: i . ; i f ill i! i, i ! i -1 i If i l:. i : I . j 1 ! 'J S , f EAGE EIGHT Spy; Fighting Change Asked President .'Asks Justice Department Be Given f; Alien Control WASHINGTON. May 23.-yP)-In ? a reorganization message mtrked "urgent." President Itoosevelt sent congress Wednes day plan to shift the Immigration and nataraliiatlon service from the labor to the justice depart ment so that authorities may dal quickly" with spies and sa boteurs. At the same time Chairman Dls (D-Tex) of the house com mittee on unAmerican activities Introduced a bill to bar all alien nails, fascists and communists NEW FAST GRANULAR YEAST Works in a Hurry Heeds tto Refrigeration! DID you ever bear of a dry bak ing ytaat that's iact and bold Ha fermenting power for dmya on pour pantry atIt. -without any hatp from an torn bos? Maybe you'-ra lone yearn 5 for aach a bak loc yeast; it so, it's bene and you mow can goto your grocer and ask fcrMACA. It's new and different, and sfa Just as simpta and easy to use aa any ordinary wet yeast. T harm' a noth ing naw to tarnm, no naw tricks ' to try. When yov're ready to bake, Jut M MACA in a cop of luke warm water and for the rest of the routine folk your favorite straight dough method and you should have successful results. One woman wrote us: MACA ia tha tint new big idaa in horn baking that Fwa com acroas in 94 jaata eiparMtnoe. My fritrnda For the past several years Salem shoppers have been very happy and sat isfied with the service we have extended them in six shopping; days a week. We believe it only fair to ourselves and our employees to relax on Sundays. Aside from that, most of our employees enjoy going to church on Sundays. WE DONT FEEL JUSTIFIED IN DENYING THEM THIS PRIVILEGE which we would to a certain extent be compelled to do, by remaining open on Sundays. This is a FREE COUNTRY, so why not be free ... at least on Sundays, as is the largest per cent of the population of our great nation! PLSirS Morning Milk Co. Just the thing gl for lemonade. - j Each rib Solid Heads Each OUiJUisiliil BULK APPLE PecSiB 22c 9aL $1.68 SUNSHINE GRAHASI CRACKERS, Hb. pkg. only Mi- The same high grade we CASTLE BRAND Montana hard wheat, 49 lbs. KITCHEN QUEEN 49 lbs. GVER RIGHT 43 lbs RED WHITE AND BLUE S3 lbs. FISHEB'S Sold with a positive money feack guarantee. Use half of the bag, if you. are not sails-1 f ltd return the balance and receive your purchase " price. Crown or Fisher's Clend, 49 lbs. 1.63 ilimidl Cclfce ib.l2c 335:. i:siifw3SYr' T from the conn try and to deport any now here, along with aliens whom police certify to be revolu tionary agitator. The president said he had. not planned to submit another reor ganisation plan at this session but that "the startling; sequence of International events which has occurred since then has necessi tated a rerlew of the measures required for the nation's safety and that "this : has revealed a pressing need" for the transfer. "Much can be said for the re tention of these: functions in the department of. labor during nor mal times, the message contin ued. fI am convinced, however, that under existing conditions the immigration and naturaliza tion activities can best contribute to the national well-being only if they are closely Integrated with the actirities of the department of Justice." The step is aimed at "those al iens who conduct themselves in a manner that conflicts with the mad harm at laat found what wa'ra feasn looking and hoping foe thaam many moona. " This poa stbly i nmsnallw unspoken thought of many, many house wires, judged by the great and iuci easing demand for MACA whercrerit is introduced. Try MACA today. Youll lika k better, well guess, than any other yeast you svei osed. NORTHWESTERN YEAST CO. 1750 M. AaaUas Avs. Ctrioaga. M. AT YOU9 t ocnt Small Cans Only SNO-CAP. A Carsten's Contains No Fish 4 Pound Carlcn fThTTD EGGS 2doz.330 2doz.3!0 Grade A Large Medinm TO AS (Limit) Extra Special! 125 Foot Ron tf H Only . Fine Cane Sne Flalie 150 have . always sold lv.-1.9c v3nL5E: re m nr.- j Th public late rest.- the message amid, bat "does sot reflect any Inten tion to deni-lve them (aliens gen erally of their civil liberties of otherwise to impair, their legsi status." Flight Training To Start for 10 Twenty "seven aviation enthu siasU who hare been taking ground school training at the Sa lem airport under the CAA ci vilian aeronautics training pro gram will take examinations soon, possibly this week, to determine which ten will be "graduated" into actual flight training. The ten receiving the highest grade in the examination will go on from ground school to plane operation. The examination ques tions are expected this week and flight training will start as soon as they are checked and graded, possibly by June 1. Vern DeAutremont - Is Instruc tor for the group. Nominations Made By Salem Lions Salem Lions club members yes terday nominated Dr. Carl W. Em mons. Ronald E. Jones and George A. Rhoten for the presidency of the organization. The annual elec tion will be held Jane 6. Other nominees are: First Tic e-president, James Cooke, " 'Virgil T. Golden and Lloyd A. Lee; sBecond vice-president. Walter R. Dry. R. W. "Joe" Land and Ed Schreder; third vice-president. Dr. Estill Brunk. Edward Majek and Roy Houser; directors, two to be elected. Wayne Doughton, J. Fuhrer, Fred Keeler. Jack Putnam, Dr. W. D. Snodgrass and Dr. Waldo Zeller. LOOK! READ! Very Important CLOSED SUIIDAYS Per Case 5I .43 43 Cans cLh Product Oil . sn .79 ban ' . Feldnan's iiAPTim bars for 350 Regular Se Bar DOHEIIE mm? SR 19c Giant Size each . f27c 1 Bar Borene Soap FREE With Each Package Big Boy cr ; i Econeny T7hile S bars for only 250 SliBDIIIESl Packed in Blaine, USA . cans for only C2TGO:i STATESMAN, Sdsssfc Objections yoiced To Proposed Cabs Conncil License Committee ' to Take Application U Under Advisement No Intention of usurp Ins; priv ileges' granted companies now operating; was expressed as ' the attitude of the Kconomv Cab com Pny Inc vrhich seeks licenses Cor a tleet of 11 taxleabs, at a hearing before .the cltr council license . committee Wednesday nlisht. " - ' . - ! W. W McKlnney, appearing for the cab - company, said the pro posed cab service wonld provide rides for a tea cent fare , within certain cones. He cited success ful operation of- soch a plan In several son them, states. - R. W. Lemen. president of Oregon Motor Stages, operators of the city has lines, told the committee the service outlined by the new organization "wonld be destructive' to his company's business. . Troy Wood of the. Salem Taxi-' cab company also raised objec tions to the new venture. The license application was taken under advisement by the committee. Harvest of Peas May Be Doubled PORTLAND. May J3-V-Ore-gon growers may harvest 70,000 acres of Austrian winter peas for seed this year, compared with 38,500 acres in 1939, an agricul ture department survey indlvated today. Western Oregon showed a gen eral Increase, particularly In Clackamas, Marion and Yamhill counties. Conditions are about 78 per cent of normal because of stem rot and aphlds. The state's hairy vetch har vest will be about 5,000 acres against 37.000 acres a year ago. Common vetch cut for seed is up about 25 per cent and Hungarian vetch 15 per cent. Additional seed production acreage has been planted In va rious types of ryegrass. Youth Enlists in Training School PORTLAND. May 1 3 - (JP) -The Portland recruiting office an nounced today that 17 Oregon men accepted by army traveling flying cadet examining board last month had enlisted and been sent to training schools. Those sent to the Cal-Areo Training corporation at Glendale, Calif., included Pan! B. Smyth, Tryson R. Bailey, Robert M. Mao ism, all of Corvallis, and Henry D. Frants, Salem. Those assigned to the Allan Hancock college of aeronautics at Santa Mario, Callf include Jo seph A. Rawls. Jr., and Robert W. Robinson, Corvallis. CoUegeROTCMen Given Commissions CORVALLIS, Msy 23 - OP) -Twenty-one special awards and 103 second lieutenants commis sions tn the US army reserves were distributed te Oregon State college reserve officers' training corps members todsy. Commissions included: Field artillery Fred DahL 811 verton; Henry Pavelek, Wood burn; Charles Warren,' Salem. Corps of engineers Victor Clay, Harrisbnrg; Herbert Glale yer, Salem. nil's Frails - Vegelables - Denies FINEST QUALITY - LOW PRICES LeMuce Large size hds. CncmnLcrs Large hot house Lemons Fancy Snnkist, doz. Oranges Valeneias for juice 2 doz. 450 Thin skin, Arizona, doz. 290 Cclteo . . . Y7c IIot7 Llavo ; ; At the Popular Price : Lb. 1120 t3 Hjs. 350 One of the Finest Coffees Sold at the Price - - Crccliers 2-ib. box : H50 CORN - PEAS - ' O i OtT- PEANS TOMATOES ; M , . 1 for p 1 2o3 Ilzum vsiveciifl ulu'J.l Urovni or Powdered Ibiu sUiWy Oregon.- Frlddr Korelagv MAT. Freed Quickly -v. 1 1 Martha Ray ', I.t.N. FkotepKat . Comedienne Martha Raye wears a woebegone expression in Los An geles court as she testifies in her suit for divorce from her second hus band, David Rose, composer and ar-, ranger. She was given her freedom after three minutes on the stand. The charge was cruelty. Early Cutting of Tall Grass Urged Cooperation of Salem property owners in the city's annual grass cleanup drive was asked yesterday by City Engineer J. H. Davis. "Our early spring has made the grass grow more heavily than usual with the result we must start our cutting program earlier than nrdinarr." Davis said. "This department will greatly appreciate lot owners' seeing tnat tan grass is cut, so that we don't have to do it." The engineer said first notices to cut grass would be served next Monday. By ordinance his depart ment is reanired to do the cutting it the property owner falls to do so after receiving live aays' no tice. The cost of the cutting is made a lien upon the property. A second cutting will be made late In the summer. There Is "sue sm sMgic" awaitfag every bewsewlfe with f aawiae FKIL-LETS. RJcMy aerisMNg, tasty dashes seed eeiy s miaimem fisse preearatiea. CalWpKaae sztto 15 pffzm ussts mi receive s three sjesrt gen se sasesre-al etsMe seleade ssstssli. mfta-scaanuj scaswca.rec3uuisscv grocery 1SD; Public Is Invited To Look at Stars - . -.-; B. L. Bradley Will Open Obscrratory, 8 to 10," : Wednesday Niglitj B. !. Bradley, local amateur astronomer, will open his observa tory on Waldo avenne to the pub lic without charge Wednesday nights from. 8 nntil 10 o'clock through the months of June, July and August, he announced yester day. . .. - , j - I , - Brightest point In the heavens at the present time Is Venus, vis ible after sunset in the western y Venus on May 2 0, Bradley ! I HS II. Connerdal C .': Stein f eld Crslal Saner 25& r ' Ms Mm i 'oSSasalk Gake Floei" Drifted Snou Floar Imilalion Vanilla SHORTEITIIIG 4-oz. Bottle afl HZ3 Armour's TN 8-oz. Bottle. T lv ffc White A ciJ I Both for tLhJJ Vis Qoud lbs. PJJVJL S and U COFFEE WilSHHIG P0UDEI1 nn WMte lOnr ; 1 1 1 1 ' , rJSHEvK'SSJL ' SHI1EDDED WHEAT UiiFFLE FLOUR rint With StrawWrrles 100 V "M'M'MsBBSBBBBBaBBBBBaBBBasSsBBSSaaHsSSSBasB MM.......... ; S Snov7drifl Shoricriing rn..1 3 lbs. . . . . 42L0 iuILSi TISSuE . 6 BlS. . . . 1 . 810 S.naa H EIcKEIIZIE GDEEII BEAIIS No. 2 Size . Crcan Slylo Corn v3 3 MIIODR'S DRIED DEEF2-bz. jar . . 1 90 minouirs food sale i Corn Dec! 2 cans 33L0 VIENNA SAUSAGE Cm feps .MB TDf?ir Mm. 0 Younr, Tender, I Youaj, Tcader : r J'-.'-- - ' iBre':"'' i-, !',' says, reached a point tn her orbit around the sun where she appears at the greatest .brilliancy and Is even bright enough to be seen in the daytime without optical aid If one knows where to look. Venus average distance from the sun is 7.200.000 miles, much less than the earth's and therefore It receives about twice as much heat from the sun as the earth does. Venus has a surface area about 91 per cent that of the earth. It takes Venus 224.7 days to complete one trip around the sun, thus a year on Venus Is 224.7 of our days on earth. - The location, of the Bradley observatory Is out-South Commer cial street to Waldo avenue, then east on Waldo about one city block. - Si. Balloon Free with Pkg. 3 cans cans ireel . cans 2L70 ARAIOUR'S DEVIL I MEAT, V4 size ecans Mee Val VUa Tcaala uLUiUuu ,: C0HII FLiiHES New Crop He Williams Rites; Friday PORTLAND. May MOy-The body of . Ralph E. Williams, sen ior vice-chairman of the repub lican ' national committee, was re turned to Oregon today for fu neral services Vrldsy at 2:20 p.m. The veteran republican leader died In Philadelphia last Thurs day. , . ' ' - mm'' t - Phono 4010 Tie aSe pkgs. a a ... , $&M . . can 190 20 Jnlcs. Ilai 1 fall 4c v !; P . '.; . anscs: .,.L?O2.'290 (311 ' I . -. riinss , - SuaKSBtsMS sfcssZsBsssaZssZisaiZlB