6 on bal. i'i - - - Jacksoa-Dumbeck. - 241 Stats St ---"------- - i-i-i-i-,-ii-i-ii'vifu-irutnLivun A FINE DAIRY FARM 129 acres, about 49 A. tn cult,, all river bottom land, good bldga, 6 cows, 5 heifers, good young team, plenty of good ma chinery, and stl crops ' go -' for 86500. This place- is clear and wilL-trade for auto camp or city property. s 3714 ACRES, about 30 A. tn cult. ha -a good family orchard and $ A. of strawberrie. 1 A, cherrica 5 rm. modern house, barn, spring wster, 9 mi. from Salem, This is a bargain for $3500. 20 ACRES all ta cult, has a good 4 rm. bouse., barn, chicken bouse, ga rage, elec, and water system. Priced to sell st $2500.- Will jtnde. 246 ACRES timber A stock farm, about 20 A, cult, has 2 small houses, barn, on a good road, lots of piMn? and saw tsmber. Price $5000. Wld trade for small farm.- .' r ROiTKIN A ADOLPH, INC. liOts L Commercial fcu For Sale -Farms H A. CLOSE IN oa Sllvertbn road, $250, $19 down, $8 per mo. - fe A, oa Lansing Ave east front, nice. bldg. site, $404, $54 down, $69 per mo .--,.. - T -; -..4. . 15 A. 4 mL from the court bouse, wonderful view, soma timber. A real bargain at $U.S9 per A. ' 22 A. 18 mL from Salem.! I rm. house, bath, lights,; barn." chicken bouse, n crop. $2600. j t 16 A, 8 mL from Salem, - S bouse, barn, f all yr. creek, some tim ber. $1250. i 61 A, 46 A. stumps A pasture, all yr. stream, fenced for sheep- $50 cords of wood, $21.75 per A.; MONEY TO i LOAN AT 4 PER CENT . MELVIN JOHNSON, REALTOR 724 Court St. - --. . Phone 8728 TWO kSOOD RANCHES 49-ACRESJ (HOWELL PRAIRIE), ftns son,, good bldga, A nice crop.' A real place In Central KowelL price $$, 159, with $1909 . down. . STOCKED A EQUIPPED 46-acrea (fine location 00 paved ?hwjy ),. crop, corn, oats Jk vetch bay. Fine garden. 19 cows. 6 heifers, goes with place. Nice 4 R. bouse, good aew barn, (12 stanchions "poultry house, trout stream through piece A fine evergreen pasture priced very low at $46 H ,dowa. JAS. 15.! SEARS, REALTOR 474 Court St - Phone 846. Acreage 14 ACRES. GOOD road, lays good. $254.94. Bx. 443, Statesman. "" !$24 DOWN : "$14 PER Ma wiU bay a good acre building site located & of Pen Four Cornera, aear paved xd, price onlyi$259. I , W. II GRABENHORST A CO, 124. a Liberty St ii",'-inri nninrnrajTjxrLrijixiJXr $6 DOWN $14.54 PER MO. will buy this 14 acres, all plow land, good gravel rd.. elec line, not -far from good school and store, fin community. Price $1650. A fine location to build your home. , W. H. GRABENHORST A CO. " 134 S. Liberty St 80 A. 1 ML FROM Salem. 1 mL from paved road, 49 A. of nice timber, nice laying tract enough timber to pay for the land. $2600. V M A, II mL south of Portland on OERR. Mostly brush A stumps, good soil. $40 per A. MELVIN JOHNSON. REALTOR T25 Court St . Phone 4723. ' IT IS TRUE I $ A 4 ROOM MOD. noma double plumbed, base, fur, fireplace, double garage, set in nice oaks. $3500 $1090 down. .. . I C. H. SANDERS 221 N. High 6838. Suburban BE COOL LIVE ON the banks of the Willam ette, good soil, elec A water, $8.00 per mo. vmr renir - - MYRTON MOORE. REAL ESTATE 18 N. Com'L Suite IT TO " CLOSE AN' ESTATE i " J " one acre ground, beautiful view of mounts in a fir trees, fruit fish pond. Well located and a bargain. C H. SANDERS. 331- N, High 5838. Wanted Real Estate . WAMTJTfi AT nVC . ' acres, must have fruittrees. Best buv for $3500 or issa see my agent 1 1 or pnone aasa or ssss, luuis BECH TEL or MABEL NEEDHAM, 141 sutie, itoom . . Business Opportunities APT. BUSINESS furniture A lease, IS r, 4 apts, reaa. for caah. Boa 453. t statesman. ---------------- - -jTi - i-n-i-i rirnuuxnjn MODERN APARTMENT SACRIFICED TOU ARE offered this established Income of 3275. a mo. gross 'AT .A SACRIFICE. This 7 unit apartment is first class in every detail and in excellent condition. Automatic heat, richly furnished, new elec. equip. LOW OPERATING COSTS. This bus. is not confining, It runs itself. TRULY THE CHANCE OF A LIFETIME. For more Information call R. A. Johnson with - W. H; GRABENHORST A CO. 134 S. Lfberty St Ph. 5468 or 4436 4aSaWeSaaaaSaaasSsaaa REAL BUYS " STOCK, EQUIPMENT and lease on service station and garage. $850 cash. 15 : acres 6 miles Salem, beautiful view property owner munt sell. Cut from $150 to $850 for cash.' R. A. FORKNER. 1853 N. CSpltol INVESTORS ATTENTION t v 42 ACRES, BEST subdivision in lo cal area. Large profit assured. Do not delay. The price ia right See Mr. Kleinman with C. H. SANDERS 231 N. High 5838. ' BARGAIN ! SUBURBAN GROCERY A service station for quick sale, only $1300. Long established fountain A lunch, going concern, sell or . trade for sub urban. ' Grocery and service station, good llv. qtra Price $2250 : rent $25. , Extra well located grocery, $2004. For business opportunities, see Mr. Badger with v C. H. SANDERS 221, N. High 5883. ICE CREAM parlor confectionery In good location A doing a good bus iness. WiU sell cheap a little cash will handle. - H. E. WEIR, 212 Ore. Bldg. Ph. $411. OAS STATION Jk. CAMP GROUND 11 CABINS, DWELLING A 2 gaa pumps. - 41 -acres with good standing timber on 99-E highway north, timber- on tlaee, should pay over half ofl price. 2600 down will handla tkla hIim Price $9475 or will take a nice 14 to so a. place as part Sea Mr. Gallagher With a ;:!: - . . JAS. D. SEARS, REALTOR 474 Court St- . Phone 4444 Business . Cards In this " director ran on a month! basis only. ' Rate: f 1.55 per t? pa tnoatli, .-. ' . , n A at o Brakes Miks Panek 27S South Commercial Bicycles BICYCLES, NEW and reconditioned. Harry W. Scott 147 S. Com'L P. 4414. Brushes SMYTH MOPS, brushes. Ph. 4724. Chimney Sweep TELEPHONE 4450,'R, E. Northnesa Engineer Surveyor S u r v e y a estimates, specification. J. ZL Neef. 505 Guardian Bid. P. 685 Excavating EXCA VATTNO " OF 411 klnda Ba s- . . - A.. rKirf l,.1cw( a. mrtw!. Dirt for sale, baleen Sand A GraveL P. 9408, Florists Brstthaupfa 447 Court Pbons $19$, Funeral Directors TerwUXUsr Funeral Iloms, Ph. 6228. For Sale -Used Cars '47 DaLUXE PLY. Cpe, radio A htr. 8,ri aga A-l shape, 2035 S. Cottage. Ph. 3684. aaiaaia aa aa,, -,aa,aafcr faaray.-,-- ; TRADE. OR sale. '37' V-$ Coupe. A-l cond. Ph. 7038, $18 N. Liberty. 37 SrUDEBAKER SEDA.N, i run only 11,009 mL Gd. cond. $525 cash. Roy IL MHls, Ph. 4812. 1674 Court St TRUCK BARGAIN, $575.00. 85 h. p. Fora V-8. Only 16,900 actual milea ftaka body, dual wheels, good as new. Wil trade for PICKUP, acreage. See at 1079 N. 15th St, owner, A. 13. Fol ker. ,i '. . r m aaaa.aan.aa aa, .-. --. j-- GMC 193$ 1H-TON TRUCK, low mileage. 175 S. 13th. Ph. 9465. . Wanted Used 3ars nrwr unni-r . 1 r,j iittn ,111 buy. WU1 sell sr trads bicycle, H. Nel son; Rt 7, Box 547. For Sale Wood MnJL WOOfA $3.19 load. Ph. B$5I or 4341. wood fat west and Court St "1"sewssssssejisBSaesWn DRT WOOO old Mr A Snd growth. Phono 4764 for orteea SUPPLY LIMITED order now. Fir, 2nd A old growth; Oak A Ash. Phone 419. -4 - ; . " -l"Vs-anrsri - afl fi J t OLD FIR. also sUb. $3.25. P. 2237. was S isa aa aaaasgaeswaaesssnsasasjassjsajaa WOOD. Ph. 6374. Green. 613 N. 21st li"i"iaa,aSisnrau-sXa ATTENTION I Whv not buv the boat superior old flrf 14- $5. Ph. 7054. 111'nRT fl ih at.A n - - ... '.. . ... .v. , ux x uuu, ail nnda - Lost and Found , LOST TAN! Pekingese dog, black LOST BLACK handbag bet. Inde pendence 4b Brunk'a Corner,. Ph. 42R, Independence, reward. ' . , Personal LONELY? WORTHWHILE sweet heart husband; wife for you. P. O. Box 71. Los Angelea ' ,. . ' ;?-jr Be'Sick? ' BRING THIS sd to my Office on or before June 15, 40. and it will entitfe you to an appointment for a free spi nal x-ray.- . .). - - . DR. ROY S. SCOFIELD PALMER CHIROPRACTOR 404 U. S. Bank Bldg. Phone 6407. Transportation 1939 MERCURY LEA VINjb for Los Angeles Monday or Tuesday. Can take 1 or 4. Call 6614. 1944 CHRYSLER SEDAN, take 2 or 3 to San Francisco, Juns 9, 10 or 11. Box C$2, Statesman, Death Sentence Leader of a Sacramento Califs Kang of robber-slayers, Mrs. Joanita "Th Duchess" Spinelli, 53, faced sentence of death in a lethal gas chamber after she suddenly withdrew. her plea of not fruilty by reason of Insan ity.' Two other members of her gang were sentenced to death preriously hy a Sacramento Jary , for the murder of Robert Bher- rard, i gang: leader. The wom mi confessed "snperrlsing' the crimes -UN photo. T . Lodges PACIFIC ledge No. 54, A. F. A AJa. Stated saeatuig Fri June 21, 4 p.ss. Wn. Marriott, W.M. Directory Ala t tresses SALEM FLUFlf Rug A Mattress Co. New mattress, old remade, rug cleaning A weaving. S. 13th A Wilbur. TeL 6441. Zwlckera CAPITOL REDDING CO. Phone 4063. Ilonsd Paintic PASnr, stAVfJO, $46S. Papering - Paiiitin m 1 NEAT Work, reaa Johnson. Ph. 877$. Plumbing PLUMBING. GENERAL repair work. Oraber Bros, 164 S. Uberty. I'tu 6594. Printing FOR STATIONERY, cards, pamphlet, programs, books or any kind of print ing, call The Statesman Printing L)e partment. 21$ S. CommercuU. Tele phone 9181. "Trailer Houses' GISSE TRAILER CO. A modern factory for the production of moari trailers. '$235 u p. Terms to suit 4 05 9tb St, Indcpendenca Transftr FOR LOCAL or JL-rfant trensfc- f.- ce, burrr o:i, ra'i r - Transfer Co. Ttrucli t: I cii...!-. i TSrii iir;::;. R, A. WEST. T.t 4, 44S, F. I-Z..