: s Th' 02EG02I STATEC..LAIT, Solera, Oregon, Thursday Morning Mar 23, 19& PAGE IXEVET For .RESeiTS. . . : At MJW" : GOST . . .Use FrADS! Statesman Classified Ads Call 9101 CUiinrl AdmllKtaf Tkriw iarttttD-per tin Zle SU iBwaruon pr lino One mon ib pi line f l zt Mtntueut eluiri 2k. X tl min imum xtc; u mla 4Se. N refand. Cvp, Ih eeoa4 Mil tit Ike caia befefe pabteratio for cm4 iWb Upy eeete4 f 1st tai Iim will be raa anal MM Madia T-e l-t ta Oaaity Ta HuiMini uhmi a timmwrn raiBUMa lit) at aer-re ai-a an aUMf adertiamrm amalialM it rotaoiae a4 la aa were paper la at feeil ll rvprial that firt f aa wrturwil la wfcleb tae tr grapBiea n'lke arewre TW Ml at mm a ieeeae tae risht ta raj art geea'Hmable aSvrrtteiaf II fartket imrm I tf rt la stare -H adrertiaias seder the - eleeawft alia A B;indJ A4 a a ad roalataiag a Statesman baa auaibcr for aa add-res ia for the pnrteetien af he alr tleer and axial therefore It iMirH by letter Tbt Htaleamaa la ant at Ubert ta 4iif laforaiatioo aa tha idem it af aa eaVertiaer asing a "Bltaa" ait Liveilork Phone 7330 - Phone 7330 ATTENTION WE PICK up dead and worthless animals at a moment's notioe. We pay top prices. OREGON RENDERING & FERTILIZER CO. Phone 7310. Collect Phone Salem 5000 Attention WE PICK up dead and worthless atock at a moment's notice. Salem Fertilizer and By-Prod ucts Works Phone Salem 5000 Collect BAHT CHICKS IZ Varietlea In cluding Keia R.rki Hampshire I .eg horn Da oM pullets, cockerels, started ehlcka Phon 22841 Lee Hatchery Auction DON'T MISS this Saturday's Auc tion at tha F. N. Vwrtrjr'j Auction. 1(10 N. Summer. Ph. 5110. F. N. and Glenn. Auctioneers. Yea. we buy (or cash or aell on commission. SEE F. N. GLENN WOODRY. Salem's reliable auctioneers. We guar antee beat results. Established 25 years In Salem. Ph. 5110. 1610 N. Summer St. We buy. aell or trade. Help Wanted WANT STRAWB'RT. pickers. N. P. Williamson. Rte. 7. Ph. 1-2971. Friday. WANT EXPERIENCED party for ales stock work in local retail store. Age 31 to Z7. Box 451. Statesman. MAN WIFE to operate restau rant and care In small town on high way sooth. Must ba experienced. 2208 Breyman St.. between 7 a I p. m. IF TOU like to DRAW. SKETCH or PAINT see TALENT TEST id In Miscellaneous column. fit WEEKLY UKllW Mushrooms. Callar. shed We buy fresh, ISc, dry lit lb FREE BOOK Mushrooms 17 Third Seallla. With Help Wanted Female WANTED, MIDDLE-AGE house keeper. 8 in family. ISIS N. 8umaer. EXP. WOMAN for boarding bouse. References. Ph. 640 J. WANT GIRL, for gen. housework I children In family Ph. 349. Salesmen Wanted HOUSE-TO-HOUSE salesman. It4. Situations Wanted 8KWING. ALTERATIONS reraodel- mending. reas. (77 S. CommerctaL LAWN. GARDEN work Ph 1MI CENTENNIAL COSTUMBM made at Faab'natta, 41 Court. Mrs. Coachman. For Sale Miscellaneous GERANIUMS. 75c DOZ. Zenlas A star. 6c doa. White's Green Housa. ItSS N. Summer. S T O R E-WIDE OVERSTOCKED. Shop, save, at Naah Furniture" Co. "Home of Lang- Rtnjrps" Low prices. TOCVE SEEN tha rest now se tha beat Prices la town. No sacrifice In quality. "Shop around It Pays." Naah Furniture Co. 14 FT1. TRAILER home. new. sleeps . Price low for quick Bale. Easy terms Trailers i built to order. Roy. 465-9 8. Independence NEW COMPLETE 14 Una "ZEN ITH" Electric Re frig.. Ranges. Wash er. Nash Furniture Co. AIRPLANE - HI - WING. Open sport monoplane. S-cyL radial, perfect throacbout. Motor vu tored. factory Job. Must aell. Make offer. See Lang don at Beaverton airport. NEW Cir. ft.'GibHon refrlKerator. all steel cabinet, hermetically sen led unit only f7.tV Gool Hauaekeepina; Ine 451 Court St. REPOSSESSED RADIO tt-TUBE, Ui all-ware Victor bal. due. I1.0. Terms S dn.. IS montMy. fW Mr. Jang. GEO. C WILL MUSIC STORE. - ADVERTIS1NQ f ' Wettern AilverU-'ris; UepreaecutlTes Gerge U I'laaa. lee. Saa f raaeiaea U Angelea. EaatUe Eastern Adrerttslns Heprsui Utlrea Vrvaat Oritita Braaaoa. laa. , Cbtrafe. Mew Yerk. Detreit Boaioa Allaata . Aatei-eal at e f(o'K ml Maltm Ormgv aa geewarf C'lns Uattmr Pa I iiiteal era Bonmj exranf Ummdap Bust htc tM ivutk icmmrc9l 'raw. ' v SUBSCRIPTION RATES: Hail Sbkarnptieaj ttnta la Advaaee Witaia Oregea. Ial aad Saaeay. ale M eeau: Mas 11 aiea W 0; 1 eaet 00 iaekre seats Ma ar M far l real ta advaaee ao eeana Kewaataags eeata: By Oty CarHer. eaet a aeitlL f T za s reav aTae ta Manes asd adlwfil eswatiea. Money lo Loan QUICK CASH LOANS CALL. fVRI1k phone ItlHl ta itateina otdeet. targeat home awrted and eiaanaaeel flMUkee Insiiiwtteiaj eui finanelaj afralra will be dlsrtiaasa a ad is nude is) strwteat prtewry Tea will b rwa eery coaatderatlaa tat the re Ing of your Itwe) or arraniina et slennotta- i norne loaui wylna 1 to 24 Months to Repay Too eaa pa ta full ny time ta reduce the oat. Only Borrower Signs H aadnrarrt Lean smd en furnlrure cars or not. 8KB ROT H BIMMilNS- HdR i j . re at l&a GrNhRAL FINANCE CORPORA I ION tit Conune-lal St Flrvtf d'xvr amtk of I .add gt Husk Hank Cnaveatewt aroauid Auto Loans Willamette Credit Co. TH riVft GUARDIAN BITII.DINtl LICENSE NO M IS9 PRFVATE MONEY AUTO AND TRUCK LOANS CONTRACTS REFINANCED to re duc wvmenH Money for new oi used par No delay oi red tape Tou wlU retain rweWn of the yehicle I TO ! MONTHS TO PAT ROY H. SIMMONS Ill'SrtiJth Commercial Street Phone ! Lie No M IB2 FHA liOANS 4H. stso nrl loans Abrama Ellin. Inc. MajonIc Rklg f Loan Wanted WANTED LOAN $1300. WILL GIVK as security first mortipiKe lian covering 52 A. located near Salem on Rood highway. Will pav 6 int. W. H. URABENHORST A CO. I'hone tits WANTED. PRIVATE money fof city farm and mTea.Be loans Net In vestors 5 V to c"c interet Examine e. uritlta vourself it will pav vou lo aea 11 tv Investments CH1I.DS A Mil.I.ER. INC 144 Stnte St. Phone 11 WANTKD PR I V ATK MNET TO l.f A N on good Salem real es tate. VIII pa fr Interest. W H r.R A PKNHi IRST A CO. REALTORS LOANS WANTED on farm and city properly Before borrowing lnjulra at Hawkinii A Poherts FOR SALS'.- (iood sound first farm mortmices and bonds See B. C. Zielln ski, with HAWKINS ROBERTS INC Phone 411 or "745 For Sale; Miscellaneous FOR SAL Nearly new bicycle In etcellent condition. Everett Wilson, 25; w Maple Ave. Ph. 4835. HARDENED GERANIUMS. I do, now. Asters A marigold plants 5c doa. Mrs. O. l. llinegar, south of Pen 4 Corners. BABY CHICKS, ten varieties now. 2 hatches every week. Cockerels, pul let, custom hatching Tel 2 28S1 Lee's Hstchery THE APRON Shop 7 N High THOROUGHBRED SPRINGER Spaniel pup. wka old Phone SS4I or can at 1710 N 17th St Strawberry and Bean Dusters built to order. 175 to $R0Q Sen net t Machine Shop. Salem. Dallas Hiway. t nil .out CASH RKU13TKR Adding macnine Typewrite! Duplicator Ca leu later and Seal service AD makes arrid rented wapped Roew Typewrite Rarha .o l& CMirt Registered Botrton terriers. 2116 N. 4. Wanted Fnrniture WANTED FURNITURE MORE CASH or trade for yeorwsed furniture ft household goods, by F. N. and Glenn Woodry. Auctioneers and furniture dealers. Ph. 5-1-1-0, Salem. CASH for uned rurnlture and hnnae bokf gooda R Forgey. Phone 7445. Wantel Mieellaneons BOY'S BIKE. 21" whL S4f or 1812. Miscellaneous IF TOU LIKE TO DRAW. SKETCH or PAINT Write for Talent Test (No Fee). Give age and occupation. Bos 4. State-man. Dental Plate Repair frTO-HOUR SERVICE IN MOT CASES Rrln or Mall Tui Platea for Repast DR. RARRT SF.MI.ER DENTIST A hake R1U Id ft Mnrrtana BR 1411 For Rent Rooms NICFX.T FURNISHED room a. walking- distance. Meals optional. 1171 Che meketa. ROOM FOR rent, 725 Court. ROOMS FOR rent. 1 N. CotUge. RmsL. prL home. man. 245 S. Cottaga. NICK rt'RS. hfte wat, CSS Center. CLOSE IN. reas. 441 S. Cottar. ATTRACTIVE FURN. rmi for f flce girla rinse In. (45 N. Winter. FURN RM. rleae m. Ph. 44i. HOTKI HARMUl Ruoma Special weekly and monthlj rate te perm otieeta Marloa Coffee Hhoo dellHnn meals sow prices orriri ; KM t-w moehl eatee SI-EKPINO ROOMS, cloae in. loeely ly private home, men, Reaa Ph 1S4 SLEEPING ROOM, adjoining bath. 775 Ferry St Apt. 11, upstairs. Room and Board LIVE AT Ul.mana, 5 Marion. BOARD ft ROOM. Ill H Church 12 , FOR PLKASANT room, bom cooklr.g 315, Bellevue. For Rrrii Anartmrila SM CLEAN. 71 N. CapltoL 2li. NR. CANNERIES. 3 R. Us., w.. gar.. 115. R.. 113. S R, bath. $23. 7111. 2 A 1 priv. bath. 1933 Center. MOD. S R, 1st fL 58 Center. LGE. ft S1L apts 11 Ferry. WEILL FURN. 1 ft 3 rm. apt. 211. Z RMS. FURN, private shower, toi let. Itohta, water, 19( Ferry. - 1 RM, Frig. Adults. 435 N. Winter. LOVELY t RM. furn. PH. bath, re frig, Udulta. S Sitmmer, a rcm irta; oral, bath. I adulta. 991 N. Cottage St- - - - MODERN FURN. S rm. cottage la Fdgewater Court, alee. refrlg garagn. SZa. l?bon S41X. aMKi DOWNTOWN fuTn. apt. Ph. 9147. GLEN DORA FURN. 2 rm. apt. FURN. APT, 7 N. High. - FURN. t RMS, $29. water, tight, gas included. 2241 Hazel, rh. 7444. PATTON APTS, 822 Stabs. Fsr alahedL Ph. 144. Art. A Sloney to Loan JIM CLARK. ASST. MGR. floor lecatlow Lee Ne S-lls Ptaoae For Rent -Apartments VACANCY June 1. 4 rm. 141 Union. 1 RM FURN.. kit. .bath. I4S Court NEAT 1st FL. S R near state bidga 1 adulta 47S N CapltoL APTS. FURN.. unfurn Chtldran welcome t up Hit S 1 1th P 708 L 1 AND 1 R apta. 3 N Uberty I ft 1 R FU RN4 "a lit." rKirry""Ln Rma Mod. Clooe in. Ph 1114 SMALL FURN apt. 15 S Cottage APT, PRI". bath. Summer rates Hskpc. rm.. 2054 N. CapltoL S-RM. MOD.. 77 N. Commercial. 2 OR 2 RM. mod. turn, apt., newly decorated. 1158 Chemeketa. NICE 2-R. FURN. Bath. 50 Union. 2-R. MAIN FLOOR., furn, apt., I., w. 12.25 wk. 1190 Oak. Phone 527. SMALL FURN. apt. 642 N. Uberty. 2-R. FURN. APT., priv. bath. Hot water. Washer. 1224 S. Commercial. r"4r (tent HoiifA C R., NR. BUS A schls. Town walk. diat. 115. Ph. 7113. FOR RENT, June 1st, 4 rm. house, large living- rm., bedrm., dinette, kit chen, utility rm., laundry, garage, au tomatic heat, hot water, range, refrig. All gas included In renL 1079 N. I3th. TcL 4622. 4 RM. HSE., close In. 118. 1 rm. A kitchenette apt., 112.Su. O K REALTY. 7 R. HSE., 4 bedrms,, 67 N. Sum mer St., 125.00. R- A. FORKN -5vn.uij5i-uii 4 RMS WITH fireplace. Onlv $lg. BUDROW-KASMIR REAL ESTATE 12Ladd ft Bush KldeT. . . 5 ROOM "FURN. cottage, elec equip ped, auto heat. Couple. 133 50. 835 N Commercial. FURN ft UN FURN houses. MEL VIN JOHNbON. 725 Court. Ph. 1711 FURN. AND unfurn. houses. Fn.R.K?'.E? "5 N CaPl WE HAVE THE PROSPEO IF TOU want to sell aschangs utase. rent, eee Ml l-ararn or Mr Col Una with Hawkins ft Roberta FURNISHED AND unfurn houses H P GRANT 129 Court Phone 4744 a9sa-WrfSI 4 RM. HSE. In Kelaer DlsL Inq. trailer hse. at end of 4th St. North. For Rent- GOOD LOCATION for fruit ft vege tables or grocery. $25 per month. We have several call for houses to rent. Money to loan on real estate. We write all kinds of insurance. WILLIAM E. MOSES. Ill K State tlKKK'h, KIM IMS 31 State Street muira. room t00 TeH 17 II Furn. haea apta Adulta 735 N Com'L DESK SPACE for rent. See C H. Sanders, 118 & High. Ph. Bill. Wanted to Rent Want te rent small mod. hse, reaa 481 N. Commercial, basement apt. For Sale Real Estate NEAT 4 ROOM HOME. COR LOT. PAVED ST. $150.00 DOWN, $19.50 PER MO. SEE THIS AT 2494 WALK ER ST. COR. N. 25th. 1 WONDERFUL BUTS IN WELL LOCATED HOMES N. SALEM. LARGE corner, both sts. paved ft paid, beautiful trees, comfort able 5 rm. house ft room for 2 more. Price $2(09. Cash 20. Bal. like rent. Immediate possession of a reposs essed home, S rma., basement A ga rage, with email repairs, can be made very attractive. Price only $1400, lit tle down, baL like renL Beautiful large lot m E. Salem. 1 rm. house large walnut tree. Price $900. Cash $50. BaL $10 and; 4 per month. See CHILDS ft MILLER, REALTORS 844 State 8L Phone 9241. GOOD HOUSE and large lot for sale. W 111 sacrifice for $2250.00 cash. Inquire owner. 147$ N. Fifth. BEATS RENTING MODERN 5-ROOM homo, hardwood, fireplace, large attic, shake bungalow, $2800. $150 dn. Hon ft income S furnished apt. renting for $57, ft 4-reora unfur nished for owner. Right down town. $.1450. Ph. Art Madsen for Good Buy at 850 S-RM. MOD. cottage. 4 blks. frem statehouae. 297 S. Winter. $2150. Phone owner, 1992. - ATTENTION NEWLY WEDS WE HAVE 4 Neat Homes on terms that will surprise you, $1200 to $1800. BUDROW-KASMIR REAL ESTATE 13 Lad d ft Bush Bldg. Ph. 695 NEW S RMS. with attic, hardwood firs. Full bemt.. furn. ft flrepl. Large lot. Paving ft walks paid. $4200, $40 down, baL FHA. R. A. FORKNER. 1852 N. Capitol BLDG. SITE ft acreage. Small down payment. Easy terms. G. N. Thomp son. RL 2. Bos 114. ; LOOK, $25 DOWN BAL. $10 PER mo, will bay a good lot on pavement, located on Norway St. near 15th. Price $500. s W. H. URABENHORST A CO. Phone 4468 - ' ....... .wu . , w A LOCATED ON paved et with side walk In. near state highway shops. Lot 50x100. E. front. Price $j0. Call G. H. Orabenhorst, Jr, with W. H. unADtnnuiwr at CJ l'n. 4448. NEW t R, A, W. Salem, $2100. Ea-y terms. Phone 7111, $350. DOWN AND $35 PER mo. will hoy this ( rm. mod. home with auto, heat, large lot $0x200, paved St., close to high way ahopa. Price $3500. T eee this home, call G. H. Grabenhorrt, Jr with W. H. GILABESHOR3T CO, Real tors. . U A MiM4h tt?c . me. VB a.l-a W, W va.u. lit V. BUDROW-KAS.il I R REAL ESTATE 12 Ladd Bush Bldg. Phono 6 FOR SALE f ' ; Lots owned by City . ' $115. to $800. : . See any real estate caaa or call $411 i " - 1(7 a High Street i CASH TALKS . $3000. CASH WILL buy tbt good modern T R. plastered home with oil best, full basement, 2 -ear garage, large cor. lot, paved its, good location. SEE US AT ONCE. .... W. H. URABENHORST A CO. tVHon $441 Money to Loan Here's the Way TO TAKE YOUR TIMB ABOTJT PATINO BILLS -MAKE ft LIST ef -our bills and Symenta If von need extra cash pot st down too. Come to oar af fire and get the full amount - vou need to oay off everything you owe Then nay us back ta mall monthly payments spread over t, to. 12 20 months Yon hare fust ONE payment to make each mo. and lust ONE place to nay No payments for at least IB day after vou receive the money Amt. vou irepay monthly Ant ef loan mo 12 ma SO ma. $ 40 Of llll 4.02. $ t 89 $0 00 11 40 104 $18 ISO 00 14 IS 10 08 4 78 200 00 28.49 20 09 18 44 800 00, 41 74 20 14 20 10 TJP TO $500 00 ON A UTOMORI LES Study the phtns above. Determine the amount you need Pick out one ef the small monthly payments that fits your ouoget and tr en call at our or- nos tor the cash. CAIKINS FINANCE COMPANY 201. 2nd FL First NatT. Bank Building Salem, Oregon Phone 4444 S-228 A M-378 Stat Licenses For a PERSONAL LOAN see The Personal Finance Co. for at "PeraonaT we are special lets In making personal loan II Is our full-time business. PICK YOUR OWN PAYMENTS Cash Mo payments Irwlud to lng ALL chances for: You 8 moa. 12 mos 20 mot, $ 50 $10 !2 $ 54)2 $ 2 34 100 21 84 110 05 4 72 200 43 67 20 09 13 44 200 45.51 20.14 20 14 Come In for the Cash You Need Today PERSONAL FINANCE CO. L L. MILLER. MGR. 2nd Floor, New B1igh Bldg. Phone 1191 M l 65 - State Lie - S-I2S For Sale Real Estate 5 ROOM HOUSE, dose In, 1 bed rooms, garage, large lot 75X150. fl7atf, terms to suit. 4 room house on N. 21st. S bed rooms, full bsmt, $35100.00, MONEY TO LOAN P. H. BELL, REALTOR 429 Oreg. Bldg. Phone 8111. 4 RM. MOD. home, new paint. 8 bd. nni.. lge. lot, dbl. gar. 450 N. 19th. Exchange Real Estate IF YOU have property In Portland ft want to trade It for Salem property, we have 10 acres with 7-R. house Just renovated, new barn, n paved road, only 4 ml. from city limits. Will go to $10,004. See Mr. Larsen with HAWKINS ft ROBERTS. INC, Rea.1 torsi PORTLAND HOME for Salem. 5222. For Sale Farms FARM FOR SALE GOOD 44 ACRES of land, nearly all under plow, buildings, located near Clear Lake achool on paved road. Price $4750. Must be sold RIGHT NOW to settle an estate. W. H. GRA BENHORST ft CO. Phone 4448 Aereane SMALL ACREAGE $300. WILL BUY beautiful 1 A, tracts located E. of Salem. Terms. $500. will buy a 1 A. tract located S. of Salem with city water. Term. Beautiful view Iota 8. of Salem with city water. Prices ran fee from $450 to $1200. See these lota. Call G. II. Gra benhorst, Jr., with W. H. GRABEN HORST A CO, Ph. 4448. 10 A. BARGAIN $200 DOWN, 820 PER mo. will buy this 10 A. tract with some fir timber. New, unfin. 5 rm. house. WelL Good road. Price $2200. Call G. H. Graben horst.. Jr., with W. H. GRA BEN HORST A CO, Realtors, Ph. 4448. ONLY $28 DOWN BAL. $10 PER mo, will buy this ten acres of plow land located on gra vel, rd. Price only $7510. SEE THIS BARGAIN TODAT. W. IL GRA BENHORST CO. Phono 4448 Resort Pronertv SUMMER HOME LOCATED ON the Santlam near Taylor Grove, good construction, t bedroom, large living rm. with aton fireplace, built-in kitchen, large ahade trees. A REAL BEAUTY SPOT. Will sell or trade for Salem property. W. H. GRA BENHORST ft CO. Phono 4448 or 7971 Business Opportunities ICE CREAM parlor A confectionery In good location' A doing good business. Will sell cheap litU cash win handle. H. E. WEIR. 112 Ores. Bldg, Ph. 8411 APT. BUSINESS furniture ft lease, 12 r, apt, reas. for cash. Box 453, Statesman. FURNITURE ft LEASE, small apt. house. Inquire 410 N. Uberty. Business , Card la this dirt-rt ory ru oa monthly bals only. Rate:- SI .23 per tine pea Anto Brakes Mike Paoek 178 South Ccaanrclai BicycJes BICYCLES. NEW and r-coodltKmed Harry W Scott 147 8 Ccm'd. P. 4814 Smshes SMYTH MOPS, bra-shea. Ph. (724. Chimney Sweep rEIJCPHONB 4410 R S. Northn Excavating KXCA VATIO OF an kind Bao . Atim fMwm Iu.mm4 i. wvtnvmA rMr for al Saturn Sanl ft Gravel P 9408 Florists BreUhaupfa, 441 Cowrt Phono 819$ Funeral Directors Terwtmger Funeral Home Ph (! llonse Paintins ROSSITER. 1144 CENTER Ph. (70S A-l WORK $ It CP. rh. 1394. FbrSle-Uedrr. OUTSTANDING VALUES 1936 Chevrolet 2-Door . Motor overhauled. 1937 Plymouth 4-Door Original finish. Very low mileage. - 1937 Chevrolet Rumble Heater, radio, elec. clock lots 1932 DeSoto Coupe Rubber 80 new. A dandy buy for the money. 1932 Plymouth P. A. 4-Door Sedan The very popular 4 -cylinder Sedan. Hurry I W. L ANDERSON, Inc. DeSOTO DISTRIBUTORS PLYMOUTH 8(0 MARION OPEN FOR SALE: 1938 Mercury DeLux Sedan, only 1200, miles, has radio, beater, whit side-wall tires, puncture proof tubes. A-l In every way. Cost new with extras, $1215; owner says sell to settle estate for $795 see It at F. N. Woodry'g Auction Mart, Salem. 14 V-8 4-DR. SEDAN actual mile age 22,000. 538 S. 23rd SL 37 CHEV. 4-DR. Sdn. New paint. Good shape. Bargain. 815 S. 22nL '34 V-8 2-DR, Sdn. New motor. Clean car. Trade, terms. 815 S. 22nd. 39 BUICK 4-DR. Sdn. Small series. Less 8000 mi. Illness. Take best reaa. otter. Box 652, Statesman. WMsks,ee, TO SELL or trade-, $100 credit on new or used car. 144 S. Com'L For Sale Wood BONE-DRY wood,, $5. Ph. 85(0. MILL WOOD $2.50 load Ph (341 or 5852. Wood, at west end Court St WOOD Ph 617 Green 412 N list 14 IN. OLD fir. $5 cd Tel $120 DRY WOOD, old fir ft 2nd growth Phone 475" for prices. OLD FIR, also slab. $1.25. P. 22637. STOCK UP for winter now. Best Quality old fir, 16", $5, Ph. 7054. SUPPLY LIMITED order now. Fir, 2nd ft old growth ; Oak Ash. Phone 4109. Personal i nw it I v wnnTUWH 1 1 s nrMt. near, husband, wife for tou. P O Boa Ti lo angetea Lost and Found tist a sua REMINGTON auto matic. Reward; no questions asked. Phone 847. Legal Notices - NOTICE OT APPOINTMENT Notlc 1 hereby glrea that tho undersigned hare been duly -p- polnted by the County uonrt ji tha stat of OrtioB. for the County of Marlon, as Exocutora of the last will and teatament and estate of J n n i A. Jones, de ceased, and that they har- 'y qualified as such Executors: all persons bavins: claims agalns the estate of sld decedent are noti fied to present the same, duly re rifled, to ns. at the office of Ron ald C. Glover, oar attorney, 20 B Oregon Building, Baiem, ureson. within six months from the date of this notice. Dated at Salem. Oregon, this letn day of May, isfo. MERLE JONES ad VERA HILL, Executors of the last will and testament and estate of Jen nie A. Jones, deceased. RONALD C GLOVE Attorney for "Executors, Salem, Oregon. My 1C-2S-S0; J -U. NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT OF ADMINISTRATOR, NAtlca la hereby viven that the nnderala-ned hag been duly an- polnted by the Conntr Court of the State or Oregon, zor me County of Marion, .as Administrate.- nf tha stata of Lixde J. Brown, deceased, and that he has duly qualified as sncn ao mlnlstrator; all persons having elalma anlnil tha aetata rtf B&id decedent are hereby notified to present the same, duly Yenned, to me, at the office of Ronald C. Glover mv attnrnev. 205 Ore eon Building, Salem, Marion County, Mattresses SALEM FLUFF Ru ft Mattreaa Co. New mattreaa old remade, nig cleaning ft weaving S lltb ft Wtibar Tet 8441 Zertrker APITTM RRDDINaTn Ptiane NEAT Work, reaa Johnson. Ph 8778 Plastering PRICES O. K. Salem It yra 91F1L Plumbing PLUMRINU GENERAL repatt wrfc. Graber Broo. 184 S Liberty Ph 8894 Printing FOR STATION KR rards pamphlet programs books ot any kind ef print Ins cat! The Statesman Printing De partment 81$ a Commercial Tele phono 8181..'' Schools OuMPt.ETK roar HIGH SCHOOL at homo , Ol PltMA TEXTS FURN Writ ' for catalog American School Dept & Bos 4400 Portland - Ore U Transfer CTTT TRANS. Ph. C81S. Reaa rate WK LOCAl ot dlstanf transfer St or it turner oQ eaB 8181 l-irmet Trafer Co Trucks te Portland dailv Well Drilling & A. WESt. Rl a. Bs. 441. P. t-8tA I For Ste-Iled Car. Sedan ..... $365 New rubber and paint. . Touring Sedan...w..$535 Tb cleanest flymouth In town. . i " 1 Scat Coupe ..... .....$510 of extra. Look tola one over. , ..$145 .....$140 EVENINGS PHONE 7703. Legal Notice Oregon, within six months from the date of this notice. Dated at! Salem, Oregon, this sara aay of May, 1940. GEORGE E. BROWN. Administrator .of the Es tate of Lizzie J. Brown, Deceased. RONALD C GLOVER, Attorney, for Administrator, Salem, Oregon. My 2 3-30 J. 6-13-20 NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLE. MENT. Notice is hereby, siren that the undersigned has filed in tb County Court of the State, of wegon, for the County of Mar ion, her daly verified final ac count, as the Administratrix of the estate of Charles H. Cannon, deceased, and that said Court has fixed Tuesday, the 25 th day of June. 1940, at the hour of ten o'clock A. M. of said day. aa the time, and the County Court noom m the county Court House at Salem, h in Marlon County, Oregon, as the nlace for hearing said final account, and all ob jections thereto. Dated at Salem, Oregon, this -ara aay or , May, 1940. WINNIE W PETTYJOHN. Administratrix of tha Estate of Charles H. Cannon, de ceased. , GLOVER 4b LAMKIN, Attorneys for Administratrix, Salem. Oregon. My-3-30 J. 1-13-20 NOTICE TO CREDITORS Notice Is: hereby given that the undersigned, by an order of the county court of Marion county. state or Oregon, duly made and entered on I the 7th day of May, 1940, were appointed executrix and executor of the estate of Henry C. Porter, deceased, and that they hare duly qualified as such. All persons haying claims against said estate are hereby no tified to present the same, duly rerif led as required by taw. to the undersigned! at Aumsvtlle. In Ma rion county:, Oregon, within six months from the date of this no- tic, to-wit: May Sth, 1940. M. MAUDS BOONE, CLAUDE BOONE. Executrix and Executor of the Estate of Henry C. For ter, deceased. CHRIS J. KOWITZ, 401 Guardian Bldg., Salem, Oregon. Attorney for Estate. My 9-1 (-13-10: J. f. Kerr to Be Speaker SILVERTON Dr. W. J. Kerr, former chancellor of higher edu cation in Oregon, will be guest speaker st the Silrerton Cham ber of Commerce luncheon to be held Monday noon. Dr. Kerr will speak on, industries suitable to this part of Oregon. Maverick I - s. Looks' a if Jack Benny has lass oed m Iain. She's Ellea Drew, who play opposite the comed ian in his newest picture, "Bock Benny Ride .A&aln, which opens at the Elsinore Friday. Lodges t Salem Lodge No. 4. A. r. A t' T A. M, Mon, May 17. S.-00 p.n. i u Master Kina Degre. J. B ; f PlUnd. W. M. ft PACIFIC log No ' S A. Mi. IC. Iegre. No. o. A.'r. te. Wed- May afv a wk JtetT Metrlott, W.kL flnf J.Uxrh TM ' -7 5 - '2 a. s x ' J. - fK!!lr i jJ : I I War kills and destroys. And plays no favorites. This debris was left after the Germans had paid an aerial visit to Namsos, Norway. Where formerly homes stood, today there's nothing: but strewn brick and destroyed household belongings. These Norwegian women hope to find something of valua in the ruins of their homts. Invader Rides German-approved caption for this ue picture is or a destroyed house la Holland.! A German soldier rides past the wrecked structure. Cross Word Puzzle 21 12 13 13 2 27 2r 3o 34 31 30 31 42 4H 1 0 3 HORIZONTAL 1 Cutting tool 4 Number . y What general ro known m "Unconditional Surrtndor "t 12 Hail 1 13 Past U FFAat iras f As flrtt nam ikt muthor of Sho"t IS Of what sfafs it Sacramento the capital? IS Father 19 Parcel of land . 20 Witticism 21 Compact mass 22 Front part of the leg x ; 24 Head covering V . 5 Having little color 28 Sty 27 Storage place - 23 Existe " , 29 Corners XI Who weut iko famoui C -iinial writer: Cotton f 34 Small child 35 Kind of roll - . 86 Negrito f - - 37 Store compactly . : - 39 Wit " 40 Break suddenly 1 - " 41 Vandal ' 42 Forbid. ; 43 Restrain from free speeck 44 Part ef to be" ii Who wrote Seventeen" t , ' 49 Kind of type 51 Period 52 Danish coin 53 Talk idly 54 Expose to moisture, as flax 55 Negative vote fXRTICAL ., 1 Algonqulan Indian 2 Kava - - J IV Ad t is fA capital of New Zealand? lWkat vreeidvnt later hteame Chief Juttiee of the Supremo Courtt Self Is Who to the popular mapmzine illuttrator: Rockwell W7s 1 Attor Ah Raid i J Past Dutch Ruins aHf L:... ,: I, I. If. Rtdiopboto nuSophoto from Berlin says that to II 20 21 2S 2a 3t 32 33 35 3e 'A W3 V6 7 ST 4 7 Unyielding courage 8 Long, narrow inlet 9 Paid publicity 10 Himalayan kingdom ii carter lit fWnlU nart.t ' 17 Word expressing negation. SI What preeident toot steers V atNrwYorltC.itut 22 Mineral spring K5 owi , i ; 24 Possessi to pronoun i 25 Strike lightly I 27 wager I 28 Pale - : , ' ' 30 Of small stature F 31 Earthen vessel ' i 32 reek letter S3 Smart blow i S5 Financier 37 Keen :.-!.(..).. J 3S Abnormal mass ' U. 39 Armed combat 40 Sink is the middle - 42 Cause of ruin ' ' 43 Insect 45 Hake lace , . i 46 Anger -.-i':. ! fi'. '.Vl , 47 iAnglo-Saxon money I acdounfc 43 Marshal of France 50 Mother ' Answer te yesterday's puz-le. pApTiArcrt I Lv A G iI ' A NllA l T z (,; 'C ' Average tlise ef selctleai 17 s..t. r ' -i. Piita-wtaO kf 8U14 l-rtan IjiMlSutta, VA 7? 77 31E3EiJ" ill 4