The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, June 09, 1940, Page 12, Image 12

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IN PRETTY GOWNS Among the several hundred gradu
ates of Salem high school, who appeared in attractive spring
Miss Brooks
Blue and white flowers and can
dles decorated the altar of the
First Baptist; church last night,
when Miss .Gertrude Mildd
Brooks, " granddaughter of Mrs.
Mildred Bobertson Brooks became
the bride of Mr. Robert Brownell,
son of Mr. and Mrs. Phil Brownell.
Drv Irving Fox read the ceremony.
.'The bride, who was given in
marriage by Dr. Charles H. Rob
ertson, her great-uncle, wore an
exquisite gown of imported French
; starched chiffon, with a wide em
broidered band? of pastel flowers
on the skirt. Her tell was finger
tip length and her bouquet was of
mixed garden flowers.
MIbs Vivian Aspinwall, maid of
honor. Miss Carolyn Wolcdtt of
Marshfleld and Miss Mabel Fores
ter of Albany, bridesmaids wore
blue organdie frocks. Little Mar
tha Marshall, flower girl was
dressed In white organdy with
blue ribbons. The attendants car
ried colonial nosegays with frills.
Mr. Phil Brownell, Jr., of Port
land, was best man. Mr. Herbert
Glalsyer, of Salem, Mr. Donald
Lane of Corvallis, Lt. Donald
Co&ns of Vancouver Barracks,
MrsA George ZeUlck of Lewiston,
Mr. qharles English and Mr. Ben
jaminRoy EU of Portland were
At the reception held at the,
Charles H. Robertson home, Miss
Margaret Ann Bellinger greeted
guests at the door. Assisting were
Mlss Mabel P. Robertson, Mrs.
Holll4 Huntington, Mrs. Chester
M. Cox, Mrs. Paul B. Wallace and
Mrs. Daniel J. Fry, jr. At the serv
ing table were Mrs. John B. Simp
kin ot Marshfleld, Miss Rovena
Eyre, Mrr; Breyman Boise and
Mrs. Chandler Brown. Miss Mary
lee Fry and Miss Sybil Spears pre
sided at the punch bowL
Assisting in serving were the
Misses Shirley -Huntington, Berna
dlne Plamondon ot Seattle, Betty
Simpkln of Marshfleld, Nannette
Clary ot Portland, Beth Siewert,
- Nancy ' Stricklih, Lou Hickman,
Betty Hansell. Patricia Noonan
and Maryann Owen.
The bride attended Mt. Angel
academy, Salem high school and
Oregon State college. Mr. Brownell
graduated from Ojegon State col
lege last Mondafjf and he is ar
member of Phi Delta Theta.
For going away the bride wore
a navy blue Bengallne suit with
white accessories, navy blue hat
and a blu e topcoat. Tho couple
will liveon King wood heights fol
lowing their wedding trip.
For her granddaughter's wed
ding, Mrs. Brooks, wore a black
lace gown, Mrs. Brownell was
dressed in gray chiffon.
, ..
Alpha . Phi Alpha
Breakfast, Today
Members of the Alpha Phi Al
pha alumnae are entertaining with
a breakfast this morning at S:J0
o'clock . In ' the Golden Pheasant, .
Tables will be centered with bou
quets of ses and daisies. Grad
uating senior; and j next year'g
house manager .will . be honored
guests. Miss Helen Brelthaupt will
preside, and at the annual busi
ness session officers for the ensu
ing year will be elected. -.
Among- thos making reserra-i
tlons are: Mrs. Frank Earnest,
Mrs. Roy narland, Mrs. Richard
Smart, Mrs. - Wilbur .Wells, Mrs.
Nerval Edwards, Mrs. W C De
Pew, Mrs. William Linfoot, Miss
,Elva Sehon, Miss Eetty Wimamt
and Miss nelsn Brelthanpt. :
' '- i
This afternoon from 2 until 8
o'clock, friends of the Salem Art
Center will be entertained at the
old high school building, to honor
Founders day.
The exhibition of .famous paint
ings will, be previewed by guests,
and a reception and musical pro
gram will be given.
Mrs. Mabel S. Powers, in charge
of the music, has arranged the fol
lowing program: At 2:30 o'clock,
Mrs. Marvin Roth will sing a
group of songs. A string trio com
posed of Hope Jacquith, Shirley
Adlmson and Donna Jane Beck
will play at 3 o'clock under the di
rection of Mrs. Mary Talmadge
Headrick. Mark Hatfield, pianist,
will play at 4 o'clock, and at S
Carolyn Brady and Genevieve
Wfnslow will play.
The Salem Garden club, through
Mrs:. W. E. Anderson and Mrs.
Chester Cox, is arranged decora
tions. Hostesses will be members
ot the American Association of
University Women and Junior
Women's club. Other groups as
sisting' are the Spinsters and the
Business and Professional Women.
From the AAUW will be Miss
Frances Virginia Melton, Miss Jo
sephine Cornoyer, Mrs. Kenneth
Murdock, Mrs. Asa Fisher, Miss
Charlotte Ratcliff, Miss Elizabeth
Boylan, Miss Ida Mae Smith, Mrs.
Herbert Rahe, Mrs. Frank Spears,
Mrs. r Walter; Barsch and Mrs.
Lloyd Hocket.
Those from the Junior Wom
an's club are: Mrs. Joseph Felton,
Mrs. Carleton Roth, Mrs. Clinton
Standish, Delbert Schwabbauer,
Mrs. Verne Robb, Mrs. Lee Craw
ford, Mrs. Roy Mink, Mrs. Sam
Hannum, Mrs. "Bert Caster, Miss
Helen Boardman, Miss W 1 1 1 a
Ames, Miss Helen Way, Miss Doro
thy Cornelius and , Miss Helen
Engagement Told
At Luncheon
Miss Hope Chamberiin of Port
land, and Mrs. James B. Waho
ske of Corvallis, entertained Sat
urday at the Areo club, with a
1:30 o'clock dinner honoring
Miss Helen Thompson of Salem.
The table was decorated by an
arrangement of-peonies, centered
by an antique China slipper filled
with Cecile Brunner roses, ' pink
bouvardla and lilies-of-the-valley.
Each guest was given a small
slipper of flowers In which was
concealed the news of Miss
Thompson's engagement to Mr.
Matthew Clasper of San Francis
co. No date has been set for
the wedding. j
Of the twenty guests present,
four were from Salem, Miss Mary
Lou Oliver, Miss Catherine Smith,
Miss Doris Enke and Miss- Rnth
Melson, ; t
Miss Thompson, the daughter
ot Mrs. A. N. Axley, attended
Oregon - State college, where i aha
was a member, of Kappa i Kappa
Gamma. She Is now employed at
the First . National bank, j Mr.
Clasper, son of 1 Mr. and i Mrs.
John ; B. Clasper "of Portland, is
a graduate ot Oregon State col
lege where he was a member of
Sigma Alpha Epsilon.
: Mr. and Mrs. Xdiwrence Scott
are hosts to their niece, Miss
Charlotte Litchfield, this week
cad. . , !
ud Mrt. Sm Simdf
will leave Saturday for a vaca-
tlon which will extend to Reno.
.Nevada, south to Log Angeles
returning ria San Francisco
wnere ithey will visit tne worm
Fair.l Mrs. L. B. Dunn of San
Pnnolva who a in aunt of
Mr- RnnA-v. hr two eh ii
dren, Beverly and Patsy, will re- Hiestand, son o Dr.' and jftlnu knows tsut what her escort Is a communist, or morning they will entertain at breakfast In cele
tarn with them to spend a month Harley j. Hiesukd f Penntllle, a fifth-cpliimnist or Just one of her relations, v bration o the occasion.
in Salem. Indian. FrWay.HJuly 19. THe nimMr j - i - fatrHntT Hlstorr . .'. Gertrude u Mildred
Air. and Mrs. H. A. Savage, jr.,
ofPrescott, Arizona, are the par
ents of a soa, Harold Deliell.
born on May 29 in Los Angeles.
Mrs. Savage is the former Jennie
Delzell, formerly of Salem.
Mrs. Charles A. Spragne is en
tertaining with a series of lun
cheons this coming week. The
first affair Is to be giTen on Mon
day and the next on Wednesday.
f f ?
1 ' ' " " .
4 V
frocks were Miss Molly Jean Mcdson and Miss Susanne Wilsin
(Photos by Jesten-Miller)
Wilson-Macy Vows Will Be Read &t
Roberts' Home This Afternoon 1
Miss Margaret Macy will be-
come the bride of Mr. Robert Ar-
I o clock double-ring ceremony
in the home of Prof, and Mrs. T.
S. Roberts. Miss Macy is the
daughter of Mr. and Mrs, O. H.
Mae yand Mr. Wilson is the ion of
Mr. and Mrs. W. L.' Wilson of
Gladstone. Dr. Bruce R. Baxter of
Willamette university will offici
ate. Miss , Macy, who will be given
in marriage by her father, has
chosen a taffeta gown with a fit-
ted bodice, full skirt, and long
sleeves. A wreath of orange bios-
soms will hold her finger length
Tell in her hair. She will carry
a bouquet of bouvardia, and pink
roses tied with white satin bows,
Miss Charlotte! Litchfield of
Portland, the maid of honor, will
wear an aqua blue net dress and
a small flower cap to match her
arm bouquet. ,
The bridesmaldfi are: Miss Bet-
Barbara Barnes'
Program Fine
Miss Barbara Barnes on Friday lamette! university and has bfen
night presented her pupils In teaching the past year in Ash
review for the last time in Sa- lanL Soe waa a membr 0f Bfeta
iS lLue ?r, tmb I fOI the Chi sorority and Alpha Kappa Nu.
Hawailn islands Miss Barnes ap- honorary fraternity. Mr. Wil4on
peared in several dance numbers -.--i ittu i 1 - JLV1
at the review, which was given
before . a large audience
at the
Salem high school.
One of the outstanding num
bers was the whimsical love
Chinese. Miss Barnes as the Chi-
nese girl, Alfred Lauralne as her
lover, and CiTllla j Reeher as the
Mandarin, presented this un-
nen.11. nlilgln. no rt V. A
gram. Mrs. Otto K. Paulus wrote
the playlet, Jean Hopson Rich
arranged and placed the music,
- reside the regular program,
presented by dancers of the Bar
bara PtarnpH shnhl of drniMnr.
Mr. Richard Billings, new own-
er of the schoolL presented a
number of his dancers from Port
land. Among the clumbers danced
were several adagio and a Strauss
number and some excellent tap
This afternoon Miss Barnes snUl winter street compiimeit
and Mr. Lauralne will entertain teMla Jean Wiley of Bilrertbn.
friends of the studio at an Infar
mal tea, to meet Mr. Billings and
his associates. The affair is from
X until 6 o'clock, f
Kitchen Shower
For Miss Yates
a-itcufju uvwer was siren jw
Mies Opal Yatea on Friday after-
of Redmond, who entertained, at
tim, liA M i
White ... tapers
and pink and
white flowers decorated the re-
freshment Uble, at which were
seated Miss Osal Yates. Mra. EW
len L. Carson, Mrs. S. j. Tates,
iviltfC Kalim Ttnm iMt
!W5? rs? Helen Rose Lee,
airw fi mm - y n iiraAn m m TAh
Mrs. Willard Grltton, Mrs. Doro
y, Mrs.
thy Kennedy, Mrs. S. J. Reason,
t" m"t. " ' . "
1 arT,.tT?? wooiey, wrs.
JSi C McCandllsh, Mrs. Charles M.
Ruggles, Mrs. John Schmidt, o'clock, lira, W. P. Miller rtll lead a. Reeves, past presidenU of the Pltal of Dallas, Texas, to Uke her cert at Waller hall, to which the Josephine Albert Spauldlng, mez
vL?in7l wlHi Ktn tLdeTtlo.,?K A ply "Heroirjea organization; rave i Interesting . Internship for the ensuing year. pu1Uc is InTlted. Following will so-soprano, ; present a program.
.rf-Jl tn d "J lf FtelI.wU1 b? Presented by Mrs. talks. Mrs. !D. J. Tripp led the After this aha contemplates in- be a reception at the Roberta stu- Rev. George H. Swift will be
ir 1 . Vt ..r nVr - . ZZZ I"
AliSS ASeia UeJapp, MrSS iSrma .
Cole Mrs. Earl Wood and. Mrs.
William E. Judson. -' . -
Misa Tates will marry Mr. Les
lie Carson this month.
Tn iiTDk
miSS XVfc?HS lU .JJP
r i -n t
jut y UI I Lit?
i , T
a Miss Frances Alan Kells, dahgh-
tmm i, ... .,,, , v.n.
,w T ' . "
- wiu marry ir. uaney uunnona
wedding will be at the
Preeibyterian church.
Miss Kells attended the
town school . in Philadelphia,
juarmam conege in Kicnmona
Indiana, and Willamette an
sity where she is a member of
Delta Phi sorority. Mr. Hiestand
also iattended Westtown eolilere
and Earlham and is now a istu-
Jent i at Indiana.
University of
A 1
f u
4 ' f
-IS "s. ', if.-,". . -
i 4
ty Dotaon, who will wear an aqua
ne frock and Mrs. Albert Foster;
maa -,
ing lace Jackets, the flowers, and
ap "wjill be similar to those! of
tne nouor attendant. if
Mr; Roy Nelson of-Jennings
Lodge Will act as besClnan.,s Th
ushers will include: Mr. Frd
Bockhoff of Portland a n d Mr.
Paul Laudien of Jennings Lodge.'
Preceding the ceremony pr.
George! Mallet of Portland will
nd Prof. Roberts will play
" weaamg music. i -
A reception will be held fol-
lowing the wedding. The table
be .centered witfi a large cike
and decorated with small bou-
qaets of peach and blue flowers.
Lighted e a n dl e s will be used
about the rooms. Mrs. Margaret
Roscrans will pour and. Miss Laura
win De Mrs. Max Thorpe, Miss
Jessie May Ruhndorf, Miss Mary
Head, Miss Dorothy Cutler, Miss
Mary Marshall, Mrs. Dick Tatro.
Jessie May Ruhndorf, Miss Mary
and Miss Jean Kronenberg. Miss
June Aashelm will be in charge
of the guest book
M f am Xf a rv i mmf. Tffl1
r.-.rr.; "V ZZiZZ:"
tory. H6 was a member ot Alpha
Psi Delta fraternity and Blue Key,
u ueita iraiernuy ana ciue ivey,
Following a wedding trip the
uple will live in Seattle this
amme1 her they wirr attend
8U,ni?eri f00,001 aTl 1 e University
of,,,Was?lng.ton; the fall th;cy
mae thelr nome in .Salefn.
FOT EOIDK BW8T the bride Will
f ear a ale blne snr T7
u,u" w dj,u
ftray sailor trimmed with pale
blue flowers.
TuTicd PJtrrrrbkft T3
AVAls:5ii WlUllCU 1J
Miss Ruth Starrett la entertain-
Intr Monidav nis-ht 'at hr Ihnm nn
. mj mmm-m f n
bride-elct of Mr. Dean Ellis. C
tract will be in pfey during the
A miscellaneous shower will
honor Hiss Wiley before the sap
per hour, individual tables will
decorated with small bouquets
wuey, airs, xiai wuey ot Jeirer-
son, Mrs. Ronald Husk, Mrs. A. !N.
Jeanette Brown, Miss Helen Lan-
.411. 111.. - evi.1 i rt ,i , .
Miss Eleanor Swift. Miaa Aiiei
Swift. Misa Jeanne Probert. Misa
FranceajParls, Miss 'fihirley'Croae
miller. Miss Dorothy Kibbe, Misa
Helim inniL Mtu Rrhta irf,
Miss Dorothy Koschmlder, Mn. J.
w . pMd.a m mrr v a. .
rett. r
. I I
The Homo and Foreign Mission-
ary society ot the Jason Lee '
church will meet at tha church
awqieiy ; oi ui jason xee
cnurcn wiu meet t tha church
Wednesday afternoon at 2:3 s
tS?. t1 Mari
nam. I ThCV -Will -be; aaslstetl a
- 1 - mi
sro?i , -Weran Service
gjulld. Following tha program Mrs.
fi 7 wu entertain
wlta tea;. , ? -
mfvil rarnpn fiovura n IimL
7 win V,H.tA w mn7), lege. After: a wedding trip the J"? . .Tf" " , annual eonvenUon of the Oregon presiaent or tn
f" ii1! t r her couple wUrltlive in Corvallis. t.?W. law fraternity. The couple Moglc Teachers' assocUtion. Day- teachers Gretchen
VT: "Caa" .IT. , - rul mnni m eaieca, wasn- - meetings will be held at Wal- nlta Kilborne Clauss.
Auvara uuiucu Jaiu Jts&ii ! - - i i - ivt vrrtn mr . nr HnAiiAdonnprtfi
i ' ' m . ' O'' M
Vl A w Tv 1'
MiV W 19
t tut
no timid lady dares go anywh9 vtddlng to
J.. L ...v uu n
'tUMyjuvAwfv wuut. wtw w iu
ainos. ctiurcn and dressiest
Or what hare you They don't know Brooks was
i" . whether !to call it a horseshow, open house or Baptist church last nignt, wnere ner grano- ents. Mr. and Mrs. William Mon-
WeSt- i 1 1 . - i . c - xl - 1k:Ux4 RmnVa uma mi 11 1 tort rrl- roa Himtltnn thi ff o-nn o
r jji., i -it j . . cn Ua. mmmmnar O ClOCk, Mr. : Wilkinson la thn Vnn
oaaaie quo or inviung ou inxeresiea, 10 see r mosi iu years uyu. aw yiourviuuuuivmc , wnZr
i?er- them oo thrbuah drillsJover Jmrma amrf nraimd Mrs. P. f. Robertson, was one of tile first mem- n..-- i "
the track, on Tuesday June 18.
complcdiits they say just a lot
'and Quests.
"Qrawfiah feed . .e Gordon Blacks and
the H. D, Adens are to be h o s t s to Spokane
baseball players today for a crawfish feed at
the Black home. -: - - ' ". -
From the Sky . , Mr. and Mrs. C M. Rob
erts will drop down from the air. Into Madison
Wisconsin and visit their son, Irving Roberts,
wife and; son Richard. They leff by motor for
Seattle yesterday, and are flying today.
; Going east . . Dr. Mary Purvine, Dr.
Ralph Purvine and Miss Margaret Purvine of
Berkeley, will leave for Northfield, Minn.,, to
day, where they will attend Dr. Ralph Purvine's
Delhpians Will
Meet Tuesday
Members of Alpha Mu Del-
phlans will meet at the Salem
public library on Tuesday morn-
ing at 9:30 o'clock and will study
the capitalistic development of
business and farming during the
eooau anarea years war.
vrTklgiiP,l,C8 ,btM"-, J
jars. Kay waiiz, airs. j. t. uur-
ton, Mrs. Hugh Latham, Mrs. 0,
D. Adams, Mrs. A. F. Parr, Mrs.
Charles Klnrer. Mrs. Oscar Hay
ter is to be leader. -
In the afternoon Mrs. George
Rossman . will entertain the
group and some additional guests
at her home for an informal re- are leaving tomorrow for a visit
view of the book, "How Green in Seattle and Monroe, Washing
Was My-Valley?" ton, their former home.
her engagement to Mr. Tyrone
! -
K-s MA 1 AV'A I LW
Be Read in
Chapel -
... 1 ,, .... .-iu.
Monday afternoon, MissPhyllis
Selander, daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. A. A. 1 Selander, will become"
the bride of Mr. Harry E. Clark
of Dayton,! son of Mr. and Mrs.
R. L. Clark. The ceremony will
De reaa at s o'clock In the chapel
at St. Paul's Episcopal church
with Rev. George H. Swift offi-
be read at 3 o'clock in the chapel
The brl(je( giTen in marriage
b her father, will wear a light
blue afternoon dress with a
fn.lion BttA xcVllta 'IP.
cesories. Sbe will -wear a corsage
0f white orchids.
. selander sister
of the bride, will be the only aU Steven William Anderson, son of
tendant. She will wear a sheer Mrs. Julia G. Anderson of Lang
rose silk frock and a corsage of iois. They were married In the
ITS KfriS?" win'weS Trifk Nation Methodist church in Port-
rZlfJt land-' b Rer. J. Hi McDonald.
print gown and a corsage oi gar- ,, .i...j .
denies The! groom's mother will Mrnajed thjrgan mu-
lso wear a
ct gardenias.
Mr. Lester W- Clark will act
as best man for his brother.
mwm . . a Mm
der home
Mr. Clark
Is doing graduate
in Stata college and
, Miss Selander has Just finished wuiamette university ana is gtate will gather In Salem on Wed- lie Several speakers are listed, in
OI j, 71-- .v- tit-mtm. -i now takinr law. He Is -a member m.... v. infiv nn, rnnn.n Tmu nQ .
7 i
1" lOral
Trrilr (tIVPTI
ViA VIK wi
.V S-"T-
ch idven hv Ita C Kella
prc2L 1. T PZ. 'rlT' ,Bt-
tm was rtield Jn thearden
w . r i -
Mr. J. M. BchArff
, m
afternoon and each t member of
the club brought a floral ar-
rangement. Following Mrs. Kells'
talk the arrangements were dis-
cussed. - ' '
the club brourht a .floral ar-
talk the arraneements were dls-
.cussed. - - - w - '
r ..iiv m
devotions ' and ; at the tea hour
v. - -....
Anna WensJ Mrs. D. O. Lear and
Mre4. Jennie D. , Charmers. Mrs.
a.uas .uva,na wm am. a nni n t ni uv iu ikk
Reeves gava a' report of the Sa--
lem WomanTa council meeUnr.
). ft .
; Tears ago
uouiua ui
teas, isne never ana mts. iweiia - oww wciowu...
No charae. no
of fun for riders
kist week was
gonian's "petty" wedding Friday.
The Deaconess hospital anxil-
lary will meet Monday afternoon
at 2 o'clock. Mrs. A. W. Metrger
will lead devotions. The music will
be furnished by Miss Lois Bar-
rick, Miss Emma Lou East and
Miss Mary East. Mrs. George R. K.
Moorhead of the Marion county
department of health will show
several films.
jmss Betty May vehrs wno nas
ah?"A,?ie c."e5!,I vI!"to?
Bwroniy maters iu oniem mis
weekend before returning to her
home in Oakland, California. She
is i a member
of Kappa Alpha
Miss Margaret Wagner and her
brother, Roger Vincent Wagner.
Eleanor Johnson, -who revealed
Gillespie at a party on Thursday
Dr. and Mrs. James. B. Drury
and their children, Joan, James
Jr., and John Crawford of New
York city, are expected in Salem
within a few days, to visit at
the home ot Mrs. Drury's parents,
Mr. and Mrs. John Crawford.
They will then open their sum
mer home at Agate beach. Dr.
Drury is an instructor at Unlver-
Blt f N York
-a j- T T
Sjl 1 OO V OC'rPtT
-a jr i -i ,
VJ 711 ATI F
Sunrise this morning j was the
time chosen by Miss Verna Vosper,
usugnter ot jars. a. .,avospr ai
Portland for her wedding to Mr.
The bride was dressed in a navy
blue : suit ,with military jacket,
worn with a dainty white chiffon
blouse. She was unattended.1
The bride la a graduate of Wil-
Delta Phi, ,caPan Gowa, ai -
"Pm;"PP ana rut uamms
?Mu' Mr -derson is a graduate
Tf7 ,Te !.m PorUanoi, nnU1
faU when they wlU mora to Salem.
' . t l'
artM T.nfriik tmim i rpnrtmm
dauahter of Dr. and Mrs. Edrar S.
Fortner. waa one of those recelv
rwAts t Oregon Medical school
vntian a i.ii, t rnn.
W took her premedical work at
Stanford uniTersity, Stanford, Cl-
m . t & n a t. i
lfonua. ,
Sh will be assistant to Dr. John
Raaf of Portland, a brain surgeon,
doriag- this summer and fall. In
December she will take up rest-
oa win De assistant to ur. jonn
i -i . - .
" "
, - 1 Vj
. .-; . 1 ? v
daring this summer ana xan."--.:
December she will Uke up resl-
in tha Pirkkni rit, hnt.
terning In the east. Edgar S. Fort-
. T Mm P.
ar,Fortner, will return to Salem
June 13 from Palo Alto where he -
a a mm aswu u a. avaa ins a aa mmmV
has completed hi Junior year at
SUnford. '
Miss Jeanne Raymond on June 15.
rweniy-nve-10 i exact, xvir.s
married to Robert Brownell in the
bers of the church some 75 years ago. The. bride, who, will be given,
Local girls are making good with their away by her father, has chosea
puppets. Mrs. Frank Deckebach, Mrs John m JifmmdK mar
Caughell and Mrs. Peggy Mungar 'SIlkt--their
Madcap Mariohettes , to Portland late Her coronet yell will be short. '
this month, to be a feature at the civic carnival ; White roses .and white bouvardia
given at the Henry Corbet estate. They've been UI make., he ont. Rer.
active all winter and have several playlets and f ? ..R1? JVSSSK.
vaudeville acts in which a dozen or more! char- matron of honor; will wear a gown
'acters appear. " . M ' of pink dimity 'and a flower
You never know . that's why newspaper to" her hair, she will carry
writing ia ; so, exciting. The qjnet wedding. Irwln of Se.
which turnea out to oe quaint in our paper tti: Miss Vivian wiiann tihh- ,
more than The Ore-
Marine Buren
x -r
inillVerSarY IS
Mr. and Mrs. Loyd Oror bough
celebrated their 30th wedding an-
.,.,,.. D
niversary last night when they en-,
tertained with an "at home.'
Eighty friends called between the
nour8 ef g ftnd i0 o'clock.
Mrs. Ceroid Carpenter of Camas,
AAnt.r nf th : ... t.;
, 0--
guests at the door. Assisting about
the rooms were Mrs. W. G. Ross,
Mrs. Roy Beardsley, Mrs. Charles
Eyre, Mrs. Emil Carlson, Mrs. Q.
H. Collins and Mrs. Leslie Marcy.
During the evening Mrs. Robert
Hoyser, Mrs. Emil Carlson and
Mrs. H. J. Thomas gave several
musical numbers.
The servin table was centered
with pink and white flowers in a
crystal bowl and guarded by cry-
toy candle sticks with white ta-
pers. Mrs. Ida Niles and Mrs. Bes-
sie Martin poured. Those assisting
with the serving were Miss Gene
Ross, Mrs. Harry Carlson and Miss
Maxine Drorbough.
RtmtI- T5rrrir To-
LJ11UU1 iUi ly lt
Miss Mabel P. Roberts enter-
tained yesterday with a luncheon
at the Spa . in honor of the mem
bers of Miss Mildred Brooks
wedding party. The table was
decorated with an arrangement
of spring flowers.
Covers were placed for Miss
Bernadine Plamondon of Seattle, can Lutheran church will ' meet
Miss Betty Simpkins and Miss at 2 o'clock on Wednesday. Mis
Aroline Wolcott of Marshfleld, sion study will be led by Mrs. t
Mabel 'Forester of Albany, Miss" Stanley Krueger. - Mrs.- Theodore
Elizabeth. Barryi, of Lakeview. Nelson Is, in charge of the pro
Miss Shirley Huntington, Miss, gram and the hostesses are Mrs.
Betty Hansen, Miss Sybil Spears, P. Eriksen, Mrs. R. C. Arpke;
Miss Vivian Aspinwall and Miss Mrs. George Hanson and Mrs.
Mabel P. Robertson. 1; W. J.' Seddern.
JUNE BRIDE Miss Yvonne Smith, who announced her wed
ding date to Mr. Glenn H. Woodry as June 30. Oesten Miller
photo) - - ' , 1
mmm -.
iState UOnVentlOn Ot MUSIC leaCherS
. m, . ,
Association xiere
... - v .
Music teachers from over the
i honnnata iA Imrhiioni
at the Marlon hoteL t
. Mrs Mabl Powers la presl-
dent of the Salem branch, hostess
ktoud. and Miss Frances Vlrginle
Melton of Salem, sUte rice presl-
dent, i program chairman.
Registration opena at 9 o clock
a Wednesday morning tiid
noon luncheon Is scheduled for
that day. A district concert by
representative students oft teachers
of .the .district will oe given at
1: o'clock. Mr. - Rex Putnam
wtt be the speaker at a dinner at
:30 o'clock. .
' At 8 :S o'clock Sergei Tarnow
ocioca. -
'At 8:39 o'clock Sergei Tarnow
akv will be nresented In niano con-
dio. Tarnowsay, teacner
n.tlMiill, Vnnvn mncart n!in
Paul University in Chicago, is a
On Thursday the Parent-Teach-
m v mm mm j mm. w n u w wa mr mr
era association meeting planned
for 10:80 o'clock at Waller hall
iWedding in
Miss Betty Jane Hamilton will
become the bride of Mr. James
Wilkinson jr.., of Tonnentah in
the attractire gardsn of her
Peggy Thompson, Miss Mary Yea-
gr, Miss Peggy Minkiewits and1
Mrs. Claybourne - Dyer will - hold
garlands . through which the' bri
dal couple will walk.'
Mr. t George llkinson will act as
best man. : r
Mr. Errin Potter, and Miss
Jewel MInier will sing, preceding
the ceremony, Mrs. James Teed
will play the wedding' marches, f
-: At - the reception, . which will
follow . the ceremony, Mrs. V. '
Connell Dyer will be in the dinmg
room. Miss Maryanne Owens, Miss :
Eleanor Swift and members
the bridal party will serve. Mrs.
Daniel J. Fry. Jrw will assist about
rooms.fMrs. Frederick Hill
i-nomp80n wm j,e n the garden.
jjiss Lucy Fisher will be in charge
of the gift room and Miss Maxine
McKIllop and Miss Jlelen Wied-
mer "e arranging music in the
arden Mrs- Chafes A. Sprague,
Mr8, Loula Lachmond, Mrs. Linn,
C. Smjth a n d Miss Marguerite
Butler of Portland will pour. Mrs.
R. E. Staples of Portland will cut
tn6 Mke and Miss Mary Stadel-
man ot T6 Dalles and Miss Joyce
Staples of Portland will distribute
the. dream cakes. I
M- Hamilton will wear Alice
blue : crepe and j Mrs. Wilkinson
wil1 De dressed'in a tan lace gown.
Miss Hamilton is a member of-
Chi Omega and Theta Sigma Phi,
Journalism honorary and attend-
ed University of Oregon. The,
groom is a member of Alpha Tan
Omega and graduated from the
university. They will live in Eu
gene.' ,' '
The bride's traveling suit is a
white lace and navr silk dr sus
worn with a large navy blue hat
and light blue coat. She will wear
a white orchid and will hare navy
The Ladies Guild of the Amerl
W "m W ' I W . '
inis weejc
- i v .
is of special interest to the pub-
uregon aiusie.
Kreamer, Jua-
music chair-
mm of Portland. Mrs. Tea Rnt.
wick, member of - Portland PTA
and Lena Belle Tartar.
a luncheon w CI "be given on
Thursday noon when Kate Dell
Marden of 'Portland, president of
the Oregon Federation of Musle
clubs. Is the speaker. A . piano
cUnie will follow,
- The Portland Phiibarmnnfrt
chestra of Portland will appear in
concert at S o'clock on Thursday
afternoon and 1940 contest win-
nera .will receive awards. T
program is open to the public.
A banquet will be held
Thursday night, when Miss El
n wm ; receive awaras. t n e
nanquet win be held on
Thursday night, when Miss Ellsa-
beth rtnvlan. niantst . m
toastmaster, and Dr. C. A. How-
-, . - n .
lege of Education Is to be guest
speaker. . -
m u. ua csaucu a. ua. i iih ai rv iki a .it im
A frolic will follow the banquet
and will conclude the convention.