v. Th OUSGOIl STATES24A2L Caiem. Oregon, Tuesday Morning. Mxy 7. 13i0 fags inns EOFtF. - Use:: SlillE Jrdr COST.. BmMM Classified Ads Call 9101 Three insertion pr Mt S5e Six tnserttens per ltoe? AOs One month pe Un j 91. ZS Minis am chars lie; 3 U eain- tiun lit; S U rain 45c. No rerands. C-, w se mMtU : te arrests- Www paklitwra Ur aaaaaifiiatiTTi Cspy naaei4 sJ tar rkia tin wilt be re The IUMI fMMtl I maim "l Sty las errors wete easy appaes ; w, JT' ' ,7 '-?.'TT paper a at feel wU sspr it UftRiMMM as wkir a VP gmaaire swtsk nw. Mia tasf a a raise Mdmtklt lainisiag It (settee teas rvea tk rk t pi U sdvsrtielag seder erepae eleasifl eatis. ; A B4" A4 as ad eastetsisg a ItttwMi has aer fee address 4s far the sretsetie f k aOev tieer ea4 Must tkerrfer be aaewerei y letter Tk SWwun it set lieerlT ta diraJfs la forma tie a to lb Idestity ( M advertises asiag 'WW a Livestock Phone 7330 - Phone 7330 ATTENTION WE PICK up (fend and worthless (nliMU at a moment a nwicr - Oregon Rendering A Fertiliser Co. phone 710. Collect aagjaMaafraasaarieaaSaaa Phone Salem 5000 Attention WK PICK up dead and worthless stock at a momtnt'i notice- Salem Fertilizer; and By-Products Works Phone Salem 5000 Collect hjl,yjTj-nj-L-iriii ------iiaiiat kaaaaaaa FARMERS uiMjmnvPBT R K N D E R I N U WORKS PICKS UP. FREE OF CHARGE. DEAD AND WORTHLESS HORSES AND COWS ANTWHKRS IN THE WII.I.AMETTE VALLEY. WE PAT TOP PRICIES PHONE US COLLECT. 4411 SALEM BABT CHICKS IS Varieties In i eluding Reda Rorka Hampshire. Leg horn Day oW pullets, cockerels, started chirks Phone 2281. Lee Hatchery. Help Wanted S WEEKLY. OltOW Mushrooms. Cellar, shed Wa buy fresh.: 15c. dry IISS lb FREE ROOK Mushrooms 117 Third Sea It la Wash ODT8TANDINO OPPORTtTNITT SAXES REPRESENTATIVE for se lective L. A. dress concern is dies ap parel, men 'a suits, finest i blankets made. Full or part time, Earnings nn llmltea. Opportunity to travel. Bo CIS far loterrlaw. Ilelp Wanted Male"" WANT t WOOD putters wHh tool. Karl Bober, Rt. S. Dallaa. , Help Wanted Female WANTED. EXP. younc woman for tinuaewvrk. Not over 30 yaara. Call TItS. UNENCUMBERED LADT to rare for children. 108 HlftThland. Salesman Wanted SALESMAN WITH ear eanin oa dealara in Oreiroa with atata dtatrtbn tor. If interested In IIS upt rommU aions, answer. Gira asparfanes and ptxtio No. Bos ?et, Salem. WANTED. TOU7IO man 11 ta II yrs. oM for sales work with lare cn cam. Excellent opsortvnity for fu ture advancement. Salary A cam. Ad vise a i per ie nee. qualification a. Box 1. cUatesmaa. - Situation Wanted - LAWK cutUa A spadlnci Pn. TX04. EXP. tPSCP, la wa worfc. P. 1 1 IS. PR ESS MA K- Mrs A daft t Pa. FOR FIRST class painting- A pa perln call S41S. 1S4S N. Qipltol. WASHING A CLEANING, J5 br. Ph. ITXt. Call evenlnirs. ; DRESSMAKING. CENTENNIAL enatumes at your home, $. a day. Ph. 7i. T EXPER. GIRL, wishes domestic writ. In sxchan for rm. A boars. Fh. 1141 between l:3 A . j LAWN, GARDEN work.; Ph. (. -- aaas 1 STI lSUl lLrJU"U"X HSEWK. or cars children. Ph. 4IS7. " EXP. MAN cook wants ! work with Mrhway co net ruction. is Oak, Ph. 1274. For Sale Sliscellaneons owaaBBBBBawawgaBBBBBaswaaBjaBaB -ZENITH" DeUTXE Eketrle Raag-ea 9.SS Installed. Nash Furni ture Co. I sssssasasssassjSsjaaisaaasaala WHITE'S GREENHOUSE. ItU N. Summer. Open a. m. to 7 ip. at. dally. HANDMADE GIFTS for mother. 171 & High. CASH RtMSTCR AtIna Typewrua. Doallrator. Calruiarav aaal , 8el sai 1 a All makes aoM. rented wappaA Rnea Typasrrttss Earaawajs USED BERRT wire, call 44 It. HOUSE TRAILERS. IS pa. T an: or mil iea svina;. sis SToat. UNBELIEVABLE LOW) cast prWs. New. used furniture. This 'week. Nash Furaltara Co. Largs stock. WRrTINQ rESX. whaelaanaw. day aad. 4S . Chorea. i ADVERTISING .WetUra Adrertlrtoc Represenutlrc. Oa rsa U. Ocwa. las. " aa rraaetsrex Use Aafelea. Saattls aiern Adrertlsias ,Ueprc-MjiutlTes Bryssl Oriffitk A Urssaaa, fas. Caiaaga. Kew fork, beareit Bastoa. Atisata ( Eatered at fk Pvtoftiem at Solent 1 Oreooa as aowaat Closs Umttrr, p. l.k4 srerv Momiss ss-crvf Uonday, Vfnutm rtcm US touch Cosiaisrctai flrsat. . ! SUBSCRIPTION RATES: Mail BobxriptloM Kates lis A4anee Witaia Ori"e . lai!y aad Seaday. Me as eeea; Mea t 49; Mas. M; 1 year 41. OS Claewkeira eeata per Xa ar 14 00 for I rear is atdfaaest Par topt S eacts. Ilewastaais S; casts. By City Carrier. 44 eeais a saaatfc, 7 .20 a year 'a adaacs ta ' Masses aad ijcat seaatits. I i ' i i Money to Loan QUICK CASH LOANS CALL. WRITE at ahuna ISIHI ta heart aianad fliiaiM-e laaiftuilaa laur da is atrlrteat pel us Taa r41l aartas oz jour toaa se anraatsn sti 1 to 24 Months to Rrpay Toe caa par ta ruB any Ums ta rsduca to coat. Qnly Borrower Signa Na aadoraera Los as mad jerrr u. Urn Ne SIMMONS. Sua GrNERAL FINANCE CORPORATION II i CtssuaafrtalJSt . ' Firs door aauth or igoga nuaa tune : ! Coasanhpel groaad lAuto Loans Willamette Credit Co.i l 5TH FLOOR GUARDIAN BTIILDING. LICENSE NO. 1X-1SS . PRIVATE MONEY aTTTft!ATm Ttnnt loans CONTRACTS REFINANCED t re duce payments. Money for new or use ears. Me delay or red tap. Tea wiU retain mi nrtnn of the vestirle. 1TON MONTHS TO PAT ; poy h. sbvp'ns ; 111 Stuth Commercial Street Phoo 1144 Lie. No. M-llI FHA LOANS 4, slso prts. loasa, Abraiaa A KUia, Ituu. Masonic Bldg. Loans Wanted WANTED. PRIVATE money for city, farm and acreage loans Net ln restora 4 H to 4 Interest. Essmtna asraritlea sourself It will par vott to sea us for Investments CHI1.DS A MILLER. INC 144 State St. Phone silt WANTED PRIVATE kHINCl ; TO LOAN an good Saters real saV taaa. Will par t Interest. W H ORARSNHORST A CO. ! REALTORS eaasJaaes.iaaaaaaaasaa LOANS WANTED oa farne aad city property Before borrowing I nan Ira at Hawkins A Roberta FOR SAI JC Oooa: scimd flirst farm mortgages snd bonds. Sea B. C Zfelin ski. with HAWKINS A ROBERTS INC Pnon 4lt S7s WANTED, to borrow 1500 on 11500 security (outaide city limits). C. H. Sanders, IIS S. High, 51S1. For Sale Miscellaneous DAVENPORT A CHAIR., good con. dltlon. Very j reasonable. Call 7471. TURKEYS ORES. A del., a I no eggs for hatching, from large mea tie type Bronx turkeys. 10c es. Ph. Z-2074. FUR CHUUUIES. sum'r. wesr. 14. I up. Hagei's Fur Shop, 1247 S Cam. NASH FURNITURE CO. . MONEY TALKS WEEK Bod Derenost low aa lit Inner Spring Mattress II.S Coll Springs 14.81 -Pc. Breakfast Bos Spring : A Mattress f New Das. and Chair 131 SxlS Wool Bugs low as 2 Lowest Prices Best Vslues Yet ! Cash .Week This Week NASH 1 FURNITURE CO. BABT CHICKS, ten varieties now. S hatches every week. Cocfcersls, pul lets, custom hatching. TsL S14IL Lea Hatchery FINEST SELECTION at" well groara plant for yard and garden. Phone 8437. JLAT MOHRJS. Flortat. THE APRON aTbop 4T N Hlah NASH FCRNITUBE CO. MONEY TALKS this week at th Nash Furnitura Co. Cash week. Almost unbelievabl low prices thia week. rr to order. 7S to 04. Schuatt Machine Shop. Salem.) Dallas Hlway, X mi. out. MOTHER'S DAY Aprons. Greeting Cards, Handmade Gifts. Tb Apron Shop. C7S N. High. "HOME COMFORT- range. S.0i 1S Oak. Pn. 4S74. GUARANTEED BED DaTsnos. for merly sold for 141.50. Special factory purchase. Large stock. Now only 134.15 Cash. Nash Furniture Co. this weak oaly. 6-FT. NORG Electric Rafrigarator. two Dasenporta, Beavutyrast Mattress, Rome DeXax Spring. Double Bed. Single Bed : complete. Chiffonier all nice. Geo. A. Marvin, on block west of Kola BchooL USED PHONOGRAPH records, T for 1. Coha Bros, 105 N. Liberty St. GOOD USED EWfmhn o1eane Shows ky appotattaent. Ph. 7012 bet. S and lu a. m. for appointment. SCOOP 1 New SxlS felt-base Itnole tna ruga only 13.41 at F. N. Woodry'a Market. 114 N. Summer St. Ph. all. RJver Silt II yd. delivered. P. 4 ICS. NA8H FURNITURE CO. Cash Sal Foraitor trria weak. Everything re duced t aaU. Lowest price la th state this week for cash! . . . Wanted Furniture , CASH for osed rumrture aad house hold gooda R Forgey. Phone T44I. -WE i PA SPOT CASH." r. N A GLENN WOOHRT Pb 111 , Wanteal SHscellanebns WANTED REGISTERED male Peke for stud. 2581 Lea St, Apt. 2. PERSONS HAVING rooms to rent Stats Grangers eomrentkm. Jane 10 to 15. Ph. 4U. Ray J. Rice, immediately. WANT ITS ED 12-ft. or over flat track body. Central Sersio Garag. cor. Ferry A. Liberty. -. ' WANT TO BUT 14" shake bolts. Karl Roacr. RL 2. Dallas. MlsceUaneona Dental Plate Repair reTO-HOUR SRRVICS IN MOST CASES Brtrvg or'atall Toot Pie ta for Rflt Da HARRT SEMI4CR. DENTIST Allskr Bldv Id A Morrtsoa BR 1411 For Rent Rooms I HOTEl MARION ' Roma ' Special sesekly and msnthly rates ta psrm. auaata Marioa Coffee Shoo detMows nwaiss- at low orteaa HTK.l SKA! KM saw maatals rase Rm close In , 142: 24ft S Cottage saaBaBeasjasaSapasoWsaeaSaaSkaSS Pleas, kakper. rat, IS- 444 S. Cottage. TWO ATTRACTIVE room, private home, close to capitoL Ph. 42t. COZY hskp. rm. 11.11 N. Cottage. SLEEPING BOOMS reasonable. Close-in. J7 l.om'L Phone 7429. ' ATTRACTIVE HOMT5 for office girls Ref. close In. 533 N. Winter. Room and Ooard BJtD. RM men Strtnkafa P I2B4 KOOM A BOARD. 214 8. Winter. BOARD A ROOM. S32 X. Church. BOARD A ROoU. 2041 Center. haaaswsekevaajsjaa 8EF UA Kowan 405 N IJberts All 1 V (V ObH Ul WVVa Ma t bika, busj. dist bath, rhwr w:L homf, cookJ talau JRe-va. SI 6 BHeTWw X mna i . -t- a trn a.r tr 1 t -V Jk a ,a Money to Loan Onlwrs S oldest, taraest hams owned and ftnaaetai aftalra wUl to g-'sewasad aad as aleaa aar-r eoaaddairatlcia ta aha rm- stanaieras - an furniture, car ar aota. Jilt CLARK. ASST. MGR. Ue. No. S-1SB Pseae Sill. floor tocatlaa V f : .. , Room tmd Board' EAT AT IS! MARION. For Rent Apartments ' I RMS. Pullman. Th Osvaraax. BEAUTIFULLT FtTRN. stasia cor. aar apt, SI LssOe. FURNt. APA RTS 151 Dlvtakm. ksaasaaassBSeassaaaasaaSsasesawSss NEAT 1st ru I R near stats bldgs t aduMa. 471 N. CapttoL Farm, t R-. U w, h. Adnlta 4St. Kay 1, 1 4 I R. Pr. b'th. list Canter. FLOOR I rm, rum. 1217 N. Com. L t AND I R. apt.. SS N Liberty SEE THE a-iahet Apt be for son leclde. Large A Airy Rockwoot in sulated acalnat heat A cold. Venetian Rllnds throughout 8 Own'l . A Oak te HAWTHORNE Court 100 N Cap lto Homelike and commodlomi eNMMeMeeee NICE APT, 2054 N. CapitoL aBaeAaaJataaaaaasaase4ae I A I R FURN apt. 441 Fsrry S Rma Mod. Close In. Ph 1824 eseaaeaesBaaaiaeawa APTSL FURN.. unfurn. Children welcome. I up ill 8 llttt P lost I RM FURN.. kit . bath. 545 Court. I RM, APT Main fir 445 8 Winter. CLOSE IN modern furnished apart ment. Adults only. TeL 1410. SMALL FURN. apt, 250 S. Cottage. 2 RM. FURN, kIL. bath. 645 Court. LOVELY 2 RM. furn. PrI. bath, re frig, adults. Ill S. Summer. MOD. ! FURN. 3 A 4 rma, summer rates. 2310 Fairgrounds Rd. Ph. 7532. 3 RMS- NEW fin.. Frig., bath. Ad ults. 619 N Summer St, Phone 4414. sasasssejsaaakBskasaaaka CLEAN FURN. apt, 425 N. Church. 3 RM, ALSO newly furn. bachelor apt a. Pri. ent. Bath. Frig, gar. 443 Union, i FURN. APTS., 11.50 mo. up, ad ults, eiec. washer, garage. 124 N. Cap itol St. Nice. Close. Gar. 117. 74 N. Church. I RM. FURN, 1I. Hot w, else wash, -gar. 25 Lee St. TeL 2S44. FURNL APT, pri. bath. 563 8. 12th. 1 RM. FURN. apt, I7S N. Liberty. PATTON APTS, IST SUta. Fur nished. Pa. 4344, Apt. t. SLP. rm.. apt. A fuel. 212 S. Cottage. I . ! FOR RENT 8MALL FURN. apt. dowtown, I16.. ! 6 rm, I fura. flat At garage, 2.0. 3 rm, basement apt, 110.00. IIVAN O. MARTIN Pbon 441S For Rent Houses HOUSE FOR rent. SSI Divlskm. FOR RENT T RU. PARTLY furnished, doe tn. $25. See Mrs. Ems with CH1LDS A MILLER, REALTORS 344 Stat St. Pbon S2L seaaagesasassfcesaja,aa : T RICIHSR. X7C0 CXusmeketa. NEW 4 RM. bouse, bath, wired for range, elec. water heater. 322.6. Ed ward Hanson. Rt 7. B. 12. Port. Rd. 3 R. CABIN, stove,- water, lights AY phene, $7.50 mo. Ph. 1731. ' i ACRES 8. of town, 5 -room mod ern house, chicken house. 3:6.4. Attractive 4 room house oa W. Mryer, $25.00. 2-bedroom home oa University St, $14.60. 6 -room boose oa Portland Road, garden space, $22.60. ' Money- to Loan P. H. BELL, REALTOR 421 Oreg. Bldg. Phone 1121 4 RK FURN. bouse, $20. Ph. 9472. FURN. 6 R. A bsmt, Uuo. traya, furnace. $28. Inquire 1415 Miss ion FURN: A UNFURN house. MEL. VIN JOHNSON. 726 Court. Pn. 372 i UNFURN. bungalow, Oak Villa wun. Aautta. inquire 995 MUL V'BtataSaaBata)aaajAat ; FURN. AND unfura. houses. R. A FORKNER 1153 N Capitol WE HA V A THIS PRtlalPkXn IF TOD .want to eU acaaag. teass. rent, see Mt I Ames or Mr Col rtna with: Hivklnj A Roberts . FURNISHED AND unhtrn amM ft P GRANT 62 Court. Phone 4744 6 RM. MOD. farn, $20. . 6 rm. fura, $2. t : 3 rm. npt, furn, $21. O K REALTY. SIS Court Life's Darkest Moment , l cosh' . ; Ws(M Atew WHITTE SLACKS AND e. DATc? fO?. UUMCM WrTM TrrfT Oeff AMO WtY IM RFTCiFN AiiAjoTGS 29, filoney to Loan For a . PERSONAL LOAN '"'.":'-.'-" see The Personal Finance Co. . . . for at "Personal" ws ar apeclat 1st ta making personal loans. It 1 oar full-time business. PICK YOUR OWN PAYMENTS Cash Mo. payments tacrad , ta tag ALL charge for :' . Ton I moa. II mot, 2ft moe. f It $10.13 f I.0S $ 3.14 . 10 21.84 $1.06 .7S - " S0 ' 43.17 .S 13.44 390 5i.ll ; 48.14 20.14 Com la for th Cash Too Need Today PERSONAL i FINANCE CO. ; X, I MILLER, MGR. tad Floor. New Bligh Bids. Phoaa 3191. U-1CI - StaU Lie. - 8-121 Here's the Way TO TAJCE TOUR TIME ABOUT PAYING BILLS MAKE A LIST of your billa aad paymata. IS you aeaa extra rasa, pot that down too. Come to our office aad get the full amount you need to pay off everything you owe. Thee pay us back tn small monthly payments spread over I, 1. 12. SO snoot n. zou has tust ONE on vment to maks each mo. and tust ONE place to pay. No payment cor at least eay gitar you receive the money. AmL you . repar monthly Amt or loan s tno. is no, 2 mo. $ 40.00 $ 1.70 f 4.01 ' f 2.19 10.00 11.4 3.04 6.31 I. 14.26 1.5 .7S 20.0 21.4 20.0S 11.44 300.00 42.74 20.14 1 20.1C UP TO 1500.0 ON AUTOMOBILES Study the plans above. Determine th amount you need. Pick out one of the small monthly payments that fits your budget and then call at our of fice for the cash. CALKINS FINANCE COMPANY 201. 2nd Fl. First Natl. Bank Building Salem, Oregon Phone 4444 S-22S A M-271 State Licenses For Rent Houses NEAR SCHLk., 120 mo. Ph. Sill. 4" RM. HSE. furn. Ill N. Liberty. 7 ROOM MOD. bouse, I ml north. V, . n t n 11. P. 2-2989. i m wee . Bir tiop aAiitli end. 111. WnU , ; Noyes, 910 Nosway. rn. 1 SM. HOUSES. 121 Gaines 8L For Rent m n .a cn-rrrwt T TV1 mad loc un s Hirhvir. plenty of parking space. RL 7. Bos 1A ...a bin.-if him IMS. 1st State Street irtonlr room TOS Tel For Sale Real Estate D A s m A as a asav ' a- a w -USk Mama KnSi IfVaaV at flTthOOlal. FllwS) Willi A' "- a-Am localioB. Easy terrns. Owner. 650. I NEW MOD. boose, new reatden .i.t jtimtrAt il down mbL baL easy terms.- Inq. 139 atadiaoa. with I bedrooms, firepUca, lrdwood floors, full bsmt, for only $I500.0. icrmi w run r. Moner w W TT BKLL. REALTOR r 421 Orag. Bldg. Fnooo m -wtnsvtr txrm 11 ktlrsL from Stat- houoa. $60. down ar od lot la trade. 6-room mod, werycloae i to! , cor. lot, onlylie. down. Price II0O. AOSAB9 SB XJJUiO, MWK. 411 Jaaaoaie tua. .-. - - ii h'i r r h'ii".- ' - -" ' near bigb school. Take hoosa trailer or car down payment, omx. saaj Bog 620. - Statesman. SPECIAL se ayaaaaag. a tirwl T knll V ama VIA rHi- f rlA fl D6IU UU4V . iwf ww water heat IVs lot on corner, many . - A - 1 hmt larsv iruji iww . - ' at $4500. WUfcsaocepL small place at city limtts for' part. Se Mrs. Ellis WllD i . CBILDS 4k MIIJCK. KEU.1URO 144 State St. Phoaa S34L V A. N, $175. $5 Da. $ I per mo. BUDROW-KASMIR REAL ESTATE II Ladd A -Bush Bldg. Ph. 6915. ATTRACTIVE I ROOM: suburban heme, furnace, fireplace, hwd. . floors, Colonial . architecture. $3200. Might consider aome trade. 6 room modern home, fireplace, au tomatic heat, corner lot, large wal nuts A fir trees. An Investment at $1000.00. YOU CANNOT GO WRONG ON THIS. McKlnley Dist. WINNIE PETTYJOHN,. REALTOR 477 Court Street 1400 ACRES OV - land in Curry County, Oregon. Located on the coast between Port Orford and Bandon. In cludes about three miles of shore line and 44 mile on Flora Lake, Ideal lo cation for hunting lodgs. . Blacklock Sand a tone Company, 131 Bank of America Bldg, Market St New Mont gomery Streets, . Saa Francisco. Cali fornia. - '. ; . PLASTERED 4" RM. bom, base ment. Bargain at $1676. Reasonable terms. - - Cosy 4 rm. house, plastered, hard wood floors, H acre lots of ahade, $2200, $10 down. - 969 EDGE WATER TEL 5429 .... . ... ...... For Sale Used Cars WANTED-.USED GARS Highest Allowances Given on New Foid Cars Here Are Some New Low Prices on Used Car Specials new car I performajoce, reduced to Iu-.,.;.....L$765.00 1937 NASH lAFAYirrTE SEDAN, oTerj. . 3riTe, lou of extras, reduced to ..J. -!$495.00 1935 FORD DITMPTRUCK, complete, body and hoist; Special ...iJl 4$295.00 1936 DODGE PICKUP motor overhaul . condition -iv : VALLEY MOTOR - i . n . . . . OVER 29 TEARS OF FRIENDLY SERVICE eejessewwaaaaai 193S BUICK Speeial Business Coup la flao shape. Will take small ear la trad. Terms, call 857L Exchange Real Estate WANTED. GOOD residence In SI1 rerton to trade for equity In 1ft A. ad joining Salem. Haa fair Improvements, B. K. WEIR, 111 Oreg. Bldg, Ph. 1411 WILL EXCHANGB nice Klngwood view lot for car. Ph. 1411, ROOMING HOUSE close In, trade eauitr for clear property. Melvln Johnson, 171 Court St. For Sale Farms FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE II ACRES. GOOD room plastered house with bath, within city limits. Suitable for subdividing. A steal at 13200.00, for quick sale. See Mr. Har dy with HAWKINS A ROBERTS, INC, Realtors. Acreage FOR SALE acre tracts la Kai ser dist, $1 down, $10 per month. For sale, 3 H acres, house, barn, woodshed. Well, elect, water system, fruit and berries. Close to school and bus. '$1400. For sals or trade, 10 acres N. of Salem. 6 room house. 3 barns, fruit and berries. For bouse la town. H. I HendrlcfcsoB wltb P. zi. sell 42S Oreg. Bldg. Phone Sill. WE HAVE several tract of from I to 2 acre that can bo handled for as little at $10.00 down and 110.00 a month. Se us at once. MlHTON a&UOKi, KJAU JC8TATM 110 N. Commercial . Suit 17 Suburban SUBURBAN HOMES BRAND NEW A well built fully nadarn with It acre around, bus serv ice, an city convenience Including city scRooia ngntiy priceo ona at $525. Other at $I09. Se them. Call Mrs. Eina aim- - - - CHILDS A MILLER. REALTORS 144 Stats St. , Phoaa 924L az. irar fvra inne,iins m Salem Hts, 466 Madroaa Ave. TeL SZ74Z. .... Business Opportunities BEAUTY SHOP, beet location ta good tows. Equipment for 3 eeeratore. Reasonably priced. Retiring.. Box 414, Statesmaa. WTO UAVTG tour aroears stores ta aslL see a bargain. Se Mr. Badger with C H. Saadera, 111 8. High, 6111. For Sale Wood KILL WOOD. Il.l load. Ph. 1141, Wood at vest end Court St. II IN. O. F, $. knots. $5. slab 14. P. S46A ..... DRY WOOD. Bradley. Phase 4T00. BONE DRY wood. Phone 143. DRY OLD fir. Snd gwth. Ph. T501. AeswaaksaasaaasssasMssaawae WOOD Ph 637 tiraen 411 N list. 1 IN. OLD fir. IS cd. TeL lilt. BONE DRY wood. Phono S5C0. DRY WOOD, old fir A ad growth. Phone 4751 for prices. ATTENTION t BUT wood that lasts, heat Old fir,. II in, $5. Pb. Ill A Personal LONELY? WORTH WHHJI swset aeart. busbaad. wife for too. P. O. Bos 71 ls Angelas , CARMEN, GIFTED reader, telle your wish and bow to gain It. Gives names, dates, facta good or bad; she helps. Reads daily. Riverside Cabins, West Salem. . Carde la this dlrrrtory oa tnoathiy beale only. Rate: f 123 per liae. pes snoathw . .. Auto Urakes I aftke Faah IS South Commercial t Baths & Massage' ,9 S. B. LOGAN, lit & Cottage. F. 4119. MBeach CotUges ISHSRWOOD Cottagta, TacbatA Ore. . Bicycles" BICYCLES, NEW and racoodl flowed Harry W Scott 149 S Core d P 41 Chimney Sweep TEIJCPHONB 446S '..H.Z Si Northi Kxcaratin,'? tCXt A V ATI Nil OS? alt klnda Baas, ments dug Dtrt hauled or moved. Dirt (or aal Sales Seal A Gral P S4S Florists. Braltbaupt'a, 44T Court. Phone Sill. . Funeral Directort : TerwUUger Funeral Roma. Ph. Ill A House Painting; A-l WORK lift A OF. Ph. 1254, Mai tresses SALEM Fl.UFF Pus A ltattre Co. New rr;'ssa, old tw rug -ieanrrg ng-j. t(Ul A v unur Te 1441 i-wk-kera CAPITOL REDDING CO. Pbob 4048 j l For Sale Used Cars has had a complete rewntlr,;exceUen -;-; - ' $OZ f( i 1 1 - - - "w nii-irrwian.ixn.m I Sf FORD DeLUXE 4-dr. trunk Se dan,! eserhauled motor. Bargain, 1161 Cbemeketa. I I FOR 8 ALE 1918 Butcti Sedan drlv. en only 11,521 miles. Just; nicely brok en in. Dark gray color, j mobatr up holstery, beater, large trunk. Aa ex ceptional car. priced for Immediate sle. Call 429A . . . Legal Notice j NOTICE TO CREDITORS I Notice is hereby glren that the tttiderslgTied has by a order of the county court for Marion county, state of Oregon, duly made and entered April 20. 1940. been appointed executor of the will And estate of Thoma T, Mc Clellan, deceased, and that he has qualified as such. Ail person hating claims against Said estate are hereby notified to present the same, duly verified as by law required, to the . undersigned at the Haw offices of Chris. J. Ko witxi 401 Guardian building, Sa lem.; Oregon, within six months from the date of thig notice, to- t, 'April' 23rd, 1940. i : GLENN E. McCLELLAN, - ; Executor of the I Estate of : Thomas T. HcClellan, de- ; ceased. ' CHRIS. J. KOWITZ, 401 Guardian Bldg.. S&lem, Oregon, Attorney for Executor. ! J Ap. 2J-10, Jfy 7-14-11 IfOTlCE OF SHERIFF'S BALE I By virtue of execution issued by Circuit Court of Oregon for Mar lon 'County In suit:! "2 S3 11 METROPOLITAN LIFE INSUR ANCE COMPANY, a corporation. Plaintiff, y. THEODORE W.JHAN- SEN. C. J. SECOR and FLORA BLACK, Defendants,? thsrein pending, and to me directed. shall, oa 22 My, 1940, at tea o'clock, a. m. at weet door of county courthouse at Salem,' Ore gon, : sell at public ancuon, for cash, all right, title and Interest possessed by said defendants, da or Since t May, 1129. la the fol lowing-described real property: Lota 10. 11. 12. 13, 14, 15. If. if and 13. Kennedy Acres, Marioa County, Orefcon. j A- tj. BUKK., , Sheriff of Marioa County, Oregon. j "; . Ap. 23-JO. Mir. T-14-21 t i NOTICE OF FINAL ; SETTLE i -IM.tr . MENT ' Notice is hereby giyea that the pjiderslgned has filed In the Coun ty! Court of the State of Oregon, for the County of Marion, her duly verified final account, as the Ad ministratrix of the estate of Jo sephine M. Da rls, deceased, and that said Court has fixed Tues day, the 11th day of June. 1140, at! the hour of ten o'clock A.M. of said day, as the time, and the County Court Room In the Coun ty Court House at Salem, in Ma rlon County, Oregon, as I the place for hearing said final account and all objections thereto, j Dated at Salem, Oregon, this 7th day of May, 1940. ' k IT! A F. SHADE. Administratrix of the Estate "ft of Josephine M. Et1s, De- i ceased. --- - - - - MLAJ V AtW SC UAHJUi. 4 Attorneys for Administratrix. Salem. Ore. My 7-14-21-28; J 4. Natnropathie Physician DR. W H RnOXWKU. Nataropath le PhyalHaa. ' 179 Falrgroaada Rd Tel 4101 Offle Hour tl ajm to 9:1ft em FREE EXAM A CONSULT A TION ! PaperInT, Paintinrr Paint, kalso, reaa. LOTcfki ph. 94CI NEAT Work. raaa. JohaaoaJ Ph. ITT A HERBERT B WOOD Tel 1171 ' f : ' PListcrin PRICES O. K- Salem 19 yrat 91911.' Pliiinbing. PLUMBING. GENERAL repair wrk, GrabMr Bros. 164 8 Liberty I Pb S594 Printing FOR STATION ERT tarda nam pb 1st a program a books ar any kind af prin t trig -- rati The Statesmaa Printing De partment ' III A Commercial. Tsl otione llftU S Schools COMPLETE your HiOH iHOOL at hnm. DlPIilA. TEXTS FURN Write for cata5 Amtrtrnn School DapC A. Bos 466. Portland! Ore. . Transfer CITY TRAN3, Ph. I8IA Reaa, rt. rod tiOCAI or distant transfer star s'- burner a eaU till . Iannf Irsaaftr Co- Trucks to Portland da Us Cell Drillixs-J R. A. TVil-T, RL A Ba. 44A P. I-1214- CO. Jiiiiior Circle . i Of Church Meets DALLAS Members of the Meth odist charch were entertained at junior circle of the First Metho the home of Mrs, Howard J. East man Friday afternoon with Mrs. O. E. Anderson as assistant hoat- Mrs.:W. H. HI1J, president of the circle."' nrealdad at. a- ahm-t tmsiaess meeting. The remainder or tae arternooa was spent In formally with a pleasant tea hoar foHowlnc The tea table n car. ered with lace cloth and cen tered with ea arreaxement ot yellow-tulip and Chinese forget-me-nots. . T' Mrs. Aaron Mercer, was a guest and members present Included Mrs. J. N. Mills. Mrs. W. H. HOI, Mrs. J. E. McConnell. Mrs. John DeUell, Mrs. D. H. Poppehhagen. Mrs, A.r J. Brown, M r a . II. F. Pemberton. Mrs. Walter Rail an. tyne. Mrs. J. Paul Bollman, Mrs. k. u. McKnight, Mrs. William Toung, and the hostesses, Mrs. Anderson and Mrs. Eastman. The next meeting of the circle will be held at the home of Mrs". A. T. Hlldebrand. 'Vii .. r Birthday Dinner Given KEIZER Mrs. J. A. Gardner gave a birthday dinner Sunday honoring John Gardner, a son. CoTers were laid for John Gard ner, Hilda SpeasI, Archie Gard ner, Mable Baumgartner, La Vaun Gardner and Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Gardner. i Legal Notice NOTICE OF FINAL : SETTLE ; MENT -Notice, is hereby given that the undersigned has filed in the County Court ot the State of Ore gon, for the ' County of -Marion, hia duly verified final account, as the Executor of the last will and testament and estate of George D. Burdick. deceased, and that said Court has fixed Tuesday, the 14th day of May, 1940, at the h' r of ten o'clock. A.M. of said day. as the. time, and the County Court Room in the County Court House at Salem, in Marlon County, Ore gon, as the place for hearing said final account and all - objections thereto. Dated at Salem, Oregon; this Ith day ot April. 1940. W, S. WALTON. Executor ot the' last will and testament and estate of George D. Burdick, Deceased. GLOVER A LAM KIN, , Attorneys for Executor, . ; Salem, Oregon. :; - Ap t-lf-z2-10; My 7. BEDS WANTED West ' Salem : School Dist. No. 32, Polk Co., Oregon, will receive sealed bids for CO cords of second growth ftr cord wood, delivered, ap to, 7:00 p. m. May 14, 1940. The board reserves the right to reject any or all bids. . , MRS. ELMER D. COOK. Clerk, ' Route 1, Box 14, Salem, Oregon. ' . .. ,': - . - May 5-7-8 Cross Word Puzzle T" 7" & i e h io it WLZZ.W- 1- 31 32 VST, S3 &mL?& ; 4Z. HOSIZONTAL 1 Perform ! - A WAeti (As ssat WUliamttU Uidvnitvl y 9 Once around a track : 12 Pronoun IS Apart -'. '.t .- i:. 14 MascuUns name 15 Whole jury 17Wk aeal tk flnt It" . JpAssusf 19 Color I-- 20 Obese -rr-sX-X:--- 21 Pronoun I ;-22 High la the scale I 23 Tin receptacle - " 24 Waste piece of cloth 27 Japanese measure 2$ Ilating 1atx bones -23 Room t f Wlsre is tt Acnpclut S3 Sing , . H 1 y t country rU remy iu sen's of fortif.catioji Jcaotm as th9 AZotae Lintt , " T. SS--Space . ; , - ;. ..: So Pronoun - 37 Gain as clear profit 23 FisV . ; ' . - N S3 HaU! ...... 40 Note of the scale 42 Cover - . 1 43 Candlenct tree " Ji f'A is enidtrtd t , " tragedy? ' 47 Laths ' . i 49 Rowing implement CO Dispatch boat ' ' 52 Golf mound I 53- r.Worra - , 64 Cut for insertion id u:..-;e CS-r-Femimn came - VE2TICAL 1 Sraks ' ... ylr Aut efy did Lord Coruwuua call -hornet'9 ne$t"T 5 Doctrine . .. : : . 4 Salt . . 5 Like . 6 i'orm of crayer RosedaJe Sund ay School Changed ROSEDALE The Sunday school here wag reorganized last Sunday. Mr. F. Camamck was elected superintendent; Iran Burg. secretary; Mrs. Jack Turn, bull, treasurer? Mr a ratae n. superintendent of the Junior de partment. The 1 Missionary society met .at the home ot Mrs. Jack Turtrbull Wednesday- A abort India Included a talk by Gladys i;ooa on tne lire snd work of Car rie Wood, , who has been a , mis sionary in India manv in ant a short play. . . ( Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Bates moved Tuesday to their newhome near Spong landing. Mrs. W. E. Way is at Florence, wt her brother Charles is crl::plly ill. , p Esther . Cimmiek. who will K graduated from Willamette uni versity m June, is planning to teach next year in the Kent high school. I Honor Daughter A. T - ai rriaay Lfinner, SILVERTON Mr. and Mrs. S. I A. Gay were dinner hosts Friday ! night' In compliment to tbeir., daughter, Mrs. Arlo Taylor, who' Is i visiting here from I Needles. ' Calif. Covers were laid for Mr. Taylor, Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth White' ot Salem. Annabelle Jen sen. Paul Plank and Doris Kramer. S ' I Mr and Mrs. W. K. Vantlne have moved from their. Silyerton home .to Dallas, where sir. Van- -tine has found employment. Lester Buegll. son of Mr. and Mrs. E. AJ Beugll. sustained a fractured ( ankle while) playing baseball at the Silrerton high school. . ( . ,- Community Club ( Meets at rfaconda :i v , ' . WACONDA Members of the f Waconda Community club met Wednesday at the A. LL Collins home for an all-dar session. A eovered-dlsh dinner 'was enjoyed at noon. Four, tables of 600 were played with prixes for high score won by Mrs. Pearl Patterson and Mrs. M. B. LuJcas, i The next meeting will be May ' ' IS i at the home of Mrs. Hattle Skelton. '; - Mr., and Mrs. Arthur Coffin were recent guests of Mr. and Mrs. Percy Attoway at Aurora. lodges Salem ledg Ka. 4. AT. A.M.. Mea, May 19, Ptrtlnek diaaer :. EA at S:00. , ft pacitio i 'a.A.M. SaaUI JS,f:0 y.aa. leJfe" Ve. I. AJT. A I aieetiag Wed, May i Wat. Merriett. W.kt. -i 7 Prepare for publication , 8 Hebrew letter - " ' $ In what palat and cAurch at Rom it th llolv Stair t - 10 Tree . - ... 1 !,; ' 11 Compensate IS Masculine nlclmame IS Exclamation 29 Winnows i ' 22 At full speed 23 Rabbit 2 S Rendered capable of r 2rU-Cresture (Fr.) . I, , i 28 Babylonian dslty- 23 Store - I 3d 'Gam like napoleon - ; , 32 Hat manufactarers 33 Quantity ef wod 3.5 Dried rrape : ' , '.; 1 l T7t laid tka fmn&utionn fn : tti British Indian Empire T 23 Italian riolin maker I 41 ExiaU i 4 J Indian madder ' i 44 Digit. 45 Possesses f 45 Strike lirAtly 47 Mala child i .y. -, ' -." 43 Body of water 51 Therefore Answer to yesterday's puxale. 1 I i--j j I 73 rn- ;i - - la - - - . IT A T 77 " TT i "I" I - J ' 'it . : ix I ,i I- fTt- 'i Af ti 4 Vn it CltfuU4 tl I '