Western ' Sportsbag By fbux r Mcknight DALLAS. Tex.. April 23.-(SV Trsck's Cinderella boy, flustered little Welby Williams, shucks his rags and sees to the grand' ball this weekend. , Deep In a dream, this abort and handsome North Texas State Teachers college sophomore -who had nerer ran a major race until a month ago, goea to the famed Pena relays a the top attraction in the lee-yard sprint. ; Wee Welby, the 155 pounder who failed to hit the headlines a? a third string halfback during the football season, volunteered for track little more than fire week ago. : v. ! i Siucevthat day he baa defeated ! Freddie Wolcott of B!ee, the na tional intercollegiate hurdle -kin?, and sprinter, three times and has swung out on three 9.6 second century sprints. . Now, almost by accident, he has reached the top in six weeks. Some boys train years to be listed in the program of the Penn re lays. ;. .V ., - .Bashful Betty Jameson, the national women's golf champion of San Antonla, starts next Mon day at , Dallas the task of carv , In g "out her fifth consecutive Tex as women's title. i Sounds like a monopoly, but Betty hits her hardest competi tion at home. Only three weeks ago. playing In the San Antonio city champion ship, Betty found herself six down to Mrs. Earl Ilury with less than 18 holes to play. But the same Jinx that has struck Mrs. Hury on "three other occasions started working again. Betty pulled through for a 2 and 1 triumph. Now she muct face the threat of Mrs. Hury acain in the state, not to mention Mrs. Dan Chandler of Dallas, once national women's semi-finalist and Mexico champion; Mrs. Prank Gold thwaite, former southern titlist and Curtis cup player and Kay Pearson of Houston.. Ironically, the., fisld makes it possible that Betty may be cham pion of just 47 states-s-majbe not her own. 1 Slender BarnPT dark, one as sistant to Jimmy Demaret atq Houston's Brae Burn club, today ranks as one of golf's longest hit ter. ' i -: - The young Beaumont Country club professional who weighs about ISO pounds, has a 293-yard hole-ln-one to his credit. Naturally, Jimmy 'Thompson and Sammy Snead, the howitzers of pro golf, didn't know that when they teed up for driving contests at the Texas and New Orleans opens recently. They Just -hadn't heard of Barney Clark, another Texas boy. u. v But 'they knew him after the driving contests. Thomson i won the Texas open slugging bee with a 287-yard smash, but Clark was only six yarda behind. Snead s 28 2-yard wallop won at New Or leans, but Clark's 172-yarder. which burled in the. mud when it hit, was good for the place mos ey again. ; Salem Bowlers to Tournament TACOMA, April ZS-iqFVWlth one all-time record established be fore the event even gets started, the annual Northwestern Interna- . 1 . T- 1 I M " - uuui cownns congress tourna ment will get underway here at 7 p.m. tomorrow with one of the strongest fields ver entered fa the 28-year-old pin classic. : Garnett Hudson of Seattle, secretary-treasurer and tournament manager, declared tonight that for the first time in the event's history every champion crowned at the previous tournament! will be defending his title. -- Over 1250 men will bowl for $12,900 in prize money during the 13-day tournament. The women's event, with approximately 800 en tries and $4000 in prizes, does not start until Thursday. j Virtually every Washington town Is represented on the entry list. The, bulk of Oregon bowlers ill be from Salem. Portland and Astoria. There are also entrants from Cervallisk ugeno and Sea side. No. 128-121 Syaopeia af Aaaaal Statement of the Americas Fidelity 8 Caeualty Ce.. lae., ( Aicamosd. ia tka Stat ei Virriaia, en the thirt jlint day . at Deeeaabar. I J39, sutfe f the Ieaaraaca- Comie ieoer at Um State el Orefoa, paraoaat te hv: -,.J -. CAPITA!. Aanat af capita : ataek paid ay, 0797.5OO.00. ISCOXE Vat prcmiuBL racaivcd dariag Ua yaat 3.i.S2.0e. Intcraat, tiniaaa as4 raata eei4 ejrias tha year, 94S.77S.OS. f Ineoraa fiaoa tkr womrct raeiad darinc fac yoar. S138.538.0S. TauU lat. $3,825.7S.1T. . DlSHURSKJf KSTH ' Nat losjiaa -paid dacnis ta yaar Uclnd iai adjaataiaat axpaaw, VX.SSl.Sd2.tS. Ceaaauauoaa aad salariaa paid daring taa year, t010,St)5.15. v - Taxaa. iiceatacs aad faaa paid darinf ta year. 011.11.S. tHvideada paid aa capital atock darinf Ua yaar. S 9,559.3a. - AbmiI 1 " all ather axpeaditnraa. I30J.7S8.76. Total zpeiMtiiTe. 93.414.5S7.00. ; ADMrTTEfl ASSI.TS Valaa mi real aaUU awaed fok ahi, S29.870.S7. i . ' , Iaaaa ea aaartdga aad aoiiataTat, at 03O3.9OS.C1. i Valaa of Itoavda awaad . (luaartiaed). 97S2.S7S.65. - Vaioa at stacks awaed (aiarkaa valoa). 7S.22.00. Caak ia saaks aad a ksad. 9483,. 3.ll. Preaainnia la cauraa af cell actios wri tan. aiac 8apteaibr SO, 1939. $720, 931.3S. Imaresi sad mats das aad aecroed. .7a.2T. . IHli aaaata Bt), 914S.1S0.ST.- Tatai adaaitttod aaaata, S3.35a.81iS.IS. 14ABXJUTIX3 Grass claim for loeMsi anpaid, 80S. : SS4.88. - Aataaai af Jaaearaed pramiams M all : salatandias riaka, 8313,188.89. Ihaa far epatmiaaiaa aad krakarasa. 9Kh4.4aO.Sd. ' - - : ' - i .. AiJ ather llkViJitiaa, $359,875.00. , ; Tetal Uabiiitiaa, except capital. 91. 4tS.S29.84. - T - (-."'. Capital paid up, t7i7.S0O.00. Sarplaa ant aU KabJlitia. $W8f?9 JO. Sarplna as xeftrds paUeyaaldan. I.778.489.iai ;, Total. Sa,25S,SlS.8. - BD8IHES8 IJf OREGOJf iO& THE TIAS, - -, Vat preaiiajM receired dariag tk yaar. 9 S 4.020.0 7. I . - Ket ioaaaai paid darinf . tW yaar. . $ 7.535.1 S. - - . ' Krt loaaca iaeradv , daris tka yaar, $1.753.50. ' , : ' - JCanie at CaarpiBr. Amerieaa ndeliO Casualty Cd., las. 4 . Name ef 5t.iJat, ft. A. Ufarkal. Kama oi SrUrjk O. I. fciLpliX. . Indians Defeat ; Salem Vikings Chemawa Wins 14 to "11; Both: Have big Innings; ' 19 Cobbles Counted t With both teams playing error flooded t ball, but bluing and scoriBg-iustlly the Chemawa In dians collected the larger share of the runs by a, 14-11 margin In the "little opener with the Sa lem bigk Vikings at Waters park yesterday afternoon. Chemawa : took a first inning lead of 1-0, but Salem scored in the second on two Indian errors and Dutch Simmon's single. Then Chemawa's big third inning came when they scored six runs oft one i bit. two walks and four bob ties, i The spree sent Don Harms out of the game. Harms waaj responsible for two runs, one of which was in the first inning score. He was relieved by Ben GlfCord, rookie side-armer. who was touched for four earned runs. Eisrht Scamper In Salem brought home eight runs In the fourth when five hits were collected and helped along by six errors. The Viks batted around in that Inning. This gave Salem a 9j-7 advantage. Chemawa tied it op with two runs in the fifth, but! Salem came back in their final half to take the lead and end their half of the scoring by Gilford's three-ply swat to the boards, an error, and Hochstet tler's single. -One run In the sixth and four In the last gave Chemawa their margin1 of victory. Van Pelt tripled a id Suppah singled him in the it- score in the sixth, while three bits, including Tatshama's three-nagger two errors and two free passes ended the Indian scoring. Van Pelt took hitting honors for Chemawa and Gifford for Sa lem, both netting a single and a triple in three appearances. Pitch er Tatahama found two hits in four attempts. Halfmoon took the other of four extra-base hits by Setting a doable. Salem L-ll 11 8 Chemawa . -14 11 11 Harms, Citford and Yada; Tatshama and Suppah. Lovill Dean Again Blanks Ghampions Shuts out Yanks oa Four . Hits,: Rookie Harris "Win ior Ilosox N1W YORK, April 23.-(&y-Lortlt Dean, the -Philadelphia Ath letics chubby southpaw, has the world champion New York Yankees number and It's zero. . He abut them out on four hits today.. S to 0, for his second ver dict of the season over the club everybody figured to be Irreslst able this season. His first was a ten-inning: 2 to 1 decision at Philadelphia in last Tuesday's American league opener. In that game he tangled in a pitching IdueT with Red Ruffing. Today his mound opponent was Bump Had ley and the skirmish ing was fierce for eight Innings. The As also were held to four hits, but they scored all of their runs without the benefit of a single safety. .Philadelphia .3 4 2 New York 0 4 1 Dean ! and Hayes; H a d 1 e y , Chandler. Ruso and Dickey. BOSTOX. April 2S.-(,rVMicky Harris, youthful Queen City, LI, southpaw up from Scranton of the Eastern league, bowed Into the. majors today by defeating the Washington Senators 7-2 as his Boston Red Sox mates pounded three home runs. . Harris walked only ens man and struck out eight while giving vp seven lilts, three of them doubles, i The Sox made only eight hits but three of them were circuit drives. Washington 2 7 2 Boston 7 8 1 Leonard, Carrasauel, .Jacobs and Ferrell; Harris and Desautels. saui afo 7 HaaaeUad las. Ca. of Aaaertta at Kaw York, tka SUta f Now Yark oa tka tkirtr-firat day Deeamher. 1939, made tm the- laaaraaca . CoamiaWar at tka Btata Oraceo. parsaeat ta laws - CAJ-ITAJU u . AaMNiat at capital ataek pal asv. 91,- eoo.ooe.oe ... ', ... - I : IN COM K i- ' Nat BTfiniaaM jraoalvad dariag tka yaar; 9817,75.S3. . . lateraat.. diridvnda aad raata receiTad darlBf ta- year, 120,19.10. , , Xaceote fraaa other- aenrcea . raeeivad 4uria tha yaar. 8S.. Total laeoiaa. $947,582.81. . . .DISBURSEMENTS Kd loaaaa paii dariai: tka year ia ctadia adjaatateet axpoaoea, 989S.TS2.la. CoaBBtiaatawa and aaiariaa paid darias tka yaar, 933.SSWie. j Tun. 4ieeaaea aad faea paid darias tka yaan 970.S1S.S4. . , , ' . XMTidanda paid oa rtpital stock cariag tka yaar. . - . " -: Aaaooat at all ackar f axpaoditaroa. $209,497.98. . . -! T Tatal asanditorM. 9911.984.84, A DM ITT KD ASSETS Valoa at real aetata awaed (aMkrkat alrl. aaae. -f ' , . Ijaaaa aa aaortrS sad caDaUral, at, Valae af kaada awaed (ajaartiaed). 9f.18a.SSS.lS. . 1 VaLaa af atacks oiraed (aaarkat vahta. 99Sl.T0.e. . ; , .... Cma ia . aaaaa aaa ; aa bmb, fiiv 118.91. : rraaaiiiM tn eoaraa af oalleeti writ' t aiaca StyUsaber 80, 1839, IMJ,- 429 S5. -" ' ''- -t"'S - ! ":. ; lataraat 'aad raaU daa jaad aceraad. "rt8eaaaaat at. 94.7SO..- ' Total admitted aaeer. 9S.S4aV247.8S. . iLtBUATIES ' Groat claiM far laaaes i anpald, $72, 9S8.00. t ': : : Aawwiit of woiecnied pnrahaats a an aaUtaadias rikiU $esS42.Sl. " ; Da r aoaiBuaaiaa aad brakariif a, AUluir Hakifltfa. 910J58UU. Total liaUUtna, aaeept eapOa f"- '7JT..i i m -L. at nnn nnana. Sarplaa aaar att liaktlitiaa, 91.878, 472.80. fiaraJss ' M a-r T Bo retard policy koldar. Total. $J.i.ieT-Ja. . jijixEss is ouooar . ; - 4 1XI3 THC TlUit Vot prtmivM raearrod Sarins tka yea. 6.0S-3tJ. ::' ! - Ka alettes flid iriS aa yvar, 9U "729 09. ', 'I - timt taiHaea Iaarra4 doriaf tka yaar, Ktnaa tit Ooafa&y. Tka Homeland lad. Oo. at Aiaarrea. - i - Kaxaa id JPraaidant. C T. ghaileraaa; Ifaaia ae Enrrtitary. B. T. taekkam. Staio'wry iitkfl attaaatf for aerrua, T. B.tl'Saatfuioa, Spokane Game Is Rained out 44 Very Unusual Is Claim; Vancouver Cashes in on Yakima Errors : By RON GEHMSLL SPOKANE, April 23.-(SpecIal) -Until today bright sunshine had been the daily weather schedule here for two weeks, Spokane resi dents swear, honor bright, but a steady drizzle which began at 7 o'clock this morning and contin ued, until mid-afternoon .caused cancellation of tonight's : long-looke-d-forward-to opener between Salem's - Senators and Spokane's Indians. ' .. ... I--. "it's downright unusual," say Spokanites. "We never had a single league game postponed be cause of rain all last year." Ail festivities the parade, ban quet and opening ceremonies will take place Wednesday, Busi ness Manager A. J. "Monty" Mont gomery announced. Just one game will- be played Wednesday, with the possibility that today's post poned bill may be made up on the tall end of the series. In a doublekeader Thursday night. Both Skipper Bunny Griffiths of our Senators and Manager Ed die Leishman of the Indians, who took their squads inside the arm ory for short workouts, said the postponement would make no dif ference ia their starting assign ments. It will be Bud Brewer on the mound for Salem and Major Serventi for Spokane. Instead of shooting Jerry Soule in the second night and Roy Hel ser the third, as he originally In tended, Griffiths now plans on using Helser n the number two role so the husky southpaw I will have the right spacing to be ready for the Salem opener next Tues day night. YAKIMA, AprU 23.-jfV-The Vancouver Capllanos trounced the Yakima Pippins 9 to 3 tonight as the Western International league teams opened their season on a muddy diamond. It was a bad n I g h t tor the nltcners ana xaarma nam me; JShiemer. first man up in the first frame, walked; Quinn, following, was hit and takes, out of the rame: Edy singled aad Shlemer scored on a wild pitch to ; give Vancouver a counter to start the game, - In the third the Capllanos came through, with five hits, including a double by Stewart, after Sam- hammer walked to chalk up j nve mere. Yakima tallied two in! the slzth, Younker singled. Bliss, Fer nandez and Whipple walked. Younker scored on a wild pitch and Blias on a fielder's choice. Yakima errors in the ninth con tributed to two ; more Vancouver scores. : ' "4 ' j Vancouver .9 9 1 Yakima 3 4 Kralovleh and Crandall; H. Johnson, Greer, Williams and Younker. ViJung Traclunen Go to Milwaukie . " 1 M Meet Transferred; Shinn Absence Will Weaken Salem's Chances ; Coach Vernon Gilmore will take his Salem high sehool track squad to Milwaukie this afternoon to tackle the Milwaukie aggregation. The meet, originally scheduled tor Olinger field, was switched to Milwaukie to : make way tor the Viking baseball opening staged yesterday. . . j The Viking squad will be handi capped by the loss of Bill Shinn who . will be unable to compete because of a boll attack last week. Gilmore wlH rest Shinn un til Saturday when the No-Name league meet will be held on Olin ger field. The removing, of Shinn from competition against Milwau kie will cancel the long awaited duel in the half-mile event where the Viking entrant is state cham pion and Milwaukie's Peaks holds the No-Kama league 889 record. One of the top events of the spring track, schedule will come Saturday afternoon on Olinger field whsn the No-Name league track - and field - championships will be staged. The meet which will attract the eight member schools, Salem, Xngene, Tilla mook, CbrvalUs, McMlnnrllle, Mil waukie, Albany and Oregon City, will be conducted tinder the su pervision of Vera Gilmore, whose Salem scuad grabbed the 111 9 competition. Viking Net Squad Tops iiMnimville ' Salem lilgh school defeated M Minnvillea squad three matclMts to. two in tennis play on the Salem courts yesterday. No doubles matches were played, v i:j -v The Salem, squad meets Corval 11s here Thursday. rwr-lv - Results; v. . : - " - : ' J ,; f "- Taphscott, McMlnnville, beat Downs 4-4, 7-S; Rossman. Salem, beat Tarslne 6-J, C-l; Carkin. Sa lem, beat Stephenson 6-TT 7-5. 8-4; Peterson, McMlnnville,' beat Bresaler 4-1, ' f-S, C-4: Sanders. Ealeat, beat Miller 7-f , Z-f . 4-4. Plan Tennia Tonrnamexit gn.VEllT0N--Tlie Active club will . sponsor its annual tennis tournament in early Juno accord ing to plans being made now. The comsittee to take charge Is com posed of Lester Hue, John' Bow man and Bryan Gordon. Senator Suing a) Stay la rhythaa with Saw tern's Senators rta tMatesw snaa sports, first to yooj daily. - - ' HOT CORNER EXPERT yw r , v 11 ' ( .-1 Jj) I 1 flA. I with I AjF First Time in History, Ma j or League Game Is Flooded out; few Spots Are Bare; McKechnie Fears Fish Pole Gag ' CINCINNATI, April 23- (AP) Home plate at Cros ier field slipped from sight beneath backwaters of the Ohio river tonight as, for the first time in major league history, si baseball game was washed out by flood. Two, in fact. Today's game with the St. Louis Cardinals was postponed until May 13 and tomorrow's was set for OMay J5. - TOwiing scores COaOrEXCZAX, XSAQTTS Weatera raaar CaavarttaS C. Jeaaiac . 1 ISA 885 PeUraoa 15S 121 44 J WUlecka . Baelaaa laBtaieaaa Totals' . J79 in iss 110 17a 4 so .178 14S 0S ass 12 S 451 853 822 737 9401 oootnra Handicap 88 88 88 114 128 49S Sbaw .180 17$ Huat Anatia Willefocr , Smith .192 ISO J60 149 .148 168 .188 ISO 124489 171487 160 471 161 48S Total SS1 877 782 9520 Bad's riaeo 172 194 144 151 157 ISO ISS 17 , 1S7 125 140A-509 1S7 432 142 (79 174 eSS 17148S 1 Kewataa Parker Bart B. WoU Hart ToUla , .9 19 920 794 1998 Ooeka'a Otnea Says Baadieap Clark . Meal Hisciaa Barker Ooofca 80 SO 90 .154 -141 -172 J78 .149 158 109 151 189 911 189 444 157 40S 174497 1 SI 445 157 614 Tetala .919 799 78b 1997 Xaeaa Xaack 162 17S i 165 . 169 Gallagher Cooler LI ay 4 i GaTbariaa 179 -SIS 192 552 179459 .159 192 lffl 512 178 511 Safer .169 ITS Totals .790 979 988 8549 Wlllaaiotta Wreckers O. D. Varrar 88 47 , 47129 CaerriDrtoa . 151 148 144442 i. Cfcerrinrtoa 1 149- 159 449 Gastalaoa 165 111 478 XneUaa 165 - 144472 Dehlberg ,. ..... ...,.137 19 182488 Total .784 989 92T 9450 "aSss abidwsrs 0a. HaadlaaB K. Ebaer Atkiaa Bartea Kahara , Kaaaar ss 29 89 J59 J75 -111 -181 110419 110491 13 401 190828 198 552 Totals .824 951 799 9574 rrtaaea Xarattara Oa. CoUiaawarth "a 1(9 166 507 rrieeea 104 900 185440 Grant ,- , . i 900 168608 Patteraoa , 182- 202544 JCoek V 165 180517 Totals -949 914 901 2600 Oolyaac JCotar 185 . 140 111 KBeaka . MeCUry Sealoa . 187 90S 179 192 129 1ST 459 -149 507 166 619 217549 151459 S20 9469 KlMf Haasar Totals TO" 989 rerUaaeL Oaii Sj Baaaleaa . 9 9 918 traea , 189 BargsTilt , " 909 193 552 115494 ,141422 164451 157509 11 160 Jioratk 129 SiekatU 111 - 171 Totals 4 " -S19 969 768 2449 ST aaa ranamue Oa. 145 149 119 J27 132. ' , 169 Van- Woadry Brewa . 190479 249411 167419 164458 80S 474 8iau Perrr 111 142 ' Totals' .664' 990 972 2227 , rtnsaaxgk ratata Baaaiesa -j- - 18 19 19 54 PMarm JTt 18 174 511 Haadria 142 150460 Carsteaae " 220 167496 Blatektord 119 186 401 IaaAatrsad 174 146454 Totals .789 980 T91 2185 Catjieriyood 7ill Coach nt FHbenis DirUM Cat&ervood. wniunetta tmlveralty atalsta and V&ysical edaeatlon major, has accepted a coacninfj and teacnlsx; post at Fnoenix nisi Knool. .. Catlierwood .has eamid letters la basenail sad baaketlmll at WU laxaette and coached the fresh man basketball team, there dar ias; tae past season. lis Is a ErxdojU of City tih sclocl. 0 OD RON GKMM Salem. Oracjon. VoclnssclaT Morning. Arjcfl 24, 1949 OfefJUoAAbfke I lyal Goodman, Harry Craft and yonns; alike McCormlek would have .needed a John boat to. shas outfield files at game time; Ernie Lombard! would have found hip- boots handy bade of the plate and Panl Derrinsjer, scheduled to hurl a gains! Mort Cooper, would have been something of a modern Cru soe. Only the outfield terraces were dry. With the Ohio edging to the 5 1 foot mark seven above flood stage and within one toot of a predicted crest the whole field likely will be covered by day break. ' The Reds, who In three games have played errorless hall, allow ing just 18 hits and three runs, visited the park shortly before noon and where fairly dry foot ing existed, indulged In brief throwing practice. But Manager Bill McKechnie was disgruntled and dour. That's enough, ho barked, aTter a while. "Let's get off be fore some photographer comes along with a supply of flsh-potes. If he does that, I might get mad. Furnish Olympics Finally Canceled Host Nation now at Peace but War 7ill Prevent ' Contests, Decided HELSINKI, April X--Tho 1140 Olympic games, a football tor the world's war lords for three years, finally were cancelled def initely today when Finland de cided It would be impossible to hold the International competition at Helsinki this summer. The decision, expected since Europe was plunged Into war last September, was made at a Joint session of the organising commit tee and : -the permanent Finnish Olympic committee. y Although the partlaUr complet ed Olympic stadia and buildings, erected: at a cost of some X 8,0 00,- 00, were not damaged by bombs In the recent Hosxia-Finland con flict, the Finnish officials decided the international crisis made hold ing of the games impossible. They decided however, to petition the International Olympic committee for permission to . organise the games when European hostilities There has been some agitation to permit Finland to stage the games, if conditions permit, be fore 1144 but ft would take spe cial action by the International Olympic - committee. The If 44 summer games already have been awarded to London and the win ter games to Cortina d'Ampeuo, Italy. v Crew Won't Enter Sprint Test Seattle, April zt-up-vk- letle Director' Bay - Eckraan said today the University cf Washing ton crew would not compete la a proposed national - sprint cham pionship at Princeton this sum mer.-, -: . . - Eckraan said cnirerslty au thorities tad decided the Prince ton . event would carry competi tion tow far into the summer for the Pacific coast champions. The varsity and Jayveo crews will leave Juno 7 for tlie Jane IS roughkeepsle reditu. one DC TT EU Editor By JackSords HEM KELTAIER aCAirsFCEASaMS vMf TM8S Twee 4$ CDttMVeRBP A i f 1 Dodgers Explode To Vanquish Bees Three Homers Account for iO-3 Victorr Keeping Brooklyn at Top . ; BROOKLYN, April tS-pV-The Dodgers exploded llkej a case of dynamite under the Boston Boes today with threehom runs that brought aa S to victory and kept Brooklyn undefeated and tied for the National league lead. It was an explosive battle from the very start, when a double, a single and Max West's homer over the right field wall earned the Bees their total of three runs in the first Inning. It wis the first time the Dodgers had been scored npon this season. - , But Brooklyn's rookie delega tion came back with a five-run second inning and followed with three more in the slxthL Boston , - ,,. , is l Brooklyn . 8 is 2 Etrlncevlch, Errickson (2), Ja- err 7; aad Lopes; CrIeton and Franks. Gaaahert Wla Dael PHILADELPHIA, April 22-(A) Harry G umber t bested ' Klrby Hlgbe la a hurling duel today to bring the New Tork Cilanta their first triumph of the season, 1 to 0, over the Phillies. Hlgbe, who had beaten the Gi ants with a three-hitter a week ago today, forced the game's only run across the plate with a base oa balls la the seventh Inning aft er a walk, a wild throw by Qus suar ana an Intentional pass had filled the bases. New Tork 1 I Philadelphia 4 1 Pirates RallJ - ' PITTSBURGH, April Us-Ai xne niisDurga nrates came from behind today la a niata inalag rally to score two rans and beat Chicago S to 2 for their third con secutive victory. With the bases loaded in the ninth Pinch Hitter Pan Waner rapped out a clean single scoring Arky Vaughan and Deb Garma, The play at the plate joa Garma was close aad the Cabs pretested vigorously but to ao avail. Chicago ! t T 0 Pittsburgh t S French.! Page 19). and Todd: McRayden. Brown ft), and Muel ler, Berres (9). . ; j Johnny Kolb Getis- Honie Toivn Honor Johnny Kolb, three sport' man at Willamette ' university aad at present holding down the third base Job on the baseball nine, re ceived word this week that he had been awarded an athletic honor from St. Peters high school la New , Brunswick, . . Neif J ersey . Kolb, an alumaus of the eastern prep school, will have jhls name inscribed ;pon a silver) cup, an nually awarded to the outstanding St. Peters graduate la the field of collegiate athletics. Last year'a winner was Michael Hearn, Fordham university halt back and baseball captain. Kelb, whose home Is In New Brunswick, win; be awarded his ninth major letter at the completion of the cur rent baseball season Kola has tn his three years on the local cam pus been awarded threo letters esch in football, baaketball "aad baseball. ! , ... , . . PIiilliC3 Pitcher ; Sullers ColIapGe PHILADELPHIA, April zS.- Syl Johnson, veteran i Philadel phia Nationals Ditcher, collapsed In the dressing room following the PhUlie-New Tork Giant gams here today. .' k A. psys'claa who examine i 1 aV aa ."' a a ' Picture Leader i. Tott sports page. It leads . with local plrfaro aews. Fara the facts ta photo. pacs imm RedSoxAwciit Seiison Opener Sereral of '39 StToad to Return, Blore of Them WBen School out SILVERTON With the reor ganized Sllvertoo i Red Sox sched uled to open here Saturday night, baseball talk is running close competition to political gossip on Bllverton's -streets., Last year's players aad their whereabouts have come up for much of the talk. . It Is expected that at least some, of the boys now at the col lege or university will be with the Red Sox during the summer. These include-Whltmsn, Bnbalo, Klrsch and Fredericks at Oregon State. Brewer and Helser are with the Salem Senators. Hauser has signed with the Spokane In dians. (He split bis band dar ing the weekend, and will be out for three Weeks.) Heist Is In Ari sona and Sylvester at the Uni versity of Southern California. Pesky Is playing at. Rocky Mount with the Piedmont- league and Era at Is at Beaumont with the Texas league. White Is at Wil lamette and Hurney is still coach ing at the John Day high school. Players -who signified their willingness to play with Silver ton again Include Hal Moe of Willamette, who will be one of the SUverton catchers;. Ken Mann ing of Salem, first base: Roy Rorren has signed for third base; A! Wattier sod George Reed for the outfield.. Delbert 'Sq.ueek" Wilson, Frank Jell and John Bennett have signed as pitchers. Among the newcomers are Moe Jubits, who was a left hand Tale pitcher for three years, and who made the all-Amerlcaa college team which traveled through Europe last summer: Red Groves of Salem, catcher; and Bob Cody of St. Helena, second baaemaa; Clyde Reed, of Woodburn and the Spokane WI league team, catcher. Monroe Dean of Portland and Bud Tuthtli of Oregon Normal are lined us as shortstop. In the outfield are Bill Trimilli of Rich mond and John Oravec of West ern International The revised Oregon 8tate base ball league schedule for 19 4 In cludes: ( First Half April IT and 21: - Hills Creek at SUverton. Medford at Albany. Jack and Jill at Eugene. M9y 4 and S: --. Bead at Hills Creek. Jack and Jill at Medford. Eugene at Albany. May 11 and 12: . Hills Creek at Eugene. Jack and Jill at snverton. May 12: Albany at Bend (double head er!. May It and II: Albany at Hills Creek. Medford at SUverton. May is: Eugene at Bend (double head er). May 25 and 24: Babes at Eugene. Hills Creek at Medford. 8Uverton at Albany. May 21: Jack and JU1 t Bend (double header). June 1 and 2: ' Bend at Medford. Jack and Jill at Hills Creek. Eugene at 811vertoa. Babes at Albany June S and I: Bend at 11 vert oa. HIUs Creek at Babes (Port land). Medford at Eugene. . Jack and JU1 at Albany, June 1U ' - SUverton at Babes (Portland). June II: SUverton at Babe (Portland). . fJecosMl naif June IS and It: SUverton at Hills Creek. Albany at Medford. - June if: - Babes at Bend (double header). Jack aad Jill at Eugene (doable header). . June 22 and 22: - V Jack aad Jill at Medford. ' Albany at Eugene. -,- Babes at SUverton, June 22: ! Ilflls Creek at Bend (double header). , June 21 and 29: Bend at Albany. Eugene at Hills Creek. Jack sad Jill at Silrerton. Babes at. Medford (4 games, double' headers). . . July f and ti : Bend at Eagene. HUls Creek at Albany. SUverton : at Meedf ord. Babes vs. Jack and Jill (i games, 2 double headers). July 12 and 14r 4 ' Eugene at Babee (Portland). Medrord at illlls Creek. Albany at SUverton. ; July 14: -Jack, and Jin at Bend (double header). 1 July 2f and 21: SUvertoa at Eugene. Albany at Babes (Portland). July 2tt Jack and Jfll at UCls Creek (double.header). Medford at Bend . (double header). July 27. and 28: Eagene at Medford. Babes at IHUs Creek. Jack and Jill at Albany. , July 2i: SUvertoa at Dead (double header), h August 4 : ' Babes at Bend (double head er). Johnson said he apparently was suffering from a small stomach fcemmorhsge. . The pitcher was t&ken to the Temp'.a tc:;!Ul for examination. l .; ft emev Ring Gird Complete Familiar Faces, Also new Ones Are Scheduled i on VFWsShow Everything Is la readiness for the VFW boxing show at the ar mory Thursday night. The com plete card as announced shows some old faces, as well as several newcomers and two or three fighters who' hare established themselves by virtue of the flttic revival In Portland this month. Here Is the lineup: Buddy Peterson, Independence, vs. Sailor Ralph Cronin, Boise. 10 rounds, 164 pounds. - v, I -Johnny Woods, Dallas; vs. Mark Diss. Los Angeles, six rounds, 131 poands. , ( Marvin Howard. Turner, vs. Jerry O'Hara. Portland. , four rounds, heavyweights, i Kid Kalen, Portland, vs. Bat tling Hegge, Independents, four roenda. 14S pounds. Toung Nationallsta.. Portland, vs. Johnny Gerard, Dallas, four rounds, 132 pounds. r Cronin Is the tall gob who has been the sensation of the mouth In Portland. He has two elesncut Victories under his belt and Is just gathering steam for an. assault on the state middleweight crown held by Leo Turner. Portland tans think Cronin has shown plen ty to take Peterson in this 10. roander. They has a chance to compare Cronin and Buddy last Friday and all hands agreed that the sailor looked like the best bet. Gob Working Hard The gob really means business. He has been' training daily In Portland with Tiger Jack Fox, the nationally rated light heavy- weigni star. i Peterson needs this wla badly flight . rear If he Is to stay la the first of Oregon middleweight. ago he waa the top hole roaki, bat right now be must wla or move out of the ranking clasa. I ill fol lowers feel the Independence lad will come throuith in the clinch. as be has before. 1 ' Johany Woods, the Dallas! weight, faces a reiarenated! light- Mark Dtat. The Filipino made a eensa tlonal fight with Jimmy Deris In Portland Jast week ao good the club wants a rematch fof aext week. Dial doesn't Intend to blow this' opportunity -hy loalsg to Woods. Howard and O'Hara are new comers. The former Is sponsored by Buddy Peterson and the latter Is a tall fellow of promise. Kalen, who won last show, draws a newcomer In Battling Hegge. Johnny Gerard will be tested to the limit by the veteran Nationalists who has been going strong In both Salem and Port land. I: ' j Qeanies Mop up Meanics Quartet Sugal Is Victor, Wius Decision Over Feroni In Main 3Iat Event . Cleaale Don Sngal wrested vic tory from seven other contenders la a combination battle royal and Individual match program at the weekly wrestling show at the Sa lem armory last night when he woa a decision over Meaale Al Feroni In the 20-mlnute wind up event. The card opened with eight muscle-men In the ring, four nice boys and four bad boys, with the tough guys lot lag out all around. Meanle Babe Small went out of tbe battle royal first, la six min utes, followed at 1:19 by Cloanle Sugal Hynackl. at 9:49 by Meanle George Kttsmlller. at 14:64 br Cleaale Wilson, at 12:19 by Herb Parks, and at 14:21 by Meanle Prlaco Ilaki. 1 la the ' resulting Individual etches, Wilson put Kltsmlller down tn 12:29 with a body scis sors. Park went the full If mm- tee with Ilaki for a decision and Sugal stayed through the 10 -min ute mala event for his Judges' award over Feroni. No mate has will be staged aext Tuesday night. Western Interna tional league opener alght at George E. Waters baseball park. Lcaguo Baseball AweeUas Xaaae WL M ur l, r.t 9 S Sn C1eeala 9 e l.oa retrtH etaa a 1 - .BOO New Varfc a AOO raileael. S S .oe CaJeate e 4 (Ho Sk Leaf S 9 WaaHi'eta 9 4 .00 STaataaal Laafma W 1. frx 1 aklya S l.ftae Kew Yerk l a aaa Mtuara S e l.ooe vt,irg . 9 4 Ciaeta'tt 9 9 1.OO0 b1a e 9 Ooe railaael. 1 i .800 tj. taJa 9 4 .UUO OaaaS Leafae Before mifht gaaaaa) W L. Pea W X. l.a OaAlang 18 S .851 H.I'tA. II It .478 Saalnee IS 9 Jl Hea'aita IS IS in faaatt. IS 1 .848 feTtlae 9 IS .! LaaAac 11 19 .814 aa fraa 9 14 .SS4 T. T. laat. V. t- U. t K. D. j Herbal remedies for atlmenta of stomach, liver, kidney, skia.j blood, glanda and crlacry sr tem of men and wcaiea. 22 rears la service. J.tr.rr: ithlf rbysiclaris. Atx j our tc '.iorr about CHAN LAM. f sa i f"- -f) m er- f, esv, L mm W 0 eL m Tw- -Ve a a aj WAa taawaJ it a-aaW W- a W W 393 i Court Ct.. cornrr Llf.fr ty. Office open TurJy ao alurday only. l' a. rt. to 1 i. in.. 4 t 7 p ra. CD?nHt!rn ;."Ad prt-asare and erica t '5 ire free ef r . r . Thursday