The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, April 24, 1940, Page 12, Image 12

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Tha Orj:GOlJ STATESMAN. Salsa. Oregon, Wednesday Morning. April 24, 1943
Inspect Sewage
i Disposal Plant
Independence Councilmen
X Mayor Make First r
Inspection Trip
W. ; Foster, Glen C. Smith of tbe
city planning committee and
members f tbe Independence
city council spent Monday at Sil-
- verton inspecting the new sewage
disposal plant. This is the first
of seTeral Inspection trips planned
by member j of the city ; council
preparatory to starting. work here
on improving the sewers and in
stalling a sewage, disposal - plant
for Independence.
The Cooper, sawmill - resumed
operation Monday after a two
month layoff on account of short
age, of logs. Prank Cooper stated
that the mill pond was full of
logs and he expected to. be able
to continue sawing now.
Miles Olson and Don Rowland
of tbe public speaking class ct the
independence nign school were
the speakers on . th program at
the meeting of the lions, club
Monday noon. Olson gave an ora
tion on "Peace in a World Like
This.' stating . that i. "Peace will
only be established ' when . " we
break ? down all , trade barriers
and make resources available to
all nations." Rowland sate In
formation of the Klondike rash
at Dawson City giving examples
of the high prices paid for foods
during tbe rush. .
C. Hi Harwood announced that
the meeting May would be a
sight meeting instead of at noon
and that moving pictures would
be shown by a representative of
the Standard Oil -company.
Pedee Club Gives r
Community Dance
PEDEE A community dance,
sponsored by the Jolly Neighbors
club was held at' the club hall
Saturday qight.
The April high school party
was held in the school building
Thursday night.
FFA Member Gives
Address on Soil
"'" " :
' ' v . !
Soil Erosion Problem Is
Discussed Jby Dickman
' i at Silverton ; I
SILVERTON While It ! takes
400 years to build one . inch of
top soil, the fertility of this has
been wasted in less than one
fourth of that time, said Paul
Dickman, guest speaker at the
Silverton chamber of - commerce
luncheon Monday noon. Dickman
represented the Future Farmers
of America. il verton - chapter. In
tnavJeceax puouc speaking, con-
test. . , . .;
Of the two billion acres in rural
areas in the United States 75
per cent has already been affect
ed by soil - erosion, .Dickman
continued. Every effort" should
be made to educate the public
to - conserve the soil, h He sug
gested the planting of grasses, the
returning of . straw , and . other
crop residue to the soil, using
cover crop in orchards, and shift
ing hill from crop to live stock
farming. -;,,.,,,.,
The Monday meetinr was the
first trial meeting of the cham
ber at noon Instead of the usual
dinner night ; meeting. Other
service.' clubs Joined in the meet
ing. :. '-; -;"rv":
Merman Kramer, . program
chairman Introduced Leonard
Hudson. Future Farmers of
America advisor, who. la - turn
Introduced ' the' chapter members
present. Paul Jones, FFA presi
dent opened the meeting, and
Introduced Harold Roop, his pro
gram chairman. Dale Herigstad
gave the history of the FFA. Dick
Hartly the creed and ' Herman
Goschie reported on the FFA co
op. - : : f " ,
Drama! Club Meets Tonight
verton Hills Dramatic club will
hold Its first meeting, Wednesday
night at the community hall, ac
cording - to the announcement of
the president, Eldon Mulkey. At
this time the group will make
plans for future productions.
' ' """"" " " " "" " ' 1 "- ' "
! i . T' 1 1111 11 1,11 1,1 ' sws
nily From Iowa
Move, Hazel Green
HAZEL GREEN Mr. and Mrs.
Pearl Wilkinson and sons, Mar-:
via, weivin, Bernard and Lowell
and daughters, Mamie and Ber
dlnia of Decatur county Iowa,
have rented - the Carl Johnson
faun. Lowell will be a pupil In
tne una grade. -
Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Wilkinson
were hosts to dinner. Guests were
Mr. and ; Mrs. Harry Sroud of
Telm, Waslu. Mr. and Mrs. Wal
lace- and son and daughter of
Middle Grove, Mr. and Mrs. Boyd
Wilkinson and -, baby daughter,
Salem. The Wilkinson family like
Oregon and are expecting to buy
property, . .. , . . . .
Thor Slattum has moved to the
home of his son,-Julius Slattum.
He rented , his home to the Harp
family, who were - living. In the
lodge at Hazel Green park. . The
Harp family, was from Colorado.
Virgil Clemens and family of Sa
lem will move to the property va
cated by the Harp family. Clem
ens, s. nephew of Ben Clemens,
will work In the park this sum
Mr. and Mrs. John Chart and
children will move to the Woelke
farm at North Howell, May first.
Sharf will - hare charge of the
Woelke farm for : Joe Ren, who
bought ft from Mrs. Woelke re
cently. The Scharf family lived
the past two years on what Is
known as the George Zlellnski
Silverton School - .p
Schedule Altered
SILVERTON A new spring
time! schedule la talnr tried In
Silverton schools. The! purpose.
Instructors and school board
membes say Is to giro the stu
dents more time for on t door rec
reation.' ,'. I
Classes take no In ah Senart-
ments at 8:45 a. m. The noon
hour Is from 11:15 a. ml to li;s
for the primary people, pm& from
11:25 to 12:30 for the others.
The primary division goes home
at 2 o'clock, while the others
go at S:30 . ' i
Riverdale Gfibs
" Give 4H Program
. .. y,
RIVERDALE The three ill
clubs la the Riverdale school gave
their achievement day program
last week at the schoolhouse. The
two art and crafts clubs had a
display of painted glass silhouette
picture, . woven purses, memoran
dum pads, magazine racks, letter
holders, tie holders, book racks
and ' other articles. ' .
The health club displayed large
health posters, some of which will
be sent to tbe county 4H lair.
The teachers, Clara Jones and
Elsie Carpenter, were the leaders.
The - following program was
riven: Presentation of. each club
and Its officers, Betty WHlard;
history of the clubs. Gene Klein,
Del bert Kurtz and Dorotha Ken-
nell; club creed, Constance New
ton: talk. Bertha Kins; music se
lections, Therona Colin and Wen
doll Maeklin; health demonstra
tion, artificial respiration, Doris
Jan Nichols, Melvln Gosser and
Gilbert Klein presentation of 4H
pins and certificates; pity, Betty
WlHrd, Wendoll Maeslln, Dwiiht
Gosser, Colin Maeklin. 1 ,
The Riverdale school has re
cently remodeled Its stage and
purchased a new curtain for It.
Some Ground Wet,
Some Dry at Suver
8UVER Farmers here are get
ting extremely-anxious about ret
ting their spring crops In. The
ground Is still wet In spots and
too dry In others.
Beth Purvlne a sophomore la
agriculture at OSO was recently
elected Tlce president of Women's
Archery club at tbe college.
Lawrence Fudge of Seattle
visited Thursday with his broth
er and sister-in-law, Mr. and
Mrs. Earl Anderson. Thev at.
tended funeral services for Mrs.'
Fudge's mother at 1 ' Ballston'
Wednesday, i , '
Doris Compton wss a guest of
Dorothy Anderson at her home
over the weekend. The alrls at.
tend OSC.
; f.,N
.1! :-
... ...i i
1 1
t .
1 ..'.. -.. '. .- t
on thl s. ""I0?9 Of thin, you '
. .. thousands of bargains
that we haven't room to stock in our store,
can be bought through our Catalog Order
department! Save on all your needs at Wards!
Sale I Famous
79c Pioneers
Reduced I
Greater savings now on America's
finest work shirt value t Sanforized
Bartacked. Full-cut. Double elbows I
So lei Famous
"101" Band
Pants Reduced I
America's favorite work pants i
at a new low price I 99 shrink
proof denim. Copper riveted.
36 off Regular
Price I Boy'
75c Worth el
Style I Boys
Sport Shirts
Smartest "In-and-Outer" you've
ever seenl Bright, .new, coot
fabrics I Dressy 2-way collar.
? 15c Shorts
Men sand Boys
Regular 59c
5 42c
Extra wear, always 1 Now extra
savings, too 1 Sturdy black cor
rugated rubber soles. All sixes.
Save I 25c
Short, Long
Men's Socks
Prrco Slcshodl Savo Extra!
Best buy in town! Colorlast.
Well tailored. Roomy sixes.
Sale 13c Ribbed Shins, 12c
Patterns won't unravel I Fine
rayon with lisle tops, reinforced
heels and toes for wear.
' bsbbbbbbbbBbBBsbIbbbbbbbbbbbbW
' ill . - .. .
' i
i I
f ! 1
rwcWasf New Spring PrmH
Don't miss this extra saving on your best "buy" In
thrifty percale I Don't miss the thrill of wearing the
prettier, more becoming colors and prints for whichl
EHvaniaj are famous! YouH find dozens of pattern
for dresses, school clothes, curtains, and drapes.'
Have twice as many at this big reduction ! 36".
Sola! IOc Broadcloth ; Savo 20
More lustrous and firmly woven cottons!
Save on everything from pajamas to slips!
Ymi Cann IPsay ILsmten'
' in convenient monthly installments for these
Ward Week specials t. Any purchase total
ing. $10 or more opens an account!
Famous 1.98
Sensational sale! Stunning
Wck or white kid ties with
built-in stscl shank for comfort t
Sale I New 1
Special I
Men's 1.91
The handy 18x36 sits that ssve
laundry end your better tow
els. 48 piles vp bsli a doteol
Sate I 1.98
Tour chance to buy these popu
lar black calf bluchers at a neat
saving 1 jjon t miss it I
Parry with cotton chenille!
The blf 90 a 101 slse! Solid
colors or beautiful all-whits.
1 1
35c Value I f
Make slipcovers, draperies I
Patterns . ars sun, tubfsst
mattrial Is prs-shrunk,36wide.
:.iv '
LftItraLhTy Urmly woven!
Will make lasting slip-covers,
vpholsteryl Deep rich colors!
SALE! MEW 1.98
- 1
iff V
-Hurry in now' during
Ward Week! See alt tha
thrilling new shirtwaist
and dressy styles ! Notice
the pockets, rows of but" i
tons, I full skirts with
pleats and flares! Choosa
from ' plain or printed
spun rayon, n o ye 1 1 y
weave rayons printed
rayon crepes! 'Women's
and misses! sizes 12-44.
is mm m 1 m& mis mm &mf
f Vl
iE n Us 1 . ,.
mssa. r sr 1
Cnoy Baffar Fit, Smart
PaHwns 1 1 AniSavm 41 e
Imagine, if you can, all
f these features, of high
priced shirts. : Woven'
Ipatterns. Wiltproof col
y lars. Body-shaped sizes.'
At a price as LOW as
this ! That's why we call
U!' Save now!
SeU! Men's 49c Ties,,
Wools and
rayons. Lined
to knot better.
-:rjlP.--- - '-7-, sJ3W,vis9
I H I -
:K ,llr ' : imm'' ;
i'"' ' ' j j asa
$5 A Month, Down Pay-
, Carrying Charge
Gracefully styled ; master-crafted ...and Ward
Week priced $15 less than similar quality else
where! NEW, lon-lasting inner coils 1 Makes 72
bj 42 inch bed, with bedding compartment.
Matching Chair 24.94 2 Pew Suitei.648
If il h ill II.'-
f Jiffy treys i
Feed Fretter
' ' y .
Veaef able tin
Three .sliding
shelves ... 2
6.33 cu. ft. DELUXE
Not a stripped" model ... but deluxo featured!
Has 13.7 sq. ft. shelf area ... Food Guardian . . . t
automatic tray releases! 5-year Protection Plan I
, ; Compare other makes vp to f4S more f
Big 6.2 CO. tC M-W Refrigerator ' B9
I -tS'
famous FrvH-of-tht-Loom
25c Aprons!
"Save "20 "
Crisp new aprons in tabfast
percale ... f lyly trimmsd with
colored bindizs. Novelty pock
eta. Bib and. , coverall styles!
Harry and save extra t
immm rm mm vm
.... hs2&
' A 39c Vb7u Anywhtft
. Fine Elayon
tlx months 'til next Ward Week
so stock Bp sow! Tnb-ia-a
aiinnte ki,rb. fashion ' novelty
x.iyon undies. Hany with lace
asd many tan-resist. Women's.
J -"NOV cf our Jbwarf price
. Complete wlih botlerlesl
- Has bv'.lUn loop aeria'4
j Economlcc! I-voft tubesl
, 1 clloy dynamic speaker! ;
'"" Plug-in or play it outside!
Ml TOfli) 't'i:i:il( (i),m
n' 1 1 . in 1 iiaSm m ,M,
9 1 Jfc
f I, f-ifff-
These Vard Week prices en
Wardoleum are econoaay news!
Easy to clem etainproof, t.
terproof baked enamel I
Cx9 7,x9 2.73
5xlOJ'i 3.73 r
i -
1 7
J I I r ! iTTW'-V. V - -.ATP lx i-
:v U .:Ai .V..nj;