1t3JT SBC -. KRmw Wa Tha OXUXSOXI STATCC2 IA2L Sales Oren, Wednesday Konslag, April 17. 1S13 PAG- ELEVEIi S K fflBMM! saw 1 ' mM Sad 38! Statesman Classified Ads - CalZ 9J0I , .Classified AdTtTtidac Three Insertions per line 15c Six tasertlona per line 40e One month per line 11.25 Minimum coarse 25c; 1 tl min imum 35c; U mln 45c No refund. . ' Cap far aie e accesad mt& :S tU eveaias baiore paatUaUee tmr elaesWicstiea. Oopy avcaivad at ter tkie tiaae wilt he ran ssder tbe hesaiag YTum Late te Claeafj." . f Taa guttnn eaaaaaaa fa reapoaaikalur lax arreca waiek aaay iPyir la adtertiaeaeata sabliahaa a Ua celaaaae and la ease wkere tkis paper is at fa ait will fepria taat pert I a. aeasatinaaaat la wait the tfr ecrapkicat aaratake eecare. Tke flunnin laaarvaa tfcva rlga -rjrt ajaasUaaABJa esrartiaiag. It further reserves Ua rig ta aaaea all advertiaia snder the orepiar claaauii catiea. ' A 'BIiaa" AaV-ea ed aaatsiaias a StaWaataa Waaaamaar tor aa aadraaa ta tor tka arUctia of ha a4rar tiiar aaa taarafara a awarr4 br Utter. T Btataaiaaa Mt it liaarty M aiTalf latarawUM u ta taa id an tit? at aa aavartiaar aaiag BUaa" mi. Livelork FOR-8AM: Quarnaey Sprlmer. ! STk cow. B. Fen wick, end of kjrlln raao. FARMERS MONTtJ M KRf R (N D B R I NO WOUKS FICKS DP FREB OK CHARliB lKAD AND W.JKTHI hJ HORSES AN. OIW9 ANTWHKRI IN THE WIU.AmCT?TIC VAI.I.KT WE PAT TOP PRICES PHONE V ' :K'r u,t . Phone 5000 - fhone 5000 r ATTENTION Wa pick up dmd and warthleaa an nlmala at a inomenfal ootlca fcalam Kerltlix-r By Produrl C lth and Turnci Road Phona Salem Colact Nota: Wa anil meat nal ta faad at ores. i l nn.n.i.n.i"Ln rnti. i niRT rHICKS- IB Varieties. In eluUini Rrda. Rocka. flampahlrf. horra. Day old pujleta. cockarpla. started chk-ka Phoiia J2Sl. Lea a Hatchery. j Auctions AUCTION LEAVING SAIM. laellinf complete hmiaehold furniahins at iSS Soutk 12th on Wrd Apr. Huh at 1:10 p. m.: enamel rane. davenport, atadio couch, breakfast srU dtnlnr i table chairs, two dreaacrs. beda, coil aprHisa. tar Innersfrlna; mattresaea. elec Gen. Klectrio actram cleaner. 10O ft. 54 lumber, cabinet setrtn; maqlilnej rusa. lamp, kitchen utienaila. Alao will b sold mt this auction the complete fixtures of a Salem dlrcaa shop, show caaea. counter, etc. Nol adr. tor fur ther adv. Will N. Teeter, Auct. Leslie Lacaa. owner. Help Wanted , f: WEEKLY. GROW Mushrooma. Cellar, ahod Wa buy freaK Sic dry Sttft lb KREK BOOK. Mushrooma. 1IT Third. Saattlai Wash. Help Wanted Female WANTED, II5TEKPR.. full cbe. mo therleea borne. No chUd. Ph. SZS aft, i. EXP. trl for houeeworar and care 1 small children. Mast be over 2 yrs. Ph. 4CS. Situations Wanted CAPABLE woman wants nr. WTk. or care children. 17(4 Market. Apt. 1. EXP. LJNDSCP, lawn work. P. 1I3. JJ-artJtlnraaa1WlJlJ "l " a LAWN. GARDEN work. Ph. !. aaaaaaafawaaVVaaaawaawaBwaaa DRE8SMAK. afra Adarttt. Ph. I!U For Sale Miscellaneous A XNOO? CTXO OPENTNO Teira Anttqoa .Kbop. Colored pattern claaa. llHlaey.' Oreajoa. ROTTED FERTILIZER. Ph. . BABT CHICKS, ten varletiea now, t hate bee every week. Cockerels. PJl leta. custom hatchlnj. TeL I1861, Lee'a Hatchery. - . .i'i.i . 1 1. "i n ii i . ii i 1 1 t i i i in ii 1 1 Save 10 to 50 CLOSIVa OUT Kntire Stock of Ilalneo fnralture and Pottery. Co., 117 Kdirewater, West Salem. IKS t-way Lam pa ft Kliadea, Res. a.9S,. Sperlal 14. 9i. Walnut End Tables, now e Yowr chotca Slmmonr Metal bed. Coll Bfurlnir or rotton anattreaa. only $4.S. Res- tll.t veloor Iavenport ft chair sets. Assorted rolora tit.tS. Re. $7.S 4-rw Waterfall Bedroom aeU Ea. SpecUV 4 4.M.- J-pc Icorated Breakfast sets, Reaj. m il. Now Only .S. X Only full whit Enameled ABC wash er. Ref. $.S. Now .. Oee only new White Enameled Washer with pumje. Lorell wxlnaer, H.$i. New 41.t(. -PO. TUe Ton Coffee Tables. Reg. $. Now tl.JI -Carpat Sweepers. Rear. 4.f. Now $l.k. Ixl I Halrtem Rue pad. Re. ICIa. Now tfS. alt All "Wool Beamleaa Axmlalater ruca. Heel. $J.S. Now Jt4.i. Cedar Chest. Res. tl.a. Now $11,11. Many Other Article at theae Mooey-SaTtitaT Prices Haines Furniture-Pottery Co. 114T Edsewater BU Went Bale in CASH RIM I ST ICR. Addtmt raaeaitam. Typewriter Duplloator. Calculator ana Seal aervtcw. All anakee aold. reatad awapped. Roea Typewrit er Eadaaaew 4&a Court i . USED A BC WASHER, frond condi tion, f 19.SU: automatic waahor. lab modeL like new. 29.S9 new washers rrom I eaay terma. uvoa lauuaa Keepins inc, eaa uon sc. . , ADVKRTlSrNO 'Weitern AdTertlslna Kepretentatlyes ' Gerse D. Cleae, la. I Saa Fraariace. Lee Aaralea, Seattle , Earner Adrertlslas . llepresenutlres Brraat Oriffitk A Braaaoe, lac. . 1 Chicaie. Kv York, JUrtroit . ' Beaten, Atlanta 4 Eaferca? at Ae Pottofficm at Salem, Oregon, ss Second Close Hatter, 'ua- IiaAe4 eTry m arming arceat Afosdoa. i)iM nit Urn US a'a(A C'oataaercasi oereer. SUBSCRIPTION RATES: Mail BubeeHptiea Kates ta Adranea U itaia Orerea; Daily aitd 8adar.-Me. 60 eaa at: 9 Mm. $1.50: Mo.. S.so: f. 9S.00. Xlaewbara 53 casta per Um or 9 a. CO for 1 sear aa advaaov Per eorT ceata. Xewaartaada a eeata. By Oty Carrier. a ceata aaeata, ST. 20 a iar in. earaace in Manes aad aiaest eesaties RIonry to I Atari I QUICK CASH LOANS CALU' WTRITB ar phone III ta SataaTa rtdVet. lareest home owned and hoiaa mania nail flnancw fnatlttltiOtt. tnatituttoa. imr oan a enada ta atrtrteat prlvary. roe win oe ETvea arery consider Uoa in ih ra eajNns ot tar loaa mt sran tins of tensions, 1 1 to 24 Months to Repay . Tea eaa pay ta fuD any tlm to radoce tha coat. Only Borrower Signs No andoraera. Loan made en funiltura. cere er nota. . - SEK BOV n. SfSTMONS. atUR, JIU CLARK. AMSTUOK. Ur. ta M-IH GrNrRAL FINANCE CORPORATION IM Ka. Celiuaw i tal St. ' ' rirat aVaor awuth aTLeM9d aV Boab Bank Convenient sroand LOANS PERSONAL LOANS, ft TO UT TO a.0 Of CARS : AT THIS tiano of the year many famliaaa and Mletdaaaai hare aToCtaa baad artth their eartoua bills and nonrhly payment contracts. If this happens to be your altoatioa saa ua for a toea larac etaou to pay off aO vonr taHnva Mils auad monthly payment ronlracts , Taaa then cam repay the loaa tn oa small tnotttlily payment tn steaS of setreraj. Amt. yoo repay monthly Ami. r loan mo. IS mo. 29 ma. $ 4jM I i.TI 4.0S S.8t . 11.49 10.OS St I40.O9 14.2S 10.9S 7S 209 09 28.49 . 20.99 1S.44 S90.O 42.74 30.14 20.19 tf roa can make' resular small monthly paymenta select tlie plan above that beat anlta r"iir needs and coma la for the caab TODAY. CALKINS FINANCE CO. 21. 2nd Fir. First Nat l. Bank Bld. Salem, Oreeron Phone 4449 S-22I 4 M-17S State Ucenaes Auto Loans Willamette Credit Co. ata rUHlK OI1ARDIAN BDII.IMNO LiCENRK NO M IS9 eysaaajsaaaaaeaSWaeaaSaawtawe PRIVATE MONEY AUTO AND TRUCK LOANS "CONTRACTS REFINANCED to re duce payments Money for new or used care No delay or red tape Too will re tain p-Mcseealnn of the vehicle. I TO 2 MCNTHS TO PAY ROY H. SIMMONS 139 South Commerrtsl Street - Phone 9199 Lie No M-112 aasajanasasasaanawejsaasa rHA LOAN 4 atso priv loans A bra ma Eilla Inc Maannle Bids Loans Wanted WiVTKD private money for erty, farm and acreage loans. Net m- au.. i. ii Int.mt Knnlne securities yourself. It will pay you to a us ror invenmcnu. CHILI'S A MILLER. INC. I4f Stats St. Phone 92SL I HAVE SEVERAL very sood It T first mortiraffe loans on im proved real property. I will take yon to InTeet ins property. u v KTU.N stLHJKJfc- law w. torn i. Suite IT Phona 9412. WANTED PRIVATE MONEY TO LOAN an sood Salem real sa tatax WtU pay tn. Interest. W. H. ORA BEN H' IK3T - REALTORS jySaSasa,saaaSswafaj LOANS WANTED on farm sod city property. Before borrewlns inquire at Hawkins a rtoDerts - mt il r rxrwwf mrmA flrat farm mortssa)ea and bonds. See B. C. Zielln akl, with HAWKINS ROBERTS. INC Phone 4101 or l4a. For Sale iMiscellaneous NEW 9 -PIECE decorated breakfast sec le-pc set of dishes, 11 tot only f li.fS. , . NEW full whit aanid washer with LoreU rnser. Res. l.ti4 now RED. iZ4.ee new innerscruisj xuien mattreas. nowlI.9S. Used iTory Totith Boa eompiera wra tnattreaa $10.99. . . Like new. 1 fun whits snameiea TJnlTersai Can Ranse. Apt. bouss mod el, for emly SS4.S5. . COHJ4 at.ua . TWO NEW trailer homes priced to aelL Boat terms you eaa find, also one amsn. used trailer tor ssu. oy, va Ninth St.. Isdependence. HOT POINT ELKCTKIC ranse, SS9 S. 21rd saasnawaaaajaaawaaeaayaaweaw Xi L 4-RM. HSE. So. Salem. Also 29 Cher. Sedan. Box (91, Statesman. 0 . nn-h. a nw n,iyih.t h1nrM A 714 N. Commercial. H. M. RuaoelL Builders Bargain e TJTMnT irei TTTOT? rnila mt shakes, 24 ta S2.2S each It all taken: IS bundle uaoercourae anrasm, ""r 0c each If taken with ahakea. SIS 8. 2Srd UU Ph. S10S. a,whsrfanayknaa,esw9sy FERTILIZER, tee A SACK. SS yd. delivered Ph. S79S. i irifiii-i n ji rerif Lrnifi THE APRON Bhoe. 979 N - Hfcgh BMsaWajWasksWaw40s RXVER SILT At top dirt. Ph. S49L T -irT kmt llnntar ranara. S& If Beta iota wees. i n. uowvr. SPRINO CLEANUP sale caaaoliaa 2S and up: saa was zee. enrnoa ana heddms plants, vcwatsM phtsts, dratt and nut trees. FrniUaad Nuraery, SS Center, Salem. . . Wanleti Forni lure CASS foe aaeel furniture and boaae- eM goeda. R. Forger. Phone 1446b -WE PAf SPOT CASH." P. N A GLENN WOODftY Ph 111 . Wanted Bliseellaneons WANT. BCARD foe woman tn fan. fry. Downatates room. Permanent. Box 588. Statesman. - s ' WANTED, used troll tern. Ph. 4517. filiscellaneous COMMERCIAL Spraylmr Shtnbs, fraita, nut trees. Attractive price. Write C H. Smith. 190 Liberty Soad. 8a Wan. i I Dental Plate Repair rtTO-HOUR : SERVICE IN MOST CASKS ejrase er Mali Tout Pb-tea for VUaaja OH. HARRY SEMIJCR. DKNT1.IT AMshy-iUdaV d Morrison. BEL 1427 For Rent Rooms aanwaeWaaewansBaanwaW LARGE FRONT a'eeo. rm. Close tn. Employed man. Ph. 8975. PLEAS. RM. tn quiet home tor sen tlenaan. reas, 41 N. CapltoL. HtrTEt MARION Rooms - Spertal weekly and monthly nttea t pertn. aruesta Marion Coffae Shaw daHlrious meals at low orlcea Rme, cloae to. 6482 1 245 S. Cot Use. IISEKPCL rLRM, Sis! . lSSft Canter. HOT let S A I. test, low monthly rates For Rent Apartxaent AT HOLLYWOOD, 1940 N. CapltoL I mod, apiarta., iovf 5f j- r jifji . i-m-ui 1 TWO fumlah.S one-room arrt nenlA II. A 611. 143 Court St. itJL Money to Loan imanciaji ariaira will be eUaeuaavd and floor location LI& No. 8-llt I1U For Urnl Apartments RM. TJNTJRN4 lit. 11H Mspls. 1. S AND S B, apta S9 N. Liberty. R. APT, FUBN, bath. S. beat, frasv saxasa. 2905 N. CapUoL - 4 R. FTJRN. Frlr. entrance, bath. cloao in. Iran, 994 N. Hih. . , SIS. S RM. FTJRN- saa, ttaw r washer, J2S1 HaxeL Ph. 7IS4TT . FTJRN, APTSU Si$ Dtrlslon.- S PER MONTH. 2SS Bellvue. aawBwaaSawaa9BaaaaaaaaaOav VACANCY, Cascade Court. P. 94(9. 1 ROOMS FURNISHED. IS IN. IS. ai iumuH Ar-x s rat. Pa. S84S. 3 R., GAR., PRIV. entrance, fris clean. Close. Adults. SIS N. Winter. s9asaawnswa NICE PXIRN. apL. bath, 190 Union. 2 RMA, BATH, oil dr. beat, saa. hot wr priv. oat. Phone 81 9S. APARTMENT. 2 GAR. 440 M1IL 4 RMS, pri. bath, SIS, S4S Marlon. ii ibl ihli uLnnri NEW FTJRN. S rm., priv. bath, heat. water, adults. 991 N. Cottase. rtt.Rvnrtni'a punTfu apt, vacant May 1. S85. N. Summer. VAPAlNirVi BEAUT F-LT. fnrn. R. apt. S19 Leslie. 1 RM. FURN. main floor apt. Lta, w, S1.2S wk. 1290 Oak. Ph. 627C "wssweaweawasswsaaaatjassanianaa - uujsb in z and s rm. pta.. 1st nr. Hot wat, bath, garase. 1047 S. Com! NICE APT 2054 N. Capitol. r riVF-! rrr em m i.ah ... frls, adu'ta. C6S S. Summer! ' JaaaTV''VaJirWU'iJTjU"XO-rJ"' SEE THE PlHhev Ants befora von decide. Lsrse A Airy Ror k wool in auiatea against heat cold. Venetian Kllnda tnrouaboul S Com I A Oak Hta HAWTHORNE Owrt lOOS N ran. ItOi Homelike and commodious CHOICE X R. apts. The Devereaox. 2 R priv. bath. 259 8. Cottase. 1 2 R FURN apU S4S Ferry. wawaVaWaWBWBwae S Rms Mod. Close In. Ph. SS84. 'JhJtsJV'arsJa1'at,aTw1w APTS.. FTJRN.. unfurn. Children welcome. S 4 up. ISIS a ISth. P 7089. 2 RM. FURN, kit, bath. S4S Court. S RM. APT. Mam, flr. 445 8. Winter. OLYMPIC let fir, S re. fur. apt. Twin beda. 730 N. Liberty. Ph. T748. - - - iii-i-ii-M-irinru-ijij liui j Newiy redecorated 2 Ik 1 rm. turn. S14 A 110. LishL water. 1S20 Ferry. MOD. S or S rm. S8JS after 4.S0. X KM. APT. 2C7 S. Church. Room and Board! SEF MA Bowa SOS N liberty WANTED, ETCHER man or woman to board and room with private fam ily. Phone S442. LOVELY DOCBUB room. twin beds, private bath. S3 N. Summer. Ph. 9072. EAT AT CSS IIARXOX. BD.. RM. 1424 Ferry. Ph. SS1S. . FOR GD. cooldps borne-Ilka at mosphere. eneaa to 1144 Center BOARD AND ROOM. SIS Be Heme. lsSwaSaaweBWaynaevaesanaaSajwaja BRD RM mm. Stelnke'a. P. SSS4 For Rent Honses MOD. S RM. part. furn. has., Ph. 34S7 or 9276, life Fab-mount. UNFURN. S B, mod. newkS bedrm. vvainnt ra Acaition. v. n. svi NEW 4 ROOM: modern house. fAnr. ISth), elec. water heater, wired for ranse. z -leh 4798. ATTRACTIVE 4 R. HOUSE. Intl. aee wenter. aaaaaaaaMwwaaaaaaiww S ROOM houwt. Tel 22291. i - i rnrv"trxrjxri jun 4 rm. furn. house. S50 S. lfth. UN FTJRN. bungalow, Osk Villa court. Adults, iaquire 99S Mill. . S RM. UNF, S 23.60. 13 S7 N. Chereh. NICE 2 ER, Walla? St, S20. 6222. FTJRN. A UN FTJRN houses.! MEL- VIN JOHNSON. 72S Court. Ph. S7J8 MaAAMaaaaAaaaAahaaaaMAajMaaa FTJRN. AND unrum. housea. R. A. FORKNKR. 1S5S N Capitol WE HATE THK PRxMIPiCCT 17 TOO Brest to saa , eseheafe. seven, resti, see air i-srees or air coi Una wtth Hawkins Robortn ; : Trailer ?Seyu.O AMO 9 MT oaw OM j ; ,A fttTAL. V(OarrOeJI f MCSVaOW. VJOaT f TAKIMO A twooaV TRIP VnTHOOT j TAc TftAft-e. exS? i; ' such a neuer T2 r RESPOKIS leM-maTS Off Keeitsfo Mouse a , W"A?i . tor. : m nil ' v; S Iff I -eTtj I i ill I .h?J&&W&V$fa . .. PwriuiL . .,U-w..tfwrA'i5''T Money to Loan $100 CASH In Your Hand Tomorrow! Co-algners not necsaaary. Employer er friends not notified. Our loans are made on the sunple heals of your ability to repay. Pick year own payments. ,...tf'rDf1Ud: S Moe. 12 Moa. V . V." S s 19.92 SLS4 SS.7S 48.TN C5.S1 S.02 10.0S 15.0? " 20.99 29.14 199 150 SOS se a.72 ; J Mi 29 l ; PERSONAL Sod Floor, New Bllgn Bids. U-ISS fcor Kent Houum LARGE HOUSE. 1776 Fir. Ph. S208. FURNISHED AND onrtrrn booaes H. P GRANT S2s Court. Phono 6744 FTJRN. HSES eV aptat 7i N Com! S B. B, Waller St. SO. Ph. S222. eesaaanasesswjnawsaleaaijss S RM. MOD. HSE- fun v or nnfurn. Bandy location on Center, ph. 8962. S BOOM HOU4B for rent and fur niture for sale. 29S N. Cottase. FTJHN, nnforn. 8409. 79 S. ComX For Rent Farms 10 A. BUILDINGS, WATER m house, elect., small orchard, mi. So. on River Road. Phone 2-2652 after 7 :30 p. m. For Rent OFFICE ROOMS. 2I-State Street inquire room 200 Tel 3718 Wanted to Rent 6 RM. HSE, new section, by June 15 th. Furnished with stove A refrls. Ph. S518. , tor Sale Real Estate PRICED TO SEIA THIS S R. PLASTERED home with cement basement, furnace, built about 4 yra. ago. Near Due line, sood garase. Price $1450 cash. Rented for $29per mo, SEE THIS BARGAIN TODAY. W. H. GRABENHORST A CO. Phone 6468 4 RM, NOOK. hath, basement, fur nace, fireplace, gar., paving. Ph. 4S97. LOTS Inquire 610 Hoyt. STRICTLY MOD. New S Rm bse. with gar. Near bus line A achooia. Fine location. Easy terms. Owner. 6506. LARGE HOME BARGAIN S1750. WILL BUY tills 8 R. plastered home with double plumbins. larse cor. lot, psved ata. In bus iness sone. Could be converted into double bouse. $230 down, bal. $29 per mo, IMMEDIATE POSSESSION. -W. H. GRABENHORST A CO. Phone S46S ANYTHING IN real estate Buy aeU or trade. Listings wanted. -See N. J. LIN DO REN. 176 8 High - ----inrir-M-w-icii-,-nnjuirvul 2 BDRM. &. EL Salem. Don. erar. $2000.00. Easy payments. Ph. S222. SNAP, 1TSS SAGINAW ST. THIS NIC13 S R. home, with saa heat, oak floors, tile drain board, larse lot with excellent view. Price- reduced to $3500. for IMMEDIATE SALS. S1400 down win handle W. H. GRABENHORST CO. Phone 644$ APROX. 8 ACRKS. 4 miles from town. Part timber A pasture. A boat 1 aero garden soil. Place ail fenced A cross fenced. Good well. Electricity. 4 room house. Shower A utility, room. Wood' shed, mail chicken house, ga rage, sood barn with 2 box stalls A 2 tie stalls A lota of additional room. Price $3509.60, 81S0e.ee down. bsL. monthly at 6. More land available if wanted. Mr. Lambeth. 4S5 Chemeke ta St. Dial S400. HOME SACRIFICE $3000. WILL BUT this 7 R. plastered v borne, sun r, olh furnace, ease ment, double garage, large cor. lot. MUST BE ALL CASH. . ACT NOW. thl will not last. W. H. GRABENHORST A CO. - Phone 6468 aaaawawMaaMaavaiNaaaaMwwai FOR SALE By owner. (-A. mile city limits Buildings, fruits, walnuts. Good locatlea and soil. Phone 4546. MODERN N. SUMMER ST. HOME VERY ATTRACTIVE 7 R. A nook. hot water heat, ell burner, hardwood floors, nice back yard, sprinkler sys tem. A COMPLETE HOME. Price $10,000. W. H. GRABENHORST A CO. Phone 646S oeananaaanaaewsaanaan NEW S BEDRM. home, hdwood. floor, unfln. upstairs. Nice location. 81900. $100 dn. $20 per mo. BUDROW-KASMIR REAL ESTATE 12 Ladd A Bush Bids. Ph. SS65. waWeaWaynawajWeySaw FOR SALS LARGE SIGHTLY building tracta in beautiful Cascade Terraces A King wood Heights. $300.80 to $899.09. Terma Building restriction S2000.09. FHA er Prudential Building Loans. See Mr. Hardy, with HAWKINS A ROBERTS. INC ' S BEDRM. PLASTERED baa, gd. loca, dose te school and stores, . lots of shrubs and a hade. Ph. 6922. IDEAL COUNTRY HOME 1H A, STRICTLY MODERN, only S ml from city center. FHA terms. For sale by owner. R. XX WOODBOW, Ph. 9900. Salem. Ore. - . S A. PLOTTED In A. lotA A bar Sain. Owner. Ph. SSS7. , Tintypes (4 IT aV- v V, ,""jvaa'"' .. Cash I te Tod I Bloney to Loan. sxwsp the enttr; transaction rlct- relatlvee ere not notified.. . BianiK TO GaTT T 9 mm - .ffikMt . w - . ti menu shewn above you should not hasitste to see ua for a losa at once. Aak for Ur. Mllke. FINANCE CO. - Stale Ua. 8-112 Phone Sill For Sale Real Estate B.R- MOD. RESIDENCE on N. 5th. Pull barn, with ldry. trays. Garase. Ex tra nice Inside A out. All clear. W ill sell en terms or take a mail acreage, close In. . ; . H, JS. WEIR. SIS Ores. Bids. Ph. 8411 ' , ' LOOK : . S RODaC PLASTERED house, larre lot, sood. location. S18S8 with $109 Sa.aaveMi kail A Sa . a.S a .' "j K"'. aanu mcivains principal. Interest, taxes and insur- shraaaaV ROSTETN A ADOLPH, INC HOH N. Commercial St. " "i -i "iaii-rnrsififxi HOUSE. ALSO lot, ar. high, 424S. Exchange Real Estate 2 LARGE LOTS, old houae, 586 N. 20th, Salem. Terms. Owner. J. B. De Witt, Sweet Home. FOR SALE OR TRADE 30 ACRES 16 MILES from Salem on paved road. About 25 A. river bot tom soil with water for irrigation, f A. fine young peachea New S rm. house, lumber for barn. Tractor, Irri gation pump A all equipment goes with farm at only $2760.00. or will trade for home in Salem. See Mr. Co Ulna, with HAWKINS A ROBERTS, INC. TRADE LARGE corner lot. old bouse, near bus. walnuts, fruit, for 6 or 7 room, north or east 14ST N. Fifth. TeL 8269- "4 A. WITH GAR, bouse. Win sell equity or trade for car or house trailer. Box 589, Statesman. , For SaleFarms TODAY'S SPECIAL SI ACRES WITH a. 6 rm. modern home, full basement, elec, spring wa ter piped into the bouse, garagre, barn, and chicken house. -A real home In the country only 15 mln. drive from Sa lem. Priced to sell and will take some trade. RO STEIN A ADOLPH, INC 119ft North Commercial Street Acreage 87 A. 16 ML east of Salem, more than timber enough to pay for the place, easy to get out, ?17S0, 120 A, 20ft A. virgin fir. old T rm. house, creek. S springs, road to place. 19 A. cultivated, 2 A. fenced, several kinds of berries. $100. $260 down. MONEY TO LOAN KELVIN JOHNSON, REALTOR 725 CowrtSt. Phone 2722. ll"at'srVfcraOJwrUss'iJ GARDEN ROAD ACRE TRACT ready for aub-di-vialon a safe boy for $4500. Will ac cept bouse or lots tn Salem tn ex change. See Mrs, Eilla with CHILDS A MILLER, REALTORS 344 State 8treet Phone 8261 ATTRACTIVE 8 acres S. of town. S room modern home, full basement, lots of fruit. Priced at only $3260. S Acres on pavement. Close in. Ideal for subdivision. Priced within your means. 1 acre, S room comfortable home, S bedrooms, will trade for home tn town. Money te Loan P. H. BELL, REALTOR 43S Oregon Bids. Phone S1S1 Suburban CAN TOTJ BELIEVE THAT YOU can buy a lovely coun try home right here in Salem 7 Beau tiful yard bordered by heavily land scaped and rock, wall creek, outdoor fireplace, many n n u a u a 1 flowers. ahrubs a ornamental tree a Place eas ily worth $8000. can be bought for 86690. Shown by appt. See Mrs. Eilla with " CHILDS A MILLER, REALTORS Wanted Real Estate WANTED to lease by adults with ft riv liege to buy, five or S room, strict y modern, furnished er nnfurn lahed. References gives. Box 6SS ee States man. aawaaawaaaaWMaajMM WANTED TO BUT S bedroom sne dern house. Tel 7764.' aaaaawwaaaMaaaaaaaiMaaaaaaaajMa HOUSE Reasonable rent, in busy none, close lav E. Nielson, Gen. Dei, For; Sale Wood IS ZK. OLD fir. SS ed. TeL- S1SS. ; BONE-DRY WOOD. Pn. 6668. WOOD Ph S37t Green 412 M Slat, MILL WOOD. TeL ' SS41 " - Wood at west end of Court St.. Load, 62-SA rtr.n nv aa aa -i,w d vecay PHONE ISfff for Dry Wood. Business Cards tm this direct ory ns 9m -m monrhly bei otdf. tUtst f tJSS per tine per Anto Brakes Mike Panek T7S South Commercial Bicycl BICYCLES, " NEW and recondTtloned Harry W Sewtt. 147 S Com'ct P. 461S Chimney Sweep TS3JCPHONK 6469 R 65. Northneaa Excavating antCAVATtNU OF aU kinds Base ments du Dirt hauled or moved. Dirt fot sale, fialera Sent Gravel P 9408 : Florists Brelthaupfa, 44T Court. Phone 9lSS. Fnmiture Cash tor tools A furniture. Ph. 4617. Mattresses: SALEM rLUFF Rut Mattress Co. New-' mattresib old remedy rug cleaning wasvi&jg a ISth A V liber Tel 8441 Zwlraem CAPllTH- HKlflMNO CCl Pbone. 4969 fiatcropatliie Physician .- tm. W H ROCKWK1.L Nsturotaath e Pr-rte1 7?9 .. .Fa tncmunda -i Kd Tet 4il Office Hours tl a.m to S :$S r rzuzs exau a . co.&ulta- i iwL . ; . ii. . ' ForSale-Used Cars limes BETTER ST1RJ AROUNB AND INSPECT OUR LARGE ASORTftlENT OF THE FINEST, x OF FINE 37 Chrysler Royal Sedan, 39 Plymouth DejLuxe Coupe .. 37 Plymouth Deluxe Rumble Seat Coupe 35 Plymouth DeLuxe Sedan .2 .......... 36 Plymouth DeLuxe Sedan 36 Pontiac DeLuxe Coupe ., 33 Ford DeLuxe Coach . 3tV Chevrolet Trtick (good) 34; Chevrolet 4-D oor Sedan 39 Chevrolet Tuflor Tourins; WEv ALSO HAVE SEVERAL CHEAP PINK OF SALEM Used Car CHRYSLER 426 NORTH COMMERCIAL STREET TODAY'S NEW PAINT THOROUGHLY RECONDITIONED. A CLEAN CAR IN- SWKANll OUT HERE IS A REAL BARGAIN FOR TOTJ ' VALLEY MOTOR CO. HERB MI SSONr BEN DRAGER ART HANSON . USED GAR LOTf jviARION and LIBERTY Used Car Values 1937 1936 Cher. DeLuxe Touf. Sedan. Heater, radio, one of owner 1499 V-8 DeLuxe CoupeJ original twinf Aim owner I '. w 1SSS Plym. 4 -Door. Ne paint. apecial price of 245 235 1SS 1933 1SSX Cher. Sport Coupe. aao A fin THV Rumble V-8 Coach, overhaeled mo- tor, new paint -Ford Coupe, new lr.ua 1911 1931 1931 1931 1930 1929 tt. SOOdr Bulck 4-Door Sed Small: An.. One owner 1S Ford Coach. A ice lltue nr fnr only lis fh. Rda at a eial price 115 Chryaler 4 -door lan, we - ; 66 model Dodge Sedan : be buy for only 119 the 4 MANT OTHERS TO CHOOSE FROM WVtilft It Lasts A special 1936 V-8 DeLuxe Coupe. Nothing wrons with the car. Need - - money. j NO TRADE UMJ $285.00 - $90.(o Down L. M. "SUM" ALSISIAN t USED CARS - 699 N. High Phone 2825 Salem. Oregon jaa1jiXiJXrXnjOJsJ"l"k",l "I - aaaaaaanan.an The BEST fort LESS . i:i ' IN " Pontiac Good Will Cars ST DODGE 4 Dr. Tr. --Jr-87 CHEV. DeLuxe 4-Dr.Tr. S8 FORD UeLAixe uuao ST CHEV. cxup - Trrrrnr AAr- Tr: as Pt.vyflTITH DaLtiza 4 -dr. Tr. 8396 ST PONTIAC 4 -door Tr. L . S54S SS PONTIAC Tudor Tr. j jlS SS FORD DeLuxe Cpe. -i $246 - - - TERMS A TRAPES - - -: HERRALL-OW12NS CO. ' O PftiHinwl a t Tairtn Slaf LOT : Corner Chemeketh A Church eth A 3 ;: .mono .aaa. Lost; and Found WTLL PERSON who took concrete roller from 1S65 Mill St. return within 24 hours. If returned no (action taken, person known. f aitaa0aaMMaAa0aeaAaraew LOST RED Persian male eat. Ph. 6174. J eaaanassaavaaaaawaanhakaaawaaw LOST DOG Beagle iound, black, white A tan. 17-ln. tali $5 reward. Call S80T. i Personal heart, husband, wife for woo. P. O. 71. Les Angv-lee. : 1 ; u Transportation LEAVE FOR Chicago ! Apr. til De sirs mala comoanlon share expenseA Refer, req. Box 690, cp SUteaman, DirectdrY Paoerine. Painting LovL Paint, kaleo, reaa. Ik, ph. 9445. NEAT Work, reas Jortnson PH87S1 HERBERT WOOD Tel SS7S - Plan Servifce ... 1 V. L, IRISH. 1054 N. Cap. Ph. T184. Plumbing PLDMB1NG4 GENERAL! repair wrk Graber Bros. 164 8 Ubefty Ph. 64- t Printing! FOR STATION EH T cards pamphlela proarrama books er any kind ef print ing, call The Statesman i Print la De partment. Ill .& ComnterriaL Tele shnne 91L , , . j - ; Salvagers and , Veckers trda CASH FORlold bids, to wreck. P. 22 IS. Schools f COMPLETE your HIGH1 SCHOOL St home. DlPliMA TEXTS FURN Write for kataloc. Amertcas School Dept. & Bex 4600 .Portland Ore. ; ; 4 1 V : - " Sraeep Shearing W. J. COCHRAN. RL L R IS A, ISIS. Transfer? FOR LOU A 1 or distant transfer vtor !e bunsfly oft call SI3I Larmet Tramsfer Cja. Trucks te Portland dativ - ?.r Weil - iipii;l2!---..-'.'-i R. A. P.t . Bx. 41(5. P. 2-2298 pafln an. nice t ...... ape 4S ! r, I i34S i a For Sale Usel Can 1 Wastin' a USED CARS NOW ' overdrive"l...L. ..S595.00 665.00 485.00 385.00 425.00 395.00 .T"225.00 85.00 295.00 tl e e 49 eaea etei 675.00 CARS TO CHOOSE FROM IN THE CONDITION - . AUTOMOBILE CO. Super Market PLYMOUTH OPEN EVENINGS -"s fiiir"-r" "Miis"irij'aiijnriinjTjTj'kex. SPECIAL $525, ' t . I ' PACKARD 1937-S1X . , 4-Door Sedan Dark blue color sood tire a mechan ically A-L Radio, heater A ether ex- . tras larse trunk $625 Pay down $125.80 A $22.25 per month plus Insurance A Interest. " STATE 1 MOTORS, INC. 4SS CHEMEEETA ST. - 1 Across Street From Downtown Fire Station FOR SALE. S6 Plymouth 4 -dr. Se dan. Car la A-l shape. Terma P. 444 S. Maaaaaaaaiavwwaaajawv S CARS, sood cendltion, trade either for equity later model. 2397 Hasei. - - ..... ri...fl-rvwnjvui-n Spt Cher, rdatr, S7S. 1S85 MUsourt Gross Word 12 13. 16 IS 20 21 22 2M 2 26 31 32 33 3 36 22 i"7 W3 S2 S6 HORIZONTAL 1 Oriental nurse S penue a book conjunction ' 1Z new, short liTed star lJ--earthen Jar 14 correlatire of neither . IS unaToidabla certainty 13 paradise 19 cripples 2d stringed instrument 23 corka 24 -sea eagle 25 dregs . . 23 actual bein? SI portions of land S3 former - Turkish eScer 81 -rinse (Scotch) S5 the dill . X3 North -- American rail ' . -3-i-4oLf mound 23 two-wheeled irehicle '41 etratura .w-Greciia . island . P 45 epochal 47 state of be v ing released again from .peril 52 devoured 53 Ireland ' " -64 close 55 espouse 56 weblike tnembrans , 57 erase - VERTICAL 1 keel-billed cuckoo . Answer to r-ri HI 1-tO i Araifci tljae ef a'?!lias 2S alnv. t)bUlst4 af Clas raaurat 4;a.wM, lu Leal Notice Notice op fixal settlement , Notlce-Ia hereby siren taat the undersigned baa filed In the County Court of the state or Ore COn, for the County of Martcra, her duly Terllled final kecouut, a the Execatits of the last will sad testament and estate of Mary It. Cleveland, deceased, and that aaid Conrt has fixed Tuesday, the S Ota day of April. 140, at the hoar of tea o'clock a. m. of aaid day, s the time. And the County Court Room la the County Court House at Salem, In Marion County, Oregon, as the place for hearing said final Account and all objections thereto. j Dated at; Salem,1 Oregon, this 27th day of March, IS 40. -MAT E. CLEVELAND, . Executrix ' of the last '.s , -"W and teaUment aad , ' esUte of Mary II. Cleve land. Deceased. j WALTER S. LAM KIN. V Is Attorney for Executrix, I Salem, Oreson, - i . " i M, ST, Ap. 1-10-17-24 FISCAL NOTICE OF ADMINISTRATRIX r NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN That: the andersigned, adminis tratrix of the eeUte of FRANK E. LOOSE. Deceased, has filed her Final Account as such, and that Hay 4. 1940, at 10 o'clock in the forenoon of said day has been fixed aa the time, and the Court room of the County Court of the State : ot Oregon j for Marion County, at Salem, j Oregon, has been fixed aa the place for the hearing ofobjections to said Final Accoqntr . I LETT IE L. LOOSE, - Administratrix ot Estate of ' Frank the E. Loose, Deceased. RHOTEN & RHOTEN. 511 D, S. Nari. Bank Bldg. Salem, Oregon, I ' i .,. Attorneya for the Estate, j ' ! A. 3-1 0-1 7-2 4,1 My. No. 10011 - - - , .. NOTICE OF FINAL ACCOUNT Notice Is hereby given that the final account of Claude If. Steus loff and Dorathea E. Steusloft as Executors of the Estate of W. H. Steualoff. deceased, has been filed In the County Court of Marion County, Oregon, and that the-dSih day of May, 1940, at thej hour of 10 o'clock a. m. of paid day, in the courtroom ot eaidpconrt, ' in the County court house; in Sa lem, Oregon, has. been jduly ap pointed by such court as the tirie and place for the hearing of objec tions:, to such final account and the settlement thereof.: at which time , any person i interested lu ; such estate may appear and file objections thereto in writing and contest the same. Dated this 17th day of Aprhr 1949 ' - V - -v- CLAUDE H. STECSLOFP, DORATHEA E. STEUSLOFP, E. L. CRAWFORD, - . i Attorney for1 EaUte, I y Ladd Bush Bank B!dg., Salem,. Oregon. - I I Ap.i 17r24, My 1-S-l Lodges SALEM LODflK Ke. 4 A r.A.k. M. X. Degree Maaday, April 22, 7:89 PJat. J. B. PILAND. WM. I ' .ii - . P PaeiOs Ledge Ke. 80, A.T.AA.M. 8tated Meetiaf Pri, April IB. 7:80 p.aa. Waal Harriett. W.M. I 1 to II 17 23 27 28 21 30 3M 37 1 30 2 W6 9 I: I C7 2 Monday (abbr.) t farewell 4 place of aafety 5 routine 6 rdor 7 kind of . -white Testment S newspaper published every - 24 hour" 9 violent I hatred 10 obserre 11 makes free : from n moisture IS heathen ' ! : . deity 17 Roman . j household i gods . I ; 20 Chinese wax 21 raaEftble metallic element 22 happened i long before ZZ former -i Euasiaa ' ' ruler ; 28 direction 27 self 23 large knife S3 river in :; Gerro.any 82 condition 37 havirj , . -f- " wir - j i 4 icn j ara'a 42 rir..-- a ; islani 43 crop ct a , hird . 41 net wo r IT 45 WTor; -4Z rotkLsh . 4S wrati 43 tiorn ' 1 t : wo'.friTc.! yesterday's puzzle. S; t IM A; a - I V.: "- '.V't GtTtriftTb: ) LIN