The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, June 01, 1940, Page 2, Image 2

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    Th 02EGOII STATESMAN. Salem. Oregon, Saturday Morning. Tunay !. 1843
Largest Glass
. Is Graduated
,27 Seniors, at
Receive Diplomas ;
' Awards Blade 1 v
hall la Jefferson was tod small
to accommodate all of the people
who came toi attend the com-
in eucement ; program for s the 27
; high school graduates. This was
, 'the largest class in the) history
of the school to receive diplomas.
.During- the program, Elpo Jen-
-. - . . . v.-n.n
presented the awards. Marjorie
Norton, salutatorian of the class,
riven the award for the out-
stand fast, senior rlrl. Boh Whitby
? won the award tor the outstand
ing boy of the seniors; and also
the citizenship award as the out
aUnding student In the high
Art Ktrkbam of Portland, di
rector of commercial relations of
KOIN, spoke to the graduating
'Seated on the stage were the
it graduates: BUI Anderson,
rancis Homoer, Betty Bruce,
jRardner Chrism an. Barbara Col-
irSncr! Uriel Eulrleh, Jean Glover,
joothy Helt, Russell Jamison,
-Dorothy Lent. Jean Meng, Fran
els KHjartln; Doris Miller, Kern
MiBs, Marjorie Norton, Millie
Oleman, Lowell Overholser. Bryce
.Page. Bill Pennick. Donna Jnne
Powell. "Anna Mae Rehfels, Myr
tle Sherman, Evangeline Sher
wood. Lyle Smith, Don Turnidge,
" Bob Whitby. Eileen Wlckersham ;
Mr. Art Kirkham, speaker, Elmo
Jenen, superintendent of schools,
N. C. White, chairman of the
school board: R. S. Wetherell
and Mervin McGlll.
The stage of the hall was dec
f orated with the class colors,' "blue
sad- sliver- ; j
. Party GJyrn
, Following the commencement
program Tuesday night, Mr. and
'Mrs. Ray Colgan entertained rel
itives, honoring their daughter
Barbara, who was a member
of the graduating class. Present
were Mr. and Mrs. Harmon De
Langh and children of Marion,
Mr, and Mrs. J. R. Given and
.Bohby of Albany, Mr. and -Mrs.
T W. Beamish. Mr. and Mrs.
Leslie Beamish and chlMrsn Hfr
and Mrs. Roy Murray and chil
dren. Mr. and. Mrs. P. F. Man
kerts and Ted of Sale.m. Mr. and
Mrs. h K. Logan and Dorene,
Bill Pehnlck, Mr. and Mrs. Col
gan and Barbara.
The;: grade school children en
Joyed their: annual school 'picnics
Tuesday. Children of the first
I grade and their teacher. Miss Ir
' Tine went to the Harry Olden
' burg farm near Greens bridge
for their picnic. The second
third and fourth grade children
remained on the school grounds
( for their good time. The fifth
end sixth grade pupils enjoyed,
the day tin Doty's grove'five;
miles northwest of here. The sev-
enth grade held their picnic at
Stayton, swimming and playing
games In the park.
The eighth grade pupils enjoy
ed a good, time on an Island in
the Santiam; river near Greens
bridge. The high school held Its.
picnic In Avery park near Cor
vaTlis Wednesday.
Marguerite Looney has return
ed from a yisit wtth relatives and
friends In California, coming
home with Mr! and, Mrs. Frank
Guild, a nephew an niece. While
la California Miss uooney visited
Mr. and Mrs. William Smith at
San Diego, former1 residents . of
- Jefferson, and enroute home she
- efopped in. West Wood and visit
ed Mr, and Mrs. Kenneth Cole,
formerly of Silverton.
..From Rainier
' Rev. and Mrs. W. F. Billings of
Rainier, have come to Jefferson
for an indefinite - stay and are
making their home , wfth Mrs.
Crape Thurston. '
' Rev. Willing is a former pas-l
tor or the local Methodist church.
Carol Skeltoh of Toledo spent
the weekend visiting at the home
of her grandmother, Mrs. Grace
Thurston. '' :
Memorial Day guets at the
hoirie of Anna Klarape and Mrs.
Net(Ie Reeves were Mr. and .Mrs.
W, T. Klamne, Valmer and Ar
lene Klampe and Mrs. Klampe's
father. P. Springer of Labish
Mrs. ,Wilda Beck of Portland
' Van a Fn8t m.t the tinmoi nf 1
' H. and Guy Roland in Jefferson
. Wednesday.
'- Mrs. Marguerite Farrlngton'of
Lnne TtMrh Calif:. 1 vlsltfnr
fc erf sister. Mrs.. Roy Chester and
MrsI Georgia Richardson. Mrs.
Chester is recovering from a sev
eral) weeks' illness.
; Pastor -Reappointed
Rev. William Elmer has, re
turned from the Oreg;bn-Wash-trttton
conference session of the
Eratigelical church held at Yaki
ma.f Wash. His many friends are
pleased to learn that he will
-serve the local Evangelical
chnrch here for
another, year. 1
Mr. and Mrs. Dick Hltt and
rfankhter. Shrfin if Pflrflmd were
guests Thursday; at the homgrtfL!
Mr, and Mrs. ' Earl Lynes and
ther, relatives here.
1 Memorial day , guests at' the
home of Mr. a n d Mrs. James
Black well were Mr. 1 and Mrs. C.
S. Eperly and son, Duane, of Sa
lem: - 1
. ' There will be a mass meeting
Tuesday night, June 4. in the Ma
sonic hall . for people of Jeffer
, son; and; community interested
la the Town send movement. M.
. Still well of Albany will be guest
' speaker. The public Is Invited. -
:e up your
1 --"rr''
. Tnt Thrill.
Scotch Graham
at Yoxa Grocer's
Strawberry Queen
I 1 .
- i r ;
William K. Shepherd of Lebanon places the crown on the head of
Dorothy Dvorak, crowning her Queen Dorothy of the Lebanon
Strawberry fair. Coronation ceremonies took place Tharsday night.
Lebanon's Strawberry
Festival Is Undqr Way
LEBANON The annual strawberry fair was launched
here Thursday night with the crowning of Dorothy Dvorak
as queen at impressive ceremonies at the school Auditorium
at 8 o'clock. The festival ends tonight. The queen, a senior at
Albany high school, was crowned by William K. Shepherd,
the prime minister, with about 1500 persons in attendance,
SILVERTON -Rev. Edward
Terry will speak on "Does God
Care for fcis People Daring War
Time and Depression?" at the
Methodist church at 11 o'clock
Sunday morning. Sunday school
at 9:45 will precede the morning
sermon and there win be another
service at 8 o'clock. The board
of education meets at the church
Monday night. Tuesday afternoon
the Women's Home Missionary so
ciety will 'meet with Mrs. Albert
Grinde. Midweek services will be
held Thursday night and on June
7 the Junior Circle win meet at
the country home of Mrs. Floyd
Rev. M. J. K. Fuhr is announc
ing Sunday school and adult Bible
cnasses tor Trinity church Suudaj
at 11 o'clock. Confirmation serv
ice will be held at the 11 o'clock
Sunday mornnig services. Includ
ed in the confirmation are El
myra Haugen. Lucille Lund, Elea
nor 0!son, ; Neville Johanson,
Ralph Donnelly, Donald Hatte
berg, James Nelson, Lois Gund
erson, Elaine Tollefsrud, Emily
Holm. Alvla Holin, Norris An
derson and Leona Tingelstad.
Communion will follow at 3
o'clock in the afternoon. Luther
league -will meet at ? o'clock in
a special" service In honor of the
new confirmation class. Summer
Bible school begins at 9 a- m. Mon
day. The Lutheran Daughters of
Reformation will meet ! Tuesday
night at the home of Eunice Tor
will m e e t Wednesday! in the
vend, and the Ladies' Aid society
vchurch social rooms with Mrs.
Nels Moseng and Mrs. C J. Dahl
en as hostesses: - I
Rev. Vii SJovangen '-.-will be
guest speaker Sunday morning at
Immanuel church as Rev. Jensen
and his family bare gone east
for. a month's visit. " Lunch wfll
follow the church services and a
program be held in the afternoon.
The Ladies Aid society will meet
Thursday afternoon at the church
social rooms;;
pr-IXPEPENDENCB-All church
es of Independence will unite Sun
day night for baccalaureate1 serv
ice at the Calary Presbyterian
church at 8 o'clock. At the First
Methodist church Sunday morn
ing, : Sunday school will open at
10 o'clock followed by morning
worship at 1 1 o'clock with the
subject, 'The; Sia of Worry."
Young people's 'meeting C at 7
o'clock. Sunday school will open
at 10 o'clock Sunday morning at
; the First Baptist church followed
by the morning services at 11
'o'clock." Rev.' Jessie ''Baker -of. Sa
lem, missionary for the' American
Sunday school , union .will tell
about his work in the rural com
munities. No BYPU will be held,
due to the'.vnioB services. . Sun
day school and Bible classes at
the 'Calvary Presbyterian church
will open-at J.0 o'clock followed
by the morning services at 11
o'elocX, Subject, "Christ Walking
on the Water," the fifth sermon
on the itlracles. ; L' r -:'-
TURNER-i-Turner "'Christian,
Bible school meets at 10-o'clock.
Morning .worship end communion
Is at 11; sermon, "God and Man
in Agreement.'
Young people
"Sing Kite- Is
meet at 7. : The
again at 8. . f -'
ine princesses are Annaqeiie
McKlnley. Shedd; Elolse Babcock,
Brownsville; Laure 1 Chiles, Har
risburg; Maxine Bllyeu, Scio;
Donna Shaler, Halsey; Maxine
Hughes, Sweet Home; Berneice
Lynskog, Tangent, and Lorelei
Stewart, Lebanon. ?
Other officials at the corona
tion were Irrin Bryan, secretary
of state; Bob Johnson, lord cham
berlain; Bill Warden, messenger;
queen's escort, Kenneth Mayer;
princesses' escortSi Del Davjen
port, Dick Reeves, R. M. Haydien,
George. Britton, Douglas Waddj&ll,
George Crain. Jack Stoliig and
Harry Miller; Milton Coe, Hiram
Groves. Lawrence Bennett. Dr.
J. G. Gill. Ed Bohle. Ernest Cald
well, Merle Davenport, Ralph;
Reeves, Chet Dlcott, H. L. Connel
ly, Dr.; A. A. Fisher, Gene Blalock;
guards of honor; Gene Durlam,
Douglas Bennington, Blake Hol
brook, trumpeters; Roxyanna
Brewnlee, Shirley Tehrs, triin
bearers; Bobbie Caldwell, crown,
Highlights of Friday's program
were the parade and the serving
of the two and a half ton short
cake to the crowds in attendance.
Parade winners were not yet
Thei children's parade will start
at 10 30 this morning. Prizes wiU
also be awarded berries entered.
Swegle Family
Has Baby Girl
SWEGLE- Born to Mr, and
Mrs. Clifford Yost at the Silverton
hospital on Sunday morning a
baby girl,, wdeighing 6 pennds.
Mrs. Yost will be at the home -of
her mother Mrs. Miller in SH
vertoiji for several days after leav
ing the hospital.
Thursday morning Mrs. Charles
McCullah and her sister Mrs.
Ethel Cunningham of Salem mot
ored to Camas, Wash., j for. Me
morial day services.
Thursday Mr. and Mrs. ! Elmer
Lake attended-the annual family
reunion of the McClaln family
held each year at Albany. ;
! Friday night the Swegle girls
Instrumental quartet played at the
Fraternal temple in Salem for the
Neighbors of Woodcraft program.
! Mrs. Elmer Lake, local Red
Cross ; chairman reported the
Swegle quota over raised on their
first drive. Margaret Smith and
A'Delma Lake made the calls.
Will Elect Director ,
school meeting of district No. 29
will be held-et the Independence
training school at 8 p. rcui June IT
at which time election lot a -director
for a three-year term will
be held to take the place of El
mer Barnhart whose - term ex
pires.. There wiU also be! an elec
tion of - a clerk for a one-year
term. C G Irwine has served
in that capacity for the past sev
eral years. . , l .
Last Times Today -
Ilancy Drci7
-'..Dslcdivo'' '
with Bonitar Granville
Plus i
; id V
"Hcd Diver-
with John Wayn
Gervais Pupils
Mettie Lederer Gets Medal
. for Scholarship; Sereral
Athletes Honored
GERVAIS Awards were given
out Wednesday morning during
student body meeting to the fol
lowing: , In football, Charles Ronge, Rob
ert Kuschnick, Dale Seifer, David
Pfau, Gerald Sporalskf , Roy Milet
ta, Arthrr McCall. In basketball,
Richard . LeBrnn, Robert kusch
nick, : Adolph Koenlg; baseball,
George Jungwlrth, Arthur McCall,
Roy Mlletta, Adolph Koenig, Glen
Perman, Dale Seifer, Charles
Ronge. i
First awards for track were
presented this year. Those receiv
ing them were Forest Colling, Ray
Miller, Harold Martin, Arthur Mc
Call, Elmer Blerly, David Pfau,
Da win Veteto, Roy Mlletta, Adolph
Koenig, ,
Seniors who received honorable
mention were Orville Brown and
Kenneth Ballweber. A letter 8
with a xnonogramed M for -man
ager was presented to Athletic
Manager Carl Nibler.
Medals of award were fly en
those who did outstanding work
during the school year. Those who
received them were: ,Schalorship.
Mettie Lederer; athletics, Harold
Martin; dramatics, Elmer Blerly;
citizenship, Darwin Veteto; man
ual arts, girls division, Josephne
Schleter, boys division, Clifford
GERVAIS The grade school
held its picnic Wednesday at Hazel
Green. Those who furnished trans
portation for the 75 or more pu
pils and parents were A. W. Kep
pinger, J. C. Adams, Mr. and Mrs.
Howard Booster, Lester Ferren,
Mrs. Herman Jelderks, Mrs. D. L.
St. John and Mrs. C. A. Phillips.
Mr. and Mrs. L. D. Chapman,
who are here from Honolulu to
spend the summer with his par
ents. Mr. and Mrs. O. E. Warden.
They left this week for the east
where they will attend the New
York fair, will visit Mrs. Chap
man's old home in Massachusetts
and will buy a new car to drive
back. They expect to remain here
until September.
Mrs. L. D. Mars and two daugh
ters came Wednesday, from As
toria to remain until Sunday at
the home of her parents, Mr. and
Mrs. R. S. Marshall. Their other
daughter, Mrs. J. A. Jelderks and
Mr. Jelderks and their two sons
joined the group Memorial day.
Mars will come Saturday.
Mrs. Loretta Walker, who has
been ill for the past several weeks,
is now able to be up for a short
time each day. Mrs. Ellis Wool
ery, who has been caring for her
went to her home in Portland Sat
urday. Rowena Colyear will re
main with her for some time
longer. '
Janitor Honored
At Ending of 14
p Years' Service
cladina: 14 years of s-etive ser
vice as janitor of the training
school, W. T. HVmse was hon
ored Tuesday by the school
children with Impressive cere
monies on the school lawn.
The school band in purple and
gold capes played sereral nnm
i bers as the children marched
from the building.
- ' A gift of new silver dimes
was presented to Mr. House by
Harry Purvine, donated by the
children of the school. "Ten
cents, please" was always the
answer given by Mr. House
when asked to do a favor
about the scbooL A large oak
tree on the front lawn was also
dedicated to him and a beau
tiful bronze plaque Indented
into the bark. Mary Traylor
with fitting words unveiled the
Mr. House is retiring from
his duties at the school with
thei close of the school term.
Boy Rogers
' in
"Days of
Lewis Stone in
f Judge
Hardy and
i Son-
Added - News, Colored Cartoon
and Chap. 0 of "The Shadow."
On Our Stage at 1:30 P. M.
Seth Jayne and The Hollywood
Bajckaroo Frognun Broadcast
f Continuous Tomorrow
) I - ' -1 to 11 Pt IX.
A j female Fireball Meets
j He-Maa Dynamite
Added News; Comedy and!
' ; f March of Time" :-, ,
WEST SALEM- Thirty two graduates were awarded
diplomas at West Salem's elementary school commencement
program last night at the Ford Memorial church. DrV Arne
Mt Angel
Tribute to Dead
Speaker Warns Armaments
not "Way Toward Peace;
Wreaths Placed
MT. ANGEL The Impressive
memorial services in Calvary cem
etery in Mt. Angel at which mass
was celebrated for the fallen dead
by Father Alculn on an outdoor
altar were marked, by a warning
that . highlighted the memorial
speech that followed. f
Our nation, like Other - na
tions," ' said Father Alculn, "is
looking' for security and hoping
to find it in armaments. The pres
ent world tragedy should prove
to us that there Is and can be
no security in physical arma
ments. That only starts a race of
building war machines that , must
end in bankruptcy. The only pos
sible real security for the world
Is a moral security, based upon
the observance of the laws that
God has implanted in our very
nature and revealed in His re
ligion: the Ten Commandments."
Local legionnaires and auxiliary
women with their colors and Fa
ther Alculn marched from thrf en
trance gates to the eenterof the
cemetery where the altarvwas ar
ranged and the crowd assembled.
After the mass the prayer of
peace was recited and then taps
was sounded, ,
Following Father Alcuin's talk
came the blessing and decorating
of the veterans' 'graves with
wreaths of poppies. Later the
same homage was paid the graves
of the soldiers In the old St.
Mary's cemetery, a short distance
Funeral Is Held
For J. W. Ar chart
LEBANON Wednesday after
noon funeral services were held in
the Lowe mortuary for Jesse Wil
liam Arehart who died Sunday
night at the home of his daugh
ter, Mrs. LaDonna Schults in
Crawfordsville, Interment was in
Dodge cemetery in Jnnetion City.
He was a resident of , Oregon
since a child. His family crossed
the plains from Clinton county,
Ohio, in 18 SO when he was 2
years old. They settled first in
Jacksonville but soon moved to
Plain view. Here he grew up and
was married to Mary Jane Nich
ols in 1880. She died id 190Z.
They had seven children, two sons
preceded him in death, George, In
1893 and Ernest in 1928. Mrs.
Zola Flux, a- daughter, lives in
Dallas; one son, Claude, lives
in Junction City; two sons, Wayne
and Archie, live in Salem and an
other son, Glen, is in Lebanon.
In 1908 he was married again
to Mrs. Lizzie Blester in Leban
on. Of their , five children one.
Kenneth, the oldest, died In 1928.
Of the other children In this fam
ily, two, Marie Reynolds and
LaDonna Scbultx, live in Craw
fordsville and two, Dorris Holman
and Jesse Arehart, jr., live in
Surviving sisters are Amlnta
Johnston and Ella Frum ' . of
Shedd, Etta Ferry - and Armlnta
Kaiser of Junction City and Jane
Isom of Sweet Home. ,
Alumni Officers Named
Pooler has been elected president
of the Willard school alumni at
its annual meeting held at the
school house. Mrs. Helen Paget
was made vice president and Mrs.
i j ...
Frank . . . Fearless Author of "GRAPES OF WRATH,"
endowed this prize-winning stage play and novel with
all of his sense-shocking power .
. . . bringing to the screen men and women who shatter every
Hollywood convention; to reveal their strange impassioned
'.drama. J I- -
: 'I
Lost Times Toiler .
Vin mi t 1 1 rrn I
1MK1 . - I
ssar 1 "1 v ffAl'&Wf
I : n "V -Tin-11
' ' i Days"
f Jensen of Oregon college oi cas
eation addressed the class.
Preceding i the speech Betty
Williams gave a recitation, a girls
chorus sang and, Harry Harris and
Wanda . Steinbruck gave readings.
Trnfa Grant ! played the proces
sional and Rev. Don Huckabee
gave the invocation and benedic
tion. Eighth graders receiving diplo
mas were: "-- j
fToiamy Salpler, 'Harry Harris,
Harrli . Kirby, Henry Hoffman,
Norma Jean NewgentJ Margaret
Merits. Alice Schmidt, Lena G ros
so, Norman Dalke, Shirley Kelley,
Keith Wolcott, Hazel Bowman,
Betty Williams, Mary Yates, How
ard Barnwell, Billy Krebs, How
ard Obershaw, Wanda Steinbruck,
Wayne Jacobson. Sidney Wella,
Geraldine Crump, Gene Bee km an,
Marjorie Dunn, . Lorraine Meyer,
Donald Van Hess, Robert Dickson,
Helen Doris Friesen, Nellie Lodi,
Marian Barns, Marvin Lowen,
Bill Hansen, Linf ord Buren.
Property Deals
Made at Stayton
Houses Being Built, Farms
Change Hands; darks
Move Near Marion
STAYTON There has been
much real, estate and building
business in Stayton recently with
several property deals and one
new house and several more to
be built in the future.
Lawrence Clark has -purchased
a 56-acre farm located two
miles east of Marlon on the high
way and will more, there soon.
Clark has lived in Stayton for the
past four years, coming here from,
the Dover district near Jefferson,'
and previous to that he farmed in
Minnesota. Mrs. Clark Is a teach
er in the Mehama school. Mr. and
Mrs. Earl Wright will move into
the house that Clark will vacate
on: 285 East Water street.
Angus and ' Marcllle Ware pur
chased the old Davis property
now owned by Mrs. Alice Pr eas
ier of Los Angeles, .located north
of the C. P.' Neibert home on
First street.
Louis Freres has purchased
the Don Goode home on the high
way east Of town. Mr. i and Mrs.
Fernando Smith - have leased the
home and will lira there. Mr.
and Mrs. Goode and family are
now living at 228 Garden road,
Salem, on an acre tract which
they , purchased. Goods is em
ployed as a landscape engineer
with the state highway depart
ment. Mr. and Mrs. Wendel Weddle
are building a home on West
Locust street.
Memorial Service
Held at Lebanon
LEBANON Veterans of For
eign Wars, the American Legion
and their auxiliaries and the Jun
iors and the Women's Relief Corps
conducted Memorial day rites at
the eemetarles Thursday. Elolse
Groves recited Lincoln's Gettys
burg address. A firing squad
from the national guard fired a
salute. Wreaths were laid on the
tomb of the unknown soldier, and
Norman Leckband sounded taps.
The auxiliary of the Legion placed
a marker on the 'grave of May
belle Snyder, a gold star mother
whose son was lost on the Tus
cania. She was a member at San
tlam post No. 61 at the time of
her death
J. Thompson, secretary. Over 100
attended the meeting.
4 -
.-i- Ccmpaclon Fealur
rMt-yo sttvsn"
: CcsSnaou Saturday .: ..
cad Sunday 2 !o 1I;S3 P. M
Service Sunday
For Graduates
Independence Seniors Will
Hear, Rev. Viekeri .
at Baccalaureate
H. Tickers, pastor of the First
Baptist church of Independence
will preach the baccalaureate ser
mon for the graduates of the In
dependence high school at the Cal
vary Presbyterian church Sunday
night. His subject will be "A
Great Discovery." i
Others assisting with the serv
ices Inclose Rev. Wi B. Mahon,
pastor of the Presbyterian chnrch,
and Rer. K. K. Clark, pastor, of
the First Methodist church. Those
assisting with the music program
Include, Professor and Mrs. Gor
don Finlay, Mrs. Ed Wonder, Mr,
and Mrs. H. M. Amsberry, Henri
etta Wolfer and the members of
the Presbyterian ehoir.
body of the Independence high
school elected the following offi
cers this .week for. the coming
year; Harold Primus, ' president;
Kenneth Oberaon, vice-president;
Berberly Kelley, secretary; Zelma
AUen, treasurer; Tomtko Inouye,
scribe and Jackie Brooks and Bon
ner Dickson, yeU leaders. .
Concrete was poured this week
on the new Holt building en Main
street. Francis Holt announces
that he expects to more his shop
and office from the. old Jewell
building to his new building about
June 10. The Jewell building has
been purchase'd by the GUmore
Oil company which. expects to
start construction on a 110,000
station as soon as Holt vacates the
E. H. Snyder of Monmouth has
leased the City cafe in Indepen
dence and reopened the place as
Snyder's Pure Foods Friday
Claude Thompson has conducted
the businessffor the past few years
out is now interested in a bowl
ing alley at Stayton. .
Mrs. Joe Rogers, sr., reported
this week that a fine display of
Polk county hops, prunes and hon
ey had been shipped to the world's
fair at Treasure island.
' Francis Holt, local hauling con
tractor, is hauling rails from Co
lumbia county to the Valley aV Si
lets railroad between Hoskins and
Balsett. The heavy rails are be
ing installed on curves of the Val
ley and ' Sllets railway between
Hoskins and Valsets, replacing
lighter rails. -
Japanese Picnic
At Hazel Green
nese annual picnic at the Hasel
Green park Sunday was attended
by 200. A' group came from In
dependence. The program Included a flag
parade by the small children, 4
tug of war, races and fishing. -
A bounteous dinner of Japa
nese and American dishes was
serred at neon.
. The Japanese church language
school. In session since January,
closed Monday with a program in
Japanese language. Thirty pupils
were enrolled.- Rer. T. HorikoshJ
and Mrs. Horlkoshi were in
charge. They were assisted' by
Hideo Tokinoto and Todao Tokl
moto. students from Japan, Mrs,
James Yada, Y. Kyono, E. Okuda
and Mrs. Y. Kyeno.
Rev. Y. Horlkoshi and a Budd
hist priest from Portland held
a memorial service at , City View
cemetery for Japanese. Forty are
buried there, mostly children.
Miflnight Prevue lnight J
I Iirsi Agcdn Thos Robtist Dajm of
X UJbi
- CompanioavFeature
High-Speed Langh Romance
Lucille Ball James Kill son
Ann Sheridan in -
; Challenge of the Alps'
a a . m . -
- r m a m m m
"A a"
" Good morning, and. cheerio.
Mice. Summer is here; yes, be
lieve it "or toot, it's ,here School
is out, all books are hidden and
teachers are forgotten. With,
summer we always think; .of ts
cationv so - now I. want to wish,
yon all a very nappy summer.
- MMC Ui' '- i
From all comment passed: my
way during the past week,:it looks
like -our show was' as usual a
success last week. But let's not
let that be the best we can do.' (
Let's -do better each week. Today
we are fortunate in baring Cleve
Baxtlett for a tap number and
Fred Andrews doing a swell song.
; MMC '!";-: i -V. 1
On this week's a n ow-1 will,
make an important announcement;
regarding the following Saturday's
show, and I do mean Important.
mmc I ) ! J'
I want? to remind you all, that
I can find rooin . to ."squeese" a :
couple ; of good acts on the; show,!
for this week,-: so come,. on down!
and well try yon, mU there's a!;
lot of good talent rurfnlng around j
unharnessed in this city, hut it's !
np to some of you loyal mousers'
to see that it gets down here. I've
lost contact with all the school j
talent because of not being there,)
and sq I have to rely on yon pub-
lie-spirited Mice td help me out,"
if you find someone, yell and yell
loud se I can contact them and!
get them' down here to try out. ;
';. MMC i 1
On the screen this week " we j
have Jeffrey Lynn and Ann Sheri
dan, in "It All Came True; "The
Challenge," a picture taken front'':
the high Alps, and the serial plus .
a cartoon. . . J'-t , I
Don't forget and' I'll see you all:
' at 1" : !.''
JIM, Mickey Mouse Chief.
- - . - -:
Silverton OES
Lodge Has Guests
SILVERTON Ramona chap
ter No. 58 OES held lis regular
meeting Tuesday night. May 28.1
The chapter designated the night
as friendship ' nighty, with each
officer having as a special guest
an officer from another chapter.
Officerj Introduced their guests
and presented them with1 a glfL
Guests escorted were Dora" Stipe,
worthy grand matron grand chap
ter of Oregon from Befaverton; :
Ben Nicols, worthy ' grand: patron 1
grand chapter Of Oregon from
Corrallls; Monnle Hauser, past
worthy grand -matron. Salem;
Rea- Davis, V past ., worthy ; grand :
patron, Salem; Mary Nicols. grand
Adah. Corrallls; Hettie f Davis, I
grand Electa, Salem; , Annette
Cowgirl, grand Ruth, Albany; Q.
V. Payne, grand sentinel, grand 1
chapter, of Oregon; Marjorie,
Grey, worthy matron, Lebanon;
Roy Gleason, worthy patron, Leb
anon; Robert Harper, worthy pa
tron, Gervais. . , j ' ' .: '
Pomona chapter, is being well
represented at the grand chapter
of Oregon session to be held June
11, II arid 1J. Dorothea Scarth
has- been asked to sing- a solo
at the Wednesday afternoon ses
sion. Mary Alfred has been ap
pointed as la grand page and
made chairman of the group. -
No Scnool Busses
busses will be supplied for chil
dren for, the summer session at the
training school, which wiU beheld
from t to 11 o'clock from fJune
10 to July 1$. All rural ehilden
are asked to attend if they can
provide their own- transportation.
. ... brawny ? da y s . when
. Death Valley was the
most dangerous spot'
. on the globe! !
'...exciting dayst ''when'
the precious white
crystals of borax were
every., prospector's
. : dream! , I t
... romantic days when
pay dirt meant . a j gal
and tons' . . . and a
taste of wild life!
Zt C
' 1 i 1
f v J
1 J. M.