V . f ' Tb-CnSGOI! CTATEEIAII, Colem, Orscoa, Thursday Momiag, May SO. 1343 Fos: .RESULT. LOW C0S i Statesman -Classified Ads Call 9101 ClJtMlflrt AdYrrtlMlBg Three lnuerttons per tin 25c Six Insertions per tin 40c One month- pet line - SI ZS Minimum charge Uc t U eeta Ifflum J6; 6 U mla 4&t No ref undo. ,;,v Cup, fee SAia pat air epe9- MM 0:30 the oeoetaa. befer swUtratM tor clsasitwaxieav Cepy f ft thi r wU be nr4 CM besdlag "Te -t e ClMiry n BUitf w m tteeaeia rnpoaii tit? fee mmrw - (ran- any appear ta nilmant iU eokuaaa. aad I om iti tax paper is at tmrntt anil resrial aal part of aa adfertiarxaeat is whirte ta U cgrapBtrai aoataaa arwi Tha 8tteaaaaa rotsa Xa rtga te reject iieuinistile saiaitwag - It further reaarwa ngBt place J advertiaiag ad the prtp rlaaatft eatioa- , i A Bliad" Ad aa ad ewatatatag a Siateamaa Ma aaaibet for aa address ta for the proeeta a a4rr User and ataat therefore he twi4 by letter Ta Btaiearuaa ta 'at liberty ta divatge informal aa ta the identity ad aa advertises a "Blind" ad. Livestock Phone 7330 - Phone 7330 ATTENTION VK PICK tip dead and wurthteai animals at av BBoraent'a notice. Top prices for fox-feed boras a. OREGON RENDERING & FERTILIZER CO. Phone Satem 7SS. Collect BA BT CHICK 18 Vartetiea. In cluding Reda Rorka Hamiahlrr. ljr horns. Day old puileta iwksrrla atarted rhirka Phone JIt. Laa'a H.Ttrhery FARRIERS MONTGOMERT RENDERING WORKS PICKS TJP, FREE OF CHARGE1 DEAD AND WORTHLESS HORSES AND COWS ANT W HERB IX THE WILLAMETTE VAL.LKT. WE PAT TOP PRICES PHONE US COLLECT. 411SALKM Phone Salem 5000 Attention WE PICK up dad and worthleaa lock at a moment' a notice. i Salem Fertilizer and By-Prodncts Works Phone Salem 5000 CoUect BABT CHICKS 10 varieties In cluding Reds, Kocks, Hampshire. Lear horns. Day old pullets, cockerels, started chicks. Phone 2288L Lee's Hatchery. Auctions . HIGH GRADE furniture auction Satnrdflv. 1 n m.. 1255 N. Fifth St. Mrs. Vera Crone, owner. F. N. A tit.jw I,.-T3V, Clin I Glenn Woodry, auetloneeTS, Ph. 511. , SEE P. N. A GLENN Woodry, Sa lm's reliable auctioneers. We guar antee best results. Established 25 years in Salem. Ph. 5110, 1410 N. Sum mer St. We Buy, Sell or Trade. Help Wanted $39 WEEKLY. GROW Mushrooms. Cellar, shed. We buy fresh. J Sc. dry 11.35 lb FREE BOOK Mushrooms 127 Third Seattle Wash VxriJV'uuniV"V"irarTrvp " TURKEY PICKERS report Friday morning, 10 o'clock, Marlon Cream ery. Help Wanted Male 1 MEN FREE to travel, better If you have car but not necessary. Steady with earnings above average. See Mr. Fuller 1 to a P. M Morris Hotel, 469 State, FARM HAND by rmx 545 Ferry. SINGLE "man torXn'l."6irj'wk. John Klrcher. Bt VBox 131. HeJp Wanted-r-Fema!e GIRL FOR general housework. Ref erence. Phona . 1 . L . WANTED Experienced woman to cook In private boa rains house SOI N. Winter. SaBeaWaBewaAaeSaaaBA,BaBBSaasaeaeaAe WANTED WOMAN handy with ick people. 231 X. 4th. AN ATTRACTIVK proposition to offer live wire women. Good pay. Per manent. WiH not Interfere with home duties. Give full name, addreaa A tele-" phone. Box t(a, Statesman. fynj"TLriJXiJXfe"iJVP -- WANTED. HXFER. waitress. 25 yrm or older, Ben' Cafe, 151 S. Com mercial. ' . . Sitoatioiis Wantd CARPENTERJNO,- SEMODELINtl. pdlntlne roof lrg repAlr work guar anteed. Ph. H. " DRESSMAK. Mrs. Adsltt. PlU 25. LAWN. GARDEN work Ph SCS CKNT1JNN1AL COSTUMKS made at Faah'nette. 429 Court. Mrs. unnenrnw. CARPENTER OR- repair work. Fur. n.'sh money and do the work straight not. Call 14(8 N. 4th. EXP. COOK. ref. , SUteaman. CARE for children eves. Ph. 4932. WILL CARE for children. SOo ea. per day. 1329 Lewis. St.. Salem. RELIABLE AND exp. high achJ. girl will care for etilldren sven Engle v. ood Park dlst. Reaa.12J9 N. 21st. g5 Cn&QttCStateraan ADVERTISING ' --WMtern Advertlricf; RepresenuuJTes . Giwri 1 Ooa a. Ia. . Sao rraaeiace. bos Aaeelea. Beattla i Eastern Ad Tertlslni; - Represeoutlres Bryant Griffith A Brsnaoa. lae. Chieago. Kew Tera. Petreat ' Baatea, Atlaata v Esfered e foetofftce af Salem Oregon a Second Class Aafter Pwo llahed er wenrwts szespf Honda Btiinta$ ntliet 8X3 South CowmercWi Street. SUBSCRIPTION RATES: ' Mail Subacripttea 11 Rates is Adeanee Within Orecoa. Uatly snd Sunday. Me CO ceatt; 3 Uoa M; Mas 33 50: 1 year 95.00 Elaen here 40 seats per Me er 86 00 for r rear a edvaace. Pet etp 3 eeots. Uewaavaaas 3 eeata f SO a yeaa is advance ta Manea eat a. I; scent ce Money lo Loan QUICK CASH LOANS CAM.. WRITS, af phon (9t(8) t bntn manaaTi it fin nee Intltgf1n . Taut maaa m tn atrtrcesr primary ion win o give a every cosaide ration la ttie (Murine at row toaa or granting, of extension - ! 1 to 24 Months to Repay ' Too eaa pay ta full ny tim t r4ur tba e I - Only Borrower 'Signs N Mdoraerm Loans made on furniture ears er ROT it IJe- Ko ttfUatONS. MQR. M 488 GENrRAL FINANCE CORPORA HON 111 K (enmrHai St tra d)nr antrtb af fd4 Buah Bank CoaveatenT arouad fleer toratlaa Auto Loans ; Willamette Credit Co. sth nvTrt onARmAN BniiJma LKTNSE KiO. M 1st jrtrj-j-u aifu-u"- -- vrfaaaaaaaaaia,aamaadBa PRIVATE MONEY AtTTO Ahm TR0CK LOANS ' CONTRACTS REFINANCED to ra- dur fiavartmta afrmey for nw or tmed rara N dXay rw ff tape Too will retattn tiwi mlnn rtt th thlrl , 1 TO MONTHS TO PAT ROY H. SUMMONS tld llnaH Cnmtnei i-tnJ Street Pheneild Lie No M ISS THA tIAXS 4. also prtt loans Aararaa A fCnta. Inc. Maaonle Rld Loans Wanted WANTED PRIVATE MONET TO LOAM ea coed Salem real es tate. Wia pay Interest. W. H. GRABENHORST CO. REALTORS Min rxnji.ri rijin niin -in n nnnrri 1-1 WANTKt PRIVATE money for fttw farm and mrn re I nana Net IB veatora ttfc to C Interest Examine aentrltlea vouraelf It will pay tou to eee u for htrefitraenta rmt.ra a miller inc 144 State St Phone 21 --(j-w-u-xj-u-iJ-,rtra IOANS WANTED on rarm and city DTOiMMty fVfnre nwrrawtn Inejulra at Hawk in A Ratierta irnn rai.ic Rood aound first farm mortKasee and tmnfl Sea B. - akt. wrh HAWKINS ROBERTS INC Phoew 41 ar 745. Financial WE OTKR a number of well-ee-eured C First Mortgages, seml-an-nunl Int. In deaom. of i000. $15M to 92KAO. Be r lad to show property with out obligation. HAWKINS & ROBEKTS. IRC For Sale Miscellaneous HARDENED GERANIUMS. II dos. now. Asters mari-oia punts ac ooa. Urs O d. Bineear. s. 01 ren e vw. RUBBER STAMPS. 47T Court, 7404 aaBBeWaaWaaeaaaaaaeaSaesaBanAsa NEW ZENITH 194 electric refrig erators, ranees, washers. Lowast prices In Talley. Nash r-umtture uo. Xftj-ajn.!-! trs"Oaiasii aralat"arll"als1r HOUSE TRAILER, Txl2. SeH Of trade for eood lumber. T. C. Dunn. 85 McGilchrlst St THOROBRED SPRINGER Spaniel Pupa, 2 months old. Very reasonably priced. Phone 9541 or call 1710 N. I7Ut St. evening. 8-H.P. CENTAUR Garden Tractor with 9" plow, two-row cultivator ana disc. Also K hand stump puller. All in tttod condMtoav Fnone use. HAICR Ll Uirwj oo aim up. viv" t plants t for 25c. Perennials to bloom. J 2th Street Goldfish Farm, 1920 S. 12th Street. Buv with Confidence at the NASH FU KK ITU KB Utt Friendly Service Low Prices Large stock, new and used. new a HI. ft. Gibson refrigerator, .11 reel cabinet, hermetically sealed unit only $79.95. Good Housekeeping Inc.. 45 Court St, BABT CHICKS, ten varieties now t hatches every week. CocKereia. rui lets, custom hatching. Tel. 1 261 Ut'i Hatchery THR APRON Shoo 7 N HlAll atn.hrn bb1 Beaa Dusters built to order. 7S to 80 Schoett Machine Shop. Salem. IMIlaa Miway. mi tow '-in raa- nnnn rnii nftTi" RIVER SILT. 5c yd. Ph. 4385. Del ? WHT PAT MORE T Shon the Nash Furniture Co. "Home of Lang Ranges Lowest Prices FOR SALE 19 used folding glass panel doors, 8x7 with track. price. Also 209 building tile 8x12, good as new. Phona T J i. sn-VKHDOMK HOUSE trailer, fully efruirioed. A-l condition. Hubbard Mo tor Co. NEW 4-DRAWER steel letter file. ball bearing roller bearings, rjll.uo Roen. 459 Court. SPRINO HOUSK CLEANING Look at THESE Furniture Values New Close-OutS : New floor lamps - , , I S.I 5 New walnut tables , 3 .93 New 5-pc. breakfast sets $ t.38 New hridse lam pa --- 2.99 New Bed Daveao t Ka New" 9x1 Ax. rug , 322.6 New coil springs - .... ..... 4.89 New ironing boards , .59 Davenport A chair, cloaeout $ 10.99 New M price nat- adv. jkms Innerarv mat. A box SDrlng. guaranteed 322.99 New 4 1 puar so. nmttr .9 9.89 .9 8.90 .JJ5.09 .3 8J5 Wood ruieea. cloeeoats Nw ttt davenport At chair New eecastonal chaira MONET TALKS NASH FURNITURE CO. GER. PoJce pupa. 929 Tamaraclc. I TRAILERS. 33 A $10. Inq. at hse. behind Z3fu aly rue. USED EAST mangle, good condl tton. cheap for cash. 379 N. Winter. WRECKING LARGE house at 1899 State St. doona, windows, plumbing. romner an jemoa, xor aaie cneap. iiirtfuin ri iLft TURKETS. DRESSED A del Also aggs for hatching. Ph. 3-Z974. TO BUT or sell your bouse trailer. see aiing, sj.s r. fTont tn. WanteV---Furnirnre F. N. A GLENN WOODRT. Ave tiorweia A furniture dealers will pay yosr nseea- cash or trad for farnltvir A household goods, We buy or sell ev erything. Ph. 5110. - CASH fn uard rurnrrar and rsakf goods R Fergey. Ptwn 7443. Wsnted .Iiscrllanroos WANT CARE of chnd. Exe. sub. home. Box (55, Statesman. Miscellaneous Dental Plate Repair TWO-HOUR SERVICE IN- MOST ! - ' CASES Bring or MaH Tonr Pistes for Repi'r DR. HARRT SEMLER, DENTIST Allaky Bldg, 3d A Morrison BR 3427 For Rent Rooms ROOM FOR rent, 725 Court. atma. prL heme. roen. 248 S. Cottage. ATTRACTIVE FURN. rms for f- fic girls, cjos la. (35 N. Winter. Money to Loan aietaa etdeat large nam owned and financial affair will ba dlarnaaal a4 1KB JIM CLARK. ASST. at Git U Nt U 1 Ptaena tlta For Rent Rooms FURN RM. ckxie ta. Ph 4493. HOTEL MARION Rooms Kpertal weekly and monthly rntea to perm, go-ata. Marion Coffee) snop oeurioua meats at low prleea. -1 -i.,ii,nMiri i uuuu" 1 HOTEL SALEM, low monthly rates. SLEEPING worms, close in. Invely ly private home. mew. Reas Ph 8048 LARGE NEWLT furnlahed room for gentleman, rifrwe to town and state- nouse. jrnone sisz. n i celt fum. it noor. c.ntr. Room and Board SEE MA Bo wen. (93 N. Liberty. LIVE AT Utlraaus. (5 Marlon. BOARD A ROOM. 332 N Church GOOD HOME. 1144 Center. P. (788. GD. HOME, dps in. Ph. 8(39. For Rent Apartments 2 RM.. ADULTS. 770 S. Com! 1 RM. FURN. tiro. nnfurM $12. After 3:39. 1(28 Ferry. 319 A I McALPlNE. 1249 Center. Ph. (391. LOVELT 1 R. fum. PulL kit. bath. re frig., far lady. June 1. 3 rm. fum. pri. bath, refrig. ((( S. Summer. CLOSE IN fum. apt. 3 bdrm. 404 N. Church. Ph. 7148. VAC. Th Devereaux. 1488 State. FURN. 3 R. APT. 444 S. High. S A 3 R. priv. hath. 1938 Center. 3 RM. Frig. Adults. 438 N. Winter 3 RMS. NEWLT fum.. frig, heat bath, adults. 991 N. Cottage St, MODERN FURN. 2 rm. cottage in Edgewater Court, alee, ref rig. garage. Ji. fnane S413 PA TTON APTS.. 322 Stat. Fur nished Ph (244 Apt 3 SSajaaBsaaaWaasasalaSSjfs S RM FURN kit. bath 348 Coovt APTS. FURN. unforn ChtMr welcome. 38 up 131 8 13th P 7019 1. S AND 3 R apt (39 N Liberty 1 A S R FURN apt (45 Ferry S Rma Mod. Close in Ph (834 SMALL FURN apt- 250 8 Cottage APT- PRI". bath. Summer rates Hskng. rm. 2084 N. Capitol weftiitvMeiwweeeewMii S-RM. FURN. Adults. 1S84 Marlon, ieieewMMWMwifvyiiMwwwwww FINE APT. in dnniax. ht.. wst- i phone, gar. 325 unfurn. $39 fitrn. If. 338Z. 1363 S. COm'L ssSaeaaaeeaae4aaVjssi1Jja I HASELDORF S-rm. f urn. apt a. avail, now. 173 s. cottage. -- - -i- -i,-irw-iirfririn nn nrxii.njxrixn FURN. 3 A 3-rrn. apt. 690 Union. FURN. 3 RM apt. wat. It, gar. azei iiazei Ave. t n. 7 664. 319. SMALL. FURN. 1397 N. Com! MOD. 3 RM. apt., gmd. floor, pri. ent. eiec. range, frigid. Pn. iI7. WILL SUBLET to rellabl persons for summer months, completely fur nished attractive 3 room corner tot. near capitoi bldg. Tel. zxi s. LARGE. COMFORTABLE room. In dividual lavatory, close In. 737 Cen ter st. '- -' - i - i iii-w-ini-irljtrxrxri OUTSTANDING MOD. furn. ant urepia.ee, j- rigid- gar. lasv center. VACANCT June 1, 4 rm. 843 Union. msaWasaaeew S RM. APT. 2(5 8. Commercial. For Rn-rltei ROUSE. INQ. 258 Division. 3 ROOM FURN cottage, elee eouin- Ded. auto heat. Counla 83S 59. 331 N I ,l.l ' I COMPLETELT FURNISHED l.rm house for aummer months. Desirable location, rnona sua. wweeeiwMwii T R. 1976 N. CapitoL Ph. 3-33:8. $293(5 FAWK St. 4 rm.. furnac. f o i rms. north, mod. furn. ht, 9325 rot. RoaedaJe Arlrl . mod. $35 3 bdrm. modern. 1430 N. Fifth, j xx. . tatLAMT z Court HOUSE. TNQU1RE 1715 8. 2 2nd. ' -ii-i'n-,-ii-iriiuuxjxiuc--JJL FURNISHED AND nnfm-n Kna. H. P. GRANT. 129 Court, Phon (744 FURN. AND nnforn hnnM R. A. FORKNEB, 185S N. Capitol FTJRN. tt tTNFTJRlt. bouse. .MEL. I V1N JOHNSON, 736 Court. Ph. 3733. WE HAVE THE PHfiSPW-P IF TOU Want II avoSaaav. Una with Hawkins Ac Roberta. 3 RM. FURN. house, 3345 Shelton. MOD. FURN. S rm Mb fl..l frig, tube, adults, 399 McNarv. - SPACIOUS t "Rlrf AtlfA hasi alas I location, north ider$45. Beut!ful 7 rrn. mod. country bora.. Z w cRicrir peopt. f0 9 trn. IvitsTnt;- an . fii-t 11 aani8a. I iu. a laL. lurn... or i lewr sst i 9 1 . vjJ a, c a WWMMW, I W e. A . ee14. s WaSiassxswai ian mm a. a a. a. - -- r -LrLrJ-Lrt : nm. Ulsx unniSHEU HOME. tli. Ts E W a w . h . . - L. - . mu. au, tiaa scat, xtj. (7(1 nmii s sua 1.. v. er, aammer months. $20. Adultsl Kx. L I Boa 42. Kiagwood Iv. . For Bent OBFlCE Trw.f a ti ct.. uquir. room zev. tsi. I71X. . - 8ura. hsea. apt Adults 788 N, Coral. Wanted to Rent SUMMER SESSION - TnatrnrA enemies Indian School, wishes to rem comiortabie rurnlshed home Sa- nan or vicinity June 15 to August let, three adulta. Write John Mitchell. 1448 i m a venue, oakiand. . CaUfornla. , MAN WANTS board A room, with priv. bath and garage. Box (, For SaleReal Estate S-RM. ' HSEJ basement. ' 2 larva porches, wired for range, hot water, piped for oil heat, Ige. lot. Tree, flowers, Oa State street busi no son. Terms or bargain for cash, rra-a. r. 201( Trade, Tel. . 8888. 12x16 CABIN with X Iota. tt?K cash. Located at 1910 Howard St. ( RM. HSE- ige. lot. S gar, tn. A leu-gainTFn. 3653. close Money to Loan Here's the Way TO TAKE TOUR TIME BOOT FATING BILLS MAKE A LIST f your bills sad pay men La If vou need extra cash pot that down toe Oum t our office and get th full SRKKint vou need t nay off everything ytaj owe Then pay ss aetcs ta email montniy Davmente i ntSToA ynUtTmaK Ic1! mo ana nisi oak piac t pay ro payments for at leaat S3 days Site eon raeeiv .tha manev . Ami. -vou repay moninry Aat off loan 3 mo IS m. S9 mex ' . . " . . $ 49 99 I 3 19 f 4.93 3 94 19 95 29 09 39 14 si? 99 09 109 09 29 09 399 11 49 14 23 33.49 41 74 383 3.7 S 13 44 29 lO I OF TO $599.99 ON AUTOMOBILES I Study .the plans above Determine i th amount you need - Pick out one of i the small monthly payment that fits your budget and then call at our of- i uc tor the cash. CALKINS FINANCE COMPANY 301. 2nd Fl First Nat'L Bank Bulldtna Salem. Oregon Phone 4448 S228 A M-273 Stat License For a PERSONAL LOAN see j PerSOTjal Finance Co. far at "Persona P we ar special tats In making personal loans It Is oar roH-Mme nuainese. PICK TOUR OWN PATMKNTS Caab Mo payments Inrlud to tng ALL char sea for: Tou 3 mo. IS mo 89 moa S 89 $19 93 8 3 92 3 3 14 109 SI 84 $1905 87S 299 43(7 29 99 13 44 899 (5.51 39.14 3918 Com In for th Cash too Need Today rhKbUNAL FINANCE CO. L L. MILLER. MGR. Snd Floor. New Bligb Bldg. Phone S191 M-1C5 - State Lie. - 8-12S For Sale Real Estate REAL HOME BARGAINS $3400. LATE MODERN 5 R. plastered home. Les axaaison dl, ... rtnwn. rial- iia iter mo. $1(50. Will bay this modern 3 R. plas- rra noma viu Daiemein. iw nam. amra.se. now rented fori $20 per mo, oaut aooui e yra. SgO. 93za. saooern e rooinav a mqiwki oax xioora. gooei HnuB, east Salem, onlv 3259 down. baL 335 per mo. IMMEDIATE POSSESSION. $3259. Good six r. modern with base- mrnx ana inniici, iireatiavcc, i nh-de. fruit, over 1 acres, pncea ioy oak floors, only 8 blka. out, I a EL RAE. 1265 State, Ph. (7(1 1 Price reduced to 33259. ema. Extra large lot avv. TT9 (YR PI k Ttn A TJW W. H. GRABENHORST A CO. REALTORS 134 S. liberty St. Phone S4(S or 797S FOR SALE or trad. 4 rm. mod. basement, for larger house with acre or less. Box (54. Statesman. BEST BUTS IN TOWN CLOSE IN Beautiful 3-bdrm. home. North. Worth 36000. Price 34200. 3150 dwn. buv a grand new mod- I ern (rm. home just outside of city, ! East. Taxes only 313. Price $2800. 38 A. old fir lumber, if mi. sast. 3000 cords or more 31000. CALL ART MADSEN AT 6589 wan err a tv nnamTiT. S RM. HOME, hardwood fws fli place, furnace., basement, 2 -car ga rage ; do oy zo lot, zie, oniy szs aown. O. E. RAE, 1255 State. Ph. (7(1 385 N. 24th STREET . THIS NEAT modern 6 R. horn In Derfeet condition, nart basement, ga rage, fruit trees. E. front on pave - Ni9 Uda Ilinn IIDU eW Wasal terms IMMEDIATE POSSESSION. ivZiT?Yvh CvarAv W. H. GRABENHORST A CO. Phone (448 or 7975 4 EM. MOD. home, basement, fur nace, fireplace, s acre or ground, ex- fftftUonal buy- Don't mlM thU at ' 500. rm. $309 down. A bargain at $2.- 800. R. A. FORKNEK, 1 858 17. Capitol u a w tivi as .c m. mm BUDROW-kASMIR REAL ESTATE 18 Ladd A Bush Bldg. Ph. 59(5. 31350. NICE BUNGALOW. S A nook, garage A paving, nice lawn. Easy terms. 3259. down, home north, f rma A laundry rm. paving, dos to school. ii. 31009 down, a good home 8 blka. from th P. O.. In good condition. 8 large rma A unfinished upstairs bass meat, furnace, fireplace, corner lot. 84009. Real vatue. MONET TO LOAN AT 9 PER CENT I MELVTN JOHNSON. REALTOR ,.rn.... o. ' x'OOn 3731. CORNER LOT LOCATED IN N. Salem ea paved at- good location, rnet Sees, obit szs. down, baU 810 per mo. W. tt. ORABEMnORST 4k CO. Phone 6448 r-7871 For Sale- Farms 14 ACRES. T ML Se- (-room bouse. eiec. year-ronnd -creek. A steal at X3 7 69. Off, terms. See Mr. Hardy wita JOAWxUNS Jfc ROBERTS, XT(C Realtors MMMeeeAaaeMMfviiMVMeaAiMWMaaa WE NOW offer a frnlt farm. bars. chlcreat boose, large boose, electricity, all fenced. - welnnta, rtlbart pasture, timber, priced at 941 .. Immediate p4Sess4on. T W DVTJ. WTT AT.TOW , 4SI Oreg. Bldg. , Phone tlSL. Business Card lav thi dirrrtory ea m monthly basis only. Ratel 91.23 per line tnonthv Auto Brakes Mlk Panek 271 South Commercial Bicyclea BICYCLES, NEW and recoeMlItloned. Harry wTScott, 14T S. CcmX P. 4614. Brashes letivru une .r...h.. m.7 STti Chimni"v Swtrp TELEPHONE 4458, R. K. Northnesa :':v Ex cava tins ;: EXCAVATING OF afl ltmds. Bass- nua jnr TMrf Itaulejd. eve moved. Dirt for sale. Salem Sand A Gravel. P. 9408, Florists Brelthattpfs. 447 Court Phon 119$ Funeral Directors Terwilliger Funeral name, Ph. S2S. :w:R!attresaes SALEil FLUFF Rug A Itattres Cx New mat trees, old remade, rug cleaning A weaving. 8. 13th A Wilbur. Tel. 8441, Zwickera. - CAPITOL BEDDING CO. Phon 40(X For Sale Used Cars Trucks - Panels - Pickups A Truck for Every Need 1938 Ford Sedan Delivery i -r- s y -r i 1 1V30 X OTfl IrancI DcllVCrV. I . ' f AM " ' i i u -cf Knrti KirkriTi A7,,u A7U ri(AUUmn. in?: Tu-J--. tj:-u A ArvUfC A AUAVUIJ 1936 Ford L.W.B. Truck ' . 2-speed ailty,.;; ...L;...: ...$395 1935 Ford Dump Truck, 34-yd. bed.. $295 1929 Model "A" Truck. r70 VALLEY MOTOR CO. OVER 29 TEARS OF FEXENDLT SERVICE Used Car Lot: Marion & Liberty Closed Memorial Day njmjm.nnnrn'tfirirB-B-i"ii-M-M-- -- -- ------- it rorev. 4 -DR. Dfx. Sedan, only $425. New paint. A-l shape. Real r- I gain. Trade, cash, terms, ais o. ia mnn sbi in wnn iruna. ac KTaw imiw. radioi. beater. Clean. - - . i . r a XTade. caxn or xstthm. . i.. last MODEL A Roadster. Phone 5I4J. 429 McGIlchrlst. ajxnnrrLTlnj 1ssSsW883W99eas nmniTN 1lt STUDEBAKER 8- I dan, good condition, new tires, tmlnt i ana aeai corcra wurea. - Phone 5987 or 4492. aasasa9saaeassasa 9aaSBaeBasA9a9 1934 LAFAYETTE SEUAfl, A-l condition. 543 N. Church. i sis indian CHIEF motorcycle. A-l condL, new rubber, extras, for car or equity. Kt. l, tox i, ra. J 1 A FORD SEDAN. 9 Wheel t minlt. A-l condition. 3135.09. 349 8. High. WILL TRADE equity 193( Plymouth Sed. f or sm. car. S34 E. MiUer. P. 8349 Acreage T.tKD TtATtOAIN i GOOD LAND located near tn uuar I Tjitra school OO navea roao. mcrn buildings. iTIce reaucea w a settle an estate. lis a dux. 1 w i r.P k RKVHORST A CO. ' phone (4(3 or 7975 . I ,.. ,,ri i ........ I EXCELLENT BUILDING- site. i . . ...... I i ttkntion ! ACREAGE SNAPS I nnam tICAt PER ma. I m buV this fine S A. tract, best of I n A rm. boose, elect, lights. I drilled well, family fruit, on good road near achL xTic i r.mawa .rr . . XL acre tracts. I axxU soil, beantlful bldg. site, good PrW IISO.AO. terms. tcmtmr xvun 1 acre tracts, fin dark soil, near sehL and good roao, Pric $560.00, $26.00 down, $10.09 per mo. A real bldg. sit. Call Coburn Grabenhorst with W. H. GRABEN HORST A CO. Realtors, 114 So. Lib erty St. Ph. (4(8. ijn.ri.ri ruii-iri ii i v. A. BLDG. SITES on Lansing Ave. $400. $26 down. $19 per mo. U A. bldg. site 1 mi. out on SUver- tan Baad, $350. Terms. Vs A. rm. sungaiow, just wiam j Uie lty, ba Ughts, Uundry rm. MONEY TO LOAN AT ( PER CENT KELVIN JOHNSON, KEAL.TUK 125 Court St, Phone 3738. Business Opportunities 1 nnrfn PATE building, ator r thr 9 " . . a I bualneas on i, n. oi unaerexos-u... Rte. 7. Box 18. APT. BUSINESS furniture A lease. 13 r. ( apts. reaa. for cash. Boa Statesman. njxn ii.iir,ii iri i i - i- f loo oo cash BUTS stock and equi ty in small grocery and meat market. with modern living quarters, w rtt Box ((7. Statesman. HOME AND basin on highway, !!-. . . ti. A, JTUKXUMJSn, 1S9S f. puu For Sale Wood unx WOOD. 93.89 load. Ph. 8852 or 534L wood at west en a vourt bu -j-xru-ij--ij-i ilTl f i n ri rii i i riiiiirir"""' a. DRT WOOD, old fir A Sad growth Phone 475 for prices 8UPPLT LIMITED order new. Ptr. Sad A old. growth 1 Oak A Aeh Phone 4199. OLD FIR. also sUb, $3.26. P. 2S6S7. WOOD. Ph. 5379, Graen. 413 N. 21st. Lost and Found LOST 2 t-ft. SECTIONS of lad ders between Salem and New berg Call (467 er 18(5 Tew St. Beware. Traxuportati on WANT RIDE Kansas City r vlcfa- Ky. leave June S to i. Share xpense. help drlr. i(i lew bu Personal I ' LONXLTf WORTHWHILE 71, Los Aagsles. Directory House Painting ROSSITER, U44 CENTER Pa. (T8S Papering Painting NEAT Work, reaa Jehnso. ph 8778 Plumbing PLUMB TNG, GENERAL repair work. Graber Bros. 1(4 8. Liberty. Ph. (694, Printing FOR STATIONER T, cards, pamphlets, program, book or sny kind of print ing, call Th Statesman Printing De partment, lis a. commercial. Jieie- pbon 919L Sehools COMPLETE yoor HIGH SCHOOL at horn. DIPLOMA, TEXTS FURN. Writ for catakKt. - American School, Dept. 8, Bog 4500, Portland. Ore. "Trailer Houses" OISSE TRAILER CO. A modern factory for the production of modern traCera. (235 an. Terms to suit. 496 9th SC. Independence. Transfer FOR -LOCAL or distant transfer stor are, burner olL call .- 3131, Larmer Transfer Co. Track to Portland daily. Well Drilling B. A. WEST, RL9.Bx.44S. P. S-SZI 8, x For Sale Used Cars $495 $325 .4345 ..$275 exceRent condition, Legal Notices NOTICE OF APPOINTMKXT Notice la Hereby, siren that the undersigned hare bees dly p- pomiea py. the Coant; Court it the State of Oregon, for the County of Marion, as Erecntor of the last will and testament and estate of Jennie A. Jones, de ceased, and that they hav y qualified as such Executors; all persons having claims again' the estate of said decedent are noti fied to present the same, iuly ve rified, to ns, at the office of Ron' aid C Glorer, our attorney, 20S Oregon Building, Salem. Oregon, within six months from the date of this notice. Dated at Salem. Oregon, this 16th day of May. 1940. MERLE JONES al VERA HILL, Executors of the last will and testament and eotat of Jen. nle A. Jones, deceased. RON ALL) C. GLO Attorney for Executors, Salem, Oregon. My lf-23-SO: J 1-13. NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT OF ADMINISTRATOR. Notice is hereby given that the undersigned has been duly ap pointed by the County Court of the State of Oregon, for the County of Marion, as Administra tor of the estate of Lizzie J. Brown, deceased, and that he has duly qualified as ouch Ad ministrator; all persons having claims against the estate of said decedent are hereby notified to present the same, duly verified, to me. at the office of Ronald C. Glover, my attorney, 2 OS Oregon Building, Salem, Marlon County, Oregon, within six months from the date of this notice. Dated at Salem. Oregon, this 23rd day ef May, 1940. GEORGE E. BROWN, Administrator of the Es tate of Lizzie J. Brown, Deceased. RONALD C. GLOVER, Attorney for Administrator, Salem, Oregon. My 23-30 J. S-13-20 NOTICE OF FINAL 8ETTLK- BIENT. Notice is hereby given that the nndersigned has filed In the County Court of the Stat of Oregon, for the County of Mar lon, her duly verified, final ac count, as the Administratrix of the estate of Charles II. Cannon, deceased, and that said Court has fixed Tuesday, the 25th day of June, 140, at the hour of ten o'clock A. M. of said day, as the time, and the County Court Room in the County Court House at Salem, in 'Marlon County, Oregon, as the piece for hearing said final account, and. all ob jections thereto. Dated At Salem, Oregon, this I3rd day of May. 1940. WINNIE W. PETTYJOHN. 'Administratrix of the Estate of Charles H. Cannon, de ceased. GLOVER LAMKIN, Attorneys for Administratrix. Salem. Oregon. My 2 3-30 J. 6-1 2-20 NOTICE TO CREDITORS Notice Is hereby given that the nnderslgnad. by an order of the bounty court of Marion county; state of Oregon, daly mad and nter4t on the 7th, day of May, 1940. were appointed executrix and ezecstor of the t a t of I Henry C Porter, deceased, sad that they have daly Qualified as such. All persons having claims asrainst said estate are hereby no tified to present the same, daly verified as required by law. to the undersigned at Aumsville. in Ma rion county Oregon, within sis months from, the date of this no tice, to-wtt: May Sth. 1940. ' M. MAUDE BOONE, CLAUDE BOONE. Executrix and Executor of the Estate of Henry C. Por ter, deceased. CHRIS J. KOWITZ. 401 Guardian Bldg, Salem. Oregon. Attorney for -Estate. My S-l 4-2 2-10: J. I. Funeral Is Held For Mrs Bouck MARION - Funeral services were held Monday afternoon at Marlon for Mrs. Anna P. Bouck who died Friday at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Fred Sergent, at Orenco, after a lingering illness. P.ev. William Watson of the Trln-I die church at Marion officiated. Interment was iff the Marion cem etery. ' - tf- . ' j i She was born In Chechoslovakia June 20, 1859, -and came to Ore gon from North Dakota with her family In 1903. Surviving are husband, Charles Bouck. Mar lon, children Gabriel of Buffalo, N. Y. Oscar of Bend. Mrs. Carrie Arnold. Mrs. Alice Sargent of Or enco, Ernest of Marlon; Barbara loack of San Francisco, and Viols touck, SeatUe. Espionage 11m timely, revealing screen story, Mcuta, Urrs(U 31raiiaU and Jeffrey Lynn, 1 playing totlay through Satarday at the 8 Late theatre, with "HJdewalka of Iadon," ro-starriag Charles Laaghtoa and Vtvlew Leigh, as secemd frture. Named to SEC Sumner T. Pike President Roosevelt has nominat ed Sumner T. Pike, Maine Re publican, to the Securities and Exchange Commission. He suc ceeds George C Matthews, who resigned. Pike Is known as aa expert In the oil industry. . - ft . A Cross Word Puzzle 2 13 II HI . H p 16 7 ? ' " i OT TT ; HORXZONTAX.. 1 Decaliter (abbr.) 4 Merfhawdlv S Barrier prerentinf flood ef water 1 2 Anglt-Sa xon money ef aeooeci IS Poplar 14 Fesnisin name IS What king hmd (A gtlden tucht 17 Pasty composition IS Wily 20 Italian river 21 Roman household deity 22 Consumed 23 Young; salmon 25 Road 28 Universal lAiiruara 29 Separated - 21 Masculine name 22 Gaseous hydrocarbon . 24 Former fUm star Winr 27 Whole 23 Symbol for calcium . . 40 One of a Slavic tribe 42 Canvas shelter 42 Small cake . 44 By way ef 48 Compass point (abbr.) 47 Salt H'Aat Stcrttary (& Nary difdrtcrntlyt Si On trained to run tie nolle E3 Established vaTa - , 54 Part of an ex used as food 66 Literary collection 1 , t E7-r-onj2nctian . , . - xs .IV wrott Ttrr Gynt"t 53 Pig pen VERTICAL ' 1 Portug-ues title t What philotophtr ca tutor cf AUxandtr th Grtatt , 5 Spoon 4 Existed . 6 Hebrew month 6 To relate 7 Cloth measure .. 8 Marin mammal Story Screened "Espionage Agent, starring; Joel Redmond Folk at Dayton DAYTON Mr. and Mrs. E. R. Means and daaghter, Joyce, and her friend Carolvn Beck of Red mond were week end guests of Mrs. Means brother-in-law and sister, Mr. and Mrs. 11. H. Clark and her . mother, Mrs. Creason. Their daughter, Elizabeth Means of Portland, a student la nursns training, joined the family dinner Sanday. Mr. Means has com pleted his ninth year at Redmond and will teach there next term. He taught la the Dayton school about 19 years ago. Unity School Closes DAYTON The Unity rural school term closed with an all day picnic Thursday st Hlri-r'a smusemeat park. A program was given at the school Thursday night. The same teachers, Knld rasl ef Portland, principal, and Helen Pare of McMlnarlll win. teach the 140-41 term. Guests at Beach Home AURORA Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Will, Mr. and Mrs. P. 8. Will snd son. Robert, and Leon a Will were Sanday guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Bennett at their aummer home at Neskowln. Lodges Salem Lodge No. 4, A. F. A A. 54.., Mon., June 8 . 8 P. M , M. M. Deere. J, M. inland. W, M. it PACIFIC lodge No, 89, A. r. ..- A.M. Slate Meeting rrl, Juit, fS21' Wax. Marriott, W.aU "T TcT T" i H$ III i 3T"T uT mrm Te leave a train 10 Haill 11 Deface If ExdamatWn IS Uoderaiine 29 Father or nsetheT 22 Plans surfaces 23 Ssctien i a wtndew 24 Polish - 28 Savage r E tt hsr axptsci fl flat nfvhoi miniatt Pstomi ktngt 29 Father 20 Leap jlV At is i$ pUa$t et!40$ eW tk U.S.I 85 Concerning 22 Aspert 41 Receptacle . 42 Variety of ruby spinel 45 Italian town 47 Nate of the scale 48 Mineral spring 49 Pale 50 Sphere 51 Ckess pieces 2 Beam 64 Hebrew letter ! Answer te yesterday's puzx.!. 5-SO TiofA r It-J V-i if U4C .a hi P 7 ' Ih Mi A i 1 1 1 1 . Aewace Urn af .liiiai tl r!! tiiltii at Sie Im lrtumte,