1 'Tit) OSEGON STATESMAN. Scilotxa. Orron. Friday Morning, May 3. iUQ page TwnrrY-Tirnis UliT : JUG WkGOBI . - Use-ST3S or RES mi a I -wt aa l"assaaaJ Statesman - Classified Ads Call 9 101 CUftMr4 AdrrrtUlng Thr insertions per Ua 25e Sis Insertions per lln 46 On month pi line f 1.25 Minimum chars Z&e; 2 U min- Unara ISc; U mta 4 be No refunds. Cue, lw Ua sag ui : tae a aa lag War alH-atiaa tar (ItMifirUUi. Cop; ree4 af tar this rlavs will be raa seder te aaaStvg "Ih fc ta Claeirj " Tae tttelesstae asses-.se so tiMBrtai raaseasle my far errers ikw appear ta aeertieeaeta aatu4 a tea eWaaiBs sad la aaaa rtwi iia paper ta at Oasts wM raprta aa4 part I aa aesertlsrssea ta wstefc tae tr egrsaaira avatase eeeers. Tse luiMMi minH tae nrM ta reject oaesaeable adwrtUias It farther reserve the right ta pare fcU adaerUslag aadee is prepe etaasifi satiea. A Blta4 Aa a a 4 eaalaialag a tatataiaa sea aaatbar far aa asaresa U for tha protect tea af ha aaer Uar sad mnt therrfere be an.w-r4 kr tatlar Tar Suitimu aot at baerlT ta diselge .aferwatiee aa ta tha Identity af aa esTertiser a sing a "BHa4" aa. Livestock Phone 7330 - Phone 7330 ATTENTION WS PICK up (lend and worthless animals st a monwnl'i notice Oregon Rendering a Fertilizer Co. Phone 7130. Collect ONC HEAVT horse, 3 ml. on Oal las road. Box 4S. BABT CHICKS 10 Vsrlelles In cluding K -!. Rnrka Hsmpahlre. I.eg bom a. Dsy ol DUlIeta cockerels started chirk Phone 2741 Lea a Hatchery Phone Salem 5000 Attention WK PICK up deaL snd worthless -stock at a moment's notk-e. Salem Fertilizer and By-Products Works Phone Salem 5000 Collect pasaesassss' FARMERS MOMTOOMERT RKNOERINQ WORKS HICKS UP. FREE OF CflAKOF, PEAD AND WORTHLESS HORSES AND COWS ANTWHERU IN THK WILLAMETTE VAI.I.EY. WE PAT TOP PRICES PHONK US COLLECT. 4411 SALEM Auctions FRANK A. PORTERS, aulttln farmlnt; III health. Auction Sale next SaL. May 4. i :3 p. m. Ixc8ted on his farm hk mU S. of Swegle achooL. Rt. . bos 5J8B. Consisting; of rood fam ily cow, banty chiokens, six piRa. rab bits, farm machinery, sood trailer. Chev. Cpe., furniture conalstln of pl ena A bench, rues, dlntntr R. set. bed room sets complete, rockers, elect. A wood stovea. W hits Rotary elect, sew. machine, elec. sweeper, many otlier things. Tha sbors Is only s small, par tial list. RUSS WOODRT of The Nash Furniture Co., Auctioneer i pay cash or sell on commission. Pbooe 50I Help Wanted ISO WEEKT.T UROW Mushrooms Cellar, ahed. We buy fresh, 5c dry l.3i lb FREE B4KK. Mushrooms 1127 Third. Seattle Wash OUTSTANDING OPPORTUNITY BALKS REPRESENTATIVE for se lective L A. dress concern ladles ap parel, men's suits, finest blankets made. Full or part time. Earnings un limited. Opportunity to travtl. Bos 11 for Interview. Help Wanted Female OIRL WANTED to help with hse- s. ears ot rhiidren. Ph. 90i. GIRL OR couple for emp, widow's home t amall children. Raferanoea. Bos tlS, Statesman. Salesman Wanted SAlMAN WITH car calling on oamlers In Oregoa with atata ditrtbi ter. If Interested In $150 up, commis sions, snswer. Give experience and shone No. Box 718, Sslem. Situations Wanted BLACK LEAF 40 rose spraying, yea eon lots. Phona 3(30. LAWN cutting A spsding. Ph. 7204. KXP. LNDSCP. Uwn work. P. tils. ORESSMAK. Mrs AdsttL Ph Ctli FOR FIRST class painting A pa parias cell S41S. 1242 N. Capitol. WANTED, HOOSKWORK. do home nights. O. Coons. Itt. 4. Box IS 2. " "- - -- " -- -- iwiiiifinfi WASHINO A CLElKINCt SSo hr Ph. ::. Call evsnings. For Sale Miscellaneous FAMOUS NAME D&venos. Bed "Dsv enoa, tl $ alu. now tlt.tS. GUAR ANTEE CONSTRUCTION. Note : Special large factory purchase makes this our greatest Daveno Value. See them! NASH FURNITURE CO. , LB. ICS re tricars tor. natural k Tinish, t . GEVURTZ FURNTTURE CO. NEW- DROPIJCAF kitchen table. finished, $4.X. i GKVURTZ FURNITURE COt ! RIVER SILT. 9ft yd. P. tilt. Del. OFFICE DESKS, chslrs A linoleum. tl N. Liberty. Ph. Jill or 75 1. ' CASH RsXttSTCR Adding ma came Trtwritar. DuplVralor. Calm la tee and Scale earrlce. All makes sold, rented Srsnted Rnesj Tf pew Ht as Csenance Court. c$t Orep,on5rtaltsnaa ADVERTISING " ' . Western Adrertlnr 1 ' RepresenuUTes Oaarga D. tlusa. Isa. aa fraaetare Laa Aagalea. Seattle Kaatera Adterystng UapreaeatatiTea Bryaet Onf fas A Bisbsos, Iss. Cktesgo, Sew Tsrk. DetreiS Bestea. AUaata ' Fatarad mt tse rVetefftee at Seleet Oraoee mm AacoaaT Ciasm Matter. Pae lisAed as era morstse ewospf Uonma. Hmhimi ic til South Cost m rct ai Mtrwt. ! BUBSCR1PTIUN RATES: stall Subscript lae Bates is Aivsaes W.tkia Ortroa. Ueily as4 Saaoay, Ms 0 sants; S Mea SI SO; Hue SI SO ; sear SS.ea) Eietwkere SO eeata per Ala ee H far I year ta advaae 'fat aoe eeata. Newastsa4s & easti - ti Oty Carrisr. eeau a sassta, f a a year ! sdvsse ta Manon sad aiara4 aeeatiea. . Money to Loan QUICK CASH LOANS CALL WRITS; r phona 1 1 If I la 8a lam a oldest, tamest borne owned and boms ajcrMMjEMi fins nee teat Hut Ion Youi flnanctal affairs will ba discussed aad loan made ta strictest privacy Too will be given erery consideration la tb r 7ln of year Iocs e arrant In of e tensions j 1 to 24 Months to Repay Ton can par In full any time to reduce the east. Only Borrower Signs vntMai sa"ii a arias ii ssaenu w via iwi uitui saw . a. i ay va uvtajh j 8EB ROT H SIMMON. MQR, JIM CI-ARK. ASST. ftCGK. LasaC M tSS GFNhRAL FINANCE CORPORA nON itt St rirat dnor nth of I Add A Rush Rank. Convenient (round Auto Loans . Willamette Credit Co. Urn KMHtH i'IIAHOIAN BtMI.IMNa IJCKNOK NO hi ll PRIVATE MONEY AUTO AND TRUCK LOANS ClJNTRACTB REKINANt'ED IS re duce payments alone foi new sr need rare Na aemr at red tape Too anil ra tals powwaalon of the vehicle. 1 TO 3S MCNTH TO PAT ROY H. SIMMONS ! Ill South CMnmerrlsl Street Phone tla Ue Ne M ill PMA ljrAIH HSC. eras prta mans A bra ma A Kills Ine Msannie Bids. Loans Wanted WANTED. PRIVATE money for cltr. farm and acrase loans Net In vertora 5V to ft Interest. Examine securUles yourself. It will pay vou to see u for lavestmnta CH1LD3 A MILLER. INC 344 SWte St. Phona 2l mAN WANTED: $4300: 107 A all clear. In cult. 2 ml. S. Independence. One K. Psulus. 1st NafL Bank Bid. eaSaaaesaaaeSs.SasSeeasSajaSaaaaSssSaa WANTKU PRIVATE MONET TO LOAN on (nod Salem real es tate. Will ps 7 Interest. W H !RA FtSNHORST A CO. RRAI.TOR9 UT1ANS WANTED on farm snd city eroperty Before borros'tna Inqulrs- st Mawkln A Roberts FOR SAI.K Oood sound first farm mortjraKes and bond. See B. C. Zlelln kl. with HAWKINS A ROBERTS. INC llione 41M or 71. For Sale- Miscellaneous 1 USED OAK buffet In good con dition. I'J.SO. GVURTZ FURNITURE CO. TURKKTS DRES. A deL. alm eggs for hatching, from larre meatie type Bronre turkeys. 10c ea. Ph. 2-2074. HOTPOIXT ELECTRIC range, practically new. Will sell at sacri fice or trsde for combination electric range. Call at (or write) 2055 Vir ginia St. NASH FURNITURE CO. selTa the same for less. "SHOP AROUND. IT PATS." Larse stock of nationally ad- j vertlsed lines to choose from. FUR CHUBBIES, nin'r. wear. 14. S op. HaceCa Fur Shop. 1247 S. Com. J-PC. LIVING rra. aet. upholstered la velour. Slv.SS. MITST SEIA. MONET TALKS. NEED D1SPLAT ROOM. New 194 bedroom sets, lowest prices In the his tory of Nssh Furniturs-Co. since 1923. 1st to 10th. BABT CHICKS, ten varietlea now. t hatches every week. Cockerels, pul lets, custom hatching. Tel. Stall. Lees Hatchery. FINEST SELECTION of well grown plants for yard and garden. Phona C3T. JAT MORRIS. Florist. DUE TO huge stock arriving daily we must clean house on discontinued lines, floor samples, etc.. at near cost. Three floors of new A used furniture. NASH FURNITURE CO. -Home of Lang Ranges, Low Prices.- USED ABC WASHER, good condi tion, II.S0; sutomatlc washer, lata model. Iik4 new, 129. &0; new washers from 2.C0, easy terms. Good House keeping Inc. 4SS Court St. THE APRON Shop C7t N High WRECKING LARGS church. Win. downs, doors, lumber A etc will be sold cheap, sa time la money with aa. Cor. Center A Liberty. Jack Burt. 1 USED BABT buggr, tJ.Se. OGEVURTZ FURNITURE CO. USED WOOD range, good condition. GEVURTZ FURNITURE CO. 1 USED WOOD cook stove. In splen did condition. 1 50. GEVURTZ FURNITURE CO. HOUSE TRAILER, bullt-lna. wired. reasonable price. 73 Breya Ave. EARLT AMERICAN furniture, two months old. Sacrifice for cash. 1212 Chemeketa. Ph. 7134. HOUSE TRAILER, bullt-lns : small cook stove. 7S cash. Ii E. Miller. FOX TERRIER puppies, fl.OO ft VP, 9 S. 19th. NASFT FURNITURE CO. 1 STORE-WI DK SA.LK 8 P E C I A L "ROME" tnnei-spring mattress. A bog sprlnr. Value f 45. now 222. 3 for 1. A SUPER VALUE. WHITE'S GREENHOUSE, If 51 N. Sumaaer. Open a. m. to 7 p. m oaUy. SAI-K OR . trade gas range, Prtn cess dresser, bsthtaette. Lloyd wicker huKKT. stse It maternity- dress A jack et, alse 1 lady'a suit A dress. Want "g. sewing maclu, shrubs or wood. 2ii .i 21st Street. r .,RA5rtlMADE GIFTS for mother. 17SS K. High. - "- -- 4-FC USED bedroom set Including full panel bed. vanity chiffonier A bencli spec. t2.Bft; pay L wk. Cohsx Bros, SOS N. Ubertr. Wanted Furniture CASH for osed furntture and house hokl goods R Forgey. Phone 744S. "WE PA T SPtrT CASH.' F. N A GUNN WmilRI Ph(U Wanted Miscellaneous j WANTEH,i SMALZ. glrra bicycle, call S3&. i . , . ! - - j BUILDING. REMODELING, paint ing, itl. WANTED, COLORED fryers, 47. Miscellaneous Dental-Plate Repair i TrTOHOUR SERVICE IN MOST F " ' ' " CASES Hrlncor .MaS Tour Plates for Re-.Jf DR. HARRT SEMI.ER. DENTIST AltaSy Bid. S4 A Morrlaoa, BR 242T For Rent Rooms TWO LARGE furn. plessant sleep ing rooms. 441 N. Winter St. Sip. rm,.croea rant. 247 N- Church. HtriKI MAR JON Ruwau dperlsl weekly an monthly rstts ta perm guests Mario Coffee Shoo delHous meals at low pries HOTKI HAI KU tow monthl rate Rms Close la. (412 : 24a S CotUge, Fleaa. bskpg. nn, S. 41 S. Cottage. Money to Loan i. Ur. No. avitl Pbooe aita. flaor locatiea Heiefs the Way TO TAKE TOUR TIME I" ABOUT PAYING BILLS MAKE A LIST of your bills and payments. If you need extra, cash, pet that down too. Come to our office and get the full amount yo need to pay off everything you owe. The pay as back In amall monthly payments spread over 8, 10, 12. 20 months. Yoa have Just ONE payment to snake each mo. and fust ONE place o pay. No payments for st leant 340 days after you receive the money. Amu you repay monthly ami. r-t loon s mo. is mo. is mo. 40.00 6.79 f 4.02 f 2.89 80.00 11.48 2.04 (.33 laO.OO 14.2 l.0a 0.71 20. 22.40 24.00 12.44 SO0.SS 42.74 30J4 20.10 UP TO 9500.00 ON AUTOMOBILES Stiuty- the plana above. Determine the amount you need. Pick out one of the small monthly payments that fits your ouaget and men call at our of- lice zor uw cash. CALKINS FINANCE COMPANY 201. 2nd FL First Nafl. Bank Building Salem. Oregon Phone 4444 S-22S A M-27S State Licenses Room and Board ATTRACTIVE NEWLY dec. rmi, 2 blks. bus. dlst, bath, shwr, excl. noma, coosed mia Keas. 31b Uelievua RM. A BRD. nr. sute hse. Ph. S5e SKF MA Howen o N Ubertr EAT AT S5 MARION. BD, RM 1434 Ferry Ph 65 IS. BHD. RM men Stein ke" a P 2294 ROOM A BOARD. 21a S. Winter. BOA R r A ROOM. S32 N. Church. BOATTD A ROOM. 2041 Center. For Rent Apartments S RMS.. Pullman. Tha Deveraux. BEAUTIFULLY FURN. single cor ner apt.. 310 Leslie. 2 RMS . BATH, oil clr, gas, hot w prL en t. Adults. 914. Ph. 815. FURN. A PARTS, 255 Division. NEAT 1st FU 3 R. near atata bldga 2 adults. 4 75 N. Capitol. UNFURN. 2 R, 477 Center. Furn. 2 R, 1., w, h. Adults 8391. asWassassjaBsssaassew May 1, 2 A 3 R. Pr. b'th. 1935 Center. 1st FLOOR I rm. furn. 1397 N. Com. NICE. CLOSE la. 917. 891 N. CoaVL 1. 2 AND 2 R. apta, 139 N. Liberty. SEE THE Ftahei Apta before yoa Uerlde. Large A Airy Rockwool la svmted against beat A cold. Venetian Blinds throughout 8 Cora" I A Oak Sta HAWTHORNE Court. 1000 N Cap ita. Homelike snd commodloua MODERN NEWLT decorated 0 room furnished. Reaaonable. Must see to appreciate. 772 N. Winter. NICE APT, 2054 N. Capitol. 1 A 2 R. FURN apt, 4 Ferry. 2 Rms Mod. Close In. Pa. 8824. APTS. FURN, unfurn. Children welcome. $S up. 1310 S 11th. P 7082. 2 RM. FURN, kit, bath. 545 Court. 3 RM. APT Mais nr. 445 S Winter. '" . i . hii .i i n.r-irui.n CLOSE IN modern furnished apart ment. Adults only. TeL 8490. Vacancy. Glendors, 585 N. Summer. COZY 2 A 1 RM. furn. $12 A $10. 1820 Ferry. ATTRACTIVE, 1st fl. 1411 Court St. saaSSSaSSaAssSaSSiSSaajySgaajgaaSaaiaaaa 98 PER MONTH. 255 BeUvue. 2 RM. FURN. 1st floor apt, Priv. oain, i. w, wssner. sal Leslie. APT. A SLEEPING rm, C33 Ferry. 2 RM. FURN.-spt, 2450 State. ATTRACTIVE FURNISHED room, close In. 53S N. Winter. inr n rin j-uyy 1 A 2 RM. APTS. 244 H State. SMALL FURN. spt, 69 Union. - -fg-rwxrm-n FURN. APT, Lw, ht 151 N. 13. SMALL FURN. spt, 250 S. Cottage FURN. 2 R. L, W. gar, 812.00. 711. 2 RM. FURN, kit, bath, 546 Court. "1 a.aafc .-. ir iinivios'trie FURN. DUPLEX 2 rm. A bath, else. range, rlc washerJf 75 Mlll njx - LOVELY 2 RM. furn. Prt. bath, re-1 frig, adults. 466 8. Summer. Bridge i ( OUR PAPA IS 1 f 0A0S 1 a TAveu4G i - BRiOGE PLAYGKA . weowtv see ,W6 '&&2&Js mm orjeor a " , see KM PMfW5 TV .ii exM oeanA.i 1 ": . I tl T '' . 1 towa BRiwr. . , Y4 t1 I T T For Rent Apartments MOD. FURN. I Y4 rma, aummer rates, .rnone iml S R. FUR ST. beat, garago, 2000 For Rent Housed ROOM HOUSE, garden pie. chSck aa yds, 125.00. 233s Mason, off Hoyt. NEAR SCTL, $20 mo. Ph. 9112. 4 Ha. HSB. furs, ICS N. Liberty. S ROOMS, TNQ. l&ll Court. T ROOM MOD. house. 2 mL north. C E. AndresMn, R. i. B. Zii, P. x-Z9 ACREAGE 4 KM. house, adults only. 2 mL Dallaa fid. Bos 449. VTTDM V TV ft. t. . (MM furnace, 225. Inquire 1440 Mission, S1L FURN. aot. downtown, til Base., turn, apt, $10. 8m. cottage fur. $22.00. 0 rra, hse, 912. IV AN G. MARTIN. Pbona 4410. f RM. FURN, close la, $25. Inq. 710 N. High- Street. FURN. A UNFURN houses MEL- YIN JOHNSON. 721 Court. Pn. UNFURN. bungalow. Oak Villa Court. Aduita. Inquire oil auu. FURN. AND onrura. houses R. A. FORKNER US1 N Capitol WK HAVfe. THE PRtlSPKCl IF YOU want to sell exchange. L. rent, see Mr Ijtrsrn ot Mr col Una with Hswklns A Roberta FURNISHED AND unfura house FL P GRANT 520 Court Phone 0744 ifjnjrTwsf'srkrsrwv'sis S BDRM. HSE. Wired for elec stove. fireplace, on bus line zio N. uoerty Ifcq. 575 N. 15th or Ph. 4291. aoaawSsakaakaaaaSMas MOD. 5 RM. HSE. 1095 S. Com mercial. Ph. 9158 or 8531 2 RM. COTTAGE, utilities furn. Ph. 7C64. 2261 Hasel Ave 5 RM. MOD. furn, $30. 6 rm. turn, izo. 2 rm. apt, furn, $21. O K KKAH I, Z1S UOUn sasaasajsjeaassssajassaeasssssasse 2 BEAUTIFUL 4 R. ' UNFURN. houses. Hdw. floors, close In, 230.00 A 232.50. See Mr. Larsen with Hawkins A Roberts, inc. 5 ROOM STRICTLY" nwd. home available II a v 15. for 830. Nice yard. 3 rooms, bath, slec equip. Oar. 122.- ho. C II. SANDERS 118 S. High 6131 ATTRACTIVE 5 R HOME located at l&s staoison st, ssu per mo. W. H. GRABENHORST A CO. Phone 0468 FURN. COTTAGE, gar, LAW. $15.00. 1144 N. CotUge St. 4 R. FURN, 920 Inc. water. 1272 Franklin, W. Salem. Inq. after 1 :30. SMALL HOUSE at 220 Gainea St. NEAT 4 ROOM house on W. Meyer St, furnace, $25.00. 6 room house on 8. Com'L, bsmt. and iurnace, 3.uw. MONEY TO LOAN P. 1L BELT REALTOR 429 Oreg-oo. Buildins Phone 1121 Wanted to Rent XJLDT WITH alrl of t wishes sm. apt, with Frig, prlr. bath. Box 014, statesman. For Rent 20x40 STUCCO BLDG, good loca tion 99 Highway, plenty of parking space. RL 7. Box 18. a 3ftfc-t 'ft. mmMM IP I Sltata Hrmm inquire room 20 TeL SUA For Sale Real Estate 1 1, rr.n wiu uuy w. lot on Hasel Ave, south of Highland Ave, paved sL, price $500. SEE IT W. it. QKABEflHOKSX at UU. Phone 0448 10 RM. HOUSE, furn. or unfurn. Close la. lg. lot. Cheap. T10 N. High. STRICTLY MOD. New 5 Rm hse. wlti gar. Near bus line A schools. Fin location. Essy term owner, bass. BFATTTIFIIL CREEK HOME 1 NICE RMS. dbL tilumblns lot with unusual plantings, ornamenuu trees, etc, outdoor lirepiaee muse oe seen to be appreciated. Price $5500. See Mrs. 1118 with nHILDS Jr MILLER. REALTORS 244 State St. Phone 9241. FOR SALE 10 ROOM ROOMING house. Per. feet locstlon, close In. Ideal for board ers. Reduced from $7000.00 to $4000.00 for Immediate sale. Trulr a bargain. See Mr. Hardy, with HAWKINS A Huberts, inc.. Realtors. SNAP 2 R. MODERN HOME with cement basement, furnace, garage, near bua line. Rented for- $20 per mo, will sell for $1650. IT'S A REAL VALUE, Built about 4 yrs. afro. W. IL GRABENHORST CO. Phone 44 6 8 96500. HOUSE, $460. f RMS, ENG. tvoe. modern. 2 sets Plumbing near stats bldfa. See It to day. Call Mrs. Ellis with CH1LDS A MILLER- REALTORS 244 State St.- - Phone 924L FINE ROOM borne (2 bedrooms). fully modern, large lot, rood location in North Salem, Splendid, value at 31, 250.00. Term. See Mr. Hardy, with HAWKINS A ROBERTS, INC, Real tors. -, . . - . BEAUTIFUL SUBURBAN T mod. home by owner. 286 Perk Ave. T ts I 1 1 For Sale Real Estate NEW 4 TtM. SUBTTRHAN BOMB - HDW. FLRS, notty ' pine dinette, anfiav attle, many built-iaa, utUlty na, garage, oil circulator and elect. not water neater go wito sale, nearly act of ground. Prlc $2450.09; call Cobum Grabenhorrt with W. H. grabjs2hokst 4k co. Realtors. "A 82200 S-ROOM STRICTLY mod. home, wsu located to schools and bua Cor. Jot, east front, large llr. room, tU drs In board la kitchen, a H. SANDERS 1 1 3 S. High 513 L ! - - MODERN - RESIDENCE . THIS ATTRACTIVE modern T R. home located 7 blocks N. on Summer St, completely modem with hot war ter beat, oil burner, refrigerator, sprinkling system, large bock yard, east front. Price 510,000. SEE THIS HOME BEFORE YOU BUY. W. H. GRABENHORST A CO. 124 S. Liberty Street. ssass1a .MOD. NEW sub. 5 R, If. Base, furn, flrepL H. W. F. Im. lot, 10 tree, $2850. $200 to $300 diktats buUt R, lots. $2500, $250 da. Taks car In trade. 172 South Liberty, Phone 7118. - ' CREEK HOME S ROOMS. STRICTLY modern, good location, prlc $5600,- near all schools aad stat bldgs. W. H. GRABENHORST A CO. . lit a. uoerty street. ATTRACTIVE LOB. corner lot on Fairmount Hill with ige. hse. Priced at Just $220 MONET TO LOAN P. H. BEIX, Realtor. 429 Ores;. Btdg. Phone $131 sswSx NICE HOME, aood location. TIeaa- nt rms, 9 sets plumbing. Largs lot. Box 415, Statesman. " . FOR SALE OR TRADE THIS NEW 4 rm. plaat. home, nice cor. lot, garage, many built-in, paved atreets. Owner win consider good truck as part payment. Price $1500.00 See Cobum Orabenhorst with W. H. UKABtunuuKST a CO, Realtors. ' - - - --i-i-,-n-ni-iii-irirtfwnAn a VERY GOOD BUY I $2100 $400 DOWN, 5 ROOM plast. house, base, furnace. Well located. C H. SANDERS 118 S. High 6131. - -- '-- -- ! -i-- -i-iVLi-u-LAruvn $100.00 DOWN, $15.00 PER MO. WILL BUY this 2 rm. house, oa paved street, elect, lights, part plumb ing, garage, 50x130 ft. lot. Price $750. Call Cobum Graoenhorst with W. H, GRABENHORST A CO., Realtors. STOP PAYING RENT $100.00 DOWN, $15.00 a mo. WlU buy you a amall house and large lot In one of the best districts In Salem. Beautiful fruit trees. The lot alone la worth more than I am asking. MTRTON MOORE. REAL ESTATE 180 N. Commercial Suite 17. $400.00 DOWN, $30.00 PER MO. WILL BUY this 4 rm, mod. home, basement, furn, flrepL, hwd. firs, shower and bedroom in basement, ga rage, laundry trays Will consider lata model car as part payment. Prlc $3900.00. Call Coburn Grabenhorst with W. H. GRABENHORST A CO. Realtors. ! FOR SALE Lots owned by City $125. to $800. See any real estate man nr Mil K2? 147 S. High Street WE HAVE a yerr nice home 1ut off Center Street, living room, dining room. Kitchen, l bedroom downstairs, 2 bedrooms up, full bsmt. with rumpus room, fireplace. hardwood floors. pricea at oniv 23500.00. MONET TO LOAN P. H. BELL. REALTOR 429 Ore-. Bid-. Phone- 8121. Kxrhani'e Real Estate EXCHANGE PORTLAND home for Salem property. Ph. 6222. eeSAwseaaaaS BEAUTIFUL T A TRACT. $2800 wiLdasLKT-rio sou an tillable. cation Chemawa diet. Would trade for smaller acreage In or near Salem. LOUIS BECHTEL or MABEL NEED HAM, 241 State. Room 4. 2 A. S MX OF Salem. 4 rm; bee- fruit, elec water system. Trade for Salem or West Salem property. R. A. a-UK&NJgR. iss 24. CapitoL For Sale Farms FARM BARGAIN 4 ACRES OF first class land loca ted N. near Clear Lake school on pared rd, building. Prlc $875. SEE THIS BARGAIN NOW. W. II. GRABTTNHORST A CO. 134 a Liberty Street Acreage 4Vfc A QD. PLASTERED baa chicken hse, garage, elec water aya tem, fruits and nuta 220 ft. frontage on highway E. A snap at $2200. R. A. fX)RKNER, 1852 N. Capitol H A, NICE SUBURBAN bunaslow. 4 ran. A nook. bath, fireolace. araraea A fruit, $2760. x a. i vt mi. out, nice bungalow. A berries, $2500. $400 down. MUWSI TO- LOAN METJVTN JOHNSON. REALTOR 725 Court St. Phone 3721; Business Opportunities FOR SALE OR TRADE. Owlna? Co Increased Insurance business I am forced to sell or- trade good confec tionery and lunch business at 225 N. High St, Salem, Ore. Lee O. Smith, owner. - Business Crd la this dlrmory rm on a gaoathl bsl only. Itatet $123 per Ibn per tnooth. Anto Brakes Mike Panek r 78 South CommerrUI "Baths & Massage' S. H. LOGAN. 239 8. Cottage. P. 4229. 4( Beach Cottages1 ISHERWOOD CoUAgea, Tachata, Or. Bicycles BICYCLES, - NEW and reconditioned Harrr W Scott 1 4T 8 Cornel P 4614 Chimney Sweep TE1.KPH NK 4454 R 88 Northnesa Elxeavatina; KXCAVATINtl OF H ktnda ' Baae- ments duf Dirt hauled or moved Dirt for ante Salem Ssnl A Grsvel P $0 Florists Brslthaupt'a, 447 Court. Phoo . $191 Funeral Directors TsrwUngsr Funeral Rom. Pa. $92$. ' House Painting A 1 WORK $10 A UP. Ph. $294. nattreEsei SALEM ri.UKS Run A Manres Co New maltraa old renisde. rus oieanlng A waavrsa 8 121 A Wilbur Tet 8441 Zwtcaers CAPITOL HEDU1NU Ca Phone 4061 j For SaIe4Jsed Cara ! Sure, Well Allow You Mdfe I1 On a New Try Us 1936 (Ford DeLttxe Sedan, swell ,...i........j....,.....$345 1933. Chevrolet Coupe, it's a dandy.. ,..$175 1937 Buick 40 Model Sedan at... 'SL lJ$615 1935 Chrysler Brougham that's a : dandy-,...$325 I VALLEY MOTOR CO. il OVER 20 YEARS OF FRIENDLY SERVICE 'Pi " . - i i r 'i . . r . - . ' .- - . - iiii-i-rlr irnririnnniuVijULTainnAAS REAL BARGAINS Ford 60 Fdrdor Touring Sedan ...... Original paint. Very dean. Dodge DeLuxe Coupe...r. . Orig-Insl paint Heater Defroster. . Plvmouth DeLuxe Coupe Radio Heater New Paint Motor Reconditioned. Ford Coach. New Palnt-f-Good Tires Motor A-l A Real Buy I 1937 1936 1935 1930 -Hi i 1930 Ford Coach ....$89 . - . MANY OTHERS OR VAL'S USED GARS Center at Church St. - Open Evenings aaTsa4kkevsla ' Shrock "Sez 9) I eaa't alng, X can't croon, X need money, I need room hShop our stock You'll save a lot. CRASH! BANG! II BOOM! , The Bargains Are Hot 1 1 SOME OF THE MANY 1414 Ford Pick-up, perfect. 19 3T Chrysler Royal Sedan, extraA 1927 Plymouth DeLux Sedan. 192 Plymouth Coupe, radio, heater, 192? Chev. Coach, radio, heater. 1927 Cher. Coupe, rumble aeat. 1934 Cher. Sedans, radio, heater, trk. 1931 Chev. DeLuxe Sedan,! black. 1936 Chev. Coach, side-mount. . 1934 Cher. Sedans, Master. 193$ Chev. Coupea. 193$ Ford DeLuxe trunk Sedan. 136 Ford Coach, trunk, j 1932 Model B Ford Coupe.! 1931 Ford Model A Coaches 1920 Model A Coupes. 1929 Model A Roadster. V I wheels. 193$ Terraplane Coupe, rad, htr. MANY MANY" OTHERS, AND ALL - PRICED TO SELL HOW I ft- ) l Motorcycle Bargains, All Make ; d AVE AT J PHROCK'S : 270 !n. Church Phone T922. Wa Have "B. O." Cbargalns only) Business Opportunities t-PUHP 8. STATION, new, north. 100S100 corner, 2 paved road. $1000. $450 down, bat $15.00 mo. Take car to $260. Jackaon-Dumbeck. 241 State St. FSTAR Snd hand store.) low rest. $550; Includes pickup. 413, Statesman. OROC, TJTV. quar. $200 cash, Reas. rant. 172 S. Liberty. Phone 7112. BEAUTY SHOP, beet location In mod town. Equipment for 2 operators. Reasonably priced. Retiring-. Box Oil, Statesman. - i Directory Naturopathic Physician DR.-1 w H RtaVKWKtJ. Nsturoi-ilh le Hhrslclsn, 179 Fairgrounds Rd Tel 4303 Offlc Hmirs 11 a m to 30 pjn. FREE EXAM A CONSULTA TION i . 1; Papering, Painting Paint, kalso, rea. Lovcik. ph. 944$ NEAT Work, reas. Johnson, ph. 177$. HERBERT si - WOOD Tsi $871 Iv Plan Service! V. 1. IRISH. t$4 H. Cap I Ph. tilt, ? PlMteiirig PRICES a K. Salem 11 yrav 91 Fit. Pluttibing j; PLUMBING. GENERAL repair wHu Oraber Bros, 144 8 Liberty Ph. 4694 Printing FOR STATION KRT carda pamphlet pro grama books or any - kin ef print we att The Statesmssr Prtntta De partment. : 216. S CommereisO. Tale ohane 010L ":- . ' . - ', Schools CtMPLETR yow HIUH cVJTHOOL at homa D1PIX1MA TEXTS FURN Writ: for catalog: American School Dept & Box 4506 Portland Or. sit Transfer CITT TRANS, Ph. tlC Rms ratea FOHT LOCA1 ot distant transfer stor sr I horrr oil. . call $1$!' lArmet Transfer Co Trucks to Portland dalle 7ell Drillinrt B. A, WEST. Rt. 4. Ba. 448.: P. 3-211$. For Sale Used Cars or Used Car on These new Hue painl, rung .$345 .$355 ..$275 .....$125 1931 Chev. Coupe....$49 TO CHOOSE FROM - - - You Always Get a Better Used Car from a Buick Dealer! 1928 1929 1939 4934 1938 193$ 1937 1939 1938 1934 134 1934 1935 191$ 1937 1931 1931 1921 1930 127 1928 1928 1929 1933 131 ije BUICK ' Special Sedan No. 1(104 . $895 BUICK Special 2 -dr. Sedan $795 BUICK Spec. Bus. Coupe 177S BUICK Special Sedan, No. 1010 ;.. 2515 BUICK Special Sedan $445 STUDEBAKER Command er Sedan . ; $715 NASH Lafayette Tour. Sed. $495 CHRYSLER Royal Tour. Sedan $885 OLDSMOBILE Tous. Sedan $695 TERRAPLANE CusC Cpe, -$375 FORD V-8 Business Coupe .8295 PLYMOUTH Tour. Sedan 2395 NASH Touring- Sedan $345 GRAHAM Supercharger, 2-d. L , $395 OLDSMOBILE Six Touring Sedan U .. $555 FORD V-2 . DeLuxe Tudor Sedan v4 . ' " . f? BUICK Sedan ' , , ,, . fus BUICK Sedan fi BITICK Roadster 85 BUICK Sedan " ; $ 45 STUDEBAKER Sedan , , .,, s DODGE Sedan U-$ 45 DURANT Coupe GRAHAM Sedan HUPMOBILE Sedan PACKARD Sedan .$ 45 ;!'! 135 85 95 I v COME IN LETS TRADE EASY TERMS OTlOi J. WILSON Used Car Dept. 258 N. Commercial St Phone S451 For Sale Wood ATTENTION 1 BUY wood that hut. oeex oia tic, is in, 6. Ph. 8814. . MILL WOOD. $3.60 toad. Ph. 6241. Wood at west end Court St. 14 IN. Ol S. 25. -k-nota It . alaa i Pi 9454, ' ' DRY WOOD. Bradley. Phons 8700. DRY OLD fir. Bad gwth. Ph. 7607. ! " - --, i sj a i ri i ir r"njnrtrxrunjTjTjnj Wtmii.ph 637 ilraea 412 N fist; 3sssasavsvysss OLD FIR. 95 6ft slab 23 28 P 22437 s s as as aa,a .-l-T- - M-)-uJJ-tn 14 IN. OLD fir. $5 cd. TeL C120. Personal LONELY T WORTHWHILE sweat. aeart. husband, wife for vou. P. O Boa II tjom Anjrel.a Legal Notice NOTICE TO (mKDITORS ' Notice la Hereby Given, that the undersigned, by an order ot rue County1 Coart of Marion County , State ot Oregon, duly made and entered oa tb 23rd day ot AprlL 194:0, was appointed Administra trix ot the Estate of ROGER ED WIN MTTHINO. deceased, and that she has duly Qualified aa such. AH ptrioni having claims against said estate are hereby no tified to present the same, duly verified as required by law, to the sndenrigned, at 6 1 0 First Nation al Bank Baliding, Salem, Oregon, within six months from the date of this notice. - Dated -and first published . this 2(tn day of April. 1940. NELLIE P. MTTUINO, Administratrix ot the Estate ot Roger Edwin Mything, - . deceased. -' Braxier C Small, - S . Salem, Oregon, : .-f": Attorney for Administratrix. - Ap 2-My 3-10-17-Z4 ESTATE OF ABNER R. XENON ; NOTIC3S TO C!REDITOR3 Ist the Circuit Coart of the State ; of Oregon for the County : - - of llarioa Probate Department Notice is hereby given that the undersigned has been appointed executrix ot the estate of Abner R- Lenon, deceased, by the Circuit Court of the Stat of Oregon for Marion County. and ha qualified. All persons having claima againat said estate are hereby notified to present tha tame, duly verified at by law required." to tb under signed at 425 Falling-Building. Portland, Oregon . within six months from tha dat hereof. Dated and first published, April 12, 1940. ? - . Last publication, Hay 10. 1949: . r ; emjja a, s.Mrrii. m Executrix. . . . - ..a Hanson u. iemse, Aiioraey. i Ap 12-1 9-2 l-Uy 2-1 I For Sale Used Cars Your Dodge ! Dealer Offers You The Best in Used Gars for Less Money Wc Finance Our Own Contracts .!:'-' fi ; . ! ?'r,,i tt ' ' I ' '38 Chev. Master Coupe '38 Plymouth DeL. Sed. '37 Dodge 2:Dr. Sed. '37 Chevrolei Master ; DeLuxe Coupe '37 Ford DeLuxe1 Model 85 Sedan - J : '37 Hudson Terraplane DeLuxe Sedan '36 Dodge DeLuxe Sed. Fender well, '35 Dodge DeLuxe Sedan '34 Nash DeLuxe Coupe Xtumbla seat. '31 Chevrolet 2-Dr. Sedar. '31 Chevrolet Coupe '30 DeSoto Sedan HUBBARD MOTOR CO. DODGE-PLYMOUTH DISTRIBUTOR - , HIGH AT CHEMEKETA . PHONE 4 Us 27 -CHRYSLER FORDO R. 2-wbeeI trailer & ball hitch. Best offer gets. Chas. Payls.,2a86 Lee. Frl. A Sat. only. 34 DODGE DeLUXE Sedan. Just like new. 2142 N. Com'l. St. 39 DODGE 4-DR. DeLuxe. 150 S. Pacific highway. j Transportation LADY AND child want ride to or near Huron. S. Dak, approximately May 8. p;;0. Box 201, Stayton. Oregotu I , Lost and Found LOST SMALL blacky cola purse containing money, busiaicliet, t keys, credit slip. Reward. 292 N. Church. male catJ named Lucifer. Dark face, ears., tall A feet, light body, blue eyea Please call 2254. , , , i Legal Notice NOTinC OP INTENTION TO IM PROVE THAT PORTION OP NORWAY RTREKT i FROM THTJ EAST LINE OF KIGHTKKXTH 8TRKKT TO THK WKST LIXR OP NINKTEEXTH I STREET IN thr rrrv of salkl orr;o NOTICE I IS HEREBY GIVEN, that th Common Council of the City of Salem. Oregon, deems It necessary and expedient, j and hereby declares Its j purpose and intention to Improve that portion Of Norway Street from the1 east Un of Eighteenth Street to the west line of Nineteenth Street, in pthr City of Salem. Marlon County, uregon, at the. expense of the abutting and adjacent property ownera. except any atreet and alley intersection, the expense of which will ba assumed he th City of Salem. Oregon by bring ing said portion of said atreet to tb established grade, construct ing Portland cement concrete curbs, and paring said portion of saia street witn a six-men Port land cement concrete pavement, thirty feet In width, in accord ance With the Diana and s aerifi cations therefor, which were adopted by the Common CounclL, on the 15th day of April. 1940, now on file in the office of th City " Recorder, and which are hereby I referred to and made a cart hereof. M - The Common Council hereby aeciarea its purpose and Intention to make the above-described im provement bv and .thronrh tha Street Improvement! Department -of the City of SalemJ Oregon. eil of the City of Salem, Oregon, tma l&ta days of April. 1940. j f A. WARREN JONES. i City Recorder, i Salem Oregon.- ", Ap 24-25-26-37-28-30; My 1-2-2-4-5 NOTICE OF PINAL SETTLE MENT. ! , . ' Notice Is hereby given that th undersigned has filed in the Coun ty Court of the State of Oregon, tor th County of Marlon, her duly nrifl.t final aowt.,,. h A miniatratrix of the estate ot Guy 1 Af. McCartney, deceased, and that said Court has fixed Tuesday, the lith day ot May. 1940. at the hour of ten o'clock A.M. ot said day, as the time, and the County Court Room in the Connty Court lions at Salem, la Marion Coun ty, Oregon, aa the place for hear ing said final account and all ob jections thereto, i Dated at Salem, Oregon, this -11th day of April, 1940. j i NANCY A. BASE Y. Administratrix of the Estate of Guy. Ji. McCartney, De- , RONALD C. GLOVER, !' Attr-ney ' tot Administratrix, Salem, Oregon. - I i Ap 12-19-2 $-My 3-10.. Eugene BuiIJir5 Iligli EUGENE, May 2-tlVCIty En gineer W. C. Clabb said today Eugene'a April building permit reached: 3125.257.50, hlfrhst to- , tal for a month since 1929. T Lcde'3 ' SALEM LODGH I Fa. 4. A. P. A t AM. FrldfT, 'r H. : v ir.. vt STATED COilVMCATI..... 4A.H. coc:l mettinc vel, : f a, '9, 7:80 p.ea. sa. Llerrictt. ViV.