II i 5 Hi i ft 1 s I i u f i i i ; I: a a j. rourTEni ; . 1 - ... .. , ..;""",:' ; ,'. Tfr C2SG0H ETATZZ2M11. Ccfaar CregtM. Sunday Hereto Jaw S. lS-3 , - -.-V f -" "-f - ' - - . - ' ' ' 11 1 - ' "- ' . r lr l YT7 I" 1 h l eus or necoru new aimery wiii AiDany Wheat Prices Decline Cent Selling Is Based on War News. Good Weather, Crop Reports . ' . - CHICAGO. Jane n wheat market today yielded 'prac tically all the ground gained 7es terday as prices sagged a cent a bushel due t selling based on war news wT.ilc traders said ap-' peared to be - untaYorable to the allies good weather and optlmls . tic reports.- ,T, ' t , ' y , Other grains sagged with wheat, some oats and rye quotations re turning to the; mlnlmums, which f resuted in the tirtual cessation of 1 r actirlty in these pits. Wheat was oft as much as 14 cents at one time but-closed -- cent lower , than yesterday. July 80-80 H. Sep tember .80 -. ; Some early buying of wheat was , credited to flour interests possibly associated with prospectlre gor eminent purchases for relief. Moisture in the soft wheat area, over the . corn belt a n d. spring , wheat' sones both sides of t h e Canadian border, emphasized the Tery favorable crop situation. On the basis - of present prospective private experts believe a large US eprjng wheat harvest and another bumper Canadian crop are possi bilities. With wheat closing only about 1 -J "cents over the mlnlmums and corn 2 to almost 4 cents over, commission houses received re ports that merchandising may be hampered should marketing of the new wheat crop depress quo tations to around the mlnlmums. Due partly to the fact that Minne apolis prices have been at mini mums much of the time this week, wun onneogea wneat quoted as X much as two cents-under hedged grain, receipts have dwindled sharply. Only 97 cars were re ceived today against 227 a week ago. The 1 principal (terminals received only 2.835,600 bushels this week compared with 3,530, 000 last week and 6,001,000 a year ago. j No. 1 red wheat sold as much as 5 over the July price at Kan sas City with No. 1 hard 9 over. At Minneapolis No. 1 dark nor thern sold up to 4 cents over the July" minimum with dark hard 6 cents over. Dundee Nut Groups Will Close Pooh in 2 Weeks DUNDEE, June 8-iS-The Dundee Nut Growers' cooperative announced at its annual meeting Friday plans to close Current pools in about two weeks, permit ting payments of considerable sums to-walnut-filbert growers. The plant here cracked 8000 bags during this year's operation, a report - stated. E. S. Strother, secretary-manager, said that plant costs for walnuts had been re duced to a net of 80c per 100 pounds. CHERRIES 17AIITED Royal Annes Bings and Lamberts Highest Cash Prices Kelley Farquhar and Company Londoners Cheered by Help From Cam .-A J.4 ssv.r.: n Marching smartly toward their barracks, another contingent of Canadian, troops arrives in England. These -soldiers may now be fighting beside thfllr J fellow Canadians in France, Belgium or Norway. Salem Market Quotations (Bayiaf rrlc) Tb, price blow luppiied by froecr nd indicatrv of th daily pricita paid to jrowert y Balaa bat ara set ruarantaad by - Tha BUB. i VBOSTABXXS : Cabbaca, lb. Carrot. Calif., doi .. ., Caalidowar. loral . , i Oueambara, doa.- , , CaJary .- Cbcrriea. lb. . ., Latcaea. local " On on. 50 : ib.. , . Oracn aDioni. doa. - PeDDcra. crcca Potatoes, local, f wt - 50. lb. bag Mav potaioaa. lb. Kadiabea Ko. 1, Raapberrics, craa 8pinach, Saattle, box- tclinbard. lb. - Acparaeoa, dm. Pea, local. Ib. market barer Stat- .024 ! .S3 1.80 -SO S OO l .10 1.00 S.25 I .20 I J5 1.85 .85 .03 H .25 s.oo .70 .08 .90 1 .05 1.SO. i .80 traO .40 Strawbcrrie. doz.. local ...... atoatard arreeaa, doa. . , Waterereaa. doa. , . Beet, doa. Tvraip. doa. Wbeat, No. 1 reeieaned, bo. .T5 Oata. ton 17 00 Peed barley, ion 20.00 Clover hay. ton 10.00 Alfalfa hay, ton 12.00 Egg anaah.. No. 1 grade. 80 lb. bag 1.80 Dairy feed, 80 Ib. bar 1.40 Ben aeratcQ feed l-0 Cracked corn ... - l-0 Wheat ( . l.0 ' " EOG8 AND POOXTBT (Baying Price of Aadreaen'a) Specials, large .. j jlS Grade A Urge, do. . .15 Grade A medium, doa. . 48 Grade B large, doi. - .18 PoUeta U .10 Colored hena ; Jl Batterfat, No. 1, SSHc; No. 2, 23 He; premlssi, 28e. A grawle print, 80c B grade, 29; quarters 81. Colored fry . ,. White Leghorn, faeaTj. White Legtaora fry White Leghoraa, light Old roosters ' . - Heary he., Ib. (Baying Price of laxge; medio Grade, A large; doa. Grade A medium, doa. Grade B large, do. Undersradca and ehei Large dirti Pnllet ! -0 ai .OS 0 Marlon Cieajnery ) IS Leghora hen - Leghorn fryers, 1 lbs.. Colored fryers, 3-8 Ib Colored hens Hors (Baying Prices) .29 te .14 .14 .11 .14 .10 .OS .18 .14 ai JO . .IS 1939 1940 contracts Ib LIVESTOCK (Buying prices (or No. 1 stock, based eendition sad sales reported up to 4 p.m.) 1940 epring lamb . 8.00 Lambs 4.00 te 6.00 Ewee 2.00 te 9.50 a Hogs, top, 100-220 lbs. 6.75 Sews 2.59 Beef Cows S.OO Bolls 6.50 to S.25 Heifers , 6.50 to 7.75 liry typo cows 4.50 te 5.50 Li-re veal S.OO Dressed res), lb. Jl. WOOL AND aCOHAIX , (Buying rricei) Wool, medium, lb JI5 Coarse, lb. , .35 Lamb, lb. .13 Mohair ,, , ... , ,, , JO Quotations at Portland PORTLAND, Ore., lone 8. (AP) I Eggs: Large extras 17; standsrda IS; medium extras 1-; standards Cheese: Triplets 14e; loaf 15. . . Batter: Extra 27: itandards S6; prime firsts -5Vi; firsts Botterfat 26Vi 27. 254, Portland Grain POET LAX D. Ore.. June 8. (AP) Wheat: Open High Low , Close September "1 71 71 71 Cash Grain: Ko. 1 flax 1.81. -Cash Wbeat (Bid): Soft white 73; v . . r . whit 73 vptiirn tpJ 73 f b&r red winter 73; 11 per ceot 74 H ; 12 per cent jbs. xiara nuieoac per cent 88; 13 per cent 93; 14 per eeH 96. Today'a Car Receipts: Wheat 13; bar ley !1; fknr 6; corn 1; inilLfeed fl. j Portland Produce : POiRTLAKD, Ore., June 8. (AP) Country Meats Selling price to retail- raj Country-killed hogs, best batcners 125-150 lb. 8-8 c; Teajer. fancy,, 13 14e lb.: light thin, 10-I2e ; heavy 10 11 lb.; lambs, spring 1617c; yearling 10 12e: ewea 4-7e lb.; good cutter cows. 8 9o lb.; eanner cows 9e ib. ; bulls 1112c lb. LiT Pooltry- Baying prices: "o. 1 grade. Legion broilers. 1 V4 to 2 lbs lie ib.: fry era, onder 8 ib., 17s lb.: 8 to 4 lbt 17 lb.; ro-stcrs. or 4 fls lie lb. : Leghora kens, over 84 lie lb.: onder iH lbs., 10 lb.; colored hens. Gross Word Puzzle 12 1 22 7, 31 3S 37 s7, 2i 52 HQ 33 HH 27 IS 1 13 3 I l 23 3? 53 6 20 I 36 2M 50 21 2? i 14 17 'A 30 HO 'A 24 HI 51 OH SI io ! 2 V. H2 II 26 22 43 HORIZONTAL e evergreen 1witty ". saying; 4 tableland 8--strinsred ." , , t instrument '.- 12cadeated : tZ cells 13-psrticls li-Asssm ' silkworm 15 decsy IS froe enus . 17 enclose -m l 18 winged 20 maker smends for 22 feminine " ' - name 3 pcrtsinln: to the ear 24 observed 27 dry Alpins wind 23 name 1 81 gire an" - ; v accoant-of 84 realized " - r 3 place of assembly l!5 roster . 67 rocky . pinnacls 1 3 ashen 3 aromatia plant . 1 kalwit -tree 47 colored portion ' . of eye' 4 yucca fiber - SI room in a . harem tz guy-rop of a raff 63 Soman road 84 small seed IS stake in . cards W trade In I TERTICAL 1 ethical 2 rounded . convex molding' ' 8 Cossack 4 t enisle - horse t -Greek letter musical - -i-:' composition Answer to yesterday's puzxle. CL1RAR SVtMNh )SH A V A T A A V p N U E 3. L 1M 5kE r T p aoE2.L2e e r S A I MEMTp A 3 5p L V E R A L jt LXJ. !p JL 2 lUS A '' SiC I A P O SE 31 x ? T!L-, il iM SPP TTO ofe D H OV mmmi mym , IT af t - L A P - C AjT E A L A ACAC I Ar -- A T E R Aeerago tisae ml aelatieai H atinatta. lWrfitMkrgretamld-aasa,lM 7 violin maker of Cremona 8 chopped ' 9 stops short 10 long narrow - inlet -: 11 soft food U 19 small drum 21 groQp of eight 23 morsel left ; at a meal . 25 fermented m hererag. i . 26 marry 23 organ stop 1 30 silly i ' 81 rodent , S 2 self S3 omen 84 Asiatic bean SK flat-boned, among birds 89 swift 41 HrecciTe as one's own - 42 wireless - 43 arranre In " "folds 45 fury 48 masculins - name . 47 succulent . fruit 48 front of aa army. - berersga o-er 5 lbs.. 8e lb.: 4 to 8 lbs 1 Ik. Dressed Turkejs Belling priest No. X hens. 13 14 He lb.; tnms 9-10e. Onions Cregon Ko. 1, 2.15 per 50 Ib. bag. Seta, white tVt lb.; brown 6H New California wax, 60s, 2.50; red 1.65. New Potatoes California Whites 80s. 1.35; ICOs, 2.15 2.25. Potatoes Desehutea 2.25; Klamath (Tule Lake) 2.00 ewt; local Whites -90e box; do sack 1.50-1.60 oental; Halin 2 25 cental; southern yams 2.40-2.50 ert. Hay Selling pries to retailers: Alfal fa Ko. 1. 15 50 ton; oat eatcb. 18.00: ciorer. 11.00 ton; timothy, eastern Ore gon 17-18; valley timothy 14.00 ton. '' Wool 1940 Eastern Oregon. Iflns med., 24e lb.; e r o b r a d, JO 814 lb.; Willamette ralley 12-month nominsi. 25c. Mohair 1940, 12 mootbs, 80e. Cascara 1940 peel 5a ib. Hop Oregon 1939, 80-35;. 1940 contracts 85c lb ; 1940 seedless 35c Uomestie ICIoor 8elling price, efty do-li-ery 1 to 25 bbl. lots: family patents. 49s. 6.15 6 75; bakers' hard wheat, net, 4 90-6.15; bakers' bluestem, 6.65-6.05; blended wheat flour 5.25-6.05; aofe wheat 5.10-5.15; graham 49s, 4.20; whole wheat, 49s, 4.85. Portland Livestock PORTLAND, Ore., Jane 8 (AP) (lTSDA) Hog: For week, salable 8760, total 4860' compared week ago, butchers sttady to 10 lower. Barrows and gilts, gd-ch, 140-160 lbs $ 5.25 S.85 do gd th, 100-180 lbs 6.75 6.10 do gd-ch, 180-200 lb... 6.00 6.15 do gd-ch, 200-220 lba . 5.85 6.10 do gd-ch, 220-240 lbs 6.50 6.00 do gd-ob, 240-270 lbs , 6.25 6.75 do gd-ch, 270-300 lbs 5.00 5.50 Feeder p:gs, gd-ch, 70-120. 4.25Q 4.75 Cattle: For week, salable 2150, total 2650; calves, salable 295, total 865; com pared week ago steers strong to 25 higher. Steers, gd, 90O-1100 lb 8 9.7510.25 do meaium, 750-1100 lba 8.50 9.75 do common, 750-1100 lbs 7.00 8.50 Heifers, gcod, 750-1100 lbs 8.75 9.00 do medium, 500-900 lb. 7.75 8.75 do common, 500-900 lb 6.25 T.75 Cow, good, sll wt.... . 7.25 7.60 do medium, all wts 5.75 7.25 do cut-eom, all wte" 4.75 5.75 do canner, all wts - 8.75 4.76 Balls (ylgs. excl.). beef. ga. - . all wts .. j - do sansage, gd. all wta do mrdiom, all wta do eot-com. all wrta . Tealexs. gd eh. all wts 7.00 6.75 8.00 6.25 8.00 6.00 4.50 8920; 7.25 7.00 6.75 6.00 9.50 8.00 6.00 total lambs do eom-mf d, all wt ,,, , do can, all wts Sheep: Salable for week, ou; compared week ago, spring prrcomu aiea, snoot ateady. General abeep and lamb range: Spring lambs. gd-choice 8.75 S.OO do meiium-good .. 7.75 8.50 do eomn-on 7.00 7.50 Lambs (shorn), med good 5.75 S.50 do common 6.00 5.50 Ewes (shorn), gd. -choice 9.75 8.00 do common-raedaim 1.00 2.75 Wool in Boston BSTO?r Jiaw i(AP)-TJgDA) -Interest in wool en th Boston market was : rigorously stimulated in ; the past wk by the annonneement . off th cj.ar termaster'a department needs for -wool goods in the ne4t Tew months. , A strong bayinf morement in eoantry packed three-eigbtfc and quarter blood bright fleece wools advanced price dur ing the week from aroand 85 cents to 88 to 89 cents,' ia the grease, deli-ered - to mills. Demand increased moderately for territory snd Texaa wools. Quotation m then wools adeaaeed beyond prices mills were ready to pay freely. Grsded comb ing bright fleece wools were active at SS to 35 eett. ia the grease, for fina De laine, at 84 to 36 eenU f.r halt bloods and at 37 to 89 cents for three-eightha and quarter blood grades. ; ? In ri I nask-Mv jj i k Hilia:.a." Jt . L 3i 2-slT ?Lf T. T. lm. a.D. O. Otuua. H. D. Herbal remedies tor ailments of stomach, lirer. kidney, skin. blood jlsnds and urinary sys tem of men and women 22 years In Berries Naturopathic Physicians. Ask your neighbors about CHAN LA II. . , DO. C3AIJ LAII CIUfiXSE MEDICSiX CO. 392 Court SL, comer Liber ty. Office open Tuesday and Saturday only. 19 a. m. to 1 p. m., 4 to 7 p. m. Consultation, blood .pressure and urine tests are free of charge. FSCC Will Take 1200 Tons Berries The government, through federal surplus commodities poration, will take 1200 tons the Oregon loganberry crop, 0. L. of as- the cor- of DavisJ president and manager the Woodburn Fruit Growers' soclatlon was informed yesterday by telegram from Sen -tor Charles L. McNary., " I . Government lnterrention; comes as a 'result of a request by Ithe Oregon loganberry control board. War In Europe has shut off ship mental to England, heretofore j the chief j foreign market, causing a large j surplus here. About half of this year's fon nage.j estimated at 8000 tons, Is under" contract with private pack ers, it is said. The independent Woodburn pool, headed, by John Ramage, has sold 632 tons out right ! Trend Stoclcs Close? In Down ETnropefin - "War Bulletins Chill SpenlatiTe ;": Sentiment ' ' NBW, l TORK,' 1 une .-(ffrJn dealings that barely kept' the tieker tape aliTe, the stock mar ket today finished a war-hesitant week 'pointing slightly" down ward. '-.!" , 1 V : r ' 4 Enropean bulletins telling, of further nasi progress tended to chill ; speculative sentiment ' to same' extent despite other 'reports the French were putting up a stiff retreating battle and even had bombed Berlin suburbs. - - j Wall street was calm under the new. threat that Italy won Id make the break on the side' of the Germans early next week but the possibility of more adverse happenings over the weekend caused many 'traders to lighten accounts or keep buying commit ments at a minimum. On the other hand, domestic business developments remained a hopeful market factor although a I pessimistic note was sounded here and there by those who fear the deflationary effect of pro posed heavy defense taxes on In dividuals and corporations. 'Leading stocks started out with minor advances, but the ma jority fell away a. trifle atl the close. - - - ... v - Transfers of 199,270 shares for the two hours were the smallest for any session since July 8, 1939. They compared with 273,445 last Saturday. The week's turnover of around 2, 500,000 shares also was a bot tom figure for this period in about a year. The Associated Press average of 40 Issues was off .1 of a point at 38.2 and on the week was down .3. Tells of Record 1 ' 1 ,' f . 1 j i "I - 4 PP en at CARL HOGG Frigidaire Makes Record for Sales One hundred thousand Prlgid alres sold within a period of 30 days is the May record announced by the Frigidaire division of Gen eral Motors according to Carl Hogg, co-owner and resident man ager of Hogg Bros. Appliance store, local dealers. : "This constitutes . the biggest single month's sales record In household4 . refrigeration history" points out Mr. Hogg, "and from the Indications now, June will bid fair to equal this record it not to better it." Cherry Valuation Set - Telegraphic advices from Ot tawa state that the Canadian sea sonal valuation on cherries at 3 cents per pound over invoice prices becomes effective on ship ments entered June 11 or thereafter. ALBANY A mnclt needed out let for agricultural commodities f this territory will b provided when a small experimental can nery opens here within the next 19 days; The concern, known as thA Albany Canning - company, lis beinr snonsored i by the chamber of commerce,' and .will' be it cus tom 1 cannery under the 'manage ment of P. J. Burk. ! iV i Onerations will start in th building west of the Charles Lilly Seed company plant,- lormer ly the Hunt Brothers' cannery, on Water j street. If; ;the ventare proves ) successful, a permanent p l a n t .may be started in 1941, managers of the experimental sta tion state. " ;; ' " . ' j'. ; ! Cliferry Fy Sprajr Repeat Is Advised j CORVALLIS; June 8-(ff)- si C. Jones, Oregon State college ento mologist, said today that recent rains make a second spray appli cation necessary to control the cherry , fruit fly in Oregon - or chards. 1 ' : J ' Unless further rains occur, one additional spraying will protect Royal Anne cherries, he advised growers, A I third and probably a fourth application will be need ed for late ripening varieties at seven to 1 Onlay intervals.' Stocks and . Bonds ' " : Job 8 . ,7 STOCK AVERAGES -Compiled by t- Associated Pre 80 15 . . Iadaa Raila Ket esnge . I . , J .1 Satorday . t 54.2 13.S Pre-ieoa day 54.4 : 1S.7 Kooth at 9.5 . 17.8 Tear ago 8.8 18.8 1940 high 74.S .'20.5 1040 low 53.3 13.1 15' Ctil A .1 81.4 81.3 87.9 38.0 40.6 30.9 . ' BOKO , 20 ' I Bails Ket "c-sbjs A .1 8atardar 49.1 Prerious dsy 49.0 Month ago 57.0 -Tear ag- 58.4 1040 high &.9 1940 low 48.3 ATE-tAOES 10 Indos Unch 69.1 ' 99.1 102.7 100.3 J03. S 9S.9 10 Ctil A .3 62.1 i 91.8 98. 3 ' d.7 97.5 90.8 60 6tK .1 38.S 48.5. i 4S.5 1 5.2 10 ror-n A 6 i.a -;..7 40.7 ' 62.8 6a. s Sr..i - . - - Gain in Business Noted Past Week . t , .'- PORTLAND, June S-iJpy-Port- lsnd business gained moderately during the first, week of June, wirii retail sales slightly ahead of tte corresponding week a year ago. Dun's review said today! May's business i showed a sub stantial gain over; the same month in 1939. Seven and eight per cent Increases were reported by de partment stores. Lumber prices dropped ' from their, level of several months sgo as a result of a log surplus. Or ders - fell of slightly. You Will Like Low Bales! FOR: ITS Slate Finance i . Company Lie. S-216 M-222 844 State St. Phone 0261 Quick Honey NoEmbcu rassing Questions Asked FOLLY AND HER But It Won't Be Long! By CUFF STERRET wenr win. THAT BIO CRASH OUTSIDE ABOUT AN HOUR A60? S 1 I DUKWO. Biwfe OUTSIDERS I I 1 1 O-EAKIIKI' TH' WINDOWS. JJ I I V BSTTER SE-E IP THE rifTlS M 1VI i MM ma n JL . . -il f AVM If -?? msomrnm MICKEY MOUSE MOUSE ,1 ' DID HE PAl.rN l jSSS anoin' t' th' i VJ'! IS,"IU " Where Wisemen Fear to Tread tscouv&b BY FUTILE ATTEMPTS J CRASHING PETE'S LAIR. A VERY FORLORN MICKEY WENDS HIS WAY BACK TO THE RANCH! I RE PULU S.RE YOd I l PPtNi' --AA ST f ,X WiLO AW W00LT. WALT DISNEY VVVIU-t KEMEMSET? HE'S ) PRETTY TOU$HI r i i- -v- -y " YEAH4? VVL7 VS' . .- SCM I! AND J SUPPRI2E. rSt IJTTLE ANNIE ROONEY And Counting Sheep. Induces Sleepl GEE, ZERO I GOTTA STnjpy AWFUL HARD . A f ' ALL THE KID5 WILL BE KAVIM' LOT5A "SO TLLGET GOOO MARKS EFORE NACATIOM J I FUH STUDyiM' F1CWEW5 AN' BUDS AM" TIME STARTS CAUSE WHEW SCHOOL CtOSES, vJ TREE5 LEARNIN HOW TO SWIM INSTEAD OF RCACMM'-. WRITIN' AN t?JTHMTK;-r, PLAY TENNIS - SAIL BOATS AN -" -.J. ViJ. J v .11 J 1 rEHL GLAD ALL OVER. I7 BRANDON WALSH AN tXl OOMT HAFTA DO NOTHIN'AT ALU 0UST EME !-. GO WHERE VtXI WANNACO AN IF you DONT WANNA GO AMY PLACE VOU DUST LC DOWN AMONG THE GRASS AN FXCWERS AN WWTCH THE LOVELY CLOUDS-, AN THAT'S UDTSA LIKE FUNNY LITTLE FAT LAMBS--PLAYIN'AGAAAJ. WHERE THEY ALL KEEP CHANGtt' THEIR SHAPE ITS OUST LIKE README A FUNNY PICTURE BOOK WITH ALLTHX PAGES i KPIMTHCSKy. -lO Cjt. r tr,mmm tJ. fcc. ' i TOOTS AND CASPEH Now lie Fiddler's to Pay Toots i AND CASPER 1 ARC STlUL WITH Uncle EVERETT PRAJR1S IJUNCTIONi BUT THE RfcST Of iTHS : Quests jMAVE RTTUPNEI HOM&- (f 1 HOPB MY BOSS STAYS AWAY UNTIL. Yiip APTER 1 6ET BACK TO TOWTOOTS. W V ;. HE jt OLD ME TO STAY ON THE JOB J? HTS UNTIL! fie RETURNS. I HE MUSTN'T if60INtt - vs-- i !.ate-KNowi DtsoeEYgp AVto know V rTi5w' ORratRsAND cAMs yv?W:' '-rr, ' By I-NIMY MURPHY THIMBLE THfTB--Eri-ag Popeye ! VsE NVCsKT A W1L FACE FACTS. POPE' in viu tscr F004.HAJ20Y FOR Us TO Alt TO INDICATED OH YOUR MAP :fdk HOW f HE'S COMlN HERE JWIUUHE. FOR LUNCH TOdACY J '' 1 ' UNCUS. H HE'S BEEN VACATlONlKlb 1 EVERETT N AT Ml5 SECRET -OlJNTfcY -4 77 C ESTATE. NEARBY ! -J.j ' r Tuaeae Stands on Ceremorry' 400DNl,HT ! Vl WOULON-T X MR, fi L HlOEt!!" J DO THAT- If BENjAMlNj HIM KNOW. FAHJc J I 't,"5' YER JUS A BUNCHA YEUJER- UvERED RrXTSf THEY ASTT lsTHlN? TO BE AFRASO OF. ESCEFW j HO)K AM EVt. 5iriv: " VVHV, EVEN EUC-EKE'LL. JTEIJL VrfTS SAFE R j AJMT rR EUGENE? tEV BY BOWlNCs DOWN! "NO" BYREMAjNlff L A TI T "OJ' - MY 30RSK HE SEX 'NCff HE WDtsfT BOW, J0OWN AN SAY YES i (SHILETHB ARfjUMEMT GOES OM ABOUT 5A.tt.vlG : let vsrr THE: FOLKS BACK HOME. OH. DEAR. I POPEVE-SO- i - I I TH XT ryj IE COUNDTLj GAJLWAJSrrir4l FROM PORT TO PORT, IF- HE ( Dojsrr HURRY- HOIVSESOON, I LL. CaET ANOTHER WCET8 19 S. LEBER' Five Dc:i3 Scd-i cl Fir:! Ildicnd Ez ca Liicriy! i i . s -M t 1 .' ' 1 ! 1 I i