Tit ti ' J,H J k-f S ,' Tha OrrGOn CTATXTTIAIL Sclssi. Oresca. Yox&ntttday llorrSsg, April 24, ISO fags nxvni Fok . RESULT :. At LOW COBi Use BTalESMSM : tTJfT-ADS! da n 1 Statesman 1 Classified Ads . - ' Call 9101 'Three Insertions per tin 25c Six insertions Dr line ;400r- One-month per line, , J1.2S Minimum charge 25 c. 2 tl min im am 35c; tl mln 46c Mo ' refunds. ' Cap; lr rt HI eeeepted nstil 4:30 the eveeieg before pebUrsriee fer elaaaifiratim. Copy rreeiee af tor this tieve will ee raa aaaer seaaiag '"Toe Late trCltn'r.'' - Tbe SUteatnas assumes ue finsacial relib lit3r ler errers waich ' appear a adrertieemesta pabiataed its columns d in esse araere tbia paper ia at faalt aill reprin thai per ( aa aeTertiaemcnt ia whlre the typ ograpbtrai mistake crura. Tbe gtateaiaas reserves the rlgbt to reject qaeatiaaabla esvertieiag .n it. ritat ta Blare all adrertiainit Bdr the proper elaseifl veuvn. A Birnd" As aa ad eeataiaiag a Statesaaa has sauiDer far aa address il for Ike .preteetien ef aater User sad atnat therefore be answered by letter. The Stateaaus la aot at liberty tqd divelge tnfei u1io aa the ideatity ef aa advertieae esiag a, 'BUa4" ad. Livestock WILL. TRADE baby . cfalcka for la bor. ISi, Stateardan. Phone 7330 - Phone 7330 ATTENTION ' WE PICK wp dead and worthieaa animals at a moment a notice Oregon Rendering A Fertiliser Co. Phone 7JS9 Collect BABT CHICKS 19 Varieties In cluding Reds, Rorka Hampahlre. IjH horna Day .old pullet a. rorkarela started chlfW. Phone ItMt bee's Hatchery - . asaJ-aaaalassasajsa4-aaea jFTRgSMIUC 0- Vaio8: Phone Salem 5000 Attention WB PJCK p dead and worthless stock at a moment's notice. ' Salem Fertilizer and By-Products Works Phone Salem 5000 Collect FARMERS MfiKTRrtMETlT HENDERINO WORKS PICKS tTP. FREE OF CHARGE, DEAD AND WORTHLESS HORSES AND COWS ANYWHERE IN THK WILIJIMETTF. VALLEY. WE PAY TOPi PRICES PHONE US COLLECT. 411 SALEM STALLION Black and white. Ktm tle. nine years, broke to harness and saddle. $150.00 cash. Ask for R. M. Bishop, 1104, Tuesday between t and Auctions BB 8CRE to attend the sale Sat. at the F. N. Wcxxlry Mfct., 110 H. Summer St. Ph. 6110. Complete house hold furnishings. Help Wanted ' $30 WEEKLY- GROW Mushronma Cellar, shed We-buy frssh. tic, dry fl.3 lb FREE BOOK Mushrooma 12? Third. Seattle. Wash- Help Wanted Male A STEADY. GOOD paying Job avail able for mature, married man with car; must be over 25 and be able to present neat appearance. For appoint ment call 3200 between 1:00 and 10:49 Help Wanted -Female ELDERLY HSEKPR. for country. Mod. eonven. Box 01,. Statesman. EXP- HSEKEEPER. part-tim. go home nights. 2185 S. Charclt. P. 2470. Situations Wanted DRESSMAKING A REMODELING. a!ao Centennial costumes, lilt 8. Lta rty. i LADY WISHES work In hotel, hos pital or by hoar. Hi N. Cottage. IFOR FIRST class painting and pa pering, call 341J LAWN AND garden work. P. SUA. EXP. LNDSCP. lawn work. P. II l. DRE33HA K. Mr Aftsftt. Pkv 9Xf House Painting Cut rates, day or can tract- Wt guar. Ph. 47 a.m, p.m. EXP. WOMAN wants nr. wk. M34. POSITION AS bookkeeper, clerical or satesnuia. Willing to make substan tial inraatment. Box 199 co Statesman. EXP. WOMAN wants haeclft. 72C7. EXP. GIRL wants bsewrk. 322TT. For Sale Miscellaneous FUR CHUBBIES. sum'r. wear. I 4. 80 tip. Hager's Far Ebop, 1247 8, Com. DAT BED, pillows, drop leaf table, alec, plate,! heater. 552 N. Church. BABY. CHICKS, ten varieties now. f hatches every week. Cockerels, pul lets. . custom batching. Tel. 3-2aSt. Lee's Hatchery. THOROBRED POMERANIAN Pupa 13.00 tip. Hale Mickey. HI & 11th. ROTTED FKRTILTZER- Phone 0500 FERTILIZER. 5tr A SACK. $2 V delivered Pkv 07. FINEST SELECTION of wH grown plants for yard and garden. Phono 17. JAY MORRIS. - Florist. ; -PC. DINING set. slightly used. Splendfd rortitlon. S49.S0. , GEVURTZ FURNITURE CO. - 4t Oiro.onCtalescaa ADVERTIStNO Western AdTertising; j HepresentatlTe Geirge i. Cleeav Inc. Saa Fraacisce, Los, Aareles, SeatUa astern Advertising; Kepresentatlves - k Brraat Griffith h Bran sou, laa. Ckieaga, New lark, Detrei : - Beaton. Atlaato . - ' Entered at lAe itMttoffte r Salem, Oreooai. as Second Ciass Afa((r. Pub lished every morning except Honda v. BtMtneaa ft Urn tli South Commercial SUBSCRIPTION RATES: " ' Mail Saberrijttioa Rates la" Advance Witbia Oreioa taily aad Suaaay, Me. 69 cents; 0 Moa S1.S0; aloe. SZ 5e; 1 year 3.ut. ; laekera l eests per Mo ar 06 GO fer t year at adteaee. Per copy 0 cents. Keasstanda A rent. By City Carrier, eo cents a month, 7.24 a year hi adtance ta ' Marrea and adjaaaat counties. tlttncjyUi Loam i QUICK GASH LOANS CAU. WFilTK or pbone (tltat to Ha tern a oldest, tatrxrat heme owned and home nianaaed ri nance Inailtutton Tour flnanrUil a f fa Ira will be discussed mad loan sneer to strictest privacy Ton wilt ft gives every consideration la the re paying of goat loaa or grant In af eitenatonn - - ; 1 to 24 Months to Repa)' . , t Tou can pay to fun any. time to reduce tbe coat. Only Borrower Signs , No andoraara. Loaaa made an fumltura. rara or note. - - . !. BEB .'- . . ROT H SIMMON. MOR. JIM CLARK. ASST. UGa IJe Ni W UK t : GtNtRAL FINANCE CORPORA riON ISI ! Cwnajorclal St. -"j " : Ue. Na 8-ISI mat dtior aoutb of l-add Buah Bank ' . PDoaa IKt -Convealoat groan 4 floor location t LOANS PKRSONAL LOANS. $10 TO 80 UP TO ISaO.eO ON CAR8 -Al THIS time of the year ataar farniliew and -tndlvtduals have gxaten behind avttk their rartous Mils and mnntbl payment contracts If thla hatefa te be your sltoatka sea ob for a loan targe enough, lo pay off all ronr various bills and monthly payment contracts Tu then tan repay the lona In ens small monthly pay men I In stead of awfanU, Ami yon repay monthly A nit. of toan f mo. 12 mo. 20 mo. t I -10 t 4 02 I 2 8'J 0 0 11.49 10 05 8 38 100 0ft 14.2S 10 OS 0 72 20S t 28.40 20.09 13.44 200.A0 42.74 20.14 20.1 ff yo u make regular small monthly payments select the plan above that beat salts your needs and coat In for the cash TODAY. CALKINS FINANCE CO. 21. 2nd Ftr. First NafL Bank Bidg. Salem. Oregon Phon 4440 8-220 M-27 State Ucenaes Auto Loans Willamette Credit Co. tth F1'MR-UARDIAN BU ll.ll NO LICENSE NO M ISO PRIVATE MONEY AUTO AND TRUCK LOANS CONTRACTS REFINANCED to ro dwee parroenta Money for new or used cars No deiny ar red tape Too will re tain poeaeatilon of the eehlcie. 1 TO 2 MONTHS TO PAT ROY H. SIMMONS 120 South Commercial Street Phone 01 00 ' Lie M y.M FHA IJIANS 4H&. atao prlv loans A bra ma Ellis Inc. Masonic Bldg. Loans Wanted WANTED, PRIVATE money for city', farm and acreage loans. Net In vestors 6 to interest. Examine securities yourself. It will pay you to sea us for Investments. CHILDS A MILLER. INC 344 State St. ?hOB WANTKD PRIVATE MONEY TO LOAN on good 8a lean real es tate. Will pay , Interest. W. H. ORABENHORST A CO. . REALTORS LOANS WANTED on farm and city property Before borrowing inquire at Hawktaa at Konerta FOR SALE Uood sound first farm mortgagee and bonds. Sea B. C Zlelln skL with HAWKINS A ROBERTS. INC Phone 4100 or 746. For Sale; Miatjellaneons RIVER SILT top dirt Ph 1401 USED DAVENPORT, tapestry cov ered, $7.S. GKVURTZ FUBN1TURE CO. j"ui.ii.riii ri.iuir- iiriirarasr"-,'r",,',i JfcJfc ' SMALL. KIMBALL piano. Call bo- fore ) p. m. 80 Ratclill Wivt nrfj-ix?''''''"- " Qaaaaaaaa'aa NEARLY NEW wood raJiga, 0-pc breakfast set. 21 OS N. Liberty. 1 irsED LOUNGE chair, T.5. OEVURTZ iU KN ITIIRE CO. BIYSK SILT, 05e yd. P. 48(5. LVi. xn. t. nj-Lm,rij-iri-i-ruLri nrg nir f - - TURKEYS ORES, a del P. J-20I4. ROTTKO FERTILIZER. Ph. T50. aaahnahasaaaadaaaa I USED ICB box. $2.50. OEVURTZ FURNITURE CO. CAMU REUla-t EUt. Aadina ryiwwrtter. Duplicator. Calculator and Scale aervica. All wakes sold, ranted peed, ttoea Tj pew rrttar Cachanara Cnwl DUE TO tioaw sleca: arrtrins daUr we mnst dena bona on dtocon tinned lines. Ooar sannasBS. etc., at near cost. Three flaora c new and uswd furni ture. Nash FuraCture Co., "Homo of Lang caagaa; low- prlcea USED ABC WASHER, good oondl ttoa. Al.( ; aatomitlo washer, lata raodaL 4rka trow, $ta.50t new waabera from Xt9.it- eaar terma Goad Houae- kaeplag. xnc-. 4e3 Coart Bt. wwMwwwwwwwiwwwwwswses USED UPRIGHT piano, 81 J JO. - GEVTJRTX FVJRN1TUKS CO. ayassaaaaaaaaaaaaa THE APRON Shop 0T N Hia tTPlL PACK, piano, IOS0 Larmer. Bnilders Bargain 10 BUNDLES HIGH grass cot shakes. 24 ln 82.25 each It all taken; 13 bandies undarcourse aMnglea, 10 hv. (0c each tt taken with shakaa, 315 a 2 3rd SL Ph. 3103. USED xl2 RUG In splendid condi tion. 81.S0. GKVURTZ ytntNTTURE CO. NASH ; FURNITURE Co. sells the nutra for leas. -SHOP AROUND, IT PAYS." Large stock of nationally ad vartlsed 4iaea to choosa from. - Trad SIirellanMa 1 ALL KINDS of lumber. Txtd for wood or? anything 1 can asa. ;. lath. ';;,--- - v ' Wanted Furniture CASH for sed farnltnra and kaat gooda R- Forgay.- Phono -140 a. n ss' BDfiT C1H" F.N AOLSNS ftWWlT Ph 111 WantedMiscellaneoTis WANT TO BUT Atawray macbina. Tel. 7. ; ' MARION FIXJT Shop, 26 Marion, 4900. Lawn mowers checked, adjusted, lied, sharpened Ilka new. 75c. Call deliver. x "' TjTJ'jnUaUXrqiV'kiftrsrs ! '" WANTED, ased fmit lars Pt 4610 CENTENNIAL COSTUMES made to. order, Teasonabla. 370 State. r r.IisceUaneous Dental Plate Repair - rrVO-HOUR SERVICE " IN MOOT i - 'CA3E3 Bring or MtO Your Plates for RrUt DR. HARRY SE3ILER. DENTISI Attekv HUda Sd a Mnrrtana) BR 0431 MALE, INSTRUCTION. Wa want to hear from reliable saen. now empSoyrd, with foresight. . fair education and me chanical inclinations, willing to train spara time at home and later m our shop, to became Installation and -service expert" on all types Air Condition ing an 1 ETartric Refrireratlctrji ICqulp ment. Writa fully givins aire, present ocrupetion. Utilitis Insututa, B 153 ta bla.temiia.ri. filonev to Loan For Rent Rooms MODERN FURNISHED rooms; also ape Reasonable. Tel. 52 or 88(2. , aranranaaaaaaaaiakjsnaansnjsa rTKI MA KM ,um faiftllil rales PLEASANT SLEEPING mu, Cttwo in. a-mu. gentleman.- Break. Ph. 876. HllTKl MARION , Rooms Special weekly and monthly rate to perm eueats Mario Coffee ho dUi-4one naeak el -tear ortcaa Rma. close- in. 8482: 24S a. Cottage. "ni "li i"hr''-sy'V,asfsrjaat DESIR. BM3. at 1371 Chemeketa. Room and Board EAT AT 860 MARION. BD. RA1. 1424 Kerry Ph. 8518. BOARD AND ROOM. 41 f Bellavtia. 8IK1) RM mea Stelnke's P 8384 BEAUTIFUL doable ntL twin beds, Prt. bath. 330 N. Summer. Ph. 8073. ROOM A BOARD. Ill a vyinter. A REAL HOME. 14!3 Court. 3030. SEP MA ttowen Aek N t Jbert -EXCEL. BD, m, 15. 803 S. Com. For Rent- Apartments lat FLOOn APTS. 8 3 rooms. Fura. or anlura. 1411 Court St. 1. 2 AND S R. apts S3 N. Liberty. 3 R. APT, FURN, bath. S. heat. trig, garage, zooa N. Capitol. NEW FURN. t rm, prt v. bath., beat, water, ad u lta. tl N. Cottage. eaaaaaaasasaasak FURN. 3&S RM- apt. 890 Union. " ' ,,aJr"i"sfi-aThr1J's 3 R, GAR, PRTV. entrance, frig, clean. Close. Adults. 815 N. Winter. a, jissssi riiirrsfuutnjunjruTj' HKa, rHb Ftshei Apta oetore row decide. Large A Airy Rockwool In sulated against neat A cold. Venetian Rilnds throughout 8 Com ! A Oak Sts HAWTHORNE Court. 1009 N Cap Itoa Homelike and. eommodiouav MODERN NEWLY : decorated 8 room furnished. Reasonable, Must sea to appreciate. 772 N. Waiter. ; I RM, prt. bath. P. 4884. 83 S. 31. ROOM FURN. apt. Hot water heat. frigid, water, gar. Ph. 8408. tiislui ii,njLL'irrxr SLEEP. R. a apta, 393 S. Cottage. aaaaaaaaajasas FURN. 4 RM, prt. bath. 348 Marion. BEAUTIFULLY FURN. 0 rm. mod. apt. Close in. Ph. 3387. aaa4ssaasaaaa VAr'ATMPV' VERr attractively V ilWlllljl fura. apt. 310 Lelia. rnci An. zuai in. wapitoi. CHOICE 8 R. apta. The Devereaas. 3 R ptiv bath. 350 S- Cottage. 1 A 3 R FURN apt, 045 Ferry. esnenanaa S Rma Mod. Close ta. Ph. 8884. APTS. FURN.. nnfurn. Children welcome. 38 op. 1310 S. 13th. P 7089. 2 RM. FURN, kit. bath. 545 Court. 2 RM- APT. Main Or. 448 & Winter. - --,.1r--M-wJ-jXfft FURN. 4 RM. APT, gar, 471 N. Cottage. Phone 5X54. CLOSE IN modern fnrnished apart ment. Adults only. TeL 84. ATTRACTIVE NEWLY radecoratPd furn. A unfurn. Re as. 1120 Ferry. FURN. 1ST FLOOR. Vary close in. Jaanon. j.aq. Apt. a. 3 RM. FURN. apt. Mala floor front. 13.50 a weak. 1390 Oak. Phone 537C AT HOLLYWOOD, 1940 N. CapttoL mod. furn. a parts, low ratea, Adults. FURN. 3 RM. apt, 831 N. Church. FURNISHED APT, 340 Division. ROOMY, CLEAN, furn. 3 bdrm. apt. Elec refrig, gar.. $25. Close, L w. inci. Adults. 7I N. capitol. fZss, 1 AND 1 RM. apta, 423 Marion. FURN. APT, prt. bath, 853 a. 12th. Frn, apt. Now. redea. Zno, 120 N. 17. For Rent Honses . 4 R, LIKE NEW, adaUa. Ph. 4954. t RM. MOD. hse,, fnrnaca A fire place, 1843 N. Church, $35. - 7 rm. mod, house, furnace A fire place, 140 N. 17thrt30. . 3 bdrm. plastered hse, water, phono A faraa bldga. 1 mi. N. of Salem, $34. 4 rm. tmfurn, apt, fcC A refrig. TOO Ferry. $30. LADD A BUSH TRUST CO. Trailer Money to Loan $ 1 00 GASH In Your Hands Tomorrow NO PAYMENT DUST FOB AT LEAST SO DAYS For a cash loan of $15. $250 or more, atmply do thla 2, Make appUcaUon In parson or by. phone, -3. Coma In, sign and get the - cash. Endorsers ' not needed. Employer, friends or re la Uvea, not notified. It you can make small monthly- pay ments, you should not hesitate ta see us for a loan at once. -Coma In or paeon, Aak for Mr. Miller. PERSONAL 4 FINANCE CO. Snd Floor, New Bltgh Bldg. Phone 3191 Jkf-185 State Lie. S-131 1 For Rent Houses 8 RM. houaa. Inq. 3707 Brooks St. MaaaaaasasaaanaBa FURN. A UNFURN houses. MEL VIN JOHNSON. 725 Court, PH. aaaaaasaaaasasaaaaja 4 ROOM. NEW. only -118 00 rc. rurnianeu $I000 5 R. furnished modern 80.00 O K REALTY, . 310 Court Street Mnaashaasaaog8i0s UNFURN. bungalow. Oak Vlllg CourL Adults, inquire 9 suu. FURN. AND unfurn. housea R A FORKNER 1859 N Capitol MOD. R, Vista Ave. Ph. 32248. 3 R. CABIN. $CA0 me. Ph. 878L geaaaasyAsraa WE HAVE THK PRiWPKCT IF YOU want to seU. . aaebango. lease, rent, see Mr I -amen or afr Co ima wltn Hawnina nonena PIIRNISHEU AND amfarn H. P GRANT 839 Court Phono 0744 haOaaffsahawaMaasM FURN HSES apta. 715 N Coral S ROOM BUNGALOW. XyRailly'a Shoe Shop. 180 South Liberty, injaaannvasaa 4 R. BATH, garden, berries. Cheap. 1383 Ruga St, west saiern. sygasgaaasiaatfOsi TTtXTTClll WAT aaKrwtai KlMBi irrL a.wwakiaw axaisaaaa ese,Mw " J churches, rent reasonable, Inquire 403 N. 20 or Phono 9219. eaeseBAs1Bnhsshaa PARTLY FURN. mod. S rm. houaa, RL 7, Box 12. 3 blka. N. underpass. eassasaaaaaaaas T RM. HSE.. 1700 Chem.. Mar 15. For Rent OFFICE ROOMS. 2l State Street tKimre room 200 Tel 3713 Wanted to Rent 5 ROOM HOUSE close In. State rent A location. Box 002, Statesman. ForSaTe -Real Estate FOR SALE BRAND NEW 8 room noma ( 8 bed rooms), la Walnut Park Add. Fully modern. You should see this at once. - ii kx.. u witU f A. W. r (r bkvuu vi " 1 j t -- - lnmrfa T 1 . n . rumpp TTTTT .TirKIl aitea. 8300 A $400. 3149 Center. IX a. Kietnege. TOU SHOULD SEE TT . STRICTLY MOD. 8 rma. Moss lawn. $3000. HOLC loan, $30.43 month. H. PT-GBANT, Realtor. 529 Court m-Diri v unn " New K Rm hse. with gar. Near bus taw, chools Fine local ion. r-ary xsrma uwnr. aureuiun fre .eeait atate- sell or trade.. Jbm wanted. . jn. t iin . gww . ii o -" IU A, STRICTLY MODERN, only . T . i. ... EVA ma Fne LiH kwbx Rl D. WOODROW. Th- 900. SaUm. Or. eaaaaaasaBaaaaa"waaasaa 1 jl. nuimxe . .. exealflvtrri aTT 1? aaM4aalAsn -frtF lllTl- t M. , J9. X XstS- A eWsVAa-Mas WHi.ew lta. 4 rm. bouse with elec. "Khta Good fir timber. line location, rut. " Call G. H. Orabenhorst. Jr., with : w.-H, GRA BEN HORST A CCw lkJXJVXfaf lfinri8 -ai-aa-i f LISTEN . ?00-$5M WIU .bato-rtoe. .to atate bkura A bangain. See Mrs. Ellis wltn 'ijtt nai urlT.l-H RK ALTORS Aa, c - PtlMS' StSX. its suu - ij-Lri-rtr.-L . ---- - - w Lota owned by City . $138. to $80 Sea any real estate man or call 303$ 1ST & High Street a Acra tract east ef Salem. Modern borne with basement, furnace a deobto plwrnhmg. Larga barn. 3 poultry nouses. xear rwmo . cs-vea, soma timber. Lota of fruit A berries. E.Tthlnr mm hss wanted hi a sub urban home at a reduced price of 6,- 500.00. Sea Mr. Hardy or atr. wnns, with HAWKINS A ROBERTS, LKC CREEK FROPERTT " 10.81 ACRES LOCATED on Crotaan Creek with 4 rm. plaat. house with basemen t. furnace, flrettla ent, furnace, fti-eplaco. sV phimb-OutbKixa- 15 bearing cherry Price $4200, $500 down ar $15 lag. trees. per mo. To aea thla property, cau G. .H. Orabenhorst. yr, wltn. W, H. GRAEENHOaST A CO. BARGAIN IN SUBURBAN HOME, nice living- rm, fireplace, bath, lights, 2 bedrma, garage. H A, lota at fruit, $2000. - " MONET TO LOAN a - - MKLVTN JOHNSON. REAXiTOR! 725 Court St. Phone $733. NORTH -$378 - tVM CTJITIT mmvAmm tn nfl h'WHf1r GRANT. $20 COURT Tintypes lU TjaY CeMSwS TAct?n, AMO I e feAvay ia ak Sbu sone vay rcRCamM. OoesTTorwsr. i-jh-v3MOca sf vouto aitMO grrsTPfa ' AaaoaatviO 18 TW ,'. oruer. sxxrci Tr-lAiCeTFt ? V I I. V 41 i Exchange -Real Estate ' - TRADH WILL TRADE 7 rm. bona for equi ty In new house or pay cash differ ence. The -price oa thla houaa la $1500. If you have a new bouse to trad for a cheaper hoase, call O. H. Orabenhorst. Jr with W. H. GRA BEN HORST A AJ, . KALXUK-3. V YCU 1 Wf ' NICE JO KM. bungalow with baae- nnai. es lurnscr i acre wiia serge oax treeev nice garden apot, year round vwmu Fiai-cw SIWW .a, eXOVV TV AU Df for food bouse 1a town. See Mrs. CHTLDS A MILLER. RRAT.TOwe) 344 StaU St. Phono 028L aaWaasnaaniissa FOR SALE or trada for Salem prop erty, 40 AtBi.8. Rickreall oa west side hwy. crop goes with place. Gd. Wdga. Price $8000, E, U Rlney, Rt, J, uurfpeaucBce, ure. - - - " ------- - ----M-l-irii-ln.i-in.nrLn.ru- FARM FORSALE OR TRADE 40 A tinder cult. 8 A. of. walnut a! Family- fruit. 8 rm. plgst. booae-wlth wseineni, inrnace. I ignis at plumbing. Good eutbldgs. W01 trada for small Call O. H. Grabenfiorat. Jr with W. H. "-------' - -in aimruwuv ONE OF the best mod. sub. homes. wucwuw. vis purser, norm. ! A- trd" for good city. a sanders, nt a. Hith $ijl For SaleFarms FARM. It AfTRTCa IS ACRES IN rron. 3 mora, tnndars. house, electricity, new Myers water system, good; outbuildings. One mile south of Central Howell school on Sa- tem ac ciiverton Pignway. B. H. Ames, Bunnn, jxouie S. STOCKED ,aV EQUIPPED 23 ACRES ABOUT mL east. -R bungalow, elee. A water syBtem. Good barn A silo. Year round creek. 5 cows, bringing in from $60.90 to $100.00 per mo. ; 1 horse : 00 hens a all equip, raent goea with place- Reasonably price a. see Mr. Collins, wrth HAW KINS A ROBERTS, LSC. Acreage 10 A. RIVER BOTTOM, livable old mags, e v- oemes, otner rant. S a. timber, pasture. John Blacnoff. . 1 k inues east oc W4sc tKayton. 8 A, 4 RM. HOUSE, paved rd. Elec. fir grove, orchard. $200' down, $18.60 MO 3 A, pared rd, 3H mL N. $18 down. $7.50 mo. ABRAMS A ELLIS. INC 411 Masonic Bldg. Salem, Oregon "- - -- -- -- -- -1-1-,-,-, TinnrvirirtrLriru'V, ACREAGE BARGAINS 3M A. LOCATED E. OF '-Salem near Swegle school. 1 rm. house, fam ily rruit. jcTice siobo, iee down at $15 per mo. 3 A. located E. of Salem. rm. house with outhldga. Will trada for lots in town. Price $1800. $3000. will buy this 1 A. with a late built 5 rm. modern home located just outside city limits. Terma $500 down, bal. $30 per mo. $800. wlU buy $ A. of good land with 4 rm. honse with elec- well A chicken houaa. Terma $300 down, baL iv per mo. $100. down, a baL $18.50 per mo. will buy a fine 2fc A. wHh 4 no. nn fln. houaa with good wen. Good road, near school. Price $1850. $100. down, $20 per mo. will buy a 10 A. tract with soma fir timber, f rm. unfin. bouse with well. Price 200. To see these tracts, r-sll a it Grabenhorst, Jr, with W. H. QRAB- urusi' at co. Realtors. - i-iir,-,-i'.-,".v 1 1 1 1 1 it 1 A. TRACTS 0. ML from state boa. pltal, aloe bldg. sites, $300, $50 dowa A $10 per mo. A. oa Lansing Are, $400. $28 down. $10 per mo, nice bldg. site. . MONEY TO LOAN MELVTN JOHNSON, REALTOR" 725 Court St, . Phono 3728. Wanted Real Estate WANT ITU t leA k. mAnttm fl.W orrvilege to buy. rive or room, strict ly modern, . furnished or unfurnished cveierences given. xxx see co tass- THE BEST house aortb roe ItSAS that 8500 down wilt hur. CL H. UN. DERS, 118 8. High 513 L Oasinesa Opportunities GOOD COMPANY operated ' service station for lease. Normal amount of capital, required. Excellent deal for the right party. Phase 9517. or call at asa 0. xau. FURNITURE AND lease of small apartment. Inquire 430 N. Liberty, ' FOR SALE. XL fait- ar all of a amall downtown grocery, doing excellent bus- mass, write j szz. fm statesman. For Sale Wood 10 IN. a F, 35. kztota, $5. alan 14. F. 0458. DRY WOOD, old fir A 2nd arowtb. Phone 4750 for prices. DRY WOOD. Bradley. Phone 0700. DRY OLD fir. 2nd gwth. Ph. 7507. ATTENTION I BUT wood that testa. best old fir. 10 In, $5. Ph. $310. kaBBaaaBMssaaae 10 IN.. OLD fir 85 ed. Tel. 0120. DRY WOOD all kinds. Phone 9880. usiness Cards la lb la dlrrrtery na a ' Monthly bests only. Batata S12S per line pear Anto Brakes MIka Paaek 97$ Stauth "Bathi & Elassase" S. H. LOGAN. 839 B. Cottage, F. 4839. 'Beach Cottages; IS HER WOOD Cottages, Yacbats, Ore. Eieyclea BICYCLES, NEW and reconditioned Harry W. Scat l. III com . r. teie Chimney Sweep TELEPHONB 4450, R. 33. Nofthneea Excavating uyKivtTiuii rt 11 Mne. Bus, ments dug Dtrt hauled or moved. Dirt for sale, Salem San j a uravai. r se Florists Bralthaupfs, 441 Court. Phone $191. Funeral Directors TerwllUger Funeral Home. Ph, . 082 A I urnilure ' Cash far tools a furniture. Ph. 4117 Elat tresses SAI-C-'i Fl-UFK Rug a Mattress Co .. . New mat tree eld rerra, rua - cleaning, a) weavuig & Ilia A W Ubur Te 0441 Lwtrfcera CAJP1TOL BEDDING CO. phone 4088 For baJo -Used Cars 1928 DOTVIE DalJTxri Jtedan. 4ns tike new, Uobalr upholstery. Box $03. Oregon otatesmaa. 37 BU1CK, 40 DeLUXB e-dr. Saw dan. Perfect condition. Inq, 105 N. tugn. rn. . , . . i 35 CHXV. 8 ED AN dellverv. Goad condition, $246. . Terma.) Ph. $049. '40 STUDEBAKERr CHAMPION 8- paaa. Cpa, overdrive, 4000 mi, trade or xerma. xaiw atate. . I : .... . - Spt, Chev. rdstr, $75. t5 Mlailoa. .For Sale-rWo4)d WOOD Ph 8379 Oreeaii 412 N 21st OLD FIR, $5.50, sUb $3.23. p. 32837. Personal UlNELTf WORTHWHILE sweet aeart. hnabaad. wife for you. P. O. Bos 7t Los Angeles, I -.' yLt&d Notice NOTICE OF INTENT! bit TO IM- FltOYE THAT PORTION OP NORWAY STBEET FROM THE BAST UXK OT EIGHT EEXTH 8TRKET TO THE VEKT LINK OW NIXETKKXTH STRKET IN T1IK CTTT OF SALEM, OREGON NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that tha Common Council of th City ; of Salem, Oregon, deema . it necosaary and expedient, and hereby declares lta parposa and Intention to Improve that portion of .Norway Street from tho east ling of Elftteenth Btreet to the wet line of Nineteen tk Street, In the City of Salem, Marten County, Oregon, at the expense of the abutting-, and adjacent property owners, except any Street and alloy Intersection, the expense of which' will' be assumed by the City of 8alem. Oregon; by bringing- aald portion of said atreet to the-'' established sradeJ congtrnct lna Portland cement concrete etrrbg. and paring: said! portion of said street with a aixt-lnch Port land cement concrete pavement, thirty feet in width, ia accord ance with the plans and pecifl catioru therefor, which were adopted ' by the Common - Council on the 15th day of April, 1940, now on til In the office of the City Recorder, and which are hereby referred - to aad made a part hereof. j . . The Common Council hereby declares its purpose and intention to make the above-described im provement by and through the Street Improrement Department of the City of Salem, Oregon. By order ef the Common Coun cil of the City of Salem, Oregon, Ula 15th days of April; 140. A. WARREN) JONES, j City Recorder, Salem, Oregon. Ap 14-25-2 (-27-23-30 My 1-2-S-4-5 FECAL NOTICE! OF ADMINISTRATOR DE BONIS NON. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN That the undersigned!, adminis trator de bonis non of the estate of Mary E. Hamblet, Deceased, baa filed bis Final Account as such, and that May 15, 114$), at 10:00 o'clock in the forenoon of aald day baa been fixed aa the time, and. the Courtroom of the County Court of the State of Ore- con for Marlon County at Salem, Oregon, baa been fixed aa the place for the bearing! .of objec tions to said Final Account, ,W. A. MORGAN, " Administrator I de bonis non of the Estate of Mary B. Hamblet,' Deceased, RHOTEN A RHOTEN, I , 511 U. 8. Nat'l Bank Bldg.. Salem. Oregon. Attorneys for Administrator. Ap 24. My 1-8-11-22 H . CALL TOR BIDS Sealed bids will be received at the office of the CltY Recorder until the hour of S pi m., Mon day. May ftn, 1140, for the fol lowing; 100 Gallons White trafno line lacquer.- 150 Gallons Yellow stencil lacquer. Specifications may bis obtained at the office ef the City Engineer, City Hall. - - The city reserves the right to accept any1 or reject all bids ta the Interest ef the City. " A. WARREN JONES. 1 j-j , - City Recorder Ap.24 Directory Wattrropathic Pfavtielan DR W H RnCKWgnO. Natarooath le prtratrtaa, 1700 Falrareaada Rd Ta : 4308 ornca Hours 1 1 a.ea te 0 :S0 a.m. FEES EXAM A CONSULTA TION . . r V Paperins, Painting Paint, kalao, teas. Lovctk, ph. $48$ NEAT Work, reaa Johnaoa PhJ739 HERBERT WOOD! Tat $373 Plan Serrico T. t, IRISH. 28(4 N. Cap. Ph. T184. PJAsterixtgi PRICES a K. Salem It yra. tSFll. Plambtniil PLUMBING. GENERAL impair wrk. Craber Broev 154 S Uberty. ph 0494. Printing FOR STATION EKY card, pamphlets program books or any kind of print ing i rail The fcta teems Printlna De partment. 310 6V Commercial. Tele nhooe 010L - , . j Salvagers and - Wreckers CASH FOR old bldg. ta wrack. P. 3210 Schools COMPLETl? your HIGH POHOOL al pom. DIPIjOMA. TEXTS FURN Write for eataioa.. Aanetiraa School Dept. & Box 4560. Portland. Ore. - f ' Transfer i v . ' - ma LOCAI or distant transfer, stor- s re burner eil ea 81 tl lrrnet Irsbafer Ca Trucks te Portland .Uuv a. A. VTC3T, EL 8, Cx. 443. P. 3-2238. Leai lNotic . No. Mil NOTICE OF IIEARJNa ON ? FINAL ACOOUIifT In the Matter of the Estate of Sarah Hunt Steeres, doceaaed. la the County Court of tie Bute of ureron for Marion County. NOTICE 13 -HEREBY GIVEN that the .anderslgned. Executor aad : Exeeutrtz of the Estate of Sarah Hunt Steeres, deceased, has filed their final account aad report in the County", Court or the State v 4f Oregon, for Marion County, abd that ' Tniisday, the 22th day of May. 194.0. at thd hour bf 10:0 a. m. of itald day at the County Court Rotim in the County Court House at the City ott Salem, la said ' County and State, baa been appoiated as the time and place tor biarlng any objections to said . Flanl 'Account and Report and they final settle ment of said estate. The date of the- first publica tion of this notice la the 24 th day of April, 1940 and the- ifil is the 22nd day of May, 1940. - LABAN A. STEEVE3 AND, . MURIEL MORSE. Execut A or and Executrix of the . EataU of . Sarah Hunt Steeres, Deceased. D WIGHT LEAR. : Attorney for Executor and Executrix. ' 202 Oregon Building, . Salem, Oregon. . r --AP. t4. My. 1, t, 11. 22 NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT Notice Is hereby given that the undersigned baa filed la the County Court or the State of Ore gon, for the County of Marlon, her duly Yerifled final account, as the Executrix ef the last will and testament and aetata or Mary II. Cleveland, deceased, and tbat said Court has fixed Tuesday, the 20th day of April. 1940. at the hour of ten o'clock a. m. of said day, as the time, and the County Court Room in the County Court House' at 8alem, la Marlon County, Oregon.' as the place for hearing said final account and all objections thereto. Dated at Salem, Oregon, this 27th day of March. 1940. MAT E. CLEVELAND. Executrix of the last will and testament and estate of. Mary H. Cleve land, Deceased. WALTER S. LAM KIN. , Attorney for Executrix, Salem, Oregon. M. 2T, Ap. 3-10-17-24 No. 10011 NOTICE OF FINAL ACCOUNT Notice Is hereby given that the final account of Claude IL 8 tens loff and Dprathea E. Steusloff as Executors of the Eatate of W. II. Steusloff. deceased, baa been filed In tbe County Court of Marlon County. Oregon, and that the 18th day of May, 1940. at the hour of 10 1 o'clock a. tn. of said day, in the courtroom of said court, in the County court house, in Sa lem, Oregon, has been duly ap pointed by such court as the time and place for the bearing of objec tions te each final account and the settlement thereof, at which time any person interested la such estate may appear and file objections thereto in writing and contest the same. Dated this 17tb day of April. 1949 CLAUDE H. STEUSLOFF. DORATHEA E. STEUSLOFF, . Executors.' E. L. CRAWFORD, ' Attorney, for Estate. Ladd 4 Bush Bank Bldg., Salem. Oregon. Ap. 17-24, My 1-1-15 Gross- Word I Puzzle 1 IF 12 16 20 2 22 2M 2d 24 m 30 3 a 21 36 37 HO HI H2 WD WO DT nORIZONTAL 1 short siees 4V rganie unit foot ef a . beast lsr-Fivnca cola 11 dentine ef tasks 14 topax bum ' Bung; bird 15 womanly 17 toward tbe mouth IS trim a tree 19 etiort papal eoipe - SO tcwari 22 devoured 23 mop 24 give forth moisture -through pores 2$ Japanese ' cein T7 ihere . ' . S smooth 21 scatter seed ZZ wi'.i plum 13 literary fragments 24 pat with aoft miss SeWndeflniU article 4J company 4M crush late bite 44 chopped 4$ H erratloa 41 American humorist 43 egg-shaped t diring sea burd , . SI marry ' 82 badgerlike animal 14 tiny ' ' Answer te yesterday's rniile. -t . . r . t .1. . X ' ii " -. i'i i f.ca ..a 1! Lc'.'J s Imtil I a tlm Wi sf Kit4 p&lr . Legal ft o tire ' 1 ' " No. 1590 , ( ' -NOTICE OF IIKARIVO OF FINAL ACCOUNT Notice is hereby given that tbe fial account of Duane Gibson as Executor of tbe Estate of Sarah Patrick, dereaaed. has been filed la the County Court of Marlon Connty, Oregon, and that the 25th day of May, 1940, at the hour of 10 o'clock a. m., in said court, la the courtroom (hereof, la the County court house, la Salem, Oregon, hp been duly ap pointed by such court for tbe beaiing of abjections to such' final account and tbe settlement there of, at Which time inr rjerann Interested in such estate may ap pear ana nie objections thereto, in writing end con teat tbe same. Dated this 24th dsy of April, 1940, t DUANE GIBSON, Executor. E. L. CRAWFORD, Attorney for Entate, Ladd A Bush Bank Bldg., Salem, Oregon. I A p. 24, My 1-1-15-21, FINAL NOTICE OF i ADMINISTRATRIX NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN That the undersigned, adminis tratrix of the estate of FRANK E. LOOSE. Deceased, has filed her Final Account as such, and that Mu 4. 1949. at 19 o'clock in tbe forenoon of said day has been fixed as the time, and the Court room of the County Court of the State of Oregon tor Marion County, at Salem. Oregon, has . been fixed as the place for tbe hearing of objections te said Final AcceuaL I . 1 LETTIE L. LOOSE, Administratrix ef tbe J Estate of Frank E. Loose, Deceased. RHOTEN ft RHOTEN, 511 U. S. Nat'l. Bank BUg. Salem, i Oregon, Attorneys for tbd Estate. A. 3-10-17-24. My. 1 TRADE-MARK NOTICE JOHN MOHRKLL ft CO. of - Ottumwa, Iowa, has used the trade-mark RED HEART in con nection with the manufacture and sale of food products since April 2, 1932, and has applied to the , Secretary of State of Oregon for registration of this trade-mark. . JOHN MORRKLL ft CO. By: Mason, Fenwlck ft Lawrence, Attorneys. Ap. 2 4, My. 1-3 Heads Softball Cronp ' INDEPENDENCE Cyril Rey nolds waa eleced president of the Independence Softball association at a meeting held Wednesday night, Other officers elected in cluded George Trumbo, secretary; T, C. Hoover, Glen C. Smith. 51 el ford Nelson and Frank Van Dyke, directors. A meeting will be called la the near future and teams picked to start play early, la May. From Washington LIBERTY Roy Morton is ex pecting the arrival shortly of bis mother and a brother from Wash ington. He baa engaged aa apart ment at tbe Roy Farrand home for them. ; Lodges SALKM LODGC He. A A. P. A A.M. Mea, April S, at. M, De gree, t;0 a. a, I-XLAWD. W.M. aa. iT 'Paclfle Lodge N. 80. A. F. a ' - A. M. K. A- Jee-r Wed. aLsni , i rie p. an. w sa. aaer rUHt. W. M. IO II If 21 25 21 2b 2. 3D r 21 36 W6 41 VERTICAL 1 4ned1ovoi trading vessel 2 ' one spot , card I low shoo 4 lxt7. I seconds ! ' 5 aheeplike 6 not any 7 land mcaturo t symbol for dysprosium gaometrie I conic section 10 pertainirz to rron4- , p a rents 11 walk t breach i mud 15 decrte of 'tiioSdtoa 17 money of ( account 19 powwia t wtU.ke . Enrcbrane 21 male bcTtr..aj 25 stitch ti not ad mitted 2$ weep eon. ul-.i vt!y 1 21 roster 23 rart ef tto te" 21 a.'t 23 bit with roci..t t rt("i i V ' "4 ,J 1 J , 4 1 i - '-Ti ! i s!ss".ini tl .:. timlmm tr44.u to, m 2w:p ftr.tir S turn cn a pivct S7 -e!ectr;."ei partite ! S3 tsf ', :-,'! 43 rr-.r't 1 - r . e 41 I ;fy 4 , ! 4;; ' i, c ...... i