PAGE TEH Tha OREGON STATESMAN. Salem Oregon. Saturday Morning, May 41940 3 ft v A v .1 1 5 If At, ? 1 )U; 1! , t : i I r arj 3i . : - ... K 17 YEARS FROM NOWIf Europe's history follows its usual pattern, this three-year-old "Tommy Atkins" who admires the guard at Buckingham palace, London, will probably carry his own tun in 1957. His father's home on leave from war front. lDII(ETr(UDSIE MIEYS i ( ' f .'; ill- .. . ! -1 : . ... .,v. : :; ... . ! - ' .' . ' . ... - . ' I 4 J" ...... ... - .- . -1 i 1 ' ' :3 At J?.11 T"E ?EA. SjyA,?,S THE ECK-Dt or debbU sea reaUy swabbed the decks clean when the motorship Tidewater plowed through the churninr waves off Cape Hatteras. North Carolina, fat the waters known as the "Graveyard f the Atlantic," because so many ships have gone down there. The 8,000-ton tanker was en route from Houston, Tex., to Bayonne, N. J. HOLD EVERYTHING; THE PHOTOGRAPHER D I D Uom, by grabbing . m ) um Donuieu eep irom oeing wasnea overooara wnue taaing piciures r the j ineayy seas through which the 8,000-lon oil taaker. Tidewater, plowed off Cape Hatteras. North ; Carolina. Imagine being smacked by this wave. Bumstead was a Tidewater crew member. , -' Pi - " V . ? If , t ::.i7-: y i - r sV1 n NOW IF IT WERE REALT-A tree trunk served as 'dummy gun for this eamonflaging drill at Fort Benniag, Ga. TWO HEADS NOT BETTER THAN ONE-c. cern over the safety of two-headed brook trout made off trials put it In a special trough at the California State Fish Hatchery In Yosemlte, Cal. They feared that normal fish might attack It. The trout Is four and one-half Inches long. Officials call It n - usual, because such freaks usually die soon afted hatching. A MATTER OF Tl M I N C This picture which shows the night of a homing pigeon "stopped" by a flash of light that lasted only 1-1 00,000th of a second was taken in Philadelphia. Note the "retractable feet.". ATTEND 'BALKAN TALK S To discuss means of "shutting Germany's back door," these British diplomats went to London for a conference about the Balkans, strategic reser voir of supplies for the Nazis. Left to right: Sir Hughe Knateh. bull-Hugessen, ambassador to Turkey; Sir Percy Lorrain, ambassador to Italy; Allies -and Turkey have assistance pact. : , - I j :: 1 V - tf i J ' i K- -v yv jar 3u.r. .. --'. V J- V Ml0 POPPY GIRL -.Ellen Drew (above), film actress, has been . named 1940 national buddy poppy girl by the Vete rans of Foreign Wars of V. S. She'll be hostess or the V.F.W. encampment scheduled for Aug. 25-30 at Los Angeles. f rf i' it Y OUN CIOWAN FINGER. PAINT $-Iee skaters and a hockey game are aweepingly treated In this finger painting by Dick Combs, 11. of Mason City. Ia. Dick Is'fene of the more thai 1.500 children in some 500 public, private and parochial schools ia U. S. and Canada whose paint ings wiU be seen in annual "Young America Paints" art show in New York, "April tl toMay 12. 1; ;.':( s 4 " : it ... If f h HORSE SHOWS WAY AWAY FROM U MP Jumping In Grand National steeplechase at Baltimore! Golden Satin (riderless) knocked down barrier, clearing way for Blockade, the favorite. The winner was Myrmidon (extreme right). ..-is r . W A It 5 T Y L E Hit! her usual "dash, the Duchess f Kent, who's Britain's styite-set-ter, wears hat its Lady Superla-tende;st-inChl!f for Wales of Si. Jfha Ambulince fcrifsa 1 'A TR lit llrl r IIAPAIIIA a A mmm. 1 c iA?th i?.X,S?0MfcTH? AR-WTil!e British authorises tackle the problem f what U tZ ut;ZilJ? wwded London as a resxitcf the wlntir'a wa7"lnactlvUyr these lte eTaeuees enjoy the hospiULty cf Lady Dorethjr JIaeJilllan at Chelwoofirtte, Eni!il Thousania f yettsriteri returced home. 1ien air nlla fa'JeJ ta laateriilie. 4 s. ry VILLIHC GIVER-.T replace ! energy posw!b!y 11 when she gave half a plat of tlood Ca Lira. Eber Manker la Atlanta, Ca Ann Stewart, 7. stores away lots f food, the re covered faar years ax fr rare sUj:hloeci