The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, May 24, 1940, Page 10, Image 10

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    Ttm 0HEG01I STATESMAN, Solera, Oregon. Friday Morning, May 21.
i ft.
Oregon KC Will
Convene at Bend
Edward J. Bell of Stayton
to Preside at Meetings
Sunday and Monday - -
Edward J. Bell of Stayton will
preside as state deputy at the
32ad annual state eonveation of
the Knight of Colnmbna of Ore
gon. which will meet In Bend
Sanday and Monday. C. A. Suing
of Salem, district deputy, and
Chris E. Nettling, grand knight
from Stayton aerrlng as chair
man of the resolutions committee,
re other local knights taking
prominent part in the convention.
Convention aetrritles will start
Sanday morning at 7:45 with eon
rentlon mass at the Bend parish
church with Rev. Michael Flem
ing, state chaplain, as celebrant.
Following mass a communion
breakfast will be served in the
pariah hall.
Sunday at 11 three degrees of
the order will be exemplified on
a large group of candidates from
Bend .and councils la that district.
Sanday at f p. m. a banquet will
b. held In the main dining room
of the Pilot Butte Inn.
Monday will be devoted to the
basiness- session of the conven
tion, which will be held in the
Bend parish hall.
Employment Office1 Calls for 500'
Berry Pickers to Start Work Monday
An urgent call for strawberry pickers was issued yester
day by the Salem office of the state employment service in
anticipation of an estimated 500 additional pickers which
Owill be needed Monday.
"Although we hare been able
to supply demand for pickers so
fur, we are facing the possibility
of a serious shortage tba first of
the week," D.L. VfeBaln, manager
of the local office, said yesterday.
Silverton Man Is
Elected by IOOF
fcORVALLIS, May 22.-(JF-E.
M. Bowman, Hillsboro. became
grand patriarch at the 85th an
nual grand encampment of the
Oregon IOOF Tuesday.
Bowman, grand high priest, suc
ceeded V. V. Merchant of Culver.
The delegates elected Oswald Ol
son, Eugene, grand Junior warden,
John Starr, Eugene, grand mar
shal, and George Christeson, Sil
verton, grand inner sentinel.
Student Choose
Officers at WU
Allen rerrin of Cottage Grove;
Cliff Stewart of Great Falls.
Mont and Dick Stacer of Salem
were elected at Willamette uni
versity this week as presidents
of next year's senior, Jnnior and
sophomore classes respectively.
Other senior class officers are
Dorothy Baldwin of Portland, vice
president, and Maxine Crabtree of
Salem, secretary.
Juniors chose Maxine Holt of
Salem, rice president; Dolores
Nets of Salem, secretary, and
Harold Abbot of Portland, treasurer.
Sophomore officers are Phyllis
Fisher of Salem, rice president;
Jane Sisaoa of Portland, secre
tary; OlJIe Williams of Peoria,
III., treasurer, and Jean Jackson
of Astoria, aong queen.
Hearing Aidls
Taken by Meanie
Burglar Tuesday
A burglar worked more than
usual hardship on his victim
Tuesday night, city ponce were
notified yesterday. He took an
electric hearing aid from the
residence of E. W. Purrine, 961
Oak street, along with a watch.
a fountain pen and a shaving kit.
Elsewhere prowlers took an
electric water pump motor from
the E. A. Taylor residence, 907
Oak street, and an electric clock
from the Salem Youth Center
building on the old municipal
auto camp grounds.
30 Salem Members of First Division
Will Hold Reunion Banquet at Quelle;
Celebrates Fall of Cantigny, France
Salem buddies of the American expeditionary forces,
First division will recall old times Saturday night at a re
union banquet in the Quelle restaurant. More than 30 are ex
pected to attend.
The meeting; will celebrate the fall of Cantigny, France,
to the First division, in the US army's first offensive. The
it hnrl kivn takpn anil Irtat thrcpO X
j - -r
times by the allies previously,
but it was thereafter In the allies'
Daring the battle, the division
used 386 pieces of field artillery
and fired more than 200,000
rounds of cannon ammunition,
exclusive of rifle and trench mor
tar shells. The entire Battery A,
Seventh field artillery, was de
stroyed by a direct hit by the Ger
man artillery.
Compliments were heaped upon
the First by Marshal Ferdinand
Foch, who said, "You have won
the greatest battle and saved the
sacred cause. Be proud of -the im
mortal glory with which you
have crowned your flag." Wood
row Wilson said in a message to
General J. J. Pershing, "Accept
my warmest congratulations on
the brilliant achievements of the
First division. America is deeply
proud of them."
The roster of Salem mem'
oi tne rirst mvision is: ueaera
Charles P. Summerall, honorai
president; Jeese S. DeakinA pres
ident: Herbert E. Wood, si
tary-treasnrer; Phil Ringle, ser-geant-at-arms;
Charles H. Mar
tin, Charles V. Leach, Ray H.
Bassett, Allan Carson, Breyman
Boise, Donald Ringle. . Jamea D.
Calkins, Thomas J. Iiams, Harry
Rushell, Christ Free, Ellsworth
T. Hartwell, Leon Hansen, Her
bert Savage, Ernest F. Moore,
Lloyd A. Lee. Raymond C. Evans,
Chester Headrlck, A. G. Moon,
A. R. Johnston, William. A. Dun
igan, Lonis Warn pier, O.. B. Gatee,
Barney Shreeves, Carlyle H.
Smock, Art Coughlin, W. A.
Scott, Thomas Weeks, Myrton M.
aloore, K. Moore.
About I0 vpfekers are now
working in the Salem area and
orders art already la for J 210
mors Monday. Pickers wmges
were set yesterday at 1 cemt a
pound, wlta 14 cent bona paid
to tiose Ktaj-ing throaga tae sea
soa. Sines berries are larrs iaad
Tinea are bearing heavily, pickers
are able to pick aroaad 2S0
ponnds a day, lieBala said.
Less transient labor taaa ! as
aal for this Urns of rear and the
earlier ripening of the berries are
factors cansing an anasaal need
for berry pickers, IfcBaJa said.
Placements Given
1993 During Week
Ontario led the 21 state 4 em
ployment serries offices la arrl-
enltnrml placements during the
past "Week, Director X C Stoll
annomnced Thursday.
Of Ontario's III placements,
287 were casuals la sugar boat
farming. There were St regis tared
farm, workers.
JL total of 19ft placements
wars reported daring t&e week
of which 724 were
casuals, 4(2
regular jobs la private Industry
sad 412 temporary work. Pmblle
work accounted for thm remainder
of 211. y- ; j - . I
Tat Portlaad office 'reported
114 private plaeementa and 200
eaaaala. The Albany 'office led la
private jobs with 172. Klamath
Falls reported 169 placements
and Baker 102 placemen ts lasting
more thaa 20 days. I
Plckapa in lomberlng accounted
for many of these plaeementa.
Kaiser Rej
Offer of British
RILENEN, Tot Netherlands,
May 23-AVKalser WUnelm, Ger
man authorities said today, taraed
dowa aa offer of the Brf tish gov
ernment to take him and bis
family to Britain "in protection"
when the nazt army came this
way in Its march toward Amster
Two miles to the west of this
little town, where one of the
fiercest battles of tbe occupation
of, Tbe Netherlands took place,
the former Germaa monarch aat
la bis home at Doom, aad beard
again for the flrtt time . since
1J1I tbe roar of battle.
He conld aot bare mlsaed the
scarlet glow la the evening sky.
Some , houses here still were
burning today.
When resistance was stilled,
tbe Germaa army units rambled
through the Main street of Doom,
pausing to leave a guard at the
former kaiser's gate.
Floor Samples Included I Every Radio Backed
by Wards Guarantee) 1 Quantities Limited I
Buy Now and Save! Hurry Don't Delay 1
Sale! 8-ini3;T7as $52.05 . . ,
Console! Gets Europe!! y Automatic toalag, Roto
. Dial, automatic baas boost pt! Amaxiaa ralae now!
Terms! 'j
Sale! 7-lcis T7as $42.05 . . . .
Sensational console value gets Earope! Built-in
loop aerial! Automatic tuning! Dynamic speaker!
Terms! 1
Sale! lO-Iz&s V7as $SJ5 . .
Ainerk-a's best console radio buy! Gets Earope!
.Koto dial, aatoanatic toning, tekerlsftoa plus;! Terms
Sale! I2-lsBe T7as $S1S5 . . . .
Super-valno console! EI SO inch Projectotona
speaker, tone control, aatomatie taning, bollt-ia
t toopt Terms!
. i - . - ' '- ; ' -v. '- t - - ; I : -
Sale! Eadia-Ptssa T7as $119.95 .
Sensational 7-tabe uaatel comblaation! Radio
cets Europe ... has Roto Dial ... aatomatie
taning 1 Terms!
Sale! Eadio-Ftcno ..;. . fjf.95
7-tnbe console f Aatomatie record changer plays tiidJ -12
lO-Inch or 10 12-tach records without later
ruptioa! Terma! --
Sale! Fern Sel Uas $!15 . J . Q1.S5
8-tube coraplete with batteries 1 Automatic tuning?
Roto dial! - Get Europe! Don't delay! Terms! ,
D2 M T G M ED tyAClD
' ' - ' j , ' ' ' L'" -:3
m CattAoa Ordr Sric Mftt yoe mmt oa SiomonJ of
w Wrd Mon&fy Poyawat FUm aay pwchutias of $10 or aef4
155 N. Liberty
Phone 3194
. . . buy your
Buy soveral for your
summer beach cabfnl
-4 . n
Othrt ok $3 more
for ihh quality!
mm Tarn (Dtt
For reading, sleeping or "just sittia,"I THt
restful back adjusts to suit your ererr wnlm
Strong, green enameled metal frame. JAdH
spring base, with tufted felted cotton lints
pad. Drill cover. Folds small for storage.
3-vvoy ocfiftfrntfa1!
1 1
Deaeb Cboir
Right at home nnder yoor
favorite abade tree! Built oi
Ponderosa Pine, with 5-elat
shaped seat and back I Ua.
painteddecorate to match
yoor other summer f ami tore I
$30 quality
e Lse where 1
Rain won't harm the (loss
enamel finish of this hand
some, practical chair t Tubu
lar arms and base, with "sea
shall" style back, Red sad
Black or Greta and Black.
IkvaRy $4 more t fiewfere f
ConncQa QUaimiisimocIk
Down Paymont;
Carrying Qrara
You'll like the cool, springy comfort of this' big
swinging hammock! Strong steel-strap base.
72 inches of seating space, with a heavy felted
cotton linter seat pad. Colorful painted stripe
drill cover. Magazine pocket la one end.
I 1 - mm- !
noy America's best entertainment
wherever you go!
AC-B C Poiable
. 1 :
75 weekly;
$2.50 down;
carrying charg
5-tubel Plugs in or plays outsldel
Complete with 25D-bour batteries I
Built-in loop! Dynamic speaker!
Compare others up to $10 morel
Usual fwtoi! priews
$X50 to $50
ct Wards NOV
4MTube Poirtafcl
and vp
50c weekly; v
$2 down,
carrying chargo
Priced less than others ask I
Complete with 200-hour batteries!
Has new built-in loop aerial!
Economy low-drain 1J volt tubes!
Super-het ! Dynamic speaker I
Self-contained in air-luggage case !
75c weekly.
9 Kt Am.
carrying charge j j I
5-tube fits any make or model!
Has 4-statian automatic tuning I.
Super-het I Illuminated dial !
Big 5-inch super-dynamic speaker!
Has automatic volume controll
Challenges makes at $3 more 1 .
NOW you CAN afford the latest la modern win
dow decorating LOWEST PRICES WE
KNOW OP for new METAL Venetian blinds!.
Compare anywhere ! But remember, these blinds
enamel finish! They're FLEXIBLE easy to
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operating mechanism! BUY NOW for ALL
your windows Use Wards Time Payment Plan !
irto23S4-f;2J50 23-to2y64-C3.CD
24-to29-x54- 033 SO" to 36"x64" fjt f 5S
tZndt mode lo fit txlra farye or amo.7 windows .30tq. ft
may be used on any purchases tofafing $10 or
morel Enjoy the things you wont j 1 1 pay Icferl
155 V. LIBEriTY
PnONEi 3191
brlnss you thowandi cf items nof carried h
of store. Bay evryH.lng yoti reed ct Vcrdi!