Thm OUTGO! STATESMAN. Saltta. Oregon. Serturdcty Mcfaga Mary- 'lajlMO FAGS ClA e5 .6? MAXINE BUKEN '' Editor ' Rex Putnams Hosts at Dinner . Mr. and Mn. Hex P. Putnam were hosts last night when they entertained with, a dinner party at their home on .Market street. An arrangement of spring flow ers guarded by rose tapers cen tered the table. Following the dinner the evening was spent In formally. v Covers were placed for Mr. and Mrs. O. D. Adams. Mr. and Mrs Lester Wilcox. Mr. and Mrs. Os nr PaiilRon. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Cooler. Mr. and Mrs. Donald Em erson. Dr. and Mrs. V. D. Baine, Mr. Roger Putnam, Mr. Rex Put nam. Jr.. and Mr. and Mrs. Rex P. Putnam. Complimented at Informal Party Mrs. Richard Stoltz entertained at her home on 23rd street for the pleasure of Mrs. Edward-Sox of Albany. The afternoon was spent informally. The tea table was centered with pastel flowers. Those bidden to honor Mrs. If t I V ijl Lr Mr. n-hrin to a few hours of muscle relaxa Mrs. John Heltzel, Mrs. Tneron T , Li w r " tion which comes with sitting un- T nn A uvi li n r of Independence. Mrs Donald McCarger. Mrs. Ward Da vis, Mrs. Luke Shields, Mrs. Wil liam Hammond. Mrs. Willard Marshall and Mrs. Richard Stoltz. CLUB CALENDAR a Saturday Daughters of the - American Revolution. 2:30 p. m. with Mrs. Edwin Keech, 934 Hood street. Woman's Relief Corps, Fair grounds cabin, 2 p. m. Pythian Sisters officers' club, with Mrs. C: J. Pugh. Monday Delta Tau Gamma Mothers' club. 2:30 p. m. Music Teachers association. Argo hotel, noon. Sewing circle. Sons of Union veterans, with Mrs. John Rob ins, 642 North Liberty street. American Legion, Mother's day meeting. Fraternal temple, 8 p. m. Hal Hibbard auxiliary. Wo man's clubhouse, business meeting. Tuesday Chad wick chapter, OES, Ma sonic temple. 8 p. m. Laurel Social Hour club, with Mrs. H. J. Clements, 360 North 14th street, 2 p.m. American War Mothers, American Lutheran church. 2 p.m. Just for Fun Club with Mrs. Ella Watt, 392 South High . street. Wedneesday Woman's Foreign Mlssion , ary society, 1st Methodist churchy Carrier room 2 p.m. Thursday Legion auxiliary poppy luncheon, 12:30 Quelle. Alpha P s i Delta Mothers club with Mrs. Lloyd Riches, 351 North Summer street, 2 p.m. Flowers Are V r ir i Flowers are,? of course, an eer popular gift for Mother's Day, May 12. - Flowers combined with , aorricthiiig that will be lasting: lire even nicer. Gay, youthful mothers would like the novelty corsage, : left, of bright, fresh tulips crisply tied with bows of their own. foliage, with a. matching cluster for the handbag-. - The pottery -vase, center, filled for . the day with mixed spring flowers, may be filial SOCIETY MUSIC The DOME MM Grandfather's conception of a club woman as one Quite lacking in chic is as far outdated as his own mustach cup. In these modern days, a good -nliee to find -1 smartly dressed A women is the ClUD meeting. Ill i r o n a - a i j ) women of today w. J i ifi are distinguished I ,fnr charm and they undoubted ly contribute to the naMnn'a mrtA looks as well as V its nrorress 1 ---0 . I Though hours of time spent earh -month at the beauty salon may seem like a wasted time to business men. most women find that 'it isn't only what the beau- tician does that produces good looks, but that much of the treat- ment's success must be attributed der a dryer or allowing the oper ator to give a facial massage. Another thing that contributes to the Increasing good looks of the nation's most imriortant wom en Is the realization that the nnr- pose of makeup is the same to a woman's beauty as salt Is to good food to enhance what is already there, rather than to cover it up. Correct use of use of lipstick and n rouge Improves the most beautiful "anS . ?i !v i Proprlately attired attendants,-Fox, Walter Snyder, J. Deane boy, John Carl, born at! the Sa woraan, providing she knows how "onrhaugn, president of the Al- dancing amid bales of hay and Patterson. Francis Wade, Glen tern Deaconess hospital n Sun to apply it. And incidentally some v y ?4 ' lntrodU I " ,51 farm equipment, were Mary Ellen Hoar, George Stephens, Elbert flay. 5Mrs. ! Whitehouse wjas Miss cosmetic manufacturers specialize M 1 ,i 1 ,1 fvf Bywater, Norman Krehbiel, Phil Bradford, Paul FIcke, Frank Mary Lou Dodds of Eugene be in matching makeup so the whole Kr.t?lot- .JT.iL P McKlnlay, Doug Chambers and Rock, Austin Wilson, S. G. HIn- fore her marriage. j scheme harmonizes. This is an u ..... ..... Wally Doerfler. kle. F. J. Jirak. Maud Armstrong. I II ... important feature in makeun tech- , r .v , ..... - If grandfather of the "life with father" period could look In at an up-to-date club meeting he'd be delighted with the easily rec ognizable efficiency which goes hand in hand with what he'd prob ably call "oomph." Shower Honors Salem Matron Mrs. William C. Drakeley and Mj-s. Lloyd H. Arnold were host essesThursday afternoon at the Drakeley home on Berry street honoring Mrs. Arthur Flske. The afternoon was spent Informally and before the tea hour Mrs. Fiske was complimented with a shower. The tea table was cen tered with small bouquets of pink and blue flowers. Those honoring Mrs. Fiske were: Mrs. Roy Harland, Mrs. Norval Edwards, Miss Jessie Mc Cune, Mrs. Ralph E. Mapes, Mrs. Erwin E. Batterman, Mrs. Or ville B. Bowers, Mrs. Paul Neis wander, Mrs. Willard Lundin, Mrs. Frank Martin, Mrs. E. G. Whlttlngton, Mrs, Lloyd H. Ar nold and Mrs. William C. Drake-ley. Perfect Giits for Mother's Day h :-, Left, flowers on handbag' match eer-: sage; center, pottery vase with flowers, colonial corsage; right, gardes hat flOed , : with posies " ' again, and you might. telegraph her the colonial corsage of carnations, freesia and roses, also shown. Another novelty thit will appeal to mother la the garden hat, right, j filled with iris, dogwood and tulips, which are arranged in a metal container. This container lifts put of the crown of the hat, and the latter may be worn all summer long, for sua hat cr for gardening. Engagement Revealed At Party - : - Mn. Normia Sumner enter tained with a party Thursday , night at her home on Laurel street when Miss Dorothy Rullfson an nounced June ,16th as the date (or her marriage to Mr. Jack An- i derson of North Bonneville. Miss Rullfson is the daughter of Mr. E. M. Rallfson of Salem. Mr. An derson la the son of Mr. and Mrs. :.N. O. Anderson of Salem. . w , - The news was revealed at the supper hour when small scrolls lied to candles "marked the places ! tor the jroeets.QUQuets of -mixed eprl ; flowers decorated v the I guest-rooms. The . evening wi pent playing tarda.' 'k '-"T- ; -;1t ' j Those present; were: Miss Ru llfson. Mrs. William Wagner, Mrs. Jack Eyerty, , Mrs.' Ernest Eldridge, Mrs. Thomas Allport,. ; Mrs. James 'Haley, Mrs. John Coomler, .Miss Mildred Tehle, : Miss-Bonnie Lou Pfaf finger. Miss i Lucille 3ushnell, Miss Inabelle ' Creech and Mrs. Norman Sumner. j-MrS. 'JOhnSOn ;1S TJn,Uee XlUoltJob " Mrs. Leona Johnson entertained memoers oi me napaiena cIub Thursday afternoon at her nome on South High street. The t av va w-t m sa - lefAim a 11 W cvwas. woo , oy;u i. suavj. maw; and at the tea hour the table was centered with an arrangement of - - , . , , 1 -" u'u"u" nvwer. ram. w. o. uibusiu Club members are: Mrs. Charles E. i Bates. Mrs. G. C. Bellinger, Mrs Morton E Peck Mrs. Floyd L Utter, Mrs. H. S. Gile, Mrs. A. . . . . T TI 1.. II.. , J: ' . w V, V-.T j.tuauu u it- hert, Mrs. Asa Fisher, Mrs. Ray Smith, Mrs. Otto Wilson, Mrs. Blle Holly, Mrs. Carl Abrams, Mrs- J- G. Heltzel, Mrs. Charles Sherman, Mrs. A. A. Schramm of Corvallis and Mrs. Leona John- on Dr "Kf The state board of the Oregon Lions club auxiliary met Wednes- dar at lhe Albany Hotel at lunch- eon, preceding a business session, Mr- MT& Hopeman of the Al- bany auxiliary, was in charge of ' - ' .fi.7 !T. vice-preiiaeai, iuu rare. xguu Brunk, attended the meeting. ' ' MUSIC WEEK CALENDAR Sunday Sacred Heart Junior recital, S p.m. Monday Junior Philharmonic concert, 8 p.m. Salem high school. Tuesday Rural music festival, 2 p.m. Salem high school auditorium. National Federation program, 8 p.m., YMCA. Sacred Heart academy chor us ar.d David Wayne Meusey, pianist. i Wednesday Blind school program, 8 p.m. Thursday Choral organization's pro gram. Waller hall 8:15 p.m. ' Friday "Hansel and Gretel," Leslie auditorium, 8 p.m. Saturday Teacher's recitals Snnday Sacred Heart intermediate recital, 3 p.m. . , u ; : . In nniiiiin. 1'- - '" " ' ' ' ' ' 1 -. '' ' : ' ' ' I i MW, .... A I "Would you mind if I left a little early tonight, Mrs. Elston? My maid just phoned that she was ill!" Mrs. Elstun's maid is Quite well in her neat little uniform of soft green chambray with its tiny bodice pleats and white pearl buttons. The skirt falls straight as a string. Madame, though somewhat aUlCU, 14(U1UI1U iu J amazed, it charming in her two piece dress of softest black wool, with snowflakes embroidered on the shirt as the only decoration. With Salem Folk at OSC By ISABEL McGILCHRIST With much enthusiastic prepa- ration, the Ar rlnh festivities wprp held laat weekend with a parade, stock Judging, displays and contests featured in the 3-day celebration, winning one of the top honors in this annual sprlnr term event was Wally Doerfler, who walked off with the general champion showmanship contest. As climax to a gala weekend the Ag club Jarn dance was held mi oiuruj uikui. aiuuuj p- Women's honor societies have Women'a honor BoHetlea htra been pinning pledge ribbons on outstanding co-eds this week as a reward for achievement in va- riotts fields of scholastic and ex- tra-curricular activities. Listed among those gaining recognition Stanley Krueger, Merle Travis, are Eileen Ullman and Eileen Herman Hille, A. L. Elvln, Ray Holden, accepted Into Alpha Smith, Leon Hanson, Douglas Lambda Delta, sophomore echo- Armstrong, Earl M. Parsons, A. lastlc honor society; Dorothy M. Johnson, Paul Gemmell, J. H. Kibbee, pledged into Phi Chi Turn bull, Leon Brown, Harold Theta, honor society in secreta- Perkins, L. V. Pickens. Aubrey rial science; and Marjorie McAl- Tusslng, Onas S. Olson, Austin lister, admitted into Euterpe, Cater, John St. Clair, Lyle Cas music honor society. ton, John A. Olson, J. Harry Mo- Women's athletic events have ran, J. G. French, J. A. Krebs, been met with interest and at- Grace Clark, Waldo Zeller, A. A. tentlon has been focused- on ten- Hager, Irvln Capllnger, Ralph nis competition. Wilda Jerman has Mercer, C. G. Bentson, W. E. been seen playing off matches for Graham, R. E. Park. W. M. Cline, her sorority. Kappa Alpha Theta. A. L. McDowell, P. W. Geiser, The college group of the Chris- Kathryn Stryker, J. S. Joyce, Del tlan church deserve note for Its la Hofstetter, Minnie Jirak, Pear novel social function held last on. Woodruff, Chester Cox, night a basket social with Roe James Garson, Mrs. Herbert Ost Crabtree auctioning lunch baskets Hnd, Donald H. Upjohn, Anaen to the highest bidder. Lindbeck, Mrs. Hazel Kaiser, Another dance held last Satur- Harriet Wechter, David Bennett day night was the Phi Sigma Kap- Hill, John Carson, Allan Carson, par formal, topped off Sunday Needham, Walter Zosel, K. N. with a beach trip. Seen .going to Heinlein, Lloyd Riches and Earl both social functions were George Andresen. Causey, Gordon Black, Marjorie Ann Johnson, Phil Toder, Earl Fnfortrrin Rrrhioe Warren, Olllver Glenn, Henry JLnieriain JJUJJieS Kortemeyer and off-campus guests K 4. TT i .1 1 Marjorie Mack, Marcelle Herbster il liOSpiiai and Betty Scheeman. Odds and ends . . . Phil Mc- Homecoming party for babies Kinlay at the initiation banquet born in the Salem Deaconess hos- of Sigma Gamma Epeilon, geology pital was .held Wednesday by honor society . . ; Vivian Aspin- members of the auxiliary at the wall : collecting dues for rookess hospital. Over 160 'children were counselors . . . .Marie Bosch and registered and were accompanied. Marlon Hess at the Alpha Lamb-' by their mothers. The youngest da Delta spring picnic'. . . Wal- present was two "months old and ter Bushpell pledging Beta Kap- the oldest 20 years old. pa fraternity during the; spring The table and serving was in rushing period . . . Henry Peve- charge of Mrs. Mayme Hill, Mrs.; lek appointed co-chairman of the Enoch Zimmerman, Mrs. O. L. mother-son banquet planned as a Donaldson and Mrs. Tom Dalke. highlight of Mothers weekend. Mrs. Gustavo Erikson and Mrs. William Damery arranged the "Kfioo V4V T flowers. Sister Anna Duerksen and lvllbb JN.llCIln IS Mrs. F. F. Weddle welcomed the TV "Krrv.,. ' quests and officers of the auxil- lO kiViarry . iary assisted about the rooms. ! . . - ' . The one-act drama "And He Mrs. Mabel Kitchen Was hostess Came to His Father" will be pre- on Wednesday night at her home, sented by the auxiliary in the In ' honor of her . if Ulirhtor UUa n.ll.. fil-H antinnl nilltnrlnm nn Zelma UiT Kitrhen whn ', an- nv,iA vA .n 1 . , uUUUvu w6aSciucui u mr. Konrad Hokanson, - The news of the engagement was. told on scrolls , concealed in miniature May baskets and placed s and placed its.The cen- as xa-Tors xor .xne guests terpiece-was an arrangement of pastel colored : sweet d sweet. peas, rose- ns;ln a crystal: bas-".. buds j and ferns in a crystal bas aet, guarded by;: pastel colored ; C,' re: Mrs.-Ray Hum- tapers mel, Mrs. .Thomas "Uimer. Miss - - Betty; Lou Williams. .Miss Bertha Stevens. Miss Evelyn Bales, Miss Leona Bret tke. MisS: CleO .Rales - - . " i . p 1 1 ' ' Z'-iT m ' Buscbii. :Jtfrs 'jBladys Eoff ..and Dlanne..,5 , "V : - - v R Daughters Will! Eritertdiri2 . : - Barbara Frietchje. lent,1 Daugh ters of Union 'Veterans : of -the Civil War, held a meeting at the . Woman's clubhouse on' Thursday, i class of the Calvary Baptist with around, 5B,7presenU Mrs church met for a no-host Sunday Fredericks Dutton, ot Portland, dinner at the home of Mr. and who leads the State organization,- Mrs. Delbert White. Spring flow paid her official visit. Mrs. Mar- era centered the tables. Those jorie , Bach , was Initiated. present were: Mr. and Mrs. War- The next regular meeting will : ren Shrake, Mr. and Mrs. Max be held at the home of Mrs. Ken- Rylacd. Mr. and Mrs. James Falk. neth Henry on May 18. The group Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Lehman, -will entertain ' wives and widows l"r. . and Mrs. Karl Tnotaason, of Union veterans at the home Rev. and Mrs. Arno Q.' Weniger. of Mrs. N. D. Skewis at 1797. Miss Janice Shrake. Delores and Center street next Thursday. Arno Weniger, Jr., and the hosts. 'oitl Benefit Tea Is Success The American Legion auxiliary benefit tea, held on Thursday afternoon attracted a larre at- tendance. A nroeramwaa nre- sented during the afternoon. Guests and hostesses included: Mesdames John Beakey, Ralph Campbell. A. L. Adolphson, C. L. Newman. Kenneth Murdoch. Maud Rogers, George Tucker, Ralph Martin, Alfred Williams. Herbert Gllle. T. E. Van Wyngar- den, Fred Gahlsdorf, J. E. Can- non, uryani wuiiams, Arthur kle, F. J. Jirak, Maud Armstrong. L. S. Dotten. E. R. Austin. Rov L. S. Dotten. E. R. Austin. Rov Nelson, E. E. Wiper, Ray Wilbur, Howard Pickett, Frank Mogan, Gene Vandenynde, Clifton Mudd, W. E. Hutchins, Oscar Cutler, Charles Gray. John H. Lauterman, i a.n.Amna . .i. . ' . .. ... cnarge 01 but. i. i. ' r nesen. miss Beulah Graham directed the play: at Waller hall last week. - , . t - . j '' y' n ' 1 r rj 1 r 1 K IfinOD rSreaKiaSt 4 . . ' JXt T 'OUllQ S -' ' jrv" -.' .' 4 :Mrtj uonald Yonnf entertata- ; , ejv with tt -kidnap breakfast"' lhe "idea-ofl the bodice fit nicely- Tt nPBd-."morhinr at her home "nd toj sentry flare the skilrt be-; Thnvarla mArninr si T near n nm a r ..,JL mTi' t.- . 1--' ?b, "ctered -with a bou-: ' . ' Dieedlnr hearts Mrs. . , Annar jvxiox ina jm i a oiixic J Kromer called" lor tne guests. ?r Covers were -placed for Mrs.'3i"r witni u be wing instructor. ; iianana u. xrocx, mri. . rviiDur . . - f. Berry, Mrs.-X K Rogers, Mrs. women', sires S4, 3,:38. 4!0, 41, Robert Sears, Mrs Howard Rex.144; 40,143 and 60. Slie 8! takes Mrs." C. "-K. Logan, Mrs. James1 4 yards' 3 5 inch fabric. ' I . U . r . . : . ...... -1 Humphrey, ,. Mrs. JSd w In. Arm - strong.- Mrs.- Sidney Kromer, Mrs. Arthur Knox. Mrs. Donald Young. -: 31 etnbe f a of the Maraaatha The Jnst for Pan 1 dab will meet at . the home of Mrs. Ella Watt, StS i South High street Tuesday afternoon. The hostess will be aislited bv Mn. Emma Dencer, Mrs. Golda Kyle, Mrs. Kathryn Strieker, Mrs.- George Dttx.' A luncheon will ibe served at ; 1:15 . o'clock followed by a Mothera Day prorram ind I so- ; clal aitersoon. . " I I ! - 'Our Town' Given : Tonight s Starting at S:30 tonight at the high school auditorium.! Thornton : Wlldei-a play VOar Towat -will be !. presented by the Willamette oai. versity dramatics department and - the: Junior. claaa. -. , Playing the- kindly stage man r ager la the play, la George Moor : head who is known la 3ocal dra matic circles: fer his excellent per- ' lormance la "First Lady." Mr. Moorheal is an alumnus of Wil lamette. J.. .-v . - . -Our Town.? which la directed by Mrs. Cheater O p p ein of the dramatics department, will climax i the! annual May weekend festivi ties on ! the' campus. The play : captures the mood 'of G rover's - Corners, a small' New England town of thej early 20th century. CTacucaj-minaea - canon Webb: the likable stage manager who in terjects philosophy between acts: slow, hard-working Dr. 0ibb and the j pleasing i Mrs. GlbbJ gossipy Mrs Webb;- love-atricken. George Gibb and Emily Webb all live realistically on the stage. John Hobson, a manager of past 1 productions, has t!he man ager's berth tor "Our Town" and Miss ; Geraldine Parker heads ' the costume committee. 1 The large cast includes: 8Ug i manacer. Georret Jtoorncad Dr. Oibb ; I, WlllUm Hll J Crowell., .Melrin ClcTeUnd Howiw N'ciraoms.. .Charlea Wright Mr. ,Gibb. Mrs. I Webb.. ..Caroljrn Brown J'rance Pickard Grrf Oibb.. .Quantia Iiclr ;Kbeec Ulbb Willy Wbb, ..U.MarT Head .Gilbert) Claaamaa Rathi Mallhewa Xmilj! Webb. Prcfenior Willard.. .Jfonrell Crarr Mr. Wbb .Tom Tar i sob iWcnaa in tha balccar ..Zoa Frcta Uaa la taa anditorinaa Qeaa Hnntley Ladr In tha dreia circle Helen Kewlaad Simoa Stimaon , - Ertrett Aadrewa Mra. Soaraaa. 1 - Xirr Head :ontable Warran,.. .Weatrenr MeWaia Bill Harriartoa Si Crowell. aieball plarai-e Fred Ellii. Hall fiimons. Bob Lamkln ham Craie. Corydoa Blodgett JimmT Sehon f eoudoY thi'tia i People of the towa: Alria Mr. Beo- Uk Bnrner. Corydoa Biodcett. Bob Lam .-"' Bloom, jo Frets, wnuam vJif'stli.?" IKS Uto. iraa McCv'ruy. Hermie Palmer. in 8,S?.J' D. ideLaaeey. rrf. Hi i' nd or' 1 " Mq ad Mrs. Leslie! White- house are the parents ofl a babv Miss Bobbe Bhlnn and Miss Miss Janet Robertson are spending the weeaena in corvallis and were guests at the Senior Bail last ltht Pattern The f simpler your frock, the slimmer your figure-i-every matron ' Vnnvi ; thatt Anna Ad ' . : .J. , . no fay carries out .this rule. In; Pattern; ; 43 89-r-one of the foong-. est styles for ; mature w dm an, you've J evefl seen. It's' made In : you seen, tis maae m . iloWlng, smooth princess lines with idefti eoftening t o n h e e . Those gathers at the trastuae. are: both attractive- and gtve .needed ' low. Do let the - neck amd-the "Jeeves be gayly scallopedt and Tu might trr thesides of the lm ,n1 fh. .1.r.. I. ixinln,. I - "v v u w u-rui a urcna iu r. , a Ml tin m - ...II.U1. 1. . " ' , , ; mint Ir tkis'Anna Adam pafl. ' : Writ 'pUinrjr-- 6JZ.E. KAMK. I I - . UREB and HTII.t.-J ".'MBEK.! ' . Bclat yaor warm irtar ard -'-- "roba from aor aw. AOTXK 11HAMS ' 1 SUMMElipATTtRN BOOK I - hf -' trriot apart clothea for ana aadjarf ' raaoamie 1 tf an-tag " -a o-V tana for tha Brtda taa cor-, ' ract tbinc traval araar coltbaa fer infamal and drvaa acca.ioaai and t "pock.t aiiition" atrlca for childra all t.ia faahlea tacrrdieata' fbr . aaercaaral inamr dwirt tot yea . ay Anna Adajaa. Order your ropy today. Taa book ia fiftao casta bat whan arercd with patttra. which . . la Uo fiflcca caata. THE TWO'TiV . n'HEB ARE - TWEATY fHVI .CENTS. ' '. $. . : - . I .. i " '( n 1 in if Cantaloupe Goes Into f Conserve , Underripe cantaloupes make good spreads .for early, spring meals. Here la an easy recipe for marmalade ' to fill: up the fast emptying cannings cupboard. , ' CANTALOUPE MARMALADE .1 orange - " '- i imon .: ' -; ;.. 'I .tanUlonpe .Vc . . ' " V- , - Grind .together, .add an equal amount 'of 'sugar and took slowly foe SO minutes. ' ' Another oarly spring caaalng special 4s this one for a combination-of pineapple and rhubarb' to add to the fast emptying sup-, ply of sweets In the canning clos et. ' - ' RHUTBARB-PINEAPPLE " ' ' CONSERVE S cups rhubarb t cups crushed pineapple- - (drained). ,,v 1 orange' shredded fine.; ','. cups sugar , t , ; . t Cook orange .'peel with a little '. pineapple Juice until -tender, add to rhubarb and sugar , and pine apple and cook in a shallow .pan. , ; Coffee Flavor For Dessert Coffee flavor goes well in fros- en desserts and the most popular i. ,-. ,..tA type is the unstirred mousse. COFFEE MOUSSE y tablespoon granulated gela tine In 2 tablespoons cold water S tablespoons hot water 1 cup boiled coffee Few grains salt 1 pint heavy cream, beaten stiff , cup sugar. Dissolve soaked gelatine in hot water, add coffee, salt and sugar. Stir thoroughly. Strain into re frigerator tray. Chill until thick ened, beat until light, fold in, cream and freeze without stirring. I Meat Loaf Uses Crackers Cracker crumbs are the thick ening for this excellent meat loaf that Includes both pork and veal. VEAL LOAF S pounds real shoulder shank pound salt pork 4 eggs - X tablespoons lemon Juice V cup catsup -1 cup cracker crumbs 1 tablespoon butter' or Grind the veal and salt pork. Add beaten eggs, lemon Juice, catsup and crumbs. Blend thor oughly. Place in a loaf pan. Dot with butter. Bake in a moredate oven (350 degrees F.) about 1 to 2 hours. Serve hot or cold. FOE Auxiliary . Initiates The regular meeting of the FOE auxiliary was held on Tuesday night and .nomination of officers resulted in the selection of Mrs. Albert Bllbrey, president; Mrs. O. Gettman, vice-president; Mrs. Roy Scofleld and Mrs. Maude Ro gers, guards: Mrs. G. W. Smith, treasurer; Mrs. R. Gesner, trus tees and Mrs. A. L. Tumbelson, secretary. Election will be held next Tuesday. Initiation was held for: Mrs. L. O. HItt. Jr., Mrs. El mer George, Mrs. Frank Tate, Mrs. Paul Mennls, Mrs. Webb Tragllo, Mrs. B. R. York and Mrs. Ed McKeln. - Mrs. Viesko Entertains Mrs. Edwin Viesko was hostess yesterday when she entertained with a luncheon complimenting members of her "Friday contract club. Later tables were made up for bridge. The luncheon tables were centered with small May poles with streamers tied to May baskets marking the places. Mrs. Lester Newman and Mrs. Gordon Thompson were bidden as special guests. ' Club members include: Mrs. Ralph Hamilton, Mrs. L. V. Ben son. Mrs. William Mott, Mrs. Wil liam Stacy, Mrs. Frank Prime, Mrs. Kenneth Bell, Mrs. Hal Wiley of Jefferson and Mrs. Ed win Viesko. Dinner Given-for Royal Court " : .."..' tl Members of the royal court for if he .May festivities on thesWil- 4 lamette campus were honored last mtht with dinner" ' at the Spa - mtht with dinner at the - Spa nrecedinr the dance. A cent.r- piece of sweet peas and white tapers decorated the. table. j Covers were claced for Oueen B,'tty Starr, Miss Verna 'Vesper. Miss .Lois Herman. Miss June Brasted. -. Miss Barbara Hbllings- worth.. Miss Virginia Bendlkson. Mr. Herbert Davis, Mr, bod-'Anderson, . Mr. Harry Ch nr. sieve . f!hailhiirn - Mi - nnhari In.rinn rT pArttii4 - y. - i, uiu m.u mr. v. vosper. 'Wake up your -.Appetite!!. r j: A f1" . Taste Thnll Scotch Graham ct Yotir Grocer's Today's Menu Menus for the weekend Include several dlibes that can be served picnic style or for a home dinner. TODAY Avocado, tomato salad Noodle ring with Creamed asparagus Freeh strawberry shortcake. SUNDAY ' Walnut apricot salad ' ' Candled tongue Sauted corn and . celery New potatoes in cream Orange leehex cake. . . MOW DAT ' . Clah salad plate , Sliced cold tongue' . Potato china. ; Fruited brao gems ' Spiced beets , Coffee mousse. FKU1TKI) BRAN OEMS cup water or milk k . 1 cup bran v .'ftl cup sifted fleur . i . 1 S teaspoons baking powder . . .M teaspoon salt . ." I cud raisins or finely chopped dates ' - ' ' : 1 egg, welf-beaten ; "i4 cup molasses 3 tablespoons melted butter or other shortening. Pour water over bran; let stand S minutes. Sift flour foncei meas ure, add baking powder and salt, and sift again; add fruit. Combine egg, molasses,, and shortening: add to bran and mix. Add flour: "i 'l0,1btiC a?".1? enougl, x . ' u Lr" 7'1 muffin pans in hot oven (425 c- grees) 2( to 30 minutes. Mikes 12 gems. , 1 .V Chocolate Cqokies i Are Dropped CHOCOLATE DROP COOKIES 2 cups sifted cake flour V teaspoons baking powder U teaspoon salt teaspoon soda i . '! cup butter or other short enlng cup brow a sugar, firmly j packed ' 1 egg, pnbeatea 2 squares unsweetened choco late, melted H cup milk , f - ' 1 teaspoon vanilla ' cup broken walnut meats. Sift flour once, measure, add baking powder, soda and salt, and sift together three times. Cresm butter thoroughly, add sugar gradually,, creaming until light and fluffy. Add egg and beat well; then chocolate and blend. Add flour, alternately with milk, a small amount at a time, beating thoroughly after each addition. - Add vanilla and nuts. Drop from teaspoon on un greased baking " sheet and 1 bake in moderate oven -(3S0 degrees) 12 minutes, or un til done. Frost with chocolste but ter frosting, if desired. Makes 4 dozen cookies. Three New I - V, I FASfflONS by MOLTON BARTLEY laanv 1' I u il ' I 1 1 J . i FOOTWEAR 1 1 n ' 1 I : ' ! Mi Kilt . 1 'WO ' w. ...... v . J.V'-NO'-'.' A a t a 11 ' II ! r; " MAIN FLCCR t ' :SHOE DEPT. IvlILLSirS H - - i . t r S r .