1, 1 - ; - . Tbs OZXGCI. CTATECI-IAIL Sals. Orroou Thundaj tionlngT April 13. pacz nxvni a.. sLjt Ua UTS '"ii. i .issz "PtI i"" n COST . ; Statesman Classified Ads Call 9101 Classified Advertising ; Three insertions per Jlne ;25o Six Insertion per Una 40c One month per line s- 3L25 Mlnimnm charge 25c; S tl min imum 35c; ti mla 45c. No - -refunds. iJ Co$r iar tiis page accepted .until 6:30 ths evesing before publiestioa ior e.Usaiftieu. Copy received Vf tar this tin will be ran under t. fcesdiag "Tee Late to Cleeify.' r , Tbe Statesman Miumu ma financial renpoaaibihtr fer - errere which mT appear in adertijementa pab-liihad ml It column sad is ca where this paper ia at fault wilt reprint that part' f aa sdvert iaeneat im wbieh the tTP ocrapeieaA seistake occurs.: Tee Statesman reserves the right to reject j unalienable advertiatng. It .further rcservea tba vigat to placa all advertisiaf ander tks proper classifi cation. . ' i - : A "Bliad Ad aa ad eoafaialBg a Stateame box awaber far aa addreea i ior tlia prwteetia f ba adver tiser aad mat therefere be asswered by latter. Tba Btateeaaaa la ao at liberty t diTalra iersatie a t tha identity ei aa advertiser asiag a Blind" ad. f Livestock Phone 730 - Phone 7330 ATTENTION WE PICK P dead and worthless animal at a moment's notice. Oregon Roderin: ft Br PreducU Co. -FOR SALBOuerMer Springer. M H. cow. B. FTenwica, eua w oajupt road. BABY CHICKS 10 Varletleaj In eluding Reds. Rook. Hampshire, Leg horn Day old pullet cockerels, started chick Phone 22S4L Lee a Zlatcbery. Auctions PUBUC AUCTION SATURDAY, APRIL. 20th. 1:30 T- m, at the F. N. Woodry Auction Market, 1(10. N. Summer St.. : Salem, consisting of a large lot f eood fur niture from several Salem homes. In cluding personal property of F. H. Ids deceased, Roy Hutchinss & oth ers. Following: is a list of goods to t sold: 1 Wood row electric washer late 1 Majeruic cabinet radio J late table model i Simmons beds ( Kood springs 4 mattresses good used daveno 2 davenports & chairs, 1-6-j.leee dining- suite 1 Eldrldge cabinet sewing machine 5 rockers, breakfast tables A chairs, etc. From our new stock 4 linoleum ruga new daveno 2 innerspring mattresses -2 chests "O"' drawers garden tools la d-lera ft s large lot of miscellaneous items So be Bure to attend. Note! We buy sell ar trade new & used furniture dal ly, so be sure to see us. F. N. ft Olenn H. Woodry. Salem's Reliable Auctioneers Phone 6114) . Ip Wanted 130 WEEKLY. GROW Moshrooma. Cellar. . shed: We buy fres-h, . r $1.35 lb FREE HOOK, atushroema, 1937 Third. Seattle. Wash. Help Wantefr Female WANTED. HSEKFR, full chge. sbo therleas home. Ma chUd. Ph. 32S aft. K. Situations Wanted i 1 " FOR FIRST class painting and pa pering, call 3413 LAWN AND garden work. P. 84 W. EXP. LNDSCP.. lawn work. P. 9189. LAWN. GARDEN work. Ph. 2(4$. ORESSMAK. Mrs Adattt. Ph. 4215 For Sale Miscellaneoiia KELVTNATOR REFRIGERATOR guaranteed, only $49.50. F. N. Wood rys Mki, 1410 N. Summer SL Phone USKD 8-PC. WALNUT dining set. $23.50. OKVURTZ FURNITURE CO. ROTTED FERTILIZER. Ph. 9580. CLOSE OUT In Cong, and linoleum rugs, 9x12, $3.95. Upstairs Furniture Store. 43 Court Street. ANNOUNCING OPENING DelTS Antique Shop. Colored pattern glaa Halsey, Oregon. ROTTED FERTILIZER. Ph. (183. USED DAVENPORT. 87.SS. GEVURTZ FURMTUKE CO. esaeajsnaenaaasyaassjsssass USED FURNITURE- UPRIGHT PIANO in eTcellent con dition. Tery cheep. $50.00; General Electric Refrigerator, perfect condi tion. $15:00. Upstairs Furniture Store. 439 Court -Street. . : ""eeaaaafcaaasattaaaaaaasaaaaaaa BABT CHICKS, ten varieties, bow. 2 hatches every week. Cockerels, pul leU. custom hatching. Tel. 2-2881. Lee's Hatchery. USED BED davenport, upholstered In veloor. $J.50. ' I GEVURTZ FURNITURE CO. USED DRESSERS. $3.69 ft up. F. N. Woodrys Jdkt See us. , 00s,yOssaaaJsajaaasasasaaas1Va CASH Itlisn Kit Adding maenme Typewriter. Diipllcntor. Calculator and Scale service. Alt makes sold, rented swapped Rnen Typewriter Eschanae -4 ft Cntirt . . y. . Z U55ED FERNRTS, $1.9S each. - GEVURTZ FURNITURE CO. USED ABC WASHER, good condi tion, $19.50: automatic washer, tate model, like. new. $29.50: new washers from $39.50. essy term Good House keeping Inc., 453 Court St. ' USED UPRIGHT piano, walnut GEVURTZ FURNITURE' CO. ' ITSED RANGES. $4.75 ft np Wood' rya Mkt, drive out save, ;; , - rr rfiiiji FISHERMEN'S WADERS. A-l Ph. 6110. .. - HAWTHORN HICTCLE. good cond. New paint and tires. $7. 1575 Madison. ' A1TFK2.TISIN-0 Weaterm Aitrcrtlslns; ; . Heprescatftttres v j - Ge u-ge X. CTewa. law. j. S fraaciaco. Los Aanutia. SaatUs Eastern AdTertisms ItepresentAtiTes . Bryiat Griffith Brsoson, lee. Chicago, .New If or a, Detroit i Boataa. Atlanta . ( Entered at t Iotofflce at Salem, Oregon, a Second Clas Matter. Pas Iisacd every morninff except Monday. JKnine vfiee US South Commrrcutl btreeti i ... , SUB5JCRLPT10N; RATE3: Mail Suliacriptioa Rates la Advance WHaia Onroa; aily aad Sunday. Me. , SO teats; Mee. (1.50; d Uoa. 2.50; 2 year $5 CO. Elaewkere SO eests Ter Me. er $9.09 for 1 yeas ta advance. lav copy S easts, Xewsataada eeats. By City Carrier, 6a seats a aaesta. 97.20 a year is sdvanes ia Msnoa sad. adiaeaat aesnties. Slongy to Loan - QUICK CASH LOANS CAU. WRITE or phona (till) to 8a lam's eldest, largest noma ewsed and horn managed finance- Institution. Tour financial affairs will be discussed and Hrnu enada is strictest privacy. Too wtll be given awry conaideratlon la tha re paying of your loan or granting of extension. , s e , . 5 . r to 24 Months to Repay j " , Tou can pay . In full any tba to raduca tha coat. . I '. Only Borrower Signs , . , ! . ' . : No endorsers. Loans made on furniture, cars or not. :: - ; , . SEE. . . , , . - . ;...-.. ROT H. S1UMON3. MGR. JIM CLARK. ASST., MGR. lie. No 14-151 , . .. .., : . . GENERAL FINANCE CORPORATION t lit Ha. Commercial St. First door south of iJtdd & Bush Bank Convenient ground floor location LOANS PERSONAL LOANS. $10 TO ; $S0fl UP TO .oa or UaKS : AT THIS time of the year, many families and individuals have gotten hhfrnd with their various bills and monthly payment contracta If this happens t be your situation see us for a loan large enougn to pay on au tout various bills and monthly payateat contracta Yw than can repay the loan in ooo small monthly pay meal to- atead of several. - ; , , . - , : t .v Aat yoa repay monthly Am, or loan s mo. 13 mo. zv mo. $ 40.00 $ S.70 $ 4.02 $ 2.89 i 80.00 11.40 10.05 5-Si t.0 14.15 10.5 73 20 00 22.49 20.09 13.44 10ae 42.74 20.14 20.10 : If yon can make regular small monthly payments select the plan above that best suits your needs and com la for the cub today. ; CALKINS I FINANCE CO. I 201. 2nd Fir. First IfarTL I3ank BUlg. Saless. OreKm Phono 4440 S-228 A M-2I8 State Licenses Auto Loans ! Willamette Credit Co. ith KMX IR t.IJ A RDIAN BU1LDINQ LICENSE NO M 151 PRIVATE MONEY AUTO AND TRUCK LOANS CONTRACTS REFINANCED to re riura. Davmenta -Uonev for new or nsed eara No delay or rel tape Too win re tain possession of the vehicle. 1 TO 20 Mf NTH. TO PAT . ROY H. SIMMONS lit Smith Commercial Street Phone 9118 Lie No M-1S2 rui I f 1 a v . i u.rf atw nrfv Inana Abrama ft Ellis Jnc Masonic MUJg- Loans Wanted TtrAXTT-irr . prtvatp! iwt for city, iarm ana acreage loans, nei in vestors to fc ,t lmereai. cxaniina MM-iiritla vnurnelf. It will DaT TOU to see us ior mvennw-nu. CHiuis ft miil.12;k. iKti 344 State St. Phone 92S1 WANTED PRIVATE MONET tat Will pay Oqf. Interest. -i ' W. H. ORA BSNHORST CO. REALTORS -j-j-j-U-j,VtJaOrlf"s"'i's l ai sa al as s LAANS WANTED on farm and city property Before borrowing inquire at Hawk las a Roberts arm salk 3eod sound first farm mortgages and bond See B. C Zieltn skL srith HAWKINS ft ROBERTS. INCL Phono 4109 or 746w Financial FOR SALE, some good first mtgs, oa new construction 4 . Good in vestment. RICH L. REIMANN 1$7 S. High . Phono $832, For Sale IHiscellaneotts BEAUTIFUL WALNUT bedroom set. "waterfall" pattern ft. "Rome" in ner apring mattress ft box spring to match. Value 94.eo, now oniy . NASH FURNITURE CO. Slxtp Around It Pays j SMALL COOK stovs, $5. 275 N, 14. after t p. m . TWO NEW trailer homes priced to selL Best terms you can find, also one ii a a A w-a a n smtmii usea a-miir iw .. nw$ Ninth IkrfepeMeiic. Osaesestssayeiasastk HOTPOINT ELECTRIC range, 3S9 S. 23rd. y1aaasaaa98aaaaasaayassta A.I4-RM. HSE. So. Salem. Also 29 (Jner4 sedan, twx sax, Buteraum. SMASHING ALL. former values- 7 -war floor lamps. Complete. , with shade, $4.88 while they last. VASB F-ITRNITTTRK CO. r Home off "Lang Ranges "-"Low Prices" HANI -MADE crocheted bedspread. 744 N. Commercial. H. Mi. Kusseii. USEDf LOUNGE chairs. $7.951 GEVTJKTZ rTJ KJX ITU Hik VAA. Bmlders Bareain 18 BUNDLES HIGH grade cut shakes. 34 in.. 32.25 each If all taken; 11 KMTl!e nndm-aune shingle. 1$ In.. COc eschi it taken with shake 21$ 8. 83rd SL Ph. 8103. FERTILIZER. Sb A SACK, $1 yd. delivered Ph. 73. 1 J THE lAVRONSho." "79 N High RIVER SILT top dhf Ph. $491; ataaaaafciaaaaaaaaaaaasaaasSsSa ALMOST new Montar ranre. 125 It old tUh week. (39 N. Liberty." . Wanted Furniture EFpn snj foi CASH for used furniture and hoose- id goods. R. . Forgtiy. Phone 1445. wa ca wiT PISH t N ftj GIJSiNN W(V1HT Ph 8110 f Wantetl -SltKjellaneona WANTEIX USED 5 ifoot tandem disc. Tel. 22347. WANT. BOARD fsr woman In Tana fly: Downstairs room. Permanent. Box its. Statesman. - -v v , WANTED uaed fruit tars. Ph. 45tl. Sliscellaneous - Pit:: COMMERCIAL Spraying rShnab fruits, j nut tree Attractive price Write C. R. Smith. 104 Uberty.Road, Dental Plate Repair IsTO-HOLTS SERVICE IN. fOST T CASKS SVtwS rr 34aft Tean PtMea for Repair OH. HARRT KiCMLER. DENTIST fl-tasfcylBMB 3d ft stswrtsoiL BR. 1427 For Rent--IIooms PL-iAa. &1C aa ejdlet some for gea tlessttn. rts 941 N. CapitoL HtfTEI STIARIOM - Sneriaf weiv and1 snoot bty rates ta perm, sastt iiarteo Coffee Shoo 1 del ktow anvste mt tow " ejrtcea Rma. close in. (482: H. Cottage. H3EKPQ. RM. $12. 1580 Centei HOT El SALEM, low monUOy rata. For Rent Apartments I RM. APARTMENT, 1120 Center. AT j HOLLYWOOD. 1940 N. CapitoL menl. n,nrt. low rmtas. adult. 1 v Bloney to Loan .I4e. No. 8-132 : Phona Olfa. For Rent-Apartments 2 RM. tTNFURN, $10. 2184 Maple. . 1. 2 -AND t R, apt, (39 N. Liberty. - 1-l -, -, -oijaii n nnmmn.r ai)xja I R. APT, FURN, bath, S. heat frig, garage. 2O05- Nj CapitoL 4 R.. FURN. Prtv. - entrance, bath, elos In. Inj. (94 N. High. . $lt, t RM. FURN, gas. Rs, gar. washer. 22(1 HaseL Ph. 1444. L . . : FURN. APTS, 255 Division. - ri"iiiniir'orj'xfjui'xru $( PER MONTH. 856 Bellvu "asaa1aafcaasBBSaajssaaBaaafc, 2 ROOMS FURNISHED. Ill N. 12. MMMMMMIMIMlMMsslBjalBafalalBaa1s STRATTON APT 3, 3 rms. Ph. 384X 1 R GAR. PRTV ntrnn frl Clean, uoet. Adult 815 N. Winter. 2 RMS, BATH, oil clr. neat, gas, hot w, prte. ont. Phone-81 95. APARTMENT, $ GAR. 440 Mill. 4 RMS, prl. bath. $18. 845 Marlon. NEW FURN. 2 rm, priv. hath, beat, water, adults. 991 N. Cottage. GLENDORA'S CHOICE Turn. 3 rm. apt., vacant May 1. 585 N. Summer. VAPA 1VTrV BEAUTFLT. furn. ViiAAJ.LiX 3 R apt. 310 Leslie. 1 RM. FURN. main floor act. Lta w, $1.25 wk. 1290 Oak. Ph. 5270.. NICE APT, 2054 N. CapitoL ee4ajatarfaSfcMMasewstf8 LOVELY 1 RM. furn. PrL bath, re frig, adult (&( S. Summer. HB TH& riwhar Ant before roa decide. Large ft Airy Rockwool In sulated against heat ft cold. Venetian Blinds throughout 8 Coro l ft Oak Sts HAWTHORNE Court. 1000 N. Cap Ito Homelike and commodiou CHOICE 8 R apt, Th Devereaux. 2 R priv bath. 250 S. Cottage. SiaSteSsSasaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa 1 ft 2 R FURN apt, (45 Ferry. $ Rm Mod. Close In. Ph. (884. sasbseaaaaysSeiaaSssaaaaaJsaa rm a s h.. w w'. uiiiU.ilt VSlllUiCU 1DTQ ITTTDM e.n4awa a"K(lH. welcome u up. isiv as. istri. 7ua- a4eeajsassajaeaSaaseiaaaaese 2 RM. FURN, kit, bath. 545 Court. 2 RM. APT. Main fir. 445 S. Winter. OLYMPIC 1st nr. 3 rm. fur. apt. twib oeas, lav t. uoerty. rn. 774s. Newly redecorated 2 ft 1 rm. furn. $14 ft $10. Light, water. 1(20 Ferry. MOD. 2 or 8 rm. 5(25 after 4.20, 3 RM. APT. 287 - B. Chnrea. Room and Board ROOM ft BOARD. 215 S. Winter. A REAL HOME. 1494 Court. 8(30. SEF MA Kowtn 4 N IJbenv LOVELY DOUBLE room. twin bed private bath. 33f N. Summer. Ph. (072. EAT AT (50 MARION. aaaaeaaeeaelajBSeBaae BD, RM. 1434 Ferry. Ph. 5515. BOARD AND ROOM. 315 Bellevue. BRD, RM men. Stelnke' P. (384 For Rent Houses SMALL FURN. house, cheap, next to Reimann Gardens," Mrs. JB. JE. Klser, Rt. 7, Box 184. " MOD. ( R, Ylst Av Ph. 22245. 4 ROOM. NEW, oaly .$18.00 .829.00 ti. iurntsnea 5 R. furnished modern . 20.00 O K REALTY, 219 Court " Street "-""" 1 lMUl njliLTUl. Il MOD. 5 RM. part. furn. hs. Ph. 3437 or (275. 1170 FalrmounL '' l1 ii afar-arunjUJXJ' ATTRACTIVE 4 R. HOUSE. In. 944 Center. 4 rm. turn, house. 550 S. llth. ------- - -i-ii-i-V-ici-iririrvYywnafMt Court. Adult Inquire 995 Milt FURN. ft UN FURN hotsae MET VIN JOHNSON. 725 Court. Ph. (728 FURN. AND unfum. house R. A FORKNKR 1853 N Capitol WE HA VK THR HRMSHEtrr IF TOU want to sell, aschana eas rent, see Hi lanwn or Mr Cat Una wHh Hawkins ft RnhertS i-riJvsrsTsOi-istvxr LARGE HOUSE. 1775 Fir. Ph. 8208. QwsaasSAaaaaeajansaasseaajaa1aa FURNISHED AND smfurn housea H. P GRANT 529 Court. Phone (744 ,aSawsessaasalaSaaeSaOaw FURN HSES ft apt 736 N Com! 2 B. TC Waller Bt. $20. Ph. 6222. S RM. MOD HSR., fnra. nr imfiim Handy location on Center. Ph. $0(2. How to- Torture ISAJT IT" ; ; VWOrJOttRPUCr SOALL I PLAV IT asAlfsl r South of OOWM ' Mexico , WAV 1 Honey to Loan $100 CASH : . , In Yonr Hand Tomorrow r Co-slgners not necessary. Employer or friends not notified.-Our loan ars made oa the simple basis of your ability to repay. Pick your own payments. Cash I Monthly payments ' inelud- to ing ALL charges for; Tow I 6 Mo 12 Mo 20 Mo. $6 in 100 21.24 10.05 (.72 150 82.75 15.0? .10.0$ 209 , 42.(7 20.00 12.44 800 (5.51 30.14 20 K PERSONAL 2nd Floor, New Bligh Bld. M-I$5 - For Rent- Honp TrfJt TTiSTTSrtn - i-wsnl: And fur 4V Jl V'v'Oaav Mwa-ra Z. Z Bftur for 2f Cottaffe. nj-irU-lS-l.rirW - eaiawaa aa ' FURN, unfura. (40$. 110 S. Com!. For RentFarms 10 . A. BUILDINGS, WATER ta house, elect, srosJlwaar i mL oa River Road. Phone 2-2C5I after T:3 p. m. v For Rent OFFICE ROOMS, 1 Stata Street taquiro room 200 Tdl ITU For Sale -Real Estate - I A. BUY . m anrrra iroirVl le aolrkSaaa In In CtWMl section, fine soiL city V,'.1 pries $300, $50 down A baL $10 per mo. A real bargain. See O. H. Graben SVt ir with W. H. GRABEN- HORST dc CO, Real tors. , a -rfcr von fiiTJ! hse. and shower. South Salem on the hllL 8750.ee 4U caen requirau. 147 S. Hlah Ph. 8822. a nr NOOK. bath, basement, fur nace, fireplace, gar, paving. Ph. 4597, iaaaSsSaiSSIiiaaaajai w as as LOTS .Inquire (10 HoyL risixiLriaf'tis nijrvsrirs"iri,i croifTi v wnn New 6 Rm hse. with gar. Near bus line ft schools. Fins location. Easy term tiwner. . &000A0m as as aa aa w 2H A- BUT WTET XT4T T42 C tilLaa4 Vavll fflTYll1 w Al ML TV A AV kft w --V fruit, llffhts. food road, 4 milet from Salem, price jl$5O0r $100.00 down ft V..t 41 1 Cah wvas,w MA TT (t C fiM M. iyaia a ds.wv (V w o v --- - Grabenhorst, r, with W. H. GRAB- K nunST AJU, iteaitora. a txrrra TT1T? X nlaaterad house located at Sunnyside. $2500 jiwe an, nai. ii. per iuwhu. .wmmm l i u rm Aln r-m kitchen. bath, garage, large lot, $1050 $50 dn bai. $16 per month. New suburban nome ciose in $1900 $30 dn, bal. $17.50 per month. (7 3.- High Phone 8822. ivTTHIMn IM mil oat at Bu sell or trade. Listings wanted. -Sea N. J LlNpGREN. 1 1 76 S HUth-. FAIRMOUNT HILL PROPERTY $450. DN.ift $45. PER mo. will buy this 8 rm. mod. home with auto, heat, corner lot. nice yard A shade trees. Double plumbing ft aouoie garage. Price has Just been rerrucea to 450. Sen this noma. Call G. H. Grabenhorst, Jr, with ,W. H, GRABENHORST ft CO, aeaJtors. : WE HAVE a large house out north, room for S beds, good for roomers and boarders.' will trade for small acreage. Nlca boat 1b W. Baleen. 3 bedroom, double garagm, in vary good condition. $250 down, $ZZ.b moauiiy. u ,i MONEY TO LOAN P. H. BEIL REALTOR 429 Oreer. Bldg. Pbooe, (12L APROX. ACRES, 4 rnOes front town. Part timber A pasture. About t acre garden soil. Place all fenced ft cross: fenced. Good --well. Electricity. 4 room bouse. Shower 4k mtility room. Wood shed, smalt chicken house, ga rage, good barn witn z dox siaus at 2 ti sts Us lots ef additional Toons. Price $3500.00, $1500.00 down, bat, monthly at 5. More land available If wanted. Mr. Lambeth, 466 Cbemeke m at nt.i sios - 9 A DAlWJAlil - $800. WILIa BUY this 5 'A. tract with 4 rsn. bouse, elec lights, good well ft chicken house. Terms $200 down, $10 star mo. Call O. H. Graben horstT jr, with W. - H. GRABEN Urr TD Crl A. V O A.ea 1 ltea SaVaaw ft. eaa eataj tavswavi an. sjssaasaasazaaakajsaa9aa FOR BALK Br owner. 4-A. i mil city limit Bniidmgs, rruits. wtwioti Good location and soO. Phone (545. FOR SALK LARGE SIGHTLY building tracts ta beautiful Cascade Terraces ft King- wood . Height $300.09 to $800.90. Terms,' Building- restriction $3000.00. FHA or Prudential Building Loan Sea Mr. Hardy, with- HAWKINS ROBERTS, INC, ' TOUT OPPORTUNITY ; "T 3200 DOWN ft 820 PER mo. will buy 19 A. located 6H miles out on gooa roaa. iignta, gooa aruiea weii. new house uncomn. If you are look ing for ft real buy in 10 A, let us show you this property. Pries $2200, See G. H. Grabenhorst, Jr, with W. H. GRABENHORST ft CO. . $2850. NEW SUBURBAN home. 5 rms, bath, lights, laundry rm, flre nlace, s-arage. A., lots of froit. $1475. 6 rm. cotUge type borne. bath, garage ft 2 lots, $1509. - --MONEY TO LOAN MELVTN JOHNSON, REALTOR 725 Court St. . Plion J8723 82850 2500.09 DOWN 7-RMS. 3 baths, good apt up, only-9 blkstt mag ABRAM3 ft ELLIS, ISC -" 411 Masonic Bldg. , Salem, Oregon Your Husband f Money to' Loan PRIVACY - . - We keep the. entire transacUoa strict- - ly between ua Tonr employer, friends -or relatives are nor notified, . . , . SIMPLE TO GET i If you can afford the small : repay. - menu shown above you should not ; hesitate to see us for a teas t one. , , - , Ask for Mr. Miller. . . . FINANCE CO. Stats Lie. . S-122 Phono ll$l For Sale ReaJ Estate '' s OPEN HOUSE . AT.?12I - CENTER' SU -45tuldayi April 20th, 3 to ( p. m. May bo seen anytime by appointment. Don't miss seeing this Ideal small home In a per fect location. - See Mr. Hardy With HAWKINS A ROBERTS. INcT . a27SO-,WORTH 5099. 1 Rid, 3 baths Will rent for $50. mo, cor. lot only 6 blk N. See Wesolowsk! with - ABRAJIS A ELLIS, INC. 411 Masonic Bldg. Salem, Oregon HRW - K snnua m. . ntllity rm, hardwood floora etc. Large lot.-East, Just outside- of city $2800 $309 dn. . w7 VERY MODERN home, f rms, nice VHT yard Richmond disL t". xu- term a 10 rignt party. SS? H?2: LV aood lot. $3.- 3$ ACRES MOSTLY old fir timber, 2500 cords or more, 1$ miles from Sa- ,. CALL ART MADSEN Phone 6680 aseaa9SassSaJwajsaaaaaaaajass,sa,, .,5 BDRM. R. E. Sales, Don. gar. : . payments, tn. szzz 2 BEDHM TT A STTOvn k.. Iocs, close to school and storesT lots aa' ss9 sami sxaa a aa J aal S wa. S A aa " uu Biuwg, rn. BD2Z. fnicAT. CnlTUTDT unun 1H A, STRICTLY MODERN, only - - www. . . . iiuaci iMfc irera cy canter, r ma term or f Je by owner. R. D. WOODROW, Ph. av v VV, oaiCIU. WltS. A. PflTTVr In IX A l4es A W 7 ss rg a 1V14 A 5JWr gain. Owner, Pb, 68 $7. nmm ... i , ( ROOM PLASTERED house, large lAt .rwut lnMfM. (toil . i.i- . . X . down, bal. $20 per month Including v uicipa. tuiereaL, taxes ana insur ance. ROSTETN ADOLPH. ING 110 N. Commercial SL anaaaaaaa. . -y JrM-M-(rsinAiUVXe HOUSE, ALSO. lot, sr. high, 42(2. Exchange Real Estate 3 LARGE LOTS, old house. 884 N 20th, Salem. Terms. Owner, J. B. De- vvitt. sweet Home. "FOR SALE OR TRADE " . 20 ACRES 14 MILES from Ralam on paved road. About 25 A. river bot tom sou with water for irrigation. T A. fine young peach New 8 rm. nouse, iumoer ror barn. Tractor, Irri gation pumn ft all eouinment s-oes with farm at only 82750.00. or will trade for nome in Salem. See Mr. Collins, with U. A. WITH GAR- house. Will sell equity or trade for car or house trailer. Box 689, Statesman. For Sale F arms jiks, r Aust en 11(00. IF SOLD In next ten A. cult, baL fine oak timber tor. Esthnate 1000 cords 90 ACRE FARM SNAP days. 34 timber ft pas :ords of wood standing. Spring water piped to house, large barn and aheep shed, garage. Also cabin 12x14 ft. See LOUIS BE CHTEL or MABEL NEED HAM, 841 State, Room 4. Shown -by appointment. Only 9 miles Salem. J - issaOlLTIrJl - - TODAY'S SPECIAL tl ACRES WITH a rm. modern home, full basement, elec. spring wa ter piped into the house, garage, barn, aad chicken house. A real home In the country only IS' mln. drive from Sa lem. Priced to sell and will take soma trade, i - ROSTETN ft ADOLPH,-INC. , 110. North Commercial Street Acreage ttv ACRE TIMBER on hwy. south st city limits, $300.00 $19.00 dn, $10.00 per month. RICH JU REIMANN 147 8. High Street Ph. 2432. 16 A 5 ML FROM post office, won derful horns sites, $1250. 41 A. 16 mL from Sal em, - 45 A stumps ft pasture, 400 cords .of wood, all yr. creek ft spring, lays well, good fence, on good road. $1226. m . MONEY TO LOAN MELVIN JOHNSON, REALTOR 725 Court SL Phono $72$. GARDEN ROAD ' 9 ACRE TRACT ready for sub-dl-eision a safe buy for $S50. Will ao cept hous or lots In Salem In ex change. See Mrs. Ellis with, - -CHILDS ft MILLER, REALTORS 144 State Street .Phon 92(1 .Suburban CAN YOU BELIEVE THAT YOU can buy a' lovely coun try bom tight' her in Salem t Beau tiful yard bordered ' by heavily land scaped and rock wall creek, outdoor fireplace, many unusual - flowers, shrubs ft ornamental tree Place eas ily worth-(809. can be bought for $5500. Shown by appL Bee Mrs. Ellis t With I , , CHILDS ft MILLER, REALTORS Business ' Cards la thla dhrrrtory , rna oa monthlj : tMs'a - only. Rate: f 125 per Una per nthV -it-'- T Auto' Brakes Mlk Paaek ' 975 (hnttls Commercial Bicycles BtCTCLES, NEW and raeoadlttoned Harry W Scott, 147 S Com et P. 4515 Chimney Sweep TELEPHONE 4460 R tt Northnes Excavating rvi'iviTiNii nw it ainla Base ments dug Dirt hauled or moved. Dirt for sal Salem San I ft Gravel P 9406 Florists Breithaupfs, 447 Court. Phona 9195. Furniture Cash for tools furniture. Ph. 4617. list tresses IIALEM FLUFF Root ft Mattrree CV. New Boa tires Old rtitu rua eieiantra ft weavtma S. 13th ft Wilbur Tei 841 a.wk-ker CAPITOL REDOING CO PtCDO 4C: UR W ft rA"ffnJ. Katnspa'S- lei L I f ..i licurs 11 n.r-x 4 .j 5 m. I kXAM ft Co.ULTA- For Sal tJeed Cars T SPECALS 1932 1931 1931 1931 1930 1930 1929 1929 1928 rora troupe 9107 Cher. Sjit. Sed. $89 Chcv. Spt, Sed. $59 Cher Sdt. Cpc. $49 Ford Spt; Rdst. $89 PontiaqJSedan ..$89 Dodge Sedan $69 Chev. Coupe......$49 Ford Spt. Rdst...$49 1928 Buick Sedan......$19 ISED GARS Center at church st. ph. 4702 SpL Chev. rdstr, $,75. 1226 Mission. '32 CHRYSLER RDYAL Couoe 4- wbeel perfect cond. 85 rubber law.vu, terms., m, as is. I FOR BAIE, 36 Plymouth 4 -dr. 8e- ubh. v.,r in m-i anapa- erm r. 444S i 2 CARS, good condition, trade either for equity later model. 2397 HaseL daasnataioft a. i , rviiarnl"l rxnJXA-iX4a. SpL Chev. rdstr, $5. 1385 Missouri. Wanted Rtal Estate I WANTED to lease by dults with finvuege to ouy, live pr room, strict. V modern, furniahedi or unfurnlahMl References given. Box 688 co States man. , gone, close In. E. Nelson, Gen. DeL Business Opportunities ! FURNITURE AND lease of small apartment, inquire 430 N. Liberty. - - - .i 1 1 i r iriririrLr-Rjtm'uJVj. MOST MODERN up-to-date motor valley, choice lo aacrlf ico pries' of court In Willamette cation offered at a $30,000. Good proposi ties. I Meat market locate ion for two par- In Dallas doing excellent busineaa. oot over $50. . $2,00 equipment. . RICH I Rl 1(7 S. High SL iKntlre overhead 0 cash includes UMANN Phono 1422. For Sale Wood j DRY "WOOD, Bradiey, Phone (700. awaSaaaajseSjefc0Sassaaral j DRY OLD fir, 2nd gwth. Ph. 7607. 4ssNsanwassawiSa J ATTENTION! BUY wood that lasts. best old nr. if in, 89.. Ph. 8814 I 14 IN. OLD fir. $3 cd. TeL (120. BONE-DRY WOOD. Ph. (448 ia(sasahvaasesOhskaja JWOOD Ph ItT UHin lf ti Slat 4asis1sdssah9aBaajanfeaaB4 ! MILL WOOD. TeL I 6341 Wood at west end of Court SL Load 88.60. WnSaeaje,aa0aBa,e i OLD FIR. $5.60. slab $3.25. P. 22627. ""i- -asiiaOiijniTjnjXiXrLrLA PHONE $560 for pry Wood. Lost and j Found. wjth ardj. I LOST, necklace with green atones on court st.' Kewara Ph. 235(8 I WILL PERSON who, took concrete roller from 13(5 Mill ISL return within 24 hour if returned no action taken. person known. Personal LONELY f WORTHWHILE sweet heart, husband, wife for you. P. O. Bos 7L Los Angeles. I Transportation LEAVE FOR Chicago Apr. 22. De- sire male companion share expense co - Statesman. Refer, req. Box (90, 'Not Subversive9 Co mm unlit party sonata candidate and party edocatica director, Carl Reeve, asked Philadelphia federal court to order return of data seixed by asrents ef the Dies committee. Eeevs declared then was "nothing ubyersivo in the seized record.' iDixectoriy ... , : Papering Palnlins Paint, kalso, res elk. ph. 94(5. MEAT Work, roas llohnsos (h.S729 HERBERT 6? WOOD Tel 3371 i Plan Serrrice Y. U IR18H.'2064 J Can. Ph. 7134. IMumbin :rLl' PLUMBING. GENERAL repair wrk. Oraber. Bro. 14 S Liberty Pb. (694. Printing; hi; FOR 8TATIONKKT eard pamphlets program books or any kind of print ing, call The Statesman Printing De partment. - 816 . Commercial Tele phone 91 OL . - . , Salvagers and j Wreckers CASH FOR old bldg. tp wreck. P. 1219. Schoojls I HljlH . TEX COMPLETE your HlflH SCHfKL el horn DIPLOMA, TEXTS FURN Write for catalog. Americas School Dept. 8. Bos 4500 Portland Ore, Sheep Shesrics W. 4. COCHRAN. Rt, L 8. 88 A. 4819 Transfer FOR LOCAI or dlstsit transfer - stoy sr burner efL. eail 8131 v Larroet Traaafar Co. Trucks ts Portland dsliv -Veil U?:.lir-r H, A. WEST. Rt. $. Bi 441. P. 1-15 3 4, r! ORVAL'S Benny and "" " - 1 - ui ipiiuii ... , . ,i ,p j, I,, i , I .,;, i.vr .Ma, -J I 'N Jack Uenny is at his Sunday best and Dorothy Lamour even jwor Klaraorows tbaa with her well-known sarong fa -.Man About Town playing; today through Kat onlay at the Htale thestre. t'oin- : pankm feat are la The Iloarinj Tncntirs," ktarrlng; Jsnn-a 4'i- aejr ami prtsdiia Leuae. Target for German Bombers? r - .5... 7 55 - fmn n mom: i.i, 02r9Xa, t4alaafa Si."- .v ' " Important, air baas of Malxno, Sweden, only 18 miles from Nazi-held Inmark, may become a target of German bomber If hostilities against Sweden result from the present Scandinavian . activities. The Swedea have ordered a blackout at Malmo and cluttered the field with old tiTlcahs. broken-down jalopies and carta. Liberty Club Will Hear Garden Talk LIBERTY The Liberty Wom an's club will meet Thursday at tha home of Mrs. Nancy Brooks. Assisting her will be Mrs. Gilbert Hammon and Mr. Joseph Watt, Mrs. Chester Cox of Salem will be guest speaker onl the garden topic of primroses aad. their cul ture, j ' Cross Word Puzzle 1EI1"I1IIIII 21 I22 I" IT 34 37 7 30 HS VsV - , HI HO j I 1 yH I 1 -K'-l b HORIZONTAL .1 lika : -'. 5 Winded r-r..': 1 v " ' 7 Utilizer ; ' -11 Sleeveless garment if Aoa ftttivol i ctUbrttid Ftbrmri UP liLaw violatioa IS Color -n Note of the scale 18 Story 19 Veg table 20 Adult males 1 21 Exclamations 22 Skin tumor c IV Aat is tas r(A pUmt im distant from tfce raf ii Errptian sua rod 2S Portion 28 Established Tain 27 Suffer 23 Corala "32 Decay 83 Claasif y 34 Concernlnf; ... 3 S Mature 87 Encirclitif; band 38 Bind with stitches " 33 Short-napped fabric 40 Stringed instrument 41 Narrow woven band 42 By 43 Merchandise 44 Pertaining to the poles iJ IFAet is tA 4otLernr7iif coun try of tA South. American ten- . finentf 45 Bitter vetch 451 Dash 'Ei Traps , . T SI Hebrew letter ( VERTICAL Wh rat thi fxther ef liaacf 2 Embarks 3 llalll 4 Note ef th 9?r. I T Ad trot rrin t Cm tort ef Queen Vieioriit 6 Lease sria . 7 Indlta tr.t 5 It'cU ef ti.o Lamour Billed X I T 4 J.t .l-:, j f : ' 4. : : j Lodge es Hi I. TV LODGE Its. 4 A TALV. " M. M. Degree Me4r, April 1. A( 7:80 r.M. J. B, riLAMUi WaL - . i i W Faoin Ledie Ke. 60. AT A A M. stated Meatlag l, Asrll IS. , 7:30 p.am. Was. KerHett. W.M. S Penetrate 10 Restrains i 11 Performers 18 Hard-shelled fruit IS Myself j .: M 1 ProhibiU I 20 Feminine name ! ti JI As is 9vnti4rti tht Invintot ef tA tteam engintl '. 23 Grain steeped la water 25 Vessel's bow j 26 Harbor 28 Grk god ef war 29 Wooden shaft 30 Pave the way , 81 Condoits i 33 Tranquil ' 8i Berry 25 Amount at which a per$an la , i rated ! yr U'Aaf EuglUk pett wrote "Den Jue.n-1 33 Dried tuber ef orchids 40 Fail behind i , . 41 Towards i 43 Pale 44 Dance tp 46 Nrrrbol for tantalum 47 Pronou:i Answer to yesterday's pus!,. '7 t- -4-- 4-r i m ( f . 3-11! i I . I Arrt t" a f . - . 1 II - . jnn