Ik 02GCI! CTATmiAIT. Ccdca. Oreaa. Fziday Morulas. JSprfl 23, 1243 SUM'S rf"W"0 For SE1 t i Sr. Statesman, Classified Ads : Call 9101 Clinnt Advertlxlasj . Three Inaertiuna par line 2&e Six Insertions per tin e One month per line l.r$ Minimum chart 25c: 1 tl min imum 85c; U m4 No refunds. ',- '. Cwi ( HH acceptes aatil 6.3U tua evesiag before pablirstie for classifM-ation. CVS received at tar tkia tlae Ui " oaaer rae kndlnf 'Tbs tale U.'7- ' ' Tk MUlesataa aa-es " ft" ' 're.poa.ib ht for enrers wfcirb appear i aavertLeiaeiito pulieed e its rolamsa a la ease e.S paper i at fault, sill resrint lat part aa adveriiaewea la wfcieh ,ta typ a-raphtra w.iatke ccoxe. I Tke sUateMnaa reeres t right rejeet qaeiieble advertising it furlhrr reserves lb. right le 9y sdvertlaiag seder ike proper rlaaaifi cat ioa. A Bited" Aa aaj ad eoetaialaga lUtMWi bo asmbcr far aa aadri'.e ia for tho pneetio of aa adver tiser and not th.reforv ho taswered by letter. The Ktatevmaa la aot at liberty to divslgt lafonaatlee aa to tko idestitv of sdverttser seisg a BJiad" si. Livestock Phone 7330 - Phone 7330 ATTENTION Wt PICK up dead and worthless animals at a avimei" a notice Ortzoa Rendering Fertiliser C. Phono 7i0. Collect j-ij-ii-uijar-arai-a" .o." BABT CHICK - VaWtla la : eluding Reds, Rorka Hamrhlro. - - horns Day ek pulleta. , wkorela r started ehlcka Phono I2t(l Lee a ' Hatchery ' Phone Salem 5000 Attention ffTt PICK up dead and worthless stock at a moment's notice. Salem Fertilizer and By-Products Works Phone Salem 5000 Collect FARMERS CHARGE. DEAD AND WORTHLESS HORSES AND COWS ANYWHERE IN THE WII.I-AMKTTK VAF.t.KT. WE PAT TOP PRICES- PHONE US COLLECT. I4U SALEM A art ion . COMMUNITY AUCTION OF NEW Used I'urnltura, Satur day. April I7th at tho F. N. Jjodrj Auction Mart, ltiv N. Summer tm Sale atarta at 1 :0 P- a. ViUmlng la a partial Mat of fc-ooJa to be offered 1 new walnut bedroom autte. 1 ew bursundy davenport aulte. 4 new luo leum ruga, 1 new Slmtnona bed. aprln Innerapring mattreaaea: I new daveno, 1 dlnlna; aulte, 1 new va lour awing rocker. 2 new cheats C drawers rockera chatra, radio, gar den toda, etc. (Bring In your gooda for ua to aelL) ... F. Ni ft Olefin x Woodry. Auctioneer Ptoone 6110 "We By for Caah or Sll on Commla alon" A Guarantee to Save Tou Money Help Wanted - $10 WEEKLY GROW Mushroom a Collar, ohed. Wa buy freeh, 5e. dry 1.1S lb FREE BOOK Muahrooma, 1S7 Third. Seattle. Wash, Help Wanted Male MAN WITH amall garden tractor to plow and disc lot. Call after ( :30 p. m, 194 J. 24th. MAN J5-40 WITH car. Earnings weekly with bonus. Steady Job for right man. (05. Statesman. WANTED. MIDDLE-AGED man to do chorea for room and board. Can have privilege of workinar out some : no drinker or smoker. Write M. E., . care of Statesman. Help Wanted Female EXP. HSEKEEPER. part-time, go kome nights. Z185 S. Church. P. 147. Situations Wanted SCHOOL GIRL will take rare of children evenitgs. CaU f55, after 4. LAWN cuttin spading. Ph. 7164. DRESSMAKING A REMODELING, also Centennial costumes, lltl S. Lib erty. : EXP. LNDSCP lawn work. P. tltS. DRCSSMAK Mrs Adam Ph Zf I EXP. WOMAN wants hr. wk. IM4. ' EXP. WOMAN wants hsecln. T2T. EXP. GIRL wants haawrk. 23S77. For Sale Miscellaneous FUR CnUBBIES. sum'r. wear. S14. up. Ilager'a Fur Shop. 1J4T S. Com, BABT CHICKS, ten rarletlea new. I hat Che's avanr week. Cockerels. pul Ists. custom hatching. TaL 1 !t(I. Imi Hatchery- THOROBRED POMERANIAN Pure $5.00 up. Hale Mickey. Bit S. 11th. ROTTED FERTILIZER. Phone TS FINEST SELECTION of ' well grown plants for yard and garden. Phono SC37. J AT MORRIS. Florist. PC. DINING set. slightly Used. Splendid condition. $4S.S9. GE.VURTZ FURNITURE CO. UPRIGHT Packard pUno. Ph. 74J. i, ' ZENITH RADIO Jt4 I0-TUBS ALL-WAVE cabin et model, balance due. $57.4. Terras S down. H monthly. Seo Mr. Jana. GEO. C. WILL MUSIC STORE M CDrrp.DnCitalesman ADVERttSINO I J Western Adrertialnf . I ' Representatlrea ' Gairge U. Ctesa. lac Sa rrocire. Laa Aarelea. Beatyo Eastern Advertising -' KepreseatatlTes - Bryant Griffith Branaoa. Iai-" Chicago. New York. Detroit . Boatoa. atlaata ' ' Snttrti f faa Woffce mt Salem. Oregon, aa fieevmd Ctiaa Hatter. ;ad evern tmormtnf exc-ept Afoadoy. iMsmesa of ice tit Huutk C'oiwwtorvtal troet. i SUBSCRIPTION RATES: 11 mil Susaeiiptioa KaUs m Advaoet , VwUua Oregoa. Daily aad Suaday. Mo. CO coat; Mo 1 U: ft Woo. 03 fca: 1 fur V(lO Elaawkaralae coats par il o or 1 4 00 for I year is advaoee. Far copy I eeata. Neeastanda' reata. By City Carrier. CO aanta a atosUi, 7 -) a year :a adisace la Mariea aal tijaeeat counties. Money to Loan 1 QUICK CASH LOANS CALL. WRITk et phun tlliai to Salem s oldeot. largest home owned and ttotn aaiiMtfd fma nee Inatltutlon . Tout flnaneial affaire will be dlecusaod end eoens snabw le atrk-test prirury Too will be gives everj ceoaideraUoa la the re Mrlna ot soar loan or era n ting of eatwiwlone 1 to 24 Months to Repay. . , (-. . .' ; Tou can pay In rull any Mete le reduce the cost. ... Only Borrower Signs , No endorsers. Loans autde on furniture, cars or note, t 8EB ROT H SIMMONS. MGR. I Jr No M III GlfshRAL FINANCE CORPORA HON Kirs 4fcfr MMfth of mA Huh HttAk Convenient sround LOANS PKRSOMAL U)ANH I0 TO S0 UP TO tsaene N CARS Al THIS time of the yoai man familM and IrollvMuHl have gotten behind wtth tlwlr i varltms bills and monthly iwvment contracts If ! this baipews to tve your attuatliwt see us for a loan large enough to pay ofT all eour va-1oua bilhs and monthlv M.rment r-nntrm-ta T.mi then ran rep"T the loan in on- small monthly payment In stead ef several I ! ; I Amt yon repay monthly Amt. of loan S mo. IS mo SO mo. t 40.00 I 1.7 i 441 IMI 1000 1140 10 OS III I 00 14 35 10 05 71 t A 00 18 49 S0.00 11.44 110. 00 4174 : SO 14 SO II If yoe can make regular email monthly payments select the plan above that beet suits rtmr needa, and come to for the ca ah TOD AT. , CALKINS ! FINANCE CO. i 111. Sne Fir. First Natt. Bank Btdg. Sa4env Oregoo Pbofte 4440 S-221 A M27l Staie Llcenaea Auto Loans Willamette Credit Co. Mfc KI'WtK 4IARDIAN Wltl.tMNO LJCKNFR NO M III PRIVATE MONEY AUTO AND TRUCK LOAMS CONTRACTS REFINANCED to re duce rwwmenta Moner (or new er used cere No delav er red Upe Too er!U re tain possession of the vehicle. 1 TO SO MCNTHSt TO PAT; ROY H. SIMMONS ISO South Commercial Street Phono 10l Lie No M-1IS vtt a to m u. v a'tait nrlv Inana Abram A 'Elite I ne Masonic Bhtg. Loans Wanted WANTED. PRIVATE money, for city, farm and acreage loans. Net In vestors IH to tntereet. Examine aoruritlee yourself. It wlU pay you to see us for Investments. CHILDS A MILLER. INCi 1 144 State St. Phone I2IL 1 MTt'll pmviTR Mi IN ET TO LOAN on good Salem real ee- t. Will pa interest. v W. H. GRA RSN HORST A CO. REALTORS j . . LOANS WANTED on rann and Hy property Before borrowing Inquire et Hwwklna Roberts riXJXJ1rL.irjl'J.in nr .FOR SALE Good sound first farm mortgages and bonds. See B. C Zlelln ikl with HAWKINS ft ROBERTS. INC. Phone 4101 or a74S. For Sale Miscellaneous SPECIAL ON good plate sTlasoi mir rors, all alaea, low prices. Upstairs Furniture Store, 431 Court Street, Sa- jnJ..rrLnnnr ,, ,,-n. V- - r -u-ijn.-.ri- NOW I BEDDING plants. S ; dos.. 15c Water hyacinths. 3 for S5c. Uth St. Goldfish Farm. 1S2I &.lStb St. RIVER KILT A top dirt Ph 1411 USED DAVENPORT, tapestry cov ered. 17.05. - v.. ' GKVURTZ FURNITURE CO. SMALL KIMBALL piano. Call be fore S p. m. 10 Ratcliff Drive. J 1 . n wH nkblta C707 afta. VSEO ICR boaes. SS to 10 Kk sloes, 11.00 to 15.00. U petal ro Furnlturo store. ii i.oun emtu - - - - - - iniinrar NEARLY- NEW wood range., e-pc breakfast set SleB N. Liberty. I U?El UUUUC cnir, i.j. ORVIIBTZ FTIRNITURE CO. eseweSAajBeaseBjse RIVER SILT, 5 yd. f. 4lj Lei. TURKEYS DRES. del. P. S-1074. X USED ICE box, SS.SO. J GKVURTZ FURNITURE CO. esaesjse4eee4resoseaesBeesees CASH JtKUISTER Adding tnecauie rypewrHer. DuplW-alor. Calculator and Scale eervice. Alt makeo. sold, rented swapped. Rnen Typewrttar E.t change aa Court . DUE TO huge stock arrtvtrtg datly we must clean house on discontinued lines, floor samples, etc at near cost, lliree floors of new and psed furni ture. Nash Furniture Co- "Home of Lhnge ranges, low prices." - USED ABC WASHER, good condi tion. I19.S0: automatic washer.! late model, like pew. $29.50: new washers from $3.SI. easy terms Good House keeping Inc.. 45S Court BL USED UPRIGHT piano. I9.S. THE APRON Shop 071 N jHlgh Builders Barpain j II BUNDLES HIGH grade cut shakes. 14 la. SS.SS each If all taken: IS bundles underreurse shingles. II In. CAc seek h taken with shakes. S15 S. SSrd St. Ph. I10S. -( USED- SiIJ RUQ In splendid condi tion. $19.50. ; - 1 - GEVURTZ FURNITURE CO. . NASH FUKNTTTTRE Co. sens the same for less. -SHOP AROUND. IT PATS. Large stock of nationally ad vertised lines te choose from. j Wanted Furniture CASH for oard furniture and hoa hold goods. R. Forger. Phono 1445. -WE PAT SPOT CASa- F. N GLENN WOOORT Pb, 1110 Wanted- Miscellaneous PAINTER. TRADE labor for car. dental work, wood, or anything can use. 1440 Waller. ' , WANTED. CARE for sm. children, country hooe. Inq. Rt. 4. Box 420 V. WANTKD. used fruit Ure Ph 45I1 CENTENNIAL COSTITMES made to order, reasonable. SI0H State. Miscellaneous "j Dental Plate Repair rTOHOUR SERVICE IN . MOST CASES Nrlns or Malt -Tout - Pie. tea f Repeli DR. HARRT FKM1.ER DENTIST Alisky Rldg, Sd Morriaoe. BR S4S7 For: Rent Rooms! " . HlVTEl MARION . Rooms Sperlal erevkty and enenthry rates te perm truest a Marlon Coffee Shoo dellHnve meal at low prtres UUTEA i.AL.Kr.1. lev moBiilj raUA Money to Loan JIM CLARK. ASST. MGR. Lie. No. S-fSt Phone Ills. floor tocUm For Rent Rooms MODERN FURNISHED rooms: also apt. Reasonable. TeL 0520 or IMS. Rma cloae In I4IS: S4k S Cottage. DESIR. RMS. at 1ST! Chemeketa. Room and Board ROOM. KM?, lady. $C no. TS1S. EASEMENT RM. with ahower St lav. 404 N. Winter. WORTH INVESTIQAT. 1SS7 Court. aejeease4ese4sees4BAse4s04sesje Ml MA Horti aufe uuortv EAT AT ISO MARION. BI), RM, US4 Ferry Ph $515. BOARD AND ROOM. S15 BeXlevue. BR1 RM. men Stelnke'e f S BEAUTIFUL double rnu twin beds. prL bath. 130 N. Summer. Ph. 107$. ROOM A BOARD. Sll S. Winter. EXCEL. BD na, $25. 593" 8. Com. For Rent Apartments rOVELT Hit furn. Pri. bath, ro frts; adult a. Ill 8. Summer. S R. HEATED apt, 444 8. High. MOD. S RFrig gar close In, $29. 10. S R. L. W. gar, $13.10. Ph. 71 IS. S RM. APT. Adults only. 770 a Com. X SMALL FURN, 532 N. High. 4 R. FURN. FOR mo. only. Elec. stove A refrlg. Uphol. furniture. $17.51 mo, Adults only. 413 University. ' Furn. S R, 1.. w h. Adults S9L FURN. SMALL lawn cottage.1 Wa ter, llgbes, phone, $14. S41 Mill. . NICE CLEAN turn. $ room flat. See it at 1J9 Fir. .NEAT 1st FL, 3 R. near state bldge. 3 adults. 475 N. Capitol. . Apr. tUIR.Fr. b'th. 1935 Center. BEAUTIFULLY FURNISHED cor ner apt. Reduced rates. 310 Leslie. ' LOVELY 3 RM. mod. apL,' furn. See t appreciate 1725 Center. 3 RM. FURN. apt, 161 S. Church. '-'"''-'-'"-''- sJv"v-y-r-sOanrOJ'Xn VACANCY. 3 R, furn. C4S Union. 1st FLOOR 1 rtn. furn. 1397 N. Com. ------ -- LjT,rnrii.rr n Li"trLrjuuT.nn. -NICK. CLOSE In, $17. 83) N. ComX wLS-AND R. sptsISS N. Uberty. i -"-"1 i"-se"l)sT'ws israytjnjjxrri NEW FURN. 3 rm, prlv. hatb, heat, water, adults, 991 N. Cottage. 0eeseeesess4sesewejse FURN. 33 EM. apts, S90 Union. S R, GAR., PRIV. entrance, frig, clean. Cloee. Adults. 115 N. Winter. - - - " iiuaHu-a iiiith"LH-I j iJKJ w S Eh, THK Flshei Apia before .rou decide. Large A Airy Rock wool In sulated against heat A cold. Venetian Blinds throughout S Corn ! A Oak Bts HAWTHORNS Court. 1000 N Cap ita. Homelike and commodious. MODERN NEWLY decorated I room fumlshod. Reasonable. Must sea to appreciate. 773 N. Winter. , V RnnU FT'WV an, Un . N.. frigid, water, gar. Ph. 3401. SLEEP. R. A spta 213 & Cottage. FURN. 4 RM, prL hath. 345 Marlon. BEAUTIFULLY FURN. 5 rm. mod. apt. Cloaa In. Ph. 33S7. ls,si-oeeseiseeaeaeas'ea NICE APT, 2054 N. CapitoL eassnssiesaeaesejdasejseeesesl CHOICE 3 R. aptai. The Devereaux. 3 R priv. bath. 350 & Cottage. I A S R -FURN apt, 141 Ferry. eAeeeaetaaniBJeejBAS 3 Rrca Mod. Cloee to. Ph $884. 0aeajseesee4wO4sesesdsset1k APTS.. FURN - unfurn. Cftlldrsii- wticorr46. $c up. iai a isth. p 7e& 3 RM FURN, kit, bath. S45 Court. eeee-saiaeeaaasesssa,Q 2 t RM. APT. Main fir. 445 8 Win tee. CLOSE IN modern furnished apart ment. Adults only. TaL 1400. ATTRACTIVE NEWLY redecorated furn. A unfurn. Reaa. 1520 Ferry. FURN. 3 RM. apt. 681 N. Church. i i i i raPB swi rkrsstsJXXejajseLJijss FURNISHED APT, 340 Division. ROOMY. CLEAN, furn. 3 bdrm. apt. Elec refrlg., gar, $25. Close, L A w. tncL Adults. 171 N. Capitol. 123$. eves. eeoasseeasestessessesstsseaaa 1 AND 3 RM. apts, 483 Marlon. " " a si ai ri i i "lj-KrL'iTjT-rmjTT FURN. APT, prt. bath. 653 8. 13th. aeaeaeeeaeeeaseseesseeseeBeesi Frn. apt. New. redec Ina. 130 N. 17. Bridge ' I J t esueve Zl,- rr is vtvR I - mm ferf III Miffifa 4mr(m' m 1 wa4twosf .. ! Money to Loon $100 CASH In Your Hands Tomorrow NO PAYMENT DUE FOR ; AT LEAST 30 DAYS For a cash loan of $21, $251 or more, simply do this : i. Make application tn peraoa or ; by phone. 3. ' Come . ia, sign and get the f cash: . i . . ' Endorsers not needed. ' Employer, friends . or relatives not notified. If you caa .make, small monthly pay ments, you should not hesitate to see us for a loan art once. Come In . or phone. Ask for Mr. Miller. . PERSONAL ; FINANCE CO. Snd Floor. New Bllgh BIdg. Phono 3191 , ' M-115 - State Lie. - 8-133 For Rent Houses S ROOM HOUSE on Market, bamt, furnace. $26.00. - I room bouse on Judsoo, borat, fur nace. 125.00. MONET TO 1XAN - , P. H. BELL. REALTOR 429 Oreg. BIdg-. . Phone till. xrxrxjejxxixrersrsrraii"aiJ" - J , TOR RENT ." -' , A MODERN R. HOME located at 16 Madison St, or will sell very, rea- nw!H. GRABENHORST A CO. , , PHONE 641$ uuuuli i.i ij-nr n . . ..... ... . ACREAGE WITH 4 rm. house. Ad ults only. 3 miles a Dallas Rd, Box 449. Aiao cabins. . 4 K, $15.' Furs. R, $30. Pn. T113. 4 R. . FTJRN. Ipq. : 1 $ i i Madlaon. .. UNUSUALLY COMFORTABLE and attractive modern 7 rm. home- on Fair mount Hill. $40. Write la care Bo 593, Statesman. . NICE S BDRM, Waller, $20. 5222. FURN. A UNFURN heweee. MEL VIN JOHNSON. 735 Court. Ph. $73$ eatessiesseeaeawslesesaoessa 4 ROOM, NEW, only .$1$0 09 K. rurnianeo; t R. furnished modern 30.4)0 O K REALTY. 319, Court Street UNFURN. bangs low. Oak Villa Court Adults. Inquire 996 MUL Tij-j-irTr-ft( ijuui. u"i iiiiuii --"''' '-' STTWW INh unfurn. houi R. ' A. FORKNER 1363 N Capitol sieaseaaasdssB9edssdwea 3 R. CABIN. $1.60 mo. IU. 0711. esaejesSseOseestsissSl WE HA Vs. THB PMUI'tttTt IF YOU want : to eell. escnange. lease, rent, see Mr : Larsea er Mr Col Mns with Hawkins m unpens nannnri rtftrtt-rvi) FURNISHED AND onfurn bouses H. p GRANT ISO Court Phone HOUSE NEAR schools, bus, stores, churches, rent reasonable. Inquire 403 N. SO or Phone 9319. 1 RM. HSE, 1710 Chem, May 15. For Rent WAREHOUSE FOR RENT LOCATED RIGHT downtown. ' one story brick with skylights, concrete floor. Sice about 25x70 feet $30 per BlOrKn. . W, H. GRABENHORST A CO.. PHONE 1468 saseeasOWaoeeos0saaO GROCERY STORE BUILDING FOR LEASE LATE-BUILT, modern grocery store wtm sSk3A feet nlus living ouarters. extra good location. Will lease for 3 or $ years for $45 per mo. irus room u equipped with shelving, counters and cooler W. H. GRA BENHORST A CO, Realtors, Ptaone 44 4 S. . KK1CK HtaiSlH. Xl State Stroot ttmuiro room S04J Te 871 A : Wanted to Rent '" LARGE MODERN home near W. TJ. State rent A Iocs. Box COO. Statesman. 6 ROOM HOUSE close In. State rent A location. Box 60S. Statesman. For Sale Real Estate A. NORTH. $175. $5 dn, $25 per BUDROW-KASMIR REAL ESTATE 12 Ladd A Buan Bldg. Ph. 6916. $2300. NEW. SUBURBAN bungalow. s rma, nics nun, nrvim. laundry rm, garage, lota of fruit . $2250. 5 rm. furnished bouse. In good condition, close' to school, on . bus line. Terms. - t 15$. Down, 5 rm. cottage type home, bath, garage, 3 lota. $1500. MONEY TO LOAN MELVIN JOHNSON, REALTOR 725 Court St. J Phone 3733. MODERN HOME close to Center, living room, dining room, kitchen, nook, 1 bedroom and bath downstairs with 3 bedrooms upstairs, full bsmt, furnace, with rumpus room - fat the bamt Price for quick aale at $3500. Attractive 6 acrea located S. of town, 6 room modern- home, bamt.; A furnace at only $3250.00. IMMEDIATE POSSESSION I" MONEY TO LOAN '- ' P. H. BELL, REALTOR 429 Oreg. Bldg., - - Phone tlSL oasesse4.ejsseeseas0sssse TWQ HOUSES on N. Com'L, for aale, one with 3 bedrooms, the other 4 bedrooms,, lots 60x150 ; priced at $1950.00 with $100 down. T H. L. HENDRJCKSON 429 Ores. Bldg. Phone 8121. rrrtie us J 9Ati btbert NICE CLEAN, newly decorated 5 R. bome, east front garage. Will glee someone a BARGAIN for all cash. IM MEDIATE POSSESSION. i W. H. GRABENHORST A CO. : S PHONE 6411 For Sale Uted Cera PRICES CUT WE NEED ROOM 7 We Ate Going to . Here Are Samples of Our Values ' 1939 Ford Coupe, Radio, Heater OTHER EXTRAS LOW MILEAGE " Was $650 - jNow $545 1936 Dodge Pickup $295 1937 Nash Lafayette, Overdrive, Clean Paint, $525 1939 Mercury A REAL CAR THAT GIVES HIGH GAS MILEAG See This One - $795 Many Others Coupes, .:.'.-: as Low VALLEY MOTOR CO. 37S CENTER STREET For Sale Real Estate A REAL INVESTMENT . MODERN. HOME with cement base ment, furnace, water beater, electric stove, breakfast set. garage, - built about "4 yra, ajro. 3 room, sear bus Use. Rented for 120 ; will sell for $1050 cash. DON'T WAIT ON THI3 ONE, SEE IT NOW. , W, H. GRABENHORST A CO, REALTORS 114 8. Uberty 8t Phone $413 DO TOU 'WANT A GOOD HOMET HERS IS your opportunity. . 7 R. modern home with cement basement, Siot air furnace with oil burner. 2 -car garage, large cor. east front lot wtth paved eta. Price reduced to $3000; must be all cash. W, H. GRABENHORST A CO, REALTORS 134 & Liberty St Phone $41$. 9)sTossvaO40sky3s - 9 FOR RENT OR BALE MODERN 7 R. COLONIAL, home at 350 Hoyt St in good condition, large lot double garage. Rent $46 or will sell at a sacrifice. W. H. GRABENHORST, A CO. PHONE $41$ PRICE REDUCED FOR ; QUICK SALE! $2100 BUYS 6 ROOM house, base, fur, II. blocks north. Some terms. C H. SANDERS 118 8. High 5131. oeaoasssaaasssQaepjosesa ' WILL BUILD" to autt tenant In good business location. 8alom. See WILLIAM E. MOSES. 331 State Street Money to loan on good Real Estate Private A Co. Loans. MUST SACRIFICE before May 1st good I rm. hse, basement furnace, garage, nice fruit and mat trees. E. Sa lem, $2400. $300 down. Box .$04. Statesman. REAL BUYS SEE THEM SURE .TWO NEWLY built homes. .3 bed rma. A unfln. up. Either inside city N, or on A E. of city, $2500. Low down pmt, bal. aa low rent. BUDRO W-KASMI R REAL ESTATE 13 Ladd A Bush Bldg. Phone 6915 4 . RMS, FIREPLACE, elec. range. Frigid, water heater. Take car or casta down pymc Inq. 2110 N. Fifth, ATTRACTIVE MODERN ROOMS. BUILT 1 year. $3100.00. $1459.00 cash, bal. $30.43 oer mo. 4L P. GRANT. 629 Court St eeisenwseeeeiseaesesaBseBW CHOICE BUILDING sltea. $301 A MOO. $14 Center. D. B. Kleihege. eeseejsakessessesewsseesee STRICTLY MOD. New 6 Rm. hse. wtth gar. Near bus line A schools. Fine location. Easy terms. Owner. 6501. ANYTHING IN real estate, 1 Buy ell or trade. Listings wanted. -See N. J L1NDGREN 176 8 High- "- r i " in i ru iri isrrfjnjnjLTunjtji , IDEAL COUNTRY HOME 1H A, 8TRICTLY MODERN, only t roL from city renter. FHA terms For sale by owner. R. D. WOOD ROW. ph. 601, Salem. Ore. LISTEN - TOU. MUST act now to get the neat 4 rm. house being at low price of $1,. 000 $500 will handle close to state btdga. A bargain. See Mrs. Ellis with CHILDS A MILLER, REALTORS 344 State St -Phone 92IL f ACRE TRACT east ef Salem. Modem home with basement furnace A double plumbing. Large barn. . 3 poultry houses. Year round creek, some , timber. Lots of fruit A -borriea Every tblug you hare wanted In a sub urban some at a reduced pries of 15. 500.00. See Mr. Hasdv or Mr. Collins, With HAWKINS. orROBERTS, INC. . Business Carda la this dlrrrtorr ma oa a i noBthli : bes's only. Rate: SI -23 per line per month. Anto Brakes Aflke) Panek 7$. South Commercial Baths & Massage' .9 8. H. LOOAN. $39 & Cottage, P. 4839. 'Beach Cottages 99 ISHERWOOD Cottages, Yachats, Ore. . Bicycles BICYCLES. NEW end reconditioned Harry W Scott 147 S Cornel P. 4114 ' Chimney Sweep TELEPHONE 446. OS. j Northneea , J Excavating : - KXCAVATINU Or aa klada Base ments dug Dirt hauled or moved Dirt for aale. Balem SanJ A Gravel. P 9401 ' Florists " " Breltbaapra. 447 Court. Phone fill. ; Funeral Directors - TerwiilUer runeral Home, JPn. 9J$. ' : , ; Furniture " , ' ; Cash for tools A furniture. Ph. 4117 Mattresses SAI.EM FLUFF Rug A Mattress Co New - mattress, eld remsde. me -ieanwg A weaving A ISlb A Wilbur Tei $441 Zwicker CAPITOL BXDDLNU CO. FUooe tOlil l For Sale Used Can I: i --1 Sell 50 Used Ctais Sedan Coupe. Sedans, Pickups, Trucks, as $45 ! :'' ph6 NE till. ejdssso3s1saeeseA4s,e9w NOW IS THE i TIME FOR A BETTER BUY WE HAVE Most All Makes Year Models 29 to 40 SOME BRAND NEW HUDSONS AND PACKARDS AT VERT ATTRACT- USED PACKARDS TV TERRA PLANES HUDSONS BUICKS FORDS CHEVROLETS BODGES FLYMOUTHS From $35 and Up CASH. TRADE ORJ TERMS Motors, Inc. ; HUDSON-PACKARD j DEALERS Used Car Lot : 455 Chemeketa St. ACROSS STREET FROM DOWN , j TOWN FIRS STATION Exchange- Real Estate ll 'ONE OF the beat mod. sub. homes. 4 bedrooms oil burner. North. Chicken house, 1 A. fruit A timber. Trade for good city property. C H. SAN' PER3 118 S. High 5 1131. I EXCHANGE ; NICE f RM. bungalow with base ment A furnace 1 acre with large oak trees, nice garden spot year round stream priced low at $3500. Will pay dirr. lor good house in town. Bee airs. Kills with I i CHILDS. A MILLER, 'REALTORS 344 State St I Phone 9SIL inrr 'in' -iiiiihiiii'i"iii 1 " " FOR SALE or trade far Salem prop erty, 40 A. 8 ml, 8. Rickreall on west side hwy. H crop goes with place. Gd. bldga. Price $8000. E. L. Riney, Rt J, Independence, Ore, j ; For SaleFarms I FARM. II ACRES 15 ACRES- IN crop. 1 1 room modern bouse, electricity, new Myers water system, good outbuildings. Ons mile south or central Howell sonool on Sa lem A Sliverton blghwayi B. H. Ames. SUverton. Route 3. I j ! STOCKED A EQUIPPED ! $3 ACRES ABOUT 4 mi. east 5-R. bungalow, elec. A water system. Good bam A aUd. Year round creek. 6 cows, bringing in from 110.00 to $100.00 per no.; 1 horse; II hens A all equip, meat goes with place. Reasonably priced. See Mr. Collins,! With HAW KINS A ROBERTS. IN4A Acreage Hie A. RIVER BOTTOM, livable old bldga. 4 A. berries, other fuiit f A. timber, pasture. John Blscnoff. Its miles- east of Wist Stayton. Directory 1 Natnropathle-Physician DR. VV H R(X:KWKl.lJ Naturoith le r Physician. 1700 Fa 1r rounds Rd Tel 4S03 Office Hours 1 1 a m te 6 SO pm. FREE EXAM A 'CONSULT A tioN , - " IK Papering, Painting , : Paint kAlao, reaa. Loyclk. pb.-94$l ! NEAT Work, reaa Johnaos Pb.3781 HERBERT B WOOD Tel $371 ip ' Plan Service V, U IRISH. 3064 N. Can, Ph. 71S4. Plastering PRICES O. K. Salers 13 yra. 93F1L f. ; Plumbing PLUM RINa GENERAL1 repelrwrk. Graber Broav 164 8 Uberty, Ph. 6694. U - Printini: :':1 , ., n FOR STATION EH T ' carda pamphlets programs books or any kind of print Iris call The Statesmen 1 Printing De partment 311 a Commercial. Tele ebon ..9IILj, vA., I-.'-., i j Salvagers and.Wreckers CASH FOR aid bids, to wreck, p. 121$ Schools! i. COMPLETE your HIOH SCHOOL at horns. DIPU IMA, TEXTS FURN Write 'for cateke. American School Defrt ft, Boa 4.60. Portland. Ore. Transfer FOR LOCA1 er distant transfer ator sre burner ell call 3131 - l-arr-ei Iranafar Co. Trucks te Portland ce..v Well DrillinT n. a. 7zzr. nt, c. ca, ts. r. STATE For Sale Used Cars :0TI0;J. WILSON ; , Ypni Pionleer Buick - ' JiPrt Dealer '-'S- : ; .V V .,- -v. ' .' GUARANTEED USED CARS WTTH A GUARANTEE , THAT MEANS WHAT IT SAYS 1939 i3uick Special Tour. SedSlVo. 1035; $875 Gunraatar finish, practically new" tlrea. - targe trunk, beater.' . , - 1939 Buick Special Tour. ' 2-Dr.jSedan 1 .$795 Blue Xhoco finish, full sedan, front . seat, runs -like new. . 1939 Buick Special - Business' Cpe.$775 Radio, heater and deluxe equipment. The beat value In Salem. Drive this . one today. 1936 Buick Special Tour. Sedan .....$515 A splendid running automobile, equip ped with , radio and other extras. A .top car. v - - J 1939 Chrysler Royal TourrSedan:...$885 Deluxe radio, air conditioning heater, overdrive, new rubber. .Worth $936 , oa todaya market 1938 Oldsmohile 8 Tour. Sedan i.:..-:L$695 Perfect black finish, radio and heater, low mileage. Handles perfectly. 1938 Studehaker State Com. Sedan ....$715 Radio and beater; brand new tires. Maroon finish. Here's a real bargain. 1937 Nash-Lafayette 1 Tour.Sedan....$495 Dark green finish, spacious trunk. A dandy light oar at a very special price. 1936 Plymouth Tonring : Sedan l...J-..$395 All dressed up in a brand new paint " Job. Good tirea sad motor. 1936 Graham Super ' charger 2 - Dr. . Sedan ..J..a.$395 Don't pass this one up. Ifs fat fine shape and the price la way below "par. 1936 Terraplane Custom Coupe ...-....-..-$375 A neat little car with )et black finish. Electric hand. 1936 Ford V-8 Standard Coupe .......$295 A red hot value for someone. Black finish and white aide wan Urea. Per fect motor. Clean, 19SS.Reo Flying Cloud Sedan 1215 1195 1914 ford v-s Tudor seoan 135 Terraplane Touring Sedan $25 1922 Graham Sedan . $135 1931 Buick Sedan , , $135 1930 Buick Roadster $5 1927 Buick Sedan $ 45 92$ Studebaker Sedan- $45 1929 Durant Coupe , $ 45 1931 HuDmobilo Sedan $ 85 SHOP HERE TODAY. WE WILL GLADLY DEMONSTRATE ANY CAR IN STOCK. GMAC TERMS. 0TI0 J. WILSON USED CAR DEPT. 3 $1 N. Commercial Phone 6451. Acreage BARGAINS SO A. 15 MI. from Sa lem, NICE LYING TRACT on good road.- fenced, all year stream,1 good soil, $31 per A. 350 cords of wood, easy to get out 114 A. 16 mt from' town, fenced, fine turkey or sheep ranch. 7S0 cords of wood, good soil, on vood road, $11 per A. MONEY TO -LOAN MELVIN JOHNSON, REALTOR 726 Court St Phone 3723. II A. ALL IN crop, 7 mL Salem 1150: 150 down. 10 A. All in crop. 11 mL N. $815 ; $71 down. ABRAMS A ELLIS. INC. 411 Masonic Bldg. Salem. Oregon. .: 4 A. $3250. I ' .. i RM. PLASTERED house, elec. wa ter ay stem, 63 large filberts, is large walnuts, chicken house, berries, 120 ft frontage on 99E. 21 A i rm. mod. house with base ment Barn and outbldga. Elec1 Near school. Good creek. I47&0. i R. A. FORKNER , 1153 N. Capitol Street ; ' - Business Opportunities a ROC.. $$00 CASH. Beauty shop. $1250, H cash. 173 B. Lib. Ph. 7112. ROOMING HOUSE, close tn. excel lent heating . plant . fireplace, base ment. 3 garages, priced to sell. . MELVIN JOHNSON, REALTOR 725 Court Street . Phone' 172 S. COUNTRY GROCERY A eerv. sta tion. $720 cash. ' Can fnereaea bus iness. Several businesses for sola. C H.. BANDERS US 8. High $131. FOR SALE. Int or all of a small downtown grocery, doing excellent bus iness. Write Box 432, Statesman. For Sale Wood ATTENTION ! BUY wood that lasts, best old fir. II In, $SV Ph. $$11. MILL WOOD, $3.60 load. Ph. .SJ24 L Wood at west end Court St tl IN, O. F, 46, knots. $5, slab $4. P. $454. - DRY WOOD. Bradley, Phone) $704. DRY WOOD, old fir A 2nd growth. Phone 4751 for prices. DRY OLD fir. 2nd. gwth. Ph. 7507.' 1$ IN. OLD fir $5 cd. TeL $121. DRY WOOD all kinds. Phonw 9610. esasaeaseajBeBeaesewsesssM WlMlll Ph tire lime 4IZ N Slat OLD FIR. $5.50. slab $3 25. P. 22137 Lost and Found FOUND t "SPRINGER SPANIELS hi N. Salem. Owner may claim at Sa lem Veterinary Heap. - Personal LONELTT WOKTHWHIl. sweet near i. husband, wtfo for rota. P O. bos 71 I .no Aneeles. - ' 17 Scholarships Y Granted f or 4H C0RVALL1S. April 2 5.-.TH SeTcnteen $100 scholarships have teer granted for use of 411 clnb boj- and girls In etudy!"ar a?srlctil tcr or home ecor.cn.:. at Oregon State eoll"g. The scho'arf!i!pit, timed ia hon or of Ctrl Uaymond Gray, lata president cl tht Union raclfle railroad, are granted to one 411 clnb member from each of the Oregon counties la ultch rall rcai crtraUa. For Sale Used Cars REAL VALUES- r ) 193$ 1937 133$ !$ FORD DeLUXE TUDOR $495.00 FORD 40 FORDOR 176.00 FORD TUDOR. RECON DITIONED MOTOR $35.00 FORD DeLUXE SEDAN. k X C E P T XO N ALLY ' CLEAN i 295.00 1933 FORD TUDOR, AS JS 1C6.00 1930 FORD COACHi 125.00 1930 FOHD COACH, , . 99.00 I9S7 CHEV. .MASTER Do- LUXB TUIXIH ....$495.00 isi umkv. mu. uuur, OVERHAULED . 1934 CHEV. STD. SEDAN 1933 CHEV. SPT. SEDAN. OVERHAULED 1931 CHEVi SPECIAL Sf DAN. NEW. PAINT, OVERHAULED : 295.00 295.04 195.00 . .M75.00 1931 CHEV. COACH .. 135.00 1:$ DODOE DeLUXE PE- , "DAN, RADIO. HEATER $2S.OO 293$ DODGE DeLUXE CPE, HEATER, VERY CLEAN $95.01 1935 PLTMOUTH DeLUXE COUPE. RADIO, HEAT ER . j 295.04) 1933 PLYMOUTH SPORT COUPE, RADIO, HEAT ER . U 335.00 MANY OTHERS TO CHOQS FROM 71 USED fJAfiS CENTER AT CHURCH STREET - OPEN EVENINGS I BARGAINS AS 1S 1929 Willys-Knight , Sedan ...1J... .....$35 1931 Studehaker Coupe .. . . J..i..4$5 1934 Ford Tudor IK " Touring .i:...:...$225 ! 1929 Olds. Sedan.. ...$45 1936 Terraplane j Sedan ......U. .L...$325 1936 Graham' Tour. Tudor ...L.....$365 1929 Chev. Sedan.. .. $95 1 I ;... , CHEVROLET CO. WALT HOLMAN-IAWRENCE FLA- - thers virgil sloan 333 Center phone si$$ open evenings e,eeaeeeewassaJss,ssa,sasasasssi 2$ NASH SEDAN. $20. Ph. 1422. 1931 DODGE DeLUXE Sedan, lust Ilka new. Mohair upholstery. Boa 403, Oregon Statesman. ' i . Lejsal Notice NOTICK OF IXTKNTION TO. lM' PBOVK THAT I PORTION OV NOBWAV STREET FROM THK, EAST LIXE OF I KIGHTKEXTH STREET TO THE UTEST IJXB OF NINETEENTH STREET IN THK CTT OP 8ALEI, OREGON NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that tho Common 1 Council of the City of Salem. Oregon, deems It necessary and expedient, and hereby "declares Its purpose and Intention to Improve that portion of Norway Street from tho oast Una of Eighteenth Street to tha west line of Nineteenth Street, in the City of Salem,; Marlon County, Oregon, -at tho expense of the abutting and adjacent property owners, except any street and alley Intersection, the expense of which will -bo assumed by the City of Salem. Oregon, by bring ing eaid portion of said street to tha established grade, construct ing Portland cement concrete curbs, and paring said portion of said street with A six-inch Port land cement concrete pavement, thirty feet in width. In accord ance with the plant and specifi cations therefore which were adopted by tha Common Council oa tha 15th day of April. 1140, now on file fa the office of the City Recorder, and which are hereby referred to and made a part hereof; ', The Common Council hereby declares Its purpose and intention to make tha above-described im provement Dr and tnrouch the - Street ; Improvement Department of1 the City of Salem. Oregon. By order of the Common Coun cil of the City of Salem. Oregon, this 15th days of April. 1940. , f A. WARREN JONES, City Recorder, - Salem. Oregon, Ap 24-25-2-27-2S-30 My 1-2-3-4-6 NOTICE TO CREDITORS No. 103S8 Notice Is hereby girea that the nndersirned by an order of the County Court of the State of Oregon.- for Marlon County, duly made and entered on tha 26th pointea executor ei tne estate oi Mary B. Bennett. deceased, and that ha baa duly Qualified as such executor. All persons having claims against -said estate are hereby -notified , to present the same, duly verified as required by law. to hi :ai at the office of E. L Crawford, attorney tor estate. Rooms 20-21. Ladd A Bush Bank Building, Salem, Oregon, within six monthn of the date of this no tice, i . . - i Dated this 29th' day of March, II40. -,'T ' . WILL BENNETT. . .. Executor of the Estate of Mary B. Bennett de ' f-eased. c. : l. cravfokd;. Attorney for Estate, -Ladd & Biiih Bank Bldg., Salem, Oregon.' I ' U. 23,' Ap. 5-12-19 26 ORVAL'S McKAY t Li:M 1o1 Vo. 4. if. A if. Moa, AP'il M. I'i'rr. ' V- a 1:30 p.m. J. li. 1'1LA. .'J. v, .H. MCiriO ..fO 19. 51- A. 1 . 1,f vt .f I V. t.. i 1. in J p.m. 4 -V