rt.trf --. . T'r-s - a ni Ths OREGON STATESMAN. Sales). Oregon. Thursday Morning. May & 1940.. PAGE CEVniTEEII i - ' "V - j '- -? - - at m rnj - ., .v )i '-it RESULT jg'T. iirHDW1 :GOSf 'J . i10k-:STISBMM-; tDS! 'For Stalesnan Classified Ads Call 9101 ClawirU-d Al-rt'lS Three insertions per line 25c Sis Insertion pr line One monlh pei line 81.25 Minimum charge 26c; 3 tl mm- Inium 35c; 6 tl mln 4&c No refunds. C- 'S I'M K-rvVKM utl 6 SO the e.e.i.s. 'r P"llrtio for ci..il'.'' c"" '""T? .V-U-r thia lim iU w ru and.r lb sea)it "To Ul' '' Tli. "" " """' rHa.b tit, for errura a It. eol..n. ' ' ' l if Y eeri.wcn in "h"-" ' otraphira. nn.laa occur. Ta 8latr.in mre the ngnt to rojort qne.'w.t.Wo aertiaing It further fmr. ibo right ' oe.erli.in uod.r tho pruvr rlaaaiM eatina A lUiod' Ad aa ad e-otaiaiag Statesman bo aumbcr for aa sodr ia for IB pr.ct -1 s"ee Uaor and mul merefor. he "'" h. lell.r The Statesman i l at liberty to diulg. information a t tho id.tu.tr of an adT.rtU.r using 4BII4" ad. Livestock Phone 7330 Phone 7330 ATTENTION WE piCK up Head and worthless animal at n moment a notice Or.gnn Rendering Fertiliser Co. Phono T33U. Collect --- -- ONE IIKAVT horse. I nil. on Dal las road. l?o BABY CHICKS I' Varlotlas. Im -i. ..ii.. tr,t. n k HafflMhlnr. LC tvnv al.l nullota. cock or la. started chick. Phono 1111 Lee's Ilatch.ry Plione Salem 5000 Attention WE PICK up dead and worthless stock at a moment s notice. Salem Fertilizer and By-Products Works Phone Salem 5000 Collect "innru""ui ju"i""' FARMERS m-kK."frir-i vt vnT RRNDCRINO WORKS PICKS UP. FRKE OF niAROt-DEAU AMI WIIRIHU.S5 HORSES AND COWS ANTWHF.RE IN THK WILLAMETTE VAIJ.Kl. wtf v V TAP PRICES PHONE US COLLECT. 4tl SALEM TIC AM OK KOunJ ClydeaJale. weltcht about Kautlful at ot hameaa. All for $150.00. Will accept some MTKTON MOORE. REAL ESTATE It N. Commert'lat. Suite 17, Th. 41S Auctions FARMER'S COMMUNITY Auction. S.-IO. Ore. Every Sat. 1 V- fn- Cows, aprlnarers, Ht-rben.. calves. We have about head feeder k wearier ptK, coaaismed thl Saturday. Brood sows, gilta A sheep. Kami maeilnory : 1 walklos; cultivator, 1 Champion mow er. 1 Iron wheel waicon. walkln plow, 1-2 section harrow, 1 set almost r-w long in harness; single tree. t.M.ls, etc. Furniture: 1 sewing ma chine, guaranteed: 2 kitchen cabinets, 1 John leer. separator; rockers A chair, other furniture: 1 Real Estate range. Pon t forget. Sclo Cold Storage plant will W op-n for Inspection, May 4. sale dir. Floyd Johnson, Mgr., Hoy lee. Auctioneer. Help Wanted . WEEKLT QKOW Mushrooms. Cellar, shed. We buy fresh, 25c. dry $1.35 lb FREE BOOK. Mushrooms. 1927 Third. Seattle. Wash TURKEY PICKERS report Thurs day. II a. m.. Marlon Creamery. OUTSTANinNi; OPPORTITNITT SALES REPRESENTATIVE for se lertive L. A. drena concern ladles ap parel, men's suits, finest blankets made. Full or part time. Earnings un limited. Opportunity to travel. Bos 12 for Interview. Help Wanted Female GIRL WANTED to help witli hue rrk. care of thil.iren. Ph. 05. CIRL Oil cu.le for emp.. widow! home '1 ainall children. References. Box 10, Stalt nmnn. Salesman Wanted SALESMAN WITH car. calling- on dealers In Oregon wit'i Ute dfstrlbu . tor. If interested In I ISO tin commis sions, 8nnwer. (Jive experience and phone ?o. . o. Vox 0s, Statesman. Situations Wanted BLACK LEAF 40 rose spraying, reasonable. Phone 830. LAWN cutting A spading. Ph. 7204. EXP. L.NDSCP.. lawn work. P. lt. ORCSSMAK Mr Adsllt Ph 2o FOR FIRST class painting A pa pering call 3411. 124 2 N. Capitol. WANTED. HOUSEWORK. Go home nights. G. Coons. Ru 4. Box 152. WASHING A CLEANING, 25 hr. Ph. 872. Call evenings. For Salt Miscellaneous 1-50 LB. ICE refrigerator, natural oak finish. $ 95. GEVURTZ FURNITURE CO. i FOR 8 ALE Thoroughbred Spring er Spaniel pup. 4 wks. old. pick yours now. Phone 9541 or call 1710 N. 17th tit. I NEW DROPLEAF kitchen table. unfinished. 84 . GEVURTZ FURNITURE CO. RITER SILT, 5c yd. P; 4865. Del. c&r OrtAonCStaltsniaii ADVERTISING Western AdrerUriiic -RepresenlatiTc Gon-x. U. Closo. las. . Sa frsooisr.. Lo Aaf.le. Seattle Eastern Advertising; Itepresenutlve Brrst iirilfith A Urvatoa. Inc. Ckicage. new lera. utre:t Ooatoa. AtUala rati. rod mt (Ae pmorofMco i Salem Or., euj fieow4 Cluae AfoXler. Pb itakrd every MonHse exceel If snoop. Huimn (Vtoa tli -Month Commercial SUBSCRIPTION RATES: - Matt Sabarriptioa Kot. la Asvaaee Wiaia urvf . Uaiiy ana SMsaay, at u M.U: Mos $1 M; Mo. $150: 1 -oar $S.OO Claovbor SO soete Par tjo or ee lor I yes m ad.aaco. far copy Howeas rais. Ha Cii. Carrior. oa east a Blietk IT.'iO a year adtaae la Marvoa sad djacsat ooaauo. Money to Loan QUICK CASH LOANS CAIJ- WRITK er nhune (tICII to Haioma bMmi i. k .- home managed finance Institution Tout - ..! t wm sw given every consideration la the re paying of your loan or crpntlns of tensions 1 to 24 Months to Repay You can par in fun any time to reduce the cost. Only Borrower Signs No endorser Loaas nude on BEE ROT H SIMMONS. MGR. Jc No M 15t GtNKRAL FINANCE I St Ho Commercial St FtnM door smith of ldd A Hush Hanli Convenient ground Auto Loans Willamette Credit Co. tth KUHiH OIIARDIA.N HI 1 1 1. Dl NO l.lt'KNPK NO M IS PRIVATE MONEY AUTO "AND TMlTCet LOANS CONTRACT REr"INANTCT to re Hart ds vsrte.it Knar for wow ejr as4 ears No fh rd tare Trio will re tain peslrMi of the eh Wa. I TO IS HrNTMS TO PA T ROY H. SIMMONS lit South Cnmmorrtal Street phone llll IJc No M-UJ Bu a liiaMS.au.flr m i-mm. net. Inina Abrame A Ellis Ine Mesonfc Bids. Loans Wanted wiVTPn PBtvtTR monev for city, farm and acreage loans Net In vestors to interest, exam m sorurit lee-yourself It will pajr too to see us for Invontntent. CH1UD3 A MILLER. INC. 244 State SU Phone 2C. LOAN WANTED: $4500: 107 A all clear. In cult. 2 mL S Inderndence. Otto K. Paulus. 1st Nat l. Bank Bldg. WANTKI) PRIVATE MONET ty I dim M otitic) Salem real es tate. Will pav tc Interest. W. ti HKAHSwnimai oi .-. REALTORS LOANS WANTED on farm and city property Before borrowing Inquire at Hswklns A Roberts TOR SALE Oood sound first form mortgage and-bonds. See a C r lei in skA with HAWKINS A RORERTS. INC Phone 41 or 745 For Sale Miscellaneous 1 USED OAK buffet In good con dition, S.50. GEVURTZ FURNITURE CO. TURRETS DRES. A del., also eggs for hatching, from large meatie type Bronze turKeys, luc en. trii. -vi-. HOTPOINT ELECTRIC range, n.!ictl.allr new Will sell at sacri fice or. trade for combination electric range. Cau at tor wrue; - ginla St. FUR CHU8BIES. sum r. wesr. $14.- 60 up. Uagrr s Fur Sihop. 1Z a. vxra. 2-PC. LIVINQ rm. set, upholstered In velour. $1 50. GEVURTZ FURNITURE CO. nmr CHICKS, ten varieties now 2 hatches every wetk. Cockerels, pul lets, custom batching. TeL 2 I8l. Lee s Haytyry. FINEST SELECTION of well grown plants for yard and garden- Phone 86JJ. JAI Mimnio, e lorioi. i u oviitvi-ifn Aitrflftm maefilno. rypewtiter. Duplicator. Cakruhrtor and Scale service. All ma Ires sold, rented swapped. Roen Typewriter Exchange. (St Court. iris"r ARC WASHER, good condi tlon $150; automatic washer, late model, like new, $29.50; new washers from $2.S0. easy terms. Good House keeping Inc.. 4S3 Court St. THE APRON Shop 87 N High - WRECKING LARGE church. Win downs, doors, lumber A etc. will be sold cheap, as time la money with us. Cor. Center A Liberty. , Jack A Burt. -tnnrurLJ-Lfxrxjn-rx 1 USED BABY buggy, $3.60. GEVURTZ FURNITURE CO. USED WOOD range, good condition. ! 4 "GEVURTZ FURNITURE CO. 1 USED WOOD cook stove. In splen did condition, $9.5. ' GEVURTZ FURNITURE CO. n jUT-Tirirui usTli if a""-! " s" CLEAN USED light colored face brick. Tel. 9674. 2210 Chemoketa. HOUSE TRAILER, built-Ins, wired, reasonable price. 735 "Breys Ave. CHEAP FEED: The State Flag In- I dustry has a surplus of flax screenings and chaff ground as a stock food which is highly satiKfactory for feeding dairy I cows, ana oilier iui, with high protein feeds. Priced to give good feeding returns. Inquire at pen itentiary office or phone Mr. Laws at 4028. . . Wanted Furniture p i cu .a. eiipntturo' and house hold goods. R Forgey. Phone 7445. -w f- r spffT CASH." F. N A GLENN WilODRT Ph. Ill Wanted Miscellaneous WANTED. SMALL girl's bicycle. call S3j. iqj'ijTjnnjsrar'ijjai - BUILDING. REMODELING, paini ng. 5715. WANTED. COLORED fryers. 647. iriiinv will. r)Mh services for room or apt. Box 612. States man. Miscellaneous bental Plate Repair frTO-HOUR SERVICE IN MOST " niarti Krlng or Mall Tout Pletea for Repall DR. HARRT Si.lll.HK. ""-"J Alisky Bids. 3d A Morrison. BR 2427 For Rent Rooms TWO LARGE furn. plea saint sleep- lag rooms. 4.43 N. Whiter St. BLEEPING OR housekeeping rooms. 115 E. Miller. . - Sip. rm. croas vent. 247 M- Church. ui w at i iia&iiim m d..i iid montanr rates te perm guests Marios) Coffee Shoo oeHctou meats ai saw vrrwm HOTKI MAI KM ms inoMW retea Rm In 8482: 24 S Cottage. Pleas, hskpc ntu, $8. 4 S. Cottage. Room and Board -, ittpiiti v ut fciiirwT.Y dee. rrai. Klka hua dlst.. bevth. Shwr. XcL home, cooked nili. ! Belle vue RM. A BRD. nr. state hse. Ph. 858s. j. -i-rrsnnrxriri ROOM. EMP. todv. $8 mo. 1318. SKF MA Bowen N Uberty EAT AT 850 MARION. BD. RM 1434 Ferry Ph 818. rpi ru Man ntotnkafa P 8384 ROOM A BOARD. 21 8. v?tr. BOARD BOOM, SSS M. ChurcBw Money to Loan financial affairs will be discussed and furniture, cars or note. jju CLARK. ASST. MGR. , . CORPORATION i Ue No S I St Phone tlCS. floor location HeieV the Way TO , TAKE YOUR TIME ABOUT PA XING BILLS MAKE A LIST of your bills and payments. If you need extra cash, put mat down too. come to our orrtco and get the full amount you need to pay off everything you owe. Then pay us nacK in small mommy payments spread over ft. 10. 12. 20 months. Ton have just ONE payment to make each mo. nod Just OMt place to pay. No payments for at least 30 days after you receive the money. - Amt you repay monthly Afflt cf loan S mo. 12 mo, 20 mo. $ 40.00 $ fi.70 $ 4.03 $ 2.89 80.00 11.4 8.04 (.38 10.00 14.25 10.05 .T2 200.00 28.4 20.09 12.44 300.00 42.74 20.14 20.1C UP TO $500.00 ON AUTOMOBILES Stnriy the plans above. Determine the amount you need. Pick out one of the small monthly payments that fits your Budget and then can at our of fice for the cash. CALKINS FINANCE COMPANY 281. 2nd FL First NafL Bank Bulldlna Salem,. Oregon Phone 4448 S-228 A M-2X8 Stat Licenses For Rent Apartments 1 RMS. Pullman. The Deveraus. BEAUTIFULLY FURN. single cor ner apt., 310 Leslie. 8 RMS . BATH, oil dr., gas., hot w prL ent. Adulta $14. Ph. 8195. FURN. A PARTS, 255 Division. NICE CLEAN furn. $ room flat See it at 1396 Fir. NEAT 1st FL. 8 R. near state bldgs. 2 adults. 475 N. CnpltoL UNFURN. 3 R-, 477 Center. Furn. 2 R.. 1.. w., h. Adults 8391. May 1, 2 & 3 R. Pr. b th. 1935 Center. 1st FLOOR 1 rm. furn. 1397 N. Com. NICE. CLOSE in, $17. $91 N. Com 1. 1. 2 AND 3 R. apta.. 039 N. Liberty. bUL THK Flshet Apta oeforo you leclde. Largo A Airy Rock wool In sulated against heat A cold. Venetian Kiinds throughout S Com' I A Oak Sts HAWTHORNE Court. 1000 N Cap ItOt Homelike and commodioua MODERN NEWLT decorated 5 room furnished. Reasonable. Must see to appreciate. 772 N. Winter. - NICE APT. 2054 N. Capitol. 1 A 2 R FURN apt.. 845 Ferry. 3 Rros. Mod. Close In. Ph 8884. APTS. FURN.. unfurn. Children welcome. $6 up. 1210 8 12th. P 7089 2 RM. FURN. kit. bath. 545 Court. 2 RM. APT Mala fir. 445 8 Winter. CLOSE IN modern furnished apart ment. Adults only. Tel. 8490. 2-ROOM GROUND floor spt pri vate shower A toilet, lights, water. Adults. 1968 Ferry. -- i -i f i-,-, ii-w-ii n-ir-iriru-u-ij-uirLnrLn Vacancy, ij lendora, 585 N. Summer. UNFURN. 3 R, 447 Center. 'i,iiiiji itii "ijrgju"XrXjrxJJiji-ri 2 FURN. HEAT. lIsht water. $10 A $11. 143 Court. Ph. 6637. COZY 2 A 1 RM. furn. $13 A $10. 1620 Ferry. iii-rsJ"j.ruJnijLjVrtt 3 RM. FURN. prL bath. Ph. 4254. ATRACTIVKm 83 PER MONTH. 355 Bellvue. 8 RM. FURN. 1st floor apt. Prlv. bath, 1. w, washer. 353 Leslie. APT. A SLEEPING rm.. 832 Ferry. sasaaaSBBBBeja 3 RM. FURN. spt- 2455 State. ATTRACTIVE FURNISHED room. close in. 63 N. Winter. 1 A 2 RM. APTS.. 246 H State. SMALL FURN. apt. 590 Union. FURN. APT.. L w.. ht. 151 N. 13. SMALL FURN. spt. 250 B. CotUge. LOVELT 2 RM. furn. PrL hath, ra- irig.. aauits. eoi o. summer. RHEATED 2 RM. APT. Adults only. 770 S. Com. For Rent Houses ROOM HOUSE, garden nlot. chick en yds, $25.00. 2335 Mason, off Hoyt. ""near1" schl, $Yo" rimT 4 RM. HSE. furn. 368 N. Liberty. How to Torture why, Hen-LO. gkacio ' whcro; ve Vou? at A PWTV ? N&u wAisrr uST3 awe ? why. WCi'O LOVg IT ' eWO. IT NOT T2o LATe - Ybo KMOW VJHAT RTCULAPt rJioHTHAVJKS wer arc. we'tt- ee ri6nt ove. wnefce'o You say ir mm was ? For Rent Houses S BOOMS. INQ. 1528 Court. xn.ru'-ririi-u-Lr i"ui r-ii-sii -irsssJi"r' " tpfco T ROOM MOD. house, t ml. north. C E. An are sen, R. 7, B. Is I, P. BBBafigakajSSssaBpBspsiB GOOD S-RM. mod. has Completely furn. Nice shrubbery well located. Will lease for 1 year for $30 per mo. r. H. WEIR, 212 Ore. Bldg. Fh. I1. ACREAGE 4 EM. house, adults only. I mL Dallas Rd. Box 4(9. sAsjsasBSsaassaasT4sasjSk FURN. 5 B. A bmt laun. trays, furnace, $25. Inquire 1105 M fas Ion. Sli. FURN. apt downtown,' $15. Bas turn. apL. $10.. 8m. cottage fur. $22.50. rm. hse., $1$.' IVAN U. HAitTlH, f DOH 441. E RM. TORN, close In, $25. Inq. 71 N. High Street. i ' sa FURN. A UNKURN housea MEL- VIN JOHNSON. 72 Court. Ph. 8728 UN FURN. bungalow. Oak Vills Court, Adults. Inquire 99$ MilL FURN. AND unfurn. housea -R. A FORKNER 1 853 N Capitol WE HA VS. THK PKOSPh'Cl IF 'TOU want to I selL exchanga tease, rent, see Mr IjJrsm or Mr Col Una with Hawkln A Roberts FURNISHED AND unfurn nouses H P GRANT $2 Court Phone 8744 S BDRM. HSE. Wired for elec. stove, fireplace, on bus line 2105 N. Liberty lt,q. 67 n. lfctn or fn. MOD. S RM. HSE. 19S) S. Com mercial. Ph. 15 or 8538. t HSES. A APTS, furn. A unfurn. Percy Ullman, 850 Marlon, Ph. 851 8. 8 RM. COTTAGE. utUltle furn. Ph. T864. 2281 Hasel Ave. For Rent A.tii OTTTrfA T?r TV1 rneJk laca. tlon 99 Highway, plenty of parking space. RL 7. Box 18.1 itKKl-h. Kim IMS. J I Stat aUro-ol inquire room 200 Tel 8718- For Sale Real Estate Close in, lg. lot. Cheap. 71 N. High. TO CLOSE AN ESTATE I x orip ovpen . (.mm Til a at house. all furniture, good location, cement found. Lot 66X1I. i otocKS norm $1800. Make an offer! C. H. SANDERS 118 i S. High 51S1. oToim T Mork Mw s Rm haa. with gar. Near bus ilne A schools. Fine location. Easy terms, owner- s&us. BEAUTIFUL CREEK HOME O X'1fP UUQ Kl nlnmhin. lot with unusual plantings, ornamental trees, etc., outdoor fireplace must be seen to be appreciated. Price $5600. Bee airs, eiina wnn CH1LDS & MILLER, REALTORS FOR RALE m Tru-kxr vjorvvf r M J Vintio. Per fect location, close m. Ideal for board- BA,,A frnm 17000 OA to 16000.00 fnr immediate sale. Truly a bargain. Se Mr. Hardv. with HAW1U.S 4k ROBERTS. INC. Realtors. it:u xinttap eicoa s caas,, r.nt. type, nwunru, ;.m plumbing near state oiaga. do h 10- aay. t;aii airs. n.nis wiui CHILDS A MILLER, K1SAX.1U1 til! Stnta St Phone 9261 fully modern, large lot. good location I. VA.h Q.Um ISnlAiwHj vflllia ot SX 850.00. Terms. See Mr. Hardy, with HAWKINS A ROBERTS, INC., Real tors. U A. N $175. $5 dn., $5per mo. BUDBOW-KASMIB REAL ESTATE 12 Ladd A Bush Biqr. 1U JI DO YOU WANT A GOOD HOME? HERE IS your opportunity. 7 R. modern home with cement basement, hot air furnace, with oil burner. 2-car garage, large cor- east front lot with paved sts., price reduced to $3000; must De ail casn. W. H, GRABENHORST tt CO, . REALTORS , 124 S. Liberty St. Phone 8468. atpaataa1,ss OWN YOUR HOME, STOP paying rent. We have helped others ana may h able to helo vou. See US NOW. BUDROW-KASMIR REAL ESTATE 12 Ladd & Bush Bldg. Ph. 5965. CORNER LOT en W. Lincoln St. and large bouse, price izzoe. ..... Choice lot in Columbia Addition, each 8450. N. 21st Just off Center St. room house, i bedrooms, full bsmt. with rumpus room : price ocly 35t0. MONEY TO LOAN P. H. BELL, REALTOR 429 Ore. Bldg. Phone 8121 ONE RM. house, toilet, lights A wa ter and I nn. house, bath, toilet, lights. water A garage In N. Salem, both for ssou. win rent ror xi per mo. MELVIN JOHNSON. REALTOR 725 Court St. Phone 3723. ONLY $50. DOWN, $20 per mo. $1150. Fine N. E. loca. Water A elec. tmfln. Inside. A Real BUY, SEE IT. BUDROW-KASMIR REAL ESTATE 12 Ladd A Buah Bldg. Ph. 5965. eaSaaaaBnBSSBBSaaaIBSSB For Sale Farms FARM FOR SALE; 1200 ACRES, 400 ac under cult. balance oak timber A pasture. Fenced A cross fenced for sheep, plenty of water. 2 sheep barns, 1 stock barn. 7-rm. house, on good road, only 3 miles from town. Can be bought for $15.00 per acre, terms at 6. See Mr. Larsen with HAWKINS A ROBERTS, INC. Your Husband - -1 ' -i L- Exchange Real Estate EXCHANGE PORTLAND home for Saiem property. -Ph. 8222. . , ; Acreage 12. a CTJTTSI XT COT . V-.i-. u. mile from city limits off Bilverton road. Price $1050.- $500 cash, bal. easy leruaa. w uuama Ave. m ACRES. HOUSE, barn, wood shed, - elect, water system, close to school and bus. ... . Buildingr lots west of Ke lie r school, $1 down, easy terms on balance. -H. L. Hefldrlcksoa with P. H. BELL iZ Ores. Bide, -. , . , . .Phone 8181. Business Opportunities SERVICE STATION for lease." 1 mile from cky limits. Take $150 to handle. Fine chance to Increase. See Merritt Truax, N. Front A Columbia Sta, GROCER YMEN ATTENTION I HAVE a client desirous of purch asing a grocery either neighborhood store or one within 10 mile radius' of Salem. - Want stock, equipment- and prefer purchasing: building. MTRTON MOORE, REAL ESTATE lso N. com'l., Suite 17. Phone 6412. - -- --i-,-,-ii-irij-i.nr-Lru-Lru-trij-o-ij-LrLn P9T1B hhw anv. I $650; Includes pickup. 611, Statesman. For Sale Wood ATTENTION ! BUT wood that lasts. best old fir. 16 In. $5. Ph. 8816. a" s. a afcaafc.aa.aa. am. ,'- "VrV)uinjnjJTjUn-riXU'TJ' MILL WOOD. $8.50 load. Ph. 6341. - - - ' - ------- - i- -i-i-i-i--M-ira-iiiri.n.n.nn 16 IN. O. F. $$, knots, $5, slab $4 P. 9456. DRY WOOD. Bradley. Phone $70. a-aaa a. a. oa, oa " ilOr-rLrLnriJI DRY WOOD, old fir eV 2nd growth. Phone 4758 for prices. - - - -- -- - i-! -, -Mni-ioi-injxru- DRY OLD fir, 2nd gwth. Ph. 7S0T. WOOD Ph 8270 tlraen 413 N 21st aSaSSS4SaS4aStaa OLD FIR. $8 50 slab S3 25- p- 22637 16 IN. OLD fir. $6 cd. Tel. 6120. Personal LONELY T WORTHWH1IJC sweet Reart. husband, wife for you. P. Cv Bos 71 Los Angelea Lost and Found LOST SMALL black coin purse containing money, dos iiexec z Keys, credit slip. Reward. 292-1?. Church. For Sale Used Cars The Best for Less in Pontiac Good-Will Cars THESE PONTIACS ARE ORIGINAL. OWNER CARS! 81 Coups $145 34 Sedan $275 35 Sedan : 8365 87 4-dr. Tr. Sedan . .,' , 5 -37 4-dr. Tr. Sedan $596 1940 Plymouth DL 4-dr. Sedan. Radio & heater $845 ss fTora z-ar. Ul. $495 35 Packard Coupe $896 34 Chev. 4-dr. Tr. J2S 30 Chevrolet Coupe 5 8$ Ply. 4-dr. Di. $295 Many More to Choose From Terms A Trades HERRALL-OWENS CO. 235 8. Commercial Street Phone $16 LOT: Corner Chemeketa A Church. Phono 3886 Legal Notice NOTICE OP FINAL SKTTLEMEN T Notic is hereby given that the undersigned has . filed in the County Court of the State of Ore ton, for the County of Marion, his duly verified final account, as tne Executor of the last will and testament and estate of Eliza J Morley. deceased, ana that said Court- has fixed Tuesday, the 21st day of May, 1940, at the hour of ten o'clock a. m. of said day, as the time, and the County Court Room in the County Court House at Salem, In Marion County,' Ore gon, as the plr-e for hearing said final account and all objections thereto. Dated at Salem,' Oregon, this isth day of April. 1940. JOHN E. MORLEY, Executor of the last will and testament and estate of Eliza J. Morley. de- GLOVER & LAM KIN, Attorneys for Executor, Salem. Oregon. Ap. 18-25, My 2-9-1. Business Cards In this directory rail on a monthly ban's only. Rate: Sl-23 per line per month. Autb Brakes Mike Paaek 9T8 South Commercial "Baths & Massage" 3. H. LOGAN. IS S. Cottage, P. 4SS9. 44 Beach Cottages' 7 ISHERWOOD Cottages. Yachats. Ore. Bicycles BICYCLES, NEW and reconditioned Harry W Scott. 14? 8 Corad P 451 Chimney Sweep TEIJCPHONB 448 R. EL Northoeaa Excavating CX CA V ATI Ntl OF an klnda Base ment dug Dirt hauled or moved. Dirt for sale. Salem 8anJ A Gravel. P 48 Florists Brelthaupts. 447 Court. Phone 1 98. Funeral Directors TerwlUlger Funeral Home. Ph. $918. Furniture Cash for tools A furniture. Ph. 411 1 House Painting A-X WORK $10 4k CP. Pb. $294. Mattresses SALEM Ft JJFF Rug A Mattress Co New mattrcsa, old remade, rug cleaning A weaving 8. 1 1 la Wilbur Tel (441 " Zwk-kera v -- r CAPITOL REDDINU CO. Phone 408 Legal Notice . . 1 - - i NOTICE.OF INTENTION TO IM PROVE THAT PORTION ' OF NORWAY STREET FROM THE EAST LINE . OF 'EIGHT F.KNTI1 STREET TO THE WEST-' LINE OF 'NINETEENTH STREET IN THK CITY OF SALEM, ORE(JON j NOTICE IS HEREBY' GIVEN. that the Common Council or the City of Salem. Oregon, deems' It necessary and expedient. - and hereby declares its purpose, and Intention to improve that portion of f Norway; Street rfrojm .the east line of Eighteenth Street to the west-line of Nineteenth -Street. In the City of Salem, Marion County. Oregon, ,'at, tht xpe0set "of r .tha abutting .- and .adjacent . property owners, . except any . ) street and alley Intersection, the expense of which will be assuined by the City of Salem, Oregon, by bring ing said portion of said street to the established grade, construct ing : Portland cement concrete curbs, and paving said portion of said street with a six-inch Port land cement concrete! pavement, thirty feet in width, in accord ance with the-plans and specifi cations therefor, which were adopted by! the Common Council on the 15th day of April, 1940. now on file In the office of the City Recorder, and which are nereny referred to ana maae a part hereof. ! iThe Common Council hereby declares its purpose and Intention to make the above-described im provement by and" through the Street Improvement Department of the City of Salem, Oregon. . Br order of the Common Coun cil of the City of Salem, Oregon. this 15th days of April. 1940. A. WARREN, JONES. City Recorder, Salem. Oregon. Ap 24-25-26-27-28-30 My 1-2-3-4-5 IN THE COUNTY COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON FOR THE i i COUNTY OF MARION . IN THE MATTER OF THE.ES- -ri , TATE OF I HELEN M. SOUTHWICK. De- ":i J ceased. .. NOTICE TO CREDITORS Notice is hereby given that the undersigned, by an order of the County Court of Marljon County, State of Oregon, dulyj made and entered on the 30th day of March. 1940, was appointed Executors of the Estate of Helen M. Southwlck, deceased, and that they hare duly qualified as such. All persons hav ing1 claims against said estate are hereby notified to present the same, duly verified as required by law, at the offices of Keyes & Page in the City of Salem, Marion Coun ty, j Oregon, within six months from the date of this I notice, to wit: April 4th, 1940J s C. V. JOHNSON, jj I FRANK WRIGHTMAN. Executors of the Estate of i Helen H. Southwlck, de- . i ; ceased. : JOHN A. HELTZEL. KEYES A PAGE. Attorneys for Executors, 306 US National Bank Bldg.. Salem. Ore. A 4-11-18-25; M 2. NOTICE OF DISSOLUTION OF PARTNERSHIP The partnership between - M. Hi MYERS and me, doing busi ness as "THE , TOPNDTCH" at 150 South Liberty Street, Salem. Oregon, has been dissolved. HENRY E. MYERS.I- Ap 25-My 2-9. Body Found Under Boat ASTORIA. May l-(P-The body of John William Mattson, 53, missing fisherman, was recovered from the Columbia river today, directlrnder his moored trolling boat. Lodges i - SALEM LODGE Ke. 4. A T. A A.M. Friday. May 8. 8:00 p.m. STATED COMMCHICATICN. PACIFIC lodge KoJ 50. A.F. A A.M. Social meeting Wed. May 8, 7:30 p.m. Wm. Merriott. W.M. Directory Naturopathic Physician DR. W H ROCKWKI-L kfllurotiath le Physician, ITS Fairgrounds Rd Tel; 4303 Office Hours II am to 8:80 p.ra FREE EXAM A CONSULTA TION " I Papering, Painting . Paint, kalso. reas. Lovclk. ph. 8468 NEAT! Work. reaa. John sou. Ph. 8778. HERBERT E WOOD I Tel 8278 Plan Service V. I IRISH. 30S4 N. Cap. Ph. 7184. Plastering PRICES O. K. Salem 12 yra, 9IF1L Plumbin; CM- fTsJOIUfl nffslPDAt sa,.a ssreaV gr ajfea gj asfc as vwpou , - v- a Orsber Bros, 184 8 Liberty. Ph. 654. Printing FOR STATIONERY cards.! oamphleta programa books or any kind ef prlnf Ing call The Sta teams n Priming De partment. Ill & ; Commercial- Tela phona- 1L . , . ; ;. . , Salvagers and Wreckers i CASH FOR old bids, to wrack. P till. Schools COMPLETE yovVHIOr1 SCHOOL at home- D1PIX TEXTS FURN Writs Tor cat American School Dept. a Bos tPorUand. Ore. p Transfer CITY TRAJS-. Ph. lt. Reaa. rate. rOH LOCA1 er distant transfer stof age burner oil can 8181 lrmer Transfer Co. Trucks to Portland da 11. ' f Well DrillinT R, A. WEST. Rt i, Bx. 448. P. 8-1196 Her "Samaritan" 4 '.It' irl" ' C 'ilf 'Hatl r. m rif A "ir vhVii" ii mi i ir i -fr - - r t - - -f" " " Her "good SaniarianM hnaband slain after he had previously prevented two thugs from rolling a drunk, Mrs. Thomas' SiHino of New Yorkj is shown feeding her son Nick. Iolice arrested several suspects in tlae sLaying of Silvino, bakery truck driver UN Photo. ' Martin Aids Keynote Speaker -v k I ' ' 4 , " 1 i f & -ry i t Got. Harold E. S lessen (right), of Minnesota.' isf shown in Washing- ton, . CL, with Rep. Joseph W. Maurtln,'Jr. Ueft, R-Mass.), ratnor ity leader of the house, as Stassen began a round of conferences with Republicans in quest of information on such things as foreign affairs, labor, agriculture and other issues to incorporate in the , keynote speech he will deliver before the Republican national con- vent ion in Philadelphia . j Cross Word Puzzle 12 13 'A is 16. 20 21 'A 23 2H -a 26. 27 2S 2? 34 3 31 3S 'A 7 HO HI 'A 'A W3 'A 2 6 S1 eO : HORIZONTAL 1 Bend -. 4 ITAat rivtr dividet inta two branckct at Arle$t 9 Exclamation of contempt - 12 Hail! , IS IV Ao is tA fnost famous of epic po4tt !-." - , -14U-B indebted to i' 15 Pale 17 -Who is th pretidinff officer of . tho SenaUt - ( ' : 19 -Feminine name i 20 Australian bird . ' 22 Finds the sum 5 Polish patriot 26 Chinese pagoda .29 Wield diligently '30 Prepares for- publication - f 84 Bars of metal 86 Pale color of high brilliance 87 Musical instrument 84 Winnow ' -89 Declare t - - 40 Jeered " 43 Place of confinement 3 ' r46 Writing implement - " " .47 Jot El Declines -- - 53 Annual church festival 55 Sound of contentment 65 Universe - 53 Linguistic stock of Iado-Chint 9 Pig pen ' 1 60 Famous work by Rousseau 61 Ancient - - , ' " -. .'' t .. - YERHCXU j ' i Foundation '."'"' - " 2-i-E:g-haped '. . S In good healsb - - ' A-ftTp1r lottor r Who icreto "Tho I! is rf lu Lapham t . 6 Mystic ejaculation r 7 Wine drink - 8 Period 9 Manacle 10 Inspired with fear 11 Possessive prcnonA : 15 Lick c? - 13 Foray . , Husbapd Slain " - - - -'-r5f-- h:8Tv apWdT'yir06iwrwWit6s lO H 25 30 3J 32 33 i 2a 36 H2 77 I HI HQ H 0 3 'A 61 Y 21 Month Si What ia tho first namo of tho author of "Tho -Junglt"f 25 English general: John, ,"Lord. : t ; 26 Gratuity 27 Cuckoo 28 Turkish commander - j 31 Possessive pronoun 3Z Beverage 33 Wily " 35 Attack -7 f 38-What it tho mu$ivff part of tho namo of, tho famous Irish lead er: Charles Stewart 1 38 Prof essional charge . - 41 English race course ! 42 Underworld deity - 43 Head coverings 44 Be contiguous 45 City of Indiana 48 Masculine name 49 River Aiuck, ' -'' 50 Dry . i 62 Female sheep 54 American humorist 57 Japanese measure . i Answer to yesterday's puzzle. 1 avi 1 aTvji I : In T V -'- T - t . - Ml 1 - "- , Aera lis J '. nx It t..... t1aUUatl4 kr SUc( fit Luna E7id:o!a, Isa v,. " 4 Aoa- r , -X - - : s -4 - J . - J s f ' - ' I v I " . 7 1 , ' , - V7 YWWA 4 O D A Aijl l A T I Si- ' -P -f t- tVo 1' i " T 'm'"f '" ' " ". '" " "'" ' - Vlc-! &' . I