The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, May 11, 1940, Page 3, Image 3

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TLo OUTGO!? STATESMAN. Cclerx, Orjoiu Ccrtxirday Morning. May , H
Officers Are
Elected : '
Members of Catholic Daughter
of America, in Salem, held their
regular business meeting on Hay
S In- the, Woman's club,, at which
tlms the annual election of 'of fl
eers was held. Mrs. Maude Roe
que, grand regent, presided at tha
Mrs. Mande Rocque was re
elected rrand regent for the ensu
ing year;' Mrs. Margaret Dimeter,
Tice regent; Mrs. Klltabeth En
gel, prophetess: -Miss Catherine
Zom. lecturer; Mrs. Helen White,
historian: Mrs. Anne Merten; fi
nancial secretary: Miss Olga
Hnngsberg, treasurer; Mrs. Ger
trude Van Houdenos, Monitor;
Mrs. Anna Alley, sentinel. Miss
Margaret Thompson, organist:
Miss Pearl Bairoy and Mrs. Mar
garet Innocenti. trustees for three
years; Mrs. Ella Yores and Mrs.
.Mable La Branch, trustees for two
years: and Mrs. Barbara Karst
and Mrs. Mayme Yates, trustees
for one year.
Mrs. Maude Rocque gave a re
port to the court on' her attend
ance at the conference held in
Klamath- Falls on 'April 27 and
28. Others reporting on their at
tendance at this conference were
' Mrs. Anne Merten, Mrs. Margaret
Dimeler and Mrs. Margaret Inno
centi. Members of the court will re
ceive communion in a body at the
nfs jo'clock mass at St. Vincent de
jreul's church on May 19. The
nxt social meeting will be held
In the Woman's club on May 22.
and all members, and, in particu
lar oar new members are invited
to be present and become ac
quainted. Engagement Is
Miss Katharine Miller, daugh
ter of Mr. and Mrs. Edward A.
Miller of Salem has announced ner
engagement to Mr. George Cun
ningham, of Denver, Colorado, son
o' Mr. and Mrs. George Cunning
ham of Portland. The wedding
has been planned for June 9, at
4 o'clock, in the Mt. Tabor Pres
byterian church, in Portland.
Miss Miller will be graduated
from Oregon Slate college in
June. She is a member of Kappa
Delta sorority. Mr. Cunningham
is a graduate of Oregon State col
lege and is now employed in gov
ernment reclamation work in Colorado.
Mrs. White Is
Honored ,
A group of friends entertained
at the Argo hotel yesterday noon
honoring Mm. ATis E. White who
waa celebratlng'her birthday. Mrs.
White was presented with a gift.
Covers were placed for Mrs.
Avis E. White, Idella McAdams,
Maida Perkins, Freda Hultgrcn
and Zed a Lisle,
The Alpha. FsJ Delta fraternity
held election of officer at their
meeting; this week. They are as
follows: Dean Trumbo, Portland,
president; Jack Walker, McMlnn
ville, first Tice president; Bill
Hughes, Baker, second vice presi
dent; Dick Jewett, Central Point,
secretary; Joe Van Winkle, Prine
Tille, alumni editor; Marvin
phreys,! Salem, member-at-large;
and Dan Moses, Portland, man
ager, j - -
i'- i : ; . . j
Wedding Date Is
Miss Ruth Oveross, daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. L. L. Oveross of Sil
verton, has chosen June 1 as her
wedding date to Mr. Edward Schu
bert, son of Mr. R. H. Schubert.
The ceremony will be solemnized
in the Immanuel Lutheran church
at Silverton at 2 o'clock with Rey.
J. M. tjenson officiating. Mrs.
Winston Williams of Rainier,
Washington, will be the bride's
only attendant and Mr Virgil
Pade will act as best man for: his
A reception will follow the wed
ding and following a wedding trip
the couple will make their home
at Mr. Schubert's country place in
North Howell. Both- Mr. Schubert
and Miss Oveross attended Silver
ton schools.
Miss Crozier Is
Honored Guest
Donald Wegner entertained
with a surprise party Wednesday
night at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
Earl J. Burke, on South 13th
street. The affair was in honor of
Miss Carol Crozier who was cele
brating her 15th birthday. The
evening was spent playing games,
and later a supper was served. .
Those present were Carol Cro
zier, Gale Crozier, Donald Weg
ner, Josephine Winkenwerder.
Patricia Kenney, Erwin Winken
werder, Jeanne W a 1 1 e r, Alvin
Potter, Marjorie Prlem, Elaine
Evans, Delbert Gosser, Raymond
Armstrong. Ota Binegar, Doris
Brown. Mrs. Frank Crozier and
Mr. and Mrs. Earl J. Burke.
The following officers were in
stalled at the annual meeting of
the Women's Catholic order of
Foresters: Largaret Dimeler, chief
ranger; Gertrude Domogalla, vice
chief ranger; Pearl Bairey, finan
cial secretary; Elora Reynolds, re
cording secretary; and Will a
Huckenstlne, treasurer. The in
stallation was held at the home of
Mrs. Ella Voves.
Exchange Dinner
Thursday -
Gamma sorority entertained with
an informal exchange dinner with
the members of the Kappa Gamma,
,Rho fraternity Thursday aig-bt.
Tor the Delta Tan Gamma dinner
table a bouqnet f pastel spring
flowers were used as a center
piece Covers were placed tor Miss
i Roberta Smith, Miss Pat Short,
Miss Lola, Rae, Miss Luellle
Strauss, Miss Virginia Smith, Mlsa
Jeanette Fnlmery Mist Lnree Kor4
rla, Miss AHeen LaRaut, Miss
I Phyllis Hangebarr, John Stal-
naeker, Oscar ' Swenson, Watson
Duttott, Jack Hedgecock, Harry Ir
Tine,- Bill Crary, Charles BIckner
and Cliff Stawart.-:-..-'..:'--!
1 . Pink, and whita tabla appoint
ments !werj ased at the Kappa'
Gamma vRho fraternity dinner.
Guests ; were! Dr. and Mrs Egbert
B., Oliver, Miss Virginia Bend lk
sen, Miss' Hermie. Palmer, Mlsa
Ruth Jones, Miss Betty Ralston.
Miss Virginia Hubbs, Mlsa Dorothy
Jayes, and Miss Erma Taylor.
Hosts were. Gilbert Heald, Win.
ston Bunnell, Ed Cone, Bill Bard
well, Lorea Hicks. Carol Helm,
Maurice Krelta and Victor Hange-
burg. . V .;,.
Alpha ilu Delphian chapter win
meet in the Fireplace room of the
public library Tuesday morning at
t:I0 o'clock. The group will study
and. discuss "English Life and
Thoughts in the 18th Century."
Give Heir Something
Altr on Mother's
Day :
'-. h.y , Van
7 My "
She's never too old to be delighted by a gift
of soft, smooth, luxurious lingerie I And the
younger she is, the more she wants line undies.
We've picked our prettiest pieces for Mother's
Day featuring at a price you can well afford.
Millers M
. - -; .
X''.Xa -o I- It
Step out smartly to meet a busy-
day . . . or stsy at borne loomng
eUlnty and cool. In Pattern 4384:
Anne Adams has designed this
dress in two useful versions. A
yoke holds the bodice fullness
trim and smooth, with gathers be
low the yoke in back and un
stitched tucks in front. Paten
pockets will lend extra style to the
panelled skirt. For the more tai
lored version, make a becoming
collar that comes in two lengths
and may contrast, and have the
sleeves either short and tucked or
full length. Then,, for the softer
style, cut a squared-V neckline,
let the sleeves be in short, sum-;
mery caps, and run ric-rac or crisp
ruffling around the edges.
Pattern 4184 is available in
women's sixes 34 H J. 28, 40. 42.
44, 48 and 48. Sise 38 takes 4
ysrds 15 inch fabric.
: jj til
1 sj m
V if
You've worn turbans before
but not turbans like these I
Square or peaked in frontl
Bare or draped in backl
Whites . . . Darks . . . Pastelsl
Youll-want some!
2nd Floor
im it i),tHo.i - --
8t4 rtriXZM CKXTS (le) te
eina Ur tbi Abb Adaar patten.
Writ sUiBly eiZE. NAMK. AJ
jr vtna wtathar wt4
rb frM r A-NNR ADAMS
triac Prt elothaa tor aa a4 aarf
rvnaatia aTaaiaf fowaa eaa
tana for ttia Jana BHda tha or
nrl thlar tar traal waf ttoaa
tor laformftl aa4 4rt aeaina ma A
"pocket adiUon" atjla for cbiUraa
U tka faahioa iafr4iata tar
aarcaaaful aaaaiar da.ifnad for ya
by A ana Adaaia. Ordar raar op
today. Tka book la ftftaea casta aat.
. waea aHwd with pattera. whlrk
I. a! fifta wata, THS TWO TO-
GETHr.a arb twmi'mi
Help mother look and feel cool, com
fortable and smart all summer long, in
doors and out j These home frocks have
youthful detaHs--and their excellent tai
loring and quality fabrics will make her
call you a smart child for giving her a
quality gift! Lingerie trimmings, gay but
tons, and ft choice of flattering prints
make , this a selection worth bragging
about! . : :
$2.95 to $10.95
Her s
may uth
Tomorrow is . MOTHER'S DAYi .Give her something 'more than love. There
are so many little remembrancess that cost so little, yet convey so much.
Miller's are amply prepared to satisfy, your every wish for they have spent
weeks searching for gift things for Mothen
' - ... fir i
- I ; i -
Give Her Something
Lacy. . -Jy"
Linens are the one item that mother loves. At
Miller's one has choice of many well known
Brands of both domestic and imported qualities.
Lace table sets . . . hand-embroidered doilies, buf
fet sets, card table or luncheon- cloths . , . and
besides all these don't f orget .that Miller's are
Salem's exclusive agents for "Wool o' the West"
(Sale of Pequot Sheets This Week)
$1.00 to $2.50
NewljA special sale of simulated pearls in the new single,
double,, and triple strand styles that are so popular-now.
Give mother a string of these to wear with her light, sum
mer dresses. Gift wrapped, of course. Costume -Jewelry
department. Main floor.
' Toilet; water and, cologne by . . 1 Rogers ft Gallet, Richard
Hndniit. IIonfcieant. CotT. Yardler. 81.00 -. . . Also mani-
curing sets priced from 81.00 to $7.60. , r
BLESS THEM, will never
tell yon what they want,
we've scouted around to dis
cover the things to make
their eyes shine with. de
light. Beautiful Jewelry or
amusing lapel gadgets; poc
ketbooks, gloves, frothy
neckwear to frame her face,
are only a few suggestions
for gitts we know every
mother will enjoy.
irbm Mi
comed by every mother, be
she sweet and silvery, or
chic and chipper, and is just
one of those things she nev
er seems to- buy for herself.
Here's a chance for adoring
offspring and husbands to
pamper their femininity
sheer housecoats, gowns;
and slips. make a practical
as well as a pretty gift.
HARKERWARE . . $1.00 to $1.25
fHarkerware is hand-decorated ovenware. Very popular be
cause It may be served directly from the oven to table,
j Choose! a piece or two of this famous Harkerware today.
; Rolling; pins, bowls, casseroles, salad sets, etc. -
! a - ...
t l . s -
Pyrex Oven Glass . . 50c to 95c
Turn! Yum! Watch those' biscuits brown In Pyrex oven
glass!! Pyrex oven glass is to be found at -Miller's in all
the pieces one reads about In the national magazines.
'Special prices now! y -
PACIFIC POTTERY . 25c to $2.50
Mother would appreciate "pottery, provided of course, it is
i fine Quality. Pacific has been tried and found true! Buy
Pacific for its sheer beauty of color ... its hardness (which
! is flitlike) and its wonderful designing.
FQSTORIA GLASS . 45c to $7.50
! Crystal glass that sparkles like . diamonds! Mother knows
her icrystal glass from the days of the very popular cut
I arlass. Fostoria glass comes in many patterns . . . many
indiyidual pieces, too.
39c to $4.50
GIFT for the First Lady of
your heart! Give mother a
gift of beauty to flatter her
eternal charm. She's never
too old to be feminine and
enjoy a bottle of perfume.
Lightly scented lavender to
Sprinkle on after, the bath,,
perfumes sentimental o r
modern a constant remind
er of your thoughtfnlness. ' -
YOUR LOVE for mother In
a . substantial way in
clothes befitting the regal
place ' she holds in your
home and heart. We'd be
procd I to ; help " you select
fashions to match the dig
nity of her years. Clothes
young In spirit.' with slim
lines, and accessories to add
spark to her outfit.
! Montag's fine writing papers are here awaiting Mother's
Day! In novelty gift boxes. ... in white, buff and colors of
the ;ralnbow. v ...
Aprons for .;
Arpund the. : .
59c to $1.25
Give mother aprons! . And
don't forget that fashion de
crees an apron for many dlf-
' f erent occasions. Colorful
prints for the kitchen .
lacy ones for serving - . . ,r' .
all-over aprons for canning,
etc. V: .
Glida Bags
Sewing Siets . .
Notions department features
the Glida bags for weekend
vacations, for. toiletries,
sewing and mending, etc
Also very complete- sewing
kits by. Wise m . . scissors,
pinking shears, -etc. Shop
this section for ideas. .
s bibb LJ :
"caum .'ontscoM
' 'Ihi
Give Mother ;
A Fine Bag . . .
$2.98 to $5.00
Give mother a fine hand-;
bag for Mother's Day tomor
row. Choose one of our
light, soft calfskins in one
of a number of smart bag
fashions such as the shirred
or pouch style, envelope or
the boxy type. Also brilliant
. patent in soft qualities she'll
like. Also a very tine selec
tion in teatinie bags Jn
faille, silk crepe, etc.; f2.98
to 83.50.
11 v.
Silk Hose a
Sure Hit . . .
79c to $i.65
Miller's for the
All Hosiery Handsomely
Gift Wrapped!
kaMa1tiaWaiajrfMSSVwri vaa 1 "" aaa- . .- vv.-.
'Kerchiefs . . .
25c to $1.00
Give her a hankie shower
for her . big day! We've,
oceans of very. lovely ones
In "old" fashioned ' or ultra
modern! Gift-wrapped, too.
f In
Slippers . . . .
Look to her comfort . . .
' look to Miller's for smart- t
iy strled slippers for bed- I
' room, kitchen,- lounging,
etc. Leathers, satin, bro
cades. In col or s . . .
black,, red, blue,s green
' and others. Main floor.
mn j nth. k,