The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, May 11, 1940, Page 5, Image 5

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    T3u CI2XC2t ETATmiAlT. Cela. Ofqotu CksterdaT' Monilag, lloy II, U49
FAC2 nvt
Local Newsl Briefs
.. , Wut Work, . MlUer . Road :
Petition signed by S6 persona
and -presented yesterday to the
county court asks that the Miller
road southeast of the Brier. Knob
schoolhouse be graded and grav
elled to the It. Fitzgerell corner
on the Ablqna road In order to
facilitate rural mail deliveries,
school bus transport, creamery
service and general; farm to mar
ket service. Similar petition pre
sented to the court by Mary M.
Van Lydegraf and signed by 37
Prtngle residents asks that the
court oil about a: mile and a
quarter of the Pringle road.
Court members indicated they
would investigate both requests.
Lata florist. P. 959:. 1276 N. Lib
W. A. Heater for tounty Judge.
Vote 62 X. Pd..adv.
" i
Judson for Judge. -Pd. adv.
Holiness Cironp Meets Dr. C.
J Plkn. nrenlrlent nf Cascade col
lege, will be special speaker at
the meeting of the Marion Coun
ty Holiness association next Tues
day at the First Evangelical
church. North Summer at Marion
street. The services, starting at
10:30 a. m. and 2:30 p. m., will
be the last for the year 1939-4 0.
The executive council will meet
at 1:15. The annual ramp meet
ing for the association Is being
announced for June 20 to 30 at
the Quinaby park, wjith Rev. W. C.
Barnon of Billing; Mont,, evan
gelist. Rhododendrons In bloom, etc.. for
Mothers Day. Kuighit Pearcy Nur
sery, 375 S. Libert (1H blks S.
of armory). Open' Sunday.
Lane Morley for county clerk
Pd. Adr.
Named Estate Legatee M.S.
Marguerite E. Berg, of Salem, lias
been named as one ot two daugh
ters who will be legatees under
the will of Mra. Aura D. Jarkson,
for 21 years a teacher in Oregon
City, and will serve as executrix
without bond. Mrs. Jackson, who
died May 3, was the widow of the
late Commodore S. Jackson, Rose
burg attorney. She left an estate
estimated at $12,000 in Clacka
mas and Douglas counties, ac
cording to petition filed in pro
bate court.
V. A. Heater for County Judge.
Vote 62 X. Pd. adv.
Safety of your savings is Insured
at Salem Federal. 130 S. Liberty.
George E. Glover, for County
Judge. Vote 6 IX. Pd. Adv.
Singer Case Set The state su
preme court yesterday fixed
weanesaay. May a, as me aaie
for hearing the case of the Singer
Sewing Machine company against
the state unemployment compen
sation commission. The suit in
volves the interpretation of cer
tain sections of the unemployment
compensation act relating to pay
ment of awards. The Clackamas
county circuit court held for the
unemployment commission.
A corsage for motherJ Artistically
..fashioned and promptly delivered.
Adams, Florist, 383 Court street.
Flowers telegraphed anywhere.
Henry Werner for County Com
missioner. Vote 72X. Paid Adv.
Arthur H. Moore for county Judge.
Pd. Adv.
In this city Thursday, May 9,
Jennie. A. Jones, aged 91 years
Late resident of 233 8 State street
Aunt of Mrs. P. M. Hill, Howard
and Claud Jones, all of Salem.
Mrs. John MacKenzie and Merl
Jones of Portland and Ralph Nor
man of Minnesota. Funeral serv
ices will be held in the chapel of
the W. T. Rigdon company Mon
day, May 13, at 1:30 p.m. Rev. P.
W. Eriksen officiating. Conclud
ing services In Lee Mission ceme
tery. Davidson
At the residence, route one. Sa
lem, Thursday, May . 9, Green
Clay Davidson, aged 84 years. Fa
ther ot A. B. Davidson of Gopher
valley, L. V. Davidson of Salem
and P. R. Davidson of Redmond:
brother ot Mrs. A. P. , Magness
and Mrs. May Vandenhoff of Sa
lem, also survived by 22 grand
children. Funeral services will be
held under the direction of the W.
T. Rigdon company at the United
Brethren church ot Hopewell, Sat
urday, May 11, at 2 p.m. Conclud
ing services Hopewell cemetery.
It J
Vincent Ryan, at Bandon. Ore..
May 9. Late resident of Rainier,
Ore. Survived by father, John E.
Ryan of Valsett; Ulster, Mrs. Vera
Skearis ot Rainier. Requiem mass
will be said Saturday, May 11, at
10:40 a.m. at St. Joseph's Catho
lic church. Interment at St. Bar
bara's cemetery under direction of
Clough Barrick company.
George W. Jory, 82, at a local
hospital. May 9. Late resident of
Salem route three. Survived by
sons. Frank H. and Louis L. Jory:
brother, Earl II. Jory, and sister.
Mrs; H. R. Page, all ot Salem, and
five grandchildren. Services will
b held from the Walker 4k How
ell Funeral home Monday, May
13 at 2 p.m. Interment IOOF
cemetery." - ; .'
. Friday Afternoon A Saturday,
" May 10 A 11
' .. .
'; Baldwin Piariss -
New a ad used spinets, stu- ' .
. dios. Factory samples, dis- -.
con tinned dealer's stock. ,
Baldwin 1'actorf Distributor
19S3 w. Nob inn
Salem .'-
i Comlna; ETenU .
May 11 to ia JiatJonU M-
sic week.
May 11 A tn c I c a a .War
Mothers Carnation day. , '
May 12 Hospital day, ope
boose at Halem hospitals.
May 13 Mother's day. ;
May 17 lrimry election,
May 80 Memorial day.
Jane, 1 Maccabees' Willam
ette valley district rally. Fra
ternal temple.
June 8 Willamette uni
versity commencement.
July 4 Independence day.
July 31, Ang. 1-4 Salem
Centennial celebration. "
Fond Balances Shown ' Reg
ular monthly report ot County
Treasurer Lawrence A. Rich for
April revealed yesterday shows a
balance of 8103,004.48 in the
Marion county general fund on
April 30, and a total of 897.
535.64 in the general road fund.
Showing deficits were the mar
ket road maintainance fund,
819,844.59 in the red, old age
pension fund, down 812,237.69,
and the trust fund account due
to cities, schools, and other ad
ministrative bodies, owing '884,
365.70. The county school fund
showed a balance of 869,916.22,
and tax advance suspense fund,
K a r 1 Stelwer for Sheriff.
Pd. adv.
W. J. Knox for County Surveyor.
Pd. adv.
Leroy Hewlett for county Judge-r
Pd. Adv.
Back From Conference Dr.
and Mrs. Sidney W. Hall returned
Friday morning from Atlantic
City, NJ, where Dr. Hall and Dr.
Bruce Baxter were ministerial
delegates from Oregon at the first
general conference of the Metho
dist church. Dr. Hall, district sup
erintendent of the Cascade dis
trict of the Oregon conference,
will speak Sunday morning at 11
o'clock at the Jason Lee Methodist
church, giving an account of the
conference. Dr. Baxter will return
to Salm in a few days.
L. M. Haniage for representative.
Paid Adv.
Lane Morley for county clerk
Prt. Adv.
Hugh Fisher for county surveyor.
Paid Adv.
Permit Issued Building per
mits were issued yesterday to
Vera Coward, to alter a dwelling
at 334 Groves street, 8480; E. L.
Lovelace to alter a dwelling at
2219 Hyde street. 850; George
Wilty to reroof a dwelling at 136
North 21st street, 833; A. S.
Campbell to reroof a garage at
864 South Church street, 840;
P. O. Bowman to move a gar
age at 864 South 21st street,
820; Ned T. McCoy to erect a
one story dwelling and garage at
1560 Jefferson street, 83700.
Honeycut for Sheriff. Paid Adv.
Azaleas, rhododendrons, ideal
Mother's Day gifts. H. L. Pearcy
Nursery, 245 Court.
L. M. Ramage for representative.
Paid Adv.
Names Filed With Clerk
Lena Anderson has filed assumed
business name for Summer Street
grocery's, formerly Carey's gro
cery, from which A. L. and Ruth
Carey have filed certificate of re
tirement. C. J. Towe has also re
corded business name of Home
Appliance company, 209 Oak
street, Silverton, with the coun
ty clerk.
Dance Sat. Kingwood Legion Hall.
L. M. Ramage for representative.
Paid Adv.
New Bridge Ordered The
county court yesterday authoriz
ed construction of a new frame
bridge on the Parkersville Mill
Gervais - Simmons church road
east of Manning corner near Par
kersville school. The new span
will be CO feet long, 24 feet wide
and 16 feet high, and will re
place an older structure which
is now deemed unsafe for traffic.
Mother's day flowers. A complete
selection at Adams-Florist, 383
Court street. Flowers telegraphed
A flower garden for mother. They
grow oil summer. Olson Florist.
Continues Grand Jory Cir
cuit Judge L. II. McMahan yes
terday filed an order continuing
the present grand Jury Into the
May term of court, which begins
next Monday. It ' was understood
that the jury has not finished in
vestigations into the affairs of
the state forester's office, and
has other public matters also un
der consideration.
Flowers for mother. Always a
choice selection, at Olson Florists.
f - - . .
Pot plants 15c up. White's Green
house 1655 N. Summer. Open Sun.
Moore In- Hospital Arthur H.
M oore, one ot the republican can
didates for county Judge, : is re
ported i recovering satisfactorily
from a light attack of pneumonia
H n has been confined at the Sa
lem General hospitaL ; ;
Excell. ; used elee. ref rig for sale
oy R. D. Woodrow. Fa. 900 or
5436. Liberal . terms. ; ? .
. Six'a Hare : Soa A son was
bern to Mr. and Mrs. Garnet' Six
at the Deaeoaess hospital yester
day morning; Six u -a deputy fn
the office of the county clerk and
the mother is the former Marjorle
Siitler . : - . .
Get Mother that, lovely Kenwood
Blanket' She has been wanting at
the Better Bedding Store. 115 N
Kith. . .
Will Skate Young, people of
the Salem Heights community will
have a skating party at the Mel
low' Moon skating rink in Salem
tonight from 9 to 11 o'clock.
, T w
i fFi'L A W
Check, Down Payment on
Auto, Is Basis - for j
Charge, Stated
Leo Moon will be arraigned be
fore. Justice of the Peace Miller
B. Hayden this morning on a
charge of forging a cheek' used to
make down payment on an auto
mobile purchased at a local used
car lot. , . .. j ; . , .
He was returned yesterday by
sheriffs deputies after having
been arrested by Portland city
police, who also located the car
which he had obtained by means
of the, check.
Moon is ; now on parole from
the state prison, having been sen
tenced to serve one year by Judge
L. H. McMahan last September
on a similar forgery charge, and
90 days for larceny by bailee.
Charges are also on. record against
him In Wasco county.
He was paroled from the pen
itentiary on March 13. and has
since spent his time in this re
gion. Circuit Court .
State vs. Earl Holgate; trans
cript from Woodburn Justice
court binding over to grand Jury
and setting ball at 85000.
Llpman Wolfe and company vs.
Robert D. Lampkin; Judgment
transcript from Yamhill county
for 838.90.
Edwin Claude Johnson vs. Roy
E. Davidson: demurrer.
Probate Court?
Mary E. Riches estate; receipts.
Mike Louis, Patrick Lawrence
and Marjorle Winnlfred Parr and
Georgine Helen Parr Reder, guar
dianship; inventory of Fred Geue,
guardian, shows 8726.84 cash; or
der for appraisal filed and Charles
J. Zerxan allowed 850 attorney's
Myrtle Sullivan guardianship;
fifth annual account of Ladd and
Bush Trust company shows re
ceipts, 8835.61; disbursements,
8731.87; balance, 8103.74.
Justice Court
J. E. LePage; no operator's li
cense, fined 81.
Buck M. Harstad; no operat
or's license, fined 81.
Orson R. Kay; no operator's
license, fine of 81 and defendant
placed on probation for 60 days.
Municipal Court
R. J. Buckley, drunk; commit
ted to serve 810 fine.
Mothers, Nurses
Will Be Honored
Sunday morning and night will
find the First Presbyterian
church observing two special oc
casions, Mother's day and Flor
ence Nightingale day.
In the morning the church's
tribute to mothers will be reflect
ed In Rev. Irvln Williams' ser
mon "A Mother's Influence." A
special mother's day solo, "Mo
ther Dear will be sung by Mrs.
Ivan Stewart and the senior
choir will sing one of the most
tuneful of Bach's "Chorals.", The
Westminster Guild will present
every worshipper with a bout
onniere, in honor ot Mother's
The night service at 7:80 will
be an observance of Florence
Nightingale. A large group of
nurses will attend the service in
uniform. Rev. Williams' sermon
topic will be "Fighters of Fear
and Death." The vesper choir
will be vested, and with George
Lee Marks directing, will lead
the congregational singing. Ag
nes Druinmond, dramatic sopra
no, will sing "He Knows" by
Fellowship to Meet Summer
and fall activities will be planned
at a meeting" of the Toung Peo
p 1 e's Evangelistic Fellowship
Monday night at 7:30 at the First
Baptist church. Oscar Carlson will
preside. Rev. Archie McNeill of
Portland will speak and Sing. Mrs.
McNeill will Play the vibraharp.
Modern Woodmen Meet Mod
ern Woodman camps ot Salem,
Woodburn, Silverton,- Albany,
Dallas and Scotts Mills are plan
ning a joint business and social
meeting in Salem, Monday night.
May 13 at the Fraternal temple.
State Manager Fred C. O'Donnell
will be a featured guest.
Chubbies and coats at lingers.
On Blotter A. L. Brewer and
K. Tamato, Independence, are
charged by city police with
drnnkeness. Jack W. Wick, Port
land, Is charged with violation of
basic rule and James E. Mills,
Beaverton, with failure to ob
serve a stop sign. v
Postmaster Exam Set Applica
tions must be filed with the US
civil service commission before
May 17 for the examination for
postmaster of Monitor. ' The date
of the examination, to be held at
St. Benedict, has not been set.
Rummage sale today WCTTJ hall.
-.-,. . t..- . , . .
-Ak Road Extension Ci tlxeM
In the Woodburn vicinity have
petitioned 'the county court to
extend ; a road east of Maupin's
autd court In Woodburn for a
distance not stated. The petition
is signed by 17 persons.' ;
: Iioses Driver's remiit Con
victed tn Portland municipal court
on a charge of reckless driving,
Howard Loney, Hubbard, was de
prived of his driver's, permit for
CO days and. fined f 15.
First Congregational Church
. " . : : Meets In . : . '
4 Woman's Clubhouso v
460 irorth Cottage ' V
rcOrKHT A. HUTCKUISON. l Enister " '
- Church Schcol at 9:45. ' v ;
, SERMON: "Our First Line of Defense". ,
, i . Music by the University Quartet
GOP Hopetals--Past and Present
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- I.A. Phonephoto
Thomas E. Dewey (left), leading candidate for the Republican nomina-
tion for president, shakes bands with former Governor Alfred M. Landon ;
of Kansas, GOP standard-bearer In 1938; as they meet at Wichita. In- ;
troduced by Landon, Dewey made a campaign speech warning against ,
subservience which leads to totalitarianism.
. v-. mm v. " . , - w.
riton, pkitor. Church chool, 9:45.
Junior (birch nd kinderfnrtca. 11.
Jlormnr wonnip, iu :ow. ut. . .
Hrrion vill ipcak on "Mother and
. T3 . . T4a. ...if nl ' 7f,nin, mmrYlcm
t 7:45. Dr. Harrison will speak on
"Thm Hoods of Satora and th Passions
of Man.
;.l .nrl Mrrri street.
Dean O. Poindexler, minister. Sunday
school, 9:45 a. m. Morning worship. 11.
Sermon, "When Mother lias Her Iay."
Th. Ia.vtio. will meet at 6:30 t. m.
Evening service, 7:80. Message, "Pente
cost, the Secret ol successiui tnrisuan
1 -1 1 O f . vnni-
OJU1MI. iUllUDiCi u . u . m j ... r
rric at 11 o'clock- Bd or white
llowert will do fxven a wormier
1DU m VU UVJUCI V a luvtuiii m, -
Boy Socut and their mothers will be
a. a A, a a U . A m. A ; mm.'xt
of the Oregon conference, ract preacher.
Will lTff iu iccuuai v w vss .w-
rrv .kU BkAnl mssri ' m.t
:45: Epworth ieagues at 0:30. Mothers'
1 . . j v.nn
aay program duduij uiiut . ,
Corner Korth Winter and Market
streets. D. A. Cohacan. minister. San-
day school, tt:45. . Church worship. 11.
YPMS, :4S. vangeustie semce, i
Midweek prayer meeting, Thursday at S.
. . . j u;.i. . ..t fi-nw T. Drill.
pastor. Church school, 9:30 a. m.
Jdormng worsoip serrice i ..
Lord's Supper. Message by tha pastor.
tor congregation and nursery. Christian
JCndeaTor groups at o p. m. craaKeiisiic
services at T:30 p. "Perpetuating
' RiM. ..hnnl Mtftmbl,. fl:4S
m. m. Morning worship and communion.
10:45 a. m. sermon, id .ueart i
the Home." Christian Endearor meet
ing, 7 p. m. iTning serrice, s p. as.
Sermon, ' 'Pentecostal Power.' '
Cottage and Shipping, If. B. Thorn
hill, pastor. Department study. 10 a. m.
Preaching, 11. Communion, 11:40.
Toong folks diaensison, S:45 p. m.
Preaching, 7:30. Wednesday dera
tion, 7:S0. -
18th and Center street. Leo Webster
Collar, pastor. Christian workera" prayer
meeting, 6 a. m. Sunday Bible school,
9:43. Mothers' day program, 10:45.
Boaqueta of-flowers wil be giren to the
eldest and youngest mothers attending
the serrice, "The Harbor of Home,"
Rct. L. W. Collar. Young people's aerr
ice, 6:30 p. m. ETangelisUo aerric.
7:30 p. an. i
Church street, between Chemeketa and
Center streets. Sunday school, 9:45
a. m. Morning worship, Jl. ? Mothers
day service. A floral parade by Jkha
Sunday school in honor of all mothers.
Sermon, "Christian Mothers." - Lnther
league, S:30 p. m. Mark Oehlar, topie
leader. Boy Scouts, Monday at .7.;
church council meeting, 7:45. Orches
tra, Tuesdsy at 7.' Junior ehoir re
hearsal, Wednesday at 4:15; senior ehoir
rehearsal at S.
Bute and 17th streets, P. H. Theuer,
B.D., pastor. .Sunday school, 10
Otto Grohke, superintendent. Festival
of Pentecost observed at both aervieee
9 a. an. in German and 11. a. m. ia Eng
lish; sermon theme, VTba Church That
Waa Born Pentecost.' Mothera' day
program by the Lather league, 7:30 p.m.
Confirmation class meets . Wednesday, 4
p. m. and Saturday at 9:30 a. m.
460 Korth Cottage (Woman' a" elnV
hoase), Robert A. Hutchinson, minister.
Church school at 9:45. - Mothers' 4ay
service at 11; theme, "Our First Line of
Defense." Special music - No "'Q!
aerviee. . '. , " . ; .: ."". ' '
, . (Mlsuon Synod) - , , , r ,
16tb and A streets, H. W. Gross, pas
tor. Sunday achool and BibU Class. 9
a. m. Services, 10 a. aa. " ." :;r " -
t . - ' oaj. v. - r
19th n Ferry atreeta, Howard - a
Stover,' minister. -Mothera day- eervie.
. ..m.; . "HoJ.,, IJomea and
Moderm .Mothers," -Evening service : at
7 :80.; lernoa, "Modem Mm . and the
Holy 8prrit. Soadsy achool at 10
I.lo v 1 Arnold. " anperintendent. - -, Thm
peepla at :80;p. m. -r "X''C
il '""'rUStv rBESBTTEBIAi'-.
'inD mm urnmw m - w -
Irrta. Williams, minister.. Church, aeaool.
9:45. Morning wersnip. J.j.i
by the pastor, "A Mother lafhaenea."
.1 t J. aervlea. Chrutiaa
Endeavor rapa at J0. . ETtmins wor
ship, TiSO.p at.- Salens nnrsea attend
ing ia hservation of Florenea Ma;ht-
hffale day. Bermon - ay . ""?r"t
"Pif btera af rear and - vtmUi, .
week aerviee, Thursday, 7:80 p.
rt.. ...II. of tha eltv limits B
the Portland highway. Bible school, for
aU agea, 9:45 a. m.-Dewey Dana, auper-
Inteaaent. . - .
Corner Marion and Liberty atrets. Dr..
Irving Pox, minister. Bible school,
9:45 a. m. Morning worship, 11 a. m.
Mothers' day messre. "A Woman of
Paith and Courage," pastor.. A corsage
will be given to toe oldest mother pres
ent and the mother with the youngest
baby present at the morning service.
BYPU and the Volunteers BYPU. 6:15
p. m. Gospel serviee, 7:80 p. m. "How
a Juawyer s (Question W aa Answered.
Prayer and praise service, Wednesday,
7:30 p. m.
North Cottage and D strets. J. T. Olt-
hoff, pastor. Bible school at 9:45 a. m.,
Sam 8c hi ran, auperintendent. Worship
at 11 o'clock and at 7:30, with preaching
by the pastor. Morning subject. "The
Power of Pentecost"; evening sermon.
"A Mother s Teaching. loune peo
ple's meeting at 6:30. Prayer and praise
aerviee, Wednesday at 7:45 p. m. Choir
rehearssl at 8:45.
Hazel and Academy streets. Sunday
achool, 10 a. m. Church 11 a. m. and
7:80 p. m. Prayer meeting, Thursday,
7:80 p. m. U. B. Turner will Have
charge of the services.
South Commercial at Washington
streets, Dillon W. Mills, pastor. Sunday
chool, 10 a. m. Meeting for worship,
11 a. m. ; sermon, "A Good Mother.'
Christian Endeavor, 7:15 p. m. Evange
listic serviee, 8 p. m. Prayer meeting,
8 p. m. Thursday.
17th and Kebraaka avenue. David L.
Rin gland, pastor. Sunday achool. 9:45
a. m. Morning worship, 11. Mothers'
day aerviee. Special recognition of old
eat and youngest mother present: also
mother with most children present. Ser
mon. "What Mothers' Bible Means to
Me." Christian Endeavor. 6:80 P. m.
Evening aerviee, 7:30 p. m. Midweek
aerviee, Wedneaday, 7:30 p. an.
North Capitol and Marion streets. Ed
win Hortsmsn, pastor. Sunday achool,
10 a. m., Albert Barth, auperintendent.
worship. 11 a. m. "Life .and Peace
Through the Mind of the Spirit."
Recognition of Mother's day and Pente
cost. Observance of holy communion.
Sth street at Gaines. - Streams of
Grace KSLM 7:80 a. m. Sunday
school. 9:45 a. m. Sermon. 11 a. an.
Ycnth groups, 6:30 p. m. Sermon,' 7:80
p. m. Rev. H. E. Snavely of Green Bay,
Wis. will apeak morning and night.
Tuesdsy. a p. m.. Misisonary Prayer
ban 2d. 1910 South Commercial street.
Wednesday. 7:30 p. m.. Bible study and
prayer, xnursday, 7 p. m., choir and or
chestra practice.
Salvation Army halL Tttasday. 8
p. m. Rev. Simons E. Porsberg, Port
land, teacher.
19th' and Breynan streets. Rev. Stew
art' G. and Juanita M. Billings. Sunday
school, 9:45 a. m. Morning worship, 11.
Rev. Stewart - G. Billings speaking on
"Dead, Twice Dead, and Plucked Up
by the Roots. " Young people a mettngs,
6.80 p. m. Evangelistic service, 7:45
p. m.. Rev. Joanita M. Billings p reach
lag n "A Mother'a World." Gifts will
bo . presented to oldest and youngest
mothers present. Tuesdsy, 7 :45 p. at..
Prayer and praisa service. Wednesday,
7:u p. svs band practice.
; S48 North Commercial street. - Services
at 3:30 and 7:80 v. m. ko-hosts lunch.
6:80 p. m. Guest speaker. Rev. Minnie
and Thomas Gasley of oPrtland.
' S15W North Commercial street. J. C.
and ' Daisy Wilson, pastors. Bible
school. 3 p. m. Devotional. - S . V. '
Evangelistic, 7:80 p. m. - Prayer meet
ings every afternoon except Saturday
and 'Sunday at 3: Tuesday and Wed nee
day, ,7:30; Thursday, divine, healing,
1:80;' Friday, Cottage prayer meeting.
7:80; tiaturaay, .7:80. i - - i
: I --"..' .
420 SUIe atreet (npsUirs),- 3. it.
Smith, pastor. Sunday schoot, 10 a. m.
Morning worship, 11 a. m. Night service.
7:45;- Midweek- ' aerviee,-. Wedneaday,
1:45 Young people,: Friday, 7:45 p. m.
-. -1410 Madison - street. . - Bunas y scnooi,
10 'avna. Divino-worahip. 11 ., a. as.
Evaagelistie aerviee,' S p. m. - Midweek
service, Toesdsy, p. m. - Preaehiag and
prayer, aaarsaay,, p.- as. i . .
"'"r. ' TTnnwin's wivit!HT
Sunday nigh at 7:80 in tha IVaternal
seaapie, r vmhi iirni, oinn .
.' Hood and North Bummer streets. I. 1.
FineenaL , nsstor. Sabbath school. - Sat'
rdiT . marnlasr kt 9:30. . Servica ' at 11
o'clock. Young - people's .meeting- at
8:80 p. an. Prayer meeting, Wedneaday,
at B p. m. - Vesper service, Friday at
.7:45' p. : at. . - , ,
I V : ml i A
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Leslie Church
Sets tip Education Board
' yAl Conference; Asks
Pastor to Return i
: i.-. .. . ;
i The first annual church confer
ence of jthe Leslie Method! i t
church since the onion of j the
three Methodist bodies was held
Thursday night. j i
Repor3 from. the various com
mittees land organizations were
given showing the church . In a
thriving jcondition. A new board
set up inder the united church is
that of the church board of educa
tion . which includes superinten
dents of adult, youth and chil
dren's Work, representatives of
the board of stewards, of women
and of youth, and- delegates at
large.' The superintendents ot de
partments and the church school
teachers jwill be elected by this
board. j I -
Rev. aiid Mrs. Dean C, Polndex-
ter by a (unanimous vote were in
vited to return to the church for
a sixth year. Dr. J. Edgar Purdy,
superintendent of the Salem dis
trict, presided at the session.
The following are the officers
for the eisulng year: j
Trustees, J. S. Murray, 8. M.
Laws, Maison Bishop, John Bertel-
son, C. M. Will, E. A. Rhoten, J.
E. Emerson, J. L. Ingrey, J. D.
Stewards, C. W. Stacey, C. S.
Orwig, Ci H. Vick, Jonathan
Schindlerl A. W. Metiger, Faith
Priday, Ii. C. McShane, Lois Oh
mart, Mrs. C. H. Brown, G. O.
Boyce, Mrs. A. Kooreman, V. M.
Sackett, tV. S. Ankeny, Dr. C. L.
Blodgett, iC. F. French, H. E. Bo-
sell, Mrs4 R. E. Thompson, Mrs.
V. E. Burson, Mrs. Alma Barkus,
Mary Berndt, Harold Douris, Mrs.
C. A. Graham, Mrs. George Hen
derson, Mrs. E. W. Stripling and
George Hall.
Recording steward, Faith Pri
day; disbursing steward, J. S.
Murray; tonnectlonal steward, G.
O. Boyce;- communion stewards,
Lois Ohmart and Mrs. C. H.
Brown; district steward, L. C. Mc
Shane; ttier of appeals, J. D.
The church board of education
Includes Florence Berndt, Mrs. C.
W. Staceyi, Frances Graham, Hel
en Ingrey; C. F. French, Mrs. W.
S. Ankeny, Burch Judson, Mar
garet Van Osdal, Harold Douris,
4Mrs. George Hall and Ida Mae
Smith. 1
Nazajfenes to Pay
Mothers Tribute
A special Mother's day program
Is to be given at the Church of th
Nazarene, jlocated at the corner of
13th and Center streets, Sunday
morning beginning at 10:45. Sou
venirs will be given and the eld
est and youngest mothers in the
congregation will be given bou
quets of flowers. The following"
program Will be given:
Congregational singing
Prsyer J j-Bethel Hardy
"The Devotion of Mother".
Genevieve Kaai
'Only One
Neil Cashion and orchestra
Mother in tha Whole
World" 4-
Marjorie Mod get t
A reading by Mrs. L. VandeLwder
Instrumental duct
.Wayne LoveaU and Lowell Utke
A Tribute to. Mother Fred Btoystoa
Choir special directed by Ernest Priesen
"My Mother?' Le Boy Winter
Vocal solo I , iii i Ava Mae Davis
Mother'a Dsy
-Lorraine Poindexter
"Hoys Will Be Boys Mrs, rani iinapp
"Nobody Else". Johnnie HeCorkle
Honoring Mother. , Male quartet
Ernest, Willsrd and Alfred Friesen -and
Warren Paris
"Here'a to Mother" Edna Schofieia
The Harbor of Home Rev. L. W. Collar
The theme "Mother" will also
be carried through the night evan
gelistic - service. After congrega
tional singing; testimonies honor
ing mother will be given. Special
vocal numbers will be sung by
Mrs. L. Hrdy and Mrs. L. Cash
Ion. The pastor will preach, using
the theme ''Mother's Unselfish De
votion." I
Five Industrial
Accidents Listed
i . :
There were five fatalities In
Oregon - due to ' Indastrial - acci
dents duririg the week ending May
9, the state industrial accident ;
commissioii reported here yester
day. . . ..
t The victims included Clifford
Janzen, MU1 Creek, road worker;
Ben F. BJranson, Newport, log-v
ger; ' Charles J. Anderson, Ash
land, planer- operator; William
Dempsey, North Bend, logger, and
Everett L. Adams, truck driver. '
; Thr viere .745 accidents re
ported to . the commission during
the week.
- J Phono '
Announces that, they
)J w :
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" 1
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IS ' . . .1 ' , ' : '
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VaC aa J-4
2E6 : CCQuO OG; - GO :UUCZ2Z
''-y:.PtcpO;,4CQS'..' :'- ;
" - ' One EIoclc West ol ladd & Buah BctnJc ; , ' i ;
... m mrm. i T-J tJL Ci'.1tnt t-mA Tln!r FajsHa. . I :
;. ! . - ' Tord Tractor' cmdTarm. Istplmxti '
im Euy'toi invest Market Price Pcid ct RH Timet. You Ara Iayl:.
I : c Our TrleadLi end CusIoiaerSs 'to Ccna VLit Ua la Our Vsxt Ucrr.3.
Names Chairman
. .. . ..... . .
&' ... ... . . .
:-'XXX '
Milton R. Klepper, who an
nounced yesterday that T. M.
Hicks of Salem wis serving a
. Marlon county chairman of his
campaign for election as repub
lican national committeeman.
. , ;
Church to Honor
Older Members
First Methodist Plans
Mother'a Day Special
Services Sunday
The First Methodist churffi Is
making special plans for Moth
er's day on Sunday. Many of the
aged people of the -Old People's
home and First church pioneer
families will be taken to church
by members of the official board.
It is uncertain whether Mrs.
Mary Littler of 885 South 12th
Street, Who is more than 100
years old and believed to be the
second oldest Methodist in Ore
gon, will be able to attend. Mrs.
Ellen Pelton, a member of Cen
tenary Wilbur church in Port
land has passed, her 106th birth
day. Many families of Pioneer
First church are planning home
comings and to attend church in
a body.
In the morning service Dr. J.
C. ' Harrison will speak on "Mo
ther and the House Beautiful."
The Cathedral choir, directed by
Dean Melvin Gelst, will sing
"Beautiful Savior" by Christian
sen and Josephine Sharping, ly
ric soprano, will sing "Mother,
My Dear" by Treharne.
At the night service Dr. Harrl
Bon will have for his subject
"The floods of Nature and the
Passions of Man." The temple
choiri directed by Vernon Wis
carson, will sing "O Splendor of
God's Glory Bright," a fourth
century production, and Kathleen
Broer, winner of the state con
test in violin and who next week
end will compete In Spokane In
the national regional contest, will
play, j 'Concerto" t by Spohr, ac
companied by her mother, Mrs.
Fred Broer.
Crash Motorist's
Plea Set May 20
Melvin. Johnson, 725 Court
streetj whose car struck down
Rosa Gabriel, nine, Thursday af
ternoon, took until May 20 to
enter a plea when he. appeared in
municipal - court yesterday on a
charge of failure to give'rlght of
way to a pedestrian. -
Thel child, who is the .daughter
of Rose Farlow, 670 Water street,"
received a fractured skull and a
severe head wound. She is at-the
Salem General hospital where her
condition was, reported yesterday
as "fairly good."
Hrs. George T. Gerlinger
' Mrs. Gerlinger, iwho-Is competent,
courageous and clear thinking, is a pre
cinct committeewoman. Five years ago she
organized the only permanent, state-wide
woman's Republican club ever formed In
Drprnn. ... v . :
Believes firmly In our constitutional system of govern
ment and Is opposed to all fads, frills, and Isms detrimental
to the public welfare. " : i r J "
, If elected to this Important office, Mrs. Qerlinger Is eer
tain to make a fine contribution of thought and service re
flecting credit upon Oregon. . an, hv Ralnii Pnmmlttp for 1
Mrs.'GeorK Ti Qerlinger, NafL
have. Consolidated with .
)J ) r
. .;.( ;
Gmadian Pastor
To Preach Sunday
Calvary Daptbt , Church
: Hi s Rev. Elbert Paul
. . as Guet Speaker
I In the absence of Rev. Arno
Q. Wen 1 ger, the pastor of the
uairary Baptist cnurcn. Rev. El
bert Paul, the pastor of the First .
Baptist church ot Vancouver, BC,
will be the guest speaker at the
morning service ot worship,
bringing the annual Mother's day
message. . - .
1 Rev. . Paul Is ministering to
the largest Baptist congregation
in. the province of British Co
lumbia. He Is in Oregon to de- -liver
the commencement address
to the graduating class of the
Western Baptist Theological Sem
inary in Portland, of which Rev.
Wenlger is a member of" the
board of trustees. Before coming
to the Calvary church. Rev. Wenl
ger was pastor of the Mt. ( Pleas
ant Baptist church in Vancou
ver, where the two men became
acquainted. . . ' : I
The night worship which com
mences at 7:50 o'clock will be
conducted by the men's council
of. the church - under the direc
tion of J. F, Svinth, the presi
dent, and Edward Schunke.
chairman of the deputation com
mission. Assisting wm do iKns ,
Schunke at the organ. Era Coch
ran at the piano, and Ronald.
Adams, trumpeter. J
Hedine Installed
Head of Moose
H. E. Hedine was Installed as !
governor of the Salem ; Moose
lbdge this week. Other new offi
cers are Ed Froland, junior gover
nor; A. E. Waldorf, past gover
nor; Harvey Schuebel, treasurer;
J. R.j Brown, prelate; Tom Doty,
sergeant-at-arms; ' .Cliff Ellis, in
ner guard; J. R. Shackmah, outer
guard, and M, W. Ripley, trustee.'
E. G. Smyers and O. W. Em
mons, trustees, and Floyd E. Em-,
mons, secretary, .re holdover of-
ficers. j 1
Installing officer was Ed Shaw
ot Albany, assisted by Orville Mor
rison of Corvallis.
The lodge has leased its meet
ing .place, Shrode hall, for three
years. .
Polk Man Taken,
Montana Charge
Fred Lone Hansen, who has '
lived in the Salem vicinity for the
past three years, working part of
the time! In a furniture store, ia
being taken back to Montana to
face a charge of cattle theft. Rec
ords show that 30 of his SO years
have been spent in various pris
ons. . Hansen was held in the Polk
county Jail at Dallas until the ar
rival of an -officer from Montana.
Among terms served by Hansen
were- three five-year sentences for
larceny, in Iowa, a 10-year term
there, time in Wisconsin for
forgery and in Alcatrai in 1915
for army; desertion.
52,960 -Building
Permit Is Issued
The "city building department
got a start -for a record month yes
terday ,when,it Issued a permit
for the erection of the $52,960
Murphy, building at- 270 State
street. :
' Fee paid on the permit was
- -., ; , ' '
Excavation ..for the new two
Story building is now underway
and pouring of concrete. for the
basement foundations Is expected
to. start next Week. Basement walL
forms are now being built. .1 -
mm$-V$', .
: mv -iimi-'"--. X.iftii-iJ
RcpobUcan Committeewoman