lb CZZGOll STATESMAN. Oregon. Wsdiiwrtciy x-Ioming, April 24 1S3 PAGE TWO Tentative Flax I Inf- - W vIaa(aI . nit. Angel festival Group Names August 9, 10, 11; Marching Plans Blade- MT. ANGEL August , It and .11. were snnoenced ae teatatfve dates for tbla year's flax fea tlvsi by T. B- Endres, newly chosen chairman of the Flaisr- j Ms coromuiee la coarse ui iu , festival, at the Bufnos Men's , rlab luncheon at the ML Angl , .hot! Monday noon. Kadres made the suggestion that the marching group- wear v tir wh anfts associated with i the Flsxsrtans tor the past two year and that the o'dpr en ad those not wishing to march re sort to whtte trouwrs. dark coat and straw hat. He Ukewie sne- grated that each bnwtnaa man J. who doej not wish to Join the inarching group ebooe lomn young man to represent him "in the drill team. Plans are to have ,. four squids with a captain for . each squad. To Induce the men ., to drill a competitive r-rlze was ngsted for the squad making the best showing. rather AJcain. chairman of the , hand committee, announced that there would be a meeting Tues day night. April 23 to reorganire the Ml. Angel band. Various plana . mnA wr to be snnested - with reeard to uniforms, lnstru- . menta and a bandmaster. May 9. two dances will be held. ; an old-time dance and a modern ' one. and a: card party will be In progreftM for those preferring i cards to dancing. The orchestra from the Trocadero room of the Caa Del Ray care In Santa Cruz. ". C-alif . will provide the music. The proceeds are to be used to finance the Boy Scout program, lb gram mar school athletic program, the CYO and softbaJl. By unanimous approval of the club It was decided to have a speaker connected with the Co lumbia Empire campaign at the ' next meeting of the cluh. Monday. May IS. IF! 1 . . . L 4 I mv U.nil. Ito Biumn, editor of the, Pacific , Star which last week was award ed the all-American rating by the Associated Collegiate Press, the . MAC paper and the University of Oregon Emerald being the only two college papers in the north west meriting the award; Tom Weiss of Wood burn who la the first, president of the newly or ganized Associated Students of Mt. Angel college; and John Weisner of Salem, associate editor of the Pacific Star. Aiunsville Clubs Present Program ATJMSYILLE 4H cluba held the achievement day here Friday afternoon . Exhibits In sewing, cooking and forestry wer on dis play. In the mother-daughter judging contest Alice Dlckm&n made the highest number of points. A benefit tea was held with Mrs. L D. Roberts and Mrs. Ida Lane pouring, and with Mrs. O. A. .Lesley presiding at the silver of fering table. Agda Malone waa given first place in the beat dressed girl con test In the style review, in divi sion 2. sewing. Beatrict Bankatan was given first place for the beat dressed girl in division I sew ing. Mr. and Mrs. Dell Band have moved her from Kelso. Wash., and will make their home here. Their children Daryl. Allan and Bob. have enrolled In the school. Seeds of Flowers Avoid Embargoes By Devious Route ALBANY Sending several weeks ago to Germ ay for some lower seeds, which are not available la the United States, O. I RoniaJne of the Albany Floral eovapanj, had doubts as la-the delivery r of e-vra betas; able- to obtsia them. Katarday, however, he re reived tb seeds as ordered, the package com fa by air mall and ha v tag been mailed from 8t. fJaU, HwitaerUad. by George Haher, a 8wtsa seed dealer. The suwpoaJtloa Is that the order of the Albany saaa was transmitted by the German dealer ta the Swiss dealer, Bv lag la a avearral reentry. Ia thii way embargoes were dr eam vented. The postage on the package ' tnclodlnir. the airmail rear,, was four fraacs SO eea times la Swiss' moaey or- the equivalent of a roe ad 04 reart ta United. State postage. Famers Union News MARION Marion Farmers Un ion 1 local meeting Friday night, a csndldat night, was unusually well : attended. - with approxi mately 16 candidates present who; gave short talks of Interest to voters. . There were also visit lag i members ' from Central Howell. Cloverdale, Liberty and. Aorosvuje tocais. x Mrs. Jessie . Williams,- state Junior, leader was. present and spoke on the Junior work. County President Ernest Wlrner. Eddie Phrns, president ef Cloverdale local, and Frank Wray. president of Central Howell " local, each spoke briefly. - - r DAYTON ; Tha , semiannual county conference of the Yamhill County Farmers Union. held Saturday at the Web foot hall was sttcndAd by 45 members. The Carltn and Dayton Junior; tin . Ion members furnished a varied program. ; ; A. J.. French of Carlton ex plained the Bonneville PUD setup. ' Wa!terRusell explained the Pa : ciflc and National . Cooperative -association setup. Carl Francis of Dayton explained the alms of the proposed rural fire protection dUrict. Four Schools Participate in Musical ; Festival Program Given at Perrydale PERRYDALE- The music festival held here Friday night was weir attended and .was acclaimed one of the best programs presented of the year, Perrydale, Valsetz, Falls CAt-w and RlcireA.ll took Dart. O .11 The following numbers were presented by the i different schools: Falls City, vocal solo, Robert Howell; duet, Dolores Kax.1 and Ruth Taylor; solo, Mazlne Page; sola. Rachel Beard; chorus; whistling solo, De lores Nsrle. , Valsetz school, piano solo, Mel va Williamson; piano! duet, Mel va and -Betty Williamson; piano solo, Betty Williamson; vocal solo, Inea Kellogg; chorus; vocal trio, mes Kellogg. Melva Wi liarason and Ruth Birchfleld. Perrydale school, ; accordion solo, Joyce Johnson; girls chorus; girls trio, Dorothy Jacobs, Lorn a Vandtrhoff and Lorraine Vincent; piano aolo, Margaret Domes; ac cordion aolo, Wallace McKee; or chestra. Rickreall school orchestra played three numbers and the chorus sang three numbers. Birthday Dinner Given, Silverton SILVERTON Yellow roses, yellow pansies and a yellow deco rated birthday cake 1 were the features of the birthday anni versary supper party at which Mr. and Mrs. F. M. Powell were hosts In compliment to Mr. and Mrs. Marshall Powell, whose home is at Camas. Wash., were weekend guests at the home of his par ents here. Mrs. Ed Holden returned Sun day night from California. She had been a trip guest of Mrs. Kenneth Hansen of Portland. Faye Bentson of Los Angeles Is vacationing here with her par ents. Mr. and Mrs. C. B. Bentson. Mayor Zetta Schlador and Mr. and Mrs. W. P. Scarth will attend a meeting of the Eastern Star at Corrallia this weekend. Sun dsy Mrs. Schlador and her sister-in-law, Alta Schlador were gueats of J. Cal Schlador at Toledo. Kathleen Swartout, one of the wreck: victims when the Molalla high school bus went in the ditch at Mnrquam a week ago, is still at the Silverton hospital, where she is slowly improving. She is a Mister of Mrs. Thelma Hackstedt of SilTerton. Detroit Folk Will Vacation in South DETROIT Mrs. Lester Edge and son. Dickie left Saturday for McCloud. Calif., for a three weeks visit with relatives there. Edge Is superintendent of Marys Creek CCC csmp. Mrs. Harold Champion returned to her home here after several days visit with relatives in days visit with relatives in Salem. Dr. and Mts. Alexander McCan nel spent tns weekend at their country home near Silverton. Me Cannel Is Marys Creet CCC doctor. . Delose Shlnn of Eugene visited here at the Roy Allen home over the weekend. Mr. and Mra. Willard Goodman have recently moved Into their newly built home east of Detroit. Robert Young, an Oregon State college freshman spent the week end at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Scott Young at Marion Forks. Talbot Women Will Help County Meet TALBOT Mra. Keith Allen and Mrs. Joe Whitby were joint hostesses recently. At Mrs. Al len's home when they entertained members ot the Talbot Women's clsb. Plans were completed to assist the Jefferson Women's club Is entertaining the Marion County Federation of Women's clubs which will be held at the Chris tian church in Jefferson Friday. Communities appointed for that meeting are: receiving, Mrs. Keith Allen and Mrs. Martha Smith; decorating, Mrs. Albert Cole . and Mrs. Jack Morton; lancheon. Mrs. Addle Davidson and Mrs. John Blankenbaker: dining room preparation, Mrs. Joe Whitby. 3rs. Gilbert Belknap, Mrs. Georire Potts and Mrs, D. E. Bllnstoa. Woodcraft Names Convention Heads SILVERTON Neighbors of Woodcraft will hold its district convention at ; Silverton on May 11. Committees appointed to make arrangements are: Program: Lnla Sealer. Tressa Scott, and Mauds Taylor; menu, Ottoway. Wyola Ottoway, and Mae Hlgtnbotham; reception. Vera Ottoway, Betty Jesm Elg in botham, Florence Bo wen; deco rations. Mabel Storlle. Pmda Plank. Msrgsret Hlglnbotham, and . Goldle Downa; chairs, Ollle Taylor. Bob ' Scott. Clarence Plank, and C. E. Higlnbotham. Jefferson , Mission ' . . Group Ha Luncheon JEFFERSON Mrs. B. 8. We thereirs study group of the Wom an's Missionary society of the Christian church met at the home of Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Hart Friday for a 1 o'clock luncheon and programs-Attending were Mrs. Frank Chrlstaan, Mrs. Walter Glasgow, Mrs. Guy Anpparle, Mrs. Ray Bostwtck. Mrs. M. A. Hatchings. Mrs. Ernest Powell, Mr. and Mrs. R. S. WethereU and Mrs. W. II. Shermsn. 1 Independence Senior Class Play Cast INDEPENDENCE The east has been, chosen and rehearsals are under way for. the senior class .play, j-Bashrul Bobby,' which will b given May 3. In the cast art) Roy Morris. Elolie Larson. JosepUne Bernard, Jes sie Jones. Elton Rogers. Elsie Bowler, Glenna Macomber, Dick Mitchell. Miles Olson, L. J. Mil sha. Ruby Sweringen and Mildred Gorsllne. j Swegle Qnbs Join In Gala Program PTA Officers Installed; 4H Work Displayed; ' Open House Held RWERt.E lMdT. nirnt ' the Parent Teachers association, then Community club, the Womans club and all the 4H clubs met at the school for a Joint program. It waa also open house night and the first hour was spent inspect ing the displays in ; the school rooms. The Parent Teachers associa tion ol fleers were installed with an Impressive new ceremony by Mrs. Leif Bergsvik. The 4H club and their leaders had placed their displays in the auditorium and the cooking school girls served their cakes and cookies at the refreshment hour. The leaders are as follows: Cooking II (eighth grade) Mrs. Lester Starr; sewing II (eighth grade), Mrs, Lester Starr; cook ing II (seventh grade), Mrs. Har reld Holler; cooking 1 (sixth grade), Mrs. Elmer Lake; call club (all grades), Mrs. B. Carri- son; forestry (sixth and eighth grades), Ralpli Nelson; health club (third, fourth and fifth grades), Mrs. Emma Miller; health club (sixth, seventh . and eighth), Ralph Nelson. The program included demon strations, a short: play by. the upper grades,- two violin selec tions by Ann Becker, vocal num bers by Joan Lake, Bobby Oozad, Jerry Klein, Paul Kufner, Vera Fenske, Susan Wasson; a read ing by Mrs George Kufner and two vocal number by the chorus of the wo mens club. Funeral Is Today For Adam Schfies STAYTON-Funeral services will be held today at 2 p.m. for Adam Joseph Schles, 72, who died Sun day at his home at Stayton where he had lived the past 33 years. Services will be at the Weddle A Son funeral home with Rev. Ro bert Darby ot Scio officiating and interment in the Lone Oak ceme tery. He was born June 2. 18 17 in Wisconsin. Surviving are his wife, Josephine Schlles; daughters, Mrs. W. H. Ortraan of Marshfield, Mrs. Joe Pyeatt of Portland, Mary Schlles of Portland, Mrs. C, C. Crane and Mrs. Paul Lambrecht of Stayton; sons, George, Frank. Ed and Martin of Stayton, Jake and Joe of Scio and Ben ot Marsh field; sisters, Mrs. Adam Roldt of Scio' and Mrs. Martin Paider of Wisconsin; , brother, John Schlles ot Wisconsin, Eleven grandchil dren and one great grandchild also survive. - Eldriedge School Rehires Teachers ELDRIEDGE Stella McKay and Adaltne Minnlng have been rehired to teach Eldriedge school next term. Graduation exercises will, be held Friday night, Hay 17. The measles epidemic reached its peak here recently and the attendance at school has been nearly normal. Among adults now convalescing from this : di sease are Mrs. Jesse Thornberg, Jean Goldade and Virgil Fahey. 500 Visit Garden At Silverton to See Lilacs Sunday BILVFJFtTOXOrcr 600 Ulae : enthasiasts visited the Cooler gardens at : Sftverto Sunday wnea lilacs were at their best. The Cooley . gardens were started ta 1932 and havealace been the nsecea for visitors from all parts of the country, -While triaee have fceea the eai statutists; fee tare of the gardesw . lilacs, poppies askt flowering : tree aad shraJie have drawa the atteatkm . of van (Tardea ; lovers. , - -, Among the Ulaca creating ' the area test aeaaatiom were ; the double light laveader, R. ' W. Mills, the Immense trasses , ' of' the Km theilae Havemeyer aad the IHderot. The asealias la the Cooley garden are also at their best aow the owner a Grangers Nov3 UNION HILL T he monthly business meeting " ef the Union Hill grange was held on Friday night. : ' Mr. and Mrs. Roma Lois mad Mr. and Mrs. Glen Parish were obligated in the third and fourth degrees. A 4H scholarship to the 4H summer school In Corvallis will be sponsored by the grange. .Visitors were Harry Riches, Mr and Mrs. Ivan Stewart and Henry Werner. - - ' The agriculture committee pre sented this program at the lectur er's hour: talk by Ivan Stewart, Salem seed . dealer; song, Floyd Fox accompanied by Mrs. , Fox; agriculture pictures. Harry Rl- Cttes. " i : "r ; SILVERTONCaadidatfts win be given an opportunity to he heard at the Friday night meet ing of the Silverton grange. The lecturer's hour will begia at 9 o'clock and will be open to the public This program has been arranged by the legislative com mittee composed - of - Herbert MIchaelbrook, Em II Loe and Carl Specht, who announces thst all political candidates are welcome to attend tind will be introduced.: : ' Karl Haberly. master, win eon duct a short business meeting at 8 o'clock, prior to the lecturer's hour. Business Lot Sold, Albany David Pngh, Salem, Buys Kraeger Property; -Oilier Deals Blade - ALBANY Announcement has been made by a local realty com pany of the purchase by David Pugb of Salem of what Is known as the JSda Krucger property The property is a piece ' of ground 03 feet by 132 feet at the corner of . Third and Broad albln streets, : and Is said to be one of the best business, sites in the up-town district not at present-occupied by a business build ing. Five houses, among the early residences of the city,: are located on U ground. The new owner, has, t-ady put thehuild ing up f , - ale. to he either moved or torn down. Pugh has not annoonced what he Intends to do with the property. : ; Another business deal of the past week waa the sale of the Burnap apartments "on Fifth and Lyon to Mr. and Mrs. Gird Logs don. Included in the deal is also a residence adjoining the two story - apartment , house. - The Logsdons came to Albany from California some - six years ago Frank H. Burnap and son, WUlis A. Burnap, have owned the -apartments since 1927. This deal was also made- through a local real estate office. Don Densmoor of the Chevro let Motor company has announced the pnrchase of the corner lot at Third and Ellsworth, to he used as a used car lot. At present Densmoor is occupying two lots on the south east corner of the same block. This property has been' bought by the Shell Oil com pany which will construct an 18500 gas station on it. The lot bought by Densmoor was owned by Mrs. . Maggie Sullivan, and is directly west across Ellsworth street from the Methtodist church. Directly across Third street to the north from the same church another super-gas station Is get ting under construction. This is on part of the- residence property of Mrs. W. H. Davis, widow of the late Dr. Davis. In ' order to make room for the gas station, the large two-story Davis home has been moved to an adjaeent lot next the building occupied by the Mountain States Power com pany. Unionvale Meeting Is Well Attended UNIONVALE - Approximately ISO patrons' and friends of the Unionvale community club at tended the April meeting held Fri day night at the schoolhouse. Five General Electric employes gave a program of Illustrated talks. One reel of pictures includ ed scenic spots from. Alaska along Pacttie coast areas te the Mexican border that had been taken from an airplane, i Two accordion solos were given by Rev. V. A. Ballantyne; two vo cal numbers were suag by Union vale school girls. The last meeting will be the last of school picnic and will be held Thursday, May IS because of the primaries being May 17 the closing day of school. Pleasant dale Id Against Merger Of Schools, PUD PLEAS ANTD ALE Let wen enough alone seemed to be the opinion of the gathering ot the Fleaaantdale Community club members and friends at the April meeting held Friday night at the schoolhonse. The rota- waa 100 per cent to sot consolidate in the proposed , rural school . merger, and ' the change or the present electric service to the Bonneville dam setup received a 100 per cent opposition vote. J. M. Murphy principal and Mrs. Harold Morgan, primary teachers of Pleasantdale- have been reelected." ' Children Honor Friend's Birthday U JEFFERSON Mrs. Alvln Roh ison Invited a group of children to her home Saturday afternoon in the Parrish Gap district to help her son. Dickie celebrate his 10th birthday anniversary. Outdoor gamea were enjoyed, and the children roasted wienies and toasted marshmallows, - over a bonfire. A beautifully decorated birthday cake was also served. Mrs. Mack Ham by assisted Mrs. Ro bison. Children present were Dickie Roblson. Richard, Silly and Doris Davis, Ellis Ham by, Clifford Page, Betty Jean Beach, Junior Wickersham. Martha Jane Hatchings, : Delorea Underwood, Dorothy Cooley, Arlene Harris, and Donna May Bruce. The MlUershurg Wednesday Embroidery club held its meet ing at the 'home of Mrs. Anna Truaz in Albany. Mrs. Custar - as honor guest, celebrating her 75th birthday aniilve'rsary. Mrs. Floyd Fishe baked the birthday eake, and little Patsy Covey pre sented the gifts. Officer elected tor the coming year are presi dent, Mrs. Leroy Holmes and Mrs. Dale Arnold, secretary-treasurer. Twenty-three were present. Bethel Meet Postponed BETHEL-The regular month ly meeting of the B-Jthel Commun ity club is to be postponed one week. It will be l eld on Friday sight; May ; 3, and will be only a short session In connection with the school's eighth trade graduation exercises. . Fire Damages Loe Ilonse "; SIL V B RTON Fire starting from the chamney badly damaged the . roof of the Emil Loe home here .Monday. Only the quick ac tion .of the Silverton fire depart ment saved the house from com plete destruction. Jefferson .Newsl JEFFERSON Mr. -i and Mra. C. S. Emery spent the weekend la Wood burn visiting .at the heme of their son-in-law and daughter, - Mr. and Mrs. T. ; M. RamsdelL. Sunday guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Hatchings and family , were Mr. and Mrs. E W. Kraeger and sons, Jack and Don of Portlands ; , ' Dr. and Mrs. F. I. Sandlfur and daughter. .Doris, of VaneouTer, Wash., and Martin Stephenson of Portland were guests Sunday at the henie of Mr. and Mrs. M. 8. Stephenson. Martin' Stephenson son of Mr. and Mra. Stephenson, will go to a hospital for a major operation some time this week. Rev. and Mrs. F. S. Clemo of Albany . were Sunday dinner guests at the home ot Mrs. Mary Powell. Other guests Sunday afternoon, were Mrs.. : Powell's brother. Ernest Long and Mrs. Long ot Eugene, also her two daughters and families, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Boyes of Lebanon, and Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd -Arnold of Salem-. - Mr. and Mrs. Charles McKee motored to Yaehats Saturday tor a visit at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Jack Tohnson. McKee re turned home Sunday, and Mrs. McKee plans to remain for two weeks with her sister." : Addle Llhby was a recent visit or at the home of Mrs. Lillian Powell jot 'Lebanon. : Mrs. Powell will be remembered as Lillian Coppock, former teacher In the Jefferson schools. ' West Salem Man Given 6 Months WEST SALEM Harry Hart was sentenced to six months in the Polk county jail ' yesterday by Jndge Arlle G. Walker at Dal las. Hart was one of four West Salem men indicted on morals counts in January and; was the only one found guilty. His sen tence will be shortened by the three months already served in the county jail. V Honor Roll Given WEST SALEM The city grade school honor roll for the six weeks period just ended Includes the following: First grade, Jean Histt; second. Glen Balnter, Helen McVey; fourth, Merna Lee Combs, Neta White, Donna Xee Dunn, Dawn Jones and Robert KHewer; fifth, Wanda Hathaway, Carol Ashcroft, Robert Goffrier, Melva June Kllng and Alene Axelson; seventh. Darleen Elli son. Gladys Van Hess, Frances De Vos, Marjorle Hathaway, Irene Dalke, Howard Keith, Lauretta Lemou, Darlene Peterson, Darwin Peterson, Doris Schmidt, Jean Wolcot, Dormalee Michael and Lillian Turpln; eighth, Betty Wil liams, Wanda Steinbruek and Mary Yates. oana, uiee uiiiDi May Enter Contest ALBANY Possibility of the high school band and girls glee club making the trip to Spokane In May for the regional music contest, was divulged at a meet ing of the high school Band Boosters' club at which that body voted to undertake arrange ment for the trip. It is estimated that approxi mately $500 will be needed to de fray expenses of the band mem bers. A committee waa appoint ed to investigate the advisability of sending the band and club. The two organizations Quali fied for the trip at the district festival here a ' week ago by acquiring superior ratings. Two Cars Crash . At West Stayton WEST STAYTON The cars of Jack Baker and Ray Tomlinson of Marlon figured in a collision at the Crane Corners at .10:30 Sun day morning,' the Baker touring ear was over, turned, - pinning Fredle Samples under the car and pinning the feet of Baker and Milard Campbell fast, j None was seriously hurt, other than bad bruises and shock. The Tomlinson car waa not damaged but the Baker ear. waa - badly wrecked.. - Former Gates Woman Die in South r ; dATES Word was received here Thursday of the .death of Mrs. - Ella Cross ton at Los An gales. Mrs Crosston will be re membered as Ella Collins Burns and waa a resident of Gates tor many years. - She- leaves two brothers, E. L. Collins of Gates, James H. Collins of Van. Nuys, Calif.; a sister, Mrs. Anna Bond of Bend. 1 and one daughter and a son in Los Angeles. MiUGtyFolk At Anmsville AUMSVILLE Mrs. Gwyn Gates and small son of Mill City, are here. for a visit at the home ot her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Martin. - Charlotte - Martin,, who has been : in Portland the past winter, attending business col lege, has returned here to the home of her parents. Lemon Juice Recipe . Checks Rheumatic Pain Quickly ;" ' -- '- - i' - ; ( '" J ' -; 7 If j trnttrnf frvm rtonoHp. r " thritU tn-iti pain.- try thim ttmpf MpBiT bom - racip tlifcl tboaai4a are afaf. liet packaf f aid rvliahl Ba Es Coapoaad to itf kia U aitk a quart of water, al ta air 4 taaaoaa It' eaay. K tnwbie S aR mu4 plraaaat a mr4 aaly S tabicapoonatot tw timaa day Oftam within 4S aoora aoaia titaea evenKftttn aplaadiS raanlti ara obtaiard If til pais aot auikiy ! ant U row da feel Wttar. B E" Hl rot ya Bothint t try m It la aold ty roar sntsciat andar an ahactata B3nr baek goaraata. RC EK rampnnd ia for aat and r tsmndeJ by In4 Merw Irr 8 tar aad ffA, drus aira rarrbr. . tewfordsvjlle Host for MA 16th Animal Linn-Benlon District Convention ' I. Held ' LEBANON Members of the Royal Neighbors of America from Albany, Crawfordavllle, Corvallis, Lebanon - and Marcola attended the 16th annual Linn-Benton district- convention which was held in the lOOF hall In Crawlordsville Thursday. Isabella Braden of Crawfordavllle, district j oracle, presided.. State Supervisor Lenora Broil! of Ashland conducted a school, of instruction during the afternoon session. ( All of the Royal Neighbor lodges in the ..United States are taking part in a prize letter campaign. This campaign supplied the motif for the decorations on the dinner tables. A card board post office was on the officers' table and place cards were in the j form ot letters, Scotch broom Was the back ground of the room decora tions used with the lodge , colors, purple and white. The Corvallis. delegates went through the initiation ritial for a class; of candidates after which the hostess lodge led in the me morial service. There were read ings, stunts and music before the installation of officers fori the next convention. Mrs. Biolli was the Installing officer and District Deputy Maude Davis of Eugene was ceremonial marshal. Officers for the next convention which : will be held in Convallis arer Oracle, Mildred Walbrlcht, Corvallis; vice tracle, Helen Per sons, Albany; past oracle j Isabelle Persons, Crawfordsville; recorder-receiver, Mary BarberJ Corval lis; inner sentinel. Angle Thomas, Lebanon;, outer sentinel, Amanda Bussard, Albany; chancellor, Em ma Davis, Crawfordsville; mar shall,' Vera Ogden, Corvallis; as sistant marshal, Catherine Paul son, Corvallis; musician, I Kather ine Christian, Corvallis; flag bear er, Ienore Soule, Lebanon; faith, Lillian Brown, Albany; courage, Zella Vetex, Crawfordsville; mod esty, Jeam Shanks,. Lebanon; un selfishness, Francis Howard, Cor vallis and endurance. Alma New ton of Corvallis. I Needle Club Meets A.t Pleasantdale PLEASANTDALE X'tnia m,m: bers attended the semi-monthly meeting of the Aloha Needle club held Thursday afternoons at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Mur phy. Refreshments were! served by Mrs. 'Murphy. The next meet ing will be at the home; ot Mr and Mrs. P. B. Sweeney.! 5 are unfathomed seas Rarlr of wv o) W School, there is the single" thought -7- how can we make living more pleasant, more economical, more efficient. Time savers are life savers. Our Cooking School will give you many of these life saving, time saving methods; for in cookery success depends on your grasp of useful, practical ideas. f :jf There are really thrills in the new ! ideas of simple modern axkery-otepsavers that bring you out of the kitchen fresh unflurried. Set aside the three afternoons. You'll want to hear everjr word, to see each recipe made with your own eyes. Won't you accept this invitation to make our Cooking School your Cooldng ; School, too? , 1 Oregon Stotesmati 1 ! aaBPaaavaaaMajaBBaBBaaaaajaaBja . . " - - . ' ICTS BA23AIIA I2LLEII . : Fccned Homa Economist who "-will conduc the school. Lebanon News LEBANON Santiam post num ber 51 and the . auxiliary, were represented at the meeting of the Willamette Council of the Legion which met at Toledo Sunday, by Mr. and Mrs. Frank Southard, Mrs. Elmer Whetstone and Mrs. Glen Wallace. : --, Friday when the (Woman's Re lief Corps gave their silver tea at the home of Mrs. Frank Slkes, Mrs: Era Nichols told of her trip around the world and showed sou venirs gathered on her travels. Mrs. Rosa Forbis presided at the tea table and Mrs. P. J. , White, Mri; Sllaa Couey and Mrs. Ellen Bellows helped Mrs. Slkes receive. The corps how is preparing for Memorial day exercises. ' Candidates for the queen's court are being selected now from the student bodies of the county .high schools. The Lebanon students elected Lorelei Stewart,, the daughter of Mrs. Era Stewart as their representative. This year all of the princesses will wear pale green Instead of the different col ors as has been, done other years. Mrs. Ethel Baumann la spend ing a week In 8anta Ana, Calif. Sunday Mr. and Mrs.- Bernard Hunt and" little son, Steven Denny, drove up from San Jose, ; Calif., and surprised their relatives and friends. They will stay about ten days, then Mr. Hunt must be back at the store by May 1st. i Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Cormier are at home after having spent the winter .In Arixona., " - R. D- Waddell has returned from a ten day trip to Kansas City. His father R. W. Waddell, city engineer of Kansas City since 1018. died Friday. v . Mrs. J. W.' Day of Portland who Is visiting Mrs. J. C. Mayers and Mrs. William Reilly of San Fran cisco who is a house guest at the S. M. Garland home, both former Lebanon residents, were the guests of honor Friday when Mrs. Mayers, entertained at luncheon. Monday, Mrs. Maude Klrkpatrtck entertained a group of friends of long standing for Mrs. Day, Mrs. Reilly and their hostesses. Mrs. Maude Carleton of Salem has also been a guest In the Mayers' home and of her relatives in and near Lebanon. The Fortnightly Book club was entertained at the home of Mrs. N. M. Bewport Friday. ------ Mrs. Helen Day 111 LIBERTY Friends : here of Mrs. Helen Day,- formerly living in the Falrview school district, have learned ' of her - serious ill ness doe to paralysis of one side of her body. She is .at present in Newport and being cared tor by a relative In her home. HAT a wonderful country the undiscovered possibilities bowl, uncharted continents in in the flour bin. inor1 rwirv srrt tra ir?aa neavi prurig Kin uir IWi r-- LaaasfcJl ss t-a I. m 1 funis s t s y- ,1 .. jg j Wed.-Thur.-?ri. May 1 May 2 ; May 3 .: 2 to 4 P. 1.1. Three Cub Scout Dens Organized Silverton Boys j to , Meet Weekly; Den Mothers " Are- Announced N SILVERTON Cub cots nave been orranizad into throairi. . Silverton , with Mrs. Tomi Ander son. Mrs.: Sam 'Bailer and Mrs. Mlna Cooper as den mothers. The cubs , will hold '' weekly meetings at the homes of the den mothers and; tntfnthly pack meet ings under the direction of the cub master. Rev. Edward Terry. Cubs Include Tommy Anderson, Bruce Cooper. Rlchsrd Bailer, Edward Martin, Bernard McDon nell, Donald Hackstedt. Billy Ben ham; Richard Bodeen, Tommy Pellett, , Norman Toketad? James Bonnlrksen. Jack Cogswell and Armand Lea Riveness. oil. v i J t.iuBi iuier or Salem ,1s landscaping the gardes of Mr. and Mrs. Tom Anderson this -week.:. h f , , Ben Brown of Salem has tak en up employment at the M. and B. Grocery at1 Silverton. J.iH. Porter. Silverton coun cilman. Is reported as-improving. A registered nurse has been car ing for him - - ; , ' Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Cooley and and Rohlin Cooley plan a motor trip to the east - in late spring. They will- visit eastern gardens in lilac time. .- Shrubbery and grounds about the Silverton xarmory and the city hall have been pruned1 during the past few days. , - Archie Caspell Dies at Stayton STAYTONr-T-ArchirCaspell, 58. died Tuesday morning at his home at Stayton. Funeral services will be Thursday at 2 p.m.' from the Weddle and Son funeral home with Rev. W H. Lyman officiating and interment in the Lone Oak cemetery. ' h He was a member of the Chris tian church and the IOOF and Rebekah lodges at Stayton Pall bearers will be IOOF members. - Surviving are the widow. Ad die Condit Caspell; a daughter, Mrs. Virgil Moor head (Lucille) of Salem; One grandson, Roger Moor head; and the following brothers and sisters, Mrs. Ediih Lang and Mrs. Fay Byck of Eugene, .Mrs. Rilda Prlem, Mrs. Lydla Bowen. Frank Caspell. Mrs.-Hazel Prlem, Elmer CaspelL Mrs. Fleta Yar- nell, all of Salem: Fred Caspell of Seattle, Mrs. Orphla Charlesworth of Toledo; Georjge Caspell of Clo verdale and rs. Marcella Burdan of Oakland. Calif. -I i - 7" kitchen is ! There in every mixing the oven, and in PvtUnn ciioo inr ))iu a 1 3