I - I jjha OECGOri STATT234AXI. Satan. Oragon, Saturday Mamizig. May 4, 1340 At tQW; GSTJ- l.;iJs(2 BiM -.' WAS3T-ADS! 1- Statesman , Classified Ads Call 9101 Threw inanitions per iine 2Se SU tnaerttoxx per ttne dOe ,On mosrrfc per iine ! i.2X UrnJmuat char, X&e; I-O mtn lnium 3lc; U sin 4c No rmfund. Op, fee eV?f l:W tk .nisi Wfre 4dUren-W fo iii...ifn Cm nmwl tar tkknaa Ul W nta w - "T-a Itt CtenV The BWIiwu nwin fwaaeial return tit? tsr errers wbirk nj appear advert i-eaariile pefchaiar it HhMf ad ta ease wb-ee " Mur to a Iwlt wi -vena (feat pert, a4ae riwwti w waW the- VP egrepaira- aawtake ewrars. 'Tfce BtitMUt mtrM the right rajo-V W sdverHstng I f.rikar wifw Ik ri- ta plare ait aa.ertUiajt jaader te prapar etaiaft eatten. 1 "Ita4" 4 m ad cllH e ' PiaUeaa hm number tor aa Mm is far tle prrt ef av- tir sad stoat ihrrfor be answer by letter Tee Statetraaa ta not at liberty diveice iaformatiOB a to the MentttT a aa advertiaaT a "BHad" ad. Livestock Phone 7330 - Phone 7330 ATTENTION WE PICK up oead and worthless nimala at a moment'! nottr-e Oregon Rendering F-rtlliser Co. Phone 7330. Collect BABT CHICKS 10 Varletlea In cluding its Rorka. Hampshire. I-eg .horns. Day oM pullets, cockerel, started chk-ka Phona 32S61 Lea a .. Hatchery ; -mmm-1--- " , Phone Salem 5000 Attention WE PICK up dead and worthlesa stock at a moment's notice. Salem Fertilizer and By-Products Works Phone Salem 5000 Collect FARMERS MONKSOMERT RENDERING WORKS PICKS UP. KKKE CHARGE. DEAD AND WORTHLESS HORSES AND COWS ANYWHERE IN THE WH.IJkMETTE VALLET. WE PAY TOP PRICES PHONE US COLLECT. 411 SALEM Auctions AUCTION MOVING TO California. Sf-ning household furnishings Tuesday, May 7 at 1420 N. Commercial St., Salem, at 1:30. Good davenport and chair, wick er chair, 2 dresaera, 2 coil springs and S beds and 2 mattresses, good radio. Smith typewriter and desk In excel lent shape, rocker. . Maytag; washer, chairs. General Electric refrlrerator months old. cost fl0. All enameled cabinet electric range like new, cost $13S. Trailer, new tires. Garden seed er, rasa, breakfast set, 100 cans fruit, sewlna: machine, tools, saws, nice um brella, teat. Many other articles. C. D. Curtis, owner. Will N. Teeter. Auctioneer. This la a highgrad auc tion. t,-rirrjwvtfii i- - ---- AUCTION HAVIKO SOLD nrr ranch, will sntl complete household ' furnishings- A equipment, 1 mile West of Keiser school ett Rt. 2, or 2 miles north A 1 Til tie west from Salens, on Monday, May . at 1:30 p. m. : wing piano, davenport and chair, 2 rockers, a gott& dining table and chairs, a wood cir culator. 2 dressers, two chests of draw ers, 1 tnnerapring mattresses, beds and springs, breakfast set, lamps, white enamel range like new, rags, sewing machine, electric washer, 2 cords of wood, garden tools and hand tools, Vlctrola, kitchen utensils. 2 wheel or chard tractor, C h. p. equipped with disc and plow attachments, .in good condition. Owner win deliver all art ties sold to Salem buyers. E. Tol som. owner; Will N. Teeter, Auction eer 24S Marion St, Salem. AUCTION SALE .of household goods from 4 rm. bouse, 4 x. istn ml. uesdar. May 7. COL. LUCAS, Auctioneer L Help Wanted tit WEEKLY. GROW Mushrooms. Cellar, shed, we buy fresh, ISc. dry 11. 1H. r Kt.E BOOK. M HIT Third. ttla. Wash, OUTSTANDING OPPORTUNITY BALKS REPRESENTATIVE for ae . lectlve A. dress concern ladles tp paret, men's auKs. floeat blankets made. Full or part time. Karninge un limited. Opportunity to travel. Box 12 for tnterrlew. Help Wanted Male WIS NEED A GOOD SALESMAN LARGE MFG. plant, maintenance products, excellent opportunity : for worker. Call T. F. Sbeey. Marios Ho tel Sat. morning for interview. WANTED MARRIED man. small faintly. General farm work. . Rbotea Farm, near Roberta. PERMANENT POSITION MAN BETWEEN 23 A 40 with car to start immediately with large metal preductar eo. as sales distributor ; earn ings about $10 monthly. Rapid ad vancement to producer. Not canvass ing. Man selected wlU always have bis work booked weekly in advance. Calling on definite qualified appoint ments only. Apply Mr. Caddlngton, 11 a. nu. Sat. only, 7C0 S. 25th. Salem. Help Wanted Female WANTED, EXP. young woman for Itooaework. Not over 30 years. Call 885. WANTED. MIDDLE-AGED woman for company to sick lady in country. Must take walks. Not much house work. German speaker' eref erred. $10 a month. I no. it s. High. - UNENCUMBERED LADT to care Tor - children. 108 Highland. ADVERTISING Weatern AdTcrtltiaj Represen la tires GsMga U. Close, las. Saa Frsnciacre? Loa Aaceies. SeatUe : . aalern AdrerUsins . HepresentatiTes Bryant Unffttk A Brsssaa, laa, Chieaga. K York, OiUsit ' Bostoa. AUaata " WnSaBBBaaMato - . Catered at I As Pvtoftic at geletn Ore go us Sfxxmd Class Hatter. rot - Iu Aed every - storatae except Af onday. HtLsmt eios tit South Cemmerciai SUBSCaiPTlON RATES; ' Mail Subsrriptiea Kate is - Advance Witkia Orts, Daily and Sanday, Its 50 cnli; 3 Mas $1 U dT-los. 2 60; 1 yaar fS.OO. tUsaekare 60 casta ear Ma ir XS 00 for t rear ra adeaaee. Far cop 3 eaats- ttewsataads 3 rasta. fly City Carrier. 60 casts a saaotk, .Z0 a ear w adaace ta Mariea and &jcaat aoaatiaa. - Sloney to Loan ; QUICK CASH LOANS l CALL, WRITS et phone tIVl ta Satom s eldest, tars eat borne ewnad and bom marjtsed fltiiiiee -tnartllutlent ; Year riiMaetel suTtstre Willi be Alsceaaed a ad toaune made la etrtrtest try Ten wtii be civea every consideration la the re PJin of reur loan at errantin (ef eeteneioae ' 1 to 24 Months to Repay Toa is ear ta fun any Only Borrower Signs No etadereeiw. Loans oeee n furniture, ear er fketa. nos ItOT a IIVMHOkKaV. afOR, ..) JiU CLAjRX. ASST. MGR. Lie No 'M lee , - . . -.- - - - -:.s - ' ! GFMRAL FINANCE! CORPORATION IIS Ha -0: Wtrmt Amtr mMH mt ausb CananleAt pcasjMt Auto Loans r 7Hliiinrtte Oiedit Co. 14tBMWtKn si it I i PRIVATE MONET! Aim AND TRUCK LOAN CONTRACTS REFINANCED ta 1 tee -tajasw-ae Mot-se Tm eww e es fare No eetav er red tape Teo tetll i tata pern Iran of the ceMrte. J ; 1 TT 2 sir NTH! TO PAf ROY H. SIMMONS M fit. Cum-iMi In I Mil : PkM. eitia I.ic No M-IB2 rHA IJ VANS 4L aiso pne ilon Abmme 41 CiKe tnc ataeeni? Bi. Loans Wanted wivncn PRIVATE money : for farm mnA nrreafa loans Net in ,.,tnr, to 6 interest Examine securities vourself It will pay oa to sea us for Investment .J i CHIiJS A MIU-ER. INCJ 244 State St. PhonfA LOAN WANTED: $4500: 107 all clear. In cult. 2 ml. S. Independence. Otto K. Paulus. 1st Nat L Bank fctltlg. CVANTKIi PRIVATE MONET TO LOAN on rood Salem real ae WW pa" "SW mtvrm. ' W H JHA HK.NHORST CD. REALTORS ! LOANS WANT ETI J on farm and city property Before borrowing inquire, at Hawkins Roberts ' - - a n in iriiJiiJafaai"ifc - m m FOR RALE Uood sound first farm mortgaaes and bonds. See B C. Zlelln akU with HAWKINS BORERTS. INC Phon 4109 or 745 Salesman Wanted SALESMAN WITH car calUng on ABlera In Orptron with state distribu tor. If Interested in $150 up. comml- Inns, answer. Give experience and Phone No. Bcc-; L 768. lem. WANTED, YOUNG man 21 to 30 yrs. old for sales work with large con rm. Excellent opportunity for fu ture advancement. Salary A com. Ad vise experience, qualifications. Box 61, Statesman. Situations Wanted LAWN cutting A spading. Ph. T204. EXP. LNDSCP town work. P. t!8. DRESS MA K . Mrs Adsttt Ph ! FOR FIRST class painting A pa pering call 2412. 1242 N. Capitol. WANTED. HOUSEWORK. Oo home nlghtA G. Coons. RC 4, Bor 152. WASHING A CLEANING, -25c Ph. 8718. Call evenings. tar. WISH WORK as hsekpr. for gentle man preferred. Ref. 4 88 N. Liberty, Ph. 4275, Lottie Snyder. For Sale ItllsceLlaxieoaa. DAVENPORT A CHAIR, good con dition. Very reasonable. Call 747. THE SOUVENIR Poster Stamp Sheet lasted by the Salem Stamp So ciety -for the Willamette Valley Stamp CMMtlnna 8alMn. ICarr 3. lOe a S for 2c Salem Book Scores or Cbarlee Dean. 202 Fonssroy end Ifeane gwg. Salem. ' ' COMBINE 1AM KeCOBMACK AND DEERTNO 1- CBmbtm with ckP, half pre Harvaaead only 100 ecreaw Owner moeed te Bendi WlU be u Salemr Men. and Tom Write Bex 2T, Stateamaa. grrtng phone so. and address. - TURKETB DBKS. A deL. also eggs for hatehhMg. tram large- mantle type Bronse taskey-, 10c en. Ph. 2-2074. NASH FURNITURE CO. eeTle the -for less. SHOP AROUHOl IT PATS." Large stock of nationally ad vertised lines to choose from. FUR CHUBBncS. eum'r. wear, 214. 30 up. anger's For afaop, 1247 S. Com. t MTJST 6BLX, MONIT TALKS. NEED DISPLAY ROOM. New AJ40 bedroom seta lowest prices In the his tory of Naab Furniture Co. alnce Hit. 1st te 10th. BABT CHICsTS. ten 2 tastches every week. Cockerele, Ptil leta, i custom hatching. Tel. 2-2tL Lea s Hatchery. FtNEaT SELECTION of well grown plants for yard and garden. Phone 8a7. JAY MORRIS. Flornrt. DUE TO huge etackr arrirmg flaJIy we most clean house on discontinued lines,; floor samples, etc.. at near cost. Three floors of new A used furniture. NASH FURNITURE CO, rHome of Lang Range, Low Prices." USED ABC WASHER, good condi tion. 3 19. SO ; automatic washer, late model. like new, 329. a ; iwiw wwehers from S2a.a9, easy term Good House keeping Ine. 4.3 Caurt St. THE APROItf Show 7 N Hbth WRECKING LARUE church. Wln dowaa. doors, lumber a. etc. will be old cheap, as time is money with us. Cor. Center Liberty. Jack Jk Burt. HOUSE TRAILER, buiR-toxs. wired, reasonable price. 736 Breys Ave. : ; EARLY AMERICAN ftrrnfture, two months eld. Sacrjftre for cash, 1212 Cbemekehm. Ph. 7134. t r HOUSB TRAILER, buUt-tass: small eeosi stove. 3I cash. 300 E. Miller, FOX TERRIER puppies, f 1.00 up. s a isth. . - i- if NASH FURNITURE CO. J fe ' STORK-WIDE SALE ! ' 8 P E C I A L "ROMfr" tnnereprlng mattreas, A box spring. Value 34 S, now 322. 2 for' 1. A SUPER VALUE. WHITE'S GREENHOUSE, 153 i N, Summer. Open I a. m. to 7 p. ra. dally. .'.. 1 . -n,"yiriiTM-yVMwwww ivifrtfw SALE OR trade fraa range. Prin cess dresser, bath luette, Lloyd wicker buggy, sis 13 maternity drees A irk et. sise 1C lady's suit A dress. . want rug, sewbig mach, shrubs or wood. 2CS X. 21st StreeL .; : HANDMADE 1795 S. Higiw. GIFTS for mother. FAMOUS NAME. Darenes. Bed Dbv enoe, I39.0S value, now 2.5. GUAR ANTEED CONSTRUCTION. Note: Special tairge factory purchase makes this our greatest Daveno -Valee. See them! NASH -FURNITURE CO. i OFFICE DESKS, chairs A linoleum, 883 N, Liberty. Ph. 2131 or 7520. t CASH REGISTER, Adding- machine, rypewi iter. Duplicator. Calculater and Scale aervfee. AH makes eoid. rented swapped. Riwd Typewriter Kxchange. 456 Court- . Wanted F iirnitnre CASH for used furniture and house hold gooda R Forgey. Phone 7446. MW t M . . A , M tff CU - 'I F. -N. A GUUiN WOOimZ. fid till ' Money to Losn Utne te reduce the cost. : Lie -To. 8-lt . Pbooe lilt tocaUea Wantrr -Illiscellanjaous ' WANTED REGISTERED ma.l Pake, for atndU 2&3A Lee 0L, Apt. 2. . PERSONS HAVINft rooms to rent State Graagexe coaveniioa, Jtrao 10 to -a, Jrn. u, tutr J. Alice, Immediately BXJ1LD1NO. tog. S7Ii. - REMODELING palat- WANTED, COLORZD fry era, 3479 filiscellaneoas Dental Plate Repair rrYO-HOUR IKRVICK IN MOST CASES Urine, or Mali Tour Plates for Re-pel I DR. HARRT "SEMt.ER. DBNTIST Altekr Ride, 3d A Morrfson, BR 2427 For Rent-- Rooms Sip. rm. cross vent. 247 N. Church. HirTKl MARION Rooms Special weekly and monthly rates te perm guests Marlon Coffee Shoo delicious meals at low prices i . , w w w e w , w e N wwwwwmvi e HilTKI HA I KM low monthlv. rates Rb' close in L 64 82 2 4 5 S" " Col ta xe Pleas, hskpg. rm. $8. 443 S. Cottage. oM-aaasaasM TWO ATTRACTIVE rooms, private Dome, close to capitol, Ph. 04 23. Room and Board ATTRACTIVE NEWLY dec rms. 2 blks. Jua dlsL, bath, ihwr, excL home, cooked mis. Reas. 315 Bellevua eew w -ee-lejew w .wwm-vwwwwwwwm RM. A BRD. nr. state hse. Ph. 358. HKK MA Howea N IJberty EAT AT 650 MARION. BD. RM 1434 Ferry Pn 3613. BRD. RM men Stelnkes P 8834 ROOM A BOARD. 21S 8. Winter. BOARD A ROOM. S32 N. Church. BOARD A ROOM, 2041 Center. For Rent- -Apartments S RMS.. Pullman, The Deveraux. BEAUTIFULLY TORN, single cor ner apt 210 Leslie. FURN. APARTS, 253 Division. NEAT 1st FL. 2 R. near state bldgs. 2 adults. 475 N. Capitol. j.UNFURN. 3 R, 47T Center. Furn. 2 R. !.. w, h. Adults Ufl. May L 2 A 3 R. Pr. bth. 1935 Center. 1st FLOOR 1 rm. turn. 1397 N. Com. NICE, CLOSE tn. $17. S31 N. Cenv'L L i AND X R. aptaw 323 N. Liberty. 8KB THk B-Tatae AHi Oafora deeide. Laxg A Airy Roe wool Minted agnliial beet. A cold. Venetian Blinds tkewuglioat 8 Ceae'l A Oak Ste HAWTBOstNS Court. 1000 N. Cas- ttat Homelike and commodioua. QDERH NEWU ted' S ReaaaraMa: ttnat to Juaprnclata. 772 N. Waster. VOCX. APT. 2054 N. CkplUL 12 R. FURN pU. 43 rmrrr. 3 Rms. Mod. to. PH. 383e, APTSL FURN.. nnfhrn. fTfrtlftrett wefceme. t am. 1X1 ft 13 th. P 733J. 3 RM. FURN, kit. bath. MS Osurt- 2 RM. APT Mala fir. 443 8 Winter. CLOSE IN modern furnished apart ment. Adults only. Tel. teeo. Vacancy, CJendera, e8s N. grimmer. COXY 1 A 1 RM. furn. Ill A 11. 1820 Ferry. ' ATTRACTIVE, 1st fL 1411 Court St. .......... i,-i-ri"i"ii-niinrijxrirxfi PER MCTNTH, 255 Beilruo. - " - - -i-i-.-M-M-irvirvirwij'ianirta APT. A SLEEPING rm.. 323 Ferry. 3 RM. FTJRN. nptw M33 State. ATTRACTIVE FURNISHED room. close in. Its N. Winter. ShtAZJ FUEN. sat ISO & ttUn. S KM. TURN, kit, bath, 343 Court. FURN. DUPLEX S rm, bath. elec. range. Frig, washer, 77S Mill. LOVELT 3 RM. fun. PrL bath. ra frc, adults. OS a Summer, MOD. FURN. 2 A 4 rates.: 1380 Fafa-grounde Rd. Ph. 7522. Furn. 2 R. L, W, gar. $120. 7112. Thrill of m . . SI i .. I r W JHrf ' -JL sae-ece Vptmtr-e ,7Hff FiS4weAr wit rxfcrGisc T-rOKtar ai.a-a a li II iftriH atSa Ks aae lAai lA-wsarn C3'TZe aC2wrtta a. --- Vrva-e I rn -w-nr--fcBc t'b- rn-vn ii x. Money to Loan Here's the Way TO TAKE TOUR : TIMT8 ABOUT PATINQ BTIJJ MAKE A UST of your bills and payments. If you need extra cash, put that down too. Come, to our office rod get the full amount you need to ty off everything yoo owe. Then pay aa back. In- small monthly payments spread ever 8, 10. 12.. 30 months. You hare Just ONE payment to make each mo.' and-tuet -ONE -place to pay. Ne payments for at least 30 days after you receive the money. . - Ant, you. repay monthly Ami -of loan 3 mo. It aio,. 20 me. 4A.00 f 5.7 4.03 f 2.30 ... 80.00 1M . 3.04 -i JI iee.ee 14 jx 10.03 . 3.21 ; aee.ee . i.-a 1 e.eo it. 4 - aoee iu- aea icic UP TO $500.00- ON AUTOMOBILES f Stupy the plug above. Determine tho amount job need. Pick out one of the small monthly payments that fits your budget and than can at our of fice for the cash. : CALKINS i FINANCE COMPANY 101 ' xut in. FIrae MaTL Bank BltUlM Salem. Oregon . Phone444 a-328 A A4-37S State Ltagaaa For Rrnt Apartments S R. FUR, ST. beat, garage, N. Cs-pttoL xeoi Nice. Close. Gar. 317. 78 N.Hurch. RM. FURN, $15. Hot W., eloc wash, gar. 2539 Lee SL TeL 3J4I. FURN. APT, pri. bath. 653 S. 12th. 8nnn. lj'xj'i n n-nxrJasisri i i "t-"- " $ RM. FURN. apt, 872 N. Liberty. For Rent Houses NEAR SCHU. tit mo. Ph. 031 2. 4 RM. HSE. furn, 268 N. Liberty, 3 ROOMS, INQ. 1598 Court 7 ROOM MOD. house. 3 ml. north. C. E. Andresen. R. 7. B. 381. P. 2-28. FURN. S R. bamt, laun. trays, furnace, $25. Inquire 1465 Mission. aMWWWWVwwwVVwwwwMAAMAAAMAA FURN. A ONKURN houses. MKU V1N JOHNiON. 725 Court. Ph. 2722 . ITNFURN. ; bungalow. Oak Villa CourL Adulta Inquire 996 Milt FURN. AND unfurn. bouaea R. A FORKNER l83 N Capitol MMMaaeM-Mt-"-w' WE HA VS. THE PRtlSPKCl IF TOU want to sell, exchange tease, rent, ace Mr Lnraen or Mr Col Una with Hawkins A Rwherte MneM8ssseaes- FURNISHED AND unfurn houses H P GRANT 629 Court Phone 6744 sessjaseaeeasns 3 BDRM. HSE. Wired for elec stove. fireplace, on bus line lies n. tdoeny It.q. aa r. laui or x-n. tisi. MOD. merdaL 6 RM. HSE. 1(95 Ph. 9156 or 8536. S. Com- 6 RM. MOD. rwrn, $30. 8 rm. furn, $20. t rm. apt, furn, $21. O K REALTY, 219 Court 2 BEAUTIFUL 4 R. UNFURN. houses. Hdw. floors, close in, $20.00 & $32.50. See Mr. Larsen with Hawkins A Roberts. Inc. 4 R. FURN, $1 inc. water. 1272 Franklin. W. Salem. Inq. after 1 :30. SMALL HOUSE at 229 Gaines St. S.ROOM STRICTLY mod. home available Mar 15 for 330. Nice yard. 3 rooms, bath, furnished, elect, equip- ned. carase. 3ZZA0. C H. SANDERS lit SL HIghr 5131. SMALL HOME with furnace. $17.- 60. Ph. 472L KBUSQSB, 147 N. Com! HOUSE FOR rent,' 253 Division. FOR RENT 1 RM. PARTLY furnished, close In. I3S. ee Jars. Kitts witn CHILDSr A MILLER. RKALTOR3 244- state SC. Phone 3281 4 RM. FURN. kouse. $20. Ph. 9472. T RM. BSfiLj 1719 Cbemeketa. For Rent Xftxfft STUCCO BLDG good loca tion 19 Highway, ptattty ef parxm apace. Bt. 7. Brg 13. For Sale Real Estate 10 RM. HOUSE, for or unfurn. Cloa In, Ig. lot. Cheap. 710 N. High. STR1CTLT MOD. New Rm hoe. with gar. Near tee line A scboola. Fine locaUJao. Kaay terms, oentr. asec. FOR SALS 19 ROOM ROOMING house. Per fect Vocation, dose hi. Ideal for board era. Reduced from $7000.00 te $4600.00 for imnaedlate sale. Tinny a oargain. See Mr. Hardy, With HAWJUno 4k ROBERTS. INC, Real tors. FINK $ ItOOM home (t bedrooms). fnllv modern, aaree let. geed location m Nertn aaiana. Bptenoia vaiue att. ae.re. TaraasL Bee air. irar. witra MAWtONa ROBERTS, INCL, Real tors. , v v .-.-, - !MMwwiMMMaMwiaAMWWMWMaiiMiaAa BEAUTIFUL SUBURBAN ?T mv mod, home by 386 Park Avav 31280. COTTAGE TYPE home on N. Cotumercial 6L, plastered, hath, ga rare. some trees, nice lot. $1600. Apt. house-, two 9 rm. apta, BATH WITH EACH APT, fine lot, lota of trees A shrubbery, on bus line. S420A. Mice bom. rmaw unnntsnea trpetatrac hardwood floors throughout. modern tn eeery war- 3oe- oowb. . HQNET TO LOAN VELSraH JOHNSON. REALTOR 725 Court St. . Phone 3722. a Lifetime VOU LOOM t,IK n TAAv-lC3MRS SCL4JS nS TTAse TftaDtT" TO 774 OU) RSHCftMAM Taka covfteo eiavCT r 0 hwts " Sew a scgMHa-itmt ae e g 1 a-w av I a a a w wi , For Sale Real Estate . CHOICE LOTS In Columbia Addl tion running from St. Vincent Cath ollc church to the highway, everything paja, eacn ie. - acre tracts on Garden Road, eacn $300.00. : acres osi pavement. Ideal, tor sub- dirisifrB, price iiv.eo, . 8 room home just off center St, I bedrooms., tun bamt. with runrpua raara." Very attractive home. Price $3300.00. - . MONET TO U5AW P. H. BELL. REALTOR J 429 Orest. Bldg. . , Phone I11L ' VERT GOOD BUYt - -- ' ; $11004400 DOWN. I ROOM t4asL house, naae, rurnace. well loeated. C H. SANDERS 113 BL High 4181. mo.. lad. tavee.New mod. anb. sTrxsv N. Nut trees.' 32850.. $200- to 3200 dn. 111. I-IUrtrw , Phone, 71 Jl - FOR BALE - or trade, small bouse near tdgh schooL Take nooae trailer r car down pavment..- Hal. Beat 320; Statesman.. NEW UNFIN. 4 rms. Ex. loca. $1. 100: $100 down, baL as low - rent. mertn. - $ 1 400 Terms : neat 2-rm. Fnrnlan- ed. Ex. lot A loca. Bath A - f irepkaee. wnr iu lot as un. rnt. Reaa Terms. BUDROW-KASMIR REAL. ESTATE IX Ludd A Buah Bide. ' Phone 9$. .......... .... .nQr.Tju ' PLASTERED 4 sunt. Bargain at terms. RM. borne, bai 81573. Reasonable Cosy 4 rm, house,- plastered, hard- wooa iioors, acre lots oi shade. $zzoo. 3100 down. . 959 EDGEWATER TEL. 5C22 small HOME on Abrama Are, xerma nce I46B. KRUEGER, 147 N. Commercial ---- ,- irmruwLOjAfU' SPWIAI. EXTRA WELL built, 7 rmi, hot water heat 1 lot on corner, 'many large fruit A nut trees a real buy at $4500. Will accept small place at city limits for part. See Mrs. Ellis witn CHILDS MILLER, REALTORS 244 State St. Phone 0281 SALE ON terms, or trade for va cant acreage. Attract. 5 rm. semi-mod. home, E. fcalem. Bx. 215, Taft, Ore. '.-rhnti- Real Rut at. EXCHANGE PORTLAND home for saiem property. Ph. 5Z22, IB SECTIONS OF Belcreat as first payment on aiera nome. BaL cash. KRUEGER 147 N. Commercial For Sale Farms 25 ACRES REDUCED to $2200. Modern 4 rm. home, barn, 2 chicken houses, 3 hog sheds, some timber, creek through place, 17 A. cultivated 6000 bearing atrawberry plants. Equipment and II vestoclr also for sale. u. Mae, iteaJtor, 1255 State, P. 0781 Acreage CLOSE TO Kelxer school, email acreage. KRUEGER -1 47 N. Commercial -"" vsfvv"M'rrnroritf-tjvxfMX8 FOR SALE U acre tracts In Kel xer aist, $io down, $10 per month. For sale, 2 ft acres, house, barn. woodshed. Well, elect, water system, fruit and berries. Close te school and bus, $1400. For sale or trade, 19 acres N. of saiem. 3 room bouse, 2 barns, fruit and berries. For house to town. H. L. Hendrickson with P. H. BELL 429 Oreg. Bldg. Phone 311L Suburban SUBURBAN HOMES ' BRAND NEW A weU boitt fully modern with H acre ground, bus arv. loe, ail etty conveniences Including ctiy scnoeis eigntiy pnesa one at $6259. Other at $(009. See them. Call Mr. Kins with .CHILDS MILLER, REALTORS 3f4 State St. Phone 9282, Business Opportunities... FOR SALE OR TRADat Owing to Increased , Insurance business X am forced te sell or trade good eoateo-th-aery and tuneb bneineas at 236 N. Hiarh St, Ha lam. Ore. Lee O. Saalta, ESTAB. 2nd hand store, tow rent, $850: includes pkrkun. 311, Stoteamasv BEAUTT SHOP. good town. Equipment for 3 opeatera Reweoaabiy prteed. BeUrlng. Box 313, Tm Btarssn-aA. TO CLOSE AN ESTATE I WI OFFER a well furnished apart eut boose north, e e looks atatafaouam. for $3000. Sevense Is $f 0 per me. and living quarters. Sell or Trade for Acre- C H. SANDERS 118 B. High 611L FOR BtT.st-r.osse and furniture en apartment bona In busy town an coast. Box 215, Taft, Oregon. Lost and Found LOST ntOM 8. Salem. Siamese male cat named Lucifer. Dark face, earn, tag A feet, light body, blue eyes. Please call 3264. Tranjportation LADY AND child want ride to er near Heron, S. Dm a, npprealnaateJy May 3. p, O. Box 301 Stay ton. Oregon. Business Cards ta this) Urretory naaMtbiy beaAa - caaly. 19 - per Km par Ratet Anto Brakes Mike Pa nek 71 South Commercfal 4C 'Baths & Elassase 9 8. H. LOO AN. 229 8. Cottage. P. 4339. "Beach Cottages ISHERWOOD Cottagae. T achate. Ore. Bicycl ra BICTCLES, NEW and reconditioned Harrv W Scott 147 COrn'ct P 4813 Chimney Sweep TELKHHONIt 4460 R BV North Exravalin ICXCAVATINtl OP alt lunda Base ments dug Dirt hauled er moved Dirt for enle haters sen I A Ursvet r ssa Florists Breithaupfa. 447 Court. Pbooe 919X1 Funeral Directors Terwilliger Funeral Home. Ph. 312$. House Paintix.3 A t WORK $19 A UP. Ph. 8294. tlattrezaco e . t iru an 1 1 rw af...' a. Lf . .. wm ii - w r ' nu, m m mmii . k. New mattreaa. old remsoe. rue Cx ci -ulu a - . -s lllk A WIVhn. Tel 84 41 Wickers CAPITOL BEDDLNU CCt rhoae 4063 For Sale Used Cart ! I ThfrBest folr Less . !'... . , ...... ' . ' Pontiac GooiWiU Can j 1 THESE PONTIACS ARB ; ORIGINAL OWNER CARS! j 31 COUPE j , i-a ai .3876 $345 $546 v . Bt SEDAN t i t 35 SEDAN - ' $7 4-Dr. Tr. SEDAN 37 4-Dr. Tr. SEDAN .$69$ I i 49 PLYMOUTH: DeL , ; Dr.' Sedan; radio . ft- - heater, lew mileage -Stlf j ,' XX FORD X-Dr. DL $45 ! 85 PACKARD Coupe I4 CHBV. -Ar.-Tr.i - 3346 30 CHB7. Coupe J $ 36 . 88 FfclitOUia 4-dr. ;t' DL;i M ; i -Many More -to crhooae- From , ' Term-- Trejdes -. miRRA CO. 23$ a-Commercial Sti-Phone XI 89. LOT." Corner Chemeketa A Church, i- Phone 3830 - - I i DODGS DtLUXE Just 2S43 N. Ceen1.i St. !i JI FORD DeLUXE Ur. tnink Se dan, overhauled motor. Bargain. 1161 Chemeketa. t . I , For Sail -Wood lose ! MILL WOOD, 12.80 load. Ph. 1141. wood at west end Court Bti 18 IN. Oj 1 $6k know, $5. stab $4 P. 9458. j DRY WOOD. Bradley; Phone $700 v BONE DRY wood. Phone 0883.- " " " " i,rirywMiri i h.iihh DRT OLD fir. 2nd gwth. Ph. 7507. WOOD Ph 6270 Draen 412 N list OLD FIR. 33 K slab SI 25 P tt7 16 IN. OLD fir. 96 cd. TeL 3120. Personal LONELTT WORTHWH1IJ- sweet. heart, buaoand wire for rou. P O Bos 71 f-e Angelea i . CARMEN. GIFTED reader, tells your wish and bow to pain it. Gives names, dates, facts, good or bad: she helps. Reads daily. Riverside Cabins, "West Salem. Xegal Notice NOT1CK OP INTENTION TO IM PROVE' THAT PORTION OP NORWAY STRKKT FROM THE EAST LINE OP EDGHTRKNTH 8TREKT TO XI IK WEST LINE OP NLNKTEEXTH STREKT . IN THE CITY OP 8AI.KM. ORRIMliN NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN. that , the Common Council of the City of Salem. Oregan. deems It Decessanr and expedient, and hereby declares Its purpose and Intention to Improve that portion of Norway Street from the east line of Eighteenth Street to the west tine of Nineteenth Street, in the City of Salem. Marlon County. Oreron. at the expense of the abnttins; " and adjacent property owner, except any i street and alley intersection, the expense of which win be asgntned by the City of SAlexe. Oreson. by b rins ing said portloa of said street to ine earaeiixnea graas, coastrtict tnc Portland cement concrete carbt. and parlac said portion oi aid street with a stx-Uch Port land cement concrete pavement. thirty feet la width: la accord ance with the plans land spedfle cations therefor, watch, were Adopted by the Common Council oa the ISth day of April, 1S40. now oa rile In the office of the City Recorder, and I which hereby referred to and made part, hereof. ; The Common, Conmcll hereby elaclxrea Its, parpoee asd. latexttloo. to make the aboveMleeerlbeel proTemeatl .br and. through . the Street ImproTemtBt 1 Department of the- city of SAlem, OroTOQ- By order of the Common Coun cil of the City of Salem, Oregon. Uls 16th days of AprflU 1140. AWARREM JONES, City ttecerder. Salem. Orecen. AP 14-ZX-2I-27-X8-X0 My 1-X-X-4-I Lodges V iittv trvrvne wu a a a a M, Men, May AVXJ. dacrae. r I J. n, ntA-, wm. f PACiriO ledge li, 0. AP. 4r a, AM. Seeiel meeting Wed, Mar S. 1i9 P-aa. Wn. MetrwU. W.af Dkectory Naturopathic Physician DR W H RtlCKWICIJJ Nataret-ath I 84tvefc4a 1790 . Faliaieunde Rd Tel 4203 Of fire Hours 1 1 Am tA:S9 p.m. rRKa ttAAM m i CONSULT A TlOJt ' -. - i , ,A i 1 Paperin-Te PalntiniT I Paint,, kaiso, teas.' Leecfk. ph. 1481 NEAT Work, reaa Johnson, Ph. 8778. ; HRRRRRT. BS WOOD Tel- 8373 Plan Service V. L, IRISH. X984 N. Can. Pbw 7191 Plwteing; PRICES O. K. Salem IX yrs, 93F1L Mi ! Plumbing PLUMBING. Oraber Bros, O EN ERA iL! repe bsjrty I If 164 8 L Ph 8694 iPrintinsT FOR STATIONERY earda, pamphlata proararna. books or any kind ef print ing call Tbe fa teams a i Printing Department- 21$ a Consnterrtal. Tele phone 919L ) Schools j CliMPt.ETB yonr HIOHi ecHOOL at home. DIPLOMA. TE2T8 FURN Write for catak Americas Scheol Dept. 8 Bos 4604 Portland Ore. Transfer! CITY TRANS, Flu. 41161 Reaa, rates. rO IM'Al mr distant -ranefer ator- re burner 1 oQ caU $131 lAnret Irsasfer Co. Tracks te ttrtiana caiir Well Drillib-? C A. WST. tt C HA i(S. P. 3-3216, Legal Notice NOTICE OP OEARINO ON . FINAL ACCOUNT tm the Coanty Cotut of the State e4'Ore$eota 'for the' Lwwnty ' ' ... of Marloei LN ' THE MATTER OP THK ESTATE Or MIXNIK MOEL- - LER, Deceased. . -, NOTICE 13 TTERERT I GIVEN that LADD A BUSH TRUST COM PANY. AdmrnUtrator of toe a tale of Minnie XJoeUer. ieceesee. has tiled with the County tour of the State of Oretjoa for tct Coanty1 of Marion, Its Pinal Ae eeunt and Report of such adminis tration and that the same has poen set for hearlnx in the C o a a t y Court room of lhe State of Ortfoa for the Coanty of afaiioa, la the Court House of said Marion Coia ty,: Oregon, In the dry of Salens, en the. 7th day of May. it 40, at the hour of ,10:00' o'clock. m Loe forenoon of said day. . . All persons interested' la saut estate are requested to then and there appear to show cjulscC If any. why aald Final Account should pot be allowed and the Administrator dlxcharxed. " Dated at Salem. Oregon, this 4th day of AprlL 1940. LADD A BUSH TRUST COM PANY, By E. a Stadter. Jr-, Trutt Ofricer, AdmlnUtrttor - of the Estate of Minnie M oei ler, deceased. ' . Donald A. Young. - . -Residing at Salem, Orecon, Attorney for Administrator. PIRST PUBLICATION OP THIS NOTICE: April S, 1040. LAST PUBLICATION OP THIS NOTICE: May 4..U40. Ap I-1J-20--7-M7 4. Mrs. Jennie Lawrence Dies at Scotts Mills - SILVERTON Mrs. Jennie Lawrence died Thursday night at her home at Scotts Mills. She was born August 24, 18IS, In North Dakota and came to Scotts Mills In 1894. Surviving are three chil dren, Mrs. Tressle Macklerlcx, Richard Lawrence and William Lawrence. Funeral . service in charge of Larson funeral home will be held Sunday at Scotts Mills. No. Si'NOi'ilS Of ANNUAL STAI fcMLN f DftHS " PROVIDENT MUTUAL LIFE INS. CO. OF PHILADELPHIA , a4 PtiiUa.lrfcM. la aVe f mi Pw-Mrl-.au. mm few nW-eim 4av mi l,e..l lf, Mi, mm wmm laauraaca Cim.iihh. ir mi thm Sum al 0-afaa, yaiwl M Uwi CAPITAL . J , . ef ripliil stack paid np 1 f ; IS INCOME I ' Tetal praaiiiiaa aacaaas fee she fmm , ,, we laaii iii.ei-d-irt-aaai tmw Teed lariaii aacind daring mm raat Ckuauasi:MCNTs VW ar Di.i4aail mmam mm p alii ikilJus diariag DivaieiMn aaad mm caaanl saack l.ni Teed Cisllal pmrni mm fm.f Caaaaaac aWptas aerr-aaaW -wlM--waae - TaaA laa-aa. AI-MITTbO AaeSTS Valae mi ml aenes eaea-d Jaaart-a aaAaa) f Vakae e7sew4a"?'"ai4 'f- " V-Aaa mi mmam mmmmm (.il a-ij Mat snrallaraiJ aa4 Sal ana peae-a-aae i OawesMa 1' mt ,' 1 1 A aI ITIAA AS e-aer aiaiAaia - S mrvaa ntisiMxaa tn oaacoN poa tm vataa Net a i i i T n i end na ii a ti iiih 6 u n Dl-ilieia paid aWaag e yea - , LSmmnmmm9 fmmm e2sXP ftoVt&fcNT nORIZONTAL lnit ' 4 part ef a .-a ' door - 8 waterlna . - place 12 act ef feirnlnr 11 raflam IS lecal IT literary fragrnenta 18 a stable 23 eleeveleas trarment t2 low, as a COW - 23 tropical ., 1 .wild eat 26 native compound ' 2T housekeeper 3 printer's : measure 2 French . . article 21- clamor it rodent CO depart Zi at home ZS leral term 27 comrade SS talk eom- plainicgly -45 wander aboiat lTy 41 variety of eabbar 4L2 boring tool ' 44 wolframite 45 neat pie 47 exclamation SO solemn declaration 53 that woman 54 -piaoe for practice ef mnxic : te knock , .' YXETICAL . 1 short poem 2-Scandina- ' vlan roblla ' t ret away from Met lima M-a-aeiaewafa 64. AA-M Hi ii. IT" " ' i3T " J" U " " SJSsbbbsbbb WBM snwam mmmmWtm MHB bbbbC-4b1 eaMHas iMBM -an-snsassa ssbbbswSJ- So : ei 02 wmmmm "T" 5ai i Y)r iiri y 1 1 . . - V - - ....... ; 1 I Answer to yesterday's puxxls. i e a i l TrTU 7:,6 n Mil 111 Ararase hmm mt a-laUaaia I !-.. eiaesi-l ml MJmm tmmmm $s ' " Red Hills Sunday Schools to Meet Semi-Annual Convention I Will Be Sunday -1 at Summit , LIBERTY The Red Hills dis trict Sunday scheol organixatlon will meet in semi-annual conven tion at Summit on Buaday. The anneal election of officer la scheduled -for the afternoon basl seas session. District officers, are: Albort Brownie, president; Mary Skei ton, secretary. Affiliated Sunday echoola are: Liberty. Salem Heights, Rosedale, Roberts, 8 n ta rn 1L The convention will begta at 9:46 . m. with a song service led by Rev. Cotton, The program la as follows: 1 ' 10:00 -Devotions, Jdn.. Forth. 10:1 0 Classes, led by Mrs. T. D. Trick, Mrs. Peterson, Mrs. Sk el ton, Mrs. Ben Sparks, Mrs. John llama berger, Mrs; C. C. Sargent, Mrs. Emms whealdon, Fred - Vrles. ' , ( , 10:S5 Sods service. 11:06 Object lesson, Rosed al Sunday school. s 11:10 Special 'number, Liber ty Sunday school.; 11:16 Morning sermon. Rev. Medford Jones of Liberty chsreh. 12:00 -Basket lunch. 1:30 p. . 8om service. A, Brownlee. i 1:20 Juniors ! meet, led 'by Mr. Gladys Cook; f l:4 Devotions, Rev. W. Cook, i i 2 : 00 Special number. 8alem Heights Sunday school. 1:05 Missionary offering-. C, C. Sargent. 2:1 5 Business meeting. Albert Brownlee presiding. . 3:00 Special number. Summit Sunday school. 3:05 Address. Rev. Don II uc- kabee of Salem. 3:20 Special number, Rose- dale Sunday school. 140 - 148 I , . , ' I 11447,111 IS Saraic Sv. yaar .. I.42.244 CI i 8.;re.ioi.i4 J$ vOe.47S M mmi mnnlir valiMe 32. 171. til 41 sVa yaae Ae yaar ,j ?. 114,441. t J M1U74 1 1. 114.411 44 S.3.7a7A4 4(14723.31 26.9It.6t4 17.414. 212 v .'4ii.iaiae ee.aa.47a is I.l74v7.ie 4. 272.21. 14 .i;i.74i.es 214.714 14 8M,71fv4JSJS f22. r7.4ti.ee i.e4.iae ai 9t.127.414. 13 JHMIM44.I7 HM74.2M.il 19474488.11 MSA.71 l,4MJ( iig (he raae fi.4i e 7.1II4 MUTUAL LUtT 4&4I9S0 l C Word Puzzle 4fLber of the century plant riee-paate glncoae Creak letter T nabrew rtam for God 2 Cold rock 9 foollah 10 Hawaiian food 11 conjunctioa 12 without , (Latin) 14 abiUty 18 -drunkard 19 rid and hot 25 eparmodi ' iia 21 t ! ef action 22 riding , ' academy 21 U.te2y 2S on-i lrt 27 tin; t cf wir Tarature- i nwit ! frrain are.1 21 tiflejrmle g$ frrish-water llsh 27 r-alnesa t3 civtt 41 f'i'iwcrt ' J '. r. 43 a a) at',.! 41 r -4-1 ;. 1 4" V a ''? 4 '- Ajtv tr-e . I I , t ' ' . C i v ti' 4 7 f M 1 il I " it I u