pags inrffi For ISESULT, u 9P"Hn '. 1 1,1 " a . laa OnLGOII STATXTMAIl. Caleia. Oracon, Wednesday 1-Iornlng. Mar 193 COST . 4 States7nari Classified Ads Call 91011 . ' - ! - raaiMUried AdvrftiMUg Three Insertions per tin XSe Sla tnsertlona per Ilnef 4te Una month par. Ha fl.Ji Minimum charge 25eil U min- laim 35c; C U mitt 46c No refunds. . i - Cue fee - aeaje stiasle easM 9:8 ia eseajae sefsre ;pabraliaa (or . eteasitaretieev Copy reete4 at tar Uia rlwe will roes eedee tea? bead tag Toe I .ate te CJesrty " TtM gUMMI MWHII Tiiui reapeasib lily far errore araM-a mm J appear ia advrtiMnts pehliiaW ja its cafcnaae asd a wrm ti paper ta at faelt ill rrprwm that part of aa aarerueemeet ta weirk tbe.syp orrepliw- avsleke eeeera. . Tba glataaaaas reserves ia vraT to reject oaeatieaeM aaeerUeing It tartbtr raaerrea Ik rigs a atore L adrertlsing ae a -cattm. : j a Btaaa a aa A eatta a gLalaaiaa see wakar for an eadr-aa -Ma far e arartsrttew ef -ae adver tiser aa4 arnit U faro aa mi'tH br setter Th Stateamaa ta Set at liberty aa a"vslg aatarautioa aa ta the identity el aa edvertiartf "Blied" ad. h- .;" Livestock Phone 7330 - Phone 7330 ATTENTION WK ftCK ua dead ad worthies ntmai at a inmeera Oregon Rendering Fertiliser Co. Phone 7319. Collect Phone Salem 5000 Attention WK PTCK dp Ved and worthies stock at . a momeafa aotlra. Salem Fertilizer and By-Products Work3 Phone Salem 5000 Collect FARMERS WORKS PICKS UP. FREE OF CH "ROB. DEAD AND WORTHLESS IN THK WIUJUfETTE VAU.ET. WE PAT TOP PRICKS PHOMX US COLLECT. SALEM FOR SALE Fwah Jersey cow with or without calf. 6 ffaX. Kt- 2, Ba GOOD SOCND work teaua with rood harnesa. 1125. Will tnaka Urtaa or ac ofot traa what hava yo.I MYRTON MOORE. B.KA1 ESTATE 180 N. CoraL Suite 17. o a if CH ii'us-l Varieties In- rludlnc Reaa. Rnrfca. Hampshire lK homa Day oM iaalUta cockerels, started chkHia.-Phooav MMJ. , Laa Htfferr. . . , -;-v ! Help Wanted f 3 WEEKt-T. GROW Hothrooma Cellar, abed W bay fraali. 15c. dry $1.35 H FREK : BOOK Maabrooma. Ml Third Seala Wash OUTSTANDTNa O PPORTTTN IT T SALES RK PR ESF-N'T ATI V E for se lective U A. draa conoera la d lea a p pareU mea'a sarta. ftaet blanket male. Full or part ttmav fumlnga un limited. Opportunity to travel. Box 613 for tnterTiaw. - Help WaB!id Female CAPABLE WOMAN bawsekeeper for mod. farm sum, aaaaB children Per manent for ribt party. lra. JJmnI RlddeU, Rt. t, ladepewflenca. Ore.t SituatiottB Wanted LAWN cntttec spading. Plfc 7204. EXP. UNDSCP, tewm work. P. la OKSSSMAK Mrs. Adam. Pb Sa FOR FTR55T clsna -pamtlMr ra paring caR 3411. 1342 K. Capitol. WASHING CLEAN rNG. 2ic hr. Ph. 8720. OaB avaataica. nnj-ir j nnr-rT"-J " DRESSMAKING. CSSTB NNIAL costumes at your borne, js.sw a oay Pa. 7S4. LAWN. GARDEN work.: Pb. S& HSEWK. or car children. Ph. 4527 For Sale Miscellaneous S COMPLETE ROOMS of new fur- niturav totaliaar 7a plecea. Z6.o vai a tnr 1S 00. This include 27-nr llvinar room croup tor $88.00. BHtwell Telour davenoort. chair to match, ve lour occ chair, mohair and yelour ot toman, comb, smoker, 7-way 1ES lamp, shad ta match. 4 Thtbea. 2 wal. end tables. aca-rfa. 2 tabin lamps. 2 shades to match,. throw runs. S-pc coaster set. 20-pc bedroom trrmip tor $88.00. mcludlna; wal. . waterfall bed. roomy chest of drawers. 28 Inch round mir rored yamtty, omrk to ma ten, rej? $24.&a sprlna-f ilid mattre. boT BDrhtar to matcli. 2 hondoir lamps. 2 shades to match, bed lamps, chenille bedspreads 2 bed pillows, S throw rugs, round bedroom aalrror. 3 pictures. 3i- pc diaetta arroup Tor 1 l.uu. KTtenslon table, 4 chairs to match, 2-pc. set rubv arlaaaware. - Kara room may be ourchased sep arately t prices listeq or in 3 rra, rroira, t2Se. yaJoo for $139.00 Term $t. weekly. 1 OOOD JKftSET cow. Inquire at 609 O Htreet. I ndeoenece. Ore. NEW TIRaVrtra and tube. 19-4-75 $5.00. Phosa 4S8 ; call momlnga. THOSOUGHB1UCD SPRtJCOSR Spanhd por. & k- - llwaie 2541 or can at 7718 N. lTfa St. . -ZENrTrT" DaLiTXK Etertrle Raae $9S tnstajled. SJaah Furni ture ca. WKIT178 JR KEN HOUSE. 165 N. Summer. Opm Ia.m,tal p. m. dally - UNBKLT3CVABLE IXIW coat prices. New. wand furniture. This week. Kaah .Funi&BTo Co. Lares atockv i ADVERTISING : Wcaterav.;Adrertiruf . - RepresentatlTes i Getrze U. Close. In. Saa fraaeisra. Loa Anrelea. Seattle Eastern AdTerUslnj: ItepresenLatlres Brysat Unfjita A Bmnton. laa, Chicaja. Key yflrk. 0,trsi . - Boat o a. AUaata Enterti at las Poteffic at atn Oregon. ficccnut Clas UatU fb lukert cr Morn two except Monday. Kmaa wrtcy ta South Cojnmrciai irsef. SUSSCaiPTlOH RATE3: ' llail SubsrrlpUea Rites la Adraae Withio Orccnt; Daily sad -'Susday. Mo (0 seats; Use 91 (; 9 atea (3A0; 1 year (500 Else a ere &0 eaeto r Ate or 94 09 for I year ta advaaea. for copy 3 casta, tieweataads 3 eanta By City Carrier. 6d eeutl a aaonth. (7.29 a year In adtaac ta ttanea and adjacent eeaatiea. Bloney to Loan QUICK CASH LOANS 1 CALLi WRITlCat Dhwna till m ) to noma manaxrd finance fasiltutlon Your loan made ta strk-t eat privacy Ton will pay In f your aan at arraalUMI at aatnakna- 1 to 24 Months to Repay I Ton eaa pay ta ruB any time ta redae tha Only Borrower Signs ! Na andararra Xaataa made aa furnitura. cart ar note. ROT H SHMMON& MQR. Ur No M Us GtNERAL FINANCE CORPORAnON a ta fiiiiiwwti I ftt FVat anori south of I Add A Bush Ranav ctmvanieat iraa j Auto Loans Willamette Credit Co. 5TH FLOOR GTTARDIAN BUILDING LICENSE KUl PRIVATE MONEY AtTTd AND TRTJCK LOANS pfiNTRAfrra REFINANCED to re duce paytnenta. Money for new or uaed cars. No delay or red tape. Ton will retain oaseasWn of the ventcie. 1 TOlII MONTHS TO VAX ROY H. SIMEONS 136 South Commercial Street Phono 916$ Uc. No. M-I52 PHA LOANS 4H. lo prlr. loans. Abrama A EUls, Ine Masonic Bid. Loans Wanted WANTED. PRIVATE money for cTty. farm rand acreage leans Net In vestors H to Inle-eet Examine securities IroursHf It will ISJT vou to us ror lavestmenis, CHILDS A MILLER. INC. 244 State iSt Phone 9261 aaaaeaaajasaosseaaaasa WANTOIl PRIVATE MONET TO LOAN on cood Salem real ea- tata. WH1 Spay Interest. .... i REALTORS IX1AKS WANTED on farm and city property Before borrewlna Inquire at Hawkins Roberta mn CorWI sound first farm mortis ea and bonds. See B. C Zletln Ski, wth ) HAWKINS A RORKRTS. INC Photia- 416 or 74s WANTI1D. to borrow $500 on $2300 security (outside city limits. C. H. Sanders, la 8 & High. 5131. For Sid; Miscellaneous CASH fCEUISTER. Adding machine, typewriter i Duplicator. Calculator and Soak sera fee. All makes sold, rented ywapped Rneo Typewrtter Bschanam ! f ourt . USED KERRT wire, call 6516. hottsp: TBAII.KRS. ISO nn. To buy or aelL See Kins. 519 Front. FTTH CHUBB I ES. anm'r. wear. $14 SO up. Hagier'e Fur Shop. 1247 8. Com. NASW FURNTTURE CO. MONET TALKS WEEK Bed Dsrenoa, low aa $ 1 Inner Spring Mattre8 $6. $4.88 $7i88 jjCail Bprlnjga 6-Pc. Breakfast Sets.. Box Spring A Mattress.. -811 -$ Near Dav. and Chair 3x13 Wool: RiifOi low as $21 Lowest Prlcea - Best .Values Tet I Cash Week This Week NASH FURNITURE CO. BABT CHICKS, ten varieties now. 9 hrihee vrv wek. Cor-kerela. rtnl- let, criatorn hatching. TeL 2-3861. I U . A 1 .. - L4W IJaiLMVI J. V FTNESTSE LECTION 6f wtD grown plants for yard and garden. Phono sz. J A I Momua. r iorL - THE APRON Shop (79 N High aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaas NASH FURNITURE CO. ' MONET TALKS this week at the Nash Furniture Co. Cash week. Almost unbelievable low prices this week. Strawberry and Bean Dusters built to 'order, $?S to $800. Schuett Machine Shop. Salem. Dallas Hiway, s mu out. MOTHER'S DAT Aprons. Greeting Cards, Handmade Gifts. The Apron Shop. 679 N. High. GUARANTEED BED Davenos. for merly sold for $49.50. Special factory purchase. Large stock. Now only $24.95 Cash. Nash Furniture Co. this wet k only. USED PHONOGRAPH records. 7 for $1. Cohrt Bros, 305 N. Liberty St-J SCOOP! New 9x12 felt-baae linole um rugs only $3.49 at F. N. Woodry's Market, 1610 N. Summer St. Ph. 5110. River Silt 95 yd. delivered. P. 4865. NASH FURNITURE CO. Cash Sale Furniture this week. Everything re duced to sell. Lowest prices in the state thia week, for cash! Wantej-Faarnitnre CASH for' uaed furniture and house hold goods : R Forgey. Phone 744$. "WE PAT SPOT CASH 1. N A GLENN WDODRT Ph 111 - Wanted -Miscellaneous WANTEPy GOAT mJlk, Tel. 0M.- T ANT J TO " BU x" 24-" " shake " bolt Karl Koherj Rt. 2. Dallas. Miseellaneous Dental Plate Repair rrO-HOUA, SERVICE IN MOST j CASES Rrtna or MslT Tnat Vie tea for Repati OR HARRT KKMI.ER. DENT18T Atiakv BldA, 3d A MorrtaoA BR 3439 For Rent--Rooms HOTttl MARION Rooms 8eclal weekly arrO enanthly rates ta latuaa a at a ataiioa Joffee hoa detlcleaas aseafca at low priraa WOT7CI 8A R88 tow inaatbi eelea Fleas, bskaa-. $8. 44S 8. Carftag. " TWO ATTRACTIVE rooms, prlvak home, close to cnpitol. Ph. 9422. COZY bskp. rat, 1431 N. Cottage. SLEEPING ROOMS reasonable. Close in. 477 B. Com'L Phone 7429. ATTRACTIVE , HOME for of nee girls Ref. close In. (35 N. Whiter. Room and Board BHD. RM' men. Steinke'a P 3334 ROOM BOARD. 31$ S. Winter. XJinj-ui iJaiia-jii'Ta - BOARD As ROOM. 323 N. Church. BOARD A ROi.M. 3041 Canter. LTiJunjl'V'1f''ir'T""li" SICP MA Itoweti CO N tJiMrty EAT AT 159 MARION. For Rejit ApartmtMiIs t RMS, BATH, buCt-Ina, adults, 1I mow 1135 NJlSUi. 4 B FUSSi tatfa, 1TS0 M. Coltasa. BEA CTI FTJtiLY F1RN alagi cor ner apt, 31 Leslie. -- - NEAT Irt FU 9 R- wear atat biaca. 2 Adults. Z5; N. Capitol. - - 1 - : Furn, 3 li- L, w, a. Adalte 45591. Uat 1. 3 A a R. Pr. b th. 193S CeBter. I1AWTHOSNE Court. 1 90 N. Cap Itoi. Homelike aitd commodious. Bloney to. Loan 8a lan a Oldrat. tare est bom owned and financial affaire will be dLacussed and bo alaoa ewery considaratloa la tba re JIM CLARK. ASST. MOS. Ue. Na 8-lli Phono ! naar lorjrttaa For- Bent Apartments 1st FLOOR 1 rm. turn. 12S7 N. Com. L S AND X R. apta.. 629 N Ubarty 8KK rHh. riah Apta before vom doHda. Large A Airy Rorkwoot ls aalated again at beat a cold. Veaetlaa Rltmla throughout 8 ram i A Oak tWa 1 A 2 R FURN apt. 648 Ferry aaaaaeajaaaaaaa S Rint Mod, Close la. Ph 88 $4. A PTS. FURN.) unfnm. Child -a welcome. $6 up I21 S 13th P 7089 CLOSE IN modem furnished apart ment. Adults only. TeL. 8480. SMALL FURN. apt, 250 S. Cottage. 2 RM. FURN, kiU bath, $4$ Court. mrin.i-inririn.rinr,-,-iriinr,--ii-i- ' - -r ' ' r 1 " LOVELT 3 RM.' Mm. PrL bath, re frljr.. adults. 666 8. Summer. MOD. FURN. 3 A 4 rma.. summer rates. 2380 Fairgrounds Rd. Ph. 7532. 3 RMS, NEW fin.. Frig. bath. Ad una. t n summer ai. rnnm t. CLEAN FURN. apU 485 N. Church. 2 KM, ALSO newly furn. bachelor apts. Pri. oat. Bath, Frig, gar. 643 Union. i FURN. APTS, $8.50 mo. up. ad ults, elee. washer, garage. 624 N. Cap itol St. i FURN. APT, pri. bath. 6 89 S. 12th. 3RM. FURN. apt, 879 N. Liberty. PATTON APTSi. 323 State, nlahed. Ph. 6344. Apt. 3. Fur- SLP. rm.. apt. A fuel. 292 S. Cottage. FOR RENT FURN. apt. SMALL 215.00. dowtown. 6 rm. furn. flat A garage. $20.00. 3 rm. basement , apt, $10.00. IVAN O.I MARTIN . Phono 4419 For Rent Houses AVAILABLE MAT 12, modern rm. bouse, partly turn, i.o. I3ug atarKet. FURNISHED HOUSE. 6S0 8. 16th. 3 RM. MOD. houae, $15. Ph. 9564 or inq. 402 8. Church. , HOUSE FOR rent. 25$ Division. 7 RM. HSPT, 1760 Cbameketa. NEW 4 RM. hovse, bath, wired for range, elec. water heater. $Z3.sO. Ed ward Hanson, RL 7. B. 12. Port. Rd. 3 R. CABIN, stove, water, lights A pnene. .ts mo. in. tui. B ACRES S. of town. 5-room mod ern house, chicken house, $23.00. Attractive 4 room bouse on W. Meyer. 325.00. 2-bedroom home oa University St, 5-room home on Portland Road, garden space. $22.50. Money to Loan P. H. BELL REALTOR 429 Oreg. Bldg. Phone 3121 4 RM. FURN. house, $20. Ph. 9473, FURN. A UN FURN houses. MEL- V1N JOHNSON. 725 Court. Ph. 3733 UNFURN. bungalow, Oak Villa Court. Aduita Inquire JSJ Mill. FURN. AND unrurn. houaea R A FORKNER 1853 N Capitol WE HAVE THK PRtlSPECl . IF TOU want to aelL exchange. tease, rent, ace Mr irarn or Mr CM Una with Hawkins A Roberta FURNISHED AND onfora .1 P. R A.T 82 Court Phoae a?44 3 6M. HOUSES. 326 Gaines St. For Rent 30x60 STUCCO BLDO good loea tlon 99 Highway, plenty of parking space, n. v, uox is. tlt-'fUK HimMS 3t Slate Stia-rt fi,iitir rom "00 Te 2718 - Furn. hsea, apta Adults. 73S N. Com'L For Sale Real Estate STRICTLT MOD. New I Rm hse. with gar. Near bus Una A schools. Fine location. Easy tenna Owner. 5506. 2 NEW MOD. bouses, new residen tial district. 18 down pymt, baL easy terms, uq. l3o Madison, 1400 ACRES OF land in Curry uounty. Oregon. Located on the coast between Port Orfjrd and Bandon. In cludes about three miles of shore line and 11 mile on Florae Lake. Ideal lo cation for hunting lodge. Blacklork Sandstone Company, 1202 Bank of America Bid.. Market A New Mont gotnery Streets, San Francisco, Cait- rornia. Trailer Money to Loan Here's the Way TO TAKE TOUR" TIMS ABOUT FATING BILLS MAKE A LIST of your bills payments. If you need extra cash, pot that down too. Coma to our Office aaa get the fall amount you need ta pay off everything you owe. Thea pay us back ia email monthly payments spread aver 8, 10. 13, 39 monlha. Toa hare lost ONE payment to tnaka each no. and lust ONE place to pay. Na perm eats for at least 39 daya after you receive the money. . Amu yea repay rnomniy Ann. ax ioaa a mo, iz mo. w me. 40.9 t 1.70 t 4.03 8.04 1. 20,09 39.14 I 3.39 $.38 9.73 18.44 20.16 v.oa 100 00 300.09 300.00 11.4 14.3S 38.49 42.74 UP TO $500.00 ON AUTOMOBILES Brady the plans above. Determine the amount you seed. Pick out one of the small monthly payments that fits your budget and then call at our of fice for the cash. -CALKINS FINANCE COMPANY 291, 2nd PL First NafL Bank Building Esaiem, (jregon roooa " e.a a. u.7i St,i. I Irammmm I? or a PERSONAL LOAN see The Personal Finance Co. . . . for at "Personal- we are special ists In making personal loans. Ijt is our full-time business. PICK YOUR OWN PAYMENTS Cash Mo. payments laclud to Ing ALL charges for: Tou 5 mos. 13 mom. 30 moa, $ 50 $10.92 $ 6.02 3.30 100 21.84 $10.06 (.73 200 43.67 20.09 13.44 300 65.51 30.14 30.16 Come in for the Caab You Head Today PERSONAL FINANCE CO. L L. MILLER, MGR. 2nd Floor. New Bligh Bldg. Phone 3191 M-165 State Lie S-123 For Sale Real Estate WE HAVE a beautiful modern boms with 3 bedrooams, fireplace, hardwood floors, full basal, for only $3509.00. Terms to suit you. Money to Ian P. H. BKI.T REALTOR 429 Oreg. Bids. Phone 8121 (.ROOM MOD., 11 blka. from State house, $509. down or good lot la trade. 5-room mod, very close in, cor. lot, only $500. down. Price $3000. ABBA MS A ELLIS, INC. 411 Masonic Bldg. akaSBasaOaanjsaB SOME BARGAINS 38 A. Or' UOOU timber, mostly old fir, 16 miles east of Salem, 3000 cords or more. $1000. ( room modern borne close In on N. Fifth St, $3000 $509 dn. Large cor. lot. While Cape Cod bungalow Just out side city east, hardwood, fireplace, utility, i rma. A attio lot (0x200 $370 $309 dn, PH. ART MADSEN, (58 FOR 8 A LB Lots owned by City 125. to $809. See aay real estate man or call 8(33 1(7 a Mich mreet KM. HSK. with bath, dinette A gar. $126. frortfc. $309 da $15 par mo. Ph. 84J2. $10 DOWN BUYS ( rra. home, cor ner lot oa Ferry street at $ls. O. E. RAE, 1255 8tate, Pnone 676L 4 BEDROOM HOME near Engle wood scnool, good coadition, full base meat: XuVnace, $2709. Phono COonnel, (761. MOVE IN today; 4 rooms A one acre, one mile out Silvertoa road $ioe. O. K. RAE, 12SS State, Phone 661. NEW, MODERN 5 nn. borne, bard wood firs. On! in. iwstrs. $4iuo, do, BaL. Ilk rent, E. eupeilor. JUST- RIGHT for two adorable cot tug a, spick and. span t room a must be seen to be appreciated only 3124$. See LOUIS BtCdlJiu or MA Btiii NEF.Dri Aaf, 341 tiUta tit Room 4. COAST LOT $25. Ph. 7178. VERT GOOD BUYS! $2000. 0VU UowN, tUX plaat, bouse, baa, lur. 4 ice la war aad toca Ucn. outn. House should rent for $26. $21(r $60v down, a rm. plaat. house, base fur. walking diata.nce ; north. tf00. 5-reom strictly mod. home. Eiij(iewood diMilcu xet ua suow you. C. ti. SANDERS 113 S. High 6131. FOR SALE 3 acres with 4 room house, barn and caicaen oouse,. n uu and xilberts; close to school and bus line, $1900. tor aale, building sites, $19 down, $10 per month. "or aaj two homes oa North Com. one with 3 bedrooms, tba Other 2. f L sa each, g;ood terms. H. L. .Meuuncaituu with P. H. BELL 429 : Oregy Bidg. I 'hone 8121. FINE 3 BED8M. fuUy mod; home, close In, north, $3000, tertaa. BUDKOW-KASMIR REAL ESTATE 12 Ladd Hugh Bldg. Phone a5. Kxcliange Heal instate ONE OF the best mod. sub. homes. 4 bedrooms, oil' burner, north, 14 A. trait A timber, chicken house. Sell or trade for good city residence. C H. SANDERS 118 8. High C131. Tintypes &etarise Real Estate WTLL EXCHANGE nice Klngwood Tlawf lot for ear. Ph. 3413. For Sale Farms 5 R RALE OR EXCHANGE 12! ACRES. GOOD room olaetered tvonae with bath, with la city limit. Suitable for subdividing. A steal at $3209.00, for woick sale. See Mr. Har dy arttb HAWKINS INC4 Realtors. ROBERTS. Acreage ONE ACRE, t room plaat house, batlvj only $1109 3100 down $1$ ma On A, wall landacaped. ajrtlstlo nod.i i room sub. home. Only 13999 cash. This is nice, C JHI SANDERS 118 S. Blgh $131. Suburban lACRE, LOTS Improved, orchard. Balera Hta. 463 Madrona Ave. Tel. 32743. Wanted Real Estate WljLL PAT cash for modern E-6 room I noose ia good locatlou addi as Statesman. Box No. (27. - - - - -j- -i- -i-i"ii'ii'ririorirwuu'ijiru'uxAjxf FRONT near Tachata. fine Iahei tared beach, partly . cleared. 4 acres (divided Into 17 large lots. Resort and da bin alts. Bargain for caab or tarcaaf Owner Phone 9509. Hus in ess Opportunities GROCERY STORE Eatabllabed bualnasa. Ideal location comfortable llrlng' quarters. Owner leaving. Priced right,! $2750. Loula Bechtel or Mabel Needham 341 Mtate titreet Rooaa 4. j- -a la-aj-aj-y-r-u- BEAUTY SHOP, best location la good town. Equipment for 3 operators. Keaaobably priced. Retiring. Box 416, Statesman. WEE HAVE four grocery stores ta sell. One bargain. See Mr. Badaer in. see Mr. with C, tu ctanaera, 11s a. tug a, kill. For Sale Wood MILL WOOD. $3.69 load. Ph. 634L Wood i at west end Court St. 1 1 1 1 1.1 1. 1 1 i i 19 IN. O. F $5, knots, $5, slab $4. r. 94$(. aaaaaaaa.aaaa.aa y-'TV--,v,ftjV DRY WOOD. Bradley. Phone (799, BONE DRY wood. Phone 6663. DRY OLD fir. 2nd gwUu, Ph. 7507 1 awM ii"iaTaJataraeTaw WOUD Pb. (S9 Uraen. 412 N Slat. 1 -1 "ar'as'w-Br'ar'si 19 IN. OLD fir. $5 cd. TeL (129. BONE DRY wood. Phone 95(0. DRY WOOD, old fir A 2nd growth Phone 4758 for prlcea - ATTENTION I BUT wood that Lasts, beat old fir, 16 In $5. Ph. 88K. Personal LONELY T WORTHWHILE sweet. Heart, husband, wife tor you. P. O. Boa 71. Las Angeiea CARMEN, GIFTED reader, teUa your wish and how to gain it. Gives names, dates, facts good or bad ; aha neipe, tteaai oauy. Ktverside cabina. West Salem. i?or Sale Used Cars REPOSSESSED '86 DODGE Coupe, good mechanical condition. Equipped with General .Aires. State Finance Co. CAU 926L - Transportation TAKE PASSENGERS to Colo, Kan, uaja 4. ex. tjat. szs, statesman. Legal Notice No. 10011 NOTICE OT FINAL, ACCOUNT Notlca U hereby siren that tba final account of Claude H. Steaa- loff and Dorathea E. Steusloff aa Executor of the Estate of W. H. Steusloff, deceased, has been filed In the Count Court of Marion County. Oregon, and that the 18 th day of May, 1940, at the hour of 10 o'clock a. m. of aafd day. In the courtroom of said court. In the County court house. In Sa lem, Oregon, has been duly ap pointed by such court as the time and place for the hearing of objec tions to such final account and the settlement thereof, at which time any person Interested In such estate may appear and file objections thereto in writing and contest the same. Dated this 17th day of April, 1940 CLAUDE H. STEUSLOFF, DORATHEA E. STEUSLOFF, Executors. E. L. CRAWFORD, Attorney for Estate, Ladd 4b Bush Bank Bldg., Salem, -Oregon. Ap. 17-24, My 1-8-15 Cards ta this directory ran oa m monthly ben's only. Rate: 331.25 per line per month. Auto Brakes ' " Mike Paaek f1 Skauth Commercial Hathg & Massage' .V9 a H. LOGAN. 233 & Cottage, P. 4133. 64 (JLeach Cottages' 99 1SHERWOOD Cottagee, Tachata Ore. Bicycles BICYCLES, NEW and reconditioned Harry W Scott 14V S Cooa'd P. 4(19 Chimney Sweep TELEPHONE 44(9 ... ft B. NovtbJMea Excavating EXCAVATING OF all htoda Base ments dug Dirt baaled ot moved Din tar aale Salem San 1 A Gravel P 9403 Florists Brelthaupfa, 441 Court. Phone 9191 ; Funeral Directors TerwiUlger Funeral noma,' Ph. II23H Ilonse Painting A-l WORK $19 CP. Ph. 1294. - filst tresses , SALEM FLU PS" Rug A Maltree Co New mattrraa '. old rtmtila. rug Heantis wavtng 8 itlfc A WUtiur Tet 1441 Zwickere CAPITOL BEDDING CO. Phone 46(8 Business Directory 1 Legal Notice No. 10J7I' I IX THE COXTSTZ COURT OF THE OP THE STATE OF OREGOJt H FOB 1IARIOX COUNTT NOTICB OP ! GUARDIAN'S SALE . Of, 'REAL. FROPERTT Ta the matter vf the fSnaritlan- thip ef George Schrelber, an In competent person... 1 On and after Jane 10. 1140. at tVaaw J.4Miav ! nearlaA T aa a A AA aaa nay at Law, 20 X Oregon Bulldog. Salem, ; Oregon, tba . undersigned guardian will sell at private aale and tor: cash all of Ue rtght. title and Interest lot George Schrelber. an incompetent person, in and to tne following described parcels of property, to-wit: 1 - Lots) numbered Four 14), Fire , (S). Saren (7) the North half , of Lot numbered Nlaei (9) and the South half of Lot numbered Ten I (I0)i Lots numbered . Twelve (12), Thirteen 18), and. i Fourteen (14), Block, weniy-r our ixaj inj avngta- wood Addition to the; City of Salem, Marlon County! Oregon. Saldisale shall be for leash and theU guardian reserves the right to sell Any aid all of salid parcels or any fraction thereof! and the guardian further reserves the right to reject any or all bids If in his discretion they are not suf flcently high, ) Said ! sale will be made pursu ant to Order of the County Court of, the State of Oregon tor Mar lon County and said sale will be subject ; to confirmation I by said County Court and to resafe in case said Court shall so direct. WILLIAM SCHREIBER. Guardian of George Schrel ber, an incompetent per son. ! . Daight Lear, Attorney for Guardian ; 202 Oregon Bldg. Salem, i Oregon. y 8-15-221-29 J. 5 1023C NOTICE OF HEARIXla ON :j FINAL ACCOUNT In the Matter of the Estate of Sarah Hunt Steeres, deceased. In the County Court of thai Stat of Oregon for Marion Co a nit y. . NOTICE 13 HEREBY! GIVEN that, the undersigned. Executor and Executrix of the Estate of Sarah Hunt I Steeres, deceased, has filed their final account and report In the County Court of the State of Oregon for Marion County, and that Tuesday, the 28th day of May, 19401 at the hour of 10:00 a. m. of said day at the County Court Room in the County Court House at the City of Salem, in said County and State, haa been appointed as the time and place for hearing any objections to said Final j Account and Report sod the final settle ment of said estate. The date of the first! publica tion of this notice is the 24th day of April." 140 and the last is the 22nd day of May,! 1940. LA BAN A. STEEVE3 AND MURIEL MORSEj Execnt- i or and Executrix of the 1 Estate! of Saral Hunt j Steeres, Deceased. 1 D WIGHT LEAR. Attorney for j Executor and JCxecutrix. t 202 Oregon Building, Salem, Oregon. i Ap. 24, My. 1. S. 15. 22 t ' NO. 9590 j NOTICE OF HEAR INQ OF FINAL ACCOUNT Notice is hereby given that the fial account of Duane Gibson as Executor of the Estate ef Sarah Patrick, deceased, baa been tiled In the County Court of! Marion County, Oregon, .and that the 25th day of May, 194 OJ at the hour of 10 o'clock a. m.j in said court, in the j courtroom thereof, in the ! County court bouse. In Salem, Oregon, has been duly ap pointed; by such court for the hearing of objections to such final account and the settlement there of, at which; time anyj person Interested in Such estate may ap pear! and file objections thereto in writing and contest the same. Dated this 24th day of April, 1940. f; DUANE GIBSON. Executor. E. Ii CRAWFORD, j Attorney for Estate, Ladd 4c Bush Bank Bldgi - saiem. uregou. 1 Ap 24, My 1-8-15-22. Naturopathic Physician D1L VV H ROCKWELL Nalsropeth le Physician, !! Falnrrounda Rd Tel ; 4303 Office IHours II a m to se f,Orf FREE KAAM CCifi au 1T' Papering, Painting j. ; Patnt. kalso, reaa, Lovclk. ph. 944$ NXll Work, reaa Johnson, h. 3773, j. Plastering PRICES O. K. Salent 18 yra 93MI, Plumbing PLUMBING. GENERAL repair wrfc. Graber Broa. 164 S Liberty fa, (6(4 - t:: 11 Prntinff - : : rO STATIONERY earda pamphleU fteerframa books or any kind ef print ng call The Htateamaa Print lac De partment 313 A Commercial TeL Obooe 819L ; ; h. ' ,; ! - Schools COalfl.ETB ywir HIGH PCfilOOL at home DIPI144A, TEXTS l FURN Writ for catalng. AtnerV-eja BcboeJ DeptiS Bos 4660 PortianA Or. Transfer CITY; TRANS, Ph. ((is. Reaa raUa t I ' - - - ( -. ! rCr.1 LOCAl r distant transfer stor. ar burner oil cad 3131 larme Traaafer Co Trucks ta Portland dalit 7ell Drillim R. Ai WEST. B4. (, Bx, 443. P. 3-32X. Legal Notice ladd ncsn SALEM, OREGON". NOTICE OF LIQUIDATION TO WHOM IT MAT CONCERN: Notice la hereby given that Ladd a Bash, of the City of Salem, County of Marlon.. State of Ore gon, an Oregon banking corpora tion, by action of its stockholders and directors, takes April 27, 1940, haa voted to go into volun tary liquidation., and depositors and or ether creditors . and or claimants are - hereby - notified to present their, claims against said bank-for payment at Its of nee in Salem. Marten County, Oregon. , Dated April 27, 1 MO. LADD 4b BUSH. BT GEO. n. RICHES. : CASHIER. Date of first publication. May 1. 1140. Date of last publication. May 29. 1940, May l-f-15-22-29. NOTICE OF FINAL ACCOUNT -Notice is hereby given that the undersigned Administrator ot the estate of Emit J. Roth, deceased, has filed his final account in the County Court of the State ot Ore gon for the County of Marlon and that Thursday, the 6th day of June. 1940. at the hour of 9:20 A. M., ot said day. in the court room ot the above entitled court in the Court House ot MarlonJ County, In the City of Salem, Ore gon, haa been Appointed as the time and the place for jthe hearing of objections to said final account and the,' settlement thereof. Date of first publication, My f. 1940. Date of last publication, June 5, 1940. Edward E. Rothv Adminis trator of the estate ot Emli J. Roth, deceased." My 1-15-22-29 J 5. FINAL NOTICE OF ADMINISTRATOR DE BONIS NON. NOTICB IS HEREBY GIVEN That the undersigned, adminis trator de bonis non of the estate of Mary E. Hamblet, Deceased, has filed . his Final Account as such, and that Mat 25. 1940. at 10:00 o'clock In the forenoon of said day haa been fixed as the time, and the Courtroom or the County Court of the State or Ore gon for "Marion County, at Salem. Oregon, bar been fixed as the place for the hearing of objec tions to said Final Account. W. A. MORGAN, Administrator de bonis non of the Estate of Mary J9. Hamblet. Deceased. RHOTEN 4b RHOTEN, 511 U. S. Natl Bank Bldg., Salem. Oregon, Attorneys for Administrator. Ap 24. My 1-8-15-22 TRADE-MARK NOTICE JOHN MORRELL 4b CO. of Ottumwa, Iowa, haa used the trade-mark RED HEART In eon nectlon with the manufacture and sale of food products s'lnce April 2, 1932, and has applied to the Secretary of State of Oregon for registration of this trade-mark. JOHN MORRELL 4b CO, By: Mason, Fen wick a Lawrence, Attorneys. Ap. 24, My. 1-2 RIDS WANTED West Salem School Dlst. No. 32, Polk Co.. Oregon will receive sealed bids for (0 cords of second growth fir cord wood, delivered, ap to 7:00 p. ra. May, 14, 1940. The board reserves the right to reject any or all bids. , MRS. ELMER D. COOK. Clerk, Route 1, Box 14, Salem, Oregon. May 6-7-8 Cross Word Puzzle It 20 22 I 23 2M 26 27 30 32 33 38 3? Y3 W7 5o OH HORIZONTAL 1-r-fsmous 7 apple juice 11 pulpy vegetable '. 12 youth beloved f by Venus 14 near 15 that which revolves 17 mother ' 18 Russian comm unity 20 pertaLning to ships 21 steal from , 22 frosted 24 JeUyUke material '. . ' 25 Spanish dollar & ambassador 23 dish ef tzz 80 past SI Greek letter 22 treedef . game fowl (Pi.) 25 declares tS Ireland 3D Burmese demon 41 feminine "- tiamf ' 42 narrow inlet 43 smaller " 45 split pulse 48 exists 47 competed with 49 Chinese measure of distance 60 term in whist 52 kind ef type 54 prickly pear 55 moistened VaUtTlCAL 1 observe 2 mystic ejaculation 8 seaman Answer to yesterday's puzzle. A jC I T YA S IA L e MpfjL jA P am t TyTcT my i ,, - , -1 - : L4 - . a X1M '' ' - VJ "l' ' IlllB-iLfu' "V-1 T.H.ETtii 1 ' - I -1 1 I J oTi'jK vi " v, nj i Ararace tiaie ef PUtrtJooi ay gJM Crippled CIuIiW Will Be I&aniined DALLAS A clinic for the crippled children Polk county will be held la Dallaa Thursday, May 23. in the Woman'a club room of the library building. , This clinic is part of tthe crippled children's program of the state public welfare com mis sion. , Arrangements have been made for the clinic by the crippled children's services of the state public welfare commission, the Polk county public , welfare com miiis Ion and the Polk county public health nurse. i Admittance to the clinic Is by application, which may be made to either of the above county of fiVea tn Dallas. Dr. John F. Abele. of the divi sion of Crippled Children's Serv ices, will be the examining ortho pedic surgeoa. Zcna 4H Rieiiibers Are Entertained ZENA A social afternoon was held at the Zena schoolhouse by the girls 411 club Friday after noon. Mrs. Chsrles Layton and Mrs. L. Nowoweljskl werer special guests. Roy E. Barker, prominent farm er bf Zena is a patient at the Dea coness hospital where be is re covering from a successful emer gency appendectomy performed April 27. ; ' Mrs. Clarence F, Merrick re turned Sunday from the Salem General 'hospital where ah was a patient last week after an opera-, tlon on her shoulder. .. i lit. and Mrs. Paul Shepard and sons of Bonnerllle, Mr., and Mn, Leland Basse It and two children of Brownsville and Ruth Shepard, student at Oregon State college. were weekend guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph C. Shepard. , . , - j Woodhurn Aiil to Meet 1 WOODBURN The Presbyterl sn Ladles Aid society will meet In the church today at 2:30. Mrs., Carl Huber will have charge of the program, and Mrs. Burt By ers will lead the devotions. Ans wer to roll call will be "To Our Mothers." Hostesses will be 'Mrs. Vernon Frentx, Mrs. Harris Nel son and Mrs. William Pelts. Japanese Women Sleet HAZEL GREEN The women's group ot the Japanese church ssk the young matrons to its monthly meeting. Mrs. T. Watanabe. pres ident, presided and read the les son. Special! guests were Mrs. Tsk ayama, Mrs!. Tommy Ogura, Mrs. SIg Watanabe, Mrs. Klnoshlta, Mrs. Fred Sugal, Mrs. Oklta. License to Wed ; DALLAS A marriage license was issued Monday in the office of County Clerk Carl S. Grsves to Gilbert A. Hergsheimer, Spo kane, assistant engineer and Pearl Martens, Dallas. J Lodges A ' Bales. Ledie V. 4. I T. A A IL. . Moa., Nay 13. Pctluck disaar 1:80. EA at 9:00. ft PACITIO Ie4(e No. 80. AP S KA.M. Social meeting Wad. May 4 " la A.M. Social a 8,7:80 pa. W. Marriott. W.M. W- to I 1i 2& 31 36. 37 Ho HI V 7, HS 'A ho H1 2 &3 a. 4 short jacket 5 senility 6 hybrid of buffalo and domes tie ' 13 kind of wooden shoe 18 nail! 19 regal emblems 4 il narrated 2 god of the earth 5 part of a flower . 7 image 8 bulling beetla 9 printer's measure 10 full of 27 plaything r ehi&ks 11 enterprising Z Joined Dravidian 32 deserve ' of southern - India 33 ascended 34 cry whinlngly 25 Impassive 3(5 marine , 37 pertaining to a group of minerals 43crIle:tioa f literary 43 p!I.'cti et Ij.iUss 41 -netw si'i t crs 47juk5t LIow 43 crom-iiie '' iiri 1 1 nt';-lJ rrj !y srUUs ' aotatlesli 22 ettuataa. tmtatm -atimi. Ue I IS s s L2