PAGE TEH ! 1 ; T1S ; OSGC2f STATECMAT?. Salem, Orecon. Wedawday Montfng. April 24, 1 S3 5 I:- Steels Make V Brisk Rally Upturn I Highly Selective, Other Stocks Loaf . Indecisively T NEW YORK. April - Stocks loafed along lndeclsirely ; until . the final hour In today ! market when steels stepped out In front for a fairly brisk rally , ' Bethlehem Steel led the metal ' rroub with a net gain of 3 points at 84. a new 1940 top, i . Later It was learned the com- : nanT had received a $9,000,000 7 order from the maritime commis sion for construction of, three coastwise Tessels. US Steel and Youngs town sheet moved J op more than a point each. t The upturn was highly selec- tlTe. From the start specialties were ont In front, but leaders had difficulty in retaining eren small improvement. Alrcrafts lagged and rails, utilities and coppers failed to get far ahead. Motors did better, along with a few air . tranannrta . . The Associated Press average of 60 stocks was up .3 of a point at 50.3. wltn tne mansinai com posite accounting for virtually all p.f tne advance, wnue siow wier- -vals i were plentiful, transfers .mntint. to 881.170 i shares against 868,99ff the day before. Amon share gainers were Chrysler,-General Motors, Sears ' Roebuck, American Woolen, Cel- anese. Atlas Tack, Worthlngton Pump, Dresser Mfg.. Standard OH of NJ, American Car & Foudfy, Eastern Air Lines. American Air lines, Douglas Aircraft and Du pont. Under water were Boeing, United Aircraft, Sperry, Ameri can Can, American Telephone, Western Union, Cerro De Pasco, LoU and International Paper preferred. - Sweden Keeps Her Powder Dry So. 54-69 Synopi of Aneaal Statement of the New York Underwriters Insurance Co.. , of 0 John Street, New York, in the State of New York, on the thirty-first day of December, 1V3, ma to me in surance Commissioner of tha Ststa of Oregon, pursuant to law: CAPITAL. Amoral of capital stock paid op, S3.OOO.000.0O. ' IXCOtME Net premiums received during the year, ' $1,130,906.44. . - --. Interest, diridends nnd rents receiTed . during the year,; S249.S75.14. . 'Income : from other sources received. .' during the year. 29.800.56. Total incom. $1,410,682.14. DISBURSEMENTS Net losses paid during the year includ ing adjustment expense, $467,796.53. Commissions and salaries paid during the Tear, $418,563.43. - . ' Taxes, lieennes aud fees paid during the -year, $61,426.53. Diridends paid on capital-stock during the year, -$iuu,uutj.uv. Amount o all other expenditure. $163,285.30. Total expenditure, $1,211,071.78. ADMITTED ASSKT8 '! Value of real es'xte owned (market Tslue), None. LKtans on mortgages and collateral, etc., $2,405.00. Value of bonds owned (amortized), t4.318.309.00. Value of stocks owned (market slue), $2,193,004.00. Cash in banks and on hand, $1,297,- 22O.30. Premiums in course ten since September 541.19., Interest and rents $38,602.65. Other assets (net). $231,016.36. Total admitted asset , f 8,753,098.50. LIABILITIES , . Gross claims for lotaes unpaid, $183,- 786.48.! - Amount of unearned premiums on all outstanding risks, $1,051,2(40.88. Duel for commission and brokerage, $20,000.00. All other liabilities. S276.242.21. Total liabilities, except capital, $1,- - 531.309.57.- Cspit&l paid up. $2,000,000.00. Surplus over all liabilities, $5,223. 788.93. Surplus as regards policyholders. $7,223,788.93. Total, $8,755,098.50. BUSINESS IX OREC-Oa i FOR THK IKAR f Net premiums received during the year, Net losses paid during the year, $5 408,58. Net losses incurred during the yesr, $895.31. ! " Name of Company, New Toik Under- - writers Insurance. Go. - Name of President, R. M. BisselL Name of Secretary, V. R. Scott. - Statutory resident attorney fcr esrviee. O. A. Wapner, 324 Stark Stniet. Port land, Oregon. , V f ;f - 'A, M l bsWaa-W Sihl Along with warninfir of Swedish premier that Swedes will fight to death to preserve their neutrality, troops ct Norway's neighbor rush prepara tions for defense. Forts a round coastline aremanned ready to repulse -an aggressor. Here, a unit of artillery is shown durinsr atuanery practice. Salem Market Quotations (Buying Prices) Tba nriees beliw supplied by a local grocer aud ind eeti?. of tha daily market price paid M growers oy eaiem ouyrra hut are not guarantee oy ine etaiea- maa.) w iioa.Tiini.ria Beets, dos. ... Cabbage, lb. Carrots. Calif dx.. Cauliflower, lo:al .. Celery - - Lrttuce, Calif. Onions, 50 its. Green onions, dos. Peppers, green Potatoes, Iocs:, cwt., 50 lb. bats New potatoes, lb. Radishes ; ... Spinach, Seattle, box.. Rbnbarb, lb. Broccoli, dox. Aspararas, dox. Peas, lb. No. 1. .45 .02 H a 1.60 3.25 8.75 1.15 .45 25 1.85 .55 03 .85 .75 .02 1.25 .90 .09 GRAIN. HAT AND gCDS Wheat, No. 1 retleaned. bu. .75 to SO Oats, ton nominal EGOH AND POTJLTET (Buying r rices of -AaAresea's) Specials, large G rails A Urge. dox. Grade A medium, dos.. Grade B large, dox Pullets Colored hens - ' . Colored frys" White Leghorn, heavy. White I egherd try While Leghontb. iight Old .roosters , Heavy hens. lb. 15 14 J2 .n .09 .12 J7 JO .11 .08 .05 .13 of collection writ 30, 1939, $581.- due and accrued. - 11 and It avis? Prices of Marion Creamery! Oversiie A .... JS Specials, large -1 Grade A large, dox .1 Grade B raw 4 per cent milk. Dairy JUo-op price to distributors, $1.80. Butt erf at. No. 1. 25 He; No. 2, 234c; sreminm, 26Hc. A. grade print, 20 Met B grade 28 Mi quarters 80 Grade A medium, dos. Grade B large, doi. Undergrades aad chex Large dirties Pallets Lerborr hens Leghorn fryers, 1V4 lbs.. Colored fryers, 2-S ibs. Colored hens 1938. lb. 1980 HOPS (Raying Prices) .20 to .is aa 43 .09 .10 a .14 41 J9 J5 XIVRSTOCK (Buylxis nriees for No. 1 stock, based on conditions and aales reported op to 4 p.m.) 1040 spring lambs S.oo Lambs 8.75 j Ewes . $.00 to 4.00 Hcgs, top. 160-220 lbs. . 6.40 . Sows i 4.25 Beef cows ', - 7.00 Bulls , ,. ., , 6.00 to 6.50 Heifers - Dairy type cows Live Teal Dressed Teal. ib. 6.50 to 7.75 5.00 to 6.00 8.75 .1$ WOOL AND MOHAIR (Buying Prices) wool. meoTiur, Jlb Coarse, lb. J... Lambs, lb. - Mohair, lb. .80 .80 .25 .sr Quotations at Portland PORTLAND, Ore., April 23. (AP) Krotfuce exensnge-. ..,, Butter: xtras 2C4i ; standard 25 prime firsts 23; firsts 24'. Butterfat 26-26V. ' Ergs: Large extras 17; standards 16 medium extras 15; standards 15. Cheese: Triplets 14; loaf 15. Portland Grain .J .... No. 116107 Synopsis of Annas! Statement of The Tr elea- I id mni t j Company of Hrt ' ford, .in the State o Connecticut, oa tbe ' thirty-first day of Pecember, 1V39, made , to the Insurance Coraraimioner of the State ( Oregon, pnniiint oi law: . ; CAPITAL . - Anout of eai'ital stock paid op. 3,UOb,UUU.UU. - - - - ' INCOME " Net premiums rerelred during the year, 113.465.004.71. - -. Interest, divllenils and rents received daring the year, 8V09.80O.75. Income from other sources received Wring the year, 8101.518.09. Total income, 814.476.923.55. DISBURSEMENTS - Net losses paid during the year inrlad Ji.g adjustment expeasen, $5,206,786.19. Commission end salaries paid during the year, 85,723,737.27. - Taxes, licenses nd 1 fees paid daring the year.$S08.3-J9.7. Dividends paid on capital stock dering the-year, 8480,000.00. :. Amount" of alt other expenditutes, 1918.874.47. Total expenditures, $12,837,727.80. , ADH1TTEU ASSETS x Valao of real estate owned (mar'iet xva)ne)r None. Loan on mortgaget and collateral, ete Kene. ! . r Value of tend owned (amortixei), . $13,324,897.03. . ' Value of stocks owned (market rains), . 12.395.2 tS. 00. - -i, .i - . . Cah' is banks and on hand, $2,31 9,- J97.34.' ' Premiamf la conrse of. collection writ ; tea sine September 80, 1939, $2,11 2,- 69H.88. : , .- : ' ' - '. -' ' Interest aad rents doe and aecrned, $87,634.52. Other assets (net). $18,986.69. - Total admitted assets, 830,318,756.4s. i LIABILITIES - - Grose claims for losses unpaid, 2, T19.961.00. ' . Am ant of maearned premiums oa all outstanding risks, $8,219,175.46. Doe for commission and 'brokerage, $420,537.29. AU other liabilities; Special Reserve. $7,322,562.86; $1,254,043.24. . i . . . Total liabiUtlex, except capital, $1 9, IU6.279.84. Capital paid Bp, $3,000,000.00. Sarplus ovee all liabilities, $7,382,476. ajo, Surplns " a --t regards 'policyholders, $10,382,476 59. Total. $30 818,756.43. BUSINESS IX OREGON . rOS THB. TKAR " Net preaaiuasw recieved daring the year, 38.0S2.S. -. Net losses paid daring tie year, $14, 192 11.''' Net looses- iscurreJ ivrlvz ! T $18,510.49 A ' , r Name of Company, The Travelers In. demnity Company. . Kama of President, L. Edmnn.1 Zacher. : Nnme of Secretary. ed 8. Garrison. Ftalntcry resident attorney for service, ftI Groicaiaj:r, Portland, Oregon. - PORTLAND. Or., Wheat: Opm May 66 Sect 86 Ch Craia: 23.50. Barley, Close 86 86 white 23.50 No. 1 April 23. (AP) High Low 86 6 86 86 Oats. No. 2, 38-lb. V, 2 AS-lh. BW. Corn, No. 2, EV shipments '1.50. c.h Wh.t fRid! Soft white 86 . - ... k . gj;. rsA k fi Hard red winter: ordinary 86x ; 11 per cent 87; 12 ptr cent vi; is per cern wo. mre white-Basrt: 12 per cent 98; 13 per cent 1.0314; 14 per cent Todav'.j Car Receipts: Wheat 37: bar ley 1; flour 1; corn 2; oats 1; millfeed 4 Portland Livestock PORTLAND. Ore. April 23. (AP) (L'SDA) Hogs: balable 5O0, total 5o0 market rry slow. Barrows and r"ts 8i-b, 140-KiO lbs 41 . I 5.75 & 6.50 do Rd-h, 160-1S0 lb 6.25 6.85 do gd-rb, 180-200 lbs 6.75 6.85 do gd-ch, 200-220 lbs 6,25 6.85 do gd ch. 220-240 'lbs 6.10 6.60 Do gd-ch, 24O-270 lbs.... B.OO 6.35 Ferdnr nirs. cd ch. 70-120- .754fi 5.25 Cattle: Salable 100, total 425: calves . No. 22-CS -- Synopsis of Annual " Statement of the laroehal Assurance Company of Kev Tork, in the State of New i"erk. oat tho thirty-first day ( December, 1939. msds to the" lasurtnc Commissioner of the State. of Oregon," purse ant to law: -CAPITAL. . - . . A mo ont -of 1 capital stock paid P, Sl.OOO.000.04. 7 . i INCOME Net prcmianii received daring the year, 1879.838.47. . - lnterit, dividends and rents received doring the year. $162,183.41. Income from other sources received daring the year, $20.7Se.8. Total income, $1.06'J,256.26. , .DI&BCKSEllEXTS Net losses paid daring the year Includ ing adjustment expenses, $36.7,147.57. Commissions and salaries paid durin$ the year, $343,411.37. . ' Taxes, licenses' and feee paid during tho year. $69,223.30 Dividends paid on capital stock during the year, $175,000.00. Amount of all other expenditures, $111,957.63. Total expenditures; $1,066,741.93. . - AD11ITT ED ASSETS , - Value of real ' estatu owned (market value). None, i ' Losbs on mortgages aad collateral, et, None. i." - ' Value ef bends owned (amortised), $3,104,432.77.' . Value of stocks owned (maret valee), $737,122.46. ...... ... - Cash in banks sa4 on hand. $281, 32S.5r.' - j Preminms In course of collection writ ten sine September 80, 1939. $106,- 691.80. ' ; . ; ; - ' - . Intnrest and rents due and accrued. $30,117.18. i : , Other assets (set), minus $3.27. Total admitted assets, $4,209,939.08. .. . LIABILITIES 'Gross claims -for losses nnpsid, $84, 71.0(i. .. . i . - - 1 . Amount of neamed preminms oa all oatstaading risks. $976,121.93. Due for coxumissioa and ; brokerage, $11.3C5.00. All other liabiUUee. $138,776.84. Totnl liabilities, except capital, $1, S10.S84.7T.' Capital paid tip, $1,000,000.00. Surplus over all liabilities. $1,999. 104.31. 8nnrs as reirards policyholders. $2,999,104.31. ' - . , - TotaL $4,209,939.08. " BUSINESS IN ORFQOH WOB THE YEAIt ' Kef premiums received during the year. $3,316.09. .i " i " 7s et losses 'paid daring the year, $313.66.. Net losses incurred daring the year, $2,430.66. ; ' Nine of Company, Imperial Asauranee Company. ' . Name of President, T. 1. Irvine. Name of Secretary, J. ?. Cnnninghass. Statatorr resilient attorney for SSUTice, Eugh U. Mrle las. Worami salable 25, total 35; market about steady. Steers, good, 900-1100 lbs..$ 8.25 & 9.90 do medium, 750-1100 lbs 8.25 9.25 do common, 750-1100 lbs 7.00 8.25 Heifers, good, 750-900 lbs... 8.50 9.00 do medium, 500-900 lbs. 7.75 8.60 do common, 500-900 lbs.. 6.00 7.75 Cows, good, all w-tg 7.00 7.60 do medium, all wti 6.00 7.00 do cut com, all wti.-. 4.75 6.00 j do canner, all wts 4.00 4.75! Bulls, (ylgs exel) beef good ail wts do sausage, all wts do sausage, med, all wts. do cnt-com. all wts Vealers, gd-cboice, all wts do com med, all w t .-- do .coll, all wts 6.75 6.50 6.DO 6.25 9.00010.50 6 00 9.00 4.50 .00 7.23 7.00 6.50 6.00 Salable 100; spring lambs about gd-ch $10.00010.50 . 9.00 10.00 8.00 8.50 7.500 8.15 6.50 7.25 8.50 & 4.00 1.50 9.50 Sheep steady. Spring lambs, ' do med-good Lambs (ah orn ) , gd-ch,..,, . do med-good ... do ' -common .. Ewes, ( shorn ) . gd-choice.. do eom-med Portland Produce PORTLAND, , Ore, April 23. (AP) Live poultry Bay iug prices r No. 1 grade, Leghorn broilers. 1U ttl lbs 14e lb.; fryers, under 3 lbs., 17e lb.. 8 to 4 Iba., 17c lb.; roasters, over 4 lbs. 18s lb.; Leghorn hens, over Sft ll ' under 34 lbs 10c lb.; olored kens, over 5 lbs.. 18e lb., 4 to S lbs. 18s lb.; old roosters.- 6e Ib. - - Country meats Selling prices to retail ers: Country killed - hogs, best bntehor. 125 to 150 lbs.. 8-e: vealers,. fancy, 14 e lb. ; light-thin, 1012a Ib.; heavy, 10-1 lc lb.; spring .ambs 20s lb.; ewes 4-Sc lb.; good cotter cows, y-ioe id.; esnner cows. 8-9e lb.: bulls 10-lle lb. Iba.. 14e. do over 4 lbs, 14c Leghorn hena. under a Vn lb.. lOe Ib. : ay mi la lb.. 10-51cr No. a srrade S less. Turkeys Selling price: No. 1 feoaa.' 10-14e lb.: tomi uc s OnioBt Oregon. 1.50 50 lb. lit. fietl white n4e lb.: brown sue. - New Potatoes California Whites 60s. SOe: repacked X.OO. j; Potatoes 'Deaenntea, 1.85-1.93 : Klam ath, 1.75-1.85 per cwt,; one Malin brand 2.00 ertte; rreet potato's ; 2.AS 2.6Q crate. ' Hay Selling price to retailers e Alfal fa No. 1. 15.50 Son: Mt vetch. 18.00 J clover. 11.00 tea; timothy, eastern Oro- son.18.CO: valley timothy 14.09 ton. W oo I t a tera Oregon, lino xoe IS. , eroaaed. 35-27e- lb.; Willamette valley, 13-mentfc $0e lb.j lambs 25e lb. I v Caacar 18J9 peel. 6e lb. .. f - Hops Orego 1939, 25s Ib.i 1988, I aomiaai. v Domestic flour Selling price, Uy do- ! Mvery 1 to 25 bbl. tots: family pataata. 49a. o.95-7.S5; bakers,' sard wbeet. set, 5.80-6.85; bakers' bluestess. 6.45-6.65; Deeded wbest Ilosr $ 00-6.55; toft wheat fi, 60-5.65; grshaoi 49s. 6.50, trkolsj wheat, 48s. 5.65. ,-. - , Wool in Boston BOSTby, April 28 (API (USDA). Vaaafaetnrera and topmakers "were mak ing a few inquiries for eomestio wools oa j the Bostoa market today, bat their par chases thus far tola "week; have boon small la volume. - The price situation la Bostoa ass shows little ensage. Spot wools ; were . eaoted I steady.', ools offered . from producing areas Were Quite firmly Quoted as prices i higher tha boyers were carrent.'y willing to pay.- Stocks and Bondi Li ' April 29 - BOND AVZ&AOES Compiled by The Associated Press 20 10 I tails Indus Net ehanga A .1 1 L'nch - Tuesday 57.9 103. 1 Previous day 57.8 103.1 Month ago 56.9 103.4 Tear ago 65.1 98.8 1940 high 59 9 103.1- 1940 low 66.6 101.9 10 Util '' r .i 91. v 97.1 96.6 93.1 97.5 96.1 1$ Forgo A . 47.5 46.7 52.3 : 69 2 53.5 46.8 STOCK 80 ' Indus Net ebsngs A .4 Tuesdsv 72.0 Irevious day 71.6 Month aire 70.7 Tear ago 61 9 1940 fcigb 74 3 1940 lew 69.9. AVE! (AGES lit - 15 69 Ralls Util stocks A3. rack! A 8 19.0 89.8 i 54.8 119 88.8 60 0 182 38.5 40.3 18 9 85.2 4N.8 5.fl 40.6 62.9 11.0 38.3 49J Wlif3at Has Rally After Early Loss CHICAGO, April a S-fTrV-Wheat futares prices flactuated nervous- It today bnt aftsr loelng more a cent a bushel rallied to close steady to only fractionally lower. ; ; : : - . - . . The , market : aarred at the opening, Influenced by overnlnht Irains In the domestic Tatn.belt, reacted to slla-htlr : above the I previous close and then fell a train as It encountered Increased sell ing attributed to longs and hedging; against redemptions of loan wneac ' May contracu fell to iSl.lOV. off 1U at ths -rnnat. while July, representin g the new crop, aecimea to li.o, oif a cent. r ' TIAIH t A lif e K.l,aa '' theSe) low. ' hnsmi1 ra f anm. parative y strengtn at Minneapolis ana ivansas city, war reports and a sharn rise at Buenos ." Alroa. Pessimistic EuroDean rron reDorts also were given attention by trad ers.- . ; : Wheat here closed M no to down. May S1.11-11U. - July rurserymen Told To Get Licenses ! Nurserymen of Oregon who expect to ship barberry: and Mahonla plants Interstate durlnsr the" 1940-41 season under prori- slons of the federal black stem met quarantine should so advise the state department of agricul ture at once, saya Frank ' HcKen- non, chief of plant Industry. a McKennon will forward the names to the federal bureau of entomoloy and plant quarantine, which will supply application blanks for the permits. So far only one Oregon nursery has made application. Hop Work Underway INDEPENDENCE Tha work In the hop fields of thiaTistrict was well started during the paat week. Some of the yards have completed the ploughing an hoeing and a few have the strings np for the vines while , many of the larger yards still are Just "starting to plough l and hoe. The cover crop Is heavier than it has been in many years. .Closing Quotations Consol . Oil 7 Northern Pac Corn Products ; 0 Natl Power t Curtlss Wright 11 Packard Douglas Aircraft! 10 J C Penney Du Pont 188 H Phillips Petrol fie Lt NEW TORK, "April 2$-(cP)-Today closing quotations: Al Chem ft Dye..l78tt Com with ft Sou-.; 1U Katl Dairy Prod Allied Stores Consol Edison -114 Katl Dist American Can -US-Am Power ft Lt S H Am Had Std San tH Am RoU MU1S .15H Am Smelt ft Ret 60 Am Tel ft TeU-171 Am Tobacco .J-Ji s04 Am -Water Wka 10 Anaconda Armour 111 AUhlson ' ; """Ti; ; Elec Power ft Lt. Erie RR - - General, Electric Barnsdall . Bait ft Ohio Bendlx Aviation Bethlehem Steel Boeing Air Borge Warner Bndd Mfg Calif Pack,..;..:. Callahan Z-L, Calumet Hec . Canadian Pacific J I Case Caterpil Tractor Celanese Certain-Teed Ches ft Ohio . Chrysler T7, r.- 11 S4H 84 H 21 614 1H. 7' IW 8 51 85 .7 : . 19 88 Press Steel Car. 1 Pullman 874 Safeway. 48 Sears Roebuck 54 Shell Union Stores- General Foods -General' Motors- Goodyear Tires-;JI1 Sou Cal Edlsdn. Great Northern 27 Southern Pacific Hudson Motors- i; 64 SUndard Brands Illinois CentraL. 11 standard Oil Cal Inep Copper .14 SUndard Oil NJ Int Harvester 58 Studebaker 80 sup on : 71 Tim k Roll Bear 8, Trans-America 88 Union Carbide SI TJnited AircratU 50 United Airlines Int Nickel Int Paper ft1 P- Int Tel ft Tel... Johns Manvllle- Kennecott ; Libbey-O-Ford - TJg ft Myers Bl084 TJ3 Rubber Loew's v 'J. S5 TJ3 Steel Monty Ward 51 Walworth Nash KelvinatorH 8 Western Union Natl Biscuit 2 Itht White M6tors Natl Cash J8 Wool worth Prebloom spray for Walnut Bliclit : Control due now, iRieder Advises - The first or early prebloom spray application for the control of walnut blight should be: applied now to grafted Franquette and Mayette walnut orchards located in the river bottoms or on the valley floor, according to, word received from if. W. Miller," associate pathologist at Oregon Stkte col lege, by Assistant uounty Agent Robert Ilieder. There may be some IndlvidnalO ' 'i orchards, however, which because f - - j I I - ifS, it is of strain variations are not quite ready to spray. This fact ' will have to be determined by " each grower. Orchards located In the hills will not be ready to spray for several days. Franquette wal nut, orchards located In the hills at elevations ranging from 100 to 800 feet above sea level are usually from three to seven days later than those on the valley floor. The first or early prebloom should be applied when approxi mately 50 per cent or the leaf or pistillate flower-bearing buds on the terminal twigs have broken open but before any appreciable number of the leaf blades have unfolded. The female or pistil late flowers will not be visible at this time. To find the tiny 18 25 8 8 8 84 88 IS 254 81 88 12 80 18 7 22 41 11 2 48 5 83 50 22 88 62 22 40 remaiel flowers. It is necessary to forcibly part the terminal, un folded leaflets. For generld use thl year, Rieder advises Bordeaux mixture 3-1-50.1 A heavy oil or 011 emul sion (Viscosity 100-120 seconds Saybolt: unsulphonated residues 0 or above) at the rate of 1 pint of oil or 1 quart of oil emulsion to 100 gallons of spray, should be added to all prebloom applications of Bordeaux mixture to reduce the severity of leaf burn, i:'.?.. As a possible alternative pro gram,; copper oxalate at the rate of .4 pounds to .100 gallons of water; may be used where free dom from Injury, convenience and 1 time-saving are more Im portant considerations than Is POLLY AMD HER PALS And I Don't Mean LiteraUyl Waconda 57omen Plaiminji Picnic WACONDA Mrs. Henry C. Stafford entertained 18 members of the Waconda Community club at her home Wednesday. Mrs. Roy Leahart was a special guest. A coTered-dish dinner . was en- Joyed at 1 o'clock. The business session followed with plans dis cussed for the annual' Club picnic at'Champoeg park. - Four tables of -500" were played with prizes for high score presented Mrs. E. J. Becker and Mrs. T. P. Runcorn. " The next regular meeting will be; held 'Wednesday, May 1, at the home of A. L. Collins. Mrs. Clara Glrod who has taught ' school at Waconda the past" two- years -has accepted position at Roberts next term. No teacher has been hired for Wa conda.'-. ' !' 'Washington Folk Visit at Turner TURNER Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Miller of Moro. Mr. and Mrs. Wil liam MeKlnney of Arlington, Mr. and Mrs. Wlllard B. Bear, of Mor ton, Wash., were weekend guests at the C. A. Bear. home, thev also attended the Hawkins Peterson wedding Sunday afternoon. . Mr. and Mrs. Walter Peterson and two children of Corpus Chrlitl, Texas, are guests at the parental Peterson home, for the week. W. R. Hogsed underwent a re- the cost. The ' copper oxalate spray at current prices costs about, twice as much per gal lon as Bordeaux mixture 8-1-50. cent serious operation at tbe Deaconess hospltsl. " Mrs. O. B. Kendall who has been at the hospital for ebaerva tion, has been returned home. Basket Lunch Is Given by Alumnae MT. ANGEL Local officers of the alumnae association ' of Mt. Angel Normal and Academy acted as hostesses at an outdoor bas ket luncheon party at the school Sunday afternoon, j , . An amusing skit waa the nu cleus of a progrsm . glren in the auditorium before the luncheon. Other numbers included tap danc ing, Tlolln soloa and vocal solos. The fatherlnr then moved to the' lawn in front of the school where tables were arranged, bas ket lunches were Interchanged and coffee i was served by the committee, I . ; 1 Serving; on the reception com- mlttee were: Mrs. N. O. Mlckel. Mrs. Joseph Wachter, Mrs. Jo seph Berchtold, Mrs. Al Sch roll er, Mrs. Sylvester Schmltt, llelea Keber, Theresa Flcker and Irene . Begin. ' sas j . 1 'ii- SUverton FFA Members 1 - . i Sell Strawberry Plant a 8ILVERTON Silverton's chan ter of Future Farmers of America hare sold 85.000 strawberry plants this season through Its cooperative , association, reports its president, Herman Gochle. The chapter mem bers hare also ordered 176 pounds of hybrid corn for spring plant tag. By ordering it in this quan tity they were able to save con siderable on the purchase price, they report. Drop Dighi in and Shake Hands T7iih "Ilr. Heady Cash" , NO EMBARRASSING j QUESTIONS WILL BE ' ASKED AT STATE FINANCE CO. 344 Stole Phone 8281 1 Lie. S-21S M-222 Honey Prcnplly Al Low Hales! By CUFF STERRET 1 if ' Y VVMy.THE MEMBERS CM OUft VT -f ; 7 virY" AMMvREcrrAt. -A emu were simpu glued - fa , JsJM VW-S A TPEMENOOUS ) l TD.THEIR SEATS. r- - , . ; 7t5 success v : "''0 in pact xoess O X2s$ I DISCOVERED TW (SLUG ) 'nX oT ? ) 1 ,POrr AN' BRUSH WOT Si - MICKEY MOUSE Giva Me "My Boots end Saddle By WALT DISNEY 11 iOCEY READS ACCOUNT OF K SERIES OF KIDNAPINGS ON A. WESTERN DUDE RkNCH. TME DESCRIPTION Of THE VILLAIN CONVINCES HIM THAT IT IS HIS " OLD ENEMY, PEG-LEG PETE! 4-2.4 ' WELL, AfNTCHAGON' OUT tVEST v JK5 HELP KETCH HlMTY ALIUS. J fILMyE 17 BEFORE 1 iy, - 8 1 v5pI "hcttwh' coin ! ryE i I TykJ I MW TROUBLE ENOUGH I J&r?k WTHOUT 6CWN' OUTTO, I VV&KJV YL VQOK FOR irfNO 1 NO, SR AND I ""S MtN fOJ EM-U5E ME WHILE I READ MINNIE'S - t I LETTER! 1 Z '"nvfS 4( good v ?' A O 60SM! I . ' ) f MINNIE'S 1 iiilKZZjiS STAYIN' slwrWlTahirHriilHtPflirTif i (i-li LITTLE ANNIE ROONEY Polilene4$ AlwoyS Pi JJi ' "rrz-' '" By BRANDON WALSH I GOOD ACMl)-j.v vS.Vff, GEE,ZECOSOME FOIKS IS FUWKT BEFOPE I WAS PRESOCHTOF .THE HAPPy ROAD ARTESIAM -WELL CORPORATIOM - R KLUGG3 ' nsTan wmj ea 1 I NCW HE. TREATS ME TERRIBLE. AAR HAPPY 5E -.WHEM YtXTPE - POUTEAM' CALLS METsMISS ROOHEY )V PRC6IOEMTOF SOMETMlKr.PEOPlE AAAVBE THAT'S CAU5E rT"7 ARE CARCFULTO CALL YOU MISS THK tRCSlDCMTOF-A r-V irt OONeyi BUT IF yOU A INT t ratv-'ij afajrwwrri-irl i 1 .11; TXlTaaTsVJT TljP'N Tar-ssvr"T I a-ams-- a a W.WSmT WfVWI PW- M f F III ' l'm ' ' " W fc-ww WW TOOTS AND CASPER ' More) TLcm th Colonel BargxsLia lorl By jimmy Munnrr A F 1 j i ANOTHER-OF OUR LADY CUSTOMERS OUTS1D1EL! FLATTER HER LIKE 1 SHOWED VOU AND ' SHELL." Tur? ORDER SHS'S iaONMA WHY. Ml TS TWITTER, 1 KiEVER DREAMT THAT SUCH A PRET7V VOONsj It 1RU. A TOU COULD BG" A BUYER V6U LOOK UVOE Aft; SWEET LrTTLE CO-ED ! v j.-f j . TOU ON TH t' Jl HAT? '51 m Gap, 1901 Katl sheaassf r"iasat ..HM-M W Y i II i inlii mm. c WarM rw nni A. ;COt:. HOOFER X THS NAMe, yr BUT JUST CALL ME DAN , ' -mt a-t i a-v i-r-es: r ivf ikic: I , 'rr RKFLECT YOUR CWARMsUi TAyiai AMD BHINUS UXJ 1 THE, EXOTIC ,TOUK L.OVX.UT l e a T I m illlMMY I T a I mm Y& 4-24 HOW D V CAMPER. I'M iOJMA V0U MAKE ITONG DOWM TH5 OUT WITH A FLATIERV STUFF! HER, COL.. I WHY. THAT OLX ZAL. IOOFER C 7 1 WANTS TO , : till r v marrt ME.rr r i. THTM2LE TIISATIIE C Sorrlag Popey. CONe. .JEEPiesi come. J t 4aV m KEY! STRANGER. MY JEEPS? WEUTHEY lVAEL KERS.BUT- Crm. Iwq, p trwe-m H.anfc mm. fcat, f Aj-THCK. S OUS OP T-M NOW 3