. i' 1 1 1 . I ; 1 CrCCT! SIflTCT!T.tJm Cc!-t. Onqea, Evador Uorziag. Zjprfl L; 1SW rAcs Statesman Classified Ads Call 9101 C!aaMirid Adsial4j Three) insertions pr Una - 2Sc Six insertions per line 0e On month, per line? 91.2S Minima m chart 2Se; 1 ti min- imam 5e; I tl mln 4&c Mo -refunds. Copy for tkie pxge seeoute until 6:30 the evening befer psbliratiea for elassif Copy reeied ki- tar this tins will be res sader tM heading "T Lot te OssrTj - The Buttuii tiMM financial rseposslb-lity for rrr weirh m ppesr hi adverrieestests peWsike' ra its eeus sua la mm aser this paper to at faatt will reprint ikel part s( aa advertise at la wkieb taw typ egrapbirsi sswtase see. ; Tba State Taaa reserves tke rtgfct tm rajaeV eOBahle sdvtieag. It further imrm tb rixtt te p r aH advertlag sadsr ta pro par rlaaaltt catlea. - I A Bda A aa ad emtaJalng Btaleeiase an aW far mm address ia far lk a tertiea af ta sdver- tiaar aad ssama tha fere b aaswered by hHfm. - Tt Sutanu to a at at liberty ta !) xsiof-etise m te tha UeBtitye aa eavsrtieec esiaf s BUaa" ad. Livestock WILL. TRADE baby chicks for la bor, 695. Statesman. WORSES - MARKS LARO ASaCiBTMENT -of ajeatl. rhunkr. well broken boraaa and mule on hand at aB lime. Lota of matedj toimi. DISCOLTMT for cash. CREDIT riven. No carrying char re. ALL STOCK-PRICED TO SELL, Ouaran td aa rcpraoeiitod. Kraa delivrry liar K Stock Ranch. Hairy Korhn, Oarltea. Ore. ati. E. oC Cartton. I ml. W. oC Nawbers la Weal Cbebatom val ley. - . Phone 7330 - Phone 7330 ATTENTION WE PICK up aal and arorthlcM animals at a nntent'i notice Oresan Randcrtna A Pertiitsar Ca. Pnona 1130. Collect BABT CHICKS IS Vartattaa la eluding Rrda. Rcrha, Hampshire, l-eg-boraa. Day ol oul ta cockerala started chirka Phone l?t(L Lee's liatcnerp Help Wanted $3 WEEKLY 'GROW Mushrooma Cellar, shed W buy frash. tie. dry S1.2S lb FKEK BOOK Mushrooma im Third. SMttla Tfaah Help Wanted Male WANTED: MAN for Rawlelgh route. Permanent if you are a hustler. For particulars write Bawleigb's, Dept. OK-J 17-103. uaaiann, lani. STEADY WORK GOOD PAT RKLABLE MAN wanted to call oa farmers In county. No exp. or capital required. Write McNUSS CO 14! Magnolia Street Oakland, Calif. MARRIED MAN without children for dairy farm, Floyd Tharp, RL S. Box 4S, east of South 12th St. Help Wanted Female PRACTICAL NTTRSI3, one experiea ced with care of Infant. Call 6010, Sun day, between & and 12 a. m. TOUR OWN dresses FREE and up to IIS weekly showing famous Fashion 1 "rooks. Not houso to house. No invest ment. Write fully giving age and dress size. FASHION FROCKS, Dept. V-8053, CINCINNATI. O. slaeaaeaaEasaeeaeaasaapaapWeaSaja WANTED. GIRL for care of child ren brd. at nn. Ph. 4403. WANTED. HSEKPR.. full chge. mo therless home. No child. Ph. 32S aft. S. Salesmen Wanted DISTRICT SALESMAN to sell Body A Fender Auto-Crafts training and act aa District Manager for north west : must have car and ability to organize and train salesmen. Write fully for Interview. A. T. C Co, Box S9(. Statesman. Situations Wanted DRESSMAKING A REMODELING, also Centennial costumes. Kit S. Lib erty. f LADY WISHES work in hotel, boa pi Lai or by hour. 14 N. Cottage. FOR FIRST class painting and pa pering, call 3413 LAWN AND garden work. P. 8(3. EXP. LNDSCP lawn work. P. f 18. 4aaeaajeasaaeaaaaaBeaeaaaaSa LAWN. GARDEN work. Ph. 3US. aVsaaapasaapaiaaaaSagaaaasaa DRESSMAK. Mra AdattV Ph. For Sale Misccllaneons FOR SALE AT LAMBERTS FUBN. ANTIQUE 8UOP rnito N. of underpass. Port land Rd. We have recently purchased the entire furniture and furniahlngs of the late Rosa E. Moorea large home and will offer toim for aai for the next tea days. Wilton, Axm. Jt Narm Indian ruga, wardrobes, bookcase, china cabinets, bric-a-brac, books, beds, dressers, pictures, rockers, suit cases, trunks, beautiful oil paintlnga, mattreasea. tables, chairs, cooking utensils, electric pads, pillows, blan kets, quilts, linens, marble top tables, soma antique pieces, . clocks, garden tools, wearing apparel, lodge regalls, clieeta refrigerator, many other Items, and at a pricer convenient for every one. AT LAMBERTS on the highway. Open evoninjra during sale. MEXIHOT ELECTRIC grill . for runchroorn, 125. 23(3 Fairgrounds Road. - FUR C HUBBIES, sum'r. wear. 114. (0 up. 2Iagers Fur Shop. 1347 6, Cora. : asassaaasVaSaaasaaesav'ssMsesaaa DAY BED. plllowa drop leaf Uble. elec. plate, beater. 553 N. Church. BABY CHICKS, tea varieties now. 3 hatches every week. Cockereia pul lets, custom hatching. TeL . -I4l. Lee's Hatchery. DAVENPORT, CHAIR, ran. other furn., like new, reas. Tel. 4S0S. ADVERTISING Western. Adt ertisinf " Representatives Oeirx It: floae. la. San rraaeiara. Las Aaeeie. Seattle . Eastern Advertising, t lleprefienUtlreo ' Brysat UrifMs k Brnason lae. ' : Cbiraro. New Yerk, Detroit . " : Boatoa. AtlanU . . Eafered f'(Ae ft-toWe at Salem, OrrpoH. am 8eermf Ctaa Afsttcr.. Ps6 Iiskrd every momixn. exrest Honda v. ies 4 tit tu louth Commercial SU BSCRI PTION RATES : -Vail fcbbarriptioa Kates ia ' Advaaee Within Urt-(?oa ; iaiiy and Bun day, lio. SO easts: S Moa. 01.SO; ales. 03.50; I year $1.00. Itseabere 50 rest per Me or fdoe for 1 year ta advaaee. Par copy 8 easts. NaaraetandS S rests. By City Carrier, 00 cents a month, 67.29 a year !a advance ia Kartoa sad adtareat counties. - Money to Loan QUICK CASH LOANS V CALL, WRITE Of phone If 1(11 ts Ba tarn oldtet. largest boma owntd and horn manitRx) finance institution Yooi financial affairs will be discussed and eji nudt is strictest privacy. Tea will b (Ivan every consideration, la Ua rs paying af pemr loaa r granting af ealenatoaa , 1 to 24 Months to Repay K Tats eaa pap ta full any time, ta Tad oca the eost. Only Borrower Sign Ke endoreera Loans made on furniture, cars ar not. gyng ROT H SIMMONS. UQR. JIM CLARK. ASST. MGR. I Jo Nv Ji Itl . .- , GENtRAL FINANCE CORPORATION IPS Kt Ceaimarrtal St n fcar south af Idd Bueh Rank Can v anient ground LOANS PKRSOVAC , LOANS. $1S TO gSte UP TO Saae.ee ON CABS A1 THIS time of tha year -soanv familiee) and individuals have) srottea bshmd with : thetr eartoua bins and monthly pwyuteut contracta If tkts fcaatpena ta a your aitaatioa sea no for a loair lance enooarh-te par off all vonr vafinua oilla uid mom hly payment r-onrrana Two thao can repay the loan ta on email aoonthly payment h atead of several. ' Amt yon repay soonthry Asa, of loan m. IX mo. 20 ma f 4e.oe t.T S 4 02 2.BS . so. we ii.4o 10 es sis loses toe ee 3oo.ee If you less is es ft X8.4 10 0 19.44 42.74 30.14 20 1 make regular small monthly paymoats aelect -trie plan sasve tnaS beat auita reur aeeda aaa oacna tn tor tba cash TODAY. CALKINS FINANCE CO. SSL Sad Fir. First Natl. Bank Bid. Salem. Ores on Phone 444 S-Il A M-2ia Stats License Auto Loans Willamette Credit Co. tk Ktxa R MI ARD1AN BlIII JUNO LiCENSifi NO M IBS ) PRIVATE MONfiY AUTO AMD TRUCK LOANS. CONTRACTS REFINANCED to re eurw pstavats Monerv for new or aard cars No detatv ar rod tane Too wfll re tain pHRaeaatnn of the vehicta. 1 TO 20 Mr NTH.' TO PAT ROY H. SIMMONS I3S South Cbmmerrlal Street Phoa S1SS Lie No M-113 FHA LOANS 4 also prtv loans Abrsm it Ellts Ine Mannntc Bldg. Loans Wanted WANTED. PRIVATE money for cfty, farm and acreage loans. Net in vestors SH to C interest. Examine securities yourself. It will par you to see us for investments. CHILDS MILLER. INC. 244 State St. Phone 12L WANTED- PRIVATE MONEY ' TO I -OA N oa good 8s lem real ae tata. Will pav . Intereee. ; W H, ORARENHORST CO. REALTOR" ! LOANS WANTED oa farm and city property Before borrowing tnquire at HawklM A Roherts ' POR SALE Oood sound first farm mortgages and bonds. See B. C Zleiln ski, with HAWKINS ROBERTS. INC. Phccie 410S or 474a. For Sale -Miscellaneous PIANOS TALLMATTS BIG REORGANIZATION SALE Now in Progress IN ORDER to settle tba estate of our lata senior nartner. every piano. with few exceptions, must be sold at ones. Coma la and sea these tremend ous sarin gs. $445 Spinets now....$295 Other Spinets as low as ........ .. $195 Grand, one only $169 Used Uprights $45 np TALLMAN PIANO STORE 4(1 STATE STREET, SALEM NEARLY NEW wood range, 'f-pe. breakfast set. 21 OS N. Liberty. RIVER SILT. OSc yd. P. 40(8. PeL TURKEYS DBES. del P. 2-2074. FINEST i SELECTION of well grown plants for yard and garden. Phone 1(37. JAY MORRIS. Florist. 2 SLIGHTLY USED (.00x20 tires. 109S S. Berry SL 4asTsssaaSfSABTasasjassvaBawe ROTTED FERTILIZER. Ph. 05(0. eSsaBaBsafaasWsaasaA CASH REOISTKR. Addma macama. rypewrttet. Duplicator. Calculate and Scale aarvlce. All makes sold, rented swapped Roest Typewrit EsehanaTa. tS Court , ' i - 4aaSs4aaSasasajaa USED ABC WASHER, good condi tion. $19 60; automatlo washer, late model, like new. 329.(0; new washers from $39.19. easy terms. Good House keeping lac 432 Court St. THE APRON 'Shop. 70 N High aajaasasjSasaVsaSTsaaeeaaf rfASH ricoister. addins machine. excellent coad, reasonable. Ph. 22422. BEAUTIFULLY FINISHED tr oak cjuarttr decked, four placed boat and trailer. With or without aearly new 22 HP Johnsoa outboard motor. 12 factory built Honduras Mahogan Step plane: terms. 54 No. High. .- i SINGLE SIZE . ivory bed. 420 E. Bush. - -' t ..,.-!; . - .rrin. - r r n n- UPR. PACK, piano. 1050 Larmer. DRESSER. BEDSTEAD A spring a rug. very cheap. $92 N. Winter. TRAILER HOUSE, newly painted inside A out. $90. 297 B. ISth. Salem. Roy. typewT $35. 11( N. Church. ii-sijiiii'"siias - srmnvAl, BOOKCASES, t sec. A desk. $25. -Hogg Bros.. 325 Court. aaeaasaaSaTaaraaeaaSaaaaassaates SMALL PIANO for sale, very good condition. 1(90 S. Cottaee. . TWO NEW trailer homes priced to selL Beat terms you can find, also one small used trailer for $20. Roy, .406 Ninth St, fdnce - - - Builders Bargain 14 ... BUNDLES HIGH grade cut shakea 34 in. $2.26 each If all taken; 12 bundles undercourn shingles. 1 m-. 60c each 11 taken with shakea 215 S. 23rd St. Ph. "oi-,r . . FERTILfZER. ( A SACK. $2 yd. delivered Ph. $78 3. ! - i -JXIllli'arSaa-l'I ,fchhaaaSi RIVER EILT A ton dirt Ph. 0491. Money to Loan' floor location Ue. Ko, 8-138 Phono sua i ..... i-'IWY 1 1 H.I Ji What Is the Cost? LI 9 Costs 14.40 for f Moa. 75 Coats . for S Moa, DO Costa t.20 for I Moa. : PERSONAL Lima On Is tKa Small Ion F-laliT Over IS.OfrO Marlon County FatnUles pave Dorrowed over f2.000.000.00 from PERSONAL in the last 0 years. FOR TOTTR SPRlieO NEEDS OPEN A -CASH CREWr ACCOUNT WITH VS PAY CASH FOR TOUR PUR. CHASES A LET THE SAVING PAY 4. tin. WUHT Ur 'YOUR ACCOUNT. PERSONAL FINANCE CO. 2nd Floor. New Bllgh Bids. Pnona 11 SI Qpp. Court: Hse. Cor.8tate A High Sta Trade MiarrlLanpons ALL 2CHVD8 of lumber. Trade for vaooa or anythjns- I can use. lOtn. Wanted Furniture CASH for used furniture and house hold goods. R Forger. Phone 7440. "WE PA r SPOT CASH." r. N a GINN WOOURT Ph. 1110 Wanted Miscellaneous WANT TO BUT Atmoray machine. ici. aaiv. -- -' iinrnnn.ri.ri.rinjuft' MARION FI3CIT fihnn A MaHnn 49(0. Lawn mowers .checked, adjusted, oiled, sharpened Ilka new. 75c Call A deliver. WANTED, used fruit tars. Ph. 4SIT Miscellaneous MALE. INSTRTJCTION. We want to gaet in touch with mechanically In clined men with character references, now employed, reliable with fair edu cation, wbo wish to better themselves by training, tn spare time at home and later In our shop for -Electrlo Refrig- erauon ana Air conditioning, write runy. utilities institute. Box SOS, Statesman. Dental Plate Repair rrVO-HOUR SERVICE IN MOST CASES Bring or Msil Tout Plates for Repaii DR. HARRT SEMLER DENTIST AlUkv Bldg. 3d Morrison. BR 1417 For Rent- -Rooms PLEASANT SLEEPING rm. Close In. mp, gentleman. Break. Ph. 8975. MODERN FURNISHED rooms; also apL Reasonable. Tel. 9520 or 84(2. HirTEl MARION Rooms Special weekly and monthly ratea te perm cue sta Marion Coffee Shoo delicious meals al low or tees Rata cIom In. 5482: 245 S. CotUga. eaasaataaMaaasasaaaMassassesMses HSEKPG. RM.. $12. 1580 Center.! kaamaeassa4MasaaaaaaMBasaa HOTB1 8 A LEM. low monthly ratea For Rent- Apartments 1st FLOOR APT S. S A S rooms. Furn. or unfurn. 1411 Court St. "- - iaTIT"U"0 rsjnjll t RM. UNKURN, $10. 21(4 Maple, 1. 2 AND S R sptx. (30 N. Liberty. as as as saseeaatssaasaaaaaaaaaaaasasal 1 R. APT, FURN, bath. S. boat, frig, garage. 2005 N. Capitol. a,ae,aeeaes"aaasaaTesSaetasMaasl a-wa..- BSaT. llAa (aaVaTan washer. 2141 HaseL Ph. 7((4. NEW FURN. S rm, prlr. bath, beat, water, adults. 091 N. Cottage. . R- Nicely furn. Elec rg. Frig-. A washer. Bath, gar, auto. H. water, cIom to state bae. A dntowa. $29 60, Furn. 2 R, L, W, gar $12.50. S R. unfurn.. bath, $10. Ph. 7113, also Sun. 2 to 4 o clock. "" si ao it n jxn FURN. 28 EM. apts, 69S Union. -. s It, GAR. PRIV. entrance, frig clean. Close. Adults. 816 N. Winter. aw, i i .... . ..... 1 -i -i -i ri. Ln. u u SEA THE. Flahei Auts aeror von decide. Large A Airy Rockwoot la suimted against iMat aV cold. Venetian RSInds throuahout 8 Cnm'l A Oak St LOVELY 8 RM. furn. Prt bath, re frig, adults. ((0 8. Summer. HAWTHORNS Court. I BOS N Caa. ttos Homeiifcs and commodious, The Timid Soul SKIPPIM9 rff CVAJI.V Sf fern t aev Jr last PxsM6efe , a T HeATTFR WAS OCJT " I VeriACK rV0 I mi H MR.MlLOudTTtvSST TFuajKS IT eesrr To withhold mothimo Money to Loan $100 CASH In Your Hand Tomorrow! Ce-elgners net aacaaaary. Employer or friends not aotlfledL Our loans are made oa the simple baals of roar ability ta repay. Pick your awn pay meats. Casta ta I Yow I lt its 2e e Monthly payuMtnte tnclud Ing ALL charges for? a Mo 12 Moe. Ze Moa. 10.S2 21 14 32.7a 43.17 Ct.St $ a 02 irts 1.7 20.0 2S.14 (III . .7t ll 13 44 20 PERSONAL 2nd floor. New Bltga BldgC U-M - For Rent Apartment MODERN NEWLT decorate rosea xurnlshad. Reasonable. Must ta appreciate. 772- ti. Winter. - - asassaaMsjeasassasaesjgsasasMa 8 IUX, pti. bath. P. 4354. 80S 8. 3L 8 ROOM FURN. apt. Hot water beat. Erfgto, watar. gar. ra sees.' SLEEP. R. A apts, 292 S. Cottawa 8 U. APT, Frigid. 1109 Court. FL RN. RM. prt. bath. 045 Martoo. 1 JUA JLFART2CENT. .1120 Canter. BJAUTI FULLY FURN. S rm. rood. apt. CIom in. pn. 82(7. YT A r A TMV. VERY attractively WAVA fan. apt. 81S LesOJa. .NIC9E APT, St& J4. Capitol. CHOICE S B. apts, Tba Deveceeua. t R- 2riv. bsUt 260 & CotUge. 3 A 1 R FURN apt, 45 Ferry. S Itma Mod. Class ta. Pis. 8804. APTS, FURN- unfurn. Children wolctsna. $( 49- fit & 13th. P 7088 8 KM. FURN, klt4 bath. 545 Court. 8 KM. APT. Main fir. 445 8 Winter. MOD. 3 ar 8 rm. 5335 after 4.30. t RM. APT. 1(7 8. Church. Room and Board WANTED. EITHER man or woman to board and room with privets fam ily. Phone 94(3. ROOM A BOARD. 215 8. Winter. A REAL HOME. 149 Court. 8(10. 8EP UA Rowan ssl M Ubertv EATATOSOMARTON DM"T'l424FarryTlp BOARD AMD ROOM. 215 Bellevua. BRD, RM. men. Steinke'a P 02(4 For Rent Houe.es 4 R, LIKE NEW, adulta Ph. 4954. 5 RM. MOD. hse., furnace A fire place. 1842 N. ChurCh, 825. 7 rm. mod. house, furnace A fire place. 140 N. 17th. $30. 8 bdrm. plastered hse, water, phone A farm bldga. 1 mL N. of Salem, $24. 4 rm. unfurn. apL, bt. A refrig. 740 irerry. 130. LADD A BUSH TRUST CO. 8 RM. bouse. Inq. 2707 Brooks St. - 1 1 1 ii-innrinrmnon 8 APARTMENT HOUSE with dou ble plumbing, $20. 8(5 S. 13th. PARTLY FURN. mod. rm. house. Kt. 1, wot iz, puca X4. unoerpass. $20 5 RMS. 1140 N. 18th. $35 ( rms. 835 Hood SC $30 ( rms. Oil heat. $80 7 rms. 1775 Fir St II. P. GRANT 629 Court (144. - i-g 1 11 1 ii -) iirinnr iuin jut 1370 MARKET 4 RMS. A dinette. -SOCOLOFSKY A SON. 8 A 4 R APT. hue.. 820. Furn. 2 R 1 W, $10. I K, $25. PB. 7113. 2 R. CABIN, $(.50 mo. Ph. (73L 8 ROOM FURN. duplex, close in. u-nartes uuaams, z totate at. Tel. V4. ( ROOM VERY modern, all furnish. ea nous, icl iiz. STRICTLY MOD. comnletelr fur. nlstaed house. Adults only. Ph. (430. UNUSUALLY COMFORTABLE and attractive modern 7 rm. boma on Fair mount Hill, $40. Write In care Box 592. statesman. aeaeaesaesaaiasssa FURN. 8 RM. hse- close in. fire place, wat, garbage. Inq. 0(9 N. Front. FURN. A UNFURN aooaaa MEL, YIN JOHNSON. 725 Court, Ph. 8728 SlsaSesassSeaSesMaJSsaafraes 4 ROOM. NEW, only 3 18.00 $29.00 s n. ruruisnea S R. furnished modern 10.00 O K REALTY, 819 Court Street AsaasaasaaweaaasassaayaiBBaoa UNFURN. bungalow. Oak Villa court. Adults. 1 Inquire 095 MUL FURN. AND unfurn. housea R A FORKNER 1058 N Capitol MOD. R, Vista Ava. Ph. 22244. WS HA V a fHB PRs M4PECI IF YOU want ta sea exchansa tease, rent, ee Mt irsen or Mr Col line with Hawkfns A Roberts FURNISHED AND anfura H. P GRANT 53S Court. Pnon (744 FURN HSES A apta 728 N Corn! m ROOM HOUSE for rent and fur. nltur for sale. 290 N. Cottage. ; ' JJoncy to Loan PR1VACT We keep the satire tranaactloa strict ly between aa Your employer, friends or relatives are not notmed. : , . - SIMPLE TO GET If yon eaa afford tha small repay ments shown above you should pot hesitate to see us for a loaa at once. -r-Aak for .Mr. Miller. v . FINANCE CO. State Ua - 8-123 Phooe till For Rent Houses fB.IL Waller St. $20. Ph. 8228. FURN, unfurn. (408. 7(0 8. CoiaX For Rent - OrKlCal ROOMS. SSI STtaee (Hreet uiauiro room 200 Tel. 871A For Sale Real Estate FOR SALE -Lots owned by City 3125. to (SOO. Sea any real estate saaa or call 8(22 1(7 & High SUeet eaenataaaeaetseaisasMkpeaeasjsjeB) FOR RiT iC BRAND NEW g room bomo C 8 bed rooms), m Walnut Park Add. Fully " " w awuo aa xjua- SI once For agent, call Mr. Hardy, with HAW' KINS A ROBERTS, INC, Rsaltora, l99sle9sjSj19a $ ROOM HOUSE, Urge lot. close In. WiU Mil 31(6 equity. Terms to reepoo- hou sieupie. 00a as, statesman. OWNER LEAVTNfl PITT S.RM. HOME located at 3(6 N. 84th at. mow much cash am I offered 7 Any offer within reason will be considered. can k. a. jonneon wits. W. H. GRABENHORST CO. 184 8. Liberty St. Ph. 44(8. ri iinnruijxj. LEAVINa rRFrtT I NICE 6 ROOM strictly mod. home. WeU located to school A bus. LI v. room 11x24. New furnace. Price $2. 200. Shown, by appointment. - C H. SANDERS 118 S. High (12L aes.ajaaasaassaasaweaaeasa,a APROX. 8 ACRES, 4H miles from town. Part timber A pasture. About 1 acre garden solL Place all fenced cross xencea. uood well. Electricity. 4 room house. Shower A utility room. Wood shed, small chicken house. Ka ra ge. s;ood barn with 2 box stalls A 2 tie stalls lots of additional room. 1ltA AA IICAA AA w 1 monthly at 6. Mora land a valla ble if wanted. Mr. Lambeth, 456 Chemeke ta St. Dial 8400. - ssii oran ryxrLTijs 82560 4-ROOM A DINETTE, fine condition, ran paae, trays, oil burner, close to boa. church, stores. Good terms. See Mr. Kleiaman with C H. SANDERS. 116 S. High S13L as"" " - iimn mr" nnri nAfXjyiAAAfi BEST LOT BUYS IN GOOD DISTRICT $300 UP SEE THESE before you choose your site. On Market. 14th and East Straeta Well located for ait schools and bus service. .Drive by today, each lot has sla-n on It. Dial 7807 weak dava or 88.' 5 Sunday and evenings 'for further information. WALTER SOCOLOF3KY 308 First National Bank Building -i- -,,-ir,'i,-,"..wr.iiir,u'-WJi BY OWNER 4 rm. nous. 2 hsdrms. large living room. Full cement base ment. Furnace. Good location. Terms, 32500. Ph. 7521 - WHY PAT rant wbea yon caarbuTT e m. piasterea nouse, puiitins, ige. lot for $100 down. BaU like rent from owner. 14S0 Sixth St, W. Salem. ENOLEWOOD LOT BARGAIN NICE LOTS on E. side of N. 19th Jurt north of Market, has sign on it. sidewalk A all st. improvements paid. SOCOLOFSKT A SON First National Bank Bulldln mm0mimMmmtmmma&mmmmpml - LOOK AT THIS RARRAIM T R. PLASTERED HOME with good cement basement, oil furnace, double garage, sice Urge cor. lot. pared ats. Price . reduced to $3000 cash. - Priced way below value. W. H. GRABENHORST A CO. PHONE (4(8 OR 7076 - - f-l -(-rg n i-u- -J-Lnj-LnJ- WORKING MAN'S - CHANCE TO OWN A GOOD HOME IMMEDIATE POSSESSION of a comfortable S rm. house, newly paint ed E. Salem., choice E. front lot- garage A woodshed, few large tree tn yard. Price $1950, cash $150, baL like Close-in 8 rm.. Kntia with Kafh a cloaeta garage A woodshed. Pries only ivvv. asn 9100, oai. uxe rent. Well located in E SaUm. km house arranged into 8 or 4 a part men ta Price only $2000 ; cash $200. baL like rent. See CHILDS A MILLER. REALTORS 244 State St. Phone 02(1. ------- - - --1 -,-inrriryw,.a rx IMMEDIATE POSSESSION THIS MODERN 6 R hams. Ufa ma. st ruction, oak floors, fireplace, utility room, garage. Located at 16(6 Madi son St. We will sell or-rent H. w. 1. OKABKWHORST CO. PHONE (4(0 OR 7976 8Mp9k40avBasSseeBSsa BY OWNER. 1 A I R. house.' tm. finished. 4 mL 8. on new Pac. highway on Fabry Rd. F. C. Robertson, Rt, 8. nui aas. . - . , . CHOICE BUILDINO - sttaa. SIOS A $400. 3149 Canter. D. B, Kleibege. r -""rrir" i-rJYaTsiV8sssns 4 R A BATH, oak floor ia 11 vine rm. Fireplace, elec. range, refrig. A hot water beater. Take sedan aa down payment, Inq. 2140 N. Fifth. Business Cards ta tbta directory run oa . a moeithJy bans only. Rate: flS per Una per Itn. I..'-:.: Auto Brake Mike Paaek 976 anuth Commercfai Bicycles BICYCLES, NEW and reconditioned Harry W Scott 147 8 Com'd P 4610 Chimney Sweep TELEPHONE-4 460 R 86 NarthnaM Elxcavatin EXCAVATlNtl OF alt klnda Bess- meats dug Dirt hauled oe moved Dirt for Mia Haters Kan 1 m U raves r sees Florists Brelthauprs, 447 Court. Phone 119. Funeral Directors Terwiaiger Funeral Boma, Ph. 8928. Furniture Cash for tool A furniture. Ph. 41 IT Mattresses SALEM FLUrr Rug A Mattress Co. New mattresa old remsde. rug cleaning S weavtna S ,12th A WUbur Tel 8441 Zatrkera CAPITOL RKDDINU CO phone 40(a Naturopathic lhyaician UR W H ROCKWELL Nstsropat te Phrslclsn. 1790 Fairgrounds Rd Tel 43'3 Hflc Hours II a m to ( .3) m ' 6 RES, UM A CO.NSULTA-IO.H. For Sale Ilral Estate FIVE LARGE ROOMS l $3900.00 - Terms Built Complete on ! Your Lot! LARGE 1XVING room! with flre placa and floor-length corner windows, attractive dining . room, j atep-mving kitcbes with corner sink and wtndowa, two light aad airy bedrooms, roomy closets, -attractive nam. -Inlaid . linoleum. Venetian shades, .automatlo water Oak floor a blinds - and heater aad furnace. Attached garagej with over- awa obw.t . LATEST DESIG N S FINEST MA TERIALS CONTROLLED COST . j; -. - . NO EXTRAS j .. A Complete Building Service with A . ' Plaa for Every Need ' ! I Maurice Hudkms. 22$ Oreco Bldg. Phone 76 18. 095hBBSleaasejSs 8460 DOWN i x 845. PER MO. win boy I this modeni R. home located st 1 Itl Saginaw St. Price 04600. IMMEDIATE POS SESSION. I i W. H. GRABENHORST A CO. i PHONE 64(8 OR 1076! BARGAIN FOR SALE EXCELLENT LOT. 54x120 8 rm. bee. ana ahower. South Salem on the blU, (TSO.oe (400 cash required. RICH L . REIMANN 1(7 8. High Phone 8(22. BUILDING -SITES BLACK SOIL 44 A. 82601 A. $400. ELEC, CITY water available. Paving, $10 down. $10 per month. ' . H. P. OHA5T. Realtor. !(2S Court LOT SACRIFICE THIS LARGE cpr. lot, paved sti located la N. Salem, g-ood cation. Price $400 ''blear title. i W. H. GRABENHORST A CO. PHONH S44S OR 7976 FOR SALE 1 t A. WITH 8 BEDRlf. plsotered house located at Sunnysids, 12600 $100 dn, baL $17.60 per month. 8 bed rms., Mr. rm, din. rm., kitch en, bath, e-arage. Urge ioti $1060 $60 dn. BaL $16 per moath. I New suburban home-4-clos in $1000 $60. dn, baL $17.50 per month. RICH I REIMANN m S. High Phone 8(32 10 A. CLOSE IN. with mod. houa. Will sell on terms or win take ; small residence in parti Res. oa N. Fifth. Strictly mod. Full bsmt, Uundry trays, rood garage. Everything ln-A-1. W1U sell oa easy terms with small do. pay meat See thia 1 Have 10 A. nr. Shaw, well-Improved. . to trade for Salem residence. ' I H. B. WEIR, 818 Oreg. Bldg. Ph. 0411. PP0sse,nies,9sa(a DUTCH COL. SACRIFICED YOU WILL be Interested In this bargain. 7 rms.. lot 72x100. sev. nut trees, near schls, never I been occu pied since a complete reflniehlng In side and out, doub. gar., doub. plumb ing,; Ven. blinds, fireplace, hardwood, etc.. Pries $4750. A $17001 loan placed on property S mo. ago payable $27.21 a mo. Int. 6. 1XNTL FAIL TO CHECK WITH US ON THIS BAR GAIN. Call R A. Johnsoni with. W. H. GRABENHORST CO. 124 8. Liberty St. Phone 44(2. YOU WOULD LIKE THUS PLACE! (0-ACRES FINE, rich soiL 46-scres crop, family orchard. 8 A. red raspber ries. Dandy 6 R. house, fireplace, la rare barn, 8 poultry houses. 2 cows, 8 he if. era S bean horses. Poultry J equipment. This U a fine! pi A all goes; for 37000 $2500 down. Look this over before you buy. ,AS. 1. BEAKS,' it B A UXOR 471 Court SL Phone 84(8. 8800. 860 DN. 4 R beh. V. A. sub. Late built 8 R 8 lota 32600. $26 dn. Take 1940 or used ear, truck or lot US: South Liberty Phone 7118, CLOSE-IN HOME I SITE $90$ BUYS THIS attrsctilvs lot only : 10 blka ouL East front, 76x100. , I near stores and bual Offered far : below the market. DON'T MISS i THIS ONE. , ( ; Call R. A. Johnson1 with, ! W. H. GRABENHORST A CO. 134 8. Liberty St. - Phone (4(8. ssavs0eseasjTkasy4aaae FINANCIAL I FOR SALE, good Investments, first migs. on new construction. RICH L. REIMANN 1(7 8. High 1 Phone 2(22 W 'V-sl-sOl aTy iNtw, vnruKMiSHisu house, fuu price $1760. only $20 down. 111 per month. I i 7 2-A, good improvements, on paved ross, su in growing- crop, tvui take srao iwr ciir proprcy. ) . - 10-A. close in, fair improvements. win irant tot city property. F. H. WEIR, RMltor. 212 Oreg. Bldg. 1 ACRE LOCATED out Pea 4 Cor aera S room bouse, plumbing-, water, lights, garage. Would like a house la town or equal value at $3000.00. ' Comforts bU 0 room houst . on N. r-ourw, s oearooms. . Dstnt., garage. Urge lot, tote of shrubs A flowers, oa bus Una, will trade for small acreage ciosa to pus line. Money to loan, i P. H. BELL. REALTOR 420 Oreg. Bldg. Phone S12L 4eseeeBsMaseaMBensaesana YOU SHOULD SEE IT STRICTLY MOD. rms. Mom Uwn. $3190. HOLC loaa, $20.48 month.: H. P. GRANT, Realtor, (20 Court A BETTER BUILT HOME. Brand new, 8 bedrms, unfm. upi Neat bath, hdwd. firs. Completely finished. 81900: iv oowa, oau 11 xe rent, xnera is no better buy. Call ua See it. U. ACRE N- 8176. 86 down. 81 oer month. - I BUDROW-KASMTH REAL ESTATE IS Ladd A Bosh Bldg. j Phone 69((. i i1 Panerlntt. Paifitina Paint. kaUo, reas. LovcJk, ph. 04(5 MEAT Work, reaa Johnsoa Ph 3712 HERBERT. WOOD Tel 8878 5 j 1 ? Plan Service .its IRISH. 8064 N. Caxk Ph. T184. ; Y 't Plumbing! : PLUMBING GENERAL 'repair wrk. Qraber Bros. 164 8 Uberty Pk 0694 'l l; Printing I -. FOR STATIONERY cards, pampbktta programa books or any kind af print ing rail The Statesmsn Printing De partment. 816 A Commrrial Tele ohoae 0108.. - ... .... ' , - ' - , - Salvagers and t1reckers CASH FOR old bldg. to wtoch. P. 6810 Schools COM PLKTR your HIGH SCHOOL' st home. DIPI.OMA. TEXTS FURN Write for catalow AmerHcaa -School Dept. & Boa 4600. Portlatnd. Ore. j jr Sheep Sbeai Vig ' W, J. COCHRAN. Rt L B 28 A 4310 -' Transfer - .' - FOR' LOCAt a distant tilnnsfer stor a ire i burner on call 8131 larmer Transfer Co. Trucks to PortUnd callv Well nrillio- R. A. WEST, RL (. Bx. 4ft. P. 1-223$. For Sale Used Cart ' Not MUST Quality Used If 30 8rudebaker -Commander Six Tr. Sedan. Low mileage nearly new - rubber. CI Una tiaar alr-condltioning. Phllco Deluxe radio .tflt.00 1$ 3 9 -tudebakeT3om7 Cem. 10.000 mtlee and the car can't be told from ov las ma uepreciauoa Pleasure ". "' usr . " i - ae" - 1931 Siadebaker.Dlctator Deluxe Sedan J exact mileage Is 12,000 mnea. end it Is a vahie In any ma a' a money. Automatlo bill-holder. Frasa oai rutar c aeiuxe acceeaorlea. Large trunk tftf 00 Oldsrnobfle Six Sedan Spotlessly . a rge 1 run a in is car wiu Ice. Try itl 1087 Ford 86 Coupe A clean ear that shows exacting" cars, good tires. I Motor A body la fine condition. Utility pick-up. Boa to go with It $3(5.04) MANY OTHERS $76.00 TO $1176.00 ? Bonesteele Sales & Service, Inc. 870 2. CHURCH A TEXACO., COR. CHURCH A COURT I For Sale Real Estate ENOLEWOOD DIST.t A beautiful 7 room home, well constructed, fur nace, fireplace, bwd. floors, sjarage. Urge corner lot, $4000.00, terms. Mc BUN LEY DIST.t 6 room modern borne, fireplace, automatlo heat, cor ner lot. Urge walnuts A fir trtee: an Investment at 33000.00. YOU CAN NOT OO WRONG ON THESE. WINNIE. PETTYJOHN. REALTOR 477 Caort 8t Phoao S524. WILL BUILD, aa you deaire. on corner lot. 8 blks. from H. school choice location. Percy UUman, 860 Marion SL WEEK-END SPECIAL NEAR CAPITOL bid. block with 8 bouses all rented and room for 2 more houses. Priced very tow' st $2500. $300 cash A balance easy. See CHILDS A MILLER, REALTORS 844 8tate St. - Phone 0341. 9 BDRM. S. EL Salem. Don. gar. 83000.00. Easy payments. Pn. 5222. 4 RM, NOOK. bath, basement, fur nace, firepUce. gar, paring. Ph. 46(7. STRICTLY I MOD. New 6 Rm he, with gar. Near bus tine schools. Fine location. Easy terma Owner. 6608. ANYTHING IN real estate. Buy Mil or trade. Listings wanted. -See It. J LlNDTIREN 176 8 Htgtl- FOR RENT or sale, nice 8 rm. mod. house. N. 14th. Ph. 9(18. even toga HOUSE. ALSO lot. sr. high. P. 42(2. IDEAL COUNTRY1 HOME 1H A, STRICTLY MODERN, only 8 ml. from city center. FHA terma For nle by owner. R D, WOOD ROW. Ph. 9(00. Salem. Ore. . 0 A. PLOTTED In U A, lota A bar gain. Owner, Ph. 6987. Exchange Real Estate - GOOD TRADE FOR YOU 4 ROOM HOUSE, partly furnished. 3 lots In AshUnd. Ore, $1000 or will trade for 8alern property. What have you? See LOUIS BECHTEL or MA BEL NEEDIIAM,. 341 State, Room 4. For Sale Farms 40 ACRES: ABOUT H la cult, baL pasture and timber, good 8 rm, house, elec, warn, chicken house, 7 miles from Salem. A real buy for $3500, 1IH ACRES with good bldgs, 4 A. strawberries, family orchard, some timber, about 8 ' mi from Salem. If sold soon all crops go for $3500 and $500 will handle it. 248 ACRES suitable for stock farm. Has lots of fine timber, piling, a Urge 2nd growth, 2 small . houses, barn. Price $5000. Will exchange for small r0ROSTEIN A ADO LP H. INC 110 N. Commercial St. XJxJJfxxrui-rijjrvijwr- st-i 60 A. HIGHLY IMPROVED farm all under cultivation, good buildings. good land, trade for small acreage near Salem. 4 bedroom home. A-I condition, lo cated 1910 So. High. Priced to mu. 6 room house, corner lot. street Im provements In aad paid. Price 81360 SmjU cash nevment. baL like rent. Lovely suburban home, 1 A. ground. Strictly modern, linear nnisn. 1. iare rooms, price cut way down for Imme diate sale. Must be seen to be appro- elated. Choice residential lot on Falrmount Hill, 60x137 ft, nice tieee. $1000 takes N. J. LINDGREN 175 South High Phone 8890 Acreage S A. UNIMPROVED. E. of town. 81(00. Very easy terma Wm. A. Noyea. Real Estate, 010 Norway, Ph. (3(4. 10 A. RIVER BOTTOM, livable Id bldgs. 4 A. beniea other furlt. I A, timber, pasture. John Blacboff. 1 miles east of Wat Suytoa. I HAVE AN excellent building site. acres. 010.00 oowa, sis.es per month. - MYRTON MOORE. REAL ESTATE 130 North Coeomercial Suite 17 1 A. BEAUTIFULLY LAND SCAPED. Artistic mod. 6 room sub. home, only 1 1000 cash. This Is really A,' (128 ft. front) on 09E. north. Fin soil and location, with a modern $ room house. 1100 terma . 1 acre with 5 room plastered house. bath, elec Price $1200 $100 down $16 mo. Inc. tax and Inter set. C. H. SANDERS 110 & High 8181. 30 A. 20 CULT, good soil, poor bouse. large barn. $2000. easy terms, or conaider Salem prop. t A. 0 BTllea. good 4 R house, elec 1 A. cberrtea .31700. $200 down. Jackson-Dum back. 241 tnate 8t . ACREAGE NEAR WALDPORT AND ALSEA BAT - 2tt ACRES OVERLOOKING ocean. t utrs uvun, ws m v j , ,iu, sAI dea. -. t 79 Acres. Ideal dairy spot, bulb - raising, fin gardening, orchard, 8 creeks, waterfall, mod era bouse, barn, garage. Other tracts, city lots and aomea, . AT WOOD A FULP ' Wa Id port, Oregon 1 A. NEAR HUBBARD. Ore. 8X0 . ft. oa Highway , uod K. plastered house. Elec. water sys tem. Walnuts, filberts A berries. A real buy at $2250.00. R, A. FORKNER, 1353 N; Capitol - ACRKAOE SNAPS NEW. MODERN 4 rm. hm. hwd. firs, knotty pin dinette, many built. Ina utility room, unfla. floored at tie. elec hot-water heater, oil circulating heater, garage, nearly H acre of ground. Just outsidit city limits. Price $2450.00. $450.00 down. bal. tersna Cell Cobom Orabenho it with W. 1L GRABENHORST A CO, Realtors.. Suburban LET ME show VouRlvervtew Aeree frontlne on Willamette river, best of soil. - Three - acres with small house, elect. a"d water: your own term a. MYRTON VIOORE, REAL KrfTATR 180 Xorth Commercial Bulte 17 SUBURBAN T RM. Col on la L 8 rra c'i.1 1 acre with shrubs A trees A rual buy. . . FKKLI UU.JIA.N (50 Marion btreet , Wanted Real Estate WANTED to leas br adults -lrh privilege to buy. five or 0 rriin. s'rlrf ly modern, furnished or unf urrif Keferencea given. Box til co fctie- Sale Used Cars f SELL Cars! Car; Values ana enjoy new car economy A , .$ 3(5.00 clean end Very lew mileage; IT.. oo itself prooj In genuine serv 4- IIIMI JT BUICK, 40 DeLUXS -dr. Se f,V 'rt conaltion. Ino, 111 N. nign. Ph. 8568. 15 CHEV. SEDAN delivery. Oood condition. $346. Terma, Ph. 3049, '40 STUDEBAKER CHAMPION 8 pass. Cpe, overdrive, 4000 ml, trade or terma 1610 Suta --" irjiVsTynri fsnoajtj Spt. Ctoev. rdstr, 076. Ill MlasUon. ' v OWNER MUST sacrifice ood '19 Chevrolet truck. Long wheel ' base, dual tires, good rubber. Ph. (IK. I 1 DeSOTO fT' BT ft K..I1 TO.l.t. 8 wheels, radio A heater, $250.00. Sig nal Statioa. W. Salasn. Wanted Real EsUte IF YOU REALLY want to sell your property, list It with me. I lute a buy er for modern home, arood tliatrlf-t.l MYRTON MOORE, REAL ESTATE 110 N. Com X Phone (413 j Suite 17 Business Opportunities . FOR QUICK 1 sale, we offer nice lit tle grocery with Ur. quarters, $1150. Many others to choose from. Seo Mr. Badger with, C. IL SANDERS 118 S. High 5131. ' asssiassa,aa. 1 . . - L-Ln oTLruU-i j OROC. MEAT. Stock a equip. I 00. lease bldg. with 2 apts, $20. Ka. lem beauty shop. $1250, cash. 17$ 8. Lib. Ph. 7113. ka 1 a 1 as aa - rmrvrmnf'iy'rsrritr RELIABLE MAN to handle route of Special Vending Machines for the new le Hershey bare. No selling. Earn lngs $40. ee weekly or more depending oa expanaton. Protected territory. Per manent. Only $49(.0O cash required, secured Give phone for personal in terview A state If you have cash avail able. Box (00. 8Utesman. 0a9sseaasasSsssset ATTENTION MR INVESTOR YOU ARE offered this established ) Income of $276 a mol gross at a HAC RIF1CE. This 7 unit spt. la flrat claas tn every detail and In excellent icon, dltlon. Automatic liaat, richly furnish ed, new elec. equip. LOW OPERAT ING COSTS. Thia bua. is not confin ing ; it runs Itsetf. TRULY THE CHANCE OK A LIFETIME For more information call R. A. Johnsoa with, W. H. GRABENHORST A CO. 134 8. Liberty SL l'lione (448. ; GOOD COMPANY operated service station for lesse. Normal amount of capital required. Excellent deal for the right party. Phone 9617, or call at 111 8. 15th. J . ONE OF the beat bo ye in grocery A general merchandise store ever of fered outside of city. ' For particulars, call Percy Uilman st (50 Marion St. eeeeAwewawwwwwee BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY ' FOR SALE MOST MODERN up-to-date' motor sourt In Willamette Valley, choir lo cationoffered at a sarrlfU price of $10,000. Good proposition for two parties. ' Meat market located In Dallas dnlrg excellent business. Entire overhead not over $50, $2,000 cash Inchides equipment. i RICH L. REIMANN 1(7 S. High St. Phone $112. COAST HIGHWAY fronUre In Wa Id port. 1 good business site, owner really wanta to sell. For leaae, 10 room hotel, dining room, coffee shop, you buy furniture and equipment. 1 Service station with store and apart ments on coast highway, fine lo cation, will sell some cash snd K terma 8 full blocks fronting on 101 highway snd ocean, modern house, trarnsres and other buildings, ideal spot for summer or tourist cottages snd small buslnees. $4200.00, ; part 1 cash. Restaurant with apartment and rooms on 101 hlghwsy, $1345.00, for good equipment and furniture, a going business RIGHT NOW 19 A OOOD TIME TO, 1 INVEST 1 ' ATWOOD A FULP WALDPOKT. 0HECKN , -1 - - .- - - -. - -ii-.-,-,-ir-,-,-in.nri nn nj'unjl OAS STATION wltn rntmrr stnrk and- flxturea Nice living quartrra Well located. R A. FORKNER, 1(32 N. Capitol FOR SALE Well established build ing supply bualnesa Large territory. tr. it. rtox i . uaiiaa, ore. FURNfTURE AND lease of small apartmenL Inqutrs 420 N. Liberty. For Sale Wood 10 IN. O. F- ((. knots. SB. slab (I. P. 0468. 1 " ijsisr''y'k'sTi n.ruuLiu-xiij-i ji DRY WOOD, old fir A 2nd arowth. Phone 67 St for prlcea DRY WOOD. Bra die T. Pbon 4 7 OA DRY OLD fir. Snd gwth. Ph. 7507. ATTENTION I BUT wood that laafa best old fir. 16 In, $5. Ph. S3 18. " .. - g siju l iririni " 16 IN. OLD fir 85 cd. TeL 6120. WlKlll h 637S llraen 412 N tlt- MILL WOOD Tel 6941 Wwl at west end of Court 8t Load (2 60 OLD FIR. 88.60. slab 82 25. P.H2IJ7. PHONE 95(0 for Dry Wood. Lost, and Founds LOST FOX Terrier, white tk ta- tan harnee... I.ane Co. llcaaae No. 10(1. Rewa-d. 4(6 Divlalon. I LOST. RIMLESS alasaea Nam. Henry Moe-' In cnae. Reward. sutesmaa office. . . fVraonal LONRI.YT Wl)HTHWmi.r. awei. heart, hnaiia a1 wife for roa P. O Hox 71 ls Angelea Transportation GENTLEMAN wanta rlda ,! ia Iowa. IteL Wi. exp. 697, fc'ts lesm-to. Lodc3 A 1 SAl.rjf LOPGK Ke. 4 A r.AA.V. M M l';rea Men-liy. ni -K 'Vi Ts94 P M. J. . I'lLAKW. ,M'iL T Psc'fla I.ot?s y. AT IK ' . A. Liitf" Wl . Aor:l ?t, " T:9i p as. k ss. Mrrritnk. VV.H