: ; ':-.!', - f .". - . :,' i :r::: j '1 1 Th OBEGOJ? STATESMAN. Salem. Oregon, Saturday Maming Inn ; L 1343 page iron: raj IS... At LOW 'COST:.. -Use ''STATBSBfiAN'-lWAMT-ADS! I 4 P tl Statesman i ! ' - Classified Ads ' Call :"9j!djV . - I -.. 'Vj Classified Advertising Three insairtlunt per.Un 25c Six Insertions per (line 40c One month per line , ; 'V.?. Minimum charge 2 5tf: 3 U mtn imam 35e; tiimin 45c No .refunds.; A ! - -Cep for this Pf accepted enttl 4:30 the evening before publication for classification. Copy rm't t Ur ttle ft mo will bej rea ndir Ui heeding "Too Uti to Clealry." The Statesman essainea ae floaaeUI; respeesi!tity for errors which anay, appear la advertlaeiaeate poblished sa, it eelaaans ana ia as where ae paper is atrtaarl mill repaint that fart f as edtertlsemeat I wblea the typ eg-rephieal mistahe eeears. -The tulnui teaeefLthe right reject aeeatiaaable fadvoTtiaiBg. It fartAe reserves tba right to placa JI advertislag fade the pro par claesifv eatloe. :' ; A "Blind" A aa ad containing s Stetaunaa baa number for a a address U far tha protection of the adver tiser Bad moat therefore ba an wared by lertar. Tha EUttim'H t eot at liberty te dlva'r iajoraiat'oa ai- e tha Identity af as advertiser !! "Mia" ad. ':"'- Livestock Phone 7330 - Phone 7330 ATTENTION WE' PICK up dead; and worthless animals at a moment's notice. Top pricea for foa-feed horse. OREGON RENDERING & FERTILIZER CO. Phone Salem TSjlO. Colle FARMERS ! MONTGOMERY RhE N D E IVI N G WORKS PICKS VP. FREE OF CHARGT5, DEAD A Nt WORTHLESS HORSES AND COW'S ANYWHERE IN THE WILLAMETTE . VALLEY. WE PAT TOP PRICES " PHONE US COLLECT, a 411 S ALEM BABT CHICKS 1 arleties in cluding Reds. Rocks. Hampshire, Leg horns, i Day old pullet, cockerels, started chicks. Phonie 228S1, Leas "Hartchery. j ; Ti T Auctions SEEJi, F. N. & GLEjxN WOODRY, Salem's reliable auctioneers. We guar , antee best results. Established 2 a years In Salem. Ph. 611. IW N. Summer St. We Buy, Sell or Trade.- HIGH GRADE furnltUre auction today. 1 P. m 1155 N. Fifth St, Mre. ! Vera Crone, owner. P. -. Glenn Woodry, Auctioneers, jPh, 6110. Help Wanted -IF TOU live in Salem or surround tng towns, make good (money as a dry cleaner agent or route man. A fine new etrvice fret will build your business at once. i Write Box ts. Statesman. CelUr. abed. We buy! fresh, Sc dry $1.15 lb. FREE BOOK. Mushrooma H!T Third. SeaUIe. fVaah. Help Wantcdrf-Female E3tP. GIRI. for genJ hsewrk. Twoln family. Call 415 N. Capitol St. ftnnrnir."'t-i WANT WOMAN. I exoert driver. eteady Job ; traveling: cabins. $2S mo. Kin. State age. wt., fcth. Write fully. R. Breckaey, Gen. tL, Milwaukie. Oregon. .. I Situations Wanted 11 BOX I i. CLEAN, dependable, wants work. CartPopplnga. Hubbard. Ore gon. - i - CARPENTERING, j REilOS) EXJNO. painting, roofing. SrepaJr work guar anteed. Ph. tiai. t j SaatWlsaajaa4aAsksaSaksAsSl DRESSMAK. Mr. dsltt. Ph. 25.-f LAWN. GARDEN jicork. Ph. tI. CENTENNIAL COSTVMES made at Fasii'netter4i29 Court, j Mrs. Couchman. RELIABLE AND exr. HBtn sent. rirl wltl car for chUdr en eveffj, rjngie- wood Park disc Rcai. .1120 N. list. For Sale Miscellaneous SPRINC HOUSE CLEANING Look at TIIESE FHjrnlmre Values 'w (Mofcc f nits New floor lampsi 3.93 s .as ill n rt giiiiw. . ..... ...... ... . - (.no KruVfltt Ik tit . t 8.88 New bridge lamps 1- - 2 ? New Bed Daveno i a. 14.0 New 9x13 Ax. rpg S22 New coil sprinsa- 4.88 New tronimc boards .59 ' Taveport dfe -ichalr, eiloeeout ... 110.00 New - price naf. adv. ROME . Innersp. mat. & box spring, guaranteed 1 ..$22.0 New- i Innersp. mattresses , .8S Wood ran?ea, closieout .&t 3.00 New $39davenport : jcinair -135.00 New accairional chalri.,:. f 3.93 , - MONEY TALKS . . NASH FURNITURE CO. , FOR SALE, cheap tfroplane. Phone Walt one. 12-fr. Hy- SSOSj. ' - I STRAWBERRIES, mi. E. Biff Chief S. Sta YOU pick, 1H N, R. 7. B. 33. . tTatnir'virr njTRA vtttms. ii don row. Asters ; marigold plants 6c do. Uri O. DJ Binegar. S. of Pen 4 Cor. Buv with Confidnre at the 1 NASH Ft'RNI-rUKE CO. - Friendly Service i-Low Prices Large, stock, new and used r RUBBER STAMPaU7 Court. 7404, THOROBRED SPRtTNGER Spaniel Iup 2 months Id. Very reasonably priced. Phone 9541 Or call 1710 N. lith SL evening. - B- .. i ( f -.-':. -. j NEW' CU. ft. Gibson refrigerator, all steel cabinet. . hernaetlaUy sealed unit only 679.95. Good : Housekeeping Inc 4 53 court EC T WHY PAY MORE Shop the Najih Fiirniture Co,: -Home or Lantr Krlnger .Lowest trictS - - - ' ! . , ' ADVErtTIgLvjb , - ' Western idrerttciac - V Repreeentatlies Geirgo O. Cioae, loa Sja rraneiace. Loo 4 azalea, Seattle - Eastern Adfe.-Uslns , . " lie p rescn UtUes . Brvant (Griffith A Branson, iae. L ' Chicago. New Xcr. Detroit" ' f Bota, atiaau Entered it PoriofTic at Salmm, Orrgon aa Second Ciasm Matter. f ahecf -every merttiaff tcvt itondap.' liusint$ officm ta itmlX Commercial Btretft. : - ' ' ' ' :r! r'.'' SUBSCRIPTION RATES: ' Ma'l SubtcrJpttea B'. la Adnoes V'iikia Orejoa; Daily afl Sunday, Ma " 53 eaats; S Mos. SI 50;l -. -ifos. $3 60s 1 jaar S5.0O. Elaaebere eeau per iio or $d.00 for yeaii ia adtsnea. Par (dDT f eenta. Kevtetanda 5 eaats. .. C Citx Carrier, 0i eaats woota, $r .0 a ydir is aCvasce la Uarloa aad J.UC8St CO blooey to Loan C QUICK GASH LOANS V CALL. WRITE or phone (9168) to Salem's oldest largest home owned and home managed finance Institution. " Tour financial affairs will be discussed and loans made in strictest privacy. You will be Riven every consideration In the re paying of your loan or granting of extensions. f 1 to 24 Months to Repay ?- ; You ca pay in full any time to reduce the cost. Only Borrower Signs ! No endorsers. Loans im on furniture or note. SEK ROT H. SIMMONS, MGR. JIM CIARK. ASST. MGR. Lie No. M 151 r GENERAL FINANCE CORPORATION 1S So. Conwaercial St. . Lie. No. S 188 first door acuta of Ladd V Bush Bank " Phone 91(1 I i c Convenient ground floor location Auto Loans 1 Willamette Credit Co. ITS FLOOR GOARDJAN 0UItJINO LICENSE NO. M ISS PRIVATE MONEY AUTO AND TRUCK LOANS CONTRACTS REFINANCED to re duce K j nteuta tfoney 'or new er uard car a Me deiiay or red tape Too will retala posar salon ef the ehlrle. 1 foil MONTHS TO PAT ROY H. SIMMONS ISC Sooth Commercial Street : Phone ! Lie. No. M-181 FHA LOANS 4 H . atso prlv loans, Ahrams' 4k EIMa Inc. Masonic Bldg. Loans Wanted ,' WANTED PRIVATE MONEY TO LOAN on good Salem real es tate. W111 par Interest ; W. H. GRABENHORST A CO, '. REALTORS i WANTED. PRIVATE money! for lty. farm and acreage loana Net in vestors hh to 9 interest. Examine securities yourself. It will pay you to see us for Investments. CHI1XS A MILLER. INC. S44 State St. Phona 9281. LOANS WANTED on farm and elty property. Before borrowing Inquire at Hawkins Kooerta FOR SALE Good sound first fattm mortgages and bonds. See B. C. Zielln skL with HAWKINS A ROBERTS. INC Fhoe 4109 or 9745. j Fjir Sale Miscellaneous OLD WINDOWS, 1285 S. Liberty. NEW ZENITH 1940 electric refrig erators, ranges, . washers. Lowest prices in valJey. Nash Furniture Co. BABY CHICKS, ten varieties now. 2 hatches every week. Cockerels, pul lets, custom batching. Tel. 1-284L Lees Hatchery. THE APRON Shop, 111 N High Strawberry and Bean Dusters built to order, 575 to 5800. Schuett Machine Shop. Salem. Dallas Hi way. 8 mL out. SILVERDOME HOUSE trailer, fully equipped. A-l condition. Hubbard! Mo tor Co. aaaaaasa1aaaaasaJsaaa NEW 4-DRAWER steel letter file, ball bearing roller bearings, $31.00. RnL 4SC fmrt uut. roiice pups, szo ramaraca. 2 TRAILERS. $5 A $10. Inq, at hae. behind 2350 Myrtle. 1 " "" "I'-a"""'"-!'- i iiJar1iafwiianW1 ir'"arTaa'jnjliiS !USEp EASY mangle, good condi tion, cheap) for cash. 570 N. Winter, Ph.: 6191. WRECKING LARGE houae at 1560 State St.. doors, windows, plumbing, lumber ail kinds, for sale -cheap. TURKEYS. MESSED A del. Also eggs tor hatching Ph. t-3074. TO BUY or sell your house trailer, see King, 619 N. Front St. Trade Miftwllanpons WILL TRADE alfalfa hay for fer tiliser, delivered or not. Harold Gwin. Young ranch near BrankV corner on Salem-Independence road. Phono itaiem aor'4. Wanted Furniture F. N. A ; GLENN WOODRY, Auc tioneers tt furniture dealers will pay Lyou more cash or trade for f urn 1 torn ec nousenoia goods, we buy or sen ev erything. Pb. 6110. p Miscellaneous Dental Plate Repair TWO-HOUR SERVICE. IN MOST CASES Bring or Mai Your Plates for Repair Aiisky Bldg. 3d A Morrison BR 2427 For Rent- Rooms ROOM: FOR rent. 723 Court. Rmi., prl. home, men. 245 S. CCttaga. ATTRACTIVE FURN. mi for of fice giria close in. 535 N. Winter. URN. RM. l08e a'.-t Afl l .-.r HOTEL MARION Rooms Special weekly and monthly rates to perm, guesta Marlon Coffee nop oenctous meats at low-prices. -HOTEL SALEM, low monthly' ratea. S SLEEPING ROOMS, cioee' in! tlovelv aAsakaasaaaBAMaaaasSa ly private home. men. Reaa phi 3041 ssaajsaasaajataafcaaaasejai 1 NICELY : furnu. 1st 0 NICELY ; furnu. 1st floor, 611 Center. Room and Board PLAIN B A rm. 485 8. Com'L SEE MA Bowtn, 405 N. Liberty. LI YE AT Ullmana, 450 Marion. 'GOOD HOME. 1144 Center. T 70. aa n aaiaia)aawa1aaaanaaaM Gft HOME, close in. Ph. 830, For Rent Apartmerits TURN. APTSU' rea Y N.: Church. 1 R, PRIV. rot, 1st rkwr, lcr I R, all furiu, S5 3. 12th. j 3 R. FURN. Adults. Phone 5891. I LGE. MOD. 3 rm. - rum. apt, auto, ht, water.) Bw gas stow, prlv. ent, $18.60. I ; . : - Purn. S rm. he., gar 3170. 235$ State. Ph. 349 after p. m. ; 1 ML BATH, W. 8rar.. $Z0. , NOraJratt"" 2 rin bats, heat ed duplex, 1135 N. 13th St. . , : t R. rum Refrig, bath. 439 Center, , MOD.- 4 .APART, bldg.' home with Income, Owner 194 N. Capitol Bt : garage, 200 N CapUoi.'--': - ' KJIRN. APT, $8 a mo. 333 Water. V'ACXHawthorrie Court. Adults. 1 RM. APT,' t b'iocks from ! Hunt's Canrwryi $ia. 1 sleeping raw $8, ;70 N. High. - i-. , y 1- 8sssssbeesi8-e)sssss -CLOSE IN turn apt, 3 bdrxn. 404 N. Church. Ph. 1748.- ; if , NICELY FTJRN. 3 R. apt, private bath, toot watU washer, 12J4 SL, Com't 2 RM, ADULTS, 77 8. ComTL . 1 RM. FURN. 8 rm. unfurj $10 A $12. Altar 4:30. 1820 Ferry. I LOVELY 1 R. furn. PulU kit, bath, refrig, for lady, June L rm. furn, prl. s bath, rtfxig, 6i & Summer. ie;' to Loan For Rent-Apartments STRATTON. 3 A 3 R. Ph. 3842. McALPlNE. 1240 Center. Pb, U91. aaaaana9ssaa,ntaa 2 A 3 R.. prlv. bath. 1935 Center. asaeaaaaa X RM, Frig. Adulta 436 N. Winter. LARGE. COMFORTABLE room, in divtriual lavatory, close in. 757 Cen ter SL - - - i---.-h-M-M'WWWVWXi a rm m fwi e.,m r.i. k... bath, adulta 991 N. Cottage St. PATTON APTSL, 3Z3 Stata Fur nished. Ph C244 Apt . llRM FURN kit. bath. 146 Court APTS, FURN., urifura. Children welcome. $ up. 1310 & 13th. P. 7089. t, 3 AND 3 R. apta, 429 N. Liberty. 1 A 2 R FURN apt. MS Ferry. $ Rma Mod. dose In. Ph. 8884. SMALL FURN. apt, 250 S. Cottage. APT, PRIV. bath. Summer ratea Hskpg. rm, 2054 N. CapitoL 3-RM. FURN. Adults. 1384 Marion. FURN, 2 A S-rm. apt, 690 Union. FURN. 2 RM. spt, wat. Its, gar, 2261 Hazel Avei Ph. 7654. $10. SMALL. FURN. 1397 N. Com'L MOD. S RM. apt., grnd. floor, pri. ent, elec. xange. Frigid. Ph. 5977. OUTSTANDING MOD. furn. apt, fireplace, Frigid, gar, 1580 Center. VACANC? June 1. 4 rm. 43 Union. 2 RM. APjT, 265 S. Commercial. For Rent Houses ! 'FOR RENT 4 rm. bungalow, 1070 N. 13th. Call 4632, Upstairs Furn. Store. 4 RM, $15. 4 rm, 2 A. 7113. -6 RM, 1511 N. WINTER. Inq, 1045 Howard. $20. . FOR RENT MODERN 5 R. HOME located at 15(5 Madison St, $30 per mo. W. ii. GRABENHORST CO. Phone 6468 or 7976 4 RM, HSE, modern except 'basement, N. 18th. $15. 5 rma, convenient to grocery A schl. Nice lawn and backyard, double ga rage, $17.60. F. H. WEIR, 22 Oreg. Bldg. Ph. 941L "asi.aa,iaaaaaaVeaaa, HOUSE, INQ. 155 Division. ROOM FURN. cottage, elec equip ped, aote. heat. Couple. $32.60. 835 N, Commercial. FURNISHED AND unfurn. houses. H. P. GRANT. 539 Court. Phone 6744 FURN. AND unfdrn. houeea R. A. FORKNER, 1853 N. Capitol FURN. A UNFURN. houses, MEL YIN JOHNSON, 735 Court, Ph. $723. ai - - -TraaTaiaTuTiXfXXf WE HAVE THE -PROSPECT IF YOU want to sell, exchange, lease, rent, see Mr. La men or Mr. Col lins with Hawkins A Roberta. I,- 1-,-n wiry nn.i" n.ni 3 RM. FURN. house, 2245 Shelton. MOD. FURN. 3 rm. nook, firepL, re f rig, tubs, adults. 390 McNary. SPACIOUS 6 RM, auto, heat, nice location, north side.. $45. Beautiful 7 rm mod. country home, paved rd, to elderly people, $30. 6 rm. flat, furnv quiet st, $26 . 2 rm. basmt, apt, furn., all utilities. ts. rn. 3a is. FURN. 3 RMS bath, refrig, wash er, summer months, $20. Adults. Rt. 1, Box 42, Klngwood Drive. For Rent OFFISH ROOMS. 381 State Street Inquire room 200. Tel. 3713. Furn. hses, apta Adults. 735 N. Com'L Wanted to Rent SUMMER SESSION Instructor, Chemawa Indian School, wishes to rent comfortable furnished home Sa lem or vicinity June 15 to August 1st, three adults. Write John Mitchell. 1446 13th Avenue, Oakland, California. MAN WANTS board A room, with prlv. bath - and garage. Box 668, Statesman. For.Salo--Real Estate RESIDENCE AND INCOME GOOD MODERN home located dose to state bldgs, -basement, oil furnace, fireplace, living r, dining r, kitchen, nook and one bedrm. down, modern apartment up, double plumbing.. Price $4750, terms. This place was con structed about 10 yrs. ago. Has oak floors throughout IT'S A WONDER FUL VALUE. ' i W. H. GRABENHORST A CO. Phone 6468 or 7575 SPECIAL BEAUTIFUL 7 RM. house, hollow tile construction with stone tone ex terior, oak floors, mahogany wood work, etc. A splendidly- planned home A the price Is only $6500. ' Formerly sold lor double inat amount win ac cept clear trade not to exceed $2500. Ask Mrs. Ellis about it CHILDS A MILLER. REALTORS , 344 State St Phone 926 L A REAL INVESTMENT THIS HOME is bringing $26- per mo., income,' built about 4 yrs. age, price $1650 cash. - Basement, furnace, garare. W. 1L GRABENHORST A CO. : -hone 6468 or 79-75. s . Hi . $3175. 5 RM. ENGLISH type home. aorthL -oak floor in : living rm, . base ment, furnace, r fireplace, excellent lawn ft shrubbery, corner lot, I Ox b0, A BARGAIN, I j I r $1000. down, t large rma A unfl 1 si led upstairs. ! Modern every . way. Comer lot Close In $4000. MONEY TO LOAN AT PER CENT MELVIN I JOHNSON, REALTOR 725 Court Sk. , Phone $785. WALNUT PARK lot, $15 dn. 7113- jtssaaoajjisjpigsayss CLOSH IN HOME , , "- LOCATED ONLY blocks out, large' lot, room for two email d wait ings on rear of. lot S rooms, modern with basement " furnace, oak floors, east front" Price reduced'' to . $3250, $1150 down. bal. terms. - j i W. IL GRABENHORST ft CO. Phce 646$ or 7975 u ' TIRED OF PAYING H&NT? Not much cash T: Neat - home - tor eoople. only $1600. i Unusual terms. - See Now. BUDROW-KASMJR ! REAI ESTATE 12 Ladd ft Hush, Bldg. Pb, 695. RUMMER HOSffi lOCATED NEAR Taylor's grove oa the San tiara -river. Krtra good eoa atructlon, built 4 yrs. ego. Will sell or trade for Salem' propertv. W. IX. GRABENHORST ft CO. . Phone 646$: or 797i . . . Mon Sloney to Loan Here the Way TO TAKES YOUR TIME I ABOUT i PAYING BILLS t MA KB A LIST of your bills and payment If you need extra cash, put that down too. Come to our office and get the full amount von need to pay off everything yoa owe. -Then pay as back i- In small monthly payments spread over 8, 10. 12. 20 months Yoa have Just ONES payment to make each mo. and lust ONE place to ipay. No payments for at least 36 days after you. receive the money. j Amt you repay monthly Amt of loan 8 ma 12 mo. 20 me. $ 40.00 $6.70 $4.03 I Ml .$0 06 11.40 $.94 (.38 loo.ee 14.25 io.o6 : f .?2 100.00 28.49 20.09 13.44 300.00 43.74 80.14 20.16 UP TO $500.00 ON AUTOMOBILES Studr the Diana above. Determine the amount you need. Pick out one ef the small monthly payments that fits your budget and then call at our of fice for the cash. I CALKINS ! FINANCE COMPANY 201. 2nd FL PUt NatT. Bank Building Sajeml Oregon Phone 4446 S-26 A M-276 State Licensee For! a PERSONAL LOAN see Tjhel Per8dnal Finaneie Co. . .j. for at "Person a! ws arstspeclal- lots la making personal loana It is our run-time business. PICK YOUR OWN PAYMENTS ! i Cash Mo payments Includ to ing ALL charges fort 6 moo. 12 moa 20 moa SIS 93 I 6.02 t 3 16 21.84 $10.05' 6.72 43.67 20.09 13.44 Too S SO 300 200 300 65.61 30.14 20.16 Come ia for the Cash You Need Today PERSONAL ! i FINANCE CO. j I L L. MILLER, MGR. i Sod Floor, New Bligh Bldg. Phone 3191 1 M-16S - State Lie. - S-123 For Sale Real Estate SACRIFICE NICE home. 985 N. Capitol. Call Sat or Sun. I RM. HSE, Ige. lot, 2 gar, close m.!A argain. Ph. 3653. saavVsaaaaaaaaasssVasaaaaMV i LOOK, ONE A. TRACT LOCATED EAST about 1 mile from city limits. Price $300, $25 down, bal $10 per mo. i j W. H. GRABENHORST A: CO. j Phone 6468 or 7975 ! j j A HOME ft AN INCOME SEVERAL GOOD cottagea at beach priced right at $3500 : accept some trade. See Mrs. Ellis with CHILDS ft MILLER, REALTORS 344 State St 00 9261. 3! BEDROOM HOUSE. Basement furnace, large living room -hardwood floors In business district .$2700 payment down, balance like rent See Louis Bechtel or Mabel Needham 341 ! State St Room 4. 6! RM. HOME. Hollywood, large lot. $2250. Now vacant, see today, a K. RAEL 1256 State. Ph. 6761. Kxehange- Real Estate" LOVELY 5 ACRES, close la. all in fruit A nuts, berries. Modern home, groc serv. sta, - Trade ; for houae in town. jBox 671, Statesman 1 1 EXCHANGE! WELL BUILT 7 rm. modern house Close in want 6 rms, preferably all oa one floor. Call Mrs. Ellis with fHILDS A MILLER, REALTORS State St Phone $261. PORTLAND 7 RM. mod. house for clear Salem -house. Phone 6776. !For Sale Farms 1 - $25 DOWN ' i $10 PER MO. win buy this ! If acre tract, all plow land, gTavei rd. Price , e a ' , 3750, H. GRABENHORST A CO.; Phone 6468 or 7976 - WE jNOW offer a fruit farm, barn, chicken house, large bouse, electricity, all ; fenced, walnuts, filberts, (pasture, timber,! priced at $4500.00. Immediate possession. - ' ' j p. H. BELL, REALTOR 429 Ortg. Bldg. Phone 812L Acreage A. CLOSE IN oa tpaved roai $350, $50 down. , i .! 1 Ji A. close to city on paved road, 7 rn. house, bath, lights, electric wa ters system, laundry rm, close to sclir01. $2275. 15 A. H mL from court house, nice home site, excellent view, $75 per A, 117 A. 15 mL from Salem, 95 A. cleared, fenced for sheep, nice laying tract on good road, all yr. stream, S50 cords of wood. $18.75 per A. , 20 A. 16 mi. south of Portland on OERR, good soil. Mostly brush A stumps, $40 per A. MONEY TO LOAN AT 6 PER-j CENT MELVIN JOHNSON, REALTOR 725( Court St ( .Phone 3723. ! Wanted Real Estate WANT TO buy 4 room house, price between $1800 and $2500 can pay $1500 down, terms on balance. Must be beat A clean. P. O. Box 12$, phone Business i -. . . i Cards in this, directory run on a monthly basts only. Batex $1.23 per Una I per tnontb. j I - , Auto Brakes Mike Paaek ' -276 Sou tit "Commercial BicyJes BICYCLES, NEW and eeondlUoned, Harry W. Scott. 167 S. ComX Pj.,4516, Brashes SMYTH MOPS,; brushes, Pb, 6724. ' Chimney S weepi TELEPHONE! A 450, R. E.s NorthfiesS. i Excavating J i 1 EXCAVATING OF - all klnda f Base ments dug. Dirt hauled or moved. Dirt forjsale. Salem jSand ft Gravel, pt $406. .Florists -v1! Brlthaupra, 447 Coart. Phone 91f I Funeral Directors TerwOllger Fnneral Home, rf- 93. Mattressei " SALEM ? FLUFF': ; Rug? ft' Mattreaa Coj New -mattress, old 'remade, rug cleaning ft weaving, St. 13th ft jWUbur. Tel 3441, Zwtckcrs . - I - ' - CAPITOL BEDDING CO. Phone 4063. For Sale Used Cart Used Pickup and Truck Specials i 1928 Dodge Coupe Ticku....:..... -$50 1936 Dodge , Pickup, exceUent motor.,.. $275 1935 Ford Panel DcliTery..! .....$275 1936 Ford Pickup .... ... ; ...$345 1938 Ford Sedan Deluxe .-.. ...$45 1930 Model A' L.W3, Truck. J......L..-$75 1934 Chevrolet L.W.B., dual :wheek.-l;..$I75 1935 Ford Dump Truck, speciaL....:.... .t.-$295 1936 Ford Van L.WJB. .$395 1937 Ford L.W.B ., $465 1938 Ford C.O.E. Platform Truck, overhaulej -motor .. i . ...$625 VALLEY MOTOR CO. I OVER 20 TEARS OF FRIENDLY SERVICE USED CAR LOT: MARION ft LIBERTY STREET Week-End Specials These cars are especially priced for the balance of this week only, f SEE THEM DRIVE THEM EACH CAR A REAL BUY 1937 Buick Sedan 1937 Chrysler Sedan 1939 Chrysler Sedan 1937 DeSoto Sedan 1936 DeSoto Sedan 1936 Pontiac Coupe 1939 Olds Sedan 1938 Olds Sedan 1937 Plymouth Coupe 1939 Plymouth Sedan 1939 Plymouth Coupe 1936 Plymouth Coupe SALEM Automobile Co. Phone 4678 and 4916 435 N. Com'L St SPECIALS '37 Ford Coupe $375 35 Chev. Coupe $295 '34 Ford Sedan........ $245 '31Chev. Sedan: $165 All above cars carry a 80-50 guar antee. ORVAL'S USED CABS Center at Church. ' Ph. 4702. 1934 FORD COUPE Radio, heater, rumble seat 16" wheels, $175.00, 2154 S. Commercial. 87 DELUXE PLY. Cpe, radio & htr, A-l shape, 2055 S. Cottage. Ph. 368L 4 DOOR SEDAN, good tires, runs fine, see at 1824 N. Fourth Street NASH LAFAYETTE Sedan, 1936 model, listed at $365.00 ; for quick sale at $300.00. Run 16,000 miles; looks like new. See car, 340 North Church St, Phone 7402 or 6822, Bancroft 37 CHEV. t-DR. Dlx. Sedan, only $425. New paint A-l shape. Real bar gain. Trade, cash, terms. 815 S. 22nd. Wanted Used Cars WANT CAR for $450 equity In t acres, bal. $550 at $10 mo. O. E. RAE, 1255 State, Ph. 6761. 3Iotorcycles tt'a MOTORCYCLE, A-l eond, Take ehp; car. 1390 3rd St, W. Salem. Directory House Painting. ROSS ITER. 1144 CENTER. Ph. 6706. Papering Painting NEAT Work, reaa. Johnson. Ph. S77I. PI ixmbing; PLUMBING, GENERAL- repair work. Oraber Bros, 154 S. Liberty, Ph. 4534. Printing FOR STATIONERY, cards, panrrphlets, programs, books or any kind ef print injr, call The Statesman Printing De partment, 216 S. Commercial. ' Tele phone 9101. t Schools COMPLETE your HIGH SCHOOL at home. - DIPLOMA. TEXTS FURN. Write for catalog . American' BchooL Dept S, Box 6500, Portland, Ore. Z-iCU f3Vailer Houses" r .GISSE TRAILER CO. A modern factory for the production of modern trailers. $335 op. Terms to suit, 405 9th St, Independence. f -Transfer FOh LOCAL or distant transfer stor age, burner oiL call 3131. Larmer Transfer Clo. Trucks ta Portland daily. Well Driving B A. WEST. Rt . Bx. 415, P. 2-2236, For Sale Used Cars Business Opportunities OPTICIAN WANTED ESTABLISHED B U S I N E S S la Stay ton, Ore, owner retiring, $175.00 cash buys business and equipment Share rent with jeweler. $5.00 per month. - GEO. H. BELL, REALTOR STATION, OREGON $800.00 CASH BUYS stock and equi ty in small grocery and meat market with modern living quarters. . Write Box 647, Statesman. APT. BUSINESS furniture ft lease, 12 r, 6 aptsl, reaa for cash. Box 652, Statesman. GOOD CAFE building, store or other business on 99, N. of undercrossing. Rte. 7, Box 15, For Salt; Wood MILL WOOD. $3.50 load. Ph. 6853 or 6341. Wood at .west end Court St DRY WOOD, old fir A 2nd growth. Phone 4758 for pricea SUPPLY LIMITED order new. Fir, 2nd ft old growth; Oak A Ash. Phone 14109. OLD FIR. alio slab. $3.26. P. 22637. WOOD; Ph. 5370, Graen, 413 N. 81st Lost and Found LOST 2 6-ft SECTIONS of Ud ders between Salem and Newberg Call 4467 or 1665 Yew St Reward. Personal I ABSOLUTELY WILL not be re sponsible for any bills contracted by other than myself, personally. Signed, L. A. Moore. LONELY? WORTHWHILE sweet heart, husband, wife for you. P. O. Box 71, Los Angeles. , Transportation WANTED, DRIVING partner one way to .Denver. Leave June 9th. Con tact Immediately. Write Box 669, Statesman., WANT RIDE; Kansas City or vicin ity, leave June 2 to 6. Share expenses, help drive. 1695 Yew St Legal Notice NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS COVERED RESERVOIR CON STRUCTION Salem, Oregon Sealed proposals will be receiv ed at the office of the Salem Wa ter Commission, Salem, Oregon, acting for and on behalf of the City of Salem, up to 6:30 olock P.M, of Friday, Jane 14, 1940, for furnishing labor, - materials, tools and equipment for construc tion of one 500,000 gallon eapaclty reinforced" concrete covered reser voir with appurtenances. Bids will be opened and read in public at 7:30, o'clock p.m. on said date. The principal Items of the con struction ' will be approximately 540 cu. yds. of concrete and 72,- 000 lbs. reinforcing steel. Before securing plans and speci fications 1 prospective bidders are requested to Yisit the site of the proposed work, which is south of Salem, tract of land known as Candalarla Heights, so as to se cure a clear understanding of con ditions under which the work must be done. The limited time available before construction must be started makes this arrange ment desirable. Full Information as to means of visiting, the site may be : had by personal call at the of flee ot the Salem Water De partmenjt. ; Plans; and specifications will be on file ffor examination and dis tribution on and after June 8, 140. Adequate provisions will be made for examination of the plans and specifications- at the office of the Salem Tater Department. 1 Proposal forms will be furnish ed without charge and anyone de siring complete plans and speci fications for personal use- may ob tain the-same upon application to the engineer, accompanied by a deposit of Ten (210.00) dollars. Said deposit will be returned to an who submit bona fide bids fat accordance with the specifications And return the documents in good condition. If such bid is not sub mitted then Three (f3.00) dol lars of said deposit will be i re tained to, cover the cost ot extra printing and handling; - : As soon as possible after Inspec tion of .the site as above request ed, .prospective, blddera should file their applications for proposal forma and other documents If de sired. : - 4 Each bid most be accompanied by cash or certified check payable to the j Salem Water Commission in a sura equal, to Five (5 ) per cent-of the amount of the bid. The--Commission , reserves t h right to reject any or all bids and to waive "any technicalities or Ir regularities and to accept any bid if it deems such action to. be for th best Interests of. the City of Salem. . - - r SALEM WATER COMMIS SION. 1 ' , By Carl E. Guenther Manager Water Depart ment . -. " i ' v . My 29-3 1-a Legal Notices NOTICE TO CREDITORS i NOTICE IS -HEREBY GIVEN, That the" undersigned Pioneer Trust Company has been, by an order ( of the County Court of the State of Oregon for Marion Coun ty Court of the , State of ; Oregon for Marion, County, appointed Ad ministrator of the estate tof Edwin L. Baker,' deceased, and thsjti Let ters of Administration hare issued to- it. . j j - -j-,! All i persons b. a v 1 n g claims against the said estate are hereby notified to present .the same, duly verified and. with jthe proper vouchers, to the undersigned; Ad ministrator, Pioneer. Trust Com pany, at Salem. Oregon, oa or before-six ($. months from the date of the first publication of this no tice; said first publication being made this 1st day of June, 1940. PIONEER TRUST COM PANT, t - Administrator of the! Es tate of Edwin L. Biker, : deceased. j . ROSS A FORD - i . Attorneys lor the Estate. J-l-Si 15-22-29.1 - ' i ! NOTICKf. OF. ANNTJAL SCHOOL 1 . ': . Mkktino ' I The" annual school meeting . of School District, No. 24. Marion County, Oregon, will be held in the School Administration Build ing, 4X4 N. , High Street. Saletn. Oregon. Monday evening, June 17, 1940, at eight o'clock for the puis' pose of hearing reports of ) the Board of Directors and of the! Dis trict Clerk of said district and for such , other , business as may law fully come before this meeting. Dated at Salem. Oregon, jthli 31st day of May, 1940. j ' L. E. BARRICK, j Chairman of the: Board of Directors. j C. C. WARD. ! ! District Clerk. J-l-8-15.' NOTICE OF SCHOOL ELECrTIOX Notice hereby is given to the le gal voters of School Districts No. 24, Marion County,- Oregon, that the annual election for said dis trict will be held in said district from the hour of two o'clock i. m. to the hour of seven o'clock p. m. on Monday, June 17th, 1940J for the purpose of electing one direct or to serve for a term of three years. Voting Place The polling place will be the School Administration Building, 434 North High Street, Salem, Oregon. L. E. BARRICK. , Chairman of the Board of Directors. C. C. WARD, ? f " District Clerk. J-l-8-15.' Tenth Birthday Is Honored INDEPENDENCE -In nonor of the 10th birthday anniversary of Gaye Payne, granddaughter of Mr. and Mrs. Claude Skinner. Mrs. Skinner arranged a picnic at the Dallas city park Monday afternoon for group of Gaye's friends.) . A large decorated birthday cake was in evidence with tiny pink and blue frozen May baskets for Lodges Salem Lodge No. 4, A. F. A A. M., Moo, June 3, 8 P. M, M. M. Degree. J. B. Plland. W. M. PACIFIC lodge No. 50. A, F. A A.M. Stated meatinf Fri, June Jll, S "p.m. - Wb. Marriott, W.M Cross Word Puzzle 1 i2 13 is r r isip rir lliillllfilllii 21 22 23 24 25 2? 30 31 j 40 HI 7?Z H2 HZ HH HORIZONTAL 1 insect 4 inn 9 dress : 12 devoured . 13 convex xoding- 14 cyprinoid i i &k ' 15 rescue 17 pertaining I to any J, . I. encircllns; ' band ! 18 genus of , !- maple , 20 nothing' ' more than ' 21 badgerlike . animal 1 23 porthera ' couatry , 25 fetid 27 slight nue 28 symbol for iridium , 29 erib 20 Hindu queen 81 meadow -; 22 -at home ; 33 masculine' - name 31 literary , - drudge : : 25-r-pertainin'r - - - to heavenly masses . S7 EngUsh woman ' novelist - ; 88 having ( wing 89 Italian coins 40 harass 42 reputed' seat of King Arthur's - court i 48 doth nreasurt 48 ejicit j , . 481 recline i .f -; 49 bind l 50 loved to , excess f : 51 winglike . - Prt t . Answer to yesterday's puzzle 'V-1 cojpAjLFAPM'us; ALA TEAGA T Rtb OlR-C A P Ph r4G fe ap A p aMaIh' pMcad e ntF 'A O A C E OpjA'CS .Z T han btae "wfr M y l, Js R g A N D A'M T R 3, AfT P6pA"p A HsiV! L Ta U lZ Avseage tiaa af OMrtaatad S4- Cms Pattern : ' -i . ; : - i. Capture the spirit of summer In -this Anne Adams frock; so gay In flowered fabric. Its young, casual air is due to easy-fitting, soft lines, held smooth around your waist by simple darts. The nice line of the neck curves right down -into a front-buttoning that Is con venient for iin-a-hurry dressing, and very decorative too. Choose between long for short'sleeres, and add a graceful front-tying sash if you like. Saving the best 'til last, aren't the scalloped yokes attract- . ive? Made In otie , piece with the back, they lend m dress-upinote to T; this simple style. Pattern- 4484. Let. the Sewing Instructor speed you up! ,. :' Pattern 4464 Is available in misses' and women's; sizes 14, 18, 18. 20. 32. 34.-36. 38, 40 and 42. Sixe 16 takes 1U yards 35 inch fabric, - i - J; i - - r ". .' Send FIJTgKX CENTS 15e) la rains for thia Anne Asane pattara. Write pUinir 81 2X, NAME. AD XRXSS anA STYLE KCMBKB.. Order the now AKNB AlAMS PATTERN BOOS ky the axt atail ' . . . and be elotkes-ready for snm nert Witkia its perea yo will Cad t a eomplato wardrobe for ieltaar a trsTaiiag er aa Vat home' innrr. There -are towa aad eoeatrr tail ereda, tea . latest - apart wear, airy sheers aad cottons, eaehaatinx even ing gowas. Fashions for every ago . are shown, from msgieaHy alimsiia( matron frocks ; to. spirited oletBea for . tots and eeea- In - as eaay-teae pattern. BOOK I T1TTEES CENTS. PATTERN FrrTIEN CENTS. BOOK .AND; PATTKRX TO Q IT HIB, TWLNTf JTVS CEJCT8. Scad year order to Tke Oregoa Statesman. Pattani department . each guest. Included in the party were Cste. Payne,1 Marilyn and Margaret Mix. Barbara, 'Dolores and Donna Kletslng. Mrs. Ira Mix. Mrs. Ralph Kletslng and the hostess. r YiarncAJL 1 wicked 2 Utah tndlAtt 3 glutinous substance I - 4 hut : : -r 5 above - ' 6 rocky peak " 7 Hebrew name for ' God ' 8 small . flavored . tablet - 9 fungus skin i , -disease' '; 10 room In n harem 11 jeUylike : material 15 frosted lSOheraldie , . bearing , ' 20 under- - iround . worker, 2t ebird 22 adjust ' 23 more - euperior 24 female . , ; relative' ! 2Si-English naval 1 r ' commandet 27 Cossack 30- i-riarrated 31 thin plate . or scale 83 whimper 34 timid , . , rodent -S5 Swiss city 37 put into verse -. - S3 openwork -' fabric 45 wsjer ' ' 41 Hebrew high pritt 42 sUsh 43 fabricate 44 beverage 47 perform ' ' . i sotatieat 38 salaa restart Sradiesta, 1