The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, June 09, 1940, Page 1, Image 1

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    No Substitute I
- .You'll find no newspaper ;
1 can RtTe mon real satisfsc-
tlon than your LOCAL ;
jmohm2vg papkr, with its :
,, pajr today 'and Monday 1
fog or drlzzlo on roast; no i
: change In temperature and i
humidity. Max.; temp. Sat or
day 77, mln. 43. River -2.S
ft. Northeast wind.
PdUNDDO 1651
gkxlexd, Oregon Sunday Morning, Jun 9, 1943
Price 3c; Newsstands 5c
No. C4
- ' J '- r,. . - ,!.'-
' , j.
Paul flauser$ Column
"' The - National Society for Pre
vention of Hay Fever is going
around asking governors of this
and the other 47 states j to pro-
claim the week .T.-
of Jwie -it "D-S;
aim .i ff) a TVr & ''f
weed Week." It!
seems . the rag- i
w e.e d and hay y
fever ant f erers if
just don't get A
a 1 Otis' and thev
want to work a r
blitzkrieg on it. ?
It ust m ak e b
them cry. -
Well, we have
been reading the
capers and we
f igure that the Hnf, Jr.
National Society for the Preven
tion of Hay Fever is Just cutting
off the ragweed to spite its in
telligence quotient. This I Is . be
cause we read in the papers
about Dr. Buenaveutera Jlminez
of the University of Michigan.
Dr. Jlminez has been stndy
Ing hay fever snfferersJ' lo,
these many years, and teaching
college students with hay fever
all that time too. So Dr. Jim
Inez, an observant soul, has a
theory. His theory is that hay
fever sufferers are just natural
ly smarter- than people j who
aren't hay fever sufferers!
Students with hay fever. Dr.
JImlnez says, are generally 6 to
10 per cent higher in intelligence
than students who don't sniffle.
That's something to console the
sniff lers. They lean say to non-
sufferers, Dotfe laugh Ihe
mm a -aW AaA Tnll A ftdrfinriT."
In fact. Dr. Jlminez has so con
vinced us that we're going right
out and smell a ragweed.
Ton can't tell about college
boys. When some ladles In a col
lege town recently saw a body of
young men wearing swastika arm
bands they thought tne imn
column had arrived in force and
hot-footed It for the gendarmerie.
It turned out the lads were just
members of : a college softball
team which had labeled itself the
Blitzkrieg Boys. Th,$y.wer -play-
i to that aftcrriAATi asralntft an
other college softball team, the
M a '"-i-. -r 'i
Butch, - the Mayor of State
street, who always knows where
he can lay his hands on a nickel,
finds one of his many diversions
In singing the songs of the day. I
Batch, about as happy am lndv
without invitation and in spite of
protest. Great artist that he is. he
must answer the call when it
comes. .. . .
Butch will gladly enter into
free-for-all competition at catch
weights with a juke box, radio
or any other mechanical music
maker. This' i-somewhat of a
problem to proprietors of re
tauants, 'fountains and Juke
Joinis which Butch haunts. In
fact one of them, forgetting for
the time that the May of of
fttate street is Lord of All He
Surveys,, did something about
it last week.
"Scram1, you Priental John Mc
Cormack," he said.
71 , j
OrdfFoiind Guill;
New Trial Sought
TACOMA, June 8.-i!P)MotIon
for a new jtrial will be filed Mon
day for John Ord, Tacoma fire
man found gnilty of murdering
Mrs. Myra" Nosier by a- Jury whfch
recommended? life in prison, Ber
til Johnson, defense counsel, an
nounced here tonight.' The state
had asked the death penalty.
Ord maintained a glum silence
after the Verdict was returned
this morning. The jury .had delib
erated about seven hours.
. ' Ord had claimed self-defense in
the shooting affray in Vbich he
killed Hale R.. Noslet. and Mrs.
Nosier on their wedding night and
beat King Pomeroy, a member of
their household, unconscious, last
February 23. Mrs. Nosier had for
merly lived with Ord as hia wife,
and Ord claimed he went to the
Nosier home to congratulate them
on their marriage.
Roosevelt Backed
In West Is Claim
SALT LAKE CITY, June 8.-(p)-If
president Roosevelt seeks
a third term he will have the
support of western states, Calvin
Vf, Rawlings, chairman of a con
ference attended by democratla
leaders of the 11 western states,
dec!red today.
The conference made no formal
expression, but Rawlings. demo
cratic national committeeman
for Utah, said the sentiment of
the delegatt: was favorable to
a third term.
Similar sentiment was ex
pressed by Governor Henry IT.
ElOOd OI- Utaar wo wweoiueu
He commented on conditions
at present, described changes that
had taken place since 1933, when
President Rooeetelt first was in
augurated, and observed:
l "I would not fear for the fu
ture with Franklin D. RObsevelt
a,t the helm."
Largest (2a
At Willamette
bets Diplo
Individual and Society
- Present nd Conflict,
Dexter Declares
Erickson SdiolarsKip Is
Announced; Year-End
Awards Presented
Service to fellowmen was
pointed out to 113 Willamette
university seniors yesterday as
the factor which is greatest in
the realization of noneffective life
by Walter F. Dexter, superinten
dent of public instruction of Cal
ifornia, in an address prior to
presentation of diplomas! to Wil
lamette's largest graduating
"There isn't room at ! the top
for everybody," Dexter said, "but
there is room for servicej"
With the subject "By What
Standards Shall We Measure Pro
gress," Dexter posd two ques
tions, "How can society! succeed
without stifling the individual?"
and "How can the Individual suc
ceed without disrupting society?"
Dexter said that in America
great1 progress has been made be
cause "In America we have asked
these Questions and in America
we have honestly tried to answer
them." ! I '(
Denies Conflict of j
Individual and Group
In answer to his first -question
he said, "Society does not stifle
the individual. It appreciates his
value and worth because it ap
preciates the meaning of the
great philosopher Emanuel Kant
when he said, 'Never use an In
dividual as a means to an end
when the use to which he is put
is detrimental to him. "i
Appreciation of ''five great
points guaranteed by the United
States constitution liberty. Jus
tice, equity of opportunity intel
lectual privilege' and stimulation
of service can lead to-personal
success," he said. i
Dexter evaluated the five points
he mentioned and pointed out
that the greatest was service,
since "it is this that inakes ef
fective the other four.
The second question, he said,
might well again be answered in
words of Emanuel Kant, who
said, "So live that the law of thy
life might well become the law
of all mankind."
Scholarship Offered
Honoring Erickson
Dean- F. M. Erickson, j who Is
retiring this year after 20 years
On the Willamette faculty, re
ceived, an ovation when Ihe was
asked to stand after announce
ment that a group of his! former
students have pledged continuing
contributions to form the Dr. F.
M. Erickson scholarship.
Dr. Yern D. Bain, state direc
tor of elementary aducatlon and
a Willamette graduate, made the
announcement. The scholarsship
will be awarded to .students who
show unusual promise' In the
teaching field and will be award
ed on a basis of merit aid need.
Honorary degrees of Dbctor of
Divinity were given Revj J. Ed
gar Purdy, who gave the invo
cation, and Rev. WHlistoin Wirt,
who read a scripture lesson.
(Turn to Page 2, Col. 1)
Capture of Shasi
Is Japan s Claim
SHANGHAI, June 9. -(Sunday)
-jP) Japanese military authori
ties today ciatmea capture oi is na
si. Important Yangtze river treaty
port west "Of Hankow.
Capture of Shasi was regarded
as a major gain in the drive on
Ichang, another port on the Yang
tze which is the principal! present
objective of the campaign ! In west
era Hupeh .province.! v v
Oregon Statd Grange. Opens
67th Convention bn ftlpnday
Delegates and visitors arej ex
pected to start arriving today for
the 7th annual Oregoal State
Grange convention which 7 will
open here Monday morning and
continue through Friday. About
2000 members of thel farm organ
ization from all parts of the state
are expected, with registration
continuing through Monday! at
the new high school building,
convention headquarters.
Preceding the opening of the
convention, the annual meeting of
delegates of the Grange Mutual
Fire . Insurance association will
take place at 8:30 a m. Monday,
with President Jerry 'Sayler In
charge. - ' "4
Highlights of thd convention
Include a speech by Governor
Charles A. Spragne, at 5:30 p. m.
Monday, juvenile gTange confer
ence at 8 a. m. Tuesday, nomina
tion of 1941 meeting place and
officers "11 a. m. Tuesday, report
of election committee 11 a. ra.
Wednesday, memorial services at
2:30 Thursday, drill team con
test 3:15 Thursday and installa
tion 1:30 Friday. .
Key W. Gill of Portland, state
Named as Acting
- University Dean
;. ' . "' !
a - '
t: ,
-fisN "':'
v f
WU Looks Aheacl
Centennial Year
More Buildings Hoped Jlor
by 42; Herbert Hardy
Alumni President
Hope that Willamette univer
sity might build a boys' dormi
tory and a hall of music and fine
arts before its centennial is cele
brated on February 1, 1942, was
expressed bT President Bruce M
Baxter at the annual alumni ban
quet last night.
The campus centennial will be
forward rather than backward
looking. Dr. Baxter said.
The university's alumni roster
waa extended by the board of
trustees yesterday to include
more than 100 graduates of
Gooding coUege, disbanded Idaho
institution whose i records the
university has been! keeping. The
Gooding alumni also were voted
Into the Willamette alumni asso
ciation last night.
Dr. Chester F. Luther, profes
sor or mathematics since 1937,
was elected acting dean , of the
university to serve untlr a per
manent dean I appointed, prob
acy at the start of the 1941-42
school year. He will take the
place of Dr. Frank M. Erickson,
who will reure in September.
All non-faculty staff members
with the exception of Dr. F. K.
Power, who has resigned as uni
versity physician, were retained
for the coming yeSr.
Harold Hauk, j Salem high
school athletic coach, yielded the
presidency of the alumni associa
tion to Herbert Hardy, Portland,
at the association : election last
night. Other new officers are Dr.
Helen Pearce and" Edward O.
(Turn to page ?, col. 4)
1 :
Wagner Act Vote
Unlikely, Senate
Chalrman Thomas ! (D-Utah) of
the senate labor committee said
today it would be '''virtually im
possible" for the senate to act on
house-approved amendments to
the Wagner labor relations act if
congress adjourns on June 22 as
leaders have planned. ' ;
Thomas said he would call the
committee into session, next week
to conitde r the amendments
which would abolish the present
three-member; board! and create a
new three-man agency. The legis
lation also would separate the ad
ministrative and prosecution ac
tivities of the agency .
Although Thomasi expressed the
opinion that hearings would be
unnecessary, Senator LaFollette
Prog-Wis), another committee
member, said It might be advis
able to take testimony briefly on
points involved in the amend
ments which had not been cov
ered by the extensive hearings
conducted by the senate commit
tee on other proposals to change
the; 'act:
master, will preside. Roy J. Rice,
Marlon county Pomona master la
heading local arrangements and
is being assisted by the following
committee chairmen: - Zero Po
lalre, parking; Mrs. F. D. Wolf,
home economies; Mrs. ! Roy . J.
Rice, information: Mrs. Doily
Wickert, decoration; A. A. Geer,
arrangements; W. R. Dallas, drllL
Monday's program follows:
t : 3 0 a. m.. Grange Mutual Fire
Insurance meeting.
10:00, opening drill by state of
- . fleers; address of wel
come. Mayor W. W. Chad
wick; response. Bertha J.
Beck, state secretary; re
ception of delegates; re
port of . division of labor
12:30 p. m., noon recess.
1:30, committee meetings. . -2:30,
session convenes. -'
; 2:00, reading of state master's
- address; reports ' of state
officers and committees ;
. 8:25, closing - In fourth degree
by Charles Wicklander. .
5: SO, address Governor Charles
, A Sprague, open to public
7:30, band concert, grange mix
er at Olinger field-
Bills to Bio
Profit on
To Be Drafted
"No MilHonaires'l Plea
of Roosevelt Heard
Tax Bm 'Approved With
Changes Cutting Its
Yield Two Million
stuaies iooKingr toward early en
actment of anti-war profits legis
lation at the next session of con
gress were ordered by tie bouse
ways and means eommittjee today
in approving a $1,004,000,000 de-
tense tax bill.
In a Statement, the committee
said that there should not be "an
opportunity for the creation of
new war! millionaires or ithe fur
ther substantial enrichment of al
ready wealthy persons because of
the rearmament program)."
Accordingly, the statement add
led, technical assistants to the com
mittee and treasury officials have
been asked to have bills ready
at the opening of the next session
jot congress which will enable the
government, through t a x i, to
capture any excess profits, and
also to provide for special amor
tisation for national defense In
dustries. ! !
The full committee annroved.
with minor changes, the. bill draft
ed by a ! subcommittee which is
designed; to raise 91.006,000,000
a year to pay off emergency na
tional defense costs In fife years.
Murages ni jsxcise i
Provisions Voted
The measure reduces ipersonal
Income tax exemptions, imposes a
10 per cent supertax, Increases
the corporate Income tax! one per
cent and increases excise land sur
taxes. ine omy changes ;the rail
committee made in the subcom
mittee's bill dealt with excise
taxes. t-Jiv.. l
These changes reduced the bill's
potential yield by about f2,000,
(Turn to Page 11, Col. 1)
Compulsory Drill
Rjll Is Predicted
Adler Says It WilliTouch
All Male Citizens,
Ages 18 to 63
Colonel Julius Oehs Adfer: vice-
president: and general manager of
the New York Times, told Prince
ion university alumni today a bill
to require compulsory j military
military training would be ready
for congress soon. s
The alumni, numbering 60. who
heard Adler's talk at a i meeting
held in conjunction with the an
nual campus program for return
ing graduates, adopted a resolu
tion approving universal; compul
sory military training. ,
Adler, a member of the class of
1916, said the bill was being draft
ed "in words of one and j two syl
lables so that everyone would un
derstand It. -.
He said it would embody these
points: j ; ;-
1. Registration of every male
citizen, and alien who has taken
out first papers, between Ithe ages
Of 18 and fi5. - . !
2. Making all male citizens be
tween th ages of 21 and 14 & avail
able for military training in times
or peace; at the call of the presi
dent. . n
3. Making, In times of war, all
male citizens between thf ages of
18 and 21 and 45 and 65 liable
for military training for purposes
of home: defense and those from
21 to 49 liable for regular mili
tary training. 1
Adler said between 7 Of and 80
per cent of those between! the ages
or 21 and 32 would be .taken for
military training, 10 to is per
cent of those between 3 2 and 38,
and three to aeven per; cent of
those between 38 and 45
The program' was sponsored ha
said, by the Military Training
Camps association. He la a mem
ber of that association, a colonel
of infantry in the Officers' Re
serve corpa and civilian ajd to the
secretary of war in the second
corps area. j
Council to Decide
Power Pole jfesue
'-if; ' - - '
The question of whether a city
permit is needed by. Vm Salem
Electric . Cooperative association
to set power poles alojng city
streets will be before the council
at Its meeting of May J17, City
Attorney Lawrence N, Brown said
yesterday. . j
i The cooperative has J already
planted some poles, but no more
will be set until after the coun
cil's decision. -
The city attorney : contends a
ity permit Is necessary j w h i 1 e
Paul R. !, Hendricks, attorney for
the cooperative maintains a per
mit Is Unnecessary,
Five of the founders of the Salem
quarter-million dollar exhibition
High street. Mrs. Ljie Rea examines Arthur B. Davies' "Flocks in I
V. C Kuhn look on Statesman,
i '
Notable Art
pens on Founders Day
Original Paintings Valued at $250,000 by Such
Artists as Corot, Inness, Constable
' and Barbizon Group Are Shown f
The outstandiriir art exhibition ever brought to Salem
will open this afternoon ai the Salem Art Center in honor of
the hird annual "Founders' day" celebration. The exhibit
is composed of JL9 original paintings by internationally fa
mous landscape artists, lent from the permanent collections
of the noted Walker art galleries in Minneapolis, Minn.," and
the Portland art museum. Accord-o
ing to Charles Yal Clear, state di
rector of art centers, these paint
for which neigotiatlons have
underway ior some rnowni,
are valued at 8250,000. The show
will remain ! on view daily- for
weeks following today.
Some of the most familiar
names in art history are repre
sented. Original paintings by Cor
ot, Inness, Rousseau, Constable,
Thomas, Morgan and 1 4 other Im
portant artists are shown In this
exhibition. The pictures, as a
graap, illustrate the development
of the conservative traditions in
landscape painting. They start
with an example by John Consta
ble, Who lived between 1776 and
1837, find who was the first great
English landscape painter. He was
the first artist actually to use the
colors of nature rather than the
accustomed brownB and greys.
From Constable the exhibition
turns to the Barbizon group of
artists, first with Michel, then
Corot, Rousseau, Daubigny, Diaz
and Harplgnies. i J- i
After the ; French artists, - the
exhibition is concluded with, an
extensive r e v i e w of American
landscape painting. It starts with
by Thomas Cole, .who was
born in 1801, and ht of ten. called
the "Father ! of American Land
scape Art." His "Italian Land
scape" in the exhibit Is recognized
as his best piece. Frederick Ed
win Church is represented with a
panoramic view, of the Catskill
mountains. Other artists of the
, (Turn to Page 2,- Col. 2)1
- ?- ' - - -1
Lato Sports
SILVERTON, Jnne 8. Every
Silverton player scored, two of
theni twice. In the eighth inning
as the Red Sox beat Bend Satur
day 12-8. SUverton scored 11
runs on If hits in their big ln
nlng. I ;( , , j ., t
Bend . j ... I ' ' iil' ': ; i 9- 2
SilTerton 12 14 .4
Farmer, Mnrdock, Honehena
and. Kramers; Schwab, Yackey,
Bennett, II. Hagedom. and Reld,
Moe, -, , . ' .
EUGENC, ' June - t.J-Jlmjaj
Rega 1 limited ' the . Eugene Ath
letics to three' hits; here tonight
as the Medf ord Craters defeated
the local State league club 10-0
to remain, at the top. of the league
standings, ' j
Medford , " f . ,! ,10 12 1
Eagene ,.: 0 8 8
Rego and Hawkins; Day,
Hutcheson ( 8 ) and; Mattisosu
PORTLAND, Jnna 8.-V-Th
Portland Babes hammered two
Hills Creek pitchers for 14 hits
and a 12-4 State league baseball
victory tonight,
Hills Creek -4 9 i
Portland ' ' :.12 .14 3
Kendall, Johnson and . Ball:
Carstems and Amacher. - .
ALBANY. '- Ore.,' June 8.
Albany walloped the Jack ft Jill
team of Portland, 9-2, tonight in
a State league baseball game.
Miller! held the , Portlandera to
three hits. ,
Jack ft Jill . , .' ,,2 3 1
Albany. 9 11 2
Penderrrass. Richards and W.
Wittcke; Miller and Robertsoq. .
Art Center have preview of the
which opens today aa a feature of
staff photo.
Switzerland Is
On Anxious Seat
Shoot Down More German
Planes; Will Defend
if Land Invaded
BERNE, June 8,CP)-L 1 1 1 1 e
Switzerland, ! caught between two
powerful neighbors already fight
ing and a third ready to enter the,
conflict, downed two German
planes violating her territory to
day In demonstrating anew a
firm determination to preserve
her neutrality.
Swiss - army patrol planes
brought to nine the number of
German planes forced toSarth in
the past month when a Messer
schmitt fighter was shot down In
Lucern Canton, deep in Switzer
land, and a nasi bomber was
forced to land in soiotnurn can
ton,' northwest of Berne near
the French frontier,
The Swiss ; themselves lost one
fighter which was shot down,
killing its two lieutenant pilots.
In a battle with a flight of nasi
bombers over the Jura mountains
across from i France. j The fate of
crews of the downed German
planes was not Immediately de
termined. ...
With Switzerland! already on
the anxious , seat because of the
fighting between neighboring
France and. i Germany, the pros
pective entry ? of Italy Into the
war brought ;: roreDoaings mat
Switzerland might s n f f e r the
same fate as t h e German-conquered
But the Swiss hope to pnt up
a better fight than the Dutch, i
(Turn to page 2, eoL 7) 1
Italians Already Pifjposing
"Revenge" Raids on Britain
ROME, Jnne 8-()-A pointed
warning that five English cities
would be bombed for every Italian
city attacked! by allied bombers in
the event Italy enters the war was
published today - by the Rome
newspaper II G lorn ale dTtalla Just
while foreign observers were ex
pressing belief. Italy would enter
the conflict next week. - -
XI Giornale d'ltalia editor la Ylr
glnio Gayda, long recognised as
Premier Mussolini's "editorial
mouthpiece. , . .
Reports have circulated here
that the British and French plan
to bombard J tali an centers If this
nation ; entered the war against
them. - , . -
To these reports, the authorita
tive newspaper said:
" "For every Italian city bombed
fire English cities would suffer
tho same treatment.
Bombardment of Rome would
be the signal ,for "similar but
greater bombardment of London,"
the newspaper added.'
- However, Rome was considered
here to be fairly safe from attack.
. -o."U' - -
War Purchase
Tempo Raised
Items Other Than Planes
and Bought
to Assist Defense
NEW YORK, June S-iJPAme&
war purchasers, who have hereto
fore concentrated mostly , in air
craft and tools, now are tapping
United States industry for an as
sortment of other weapons "and'
Wall street sources said today
British and French agents sud
denly appeared to have widened
their range on' orders and inquir
ies to speed equipment plans and
replace losses. Total orders placed
since September, nre estimated at
$1,300,000,000 now, and the fig
ure is expected to grow rapidly. ;
The new German drive, It was
pointed out, threatens Important
industrial sectors in addition "to
those already engulfed by the nasi
advance in northern ; France and
us iow countries, a r n,
i . High-speed marine e hit I n e s
shells, Increased steel tonnage and
a big powder plant at Memphis to
supply allied needs have been pur
chased .recently.
An atmosphere of intensified
activity . pervades the big British
-and French buying offices In the
downtown financial, district, close
to the headquarters of many of
the nation's industrial concerns.
Of the estimated $1,300,000,000
allied orders the overwhelming
bulk has thus far been for aircraft
and accessories.
Airplane contracts signed or in
early prospect approximate $1,
200,000,000. . ' ;
-Probably $700,000,000 In zonk
tracted orders, mainly aircraft,
have been delivered by the manu
facturers, an informed source
said. i
To' avoid giving the enemy in
formation, spokesmen f o r t h e
commission purposely hare been
vague, although specifying that
"more than 8,000 warplanes"
(Turn to Page 2, Col. 2)
Dewey to Be
Nominated First
MONTGOMERY, Ala.. June 8.
-iJPf-A 1 ah a m a ' s alphabetical
right to first place on the roll call
of the republican national conten
tion will go to New York for the
nomination of Thomas E. Dewey,
a majority of the state's 13 dele
gates announced today.
The action of the seven Dewey
supporting delegates , came only
two days ahead, of a scheduled
visit by Senator Robert A. Taft
(R-Ohio) who was expected to
make a bid for the state's No. 1
spot. V ' --' '
"We are going to vote for Mr.
Dewey for the . (presidential)
nomination,', the delegates said.
and We are going to yield .for
Dewey's name to be placed In
nomination by the convention."
while Italians prepared to make It
an open city by removing govern
ment offices, troops and aircraft. .
Some observers heard that an
Italian attack on their first secret
objective would come In the early
hours next Monday but a source
considered reliable indicated it
probably would be later, possibly
Thursday or Friday night, .
- Italians took great notice of
what , newspapers described as
"the - growing agitation for Am
erican intervention" tn the war.
But fascists " in government ' cir
cles as. well as newspapers contin
ued to scout the idea that the
United States would be able to
give Britain and France- effect
ive aid In time.
II Giornale D'ltalla" sought to
explain the declaration of its ed
itor that United States entry Into
the 1 war would give European
powers the right to Intervene. in
American affairs.
The newspaper declared the ar
ticle was not a "provocation or
threat" toward the. United States,
explaining it meant to say that
(Turn to Page 2, CoL 8)
Only 48 IVIiles
From Paris at
Nfearest Point
Huge Los3 Inflicted ly
Weygand Forces in
"Trap" jTactics
.f;;:lr"": 1 H
British Admit Merchant
Vessel Sunk; Balkan
Stress Renewed
PARIS, J n n e O--iSun-
- day) The high command, an
nouDced today tluit the bati?
in northern France is contin
uing with unabated violence
and has extended to the "t
as far as the Argonn.
The morning ' conuuunIm
. . , - -- '.'.'(
"The battle continues, with
me same violence on position
attacked for1 several days, f '
4 "It ;ls now extending to the
east as far as the Argonne.
"At dawn the enemy launch-
ed a new and very powerful at
tack oh wide front from the
region of Chateau Porcien to
that of thesne jPopnlcnx." ,
' (By The Associated Press)
, The most massive German of
fensive of the wai- and perhaps the
greatest of all history; employing
.1,000,000 charging infantrymen '
and 3500 tanks, bushed the fight
ing defenders ol France back
along" a 60-mile front Saturday
night and reached at one spot to
within 48 miles 4t Paris. A
The great deaih-dealing squad
rons of tanks, Itbough 'suffering '
great losses, poihted the way for
the gray-green Jwave of Germftn
infantry, so densely packed that
each man laid a steadying hand 01
the shoulder of the next ahead.
OutnumberedJ the French mtu .
what was off iciatlly described as a
"retlrment manfeufir," pitting ail
and wreaking terrible destruction ,
upon it while packing into sup
porting points in the deep-spread
Weygand line.
A French military spokesman
said the main lines still held sr.d
the enemy losses were "enor
mous,'? but still the 60 divisions
of German infantry and seven ar- ,
mored divisions thrust in.
Fighting reached all up ar.1
down A 110-mile front from the
eea to the Alsne, reaching a peak
of unleashed fury in the ct-nter.
where an estimated 500,000 mt-a
were being used by the naais ia
the push! against the Oise vallty
alohe-r-the route toward Paris.
, Thai French said the.withdraw.f.1
was from the Aumale-Noyon line.
In the west, 200 to 300 Gernia
tanks crossed the Bresle river ai.d
plunged nearly 20 miles south t-Forges-Les-Eaux,
but the Frenn .
counter-attacked and . siid tby
were -pounding the tanks to hits
while the river blocked- the Her
man infantry. f 1 .
' On the east flank, nar.1 soldiers
estblished a- small bridgehead on
the Alsne river in the Soissons b- -tor
and there, the French counter
attacked incessantly. 'V,
In the fourth night of the gref-t
offensive the battle flamed jtga'a
from the Chemln-Des-Dames rid re
to the sea, on a line now 110 milts
long, with German tanks attack
ing and the allied counter attack
ing on land and from the. air.
War r alarms! mounted mean
while In the Balkans as tbe Ru
manian war ministry called five
classes of reservists to the colors.
Italy was poised on the edge of
war and Rome foreign observers
thought she would enter the frty
in less than a week.
The: main nazl drives came
(Turn to Page 2, Col. 6)
Bus Driver Slain;
4 Strikers Held
Bus driver Jay P. Pilcher, 39, mt
Flagstaff, Arix., died in a hopitcl
today of a fractured skull a few
hours after a fight with men po
lice identified as members of ti e
Brotherhood f of Railroad Train
men, which Is striking against
Pacific Greyhound lines. f
Booked on suspicion of niurdfr
were four striking drivers, W. W.
Cadle, 43, Huntington park, Cal
if., George Bisbee, 39, B. M. Boep
pier, 86, and II. P. McElreath, 33, ,
all c Los Angeles. Det.-Lleuff!. '
Clifford Giltan and Ralph DarS of
the police homicide detail said
they were Investigating wltnt'j-fc .
statements that two other ma
were Involved in the altercat io.i
and that Pjicher had been etru.
with s.1lunt instrument and kick
ed, as he lay on the ground.
Spanish Paris Embassy
Moves IZeccrds, lie:
NEW YORK, J&J19 s.-rry-T) ft
German radio, in a broadest :
English intercepted here by NI-",
reported tonight the Spanish -
bassy in Paris had transferer -1 T 5
files to St. Jean De Lti t-j t 3
Spanish border becaae of ''il.-s
uncertainty of the pre&or.t 'sift
tion." ,