til PAG2 nGin Tbs CrCCU CTATw! IR2 Cdasa. Orccau Vd2aj Kcrrlsi Jlpiat 1843 1 ,. - , , - - . f . . .. : v .h , .;. ... - . - . ' . .; - .-! . -- - i 1 '"!' : ' - " - ! -.", i; " ' .; ; , : " . I :- . ; - :"' ' -.' ' . . ' " ' '" I'' -.-- - 4 , - ' ;. I : ' : 1. 1 - ". " ' " " t - ' iLSSbGiaTED PRESS . -t A ' ' - - ,1 V - L, 1 I I -r - 'n i'. t ""X si L ; IV, ..C-r-X - . '..-v; i . ' V! " ' ' . . ' : " " 1 .,,,,r -:.fi,,i., :.;.:-:',::;', - . ' ';v ,: V .' --: " - - : : - , -. '- '. y--- :; . : ' : '' T: ' . - "... ' "! ! h - .. " - - W ! ; ' "' .. "t - ' " -..', -'' ": . . ; HOW NOT TO SAIL A BOAT Soon after this was taken near the Miami Beach. Flav causeway, Forrest Lee of Miami was splashing- In ihe water. He. ipUledla race of Jlny saUboatt. I CHIANC AMONG FRIENDS in his capacity as chairman of the People's Political Council. ChLaa's nearest ap proach to representative rovernmenl. Gen. Chiang- Kai-shek (forer ground) visited with 145 council delegates at Chungking. .iif:.: f .iJAJswWsssnJs1sW KsMM-jJfc I - y , ,,-.,.,4 Yx 7 ' I '. i . - . COINC MY WAY, MISTER ? Maybe Postmaster General Jim Ftrlej was trying to thumb a ride to White House when he and F.D.R. were pictured at a. baseball rarae in .Washington. -. y yMHi ,111.1 if ; " f - 17D:f ) i - X WELCOM E Floral wreaths expressed to Mrs. William E. Borah, widow f the late Idaho senator, the welcome of Hono lulu on her recent visit to the I Hawaiian Islands. ASKS NAVY SECOND TO N 0 N E Urging a navy that'll make Uncle Sam second to none. Admiral Harold K. Stark (rlaht). chief of naval operations, testified at the senate naval hearings: he estimated that such naval expansion would eost about $3,486,000,000 over a five-year period. With Stark is Capt. C. M. Cooke of the office of naval operations. J&7 mi iiv: : -N ': v: St.?' - DIPLOMATIC HUDD LE-lrhose words of Lord Lo thUn fright), British ambassador to U. S, fell on the eager ears f HJalmar Procope, Finnish minister to U. S., recently at a ii.wiumua uuincr, roie me monocle worn oy rrocope. i i- '.V i i .. ., : i . t . . i i - I I , '1 ' r r - V MssetassLA m ' ' s - r" 0, (y r 7 f s i it . . -J f !l ., J -7 ' r ALL THE COMFORTS OF WAR Thongh he seems at ease in this swivel ckalr. some where at the front In France, this soldier k anti-aircraft spotter. The dog's ready for messenger service. COES WEST-with her new title, "Mlts Spiritual ' America," awarded at a Wash- : Ington contest. Fern Hall above) f Toledo. Ohio, Is heading west . : for film vwork. The I Rev. R. . Anderson Jardine, who- wed the f Windsors, officiated at contest. I IN HIS FATHER'S FOOT ST EPS-Looks like base-' ball's going to be the career of youne Jimmy Dykes, Jr whose father is the manager of the Chicago White Sox. Jimmy is a fresh- man at Villanova college in Pennsylvania and hopes to make the,, varsity, next year. He's learning about battinf technique from . - . George "Doc" Jacobs (left), basebaU coach. fl r -, n ::uV" . JMUtiCHVKKESi f t 4 1 :- 1- . J !::: t - I ' 4 , 1 i i r i T ' a 1 g v.. 1. - ir i- 1 NAZIS TURN URNS TO STERNER USEGermans are shovm lined up at one of the Reich's metal repositories where, according ! censor-approved Information UtUe-vsed urns and ther incUI crnaments are collected for the nation's use. The sign reads: "Metal gifis receUed here. v' The racial is used to streszlhea the Eilch's depleted reserves. . RICIIT.HANO MAM -High vp 1n the counsels' of Eagland's donghty Winston Churchill is Admiral Sir Dudley ; Pound (above), the First Sea i Lord cX Great Eritab? VATCII AT ZEED RUCCE On the famous mole, or breakwater, at Zeebrugrge, CelgiDxa, a sentinel watches, wonder ing If Germany and England will again meet here. During World war, German U-boati took to set at Zebrugge after canal trip from Bruges, Belgium, where they'd arrived by ra l from Ger xnany. Brilaia tiok td canal hy sink tag cemest-flUeci cruUers. ifctii iiim THE LION TAKES V I N C Stiown In formation abovo the Richmond air station In New Sooth VI are some Avrs Anson bombers cf the Australian air force-. The "Aimies" ar ' froominj- illalt for pcsiitfe vss in rjcrore's war. f r