...... ......... ...,.-.,, ... . 4- -. - - - -.- , . tii OS2XrO:i TATI-3?-tJlTt-' .':Oafo8. Tit4Msdcry Moratog, AjxSl 2& 133 j ?7 7 '"'7 7 jC ELEYC! - For iSESULTS . . .m imw' c .' Use . SSATRBSmmMN le Statesman Classified Ads . I Call 9101 j Clasairirtl AdwrtWni? Three Insertions per tin ZSe Six Insertion per line 4Se One month per line 11.25 Minimum charge XSci 2 U mln- Imnm 3Se; tl mlu 45e. No refunds, i Cap? fee this B(e f r4 astll 4:44 a itmIii bafore p Miration (a claaaifw-nln. Copy r-rri-ed af Ur till tiee will ka r e4r Ike heading "Ta kale te ClasHr." Tke RUInaM e-aa-aa aa fntarW rupaail. Iitj far errors which ss y ippr la s4ertleatea pabliabed - it cola as sad ia eaae a-k-re tkis paper ia at faalt will reprint thai part r aa a4-srtaiaaa ia er-iek the typ egrapki-ai anstska serars. Tke Su aaa a r-r-a tke right ta reject e,aeaiensble advert tag. It tartaer reaervee lee right ta pier all ad-artiaiag aa4r tke proper alnaai.fi eetiaa. A "BrlaJ AA aa 4 eaaUlstsg a gtateasa e neater far aa address ia for tke preteetiee af he adver tiaar aad aaat therefore ba answered by letter. Taa 64eaaa te aa at h tarty ta 4ivnlga taf ai lata aa ta the ideality af aa ad Teniae a si eg a 'Una d" a. " " Livestock WILL TRADE bevy phlcke for tav lor. 54. Stateamaa. jrxnrwiim' Phone 7330 Phone 7330 ATTENTION WE PICK Bp dead ead wocthleae anlraala at a momeat's axlce ; Oreaoa Handarlnf A rertftiaer Co. rhooo 1119. Collect V"bABT CHICKS' l"e Varla taT e!udlna Rada, Rorka, HamaotUre. Laa bom a. Day oUl vallate, cerkarela. tarted rhV ka Ptoae MMl ' Lee a Hatchery n . r nnr FRESH MILK Goot. 11 TI Uba St. FARMERS MONTQOMERT RKNDtRIKO TtttRKS PICKS UP. FREK OK CHAWIB, DEAD AND WORTHLESS JioRSKS AND COWS ANIWHERB IN Til K W I L.1 A M BTTE VALLET. WE TAY TOP PRICES PHONE US COLLECT. (Ill SALEM STALLION Black and arhlte. t;an-tl-. nine years, broke to harness and iM.l.ile. fit cash. Ask for R. At. , Hi!iop, ttflt. Tuesday between aae Auctions BR PURE to attend tho. sale Sat a m V. N. Woodry Mkt.. !! M. & uruner St. Ph. Slit. Complete li..M fumMhlnca Help Wanted t:a WEEKI.T OROW lUr. abed W buy frssh. SVo. dry I.SJ lb Kit EE BOOK M I7 Third. Seattle w Help Wanted Female WANTED, TISEEPR, full etige. mo therlaaa homo. No child. Ph. XfZI aft. I. Salesmen Wanted DISTRICT SALESMAN to eelt Bnly A Fender Auto-Crsfts tralala an.) act as IHrtrlct Maaager f or nortii rf.t : must have car aad ability te organise and train salesmea. Write fnilv for Intt-rvltw, A. T. C Co Boa . Statea.nan. 1 Situations Wanted IHiEKSMAKINQ A REMODEUNO, '-" Centennial costumes. Kit S. Ltb- I.AUT WISHES work In hotel, boe pl. i! or by hour. S4S N. Cottage. FOR FIRST class palutln and pa- -lire, call 1UI I. AWN AND garden work. P. 2. DRCSSMAK. Mrs Adattt Ph ' Hoaae Palatine Cut rutea. day Contract. Wk. guar. Ph. 1470 ajn pjn. EXP. WOMAN wants hr. wt . POSITION AS bookkeeper, clerical or aaluaiitan. Willing to make aubat an ttil lareatment. Box 699 co Statesaiaa. For Sale Miscellaneous FUR CHUBBIES. sura'r. wear 111 t up. Ilager's Fur Shop. HIT 8. Com. DAT BED. pillows.! drop leaf table, velec. plata. heater. (SI N. Church. BABY CHICKS, tea vsrletlee- now. ! I hatches every week. Corkerals. pul lets, custom hatching. TeL 2 2IU Lee'a Hatchery. . DAVFNPORT, CHAIR, rur. ether turn, like new. reas. TeL 45f Ja-iiv'r'B'ssrwarir rorrxrk"xrtJtjLrirxi THOROBRED POMERANIAN Puns tf.OO HP. Hale Mickey. lt 8. 12th. . 'ONLY MORE DATS CLOSINO OUT THE HAINES FURNITURE CO. STOCK OP" FURNITURE. RUGS APPLIANCES. ETC. TTaL Waterfall bedroom set J2V75 "Ousraateed spring-filled mattress is. 60 t-IV. two-toaa breakfast set 1 5 fslS Used rag- . SI2I0 New As. roe; 121 K Walnut end tab I a as Tl'e-top coffee tables . !l. I.E. 8. T-wav Umpa A ahkdes I.S Beautiful largo also davenport and chair Simmons roll spring! cotton mattrei 12.22 . Iay Other New A Used Bargains Must it mmxwM r Thfa Week HAINES FURNITURK CO. 1107- Edgewster West Salem ROTTED FERTILIZER Phone t FERTILISER, tee A SACK, 12 rd delivered PK 8701. RIVER lII.T A roe dirt Pn 41 FINEST SELKCTION of well frrown r1nt fr nf sad gardea. Phone 1(27. JAY MORRIS. Florist. ADVERTISING western Adrertlsiaf; RepreadntAtlTes : Gewge IX Cloaa. laa. Saa Fraaewa. Laa AarrWa. Seattlk Kaatern Adrertlsins Itepresentatlves Bryaa Oriff.tb A Braaaem, las. CbBca. Kew Tark. Detroit Baatea. Atlasta ' Fafertd af Ike PostoffW of ffatoe. urrws, as aws vas arsiter. rue- fiaaea ever a aaniaf b umtu aflea tJl Mntk. CoareJ 'Airset. I - SUBSCRIPTION RATES: ( Mail SakaariptUa Kates ia AJvaaes Witaia Orrra; lsity sad Saaday. M t 20 teats: S Mas. 21.20; S Has. 22M; 1 jeer SS.oe. ausewsers se caata pa a Ma ar 2.M far 1 year la advaaes. rar aopy 2 aeota. aewaataada a aeata. By Oty Camer. aO seats a aaeatb, fT.U a year ia adtsaes ta Atiu rioa aad basest aeantiaa. Money to Loan QUICK CASH LOANS r CALL, WRITE a phone tOIOSJte Balara a Meat, largest home owned aad hern ana aa fed finance Institution Tout financial arfaira will ba iacuaaad end khftna mad ta atrictaat prtrary Toe will aw stvao vary conaidarmtioa ta the re peTtec of jeer toeo or ta.nllnji of estenatorm. j 1 to 24 Months to Repay ; Ton eaa pay ta fun any time te radvce the coat. Only Borrower Signs - Km eDdoreare. Loans mada on furaltura, rers or aote. sex - ROT H. SIMMONS. AfOR. JIM CLARK. ASST. UGH " GENERAL FINANCE CORPORA HON IM ! CommerrUI St Ftrat door aoata of Ijldd dt Buah Bttnh v Coavonlant found LOANS PERSONAL LOANS. $! TO 30 CP TO faee.ee on cars AT THIS tlma of tho yaar manr faoiilira and ladirtdtaala hara cotton kahind wUo thair rartout bilta and ononthly myoient contrarta If thia haiHirna to bo your aituatkm ar us for a loan larra rrvouKh to pay off all roar various bltla and monthly payment contract a Yi then can repay the loan In one a mall monthly payment tn ataad of aavaraL . Ant you rasay monthly Aaat. or ioaji a mo. iz me., zv mo. a 4a.ee a.ie teee n.e leeee M2S ztaee zooee tl T S 4 Z 19 OS ie o( 10 9 89 8 SI 71 11.44 10.14 10 1 If roa cam naka reaular small aajthfar Bormaota select tho plaa aboro that boat Bulla your nreda and aao ta Cor tho cash TODAY. CALKINS FINANCE CO. ttL tad Ptr. rirat Nat'L Bank Bide. LSalom, Oreeroa Phone 44 4 avzzs M-Z7B suit Ucenere Acito Loans Willamtme Credit Co. atk rtSKtR 4Mf AROIAM BUIIDTNO UCB.MK8 NO el II PRIVATE MONEY AUTO AND TRUCK LOANS CONTRACTS REFINANCED te re pay mants. Moatf for aoar or word No delay or rod tape To wtll rs pnajeaslon of th vehlrta. ITOII MfNTHH TO PAT tola ROY H. SIMMONS ltd South CommerrUI Street teg . tie No M-liZ FHA LOANS 4 ar aasa prto tol loaaa Abratno Hs Inc. Masonic Bids. Financial FINANCIAL dK BALK, mod investments, first aatga. oar ww roaatmctloa. RICH. L. RE1HANN 1IT a High Phone 1131 Loans Wanted WANTED. PRIVATE money for city, farm and acreage loana. Net In vestors Va to 6 interest. Kxamnta aeru rules your sen. it snu pay you a aa for Investmente CHTLDS A MILLER. INC. S44 State St. Phone 1211. eeMByaayjaaeaajaje WANTED PRiyATE MONET TO LOAN on good Salem real tata. Will par Interest. W. H. UKA Bh-.N HtK3 1 at W REALTORS LOANS WANTED on farm and city property. Before borrowing inquire at Hawkins a Koberta lgtninn n JTjnjnjTjrTJiaOiaisi"r aea prtR SALE Good sound first farm enortgaires and bonds, seo a. u. x.teun skL with HAWKINS ROBERTS. INC Phone 4l or 74fc. For Sale 3HsceIlaneons NEARLY KKW wood range, t-pc. breakfast set. 210S N. Liberty. RIVER SILT, 9 So yd. P. 4li. Del. TURRETS DRES. A del. P. 2-2074. 2 , SLIGHTLY USEP 6.00x20 tires. llt a Berry SC ROTTED FERTILIZER. Ph. 50. cash ruuib-ier. Addtna a rypewrtter. Duptlrator. Cairo la tor aad Scale eerrlre. All makes sold, rented swappetl Roe Typewriter Esefaana its r"oort USED ABC WASHER. Rood condi tion. 19.t: automatic washer, late model, like new, SZ'-tO ; new washers from $J.S0. easy terroa Good House keepmc Inc. 4S2 Court St. THE APRON Shoo. 7t N HTah ajaesea,esaeejaTeseaeasaasessesaae UPR. PACK. Piano. ff!tf: TWO NEW trailer homes priced to selL Best terras you can find, also on 11 uned trailer tor zv. Koy; Ninth St. Indeipendeoca. -utr jui.r nn. ii---i-r - - - - - - - - " - Builders Bargain 12 BUNDLES HIGH rnide cut ahakeA 24 In. S2.21 each If all taken: 12 bandies undercoorso shtngies. is in. Car rack It Uken with shakea. 211 8 23rd SL Ph. 2102. Traiie M ineellanroos ALL KIXDS of lumber. Trade for wood or anything I can use. 895 8. ltn. Wanted- Furniture CASH for aM furnrrare and house hold goeda R Forge y. Phone 744s. -wk par HHIIT CASH." N A UI-ENN WOODRT Ph lilt WantetI---SIiscellaneons WANT TO BUY Atmoray kchlne. TeL S70. I MARION FIXIT Shop. 280 Marlon. 4980. Lswa mowers chocked, adjusted. oiled, sharpened like awrw. I&e. Call a deliver. WANTED, used fruit tars. Pa. 48 IT. Miscellaneous MALE, INSTRUCTION. We want te cat In touch with nsechanically In clined snea With character refereacea. now employed, reliable with fair edu cation, who wish te better them selves by tralnlnic. 111 spar tlma at home and later ta our shop for Hectrtc ReTrta ration and jKir Conditioning. Wrjte fully. ctmtMa institute Uos . ass,. X tesman. Dental Plate Repair rrfO-UOUR I SKHVICS LN MOST I CASES i Hrina or Mar) Tout Pistes for Repali DR HARRT. SKMI.EB. DENTIST Allsky Rid. 2d A Morrison. BR 2117 For Kent Rooms PLEASANT SLEEPING . rm. Clowe In. Lmp. g-entleman. Break. Ph. 297a. MODERN FURNISHED rooms; also apt. Keaaoaabie. TeL 8S2 or S86A. HtlTlCl MARION Bprr-tal weekty aad monthly raise te perm Sue sta Ma rioa Coffee ftlwn deitrfoue meals at low ertree Rma. cloaa la. 8482: 248 S. Cot tags. HSEKPU. RM. 212. 1880 Center. HOTEL SALEM, tew monthly raU Money 'to Loan floor loeettoa UeTTSe. S-ltl Pboaa till Room and Board EAT AT 50 MARION. BD. RM. 1414 Ferry Ph tilt. BOARD AND ROOM. Sis Belle rue. BHD. RM mrn Strlnke'e P S3V4 BEAUTIFUL double rm., twin bads, prL bath. 130 N. Summer. Ph. S07I. WANTED. EITHER man or woman to board and room with private fam ily. Phono 5413. ROOM A BOARD. 21S 8. Winter. REAL HOME, 1411 Court. SMB. SEE SLA tfewoa let M Liberty For Rent Apartments let FLOOR APTS. S A S Furav. or oafuxn. Mil Court SL S RM. CNKURN, 110. Sled Maple. L S AND S R. aptaw Ct N. Liberty. S R. APT, rCRN, bath. S. beat, trie sarage. 20a N. CapltoL MEW FURN. S rm. priv. bath. water, adults, ttl Cottaare. FURN. X A I RM. apts S9 Union. arases3Sssaaaaatta S R GAR. PRIV. entrance. frl clean, caoaa. Adults. Sis N. W later. ",r r irirjfar'arrarrsja ctiCaV rtik tnabai Apta Oct or you decide. Largo dt Airy Bock wool la s' listed esafeaat beat a cold. Vsnotlaa naiads Utfettirkout 8 Com' I a Oak Sta LOVELT S RM. ftrm. Prt bath, re frig, adults. S. Summer. HAWTHORN K Court, It0 N. Cap lto Homelike and commodious. S R. NICELY furn. E3ec rc. Frig. A washer. Bath, gar- auto. U. water. close to etatehouso a downtown. J.50. S R. unfurn, bath, flO. Pb. 711J. MODERN NEWLI decorated S room furnished. Reasonable. Must ese to appreciate. 772 N. Winter. aPaaMaaaeaseaseeaajpeaaesasajB S RM, prL bath. P. 4354. S9 S. 2L S ROOM FURN. apt. Hot water heat. r rigid., water, car. m. Bits. SLEEP. R. a aptJL. 212 8. Cottage. 2 R. APT, Frldd. 1209 Court. FURN. RM., prL bath. SIS Marion. BEAUTIFULLY FURN. apt. Close la. Ph. till. S rm. mod. VAPA IVrW' VERY attractively YiiUAilUl furn. apt. 21 LesU. NICC APT, 2054 N. Capitol. CHOICE 2 R. apta. The Devcraanx. 2 R priv. bath. 25 1 S. Cottage. 1 a 2 R FURN apt. 4S Ferry. 2 Rma Mod. Cloao In. Ph. 8S24. APTS. FURN.. unfurn. Children welcome, ft up. HIS a ISth..P 7089 2 RM. FURN. kit. bath. S45 Court. 2 RM. APT. Main fir. 445 S Winter. FURN. 4 KM. APT. gar, 473 N. Cottage. Phone 5254. CLOSE IN modern furnished apart ment Adults only. Tel. 8490. ATTRACTIVE NEWLY redecorated rum. unrurn. He as. 1 CZO Ferry. FURN. 1ST FLOOR. Vary close In. eta Marion. inq. Apt. . 2 RM. FURN. apt. Main floor front. 22.50 a week. 1290 Oak. Phone 5278. at ttot T.Tscmn i j a j r,..i mod.. furn. a parts., low rates. Adults. For Rent Hone 4 R. LIKE NEW, adults. Pa. 4984. 8 RM. MOD. hse.. furnaca A fira- place. 1842 N. Church. 85. 7 rm. mod. house, furnace A fire place. 140 N. 17th. ISO. . a bdrm. plastered hse, water, phone A farm bidxs. 2H mL N. of Salem, 824. 4 rm. unfurn. apt, ht. A refrlg. 740 r erry. su. LADD A BUSH TRUST CO. 8 RM. bouse. Inq. 2707 Brooks St. FURN. A UNFURN houses. If IT I. VIN JOHNSON. 728 Court. Ph. 3722 4 ROOM, NEW, only 81 8.00 8 R. furnished 820.00 S R. furnished modern 30.00 O K KEALTI, 219 Court Street UNFURN. bunmlow. Oak Villa coort. Adulta. Inquire 993 MilL FURN. AND unfurn. houses! R A FOHKNER 1853 N Capftol MOD. R. Vista Are. Ph. 22248. 2 R. CABIN. 28.50 me. Ph. 781. LHe9s Darkest Moment PFWlliVi -"lMAa tefV- WH4TWA fc rtX Fl CJtlTwO WORDS ta a, rxY flv 1 nSlvfiTRV. i . Money to Loan $100 CASH In Your Hand Tomorrow I Co-algners not necessary. Employer er mads on the aimpie basis of your ability Caah Monthly payments ItM-lud-Ing ALL rhwrgee for to Yon 8 Moa 11 Moa. 30 Moa 2 60 10.92 2 & 03 10 05 1507 20.09 80.14 1 3 38 8.78 10 02 18 44 t 18 100 150 200 ; 300 21.84 21.78 43.87 85.81 PERSONAL 2nd Floor. New Bllgh Bid. M-I82 r For Rent- Houses WE HAVE TUB PTHWPKCT IF TOU want to sell escnaage. taa. rent, see Mt lrnt at Mr Col Itna with Hawkins A Roberta FURNISHED AND unfurn houses H p QRANT 820 Cotirt Phone aits FURN. USES a ai.ra 288 N Com'l agaaenasvaiOaavaakskat S ROOM BUNGALOW. O'Reilly 'a Shoe Shop, 180 South Liberty. 2 A. SUB. BOMS. Melvln Johnson, T2S Court. n n r i n n.' ij" nnrmyrfrr s RM. ROUSE, rood aardon spot. Edsja town. 22e. 1278 Nebcaaka. 4 B BATH, garden, Berrien. Cheap. 1282 Bote St, West Salem. nnnais neis aehoom. bus. stores. chvrcbaa, rent reasonable. Inquire 408 N. ze or rooee PARTLY FURN. mod. S rm. bouse. RL 7, Box 12. 2 blka. N. underpass. ROOM UTTRN. An ft la X- close m. Cbarlee Hndkms. 272 State St, TeL 9494- 8 ROOM VERY modern. aU furnlab- ed bouse. TeL 4222. For Rent OFFICE ROOMS. 21 State Street inquire room 202 TeL 2712. For Sale Real Estate FOR SALE BRAND NEW 2 room home (2 bed rooms). In Walnut Park Add. Fully modern. You should see this at once. For agent call Mr. Hardy, with HAW KINS ROBERTS, INC, Realtors. BY OWNER. 4 rm. house. 2 bedrms, largs living- room. Full cement base ment. .Furnace, uooa location, lerma. 32500. Ph. 7521 WORK INQ MAN'S CHANCE TO OWN A GOOD HOMK IMMEDIATE POSSESSION of a comfortable 6 rm. house, newly paint ad EL Salem, choice E. front lot .garage A woodshed, few large trees ta yarn, jmce ibv, caan oav. use rest. Cloae-ln 2 rm. bouse with bath closets, garase A woodahed. Pries only 14 t. casn sioe, oaL live rent. weu located in . saiem, lara-s house arranged into 2 or 4 apart ments. Price only $2000 ; caah 3300. baL Ilka rent. See CHILDS A MILLER, REALTORS 344 v Stata St. moot 9Z8L. CHOICE BUILDING sites. 2302 2400. 3149 Center. D. B. Kleihega. 2800. 25 DN 4 R. bath. 44 A. sub. Lets built 8 R. 2 lota. 82500. $260 da. Take 1940 or used car, truck or lot. 172 South Liberty Phone 7111 4 ROOM COTTAGE, htrara llvtne: room, bedroom.' kitchen, lota of bulit 1ns, dinette, laxgs garage, east front. Only 21278. Some terms. Louis Bechtel or Mabel JNeeonam, 141 state tot. .i TOO SHOULD SEE IT STRICTLY MOD. 8 rms. Moss la 83600. HOLC loan, 330.42 month. It. f. liKA-M, Keaiior, sza wourt 22S00 NEW sub. bungalow. S-rm, nice bath, fireplace, laundry rm, gar. A. and lots oi irult. 32250 6-rm, furn. home In Engle- wood district, on bus line, in good eond. Terms. 3150 down 6-rm. cottaee home, bath. mr 2 lots, 31500. type MONEY TO LOAN m MELVIN JOHNSON. REALTOR 725 Court St Phone 2722 ENGLEWOOD DlST.t A beautiful 7 room home, well constructed, fur nace, fireplace, hwd. floors, garage, large corner lot, 24000.00, terms. McKTNLEY DIST.t S room modern borne, fireplace, automatic heat cor ner lot large walnuts A fir trees; en investment at 33000.00. YOU CAN NOT GO WRONG ON THESE. WINNIE PETTYJOHN, REALTOR 477 Court St Phone 8524. WEEK-END SPECIAL NEAR CAPITOL bldg. 4 block with 2 bouses all rented and room for 2 mors houses. Priced very low at 3SS00. $800 cash A balance easy. See CHILDS MILLER, REALTORS 244 State St Phone 9261. 4 RM. NOOK, bath, basement fur nace, fireplace, gar. pavtag. Ph. 4597. STRICTLY MOD. New 8 Rm hse. with gar. Near bos Ime A schools Fine location. Easy terms Owner. 8508. ANYTHING IN real estate. Bay sell or trade. Listings wanted. -See N J LIN DO REN 178 S Hlxh- FOR RENT or sale, nice 8 rm. mod. honss. N. 14th. Ph. 9818. evenings. IDEAL COUNTRY HOME 1 A, STRICTLY MODERN, only 2 mt from dry center. FHA term a For sale by owner. R. D. WOODROW, Ph. 9800, Salem. Ore. ? -. Bloney to Loan friends not notified. Our loaaa era to repay. Pick your own payjseauL - PRIVACY. ." We keep the entire trassartloa etrlct ly between ns Tour smploysr, friends r relatives are not notified. SIMPLE TO GET - .i ' If yon can afford the small re pay. msnta shown above rtm should net basitste te sea us for s loan at once. Ask for Mr. MlUar. - . FINANCE CO.: State. Lhv 8-122 . Phone ,1191 'Acreage 18 A. RIVER BOTTOM, livable old bldga. 4 A. berries, other furlL t A. timber, pasture. John Blachofr. IVa miles east of Wtst Stayton. ACREAGE NEAR WALDPORT AND ALSEA BAY 8 ACRES OVERLOOKING ocean, large onae, good water, fine gar- 72 Acres. Ideal dairy spot, bulb ralainaj. Cum gardening, orchard. . 2 creek a waterfall, modern house, bam, garaxe. Other tracts, city tots and hemes. AT WOOD A FULP W aldport. Oregon 5 A. 4 RM. BOUSE, paved rd. Eire, fir grove, orchard. 3200 down, 211.50 mo. . 3 A, payed rd, t mL N. $15 down. $?. mo. -ABRAH3 ELLIS. INC. 411 Masonic Bid. - Salem, Oregoa HA. TRACTS close In East. Nice bids, sites 1 37 1 : 325 down. It A. OVERLOOKXNO THE CTTYj some - timber, S mL from the state nous $1350. 15 A. 8 mL from Salem, S-rm. honse. am. barn, some timber, creek. 21222. 117 A. It mL tram Salem. Nice laying- tract, e0 A. sromsa Ac pasture. 440 cords of wood, all yr. creak. $18.78 per A. 27 A. 11 mL East More than Um ber enoneh to pay for It $1750. MELV1N JOHNSON. REALTOR T2t Court St. Phone 2722 Wanted Real Estate WANTED te lease by adults with prtvtleg-e to buy. five or 8 room, strict ly modern, furnished or unfurnished References given. Boa 188 co State. Business Opportunities RELIABLE MAN to handle route of Special Vending; Machines for the new le Hershey bars. No selling. Earn ings 240.00 weekly or mora depending on expansion. Protected territory. Per manent Only $498.00 caah required, secured Give phone for personal In terview at scats tx yon nave casn avau able. Box 800. Stateamaa. ekavaaaspaa9savSsaaayases GOOD COMPANY onaratad service atatloa for lease. Normal amount of capital required. Excellent deal for tho right party. Pnoae 8817, or can at as b. lata. COAST HIGHWAY frontage m Wald port, good business site, owner really wants to selL ror lease, isroom hotel, dining room, eotXee ahep. you boy furniture and equipment Service station with store and apart ments on coast nig way. fine lo cation, will sell some caah and terms, S full blocksi fronting: on 101 highway ana ocean, modern house, garages and other buHdinxs, ideal spot for summer or tourist cottaejea aad small busineaa. $4200.00. part caah. Restaurant with apartment and roome on 101 highway. 81305.00. tor good eqntpment and furniture, a going business. RIGHT NOW IS A GOOD TTAOB TO in v Mr ATWOOD A FULP WALDPORT. OREGON FURNITURE AND lease of small apartment Inquire 410 N. Liberty. ONE CHANCE IN LIFETIME WELL ESTABLISHED business. Service sta.. 2 numoa. eroceries. soft drinks, candies. Will lease, stock for saie at invoice, uneap rent, uooa chance for right party. See Louis Bechtel or Mabel Needham, 241 State, SUBURBAN GROCERY Store Service Station with 8 acres fruit A nuts, good location, modern living quarters. Terms, or -will trade lor citv property. A4TKTON MOORE. REAL ESTATE 180 North Commercial, Suite 17 , For Sale Wood 18 IN. O. F 25. knots. . 8 5. slab 24. p. ss. DRY WOOD, old fir A 2nd growth. Fnona ! lor prtcea DRY WOOD. Bradley, Phone 8780. DRY OLD Mr. 2nd earth. Ph. T50T. ATTENTION I BUY wood that lasts. bast old nr. 18 fax. 35. Ph. 8818. 18 IN. OLD fir. fS cd.. TeL 8120. Business Carda ta tbia iilrrrtory ; on a monthly beas only. Bates 813 per- Hate per coooth. - Auto Brake 978 South Caasrclal "Baths & Massage' S H. LOGAN, 222 S. Cottage, P. 4222. "Beach Cottages" I SHERWOOD Cottages. Y achats. Ore. Bicycles BICYCLES. NEW and rscoadltloned Harry W Scott I4T 8 Cont'd P. 4218 Chimney Sweep TELEPHONE 4452 PL SV 2-scavatlng BXCAVATlNtl OF an kinoa. Bsae meata due Dirt hauled or moved. Dirt far sala. Salem Sand A GravaL P 8402 Florists Brsithaupfa, 447 Court. Phone - 8182. Fnneral Directors TerwiHlger Funeral Borne, Fh. 8922. Furnilure Caah for tools A furnlrnxa. Pa. 42XT Blt tresses SALEM FLUFF Boa A Mattress (3a. Hvw ma ttresa, old remada. rcg deantng A wvavmg a tttb A Wlikaw Ta4 2441 Zwicksra. . CAPITOL BSDDLKQ CT rhone 4CS2 For Sale Used iar The Most E 1 nviea J Name in iKe ' AutoLndustiy 1938 Packard 120 4-Dqox- ;i-r:Tonrinff Sedan Finished la m. rich Packard Blue. ATI steel body, with steel top Ac safety irktsa. Motor Is In -tin-top shape. Safe-T-FUtk auapeoaion. . Servo-Sealed by draulie brakes; Heater A defroster. Car ran less than 2.V040 mllea. Here's a chance to own at small coat A Pack, ard that looks? tike a current - mode-L uniy j'33.00 or jour present ear down. i Our Special Price $795 M s 1937 Packard 120 Coupe Beaotlful Rorl Blue finish. 8 not less interior. Smooth runnlos; 110 B.P. mo tor. Down-draft carburetor, automatic choke, 1 Hydraulic brakes. Hypoid. rear sale. Roll control bar. Ia the best of condition, tnressrbeati Personally In dorsed and ready te ao. En lor Pack- lara ownershtpe at low cosLi IFoll Price Only EASY TERMS I ... STATE Motors, Inc. HUDSON-PACKARD DEALERS . ! USED CAR LOT ! 4IS Chemeketa St. Aeroea Streot . from Downtown Firs .Station . 37 BUTCK, 40 TJeLUXK 4-dr. Se dan. Perfect condition. Inq, 10S N. High. Ph. 22S8i 1 eA4as4ns)a28asaAw '28 CHEV. SEDAN delivery. Good condition. 2242. Terms. Ph. 2049. owner. -- 40 8TUDEBAKER CHAMPION I- pass. Cpe, overdrive, 4000 mi, trade or terma, 1112 Estate. Spt Cbav. rdatr, $78. 1222 Mission. OWNER MUST sacrifice good '31 Chevrolet truck. Long wheal base, dual Urea, good rubber. Ph. 8818. 32 DeSOTO CUSTOM built Rdatr. 8 wheels, radio A neater, $320.00. Sig nal station, vi For Sale Wood WOOD Ph. S2Y2 Oraen. 812 N 21st MILL WOODt TeL 2241 Wood at west end of Court SJt Load! 22.80. OLD FIR. 35.80. slab $3.25.1 P. 22837. DRY WOOD AU kinds. Phone 2580. Lost and Found LOST. ! RIMLESS glasses. Name. Henry . Moaaler in ease, 1 Reward. Statesman office. I ; LOST: KEYS on key chain. Reward. Leave at stateamaa. 1 Personal LONELY 7 WORTHWHILE sweet Heart, husband, wife for yon. P. O. Boa 71. Los Angeiea. Legal Notice i NOTICE OF SHERIFFS SALE By virtue of execution Issued by Circuit Court of Oregon for Mar lon County in suit: "28311- METROPOLITAN LIFE I INSUR ANCE COMPANY, a corporation, Plaintiff, T. THEODORE W. HAN SEN, C. J. SECOR and I FLORA BLACK, Defendants," 1 therein pending, and to me directed. shall,; on 22 May, 1940. at ten o'clock, a. m... at west door of county courthouse at Salem, Ore gon, sell at public auction, for cash, f all right, 'title and! interest possessed by said defendants, on or since C May, 1929. In' the fol lowzng-deserlhed real property: Lota 1011. 12. 13, 14, IS, 16, 17 and It. Kennedy Acres.! Marion County, Oregon. . A. C. BURK. Sheriff of Marion i County, . s; Oregon. -- , Ap. 13-30, My. 7-14-11 Directory Naturopathic Physician OR. W H ROCK WEI Naturopath la Phvalrisn. 1790 Falrarotinds Rd Tet 4202 Office Hours 1 1 s.m to :28 e.nv FREE exam a consult a TION. : 'I . V ' .; I Paperinsa Painting 1 Paint kalso, reas. LoTclk. ph. 2485 NEAT Work, reaa Johnaoa 2-8723 BERBERT B WOOO Tel r 2372 Ilan Service V. L, IRISH. 2054 N. Cap.. Ph. T184 Plumhing PLUMBING. -GENERAL reoalr wrk. Graber Breav, 1A4 8 Uberty. Pa. 8894 ffVintin FOR STATIONERY cards, pamphlets programs, books or any kind: of print in eaH T r Btetasmaa Prtatiaa Da partmant 318 . Conmarr ., Tele phono 818L '-, C.v.-.:l.;s Salvagers' and Wreckers CASH FOR old bids, ta wreck. P. 8218 Schools COMPLETE your HIOH SCHOOL at home, DIPLOMA. TEXTS! . FURN Write 'i for catalog. American School Dept. B, Bos 4i Portia od. Ore, Sheep She-riri? W. J. COCHRAN. Rt L B. II A. 4211 Tran fer roll LOCAt r distant transfer, sl.or- ara bsrcr eL call $121 Lairmef Transfer Co. Trucks te Port d aaUy vcii Dri:::n ft A. WEST, PX S, Xtx. 441. P. 2-J228. Legal Notice Tm NlJTICB OF EXECUTRIX NOTICB IS HEUEBT CIV E That the undersigned. lecutrtt of the esUte of GEORGE MAR TIN, Deceased,; ha filed -her Fi nal Account -as aucb, and that April SO, If 40. At 10:00 o'clock ia, the forenoon of said day. has been fixed aa the time, and the Coartroom of tho. Connty Coart of the State of Oregon for Marion Coanty. at. Salem, O r e g o n has been fixed as the .place for the hearing of objections to said Fi nal Account - - t - BESSIB M. MARTIN. V . Exeeatrlx . f the Estate 'of " George Martin. Deceased. RHOTEN - RHOTEK. Sll U. S. Natl. Bank Bide Salem, Oregon, v-; -' , v Attorneys for taa Estate. - NOTICE OF FIX Alt' . 8ETTLE- - AIKXT Notice 'Is hereby siren that the undersigned, haa filed ta the County Court of the State of Ore gon, for the . County of Marlon. his duly verified final account, as the Executor of the last will and testament and estate of George O. Burdicc. deceased and. that aaid Court haa fixed Tuesday, the 14 th day of May, 1240. at th hcr of ten o'clock. A J. of said day. aa the time, and the County Coart Room in the County Court House at Salem, in Masionj County, Ore goa. aa the place for hearing said final account and SJl objections thereto. - ..- 1 Dated at Salem, I Oregon, this tat day of April. 1910. w. S. WALTON, - Executor of the last -will and " testament aad estate of -1 George D. Bard lex. Deceased, GLOVER Y LAM KIN, ... Attorneys for Executor, -Salem, Oregon. - AP 9-1S-2S-S0; My T. Notice to cmsDnona Notioe Is hereby giYen that the undersigned haa by an order of the county coart'' for -r Marion county, state of Oregon, duly made and entered April 20, 1940, been appointed executor of the will and estate of Thomas T. Mc- Clelian. deceased, and that he has qualified aa such. All persona haying claims against said estate are hereby notified to present the same, duly verified as by law required, to the undersigned at the law officea of Chris, J. Ko- wlts, 401 Guardian building. Sa lem, Oregon," within six months from the date of thia notice, to- wit, April 23rd, 1940. GLENN E. McCI.ELT.AN. Executor of the Estate of Thomas T. . McClellan, de ceased. chris. ij.KOwrrz. 401 Ouardlan Bldg, Salem. Oregon. . Attorney for Executor. Ap. 23-30, My 7-14-21 Zena Woman in Portland ZENA Mrs. M. B. Holdredge of Hopewell, who haa been 111 at the home of her youngest daugh ter, Mrs. C. F. Merrick of Zena, has gone to Portland .where she will be a guest at the homes of her daughter". Mrs. William Berg and Mrs. Thomas Burbee." Mrs. J Holdredge has been here for ser-1 eral months. 1 Cross Word Piii- I 2 3 H G 1 S 0 II -.l" WL lt 20 2 ! 22 v -- 21 2Q - . 29 30 t lIIIllIIII 33 34 3 jg- 36 37 38 H3 "v T" " 1 11 wr Mil - HORIZONTAL . 1- teeplea v" i 7 Spanish province - IS Wast did Lvrd Twdwtur ditt - " 1 14V Dwellings - ' lS---41iemical so be if Wko tareated tAo pendulum? IS -By '--y--:-r 19 MoceastnUka shoe . 21 Ethical 22 Prefix: before ' v. - 23 Engliali school ' 2S Month .' 28 Equal . - -27 Tranquil", 2S Corrects .J tlWho cemmaaitti tk Old . Guard's latt ekargt mt Water' loat 82 Bronze la Roman antiquity S3 Natires of Sweden 25 Unite, as ropes 59 Wkat Dutch artist painted tkt "Laughing Cavalier"t 49 Torrid 4 v ' 42 Always - ' 43 Eyerythfnjr 44 Soils 'with mud .. 48 Period of time 47 Street (abbr.) ; 43 Btradles , - ' j . t . 60 Like V. I SI Occupant i-- t: ' S3 Reman procurator 65 Ascends 13 Fashions - . . VERTICAL J Ra ja ges """' 2 Roof at tho 7souta -2 -At home 4 Waste riece cf dctb . 6 Dutch eheess aWho asked for the ktad cf Jshn ' He Baptist? -y ITAtt CrtiieA p - eludes tks Straits Cttikmentst 5 Cca cf Aiaa - Inomas McOellait Funeral Is Ileld i .. 1 ; WEST STATTON F a r t r 1 1 serricea for Thomas Tates McClel lan, who died at his home here early Friday I morning," were jheld at the' Weddle funeral parlors in Stayton i Sanday afternoon at 2 o'clock. Rev. G. T. Stewart offi ciated. Interment was in the ML Hope cemetery near Victor PolnL Pall bearers were Lynn Nell, Hu bert Hanson. ; Charles Martin, Paul McClellan. Thomas McClel lan .end Glen McClellan. K " Joins Rotary Club SILVEHTON AlYin Lesard has been accepted as a new mem ber of the Sllrerton Rotary club. The club held its meeting Mon day in connection with the Sll rerton chamber of commerce. Nov 137-131 J SYNOPSIS Or AKITtTAL STAl'kMgNT7" - OF TUX Glens Foils Insurance Com pony ef the Glens FaTis. N. Y.. la the state of New York, oa the thlrty-ftrat ear of Pecambee. laaa. ada ta the Insurance Cat aa ta na e af taa sta ta af Oregon, purs I ta law: caaMal a aat of eaattal stock .3 a4oo.oeo.e Net pramkuaa tacalvad durtav g . T.1I4.1M.31 T3t 044. M Xnta rest sMeaads aad rests reeatvad Sartag taa year i. . Va a af Csaa rkat va e .3 Laana oa iu attsagas aad eel lateral, etc. . . tiaad . . . Vales af stacks awaed (a rkat a34.sas.2s srr.f4A2s 4.T00.1T2M 2.504.304.42 2,045,314.78. t I 841.000.00 naasM 8 2.442,003.89 tt933.790.0S 102.144.44 2.075,734.04 AB otAar 3 alBtles i - -Total Saefltt ' Lsi ttat i 8 9.4MJS2.I Captud aa as . . 2 8.MO.eue.oo aU 1 k tutla T.424,234.70 koera 8 8.U42A.79 Tata! '. 810478.813 .70 tar tka Tea Hat preml as received datg the year ' 2 82.194.23 Net loaaaa sala oarlag the year - 4,144.44 Nat Him a una darlag taa - year. - . ; 24.17a.79 OX X MS FALLS IMTJU JfCK COM YANT V F. X. S ALLKT. Pram. . O. JAMISON. See. Sta tutor ry tasMent atlo raey tor sarrSj as rs a - - Lodges SALEM LODGE Ke. 4 A.F.4A.M. M. . Degree Monday, April 52.' 30 F.M. J. B. fUASU, WM. t Pacifte Lodge No. 80. A. P. A A. M. E. A.r Degrea - Wed, April 24, 7 :30 p. m. Was. Mar riott W. M. 1 ?, , 9 iame at cards 10 Paid publicity -W 11 Equipped j iz lowers , 17 Masculine name to What actress starred in "Ns Tune lor Comedirt 22 Meditative 7,i , A 24 Requires '-' ' SS rFAf dramatist wrote "The Old Wives' TaieTt 28 American humorist 30 Chart 53 Volcanic peak In California 34 Wko ir - fA famous German conductor t Brums f 25 Garments -"A - 1'-' 35 Saturatea ! 37 Unctuous preparation 38 Eradicates -.'." 41 Grampus ' 44 Hair on aa animal's neck 45 Cut lergtt iwise t " 48 Dance step v 49 Wily B 2 Symbol for nickel 54 Indian madder " Atunrer to yeterdays puzzle, Aaange tsu af a iitiaat It adaeua. Cl aay Eiaf ftata-s f.t4 tua ra aniai nsi ataae aaunes ra- saired aha taa year. 4sS.sSk0 aaals.n.ii . ",' . f , a,aao.stii - ."- ; muni mi : Net limn said liia, the year an lii sing aajiwtmafit aa- 9 ' 2 2,272.840.08 C imtarW a aad aa rial pa Ami -g a year . 8.3M.U -13 Targ "tl Tyasr St4.124.74 ,. rfvaadsfa aacapfta 1 stack T ag the year . 800.000.00 Asbm sat eg all a er SKaeaaU- taxaa . , 1.408.8578 ' Tata I aaiiaaoitstas . ..2 7,014,472.02 teal aetata a iwi8 va tl Caah banks aad aa hand Pnaiiuiaa nail at nalln . t a an i slaca Sasliaiair SO. 1030 . 2atarest sad rests ess aad eo erua , 3A524.17 CKkar assets ast , 830.00.S3 ' Tata sA-atad assets 2i0.373.013.70 Oc a clahna far loaa t aiiiaiil at aaaaraas areaiin s aa afl eataaag rlaka 3ae for ejaaam a a aad ara 50? p A .E Tfv NsQ 3 l at? b i qEfrri ill kli. 5 v-'hic c 1X fH ;.-'"TIl -:l j L iHo y -lc-lv ! ' I:'!' " Ill '-,?.J: -.i'- - "' k ' z - -zri s 7 v