The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, April 21, 1940, Page 11, Image 11

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    The C2LGGU STATES&IAII. Salxcu Orecon, CuniaT 'Moniinj7 Apnl 21 1343
AAUW Members. '
Hear Speaker
! ' ' 1 i .
Members of the American As
sociation of UtJlTer!ty Wom-n.
heard Miss Rdna Van Horn, of
the household administrate e stuff
of Oregon Sta oltpe;e hvtr pro
noralcs department, at the mat
ing of tli organisation he!d on .
Saturday afternoon at the Mar
ion hotel.
Miss Van Horn discussed the
findings of the consumer-purchase
surrey which was cnvp't
ed :recentl. The purpose of. the
surrey, for which eonrc ap
propriated $710,000 In l3f, ws
to ascertain the 1 n if o m e md
spendfnxs of American. Con
gr ss Interest came In the study
of farm homes and their 1ncrme
Thirty million persons came
nnder the a-eneral stuT bt a
smaller timber of fawlll fwF
questioned la detail. The antrey.
Miss Van Horn said. 'is renreent
atlve of a)) non-relief frlle of
narlre born whttee Inc1ndn mnn.
wife and eae child. The mlnnte
uryey dealt only with unbroken
It waa found, upon fonn'rn
statistics, according to Miss Vsn
Horn, that only 10 per rent of
the families of the conntry earn
between 2500 and SBOOrt and
only 1 per cent op to $10,000. A
I1R00 a year family Is In the top
It waa found also, ear Miss
Van Horn, that lacorae la more
of a factor la living atndeida
than any other thin. Families
earning less than the $1500 work
ca a deficit and "can't nae ends
meet." It waa a eurioys fact, said
the speaker, that this deficit Is
met easier in larger cities than
In small ones.
Oregon's ratio for
higher than In most other states.
Families can live within an in
come of $1250 and farmers on
$1000.' Pacific coast famlllea are
better fed.
Also on the Pacific coast it was
found that families spend more
for food than any other Item,
next for a car, third for bonslnar
and fourth for operating and
clothing. Eighty eicht per cent
of the families on the coast own
Radio Program
Capital unit of the American
Leion auxiliary will present a
program on KSLM Monday at
: :30 o'clock, featuring Junior ac
tivities of the auxiliary. Mrs.
Mrs. James M. Fisher. Junior, ac
tivities chairman of the Salem
unit will talk.
Miss Theima Smith, president
of the Juniors will fire a paper
which Is being entered In a na
tional contest for the Junior aux
iliary members.
Following is the musical pro
gram: ,
K.TorlU Wlu" Brfcm
tmy Hrrii. piB
In a Uttl Put r!n--
With Salenit
Folk at OSC
'Lullaby" ..- . Brfc
Mi. Trrc Huki, Tiella
Urt. JtB'ii U. Fisher. aeeompanUt
Oar Usui Wave, Compgf 78
Push. Ware, ,f .60
Open rhurs Bve.
by App t.
. Pbone XntMt
907 1st Natl Bank Bid.
S OLOIS T John Charles
Thomas, who will appear in
conceit at Corvallis this after
noon as last In the OSC series.
, Oregon State Nurses associa
tion, district No. S. Salem Gen
eral hospital, t . m.
VFW auxiliary, installation,
Pythian fcsftl.
Royal Neighbors at Frateraal
temple. S p.m.
Chanter AB of FEO with
Mina L. May Ranch. 1060
North 14th street, 7:45 p.m.
Deaconess hospital play, Wal
ler hall, s p. m.
St. Cecelia Guild with Miss
Helen Langille, 139 S Falrmount
Chadwtck Assembly. Order of
Rainbow for Girls, initiation.
7:30 p. m.. Masonic temple.
Executive council, Salem
. council of Church Women, at
TMCA, 2 p.m.
Missouri club auxiliary with
Mrs. A. M. Kby. 1634 South
Commercial street. 2 p.m.
Alpha Mu Delphian chapter,
Salem public library, 9:30 a.m.
Eastern Star Social Alter
noon club. Masonic temple,
dessert luncheon 1:15 p.m.
Presa club with Mrs. D. A.
Brown, dessert luncheon.
Woman's Union of First Con
gregational church. Irish tea.
First Methodist church wom
en. Carrier room, 3:30 p.m.
Nebraska dub auxiliary with
Mrs. C. McCollam, 3325 Cen
ter street, no-host luncheon.
Town and Gown, Lausanne
hall, J:38 p.m.
Delphians Talk
On England
The Alpha Mu. Delphians will
meet la the fireplace room of
the Salem public library Tuesday
morning at 1:30 o'clock. Mrs. C.
H. Fowler will lead the group in
-discussion of "Why England
Won the Race for European Su
premacy. Topics will be taken by Mrs.
I. K. Habbard. Mra. Oscar Hayt
er Mrs. Laurence Mares, Mrs.
O. D. Adams, Mrs. W. W. Chad
wick. Ladles of the Nebraska club
entertained on Friday night with
a card and checker party.
f mr- i .
IV 000,11 jL di
It's tha Sensational now
lha Ha&r VITH nOOK-U4" DOOR
latreibioad last ym thie TnaTtna
cUctrie raag took tb country try
atorml Mow the new 1940 modd ia
bert battm ttutn mrtl Be sure
to sec it before yovt Invest -a penny
In tutf tauge. X '
See this new development ... it
beats 30 faster uses 32 less
current than famous Corox Cooking
Units of other years. Besides, It's
easier then ever to cleanly
tm saw
Uasy ottMr f
time worfcr
; i - -
. -, -i -
Y7o aki have fccazlifol now Trcslkiszse
Dorics priced d SCD-El $3-59. $123.E3
and $133.50, vrilh 3 years lo pay rigtl
yjSx yenr eledric liil till j I
The annual military ball held
last Saturday night was one of tha
most colorful of the year, with the
military theme carried out in the ;
decorations. Glimpsed among
those dancing at the ball, spon-;
sored by Seaboard and Blade, na
tional honor society for advanced;
military, were Vivian 4 North, '
Henry Kortemeyer, Gene i Holl
steln. Ken Gallagher, Harry Car-'
son, Esther Wood. Jean Claudon :
and off-campus guest Bobbe
Sbinn. . ; .
In the realm of sports this wees
several Salem students numbered
among participants. ' Those on
the sports-mindea list were Park
er Gels eompetlng in the intra
mural tennis - tournament, Geae
Hollstein on the college varsity
crew and Bill Townsend trying
oat for Sigma Delta PsL athletic
honor society. : i
The OSC Women's Athletic as
sociation held an Initiation cere
money - la conjunction with . ita
spring term picnic outing Tnurs
day night. Among initiates were
Sally McLellan. Marie Bosch and
Wild a Jerman. ;; .
With the plana for women s
weekend already in the making,
committees hare been selected to
handle various phases of the work.
Among those helping in this
spring term festivity are Marie
Boecn. and Sally McLellan.
Playing host at house dances
and dinners last weekend were
Dorothy Kibbee, Barbara Forest
and Alice Uinh at the Alpha Chi
Omega fireside: Nancy Ann Put
nam at the Beta Phi Alpha house
dance; George Causey, Oliver
Glenn, Gordon Black and Earl
Warren at the Phi Sigma Kappa
fireside: Natalie Neer and Mary
Ellen By water at the Sntll hall
costume dance; and Parker Gels,
Bill Townsend and Bob Elgin at
the Alpha Tau Omega Sunday din
ner. With the completion of the
United States army air corps ex
amination two Salem students.
Gene Hollstein and Wendell
Patch, passed the test for admit-;
tance into the unit.
The Future Farmers of America
state convention will be held on
this campus next week. With the
announcement of committees to
handle the preparation, the names
of Quentin Zielinskl and Henry
Pavelek have been listed.
Odds and ends . . . Edger Ber
lin appointed on the committee for
the annual senior ball . . . Henry
Kortemeyer in Portland Thurs
day on the Journalism field trip
. . . Vera Beechler, Harriet Craw
ford, Beth Siewart, Lillian Town
send and Louise Hayes, off-campus
visitors ... Mary Ellen By
water at the first spring term
meeting of the OSC Flying club
... Jimmy Cole furnishing en
tertainment at the Federated
church dinner . . . Dick Laws at
the Westminster council's annual
retreat, aiding In the housing ar
rangements . . . Roe Crabtree,
newly installed president of the
young people's group of the Chris
tian church . . . Eileen Holden at
the Hoofers club swimming party
last weekend.
Is Set
Miss Evelyn Propp. daughter
of Mr. and Mrs. A. D. Propp, has
announced that her marriage to
Mr. Bernard Shlmoudle of Peters
burg, Alaska, son of Mr. and
Mrs. E. C. Shlmondle of Mon
treal. Wisconsin, will be an event
of May 8. at the Christ Lutheran
church at 8 o'clock. Rev. F. H.
Theuer will officiate.
Mrs. Al Zimmerman will be
her matron of honor and Miss
Elfrieda Bombaek will he a
bridesmaid. The flower girl will
be Miss Sharon Fleming. Mr. Al
fred Propp will be best man and
the ushers will Include Mr. Hugh
Wane and Mr. Al Zimmerman.
Miss Propp is a graduate s of
Salem schools and Is now con
nected with the .state industrial
accident commission. The couple
will live In Petersburg following
tnelr marriar.
Study Glub Has
1 ."
Biggest news of the day at the
Salem Art Centerls the open
house being given this afternoon
by members of the Rembrandt
Artists guild for Ralph Gilbert
one of Its members who has a
one-man show of oils now hang
ing In the galleries: Hours tor
calling at the Art , Center are 3
to S o'clock. ' T
Mrs. Ella C. Hathaway, Mra. D.
A. Shrode and Mrs. S. B. Laugb
iin are hostesses. Miss Constance
Fowler will pour. Miss Barbara
Hathaway and Miss Mary Laugh
lin will assist. ,
Beside. the exhibit of paintings
by Gilbert (who. by the way ia a
farmer out Chemawa way), there
is a showing of reproductions of
modern paintings from a collec
tion owned by Franya Prud
homme. The board of the Salem Art
Center met on Friday night with
Val Clear, state director of art
centers, here from Portland for
the occasion.
California Guests
Are Here
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Chase of
San Jose, California, have been
spending the past two weeks vis
iting friends and relatives in Sa
lem and Portland. Mrs. Chase was
guest of honor at a no-host lunch
eon giren at the. Quelle Saturday.
Those present were: Mrs, Saul
Janx. Mrs. Laurel Savage. Mrs.
Robert Driscoll, Mrs. Otis Acker
man, Mrs. - Carrie - Finley. Miss
Gladys Harbert, Miss Myrtle Bee
croft, Miss Golds Wheeler and
Miss Hester Hlllpot
Shop for Your Home Appliances at Salem's
Leading Appliance Store
The American Legion a axillary
study club was entertained Thurs
day afternoon at the; home of Mrs.
Albert Gragg.
Papera .on Oregon history were
read by Mrs. James Fisher and
Mrs. Frank Marshall. Plana
were made for a tour to be held
May 10th an-, visit made to the
site of the Jason Lee Mission.
Champoeg and the McLoughlla
House in Oregon City.
Those present were: Mrs. O.' E.
Palmateer. Mrs. Frank Waters.
Mrs. Leon Habernlcht. Mrs. E. W,
Richer, Mrs. L. V. Heuperman,
Mra. Clyde Kaiser. Mrs. Lee New
man. Mrs. Al Moen. Mrs. Frank:
Marshall. Mrs. James -Fisher, Mrs.
James Woodruff, Mrs. Earl ' M.
Parsons and the hostess, Mrs.
Gragg. I- :;"
i . 1 '. v
The Woman's association) of the
First Presbyterian church will
meet Wednesday afternoon at Z
o'clock In the church. The com
mittee in charge of the affair in
cludes: N. J. Lindren. Mrs. I. M.
Doughton. -Mrs. Robert Pattoa.
Mrs. Frank Erlcksoa, Mrs. Bert
Hulst, Mrs. Waldo Mills, Mra
Walter Pugh and Mrs. W. 3. LIK
Jequlist. , i l.
- The ladles of the Salem Golf
club played Friday morning and
had luncheon at the clubhouse,
i Those playing were: Mrs. Ro
bert Savage. Mrs. E. V. Fortmil
ler.'Mrs. E. II. Moo try. Mrs. Glenn
Stevens, Mrs. A! H. Petre, Mrs.
Cretghton Jones, Mrs. G. C. Bell
inger, Mrs. C. E. Bates, Mr E. N
'Gilllnghara. Mrs. Ralph Hamilton.
Mrs. Al Nowels, Mrs. Harry Wled
merMrs. Kate G. Bell. Mrs. Ro
bert Eans, Mrs. H. P. Gustafson,
Mrs.: Rex Adolph. Mrs. W. T.
Waterman Mr.- Clarence Hamil
ton Mrs. B. F. Pound. Mrs. Fred
Finsley, Mrs. John Bones, Mrs.
E. W. Kay. Mrs Robert Taylor.
Mrs. Robert Joseph,; Mra. A. C.
deRaisexnes. Mrs. rrence B.
Marqulss. Mrs. Richard Farra,
Mrs. Robzert . Needham. Mrs. H.
H. Olinger, Mrs. Harold Olinger.
Mrs. Frank Patterson, and Mrs.
W. L-lQuinn of Mill City.
. x i ,
Mrs. Henry Is
Miss Ruth Moore will entertain
with a- breakfast this morning
honoring Mrs. Wayne Henry, who
is leaving .Thursday to attend the
supreme Shrine meeting , of the
White Shrine of Jerusalem. In
Grand Rapids, Michigan. Mrs.
Henry Is worthy high: priestess of
Willamette shrine.
A yellow and white, color
scheme win be used In the table
Those honoring Mrs. Henry
are: Miss Ha Austin. .Miss Edna
McElhaney, Miss Juana Holmes.
Mrs. Mona Toder. Mrs. Susan
Varty, Mrs. C A. Smith. Mrs.
Bertha Bergman. ' Miss Theima
Taylor, Mrs. Blanche Eakln of
Dallas. Mrs. Arthur Moore and
Miss Ruth Moore.
Twenty-five members of the
Salem high school Cescendo club
and Miss Lena Belle Tartar, ad-,
visor, will attend the John
Charles Thomas concert -in Cor
vallis today. Arrangements were
made by Mark Hatfield, the club
v' The April aseeting oi the Kngle
wood PTA -will be held next ;
Tuesday night,, when rooms . will
be open to parents at 7:30 o'clock
and the business meeting will con
vene at S o'clock. Mr. L. L.
Moore will preside., The report
of the nominating committee will
be given, followed by election of'
officers i for the- ensuing year. .
Berkley A. Newman will show
moving pictures of Mexico.
f;p r : ;!-.; . i": '",..
Collegiate Choirs
Will Perform r
Among the well-known choirs
appearing In the: Collegiate Choral
festival May 6th at the Paramount
theatre, in Portland, is the Wil
lamette university a c a p p e 1 1 a
choir, under the direction of Mel
Tin H. Gelst, dean of the school ot
music ; - '.'
Numbering 45 voices, the group
has Just returned from) a concert
tour of the. Important! cities ia
Washington and Oregon. Excerpts
from critics' reviews herald this
group as the finest choral organ
ization yet produced at Willam
ette. Everywhere the choir waa
enthusiastically received.
Six colleges are participating In
this Collegiate Chora festival,
which will produce an augmented
-chorus of more than 2S0 voices,
in addition to Willamette univer
sity,: will , be Marylhurst college.
Reed college, Llnfield college. Pa
cific university and the University
of Portland' which school is spon
soring the event.
, Leslie Hodge will condnct the
performance with the Portland
. Philharmonic orchestra support
ing, Mail orders for reservations
should be addressed to the Pa? a-
mount theatre. - j . "
sipiecdiiail (BnadDiuip
ED! Mdixffle di:
Canlilcvcr '
Scon! .
America's Most j
Comfortable !
IS 13
. Exclusively at !'
Mi .ll
7 Jjpr'
"Verse. Builders"
Name Officers ;
- "Verse : - Builders, newly or
ganized poetry stody club,1 met at
the home of Mrs. Dolores Brad
bury on Thursday afternoon for.
the regular monthly business and
study meeting. Officers for the
group are: President, Mrs. Ruby
E. Farley; vice president. Miss
Evelyn Erlckjc: . recording sec
retary, Mrs. Dolores Bradbury;
publicity chairman, Mrs. Ruth
Norris. . ':.
A general discussion of poems
submitted at the March meeting
and criticired by Edna L. Von
Pingel of Portland, was the main
diversion of the. afternoon. Mem
bers present were: Mrs. Susan
-ott, Mrs. Margaret A. Watts.
Miss Altla Hockert. Miss Evelyn
Erlcksoq. Mrs. Ruth Nonis, Mrs.
Rnby E. Farley and the hostess,
Mrs. . Dolores Bradbury. The.
next meeting of the group will be
held on May 15 at the home of
Miss Ericksoa. J
Social Club to
Haye Meeting
The Eastern Star Social Aftei
noon club will meet la the Ma
sonic temple Tuesday for a 1:15
o'clock dessert luncheon. Later j
cards will be in play. j
Mrs. Glen 8. Paison is chair
man of the committee making
the arrangements for the affirma
tive and . will be assisted7 by Mrs.
O. M. Lemmon, Mrs. L M. Dough
ton. Mrs. James E. Bunnell. Mrs.
Frank Brown, Mrs. B. D. Howell,
Mrs. E. E. Wiper and Mrs. Flora
Baldwin. .
The women of - the First
Methodist church will meet in the
Carrier: r4om Wednesday after
noon at 2:30 o'clock. There, will
be election Of the chairman of
the Women s Council, who will
direct the progress of adopting
the new. woman's program jln the
local church. Musical numbers
will be presented by Helen Dean,
Betty star and Wendell Johnson.
All women Invited.
Kingwood Women
Hear Talk
Members and friends of King-'
wood American Legion auxiliary
met Thursday at the Legion ball
Mrs. James Turn bull gave a ts.k
on child welfare, outlined the
progjrani of tbe Legion and report
ed on tbe child welfare confer
ences of the Legion and auxiliary.
The next meeting will be held
May 2 at which time Mother's
day entertainment will be featur
ed with mothers as guests. Those
jmaking arrangements for the af-
1 fair include Mrs. Warren Baker
ind Mrs. Kenneth Abbott.
Guests for the afternoon were:
Mrs. James Turnbull, Mrs. Carrie
Jennings. Mrs. Robert Former,
Mrs. Eugene Krebs, Mrs. Arthur
Dalke, Mrs. J. I. Miller. Mrs.
George Lathrop, Mrs. Don Kubn,
Mrs. P. F Castle, Mrs. Clara A.
Young, Mrs. G. E. Vosburgh and
Miss J. Smith. ;
sir. and Mrs. Donald E. Cooper
are tbe parents of a son, born
at the Salem Deaconess hospital '
Tuesday. Mrs. Cooper was Iona
Ford before her marriage. i
Your Chance to
On Watches! Diamonds!
Rings! and Silverware!
As Low As
Weekly at
No Extra
i I
The Store That Sell Quality Merchandise) for LessI S. Machnlck, Prop.
Less work-
More fun-
. j v.
for next week and
the whole year in
The Happy Kitchen
Values to
' rn ftT
Do you cook by mathematics or by calis'
thenics? Calisthenics are fine in their place,
but the place isn't in the kitchen. It's much
easier to cook by a recipe of one part mathe
matics, two parts ingenuity, and a large-sized
portion of fun and adventure. " i
There's really no need at all for back
' oovnsi breaking drudgery in this modern day and
inSarge of school. age. There are undiscovered worlds of new
things to make, new ways to make the old
dishes better, hurryup" time'cavers and wif C'savers, and hosts, ot
short-cuts to meals more delicious than Epicurus ever dreamed.
ynd they're all so easy and so simpleyou don't have to spend the
whole family budget or even a very big slice of it for them. YouH
wonder when you hear them, how in the world you've missed
thinking of these joyous aids to happier meals before this, j
If you want to hear about the latest fashions in foods, and the
way to make them with less work ana more fun. we have a tjfeat
in store for you-our FREE Cooking School It has been arranged:
by practical experts on cookery and it will be crammeel full of
suggestions to brighten" your kitchen for a whole year. Every
comfort has been provided, you H get lots of entertaining surprises
and all you have to do is just Come! ' j
The Oregon Statesman j
Wednesday - Thursday - Friday
May 1st ' ' May 2nd May 3rd
v VjOJL. JL Jl mf am , & . JLLaJm X JL XLLa ,
: m n.JL as mn m
FREE L- ' 2 io 4P. 1-2. .' ' FTiES
55 N." liberty Next to tie Power Co. j
t ' i - t4 1 k l - J 'r