i'i ; Th CCZGO:t STATIC?! BfL Oregon, Sunday I-Iornlng, April 21, 1313 PAG2 TWO WMmM Dimmer at OCE SMurday Will Be Next ? i V n - 1 1 1YI -am nans ... - AreBeingMade Chancellor Hunter Will Speak; Howard to Tell : of . Colhe Outlook MONMOCTH Chancellor Fred erick M. Honter, will give lb mala address at the annual alu mni dinner at Oregon College of K4 oration Saturday. April 7. Preatdeat speak -on C A. Howard will th outlook for the college.. I Wilbur D. ftowe. Mtlwaukie. president of tbe alumni .assocls v tlon. j will be toastmaster. Hen rieue W o 1 f e r. superrtsor of - Independence, will be general chairman: Laura J. Taylor of the college staff will bead the' enter tainment committee; Clay Egel ton, Monmouth, will bare charge of the dance; and Mrs. Naomi Craven, independence, will ar range the decorations. Phi Bet Sigma, national pro fessional honorary society, elect ed nine sew members this term: Dorothy Brown, Portland; Reva 'Hughe. 1Foer; Marge Ashby, Lebanon Sylvia CXaggett, Salem: Margmretefcntle, Monmouth: Joe Hall, The Dalles; Gordon Corn er. Sweet Home; Leonard Em ery. Mohler. and Bill Wiest, Mon stout a. . These delegates were were named to attend the Phi Beta Sigma convention In La Grande, May 3 and 4: Lenorm Jensen, Monmouth; Pauline Stein, The Dalles: Inrin Mead, Banks; Sterling Jensen, Canby, and Dr. X. 8. Jensen, faculty adviser of the local chapter. Pen and Parchment, Writers' club of OCE Initiated five new members this month: Doris Zim merman, Portland: Lyons Cel lars. Toncalla; Muriel Nothlger, Sweet Home: ElJfn Lindquist. Mllwaukie, and Anna Rose Cothrell. Eugene. Dr. E. F. Bar rows, an adviser of the dub, spoke. Joe Halt. The Dalles will be initiated into membership April 23. The Omlcroff Pi Omega sorority for older women campus mem bers, held a formal initiation this month for Ethel Burkett of'Mll waukie. A party for the entire group followed at the home of Dr. and Mrs. L. E. Forbes. The committee in charge of Initiation was Beulah Powell, of Turner; Mrs. Muriel Nothlnger, Sweet Home; and Mrs. Gladys Gavette, Monmouth. Teachers Elected At Dayton School DAYTON With two exceptions alt of the teachers have been re elected for the . Dayton high school for 1940-41 term. ' The home economics instructor has wot been chosen. Teachers are: Richard Boyd, principal; Louie Gross, agricultural; Joyce.. HngilL commerce: Vernon Spencer, coach: Clara Magglund of As toria, who completes her Lln fleid college course in June, Kng Jiaa teacher. The Dayton grades principal. Elmer Jackman resigned and Kenneth Stewart of Tillamook hae been chosen. Remainder of uthe grade teachers were all re elected: Mrs. Leo G ell, Mrs. Dora Coarser, Mrs. Anas Havernick, Mr. Myona Gray. Hop Houses Have Machinery Added MISSION BOTTOM Van O. Xelle haa remodeled his bop houses and put in new machinery, where he is redrylng baled hops, and taking the lupulln which la fine yellow resinous powder on the strobiles of the hops: It Is used In making beer an4 also a sedative. Althoagh those interested in hops have taken this powder be fore, this is the first machinery to, be ased here. Play Dates Announced LINCOLN Mrs. Martha Burt, director of the play, "The Little Clodhopper." under rehearsal by an embers of the Spring Valley Christian society, announces that the play will be presented April 2. at Lincoln achoolhouse and April 27 at Spring Valley school- aeuse. 423 rrpgi I I Only 8 More Days t ; av w m. Monmouth Couple Wed 50 Years Mr. aod Mrs- P. II. Johnson, resideat of Moawoath since 19Q. whe celebrated their goldes wctldlns; nsdersry last wrejE. They wen married April 17, I89Q, In MlcbJgaa. Ldberty Woman's Cub Hears Talk On Primrose Culture; Members Will Can Food for Doernbeeher Hospital LIBERTY Mrs. Nancy Brooks was hoatess for tbe meeting ot the Liberty Woman's clab at her home on Tharsday afternoon. Mrs. Joseph Watt assisted her. Gaest speaker was Mrs. Chester Cox of Salem, who spoke of her primroses and the culture of the flowers. For best results with primroses she advised heavy fer tilising. Darin tf the business session it was decided to can trait tor Doernbeeher hospital this coming season. Each member will receive a number of empty jars to fill. Mrs. Charles Krauger, chair- Silverton Women to Visit Salem SILVERTON One of the big events of the year for the Silver ton Woman's club will be that of Monday when tbe club members will visit the state buildings at Salem. The state capltol is to be the center of the gathering with the state library alao included in the group if time permits. A number of the members plan to call briefly to inspect the gardens of Miss Elizabeth Lord who was a recent club speaker at Silver ton. On May 13 the annual covered dish lnncbeon at 1 o'clock will be held. At the program hour, Mrs. W. C. Larson will give a piano solo and Mrs. Chauncey H Whitman will talk on "Writers I Hare Met." '.Mrs. Whitman for merly,made her home at San Jose where she was a prominent club worker. The activities of the 1939-40 club year will conclude with the annual garden tea at the gardens of Mrs. Reber Allen. Oarence Kuenzi Dies, Silverton SILVERTON C 1 a r e nee La Verne Kuenii. 12-year-old son of Mr and Mrs. Herman Kuensl, died Saturday morning at the Sil verton hospital after a short ill ness. Funeral services will be Monday at 2 p. m. at the Chris tian Apostolic church, with inter ment in the church cemetery. Surviving besides his parents are two brothers, Irving and Fred, grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Al fred Kuensl and Mrs. Fred Hoff man of Portland. The family ask that flowers be omitted at funeral services. Qub Endorses New City Lights MONMOUTH At the regular Tuesday meeting of the Men's Luncheon club this week. Dr. D. F. Searing, stated a motion en dorsing the best city street lights which, can be financed to extend three blocks from the Junction of Monmouth avenue and Main street along the highway. This was passed without dissent. Mrs. J. S. Landers appeared, explaining a movement to help the Metropolitan Opera company which haa gone into bankruptcy. The proposal is to help restore the company to activity through personal or group donations. remaining' to have your baby's photo graph taken for the Statesman Baby Edition V y t 0 ' j By SpecSal Arrangement with EENNEIL-ELLIS STUDIO All Babies Under the Age of S Tears Will, Be Photographed Absolutely Free!! UNTIL MAY 1ST i , , . Proofs Shown' Free of Charge . Sittings Free of Charge mniELL-ELLIS Sidio Oregon Bldy- ! . Fhonej 7833 KOTXinrS DAY SPECIALS Dial t8S0 fr Complete Information - - , man ot the Girl Scout committee, xavj m report ot the troop's activ ity. The club voted to furnish one scholarship to Flrlln camp this rammer; halt the required 410 will be given the troop, the other half win be a loan. Training in scout leadership is given at .Flrlln. Club members hare held a ser ies of galloping teas the past two weeks, very informal and usually surprise v lilts npon some member chosen for hostess by a visiting group. It was decided to continue these teas for the fan and the land. The next meeting will be the last one ot the season and will be held as an all day affair a week later than the usual time. It will feature an al-frecco lunch la the gardens of the W. R. Dallas home. Refreshments were served dur ing the tea hour. Present were Mesdames Chester Cox, C. W. Fair, F. Kolsky, L. Shattleworth, W. R. Dallas, Anna Bobbins, W. H. Nelson. P. Shawrer, H. Lane, John Daach, C W. Stacey, Henry Johnson, V. Decatur, L. D. Walk er, Charles Krauger, R. Seeger, R. D. Gibson, Brooks, and J. Watt. Cemetery Project Progressing Well JEFFERSON The project !of improving the Jefferson cemetery is progressing according to sched ule, with 40 men employed this week. Seven blocks ot cement sidewalks were laid Wednesday) in less than six nours. The mien work from 8 or 8:30 to 4:J0, according to the hours required to work. When the cement mixer; Is running, over a block of walk can be laid la an hour. ! Work is also being done in leveling alleys and preparing the ground for seeding when the project Is completed. The pro ceeds from lot owners' dues and sale of lots is paying the city's share of the labor as the work progresses. Lot owners, who have contributed their dues tor Improvement this week include IN. M. Simpson, the Wied estate. Mrs. S. M. Green, F. C. Zimmerman, Charles H. Hoyt, B. B. Smith. Slater & Nois. F. F. Wied, Mrs. Edith Glllen and V. W. Case. : Mu Angel Spring Prom Is Planned MT. ANGEL The spring prom. steuar social event for the ML Angel institutions of higher learn' lng, and scheduled for May 17, was discussed at a Joint meeting of students of the college and normal. It waa agreed' that the boys were to have charge of the decorations and refreshments and the girls will take care of the music and program. i- A budget committee was form ed to handle the financial end. A departure from other year la thatlhls year's prom is to be an "open dance permitting eoa- ples to come and go as they please. j Hubbard Woman Reported Better HUBBARD Mrs. R. J. Foster who was taken to a Portland hos pital two weeks ago for an op eration for colter, is reported lm proving. Mrs. Foster left the hos pital Friday and is convalescing at the home ot her daughter, Mrs. Bonnie AemiL Mrs. J. M. Stedman of Cannon Falls. Minn.. . is a guest or her sister-in-law. Mrs. A. A. Wells, of Hubbard. Gives Card Party. At Perrydale PERRYDALE .Mr. and Mr Robert Mitchell entertained with two table of pinochle Wednes day night for Mr. and Mrs. Wll lard Mitchell who are visiting here for the : week before going to San Diego, Calif. Mr. and Mrs. Orrtlle Kurt and Mr. ' and Mr. Jack De Jong made up the second table. ; -r ! -;- i Edith Wanless of Amity is doing painting and paper hanging In tn Van Staarern home. ; p Cables Born at Lebanon i LEBANON There are : three new babi at the hospital April 12 a son weighing 8 pounds and 1 ounce was born to Mr, and Mrs. Norman Franklia of Lacomb He has been named, Norman Wayne. April 13 Eugene Harold who weighed 7 pounds and 12 ounces was bora to Mr, and Mrs. Harold Ellis of Lebanon, route 1 The same day, Betty Louise, who weighed ? pounds and & ounces was born to Mr. and Mrs. Cl aries Program Given At Jefferson Girls League Present Playsf I Poppet ; Show ";; ' t School JEFFERSON Wednesday af- leraoon at 1 o'clock the Girls League' of the Jeffersoa high school cava a " program In the study room of the sehool building. Three one-act plays were pre sented. "Sardines," a humorous play, was given by Allen Chilton, Beverly Wells. Ruth Ternune. Johnetta Davis, and Gene Mary Redmond. "Consolation, also humorous play, was given by M ax- in e EtxeL Anna Mae Rehfeld, Vir ginia Bruce,. Evangeline Sher wood, and Connie Martin. Mrs. Dan Logan Smith directed the two plays. Barbara Colgan gave a reading between play. The third play, AHa Fair," directed by Mrs. Wilcox, a iunlor Farmer Union play, waa given by Blanche Pilch ct, Rath Orerholser, Mattie Lou Pilcher. and Johnetta Davis. The puppet show, "Dragon Fry, was well presented.. The Girls League presented tna program Wednesday sight, tor the benefit ot those who were unatue to attend in the afternoon. The Woman's Missionary soci ety ot the Mathodlst church met at the home or Mrs. S. m. Green Wednesday afternoon, with Addle Llbby assisting hostess. Mrs. George C. Mason- led the devo tlonals. Mrs. Lenora Baltimore gare the lesson study on North and South America, Mrs. Pierce Jacob assisted the hostesses In serving refreshments. Mrs. S. A. Pease and Mrs. Pierce Jacob were guests of the society. Nine mem bers were present. Recent guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Flnlay were Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Crow ot Den ver, Colo, crow is secretary ox the Rocky Mountain Fur Associa tion. The two families attended a banquet and meeting ot the Tilla mook unit of the Fox and Mink association at Cloverdale, at which meeting Crow was guest speaker. Mrs. Mack H a m by and her aunts, Mrs. Lydla Hoyt and Lou Miller, visited the Goode gardens near Stayton Thursday. Mrs. Thomas Leonard of Chica go, ill., is visiting xormer scnooi- mates in Jefferson and vicinity the first of this week. She will be remembered as Joy McCarty, and lived here eight year ago. She came to Woodburn several weeks ago, because of the death ot her father. Brooks Aid Plans For Silver Tea BROOKS Plans were made at the regular meeting of the La dies' Aid society in the Methodist church for a silver tea to be held at the next meeting. There will be cooked food, candy and other articles for sale. There will also be a program presented at this time. The afternoon was spent sew ing and the hostesses for the e ternoon were Mrs. Leah Bailey, Mrs. Lei a Bartholomew and Mrs. Bertha Streeter. Those , present were Mrs. Wil liam Schaefer, Mrs. Jennie Gil hert, Mrs. Beulah Rickets, Mrs. Emmaline Otto and children. Marine and Harold. Mrs. Ella- worth Hubbard, Mrs. Monroe Ward. Mrs. Harry Bosch. Mrs. A O. Streeter, Mrs. Martin Benson, Mrs. C. A. Bailey. Mr. J. Bar tholomew. Mrs. Harry Single terry. Mrs. M. F. Day. Mrs. A. M. Dunlavy. Hostesses for the next meeting win be: Mr. Ellsworth Hubbard, Mr. Martin Benson and Mrs. M F. Day. Gardeners Meet At Salem Heights 8ALEM HEIGHTS Mr. C. A. Graham entertained the Little Garden club of Salem Heights Thursday with a deesert lunch eon. Eighteen member and one visitor. Mrs. Ira Dueltgen. were Present. ; Mrs. Paul Acton led discus sion .os construction and . de velopment of flowers and general discussion of flower arrangement of bouquets,; brought by members. was naa. The club will meet at the home of Mrs. w. Ohmart in two weeks. Fined in West Salem WEST, SALEM Carroll Fred Christenson of Salem was fined s in police court Friday on charge ot violation of basic speed rnie. ; A CHECK-UP IS DEFTER THAN A CHECK-OUT Donk Issue aa hniuctiom to sickness by patting off that needed physical exam fastiooj. Save time; save money; and save needless suffering by pnmpt action. Co to see your Doctor. Have a fraak talk with him. Heed wiLLrrrrs CAPITAL- EZUj Cor. State A Liberty Hazel Green 4H Qubs Will Present Achievement Day Program on Monday j Afternoon; Demonstrations Planned ! HAZEL GEEEN The 4H achievement day program will be presented Monday, April 22, at 1:30 o'clock. 1 Betty Gregg vnu be cnalrman. The second year cookmsr. mil demonstrated making angel June Gregson; vegetable salad, Kutii KeUm? and Alvina Under Quarantine With Measles Case SILVERTON Mr. and Mr. E. W. Kenazy of Hubbard are re porting the birth of a -son at the Silverton hospital. April 18. Mrs. Edward Terry and her 4-year-old daughter, Avonelle, are U quarantine at McMinnville where the little girl haa measles She broke out in the ear on the way over there with her mother to make a day s visit at tne some of her grandparent. The appliance department of the Silverton Electric company ha bees gold to Orral J. Tsch ants, son of Mr. and Mrs. John Tschants. Gordon. Van Cleave, general manager, will continue with the electrical engineering work of the firm. Mr. E. Ray Dullam ha re ceived word of the death of her uncle, Levi Nernesa, 70. of Cam bridge, Iowa. -He waa a brother of the late Z. and John Nerness, former residents of Silverton. Mr. and Mrs. Merlin. Prather are moving to Prinevllle, where Prather haa employment In a pine mill. Boyd Canoy, also of Sil verton. Is employed at Prinevllle. Mrs. Canov plana to loin him ll the work prove steady and suit able living Quarter are found. Ray Elliott Is carrying nis lerc arm in a sung a ine resuu oi a break sustained, while at play on the school grounds. He is a son of Mr. and Mrs. H. Elliott. Principal Hired Lebanon School SCIO Two - year contract as principal of Queen Anne grade school at Lebanon has been ac cepted by E. P. Caldwell, who has taught at that place tor the past several years, following a 12-year mentorshlp in a similar capacity at Sclo. ; Sclo's Dierdorfx lodge of Odd Fellows plans to be represented at the seml-annnal convention of the district at Harrlsburg April 27. Barnum lodge at Corvallls, a new member of the Linn association, also will be represented Ritualis tic work and program are plan ned. Lueile Jackson, assistant oper ator at the Sclo telephone office, has been called home by the seri ous illness of her mother. Mrs. R. L. Jackson, on a farm a few miles south ot Sclo. Lorene Math es of Garibaldi Is substituting as operator at the office. Jefferson Pupils Set Test Record . JEFFERSON According to the county superintendent Mrs. Agnes C Booth, statistics she has on record show the fourth grade tn the Jefferson grade school, taught by Mrs. Gilbert Looney, made a record for itself in ar arithmetic test given by Mrs. Booth Monday. Eight of the 17 pupils taking the test handed 1' perfect papers. , Five -pupils had grades of f 0, or- made but on error. The average grade for the class was 88.8. Pupils making a perfect grade were Junior Wickersham, Leota Worden, Dickie Robison, Betty Jean Beach, Donald Pratt Wayne Cole, Doris Davis and Delores Un derwood. The third grade also taught by Mrs. Looney. averaged It. 3 in a reading test given by Mrs. Booth. The norma tor the grade is 18. Pupils making a - perfect score were Robert Brooks, Martha Jane Hatchings, and David Arnold. Fire other pupils made' hut one error In the test Attend Portland Meet From Mt. Angel MT. ANGEL Mrs. Mae Heggie private secretary at the Benedic tine press and Sister M. Benlgna, OSB, shorthand teacher at Mt Angel normal and academy, at tended the business education conference at the high school of Commerce, "Portland on Thurs day. - - j ' Louis A. Leslie., author of boofca on shorthand, discussed the functional method of abort hand. .. v . his experienced coonscL Remember, a check-Bp is far better than a check-out! . And, if he gives yoo a pre teripctoo, bring it here to be compounded, where doable , checking Is aa assurance' of potency and accuracy. STQ3E Ph. 8118 ' Mrs. Andrew zan&rse. leader. food calce, Lois Wacken and suit. : a demonstration in wood work by the- Art Handicraft club, The Hatel Green Sawyers," Jun ior Williamson, Delbert I Combs. Cecil Wright, Richard Keeper, Daryl Van . Cleave. Ronald Zlelni skl, , ;Gerald Thurman. Vernon Reld, Earl Johnson, Harold Harp, Geraldine Fry, leader. I A round table discussion will be jglven by the Home Improvement club, ; Mrs. Virgil Perrtne, lead er. The Cracker Jack Cooks, Ray Kyono and David Worden will demonstrate cooking cereal, Mrs. Ralph Worden. leader. An drew Zahara will present a re port ot the Handicraft club led by Theodore Wacken. First year cooking. "The Happy Six." will demonstrate mixing cookies, Mrs. C A. Kobow la leader. Conversation," will be the presentation of tint sewing by "The Six Sturdy Stichert." Caro line .Hayaes. Gladys Zlelnlski. Marlyn Raamussen, Darlene Scharf, Lorene Lowery. Marjorie Myesa. Mrs. Henry Basmossea Is leader. I The, 4H Health club Includes the sixth, seventh and: eighth grades. They hate secured P. L. Clark to give a demonstration with the 43alem first aid ear. There will be exhibits by all members of the clabs. The ex hibits ! wlU not be judged hereT but will be entered at the Marlon County lab fair, April 21. Music Observance Planned DAYTON The annual! observ ance of National Music week will be held Tuesday May 71 by the Dayton music teachers, Mrs. D. C. Clark announced Friday morning. r At. OPITICAL G2EPAOTV3 EM Y? ITiere ig no : delay needed attention beca cannot afford cash Arcdl yours!! oi Him Liberal Credit Terms extended at Dr. Sender' Opflcal Depart iment ... poaiflrelw no Interest or any extra clxarye. You will appredat how EAST It U to arrange) lor CREDIT la (hi ofSce, b eattse) fhorw Is no f&!rd patty or finance com pany to deal wiilLj Your case la handled In a Mondly and mnfldengal manner, and your cdassea are delhrered IMMEDIATELY. XiL , I Dr. Harry Smnltr, Denllt i i EI POSTLAIS) 2nd Floor '- AUsby Elfls. Sd A ilorrisoaj Priests Honored At Receptions Rev, Fuertt, Howard Arc Feted at two Affair at Bit Angel. : MT. " ANGEL Rer. Placldus Fnerst, organist - at St. Mary's church, was the guest of honor at a" dinner give by Rer, Father Alctdn at St. Mary's dining hall Wednesday night at 7 p.m. Other guests included 21 mem bers of St, Mary's choir, and the assistant pastors, Rer. JohnCnm miskey and Rer. nildebrand Mel chior. - ' ' ' Father Aleuln acted aa toast master.. Brief talks were given Mr. and Mrs. Otto Oswald and Miss Helen Keber. Father Placldus, who is a mu sician ot note, has retired to the abbey because of 111 health bat still returns to St. Mary's on 8ua daya to play the organ. Iter. Howard ; Honored MT. ANGEL The Moet Rev. Edward D. Howard, D.D.. waa a gaest. on Tharsday,; . April 18, at the annual reception held for him by the faculty and students of ML Angel normal and academy. panel discussion on Catholic education waa given by students of the collegiate department Vir ginia Massee, aophomore from Portland, lead the discussion. Others on the panel were Mary Tfineha and- Genevieve Crane, Portland; Mary Gorman. Wood barn, and Margaret Frank, ML Angel. The discussion was preceded by an address of welcome by Mlas Frank, and by selections by the college and high school . vocal cluba and orchestra. Soloists oh the program were Angel Flttke, voice, and Anna Mae Schledler, violin, both of ML AngeL At the first sign of eyetraui head ache or nervous ness, take advan tage of Dr. Sent Ier8 Free Optical Examination. ''I Si ;, Dr. W eed to A 1 , H)V v J vteeK optical H ti-v w-'J Come here with the assurance I being able to Sore with Safety. Begardleas of how EIe you pay. we do not hesitate to fully" guarantee cill our work. We hare at your serrice one cf the best eijulpped op tometrlcal departments In l4e northwest, and are now featuring the new Panoptic lenses and Ilumont frame's and accessories, which afford you She max!- -aum m arywu comton ana durailHty la optical wtar. , Don't delay Dr. Sexnlcr'n liberal Credit Terms V nd Low Prices enable you to hare CCTHJIAtE 00. 1 cmstrlccl sendee.'- DENTIST (O3I1K! " Dcratin:nt) b SALEi.1 Snd Floor Adolpb D1.I. . rbone 2311 "West Salem News WEST SALEM Protesting a ; communication from the WPA in which officials asked to close the street paring project and be rpt leased from further work in tbe eity, a letter wllL-be written by the city clerk to Senator Charles L. McNary and Congressman James Mott, It was decided at a eity council meeting here Friday night. i ' f The council declared there is much work still to be done in paving First street and In grad ing Senate and Bassett streets, . Lack of cooperation on the part of WPA officials was alleged. , Petitions were allowed permit ting residents outside the city lim its te connect with city sewer sys tem. A tee of B will be charged tor - connection and a rental charge ot $K a year will be . re quired la advance. A claim was received from C. C Cannon, against tbe city for alleg ed damages to a house by smoke from the hot' asphalt plant la Sa lem need by West Salem during paving operations. The claim was referred to a committee. First Aid School Qoses at Gates ' GATES T h e first aid' school under the direction of Jack Ir Yln, waa closed Tuesday night A social night was enjoyed and refreshments served to 19 mem bers. Ten of the 14 members of the first class were certified and seven out of the nine who took the advanced course were certi fied. Twenty two were given stan dard certificates. 1 The Gates high school has set the date tor the commencement exercises for May 16. Rex Put nam, superintendent of public In struction, will be the speaker. m9 Ta charge of W. Frazee and . Fred Pageler, Registered Optometrist Will - i; I E. Carnosh ot Foster. ; ? ! j ; t 5 i : ; i i