lbs. OBIGOI, STATESMAN. Salem. Oregon, Friday Morning, May 17. 1310 PAG2 i.t.ttezi: For RESUIiTS . . . At: LOW COST,'. : Use ' Statesman Classified Ads Call 9101 fTN.tri-tJ ArtvrrtUIng Tbree insertions per tin 25c Sis insertions i-t line 40c Une tnuolb pi lln 1 25 Minimum charge 25c: 2 tl min ima ni 36c; u mtn 45c. No refunds. ' CwD, far P arretted BtH S.SO tfce evening bvfure sabhvraliee far eiif att l'Pt rrenaee ti -lee tbia tint W run Bi-r heedies "Tn Ut la Clssi Tee Mtateanaae unM aa traaeriat reaaeaata 'it) far acrer aratefc muj appear ta aartn iu abhr m its lawns and ta rasa tais paper la at laait will repriul teat part af aa ae'rert.eeaaeat in eatr la tjrf erraBaiee avsUae ect-ar Tee Slateeaaae reeeraee tee nal ta rejert BaTMsAI advertising It tartan rrm taa nt ta pise - edvertleias a4a taa sreper rleestft utiaa A "BaaV Aa aa d eoataiarag a Siateaaua aaa aaaibar far aa address 4 far taa pnH-rtei af se adirr tisar sad aiast taerefare ba mnwrrr4 at tettar - Tfca Steiessaa M aa at Heart ta dlaaiae ta'eraMtiea aa a taa ideality af aa aeWeiilaer asiaf a "BUa4" ad. Livrslork Phone 733d- Phone 7330 ATTENTION WC PICK up (Wad and worthies animate at a moment a notice Oresoa Rendering A Fertiliser Co. Phone 733a. Collect aaaaaaaaaaVBMaaraAaaaAAB Phone Salem 5000 Attention XfX PICK up drad and worthless stock at a moment's not Ira. Salem Fertilizer and By-Products Works Phone' Salem 5000 Collect FARMERS MONTtiOM Eft T RENDERING WORKS I PICKS UP. fREE OF CHARGE DEAD AND WORTHLESS HORSES I AND COWS ANTWHKRE IN THE iWII.I-AMETTE VAI.1.ET. WE PAT TOP PRICES PHONE US COIJ.ECT. 4I1 SALEM aaaaVaafsaaaaaaaaaaaaAa FOR SALE Fresh 4-gaL cow, Rt. T. Box 1&0. D St- BABT ICHUTKS 1 Varletiea In cluding Red Rock. Hampshire. Leg horn. Day aid pullet, cockarela. started chick. Phona SIML Lea a Hatchery'", Auctions I A U C T I O N LKAVlNrt SALEM Selling house hold famlahmg on Friday. May 17. at 114 Berry St, South Salem . . . Enamel 4- ft. alec refrigerator, elec aweeper, rood organ. ' radio, range, good elect, washer, da Ten port A chair, elect, sweeper, two dressers, chest . drawers, on single, two double spool bed, three Innempring mattresse. I coil spring, two nice rugs, sewtnr ma- f china, DreaKiaar sei, mmpi. w lawn mower, kitchen utensils. Many other article. Thla furniture la like new. Attend this Auction! Earnest I. 0Mre, owner: Will N. Teeter, suet. 14! Marion St.. Salem. Help Wanted Berry pick, 1 mL E. Brooks, t-274. fit WEEKLT GROW Mushroom Cellar. hd. W buy fresh. ISc. dry 11 3S lb FREE BOOK. Mushroom 1127 Third. Seattle. Waab. Ilelp Wanted Female WANT EXPER. beauty operator with following. Bi. 1 14. Statesman. WANT EXPER. girl over 21 to as sist with gen. hsewrk. A car of two children IfoyU Situations Wanted EXP. WOMAN wanta hr. wrk. 8SJ4. DRESSMAK Mr Adaltt Ph CZ41 jr'baaajaaaatbaraysa DRESSMAKING. CENTENNIAL costumes at your bom. 12.50 a day. Ph. 71S4. LAWN. GARDEN work. Ph. !;. For Sale Miscellaneous 1 USED CANVAS lawn swing with canopy -1 1 . 8 9. GEVURTZ FURNITURE CO. 1 SLIGHTLY USED valour daven port A chair, splendid condition, rust color, 1 5e. 6KVURTZ FURNITURE CO. HOME COMFORT range, good con dition. Inq. 1299 Oak. Ph. 527. - 14 FT. TRAILER home, new. sleep 4. Price low for quick sale. Easy terms. Trailers built to order. Roy. 445-1 & Independence. 1-1 PC SLIGHTLY USED bedroom aat. 111.. 7 GEVURTZ FURNITURE CO. GER. POLICE papa. 12 Tamarack. SPECIAL? SWEET WILLIAM. Col ambine In bloom. He - bedding A wa ter plants. 121A BU Goldfish Farm. Ill 8. 12th. LTED UPRIGHT piano, lll.S. IS down. $4 per mo. GEVURTZ FURNITURE CO. SILVER TEA aet. very old. P. C514. -4" BABT CHICKS, tea varieties now. t hatches every week. Cockerels, pul let, rustora hatching. Tel. 1 141. Lee's Hatchery USFn OCCASIONAL chair, GEVURTZ FURNITURE CO. FOR SALE Barnyard fertiliser. John Ktracher. Pen Rd, R. . Bx. 111. USED OCCASIONAt. rocker. 14.M. GEVURTZ FURNITURE CO. - ADVERTISLNO . Wesuro sYdTcrtlctac ReprsenuUTC8 0 wta U. Ilea. In. Saa fraaaiar. Ut Ancelea. BaatUa " SUatara Advartlslnc ICepresan tally Brysnt A Braaaaa. la. Cbteago, Vt Yerk. Uetrsit Seetea. AtlaaU - Eaterad af t tmtotUe f -daest Oregon a Serowal Clata Mat it p.w ftafced avarai wanina caw4l Afawdanr if aM tf a eat A CaatatarcMi afrast. ' ' SUBSCRIPTION RATES: Mail Saesrriptiee - Kataa re Advaaee WUbi Orec. Ualy sal Suaday. Ma 60 eeatii S Mae ! ; Ma $8 50; 1 year $ 0 Claewber 0 ceau far Us ar 6 for I rear m adaaar. Par to?T eaata Newaetaade eeals. if City Carrier. SO erats a aaoata. fl 29 yar w adaaac la stanea a4 i)raal uati. Money lo Ioan - QUICK CASH LOANS CAIJ. WRITS, at phwna !) ta Salem s oldVat. largest home earned and homt nuiiiMaxt finance fnatltutien )tui financial affair arllJ ba diecuased and loan made ta ntrW test privacy Teu wilt fee Rtvee every coaslderelioo la the ra-rmrtna- four loaa at era n tin at aalanaaona S 1 to 24 Months to Repay Too caa par In full any time ta reduce tha eost, Only Borrower Signs Na endorser Loan made an furniture, car ar aote. ROT H SIMMONS. IIGR ! f JIM CLARK. ASST. ICG R. IJe No M IM i r - GrNhRAL FINANCE CORPORA I ION 13 Sw Cotnrnarrtal St Ftrat d'Mir aautb of Mdd A Buirh Rank . CnnvaoWBt grouad Auto Loans Willamette Credit C It la mnLTMNa ITU P1VR OUARDIAN LICENSE NO. M PRIVATE MONEY AUTO AND TRUCK LOANS OONTRAT8 REFINANCED to -duca parmcata afoncr for oear ar uaait cara. No delay or red tap Tou wCi rataln pnaaa wlna of tha aa4ilrte. 1 TO 2 MONTHS TO PAT ROY H. SIMMONS lit South Commarrlal Stract Phona tilt He. No. M UX SEVERAL THOUSAND dollar pri vate tnoner to loan oa good aeeurity. C. H. SANDERS 1H S. Hih Bill FHA LOANS 4H. prfr. loaa A bra ma A Ellla. Irvc Maaoaie Bids. Loans Wanted WANTED. PRIVATE noetr for city, farm a ad acreage loana Nat In vestor i to C Interest Examine ecuritlea vouraelf ft will pay you ta sea us for investments. CHJLDS A MILLER. INC S44 State St. Phone 12(1 WANTLH PRIVATK MONKI TO LOAN on rood Sate an raal . tat. Will pa Interert. W H GRA I.KNHORST CO. REALTORS LOANS WANTEU oa rapm and city property Before borrow In Inquire at Haarktn A Rnherta mr RAI.Kiiwwl aaund nrat farm mortgage aad bonds. Sea B. C Zlelta ski. with HAWKINS A ROBERTS. INC Phone 4IOt or '741 For Sale Miscellaneous THE APRON Shop 7 N HUh THOROUGHBRED SPRING B-R Spaniel pups. I wka. old. Phona &41 or caJl at 1714 N. 17th St. FINEST SELECTION of well grown plants for yard and garden. Phona 8637 J A T MORRIS. Florist Strawberry and Bean Dusters built to order. $75 to 1800. Schuett Machlna Shop. Salem. Dallas Hiway. 1 mi. out- USED LOUNGE chair. 19.50. GEVURTZ FURNITURE CO. CASH REUI3TER Adding macntn. Typewriter. Duplicator. Calculator and Scale service. All makes aold. rented swapped Roan Typewriter Esehanga. S Pourt FTTR CHUBBIES. sura'r. wear. 114. St up. Bagel's Fur Shop, 1147 S Com. TOMATO. CAB. plants. 3-4 do. SSe. Kale. P. Siike. R. . B. 34. P. 1-131. SOME BEDDING plants 1C do. White's Greenhouse, lfSS N. Sum. Open Sunday. RIVER SILT. 95c yd. Ph. 48S. Dal. FOMERANIANS IS up. tl S. 12th. Wanted Furniture CASH for used rurn'tur and bouaa nokl good R Forge y. Phone 744. -WE PAT SPOT CASH" r N A OI.ENN WiVlRT Ph til Miscellaneous Dental Plate Repair rffO-HOUR SERVICE IN MOST CAS ES Bring cr Mail Tour Ptetaa for Repalt DR. IIARRT 8 EM I. ICR. DENTIST Ailakv RMg. Id A Morrison. BR 1417 For Rent Rooms CLOSE IN, reas. 44 8. Cottage. WELL FURN. room, 6539 seaa4aaaaaaSaaaasWWaes ATTRACTIVE FURN. rms. for f fic girls, closo In. 631 N. Winter. , FURN. RM. close lav Ph. 4418. HrrKI MARION Rooms Special weekly and monthly rate ta perm, guest Marlon Coffee Shoe delicto meal at row prices HOTKI 8AI.KM w monfttiv rales SLEEPING ROOMS, close In. lovely ly private home. men. Leas. Ph. K4l. Room and Board RM. A BOARD, shower or bath . .. a.- 1 t)W B! IA UYE AT tnxnsariav Mjirtcm. ROOM A BOARD. Ill 8 Winter esBatjeasasssaaaaaasSaT BOARD A ROOM. S13 N. Church. EF MA ftewwa a M Ubartv LOVELY ROOM, excellent board. 230 N. tuamr. Tel. 0IX. For Rent Apartments RM. MAIN floor A S ra. up. Re a. close la. 64 1 N. cottage. FURN. S R. Lta, w, gar, Fum. i; R. fUL Frig- 12s. Poena ma. 1 j-n j-ij-iiLnri.s-i iasi i-" a aaa GLEN DORA TTJRM. S rm. apt. NEWLY DECORATED. IAS rmsi. tntura. Lta. A water. 11 Fairr. 4lkBsjaa4alsMa4a9a FURN. APT. 71 N. Illfh. FURX. APT, II mo, 122 Center. FURN. S RMS, 81a, water. Ilghta. ra irtchaded. 21(1 Maaei. iTv. f . SMALL. FURN. apartment, water, Ilrht A beat downtown, 815.00. 6 rm. flat, partly furn, 4 rm. furnished cottage, $12.61. IVAN O. MARTIN. Phone 44 It ssaeaa PATTON ' APTS 821 SUta. Fur- alahed. Ph S244 Apt. X. NEWLY DECORATED. I A 2 rms, far. $1 A $11. Lt A wau 1(2 Ferry. FURN. TRAILER, ha. S33 Water. VACANCY June 1. 4 rm. 43 Union. S RMS. UN FURN. The Devereaog. I RM, FURN. 1134 & Commercial. Hr A c. water, washer. 8 RMS. FRIG, girls. 43 N. W later. VACANCY LOVELY apt,. Meal lo cation, garden. 81 Leslie. Ph. 4441. 2 RM FURN, kit. bath, 646 Own NEAT 1st FL1 11 near state bldg 2 adulla 475 N CapitoL May 1. 2 A 2 R. Pr. b'th. 1116 Center. HAWTHORNE Court tM4 N Ca Ito, Homelike and eommodiotua MOD. FURN, 8 A 4 rm. summer rates. 1380 Fairtfrounda Rd. Ph. 7S33. Furn, arartmcuts, 355 Piriaioa St. Money to Loan I floor locaties Lk: No 8-IS Phoaa For Rejxl Apartments im s-ttom -i.iiy walconae. 84 up 111 8 Uth. P 70S S RM. L1RGR furn. ant Ala oaa cosy hakpg. rm. 1431 N. Cottage. I. S AND t R apt. 3 N Liberty I A S R FURN apt. 46 Ferry t Matf. Oaea tn. Ph 8884 SMALL FURN apt. 25 8 Cottage - APT, PRJV. bath. Summer rats RakpB. na, 2064 N. CapitoL I APARTMENTS 355 Bellrua St. Foe Rrnt --IICM14-I RENT OR sale. 1-4 room.' 1-S FOODS house. Inq. 210 N. Fifth. 4 R- UN FUR. A gar. T48 N. 20. $2. MOD, NICELY furn. 8 rm. nook. refrix. Sta. tubs. srax adult 310. l0 McNary. STIin El RM Kb-. ICai rnmnv- claL Ph. 916 or 8531. --------- - i i-ini-inju-LTuarun 8 ROOM FURN. cot tare, elec eauln. ped. auto. heat. Couple. 832.60. 815 N Commercial. ----------- - in i i.i .-nr FURN A UN FURN house MEL VIN JOHXbON. I Court. Ph. 37JI R. A FOHKNER IK&I N Capitol WK HI a K rHE fHlMPlai IF . TOU want to sell exchange aaa. rent ! Ut lram m ttr Cri Una with Hawkins A Rnhert KURNISMED AND unnira Itauaea H. P GRANT 62 Court. Phone 4744 For Rent Farms S R-. BATH, gw, 1E. Ph. 7113. PART FURN. hse. 10 A. $1. 7118. For Rent (lli'Vli'lC HlHlM In ). attract Tn 81 IS Furn. hse.apta, Adult. 736 N. Coml Wanted tn Rent rS BDRUL HOME. N. side, close in. rent with option to buy P. O. Bx. 1(. For Sale Real Estate NEW K R W. Salem. 12100. Kew 6 base., aub. rorth. 82850. Both easy term. Phone 71 IS. FOR SALS Lois owned by City 125. to 8800. ; See arry real estate mas : f or call 8432 117 S. High Street 1aajaaa4a 83500 8300 DOWN 830 MO.. 6 mwim frltv mnA home, beautiful lawn," fruit. X Close to state house. C. H. KAN JJtKS lis S. lllgU al.l. RM. MOD. home, new paint. S bd. rms, tot, dbl. gar. 450 N. 11th. I SACRIFICE $375 CASH will buy a two-room un fln. house With two lots 60137 each. Several fruit tree and good garden. To see thla, call G. , H. GRABEN HORST, Jr;, with W. U. GRABEN HORST A CO., Realtors. PRICE REDUCED! 6 ROOM: STRICTLY mod. home, close to schools and bus. Only $2860, Mishtv rood value. C. H. SANDERS 118 8. High 5131. S RMS. EX cond. Fully mod. $3000. Close to schools, very reaa. terms. S acres fruit A nuta, city water, 4 rms. Full bsmt. 11100, reaa, terms. Neat 4 Hns, fireplace, paving pd, 11400, $100 dn., bal. as low rent. BUDROW-SCASMiR REAL ESTATE 12 Ladd A l Bush Bid-. Ph. 5165. aHasraaara $125 DN, $18 MO. A.. 4 RM. HSE, only 3 mL N, caved road, lota of fruit A fir trees. ABRAMS A ELLIS, INC. Ill Masonic Bid. C ROOM HOME, dose In, hardwood, fireplace, furnace, cor. lot, N. Salem. $3260 $300 dn. Ph. 6580. BARGAIN- CAPE COD bungalow, S rooms, t- uo. lot soxzso. jut east or city 3. 700 8300 down. Phone 6580. i FA1RMOUNT HILL HOME ATTRACTIVE 6 ' RM. homo with beautiful yard of rare treea A shrub bery a veritable forest bom right tn town. For one week owner aa ya take Call Mr. BartJett with CHILDS A MILLER. REALTOR 844 State St. Phone 1241. I A.1R. house. 887 Evergreen Ave. $1050. Term. A. Han, 604 Elm SL, Oregon ! City. I STRICTLY Una New 6 Rm hse. with gar. Near baa line A schools Fin localioq. Easy tarma, Owner. 660. For SaleFarms I MR. FARM BUYER I LISTEN TO this 355 acre farm. ever 200 axrea la cultivation, some timber,1 IS acres prune, ail stock and equip. 1 1ncluding tractor, about 100 keep, 14 goat, team horse, etc The price ef this farm has recently been reduced from S10.00O to 816.000 and . caan will baau. call ur. Bart Ictt with I CHILDS A MILLER. REALTORS S44 Stat St- Phona 124L - - - - - - -- i-.-,,-, -..-. .-, ,-, ort "i nnxi ' FARMS, homes, rent, aaUe, trad. Oi-egoe, Land Co, Wood burn, Orego Acreage ACREAGT3 : i ? 810 DOWN. 820 PER USD. will buy H A. of land with 6 rm. ptaat. bouse witn cirepmce at piumcnng. jocatea on paired ; road near store, -scneoi ax nua, Price $210. $30$ down, $25 per mo. will buy fractloa of an A. with good 7 rm. housej alec, A water, email barn A chicken hovae. Some fruit. Price $2T0.i $S04 down'. $1 per mo., wlU boy 1 A. with some cherries, Xilberta A wal nut. jLate-ballt house, 6 rm. mod. A with Attic. Located just outside city limit! Price $3000. . , $50. down A 814.59 per mo. will buy fine S4 A. with family fruit, unfln. 4 rm. house with good well. Located on C(od road near school. Price $1450.. $20 down A $20 per mo. will buy 1 A.; with com fir timber. 6 rm. nn f in. hrus and well located on Rood road. IPric $2100. Fee O. ,JI. Grahen horsX Jr. with W. II. GRABEN HORliT A CO. Realtor. Ph. 4448. 21 159$ 20 BOWK. $11.1 MO. on bafcrac will buy 1 A. 6 room plasc houxeJ nntn, elec. " . SANDERS 118 & Hifih 513L C . double A, C RM. MOD. house in Shaw, gar, cbicken nouse, va,rity Also 5H A. tract, good creek. fruit. water aw F. right, reflsonable term. Owner. Amort, a'bone 33F. Money to Loan Here's the Way TO TAKE YOUR TIME ABOUT PAYING BILLS MAKE A . LIST of roar bill and payment If you need extra cash, put that down too. Come to oar office and get the full amount you need to pay off everything you owe Then pay us back tn small monthly payment apread ever 8, I. 12. 2 months Ton hav fust ONE payment to make each me. and lust ONE place to pay No payments for at least 8 daya after von receive the money : Ami vou repay monthly Ant of loan S mo. 12 mo. 2 me. 40 0 $ 6.7 f 4.02 f 2 8 -80 0 11.40 8.04 6 38 .,100.0 14 2$ 10.0$ 45.72 200 0 28.48 20 08 12 44 200.0 42.74 8. 14 2 I UP TO 2500.00 ON AUTOMOBILES Study the plana above. -Determine the amount you need Pick oat one of the small monthly payment that fit your budget and then call at our of fice for the cash. CALKINS FINANCE COMPANY 21. 2nd Ft First NafL Bank Building Salem. Oregon Phone 444 8-22$ A M-278 8UU Licenses For a PERSONAL LOAN see The Personal Finance Co. . for at "Personal we are special ists In making personal loana. It is our full-time business. PICK YOUR OWN PATMENT8 Cash Mo payments Includ te tag ALL charaies for: You 5 moa. 13 moa. 2 mo. $ 60 $10 12 $ 6.03 $ 3 3 100 21.84 $10 06 7I 200 43.67 20.0$ 12 44 $00 15.51 30.14 20.1C Com In for the Cash Yon Need Today PERSONAL FINANCE GO. L L. MILLER, MGR. 2nd Floor. New Blurb Bids. Phone Sill M-145 . State Lie - 8-122 Acreage 40 A. CLOSE TO Shelborne. fair bldg. creek, good soil, about half in cultivation $2500. 15 A. 5 mi. from the P. O. on good road. WONDERFUL VIEW. Could be subdivided $1250. 1 A. about 1 mL out on Sllverton road, nice bldg: site 1500. 4 A. tracts on Lansing Ave. $400; $25 down, $10 per mo. 117 A. 1 mi. from Salem, 95 A. tump A pasture, fenced. All year stream, nice laying; tract, 850 cords of wood $18.76 per A. MEL VIN JOHNSON, REALTOR 725 Court St. Phone 272$. Business Opportunities WRECKING HOUSE and garage, best location In city. Only $1(00. will take $1200 In trade on main road or highway. Inquire 1337 N. Winter. viravrnmn a. t.wsr t,,n house. Inquire 420 N. Liberty. FOR SALE by owner Nebxhbor hood grocery and home combined. Sell building, stock and fixtures. - Good 'neighborhood. Must sell account other interests. 'W rite - Box 445, States man. ICE CREAM parlor A confectionery In (rood location A doing good business. Will sell cheap t little cash will han dle. H. SL WEIR. 212 Oreg. Bide Ph. 1411 i,v-v-iiaw---v-trrirufn. MR. BUTCHER look Equipped meat market, corner location in good town. Make ua an offer. Don't pas thl up. See Mr. Hardy, with HAWK INS A ROBERTS. INC. Realtors. SERVICE STATION. Inventory A equipment. $500.00, $160.00 down, baL A $25.00 per mo. Excellent location, nominal rent. In Hollywood. Sea Don at 64 No. High, For Sale Wood MILL WOOD. $2.5 load. Ph. $341 or 6852. Wood at west end Court St BONE DRY wood. Phone $. . 1 IN. O. F, $5. knot. $5. slab $4 P. 1454. j BONE DRY wood. Phon 15(0. ,rasasSjsas DRT WOOD. Bradley. Phone 700 DRT OLD nrr2nd gwth. Ph 7507 WOOD Ph 6270 Oraen 412 N list 1 IN. OLD fir. $5 ed. Tel 412 DRY WOOD, old fir A 2nd growth Phon 475 for price. Lost and Found KEYS LOST near P. O. Finder please phone 2229L Chihuahua on 12th A MUL Inq. 1310 S. 12 th. Generous reward. Personal LONELT7 WORTHWHILE sweet heart, husband, wife for you. P. O Boa 71 I .a Anarlea t Business Cards la this dirrrtory ran oa a moauhly bats ocrty. Rate! S1.2S per Dm per knoath, i Auto Brakes ' Mike Panek 78 BouUi Commercial Baths & Massage' H. LOGAN. 232 8. Cottage. P. 4$8. : Beach Cottages ISHXRWOOD Cottages, Tachata, Ore, Diryrl BICTCLES NSW and reconditioned Harry W Scott 141 Com'ci P, 461 'ii Chimney Sweep rEiJCPHN. 4e it e Nort Ex carat ins KXCAVATINtl O TI kind Bs se men ts dug Dirt hauled or moved Din fnt seta Saletn Ban! A Gravel P 4 Florists Bralthattprs. 44? Court Phone 1115 Funeral Directors , TerwIHUrer Funeral Horn. Ph C9X2- House Painting ROSS1TER. 1144 CENTER. Ph. 708. A-l WORK $1 A UP. Ph. 8234. For Sale Used Cars x TRADE We'U Allow i You More 1936 CHEVROLET MASTER 4-DRSEDAN.,$395 1938: FOTO'tSO 1929 DODGE COUPE 1930 jlw3. iDEii 1933 CHEVROLET L.W.B. TRUCK, TlAIKEN 2-SPEED AXLE VALLEY MOTOR OVER 20 TEARS OF FRIENDLY SERVICE Used Car Lot Marion & LihertV St. REAL VALUES 1936 Dodse DeLure Sedan, new Daint, eood tires, motor oyerhauled. radioTllTeiter- chrome -wheels, built-in trunk L..4x$395 1936 Dodge DeLnxe Coupe, original I paint, heater, defroster, good motor, good tires..$365 1934 Chevrolet Standard needs paint - . - wnv-t.fai f ak k M 19 CHEVROLET S "21. '32, :m m-MANY OTHERS 0RVAUS USED CAPS CENTER AT CHURCH STREET VOTE TODAY! Mark this ticket any day. YES to "C" SHR0CK for Better CAR VALUES $ AVE AT HROCK'S PHONE 7922 270 N. CHURCH STREET oijvinrij-Lririnr.--ii-i- - - - to rkll or trade. $100 credit on newor ,jCt. 1(4 8. Coxa EQUITY IN - 1940 Spec DeLuxe Chev. Cheap. 174 Market. uTj-u-i-ruvJ-u.-'i--t-i M-i-i- -i rno oitn s. trmA' fniltv In 1( Chev. Std. Coupe. Bank contract. Call before 1 p. m. 975 Norway St. '2 DODGB DeLUXE Sedan, excel lent condition, bargain. 2142 N. Com'L Street. '28 WILLYS WILL take ear la trade. Call evenings after 5. except Sunday. House behind 2350) Myrtle. Wanted Used Cars WANTED '34 PLYMOUTH In i condition pay cash Ph. 5584. Legal Notice NOTICE OP BOND SALE Sealed bids will be received by the undersigned until the hour of 8:00 o'clock p.m. on Monday, May 27,, 1940; and Immediately tbereafter opened by the Com mon Council of the City of Salem, Oregon, at the City Hall In aald city for the sale of improvement bonds issued on rebondlns of pub lic Improvement in the - amount of Sixteen Thousand Three Hun dred Seventeen and73100 1. 31 7.7 J) Dollars issued pursuant to Section 68-2012, Chapter XX, Ti tle LVI. Oregon Code 19J5 Sup plement, aa amended by Laws of Directory Mattresses ALCtM KtAIFf Rua .A Mattress Ce New mattress old remade rua cleaning A weaving 8 IStb A Wilbur Tel 6441 twVker t- AtlTtrt uriMHNil Pttona NEAT Work, reas Johnson. Ph 2772 Plastering PRICES- O. ST, Salem 12 yra. S2F11. Plumbing PLUMRINtA OENERAl repair wrk. Oraber Bros. 164 Liberty Ph Printing PUR STATION KHT rarda pamphieU p marrams book or any kind ef orlnt Urn raH The Stateemaa Ptintlaai De pertinent Sit aV Commercial Tele 11 . . , i Schools CHMPI.ETE W" HKIH .HHL at home: DIPIXiMA TEXTS FURN Writ for falam Awerirts Srhaal Dept 8 Bos 450-4 Portland Ore, - Transfer CITY TRANSw Ph. 4 1 . Reaa. rate Flirt IJOCAI' Of distant transfer St or re hornet' oil rail 8181 lrrret Tranafet o ' Truck t Portland 4al Well DrilHnsr SL A? WEST. RU . Bx. 445. P. 2-229 x Used Cars NOW on a New or U sea Lai $465 . $75 J..,.$95 A4 . CONipntON. Struck. L..M.J.....$195 CO. Coach, good .............. 4 1 4TiTTflT a motor, .$135 '34, 85, "3, '27 MOpELS. TO CHOOSE FROM - f PHONE 4702. Legal police Ores; on, 1937, Chapter 464, as amended by Laws of Ofegon, 1939, Chapter 5019; Section 66 2308, Oregon Code 1935 Supple ment as amended by Laws of Ore gon, 1937, Chapter 31 and Ordi nance No. 2993; land Ordinance No. 3454 of the City of Salem, Oregon, and described as follows: The City of Salem Improvement Bonds, 1 a a a e d tin rejbonding of public Improvements, In denomi nations not to e x jc e e'd $500.00 each; said bonds to be dated June 15, 1940, and to I mature In An nual Installments aa follows: June 15, 1941 June 15. 1942 June 15, 1942 June 15, 1944 June 15. 1945 -June T6V194S 817.72 1500.00 1500.00 1600.00 1500.00 1500.00 1500.00 June 15, 1947 June 15, 1948 June 15. 1949 June 15, 1950 1 1500.00 2000.00 2000.00 Provided, nowerer.1 that the City of Salem . shall harre the option to redeem said bonds.) In nume rical order, upon the payment of the face Talne thereof with ac crued Interest on any interest paying date at or sifter! fire years from the date of Issue of said bonds. Both principal and interest shall be payable at the office of the City Treasurer jln the City of Salem. j I The bonds will be sold to the bidder offering the best price, considering the interest rate bid and premium, if any, n the par Talue of 316,317.73. None of the bonds will be sole) fort less than par and accrued I Interest. Each bidder should name the rate of interest at which j the j bidder is willing to accept tie bonds at par. The bonds will bear the rate of Interest designated in the bid ac cepted. I I Each bid, except bid submit ted by the State of Oregon or any sinking fund of the City of Sa lem, must be accompanied by a certified check Cor two per cent of the par Talujs of the bonds, made payable to thej city as a guarantee of good faith. The bidder wBl be required to add to his bid a! statement of the net cost to the city if his bid is accepted. : j : The right lis reserved by the Common Council to accept any bid or to reject all bids In the Interest of the c3ty. j The prior legal approving opin ion of Messrs. Teal, WCnfree, Mo Culloch, Shulerj A Kelley will be furnished the successful bidder. A. WARREN JONES -. Citi Recorder Salem, Oregon. My 10-17-24. i I - NOTICE Off BOND . SALS ' Sealed bids wlU be received by the undersigned until the hoar of 8:00 o'clock n. tn. on Monday. May 27. 1140 and immediately thereafter opened by the Common Council of the City of Salem. Ore gon, at the City Hall la said city for : the sale j of Bancroft Aet Street Improvement Bonds In the amount of Twenty-two Thousand Eight Hundred Eig.hty and 60100 ($22,830.60) Dollars is sued pursuant to Chapter "XX. Title LVI, Orejgon Laws, 1930, as amended, and Ordinance No. 3465 of the City of Salem, Oregon, and described as fellows: - , - -. City of Salem Improvement Bonds. Issue 19 40-O.. in . denomi nations ; not to exceed $500.00 each; said bonds to be dated Jane 15, 1940s, and to mature in annual installments as follows: - 1941 1942 1943 1944 194S 1940 1947 1948 194S 1950 ' i j $2380.60 I - 2500.00 2500.00 2500 00 2500.00 2500.00 2000.00 2000.00 2000.00 2000.00 Provided, however, that the City of Salem; shall have the op tion to redeem said bonds, in nu merical order,! upon the payment of the face tafae thereof with ac crued interest on any interest paying date at or after five years from the date of issue of said bonds. Both principal and inter eat shall be payable at the office For Sali Legal Notice of the City Treasurer In the City of Salem. '-.--: .; r The bonds will be sold to the bidder offering , the 'best ' price, considering the Interest rate bid and premium, if any, on the par Talue of $22,280.60. None of the bonds will be sold for less than par and accrued interest. . Each bidder ahould name the rate of Interest at ; which the bidder la willing to accept the bonds, at par. The -bonds .will bear the rate of interest designated In the bid accepted.-. .-.;"'.--.;.. f Each bid. except bids submitted by the State of Oregon or any sinking fund of the .City of Salem, must be accompanied by a certi fied check for two per cent of the par yalue of the bonds, made pay able to the city as a guarantee of good faith. . . The bidder will be required to add to his hid a statement of the net cost to the-city if his -bid Is accepted. The right is reserved by the Common Council to accept any bid or to reject all bids In the Interest of the city. The prior legal approving opin ion of .Messrs. Teal. Winfree, Mc Cnlloch. Shnler Kelley will be furnished . the successful bidder. A. WARREN JONES. ; : ' t CitF Recorder, -" : Salem. Oregon. My 10-17-21 ' NOTICE OF BOND SALE Sealed bids will be received by the undersigned nntU the hour of 8:00 o'clock p.m. on M o n d a y. May 27. 1940, and immediately thereafter opened by the Common Council or the. City of Salem. Oregon, at the City Hall in said city for the sale of City of Salem General Obligation Refunding Bonds in the amount of FIFTY EIGHT THOUSAND EIGHT HUN DRED ONE and 7100 ($58. 801.67) DOLLARS issued pur suant to Chapter 156, Oregon Laws, 1933, as amended by Chapter 208, Oregon Laws 1925, as amended, by Chapter 511, Ore gon Laws, 1939, and Ordinance No. 3456 of the City of Salem, Oregon, and described aa follows: City of Salem General Obliga tion Refunding Bonds, Series of 1940, in denominations not to ex ceed $500.00 each; aald bonds to J be dated June 15, 1940, and to mature In annual installment as follows: 1941 1942 1943 1944 1945 ..$5801.67 5500.00 5500.00 .... 6000.00 6000.00 1946 .. 1947 .. 1948 1949.. 1950 . 6000.00 . 6000.00 . 6000.00 . 6000.00 . 6000.00 Provided, however, that the City of Salem shaU have the option to redeem aald bonds, in numerical order, upon the payment of the face Talue thereof with accrued interest on any interest paying date at or after fire years from the date of issue of said bonds. Both principal and Interest shall be payable at the office of the City Treasurer in the City of Sa lem. , The bonds will be sold to the bidder offering the belt price, considering the Interest rate bid and premium, if any, on the par Talue of $58,801.67. None of the bonds will be sold for less than par and accrued interest. Each bidder should name the rate of interest at which the bidder is willing to accept the bonds at par. The bonds will bear the rate of interest designated in the bid ac cepted. Each bid. except bids submit- by the State of Oregon or any lng fund of the City of Salem, JCross Word Puzzle J.4- &?ZL 6. 22 23 - 77 2S 2(& 27 36 37 3fl 39 "T" H2 3 "7 mr" 571 1 EH 11 wnr HORIZONTAL 1 dry, as wins 4 foam . S former t Turkiah . officer L2 topsx hum- raingbird IS god of lore 14 woman under reli gious TOWS 15- modified leaf 17 ehininr . 19 jury list 21 rotating ' piece . 22 burst forth 24 wind instrument 23 lercl to the ground 29 e boo I SO gear tooth 31 near S3 rerolTes 55 rlrer in iuly 55 Indian : ' weight 33 allot S3 havinjr winffs 41 hermit 43 tnft wing cf a bird 44 Ignited 45 Iried orctli tuber 47 a game at cards 60 ascendine; S3 obtained 64 feminine . name 5'S born 67 short poem 58 marble slab 69 female - sheen - - Answer to yesterday's puzzle. e-rr A H M m . Avarase tlmi af aHatrnwta a SUa IUI 1 1 l,NJ I I I . ..1-1, I . , i-- I Legal Notice must be accompanied by a certi fied check for two per cent of the par yalue of the bonds, made payable to the city as a guarantee of good faith. , -j ' , The bidder will be required to add to his bid a statement of the net. cost to the city U his bid Is accepted. ,. V The right is reserved by the Common Council to accept any bid . or to reject all bids la the Interest of the city. - , The prior legal approrlng opin ion of Messrs. Teal. -Winfree, Mo Cnlloch. Shuler A Kelley will be furnished the successful bidder. - .. A. WARREN. JONES : City Recorder Salem. Oregon. My 10-17-24. ' : r NOTICE TO CREDITORS Notice is Hereby Given, that the undersigned, by an order of tne County Court of Marlon County, State of Oregon, duly made and entered on the 2 3rd day of April. 1940, was appointed Administra trix of the Estate of ROGER ED WIN i MTTHING. deceased, and that she . has duly qualified as such. : " All persons having ' claims against said estate are hereby no tified to present the same, duly verified as required by law. to the undersigned. At 610 First Nation al Bank Building. Salem, Oregon, within six months from the date of this notice. Dated and first published this 26th day of April, 1940. NELLIE P. MYTHINO, Administratrix of the Estate , . of Roger Edwin Mything. , deceased. " ,' Brasler C. Small. , f . Salem, Oregon, ' Attorney lor' Administratrix. Ap 2 6-My 8-10-17-24 No. 101S4 - , IN THE COUNTY COURT OP THE STATE OP OREGON For the County of Marioa in the Matter of the Estate of MART J. STOVER., Deceased NOTICE OP HEARING ON v ; FINAL ACCOUNT Notice is hereby given that the undersigned. Administratrix c.t.a. ' of the Estate of Mary J. Stover, deceased, has filed her Final Ac- count and Report In the County Court of the State of Oregon for Marion County, and that Satur day, the 25th day of Mayr 1940, at the hour of 10: 00 o'clock A.M. of said day at the County Court room in the County Courthouse at the f!lt rf R.10TT, In aal1 ennntw and state, has been appointed as the time and place for hearing any objections to said Final Ac count and Report and the final settlement of said estate. The date of the first publica tion of this notice is the 26th day, of April. 1940, and the last is the 24th day of May, 1940. , . , FANNIE LV DOUGLAS. Aumiuitsirairix vim mi w m annexed. Estate of . M a r y J. Stover, Deceased. . PAGE and PAGE. Attorneys for Administratrix, Ladd A Bush Bank Building. - Salem, Oregon. Ap 26: My t-10-17-24 M S f a A a a v Lodges .I Salem Lodge No. 4. A. F. A t H A. MJ Mon May 27.e:t p.m. fs Master Mason Degree. J. B. T PUand. W. M. IT PACIFIC lodes No. B0. A T. A ' j A.M. 8tted nireting WH liar 17, Vl:30 p.. Was. Marriott. W.M. -I.''-! - '1 TEZTICAL 1 fcaglike part J feminine ; name ; 5 the wrist 4 edor - E whimper 6 abore : f 7 -wire ..measure'' 8 teach - 5 having blood -deficiency 10 firearm 11 emmet It -wilticjr , snaterial ' r IS vehicle ZZ finds 22 rub out - 23 appraiser 25 choice Tiand S pricUy pear 27 Greek mar ket place 5-1,21 It standi S3 lift undone 24 auctions 37 teU 40 wolfish . 42 Ruztian community 43 fortal in a J I ne 45 seed covering 7 tilt '4,i foo-J Csh 43 hi ; est r:H cf Gu:io n frf-h S' . eom-niar-d 4i rr AN julA LIT l NtS a-- v aaJatiaai 'It atiaataa. Fwatana Snleata. Ua.