t-C' vr ru ,Jr-fV'';;rv"- 5 '. I" ":!! Thm CI2GCH LTATT-Cl-IAIl. CoUou Oregon. Thundoy Morrlag, April 25, 1S40 For BESUIiT " ' ' -v J S LOW D8 ! !- t Statesman Classified Ads Call 9101 " v' Classified AdrftW -Three Insertions per line 2 Re Six Insertions per lis 40e One month per line $1.11 Minimum charge 25c; 1 U mla- loam lie; tl mln 45c No refunds. 09, tmr the sag sceete4 eoU S :M t eaeoia' Were Mirta fee daeetfirelkM. Copy t.-cia si tor tkie iM will se res " ksodisg "Too Late to Claer-." Tse BUteasiae iml ftsssrtai MMUik Hty lor errors e-kirk m; i.Mtr m a4-rlienta oofcltaa-d ite ootaBU io thi paper fa si fael will rwortst tfcat port ( mm so'aeriieraaeet to wklcfc tW tr egrapfci-e aefce ti TfcO Stateaatao rr tao rlgkt to reject euesMoeebl -rtieBg M InrUer reserves ! rlgkt to Blare M edrerUelag ssdef tke proyor claaaiM eaties. - A Bttao" A4 oo ad eeataialng Stateaaan kea eaaber for a ddrraa ia lor too protottiop of . advor tiaer 4 aaoU tkerefere bo anawrr-d br Irttar. Tke Statesswa to net a liberty to dlvalge-lafommtieej as to. tke identity ol advertiser esing Bll" ao. Livestock Phone 7330 - Phone 7330 ATTENTION WE PICK op dead and worthless gnlmals at a moment a notice - Oregon Rendering A Fertiliser Co. . Phone 7330. Collect BABT CHICKS 1 Varieties, In ettMllns FU-t Rnrke. Hampshire, l-eg homo. Day ofat ' pallet a. rorfcerelo, sta rted rhlrka Phone 1241 lre Hslchery . FRZSH MILK Goat. 1171 Union St. Phone Salem 5000 Attention WH PICK up drad and worthless atock at a momenta notice. Salem Fertilizer and By-Products Works Phone Salem 5000 Collect FARMERS MONTGOMERY RENDERING WORKS PICKS UP. FRKE OF OH A ROE. DEAD AND WORTHLESS HORSES AND COWS ANYWHERE IN THE WILIiAMETTE VAM.KT. WE PAT TOP PRICES PHONE US COLLECT. U1 SALEM rnrui" " r-- tie. Ptao yOTm, broko to hro an1 aaddlo. 1S 00 caah. Aak for R. M. Blabop, S404, Tueaday betwoea i and Help Wanted 3 WEEKLY. GROW Muahrooma Cellar, ahed Wo buy froah, J Sc. ery ft. IS lb FREE ROOK Muahrooma 117 Third -Seattle. Waah Help .Wanted Male MAN WITH email garden tractor to ?!ow and dlac lot. Call after C :S9 p. nu, 9 N. Fourth. llelp Wauled Female WANTED OIRL for housework. Inq. RL S. Box 792, care Ed Moore. anruTjTnjru-jLnju r- - vr"r" v " EXP. IISEKEEPER. part-time, go homo nlshta, 21 S. Church. P. !' Situations Wanted LAWN cutting A apadlag. Ph. ilU. DRESSMAKING REMODELING, also CoatonalMl coatumea. ! S. Lib erty, -v LADY WISHES work In hotel. hoe pltal or by bour. (41 N. Cottage. EXP. LNDSCP, Uwn work. P. til. ORE88MAK lln Adsttt Ph. gift Heuae Painting Cut rmtee. car contract. Wk. guar. Ph. 447 a.m.. p.aa. EXP. WOMAN want a hr. wk. . POSITION AS bookkeeper, clerical ar aaloamaa. Willing to make otibetan ttal In root moot. Boa tit ce BtaUamaa. EXP. WOMAN wants hsodn. T2(7. EXP. GIRL want heewrk. I2J77. For SalerMiseellaniron FUR CHUBBIES. wm'r. wear. tl4. t vp. Hagefs Pur Shop. 1247 &. Cam. BABY CHICKS, tea eariatlee now. 1 hatches arerf week. Cockerel a pwl lota, custom hatch trig. ToL f -2141. LeVa Hatchery. THOROBRED POMERANIAN Pure fS.to tip. Halo Mickey. Sit S. 12th. ROTTED FERTILIZER. Phone 54t FINEST - SELECTION of well rroarn plant for yard and gardea. Phono 127. JAY MORRIS. Florist. PC. DINING art. slightly aaed. Splendid condition. S4.t. - GKVURTZ FURNITURE CO. UPRIGHT Packard plaao. Ph. 1742. FRUIT SPRAYER. 25 gallon ca pacity. $11. C. A. Walling. Se 8. 14th. ZENITH RADIO 14 14-TUBK ALL-WAVE cabin et model, balance due. $S7.4t. Terms S3 iWwil montniT- Mr. jana. GEO. C WILL MUSIC STORE NOW I BEDDING plants. -1 dos ISc Water hraclntha. S for ISc. 11th Pt. GoldflBh Farm. 124 R 12tb SL - RIVKB K1I.T tof Alrt Ph 4t USED DAVENPORT, tapeetry cor- ered. 17.4$. . GKVURT7 FURNITURE CO. - SMALL KIMBALL Ptann. Call be fore X p. pa. Ratcllff Drive. . ADVERTISING " ' 1, " ' Western AdrertislHg - ' Repfeseatatlrea ; Oetrge It. Cloas, lae. Baa Fraoeiaro, Loa Aatalea. Seattle ' ( Eastera Adrertlsiug ' ' Representative :y,r-:-' Brraat UriffttO Breeaea, " lae.- r Cblrajro, Jiw York, Detroit . . Bualon. Atlanta Entmtd ef lk Pvteffict at Salem Oreeoa. a Second Claae Matter. Pap. tA4 eoerp mriii ecoept Honda ,t. h xihj o7ics IM South CooiaaerctaJ Street. SUDSCRIPTION RATES: Mail StiaarHpBtaa Rates la AaTtaes Witkia Oregfii ttmiy sad Saadar. Me ceaU: S Mae I1W; 4 Mea. f2 fcO; j aar V0O. Elaaokero AO seats par 11 e sr $4 00 for t year a adrsaee. tor on 3 inu. Cnutnii coats. - ti City Carriar. 0 eeata a aieatk. 7 u'j o year :a adruace ta aUrtop b4 ai.ntjit eeoaties. Money to Loan QUICK CASH LOANS : CALL. WRITE or phono !) to Baieate eldest, largest home owned and home imaasHl flnanre lntttutkn Youi financial affair will be glsctiaosd and loan mad ia ati-triest privacy You will bp glvoa ovory eonofcle ration ia tba re paying pi your loan ot granting of psIenMoaa r - ! ! 1 to 24 Months to Repay ; , Yoa eaa par ru" eny ttmo to radura Use soot. . , Only Borrower Signs Na andorarra Loans mad en furniture, cars er nota. - '! SEE - ROT H- SIMMONS. MGR. Jill CLARK. ASST. afQR. IJe N Mlil ' GKNhRAL FINANCE CORPORA nON, J Ho CMUMtrltl Ht Flral oVioc sxaith of I add A Bush Bank Convenient ground Ujljl,!!!,!!-!,!-!."!.!. r . Il. l" ----- J-"J LOANS PERSONAL UUNS. 4 IS TO 41 UP TO tsoeoe UN CARS Al THIS time of the year ansae ramillep and tadlvlduala hare gotten behind with their varitms Mils and monthly, poytoent nntro-te If thl ta mu to be your situation see no oc a loan large enough to par off oil roar various bHIa and monthly pnywient roatmrta T.ki then ran repay tho lonn la one small monthly payment Jn tond of several Amt. you repay monthly AnM. of loan mo. 12 mo. 2 ma. 1 40.S0 I (.7 I III I !W 80 09 II 4 IS e k 28 ! 142& ISIS 7S. '. tea 04 21 4f 20t 1144 400 44) 4 2 7 4 2 4 II 24 14 If you caa make regular small month! payments select the plan above that beat suits vour needs and cam ta for the cash TOOAY. CALKINS FINANCE CO. til. 2nd Ftr. First Nat'L Bank Bldg Snlem. Oregon Phone 444 8-224 M-27 Sta.e Uconaes Auto Loans Willamette Creilit Co. ith KMR HIARI)IAN KlIII.IUMa LlfKNPK NO M It PRIVATE MONEY AUTO AND TRUCK LOANS CONTRACTS REP-INANEO to re duce psvmenta Monev fm new er used cars No detar or red tape Two WTO ro ata apeslon of the thWa 1 TO 20 MCNTHts TO PAY ROY H. SIMMONS 131 South CnnHnerrlal Street ih III! Uc no as-isz FHA LOANS" 4HK erne prlv loans A bra ma Elite Ine Maannle Bldg. Loans Wanted : WANTED. PRIVATE money for city, farm and acreage loana. Net In vestor to 4 Interest. Examine aecwrttlea yourself. It will pay yoa to see as for Investmenta CHILDS A MILLER. INC 244 State St. Phono S24L WANTED PRIVATE MONEY . TO LOAN an good Salem, real op iate. Will pay 4t, Interest. - ; W. H--GRABENHORST A CO.! v REALTORS N f PaaaaPeaoaaaeaskreapaaaaaappapetaPk LOANS WANTED on farm and elty property Before borrowing Inquire al Ha wfcma A Robert' FOR SALK Good sound first farm mortgagea and bonds. See B. C. Zloltn akL with HAWKINS A ROBERTS. INC. Phone 4140 or o74e. For Sale Miscellaneous L. I.?'- L-? jy1j rlbllIU' 7,T NEARLY NEW wood rang. - 4-po, breakfast set. 21 OS N. Liberty. soeaksBasaksasapeapappoap I USED IX)TJNGE chatr.' 17.45. GEVURTZ FURNITURE CO. RIVER SILT. 05c yd. P. 426S. DeL TURKEYS DRES. A del. P. t-1074. i USED ICE box. 22.S4. j . GEVURTZ FURNITURE CO. i.ri.i li i.i Ti i 1 - niH RBiiirrcft Arftftna Ptlu rkvnttreter flalmlater and Scale eerHc. All makes aold. rented swapped. Reea Typewrite Kxehanga. a Court. wo must clean house on diarontiaued lines, floor samples, ate. at neer cost. Three floors ef new and used furni ture. Nash Furniture Co- "Home of Langs ranges, low price. rras-n A w WASmpp- nvwl eamdl Uoa, 1 It : automatla waaher, late modeL like new. 42SA4; now washers from $19.44. emey terma Good House keeping; Inc., 42 Court St. USED TT FRIGHT piano, 144.44. GEVURTZ FURNITURE CO. ; THE APRON Shop 4tf K High ssespsaaseeajsfeyahjsfeafeBn i BnUders Bargain U. 14 BTTNDLES HIGH tTsae irot shakea 24 tn. 42.44 each If eJ taken ; 12 bandies ujdereoora ahbigleav IS lav, gee each it taken with shake, tit 8. lrd 8t. Ph tlS. aaaasnpeskaasaaasjaapepnepay U8ED 0x12 RUG ta plondid condi tion. tll.il. ' - ; - x - GEVURTZ FURNITURE CO. ' aaPsaseaBseBaSkaeaeaaapsseaa4n NASH FURNITURE Co. sells the same for leas. -SHOP AROUND, IT PAYS." Largo stock of nationally ad vertised lutea to choose from. Wanted Furnitnre CASH for 4e4 rurnitare and houao hoki gooda R Forger. Phone . 7444. -WE ; PA Y SPT CASH." j ; F. N A GLENN WOOORY Ph. 1114 Wanted -Mistrcllancous t a rv"rro in ats'K ltn for ear. dental work, wood, or anything caa use. I4lt waiier. WANTED. CARE for am. children, country home. Inq. Rt. 4. Boa 43S T. WANTED; used fruit tars Ph 4S1T SapnasSABanskja CEXTENKIAL COSTUMES tn a d S to order, reaaoaabM. u flats, ! Miscellaneous Dental Plate Repair I raVlVHOUK SKKVICS IN MOST ..' ' ' CASES Krtng or Man Toot ptetoa for Rwpalt DR. HARRY SEMI.KR. DENTIST tUnkv KMC M A Idorrlsna BR 1421 MALE. INSTRUCTION. We want to hear from reliable men. now employed, wtth foresight; fair education and me chanical Inclination, willing to train spNr time at home en J later in our sttopv to bucotne Installation sad serv ice expert on all trp Air Condition ing and taectrle RefrlKeration tqu'.p mL Write fXiliy giting are. prewn! occupation. : UtiUtfcw lusututa, Boa 653. Htateaanan. For Rent Rooms MODERN FURNISHED room; also apt. Reasonable. Tel. 90 or X62. HirTKt HA I KM w miwithlv rates HirrEl ttARKIM Roeena )pial owkly and anootty rates- to perm sruesta Marion Coffee Shoo dll4rt meaia at low ariroe Rma close In. 6432: 346 S. Coctaga, DE3IR. RMS. at 1371 ChemeketA. Money to Loan floor location lie No. S ilt Phone till Room and Board Via Q-BrUSTMT Ttlf wltH alM A lav. 44 H. Winter. ' JJ"j---"-Tiri irirqL rirxrLruxn. WORTH 1NVESTIGAT. 1117 Court. Jj-"Jrsvvarsorrsfii 3ell MA wSJsjrjs Osj fW Jfja4jrV neaveasaeaasajnknjp EAT AT 5S MARION. Bi. RM. 1434 Ferry Ph ISIS. BOARD AND ROOM. 115 Bellevus. BHD KM men Sleinks's - P S2S4 BEAUTIFUL doable rm, twin befia, pri. bath. 430 N. Summer. Ph. 0072. ROOM A BOARD. SIS. 8. Winter. EXCEU BD, rm.. $25. (A3 & Com. For Rnl -Apartrnpnts BEAUTIFULLY FURNISHED cor ner apt. Reduced ratea 414 Leslie. FURN. t TL. bath. Frig., gar cloee, $20.60. 2 B X w $12.44. Ph. 7113. LOVELY 4 RM. mod. apt, furn. 80s to appreciate 1725 Center. . - S RM. FURN. apt, 114 R Church. VACANCY, t R turn. 44$ Union. 1st FLOOR 1 rm. furn. 1197 N. Com. NICE. CLOSE in, tlT. $91 N. Com'L 1st FLOOR APTS. 4 A .4 rooms. Furn. or unfurn. 1411 Court St. - L t AND 3 R. apta, 420 N. Uberty. NEW FURN. 3 rra. prlv. bath, heat, water, adults. 091 N. Cottage. FURN. 2 A 4 RM. apts, 690 Union. S B, GAR. PRIV. entranre, frig, clean. Close. Aduita. $16 N. Winter. HKSi THaV sriBhei Auta. Pelor voa Oarldo. Large A Airy Rockwool la sulated agalast heat A cold. Venetian K:tnd throughout 8 Com t - A nab 8ta HAWTHORNE Court. 1000 N. Caa ito. Homelike and commodious' MODERN NEWLY decorated 6 room furnished. Reasonable. Must see to appreciate. 77$ N. Winter. . ..vw. . w ... . . m V ' J wm&v, 1 nil. 1 . Yrigld, water, gar. Ph. 40. . y our.jj. n. at apis, sas b. ijniais. FURN. 4 RM, pri. bath. $46 Marion. BEAUTIFULLY FURN. rm. mod. aC Close in. Ph. $107. -r - TWICE APT. 20S4 N. Capitol. CHOICE S R. apts. The Devereaus. $ R. prlv. bath. $54 S. Cottaga 4a4aiassaaaeaaesaassapisejpy 1 A t R. FURN apt. 044 Ferry. $ Rma Mod. Close la. Ph. $314. ' APTS.. FURN, unfurn. Children welcome. $ up. 1210 & 12th. P 704. 3 RM. FURN, kit., bath. 64S Court. 4 RM. APT. Main fir. 445 S. Winter. saasSBPSabesaSksassSappsjpSps FURN. 4 RM. APT gar, 47$ N. Cottage. Phone 5254. CLOSTC IN modern furnished apart ment. Adults only. TeL . $490. ATTRACTIVE NEWLY redecorated furn. 'A unfurn. Reas. 1524 Ferry. FURN. 1ST FLOOR, Vary dose In. w wirwa. aik. apu a. 2 RM. FURN. apt. Main floor front. $2.50 a week. 1200 Oak. Phone 4274. AT HOLLYWOOD. 1444 N. Capitol, od. furn. apart, tow rates. Adults. FURN. S RM. apt, 581 N. Church. FURNISHED APT. $44 Division. - - "i JirnrLPLfixu'ruTxu ROOMY. CLEAN, furn. t bdrm. apt. Elec. re frig, gar, $25. Close. LA w. mci. Adults, oil N. capitoL 023, 1 AND t RM. apts, 432 Marion. FURN. APT. pri. hath. 153 S. 11th. wssasjaaaasaeaaaakasapsJpaa Fm. apt. New. redae. In. 134 N. 17. For Rrn nonm 4 TO I R, 414 to flUHsa. with $ apts, $34. Ph. 711$. 4 R. FURN. Inq. 1540 Taadlaon. NICE 4 BDRM. Waller. $10. 523L FURN. A UNFURN houses, MEL TIN JOHNSON. 735 Court. Pa $72$ 4 ROOM. NEW, onty Ilt 00 K. furaiabed -4io.se 4 R. farntshed modern 30.00 U u RSAX.TT. . 310 Court Street UNFURN. bopgalow. Onk Villa Court. Adoita. Inquire 491 MUL FURN. AND onfurn, boosaa, R. A. rORKNER. 1154 N Capitol Are You Listening? f HacAPhi.W CmvmtYTiri f esr aancmmm I Cm CDHMaeeysr wertuw gasaoli-gewKro sacsa os I r t7 mxjnTr a 5 aie. iTAgouv garirracw $mKA AstpOM At enxeuSNVSM- I ON aaajMc J OtCTATO- I ACeuCte MSMc "saansaaasBsaaasaaa. mmrnm e r ,-s - a 1&Ct - ; l"- $4 iSriSlox 1 V vctvmo V neiSArAMaT' l WT ; ( a 0uao." XsTeoV' I 1 , 1 1 sock Ms-i- C KMeneeMO BY j t RCAO, AV , lTHeT--irer C MnH J . , 6mpcs Mm.v? hwiamd. ( w6ck Mewcen' J I I ; .. f win- e oueTt 1 - 1 . - - . ' MIS ATmexowTnal. v . , V L . AvaMiowyevcw J , ' V . Money to Loan $100 CASH In Vour Hands Tomorrow NO PAYMENT. DUE FOR - AT LEAST $T DAYS For a cash loan of $15, $354 er more, afmply da this L' Make appUcatioa In parson or - by pboae. : - X. Come , in, sign aad . .get t he cash.' ' Endijrsara liot needed. Employer, friemia ar rehttrvea not notified.- If yea can make small monthly pay ments, you abould not hesitate to see tie - for a loan at onre. Come ia or phone. Aak, for Mr. Millar. " PERSONAL FINANCE CO. Sad Floor. New Bllgta Bldg. Phone 8191 M-14S Stale Lie 8-134- For Rent- Houses IK. CABIN. $4.50 mo. Ph. 87$L WK HA Vs rHS PK ntl'ILCI IF YOO want to sell exchange rent, ess Mt fjtrsrn or Mr Col Una with H"rwktn A Roberts FURNISHED AND an rum bouses H. P GRANT S$ Court Phono C744 4 ' ROOM BUNGALOW. O'Reilly's Shoo Shop. 150 South Liberty. ' 4 R RATH, aarden. tterrlea. Cbeas. 1$42 Rugs St, West Salem. HOUSE NEAR schools, bna, stores, churches, rent reasonable. Inquire 403 N. 30 or Phone 9319. 7 RM. USE. 17S9 Chem, May 16. For Rent OFFICE HtMMS. SM State Street mult room 200 Te 871S Wanted to Rent I ROOM HOUSE close to. Stats rant A location. Box 402. Statesman. " ForlSale Real Estate 4 RMS, FIREPLACE, else, range. Frigid, water heater. Take car or cash down pymt. Inq. .2144 N. Fifth. i u i.i'i.i 1 r 1 "ii. - - - - a ttt a mrvw vrriTiv'P'N . 1 - 4 ROOMS. BUILT 1 year, $3404.44. $1450.00 cash, bal. $30.4$ per mo. H. P. GRANT. 639 Court BC faaekBesaieaesasaasaBseaseapSa, 5 ROOM HOUSE, living room. hAdraoma. alaaeed in back large kitchen wired for range din ette largo lot axna.ii nouse in nmr walnats yoangberriea, gooseberries raspberries blackcaps grapes price $3800. See LOUIS BECHTEL or MABEL NEEDHAM -341 State Street Room 4. taeaaaaasn"ssasopTSBa NEW, UNFIN. house. Full price. 11760. $24 down. $24 per mo. F. H. WEIR. Realtor.112 Ores. Bldg. CHOICE BUILDING sites, $300 A $400. $149 Center. D. B. Klelhege. . STRICTLY MOD. New 4 Rm has. with gar. Near bus tine A schools Fine location. Easy terms, Owner. 6504. ANYTHING IN real aetata. Buy sell or trade, Ustinrs wanted. n -. -See N. J UNDGREN 176 S High. IDEA I. COtlNTRT HOME 1 A. STRICTLY MODERN, only 4 mL from city center, FHA terms. For sale by owner. R. Ds, WOODROW, ph. 9400. Salem. Ore. 4 LISTEN TOU MUST act now to get the neat 4 rm. house being at low price of $1. see $S0O will handle close to-state bldga A bargain. See Mrs. Ellis with CHTLDS A MILLER. REALTORS $44 State St. Phono 924L etssaslsasaiaaess4snas 4 ACRE TRACT east of Salem. Modern home with basement, furnace A double plumbing. Large barn, t poultry houses. Year round creek, some' timber. Lots of fruit A berries. Everything you have wanted in a sub urban homo at a reduced price of 15. 500.00. See Mr. Hardy or Mr. Collins, with HAWKINS A ROBERTS, INC. 4ena4aah-lseona NORTH- $37S 9 LOTS. FRUIT, garden tn. S rm. housan, P. GRANT. 624 COURT ' - Exchange Real Estate EXCHANGE NICE 4 RM. bungalow1 with base ment A furnace 1 acre with large oak trees, nice garden spot, year round stream priced low at $1540. Wtll pay diff. for good bouse ht town. See Mrs. Ellis wttli - CHILDS A MILLER, REALTORS . $44 State St. ' Phono 9341. FOR SALE or trade for Salem prop arty. 40 A. 4 mL 8. RlckraaU on west side hwy. t4 crop goes with place. Gd. bides. Price $8000. E. L. Rfney. RL L Independence, Ore, For Sale Farms FARM, 44 ACRES 54 ACRES IN crop, 4 room aaodorn houos, electricity, - now- Myers water system.' good outbuilding. One xnne south- ef Central Howell school on Say lem A Sflverton highway. B. H. Ames. 8 ll verts a. Routs 4. xrirLrtrLru'ii 1 nriririr ifinn'ri- . STOCKED A EQUIPPED 44 ACRES ABOUT 4 reL oaaC 4-R. bungalow, else A water system. Goad barn A alio. Year round creek. 4 cows, bringing In from $40.00 to $104.44 per mo. : 1 horse; 44 hens A all equip ment aroea with nlaca. Reasonably I priced. See Mr. C0UU1. With HAW- ius at Huiuuu a, Aiv For Sale Uted Cars A Useld From Us rr . fl ... '4 ... a uouot ;..Savingr;inviesta t .You'll Find tne Lowest' - Ilsed Cars; and Most liberal Trades A CALX Otti CARD FROM TOTf WTLL TtRING ANT OV THESE TO I OUR DOOR FOR INSPECTION . ; - 1939 Oldsmobile (70) Sedaki L.;.J..-$795 Virk.l rli. ITI SI IS An tnn TmAm af axtraa . 1939 Chevrolet Master DeLnxe Coaeh I $675 .' . Beautiful brown color,' Trnhr a honey. ' 1938 Oldsmobile Totirins Sedan ..U:.l...695 v"f - Beautiful dark groan. ; it's tops. ' ; v - 1939 Plymouth DeLuxe Coupe......... .. ...-$665 . Just like new. : 1936 Chrysler Royal SedanlU................. .$495 Exceptionally clean Runs like 1937 Ford (60) 2oupe ...lL.... ...........4..-$375 la the pink ef condition - new rubber, etc, if s econoralciil. 193S Plymouth DeLuxe Coupe..... .. L....$545 This one must he seen to be . appreciated. 1937 Plymouth DeLuxe Coach......... . $475 Orbriaal dark blue finish A runs Ilka a watch. Drive It, you'll buy. H. 1937 Buick (40) Sedan.....;;! U.$595 Radio, heater, DROP IN AND FEAST TOUR USED CARS. " t ! j . . in....- .' - Salem Auto Co. USED CAR SUPER MARKET CORNER CENTER AT COMMERCIAL The BEST for LESS IN " Pontiac Good Will Cars Pontiac 4 -dr. Tr. Sed. $245 $47 .-3295 Packard Coups Plymouth DL. 4 -dr. Tr. Pord Ul- Tudor -$527 Dodga 4 -dr. Tr. Sed. xour choice of two . $496 Cbev. 4-dr. Tr. i. $496 Ford Coupe $117 Pontiac 4-dr. Tr. Sed. Your choice of two $545 Graham Sedan , ;, , 3 35 Chevrolet Sedan $ 45 TERMS A TRADES - - - H1HIRALL-0WENS CO. -234 8. Commercial Phono 3149 LOT : Corner Cbemeketa A Church Phono 3485. '2$ NASH SEDAN. $20. Ph. S423. 1934 DODGE DeLUXE Sedan, last like new. Mohair upholstery. Boa 403. Oregon Statesman. Acreage " ATTRACTIVE 4 ACRES ' out S. 12th St. 4 room modern homo, $250 down, $26 per month, Immediate pos session. i Large house on- Maple St, room for 6 beds. Ideal for roomers and board ers, priced at $2$00, or might trade tor email acre are. Money to loan. P. H. BKLL, REALTOR 429 Oreg. Bldg. Phone 4121. Igaspisjasajaanwepaajppapja 14 A. RIVER BOTTOM, livable old bldg. 4 A.; berries, other furR. 4 A. timber, pasture. John Bischoff, 1M miles east of Wist Stay ton. 6 A. 4 RM. HOUSE, paved rd. Eloc, ftr grove, orchard. $204 down, $14.54 mo. . X A. paved rd, Stt mL N. Ill down. $7.54 mo, ABRAM3 A ELLIS. INC. 411 Masonia Bldg. Salem. Oregon Wanted' Real Estate - WANTED to lease by adults with prtvilego to boy. five or 4 room, strict ly modem, furnished or unfurnished References given. Box 6 $4 ce States- Business Opportunities SERVICE STATION and atria earap. Nice grove, about 6 i acres, em 99E store, lunch room, cottages. Else, wa ter system price $1500. Louie Beehtel er Mabel Neednaa $41 tate Street Room 4. FOR SALE, M Int. or all of a small ajownfeown taocrr. dofnsr oxeeHent bsw- loeas. Write Box CIS. v. Statesman. For Sale Wood ; MILL WOOD. 14.64 toad. Ph. MIL Wood, at west end Court EC ' . 14 IN. CV, F. 14. knots. $5. slab 64. . 0454. . DRY WOOD. Bradley. Phone 4744. Business thirds ia this dlirntory rem ' aaoaitbjty be sis onty. fUtet flS per Um scr . snonttw ' Aoto Braktrs Mike Paaok 476 South Cesssssrrlei 44' Baths &31assage H. LOGAN. 224 S. Cottage, P. 4114. Bcach Cottages' tjHXRWOOD Cottages, Tachats, Ore, Bicycles BICYCLES, NEW and recendltloned Harry W Scott. HT 8 Oom'eL P. 4514 " j Chimney' Sweep - TELEPHONE 4464. $t 41 Northniss Excavating ICXCAVATINtl or all ktnda Rss. meats dug Dirt hauled ee moved CHrt for sale. Salem Seal A OravoL P 4404 Florists Bratthaupfa. 447 Court. Phone 4144. Funeral Directors TorwiUiger Funeral Homo. Ph. 4934. Furniture . ' , Cash for tools A furnlttjra. Ph. 4517 Elattresscs SAI-Kil FLUFF Bug A Mattress Co New msttresa old remati. nig r fninn A wvovtng S tSlb A Wilbur Tel 4141 Zwk-kera CAPITOL BEUDtNG COk Phoaa 4011 J ii j For Sale Ued Cart Gar; ! Bought Is Wilhout a ; r-V Fincsr France Rates, thet FINE CARS 4 a A dream youll be proud of! this. new rubber. EYES ON THE FINEST OF FINE STREET PHONE 4911 OR 4673. For Sale Wood DRY WOOD, old fir A 2nd growth. mono 47 ior prices. - - " - -- - - -1-i,-i-ii-iiiirirr,-rri rr iim.rxji . DRY OLD fir. 2nd gwthU Ph. 7507. 14 IN. OLD fir $S cd. TeL 6124 DRY WOOD aU kinds. Phone 9544. WOOD Ph 4270 (lmen!4ltN 81st OLD FIR. $5.50. slab $3.25. P. 22427. Personal LONELY 7 WORTHWHILE sweat neart. bu abend, wife for you. P. O. Boa 71 Lea Angeles, : i Letzal Notice NOTICE OP INTENTION TO IM PROVE THAT PORTION OP NORWAY STREET FROM THE EAST LINE OP EIGHTEENTH STREET TO THE WEST ONE OP NINETEENTH STREET IN THE CTTT OP SALEM, OREGON NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN. tba tn Common Council ot the City of Salem, Oregon deems it necessary , and expedient, and hereby T declare Its purpose and Intention to Improve that portion of Norway Street, from the east line of Eifhteenth Street to the west line of Nineteenth Street, In the City of SaJem, "Marlon County, Oregon, at the expense of the ab at tins and adjacent property owners, except any street and alley intersection, the expense of which will be assumed - by the City of Salem. OresonJ by brint lng said portion of said street to thn established 'grade,! construct ing - Portland cement! . concrete enrbg, and parinf said! portion of said street wtth a six-Inch Port land cement concrete pavement, thirty feet In width. In accord ance with the plans and specifi cations therefor. which - were adopted by the Common Council ORi the 15th day of April, 1940. now os file tn the office of the City Recorder, and which are hereby referred to and made a part hereof. The Common Council hereby declares Its purpose and intention to make the above-described im provement by and through the Street ' Improvement Department of the City of Salem. Oregon. By order of the Common Coun cil of the City of Salem. Oregon, this 18th day of April. 1140. . . j : A. WARREN I JONES, - .!;; City Recorder, I : - ii1 Salem, Oregon. " At J 4-2 5-2 6-2 7-2 8-JO My 1-2-1-4 $ Directory Naturopathic Physielaii DR W H ROCKWELL Marnraeatb te t Physlrlsn. 1790 Fslrarrounds Rd" Tel 4303 Office Hoars 11 a m ta 4 34 n-ov FREE EXAM A CONSULTA TION , - . - - 'I Papering, Paiixtiiiji; 5 Paint, kalao, rsaa. Level k. ph. 6444. N BAT Work. Jobnaoa Ph.6734 HERBERT B WOOD Tel 647$ n h Plan Sta-vice r. to JR1SH. 2064 N. Cap, Ph. tl$4. Plasteririf PRICES O. JC Salem 14 yrs. 91F1L if Plumbing PLUMBING. GENERAL repair, wrk. Grabor Broeu 164 S Liberty Ph, $594. Printing FOR STATIONERY card, pamphtota prngrama books or any kind ef print Ing call The Statesman Printina De partment. $16 6V Commercial. Tola nhnne 914L . j . . ;;. f- '( . i L.. , , . . ... ! Salvagers and Wreclterii CASH FOR old bids, to wrack. P. 6314. Schools ! L OtHIPLETB yonr HIOH 0CHfML at horn. DiPtXmA. TEXTS FURN Write for catalog. American School Dept. & Bor 4504. Portland, Onw Transfer FOR LOCAI or distant trtsfer stnr r btirnr ell rail Sill lirref Trsnaler la Trucks to Portland c..v Well Drillim R. A. WEST. RL 4. Ba. 445, P. 4-1294. Leal -Notice IN THE CXnrXTT COURT OFJHK STATE OP OREGON FOR THE COOfTT OF ILiRION r in The matter of the es- TATE OP -(.. HELEN It. SOUTH WICK, De- ';:rreeMed.'.;i.';;,':;.:''-;'- V' NOTICE .TO .CRlrrORS -Kotice la hereby siren that the undersigned, , by an" orders ot the Ccranty Court of Marlon County. State or Oregon, duly made and entered on tha 3 0th da nf VI arch 1940. was ap pointed Executors of tne jsstate or Helen M. Soutbwlck. deceased, and that thev hare duiv qualified as sorb. A.11 persons hav Ing claims against said estate are hereby notified to nmmt th same, duly verified as required by law. at the offices of Keyeg Sl Page in the City ot Salem. Marion Coun ty, Oregon, - Srithln six months from the date of this notice, to wit: April 4th. 1444. . C. V. JOHNSON, FRANK WHIG HTM AN; . Executor of the Estate ot Helen M. South wick, de-V-. ceased. ' .". ' JOHN A. HELTZEL, KxSYES A; PAGE. . Attorneys for Executors, SOC US National Bank Bldg, Salem, Ore. A 4-11-1J-25; M 1. NOTICE OP FINAL SETTLEMENT NoUca ia herehv rlren that tha undersigned haa filed in tha County Court of the State of Ore- son, ior the county of Marlon. nia a uiy verified final account, as the Executor of the last will and testament and estate of EUsa J. Money, deceased, ana that aajd Court has fixed Tuesday, the 2fst day of May, 1910, at the hour ot ten o'clock a. m. osaald day, as th time, and the County Court Room In the County Court House at Salem In Marion fnnntT flra. gon, gg the plr-e for hearing said iinai account ana au 'objections thereto. . , 1 Dated at Salem. Oregon, this 18th day of April. 1940, - JOHN E. MORLET, Executor of the last will and testament and estate of Elira J. Morley, de ceased. GLOVER LAMKIN, -Attorneys for- Executor, Salem, Oregon. Ap. 18-25, My 2-9-16. NOTICE - OP DISSOLUTION OP PARTNERSHIP The partnership between M. H. MYERS and me. doing busi ness as "THE TOPNOTCH- at 160 South, Liberty Street, Salem, Oregon, has been dissolved. HENRY E. MYERS. Ap S5-My 29. FINAL NOTICE OP EXEUUTRICES ,To whom it may concern!. No tice is hereby given that the un dersigned Execu trices of tha last Will and Testament and Estate of Joy Turner Moses, deceased, has this .day filed in the County Court for Marlon County. Oregon, their Final Account Jn said estate, and that said Court has fixed and appointed Monday. April 29. 1940. st the hour of 10:00 o'clock A. M. ot said day at the County Court Room in the County Court- House Cross Word Puzzle m ia Is r Is: wc r r r r"P in. - it VZt" . ai 5" T i 7! 5& it, TT ? 22-1. 26 21 SO 31 IIZHIZIZIIIZII 3t 3v . 31 yy 30 3 H Tffi, 3T 43 T mmmm "So si ST TT to 157 " dH I 1 WA I I I b HORIZONTAL - I 1 Was sick 6 Face) an embankment fl-.iFAs terete T First Urt. Frewsr" 12 Wears hway , ' 14 Prefix: dews' .' " lS--Trees 17 Telegraph - . 18 Washing implement . 20 EaU 22 Number 23 Winged tS What Frtneh mrtitt is ametts for ki ttuditt e luvtt9ityt 27 Towards ' 28 Nostrils 80 One who attempts - ' 32 Dash 24 Faction , . . - 35 Deduces - - - - , . 38 Temples , 41 Hebrew name for God 42 Time 44 Places 45 Insane " - v. . . , . 47 Shuts tight ' 43 Deface ta American patriot : . .v 62 Shoot at from cover 64 Concerning t 65 Oil of orange flowers 6? Male servants . i S9 Who U tk$ patron samt jp '.'.'. - Franco .' ' 0 Eradicate 'I VERTICAL T ' 1 Small are , 2 Four in Roman numerals ' S Edge f a wound , 4 Feminiae name Z Cotton cloth . . - . 6 .Expresses iispleasrire r 7 Comparative suiix . 8 Solemn promise 9 Pr?pare ivt puiiicatioa 10 Cyiiadricsl - Legal Notice tor Marion County. Oregon, as the time and place for the bearing of objections to such Pinal Account and for thOL settlement thereof. . Dated this 28th day ot March, 1940." .. . A R VILLA M. TURNER, x HANNAH MARTIN. ' . Execu trices of the Last Will and Testament and Estate of " Joy Turner Moses, Deceased. HANNAH MARTIN. Attorney; , Masonie Temple, Salem, Ore. M 28; Ap 4-11-18-25. N Eyebug Even though scientists laugh , at such claims, Fred F. McElman of Hollywood, CaL, persists that his eyebug, 'Oscar.' has an age-old power of removing' foreign par ticles from a person's eye. ' Me Elman came to the front follow tag s I controversy over a Palo Alto,- CaL, eyebug, frowned on by Stanford university scientists as pure "bosh. McElman says that when "someone in our family gets something in his eye, we pet out the bug, test it In a saucer of vinegar and if it moves we put It in the eye where it gathers up annoying foreign particles." Scouts Take Beach Trip , DAYTON Richard Boyd, prin cipal of the Dayton union high school who is scout master of the Dayton Boy Scout i troop and 11 boys took a trip to the Nelscott beach Saturday and. Sunday. Census Taker Named HOPEWELL-?."! B. Sweeney of Pleasantdale has received the appointment to take the census In this locality to fill tha vacancy caused by resignation of Dick -Sltton. Lodges AXEM lodre He. 4 AT. A A.M, April 10. M.M. Derrre. 7:0 p.m. J. B., PLAP, W,M. VIT PACITIO ledce We. So. AT. A 5 M. M.kfj Iiree Wad.. Mr. 1. I 1 :30 p st. Wat, t Marriott. W.M, , II If Act Ceitrmbia prof9r seretg "A PkiloBopkir't IS S Danish title I V 16 Town en the Aegean 19 That which cuts the outer part ' from , " .. :..' 21 One of the fine lines ef a letter 24 Illuminated again 25 Pertaining to rise and fall of ocean's surface , 23 Rescues 21 Malice . - i S3 IFAo teas (As Critic g odd I a mf ntributiw iuMtiett , 85 Devil ' 3ft Overjoyed ; 37 Stretch across - ' - 33 Game at cards 40 Former titles 43 Tree 48 Dreadfid 45 Box scientifically 51 Male child 53 Tone in Guido's scale 5 S Chinese measure li Plural su&x Answer to yesterday's puzitej tvi- -f - - L4lJi!,-f ;!J . T-r TkOiO i-'c 111 HI Ararae tlate ef eIallai II htu'm. Diarttaud br K.n Tttzurm !,. I. a.