' M - i -1:1 1 .pace irnrrnn. For SOLTS'i'lii; w .'. v i f "" ise -tl i vJ , M ii as 1 J h4 J -J Sl ,,. Si Hi w ' Statesman :"!.'. Classified Ad Call 9101 CUMirird Adwrttaias Three lnrtkna pet ItnZs 81x Insertion per lis 40 Ooe month perf Uao tt 2 Minimum chance jSc: 1 tl anta Imam 28c; t tt ssla 4- H : refund '"- Copy to tbt Mt iMlt'at : -the VMkHiM borers aofcJtra Uon fot eiasetrvratlew V)mfw re solved after this tlai wtU b rws ntef lb assures T L Claaslfy , The Statearnaa iwwil a dal responsibility to errors Wti mu IPPM hi drrttsew-t arb llshed I It eelurane nd M e this MM U t rl wtlt r print thr pert or m wwr b which th tmerrai.wl sfc Th Stst earns s wwm w rignw te reject eue.rion.bl It I furthet ussrra th rurnl te tC 11 drrtls1na wader th glilw boa tunliM for M 4rM I fo th eroiortkMi ( tM dvarttaot d 'hTf'V-., f anawr4 -f lettr Th JUtn to not at brt to toona tloa to tbo Menilfr of a M Jaar nMmm "Blln4 a4 Livestock FARMERS CHARtlB DRAD AND WORTHLESS HAHa AND COWS ANTWHERa? IH THE WIUJ METTE A I a .K T WK PAT TOP PRICKS fHONI Ual OMJ.HT Mil SALEM Phone 5000 - Phone 5000 ATTENTION Wa pick op daa4 and wertnlaaa aa- -Fertiliser A By Product Co. a&th and Turner Road Phona Salam Calact Not a: Wa a 11 moot aaoal to nisr rmcKS 1 VarletUa, iwit ftia. Rnrka. HaBwablrc I n am BtiUata. eockarela. tartad aJticka. Pbooa SStIL Laa a liatchary. Auctions THIS SATURLXAT. Artl Uth at tha F. N. Woodry Auction .Mart. N. Bummar Strt, Salem.; 'Sal atana ai 1 : p. m. A ronalata f tha followinB - - .rtvu. ? a OliTar Blow, vo- l.ta tiKr. 1-taoTM liabt WMW. aaaaU farta too la, atock trailer; 1 lata modal lartrlo Wood row waaher, Z braaktaat Beta, 1 alectrte vacuum arwoepor. 1 aood uTW drcaaara. 1 bada. 2 aDrtnca. a autinwi. 4 Itaolaum rue. 1 M- wiMhiHt radio. -Diece eca aaar eutte.it boa sprlosa, several rocker, beater, ran, library table: also tools, slshea, utMslls A 100 : other, useful Items which space wUl aot permit m te 110 aa reel money by attamUad Ujp n! WOODRT, ATTCTTON EER GLENN H. WOODRT . 1111 . . - - - i i rr i am a t'rnnv xiij: V B1Q AUCTION SALE I 8ATTRDAT 1 p. mu ailAKP XX OUR new auction roorna adjoin hu the. Caottal BeddlnsT Co. on Port Wxt UA lust north of the naderpaaa. Soeelal notice This 1 a bl auction of reoossessed local aoortaT co. ehattel mortniM and eenalanad fur slture from various 8lesn boanea. coa- ststlnc K ooa ooms mrnim taurs Pin a lot of misc. furniture. Note : Our a set loo rooaaa are crowd ed t th cetUna eTarrthlna; must be ' TERMS CASH rv't mles this sale Remember ! ' must sen fast recardlesa of price la 1 tr to eleaa House. TtUSS- WOODRT OP THE NASH rUR.NITURS UVJ. AUCTIONEER BUS. PHONE 80t 1 PAT CARH OR BELL ON COMMISSION Help Wanted 414. WEEKLT. GROW Muahrooen. Cellar, shed. We buy fresh, lia. dry tl.ti lb. 0'REK BOOK. Mushrooms. toil Third. Seatt). Wash. ITelp Wanted-Female WANTED TOUNO worklnr trl to iar rent small bouse with alru 41 S. Commercial. WANTED. IISEKPR. Ph.. 22142. Salesmen Wanted ' AGENTS f WANT somethlnf to sell T t nave u. te.e eevenui n. oum. Situations Wanted " TOUNO MARRIED man want dy faro Job or rent furnished ranch snares. Her. k4 aiusobv -oer- ry Aw. Pb.7lt4. i KXP. LND8CP. Uwa work. P. 9199. LAWN. QARD5H work. Pb. 4004. PRtatllAK. Mrs Adattt. Ply 4244 EXP. womaa waau br. work, till For Sale Miscellaii eons REO. 1111.10 MOHAIR, brand new davenport A chair. 1 only special at 949.0I. . Oenutn 1N mohair A ffuaraatsod eonstrnetlon. Pay 91. a week. COH.N BROS, 444 N. Ubfr ROTTED FEBTILtTJCR. ' Ph. 4I2. BABT CHICKS.' tea rarletle sow, 1 hate be a every week. Cocaerele, pul lata, csstoni batcblna. Tel. 2 2111. Leva Hstcbery. - NEW 1-WAT Indirect floor lamp , 94.9a: sse flowa, isr per wee a. OEVURTZTyVRNlTURB 'CO. WATER HYACINTHS, other plaata prtced rtirht lttb 8t Ooldflsb Far lit 8. llth. CASH REOISTER Addlna macknke. Typewriter. Dvprlroror. Calculator and Seal servli a An saakss ahL i swapped Roes) TypowtHae : Ksc4ia 4 Court. 4 OTOcnCStiittsnaa AOVERTISINQ Wfotarn AdTrtl4lix lReprentAUcs Oeorare Cm. Clnss laa. da Fruiwtsrs. Lo Aaaekea, Seattle ' Laatcra Adrartulnj; RcpreaaaiALtvaa Bryant, Urlfflth a Branson, Ins, Chicago New Tor a. Detroit Bostc Atlanta Satersd at tfte rvscerfte of Salem Ortroe Asewsel Ciae sf a(lr. Ps- tiased eeers saorwls ea sfsadas. uMvi ' MJt 4otA Ceetstsrotoi . 4re4, ' ' SUBSCRIPTION RATE31 Mall Sulasrrlptlon Ratesj ta Advene. Wiu-i (riu4: Pally a ouwiay 1! a 54 eaaia: 4 Mo 914. 4 II it, I rear 14.0 k:isewbr 14 saeta . t . i it &a f rw 1 v A I la sdvaara i z 4 e.t wsstejds. 4 .s Money to Loan ! QUICK CASH LOANS CALX WR1TK or ebon OKI) to 8lWa oldrt. fair bono oww4 ul nuiurM nnane imtnuiion. . ivur toaaa aa4a ta atrtrtaat privacy. Too will aavrtnc o( jour loaa or rranttna ox ostanatona. j 1 to 24 Months ijto Repay, ! i Tom eaa pay ta fJll any tlma to rotoe tha Only Borrower Signs i . ' i No- ndoraara, Loaaa roada on funtttnr,' coxa or aota. " - 5 ROT ft PTVMONS. MGR. 1 I CLARK. ASST. KQR. Lie. N. M-Ul . h' ij.-.V :j,f ,,.v .; " ;f: GENERAL FINANCE! CORPORATION f Ha. Caanraorcia! St. 11' rim - aoutb of La4d 4 Bush Bank ! . - CooTonlasit arouad i LOANS PKMOWAL, .LOAN;, tit -TO; ISM I UP TO .OA ON CARS j I AT THIS tlm of tha raar many I fanilMa aad tndlvidoa.la ha Rotten I akiad with their raxioua bUla anl I aaoothly Mnanl oontrmct If :th!al haooana to b your situation so ua for a loan larce oaooait to pay off all your varloua btlla aaJ -raentbiy payment esatraeta. Turn thao caa repay tn loan bs ono small mootlily panncnt ta- staad f Mrorai. Amt you repay raonthly Atnt. or mti s no. ii mo. zw mo. 4.M S .7 9 e-aa - 11.4 1 H 1H.M 14.IS CT : IM.tt ' SI.4 tO.09 1S.44 la4.ft 41.74 44.14 19J4 If rtm can mako rearulaT .amaQ monthly paymaata ssVart tha plan aboro that boat auJta yonr needs and com ta ur tn ease, tuuai, : . CALKINS j ' FINANCE CO. til. tad Fir. First Natl Bank Bldr. Salem. Oreraa Pboo 4444 8-3 IS A 14-174 Stale Licaoae $100 CASH 17 TOUR HANDS TOMORROW No payment due for at least I daya Co-almera not necessary. Employer or friends not notified. Our loana are made oa tha simple basla of your ability to repay. PICK TOUR OVV ri rAXMKWTB Month lr psrmenta tnclu taa; ALL charges fort t Too M.is. 14 Mos. 84 Moa. 14.51 $ t01 1 11 11. t4 14.0S 4.71 t 14 10 II St.74 11.47 14.04 100 too 41.47 14.09 11.44 4S.I1 S14 10.14 If ro caa afford the small repay ments shown above you ohonia not hesitate-e m ua for a loaa at once. Ask I or tr. suiier. PERSONAL FINANCE CO. tod Floor. New Bllgb Bid. Phone till M-lll - Stat Lie. - S-llt a4as44)aaasi44s4a4aBnss Anto Loans Willamette Credit Co. IU FLrxm OUARCMAN BUILDTNO UCENSE Ka M ilt PRIVATE MOIVEY AtTTO AND TRUCK LOANS (CONTRACTS REFINANCED to r- t paymeata. Mosey tor new or a sea l No delay or rod tap, re wru rr posseosioa of t vnsi I TO 1 MCNTHS TO PAT ROY H. SIMMONS f ia auvntai Cnmesseetal Street l 4144 LA. NO. 44.11 444aaas49ja94aa FHA LOAN a IH. w prTe-. ma Abrsaa A fcUlts la. MasonJ aOdsV Loam Wanted 1 WANTED PRIVATE MONET TO LOAN ea cood 8a lata real a. Will pay interest W. LL ORABENHORST A COt REALTORS LOANS WANTED set farm aad city rprty. Berore oerrowsag inquire Hawktaa A Roberta . , u i "Lriji nirM,ir i artft aa t.K 4iood sound first farm mortxaJre and bonds. Be R C Zlelln kL Vita HAWKINS A ROBERTS. INC. Pboo 4l or aiae. For Sale Miscellaneous PIANO FOR sale. 915 Center St ONLT IES T.WAT lamp A shade door samplesspecial 94.93. COH.N UK US- s w. UDerxy Ui Jim uuuinijiit"j ui.ixn nor r.-.ii-i- " " TTSETJ ABC WASHER. EOod condi tion. 919.10; autoroatlo washer, late modeL like new. 929.40: new waahere from 929.10. eaay term. Good House keeping inc. 452 coun sc. itRAXD MEW. full sis Sealer tuft lea mattress; reg. 942.10, apectal 125,- 74. Pay SI. 00 (low. COHN r. uptrtr HAND-MADS Crocheted bedspread. 744 N. Commercial, n. m. Kuaseii. APPLES. 2tc-40c 715 N. Com'L a4bams4abmaBasMaslsw BIO AUCTION BALE i HATrmDAT AT l b. ta. sharr. k I our bla new Auction Rooms aajowmi CapttaT Bedding Co. oa Portland Rd. Just aortb of tha DON'T MISS THIS SALE! BUSS WOODRT, Auctioneer f the ... NASH FURNITURE COL y USED 4-PC drnlaa' rm. net. ! tabt A 4 chair, upholstsred ta genuine lea ther, la aplendld covditton, GETTJKTX rUKMITUIUi UA ywMwie.Nwweeewweewwww Builders' B-uain! It . B17NTJLES RlflR Tad CUt shakM. 24 in, 92.24 each If all take! 1 1 bundle unoercouTse sningi, i lc nch If take with sbakea. i 111 -8.1 Jlrd 8L Pb. 4102. , ij'i.i u"i n i,ri rij"iJ"-ri-n.n ijii - rrasm tjavenport 07.94, ? OKVUKTZ .FURNITCRE CO. FERTILIZER. Ie A SACK, tl yd. deilvereO Pn. .4701. " THE' APRON Shop, 474' N High 44ja4W44a RIVER SILT top dtrt. Ph. 4IL hejW4asls4aTsvavs4 USED SEWTNO roekers. 9 1.40. ' UEVURTZ FURNITURE CO. sswA?saSB9astsswa USED ICE box 11.90. ,11 OEVURT31 FURNITURET CO. Tru i ii i ,,r.-.-iHLnin.ri.ri j'uii,m -. -,--1 ' . . USED 4-PC dlnln imit. I2l.lt. OKVURTZ yURlTUJS. W. 1U OAL. ICE CREAM machine with 4 saL hsrdenlna- cabinet. DerL rond. Ino. at LaDou a. 112 N. High. Ph. ISI1. BABT ALL-BOTTLE BterUUer aad botil warmer. TeL 479. TLANTS. PANSrRS. bap. P rim- rose, etc. Jay Morris, Florist, ; Pi boo till.' : -..j ..." j WsmteFiirTiilure CASH for need fttmltura and bouse. , kokl gueda. It Forgey. Pbon 7444. -WE PA T PPtrT CASH." F. N A ULA-Sn WiXIDRT Fh. 1119 I Taxitetr---JlIisceHaxxeoTES Honey lo Loan luancui axiairs wui do jacaaa ua b slraa ovary coaaldoratioa la Um ro Lie No. S-1SI tilt floor locatloat ; 1 ; Miscell&neoas Tl.rtol Plo. T?-n.;. i ta .irJijn kkvicb. Ui HOST 1 ..J 5-ABE5L . . or Mn Tout PlBtoafor Rapajt . markt a km i.art. DErfTlaT E Alias itidfti Sd di atorrtsoa, BR Utl For iRent Rooms 14 TO $11.40. 414 CENTER." , ftna, cloaa in. 1412: 444 8. Cottar. sja4Mn4ajfl4Ma l .HUTU kARiai earrs SuectaJ weekly and saontbrr rata ta serm. auasta . Viarloa) Coffee Rho detlrtaus meals at low vrtc HSEKPO. RJd, 111. 1449 Center. HiTTEl SAUCX. km montaly rate Room and Board LOVKLT DOUBLE room. t-trln beds, private bath, tit N. 8ummr. Pa, 4071. EAT AT tSt ALVRIOH. BR IX A R1L, close In. 144 N. 11th. BD tU( ; 1414 rerry. Ph. lilt. asass4a4aMMiataljbA . SEE MA ;Bwn .404 N Ubarty BRD. RM men. CUelake'a. P. 4144 FOR GD. cocaine at bom a-Ilka at masphere, com to 1144 Center. For Rent Apartments STRATTON APTS., 1 nm. Ph. 114 S. t BOOM" ! DOWNSTAIRS apt pri vate shower 4k toilet, llaits, -era tar. lilt Ferry.! t R GAR- PRIV. entrance, frla- cleajt. Cloae, Adults, lit N. Winter. 4 B. FURN.- Priv. entrance, bath, close in. inq. 404 Si. HlKh. . 1 OR t EM. furn. apt, 141 K. MiUer. XT, k C A TVrrV. BSAUTrLI. rum. TAUCU1U1 t R. apt. lit Leella. aas4l0sMaastasaaaa 1 RM. FURN. main floor apt. Lts wj 11.1 wk. 1104 Oak. Ph. 4274. CLOSE IN 4 and 4 nn. apt. 1st fir. Hot wat, ba-tbi carag-e. nil 8. con i Aaasdtaaaspas! NICE FURN. apt, bath. 890 Union. S R. FURNISHED, LIGHTS, beat. rater, ixi.ee. - NICE APTj. 2054 N. CanftoL LOVELY" t RM. furn. PrL bath, r- frlar. adurta. . summer. WTTTtV. Aprs, adulta. eL washer. 99,00 mo. up, caraa-ft. 424 N. Capitol St. 2 RM. furn. apt, 247 8. Church. FURN. 2-BJaU krtclL. L w, h. lll. I ML apt. PrL bath. 419 Center 3 JUL HEATED apt, 444 8. High. SAt RM. APTS- til Center. . SMALL FURN. 1111 N. 11th. Ph. 4404. a4aataM4saaa4sa4 LOVELT 4 RM- priv. bath. beat. atar. adults. M. CMtlaa. iVACANCT. lat Coor, 1411 Court. ' LT. HSKPa rm. 421 N. Winter: ! "tj-xn-iuirLnnrji n.n iuriaii'Lisr'a' "ttttt"''" CHOICE I R. apta.. The Da rare ux. 419 N. Lib. 1 A 1 R. apt. PrL mtt 1 R prle. bath. 259 & Cottac. 1 1 R. FURN. apt. 444 Ferry. PATTON APTS, furnished. 122 Stale. Ph., 4244. Apt I. it Rm. Mod. doM la. Pa. 1114. ! HAWTHORNE Court. 10O9 N. Cap- It, Homelike aad eommodtoa. IAPTS, ! FURN., unfum. Children welcome. l up. lilt a Uth. P 7494 SEE THE Funer Apta before roa docUl. Larrt A Airy Rockwoot . in sulated against heat at cold. Venetian Blinds throua-noat Conor) At rata at 2 RM. FURN, kit, bath. 444 Court NICE 2 R, cloae ta. 111. til N. Com. APT, 154 BELLE VUK. 2 RM. APT. Main fir. 441 S. Winter. it RM. FURN. apt. Ill N. 14th. It R. APT- FURN- bath. B. neat mg- garage. lots n. ta.pnoL t A t R. fur. Close. 444 Marlon. i ui.imfk; lat nr. t rmv fur. ant. j Twhi beds. 71 N. Liberty. Ph. T744. Reas. Ph. 1044.. 4 R. FURN. . Bridge ran n u. ij: ,v- : I I r W m paaos PLV WNOOWS poors- V t -'1 terj For ' Rent ITonew ifE'WTiT TXTCORATKD 4 room Von- r.Vtw, u lcey furnished, clae. rang Jfc rafrlK-. btwsncit ra.ra-a, I27.S4. 4 room Ioum In - Knxiowood dlaC partTr nira'ahad for lli.9. ' R. FURNISHES modern R. furnlsbed ,-iT,. R. new, modern ., , ,,,, .830.49 . 20.t - 22.10 jk. aew . 11.00 I O K REALTY, tl COURT f ROOM BUNGALOW. J. c. a Rlolly, 19 Boctii Liberty St. FURX. SUB. 1 A 925. Plj. 711t. ilk-Jk. eiu .r... iocs. ox wrriia. BoUyvood Jkra. Box HO-O. Balam! MICB S BRl WaJler St, III. HJI. aoaoajaaaaaaaoNaaaaaaaWo APARTMENT, t OAR." 444 M11L S RML HSE-' water. Ite, fum, tit. Rt 4. Bx. 144. U mL E. Pea Rd. 4 Cor. 4 R. MOD, ltf. 1040 Etizoa. Ph. I 22424. - - ' LARGE HOUSE. 1775 Fir. Ph. t24. , HIRN. AND nnfttrn.' boul B. A. FORKNER 1842 N Capitol WE HA74 TH4 PlHHIPWn IF TOU want to ell xchang ease, rent see Mr. Lairseo or Mr to Una with Hawkins A Robert rTNFURN OR furn. bun- Oak Vil la Court. Adulta. Faquirs ( Mill. MOD. 4 R. HOUSE. 1477 & High. Inqq., Pearson Cash etorob FURN. UN FURN boo, MEL- VIN JOHNSON. 725 Court. Pa. 2722 FURNISHED AND uAfura H. P GRANT 421 Court Ptioa 4744 FURN. HSES. A apta 721 N Com'l. Fum. I rm. Fh. 4404. 740, a. com t i For Rent OFFICR ROOMS. 291 8tt inquire room 244 Tel 2712- For Sale Real Estate FOR SALS Lot owned by City . 111S. to 9804. ' -Se any real estat man or call 4112 ffc-ll7 Si High Street WjXi"XOrxrOJU"'U'V -m m 4 RM. HOUSE In Hollywood di trlct, basement and Term. furaac. 9Z1. R. A. FORKHEB 1852 N. Capitol Street NICE LITTLE horn with 1 A. good land at East 4 Corners on Stat St, for sale or trad for amau rcntoenc ut Salem. H. E. WEIR, 112 Orer. Bids. Ph. 9411 TiKR 1141 OR lata mod. car track on lata built 4 R 2V lot. 12500. 172 S. Liberty . i-non in. rLnjTjxrjrqooiirvyiT-ri NEW. MODERN btinnlow taat out- aide . city ea, iarg lot, some rrun. VV UD.( 9u. III. . njrunjru irui rri n n n rri imiiTi ii i miT.AT. COUNTRT HOME 1U A- STRICTLY MODERN. Only X mL from city center. - HA term, hot mi by owner. R. D, WOODROW. Ph. 9400. Salem. Or. ' ' O FOR SALE BEAUTIFUL MODERN bourn 7 rms- near- ivrners. Tice ree. See Mrs. Ellis with .-. - CHILDS MILLER. KEALTUKB 144 Stat Street .. - Pbon tllL -l-laaSiaeasil-! TO CLOSE AN ESTATE Lell grade school offered at 9221. Se It today, can Mrs. kuis wnn mmjia s hiljr. rgaltuki 244 Stat Street I. Phone 9241. NICE HOME. 2 bed rms.. S.' E Sa lem. 2204. Easy pymta. TeL 4222. arrRICTLT MOD. New I with gar. Near bus lie a school. Fin location. Easy terms. Cramer. 444. ANTTHTNa TN real stat. Bos. ai or trao. umnn wanxco. 14. J. ULNJJUKJLTt. II U. tlisa Acreage f v ACREAGE SPECIALS CITEMAWA . ACREAGE tH tracta. beast of solL beautiful bids. sit. See tills property. Price 1650.00, good tsbt-mei - Sweai acrsaxe 2H A. tract, pared road, small .1 rm. bouss. chicken bouse, lanrur rmxt. excel, sou. jit ice 91050.44, 9100.44 down, 91S.0O per mo. k sere tracta, sxcej. sou xor simv bsrriAB or t iliMrts. near liarnt and tel 'w" I H.l lines. Price 9100.00. 914.00 down, 914 rver mo. To see these Call Cobura GrabenhoTSt Wtth W. H. GRAB EN HOBST A CO.. REALTORS. 4sa4saa24s4AFa4 ATTRACTIVE 4 ACRES . located oat sast of Swesie acbooL ' 4 house, large chicken bouse, barn, ga-1 rage, pne svuv. . . i , i acre S. of town wIl Improred, B mARi modern nous, erica sIZ&V.ee. t acre 8. of town, 4 room house, I barn, chicken bouse, garage, win trad for house tn town. Money to loan. T M K1TTJ. REALTOR 421 OrC Bide; , . Phon 912L jTjTjxnjqnjnj"tsj H A. CLOSE IN oa pared road, 250. 11: Aown. 45 rwr mo. - Vm A. tract. H mL east f city, 1179, l down, 110 per mo. iJ II A. t ml. from toe court rums, x 11 . 1 lv V HfCft . . 13VUn , W. vv. w. . " I 12V A. 2 mL from city center oa pared road, . small bouse, jalc-. .bom site, t,A. timber, good- wall, s A. jr cbard, 4000. 9209 down. - ! 10 A. CO A. of nice oak timber, easy to get out, 1 mL to pared road. It mL 47A. 14 mL from Salein, ; 1S44 cords of wood, eaay to get out I ITS. MONEY TO LOAN AT I PER CENT MELVTN JOiLNljUIN, iliiAX.au 724 Court St . ' Pboo 4721 ft rvpv ume fear-ift-wat: 1 SUM OCLACeWW mgC4 BCAOeS rWgrW OaaWTtt-V' ffte 4vA4tM,rWia4eVe4T-l I IS MCTRe v LUSH, PlXTwWt SPRM4, AvOTrvS AaaTtirW ? SlPHOreV iSsaT IS AlMWt rT,rV4rW.'w4.Hr ' ( J OKlPOe tNTH THff For Sale- Used Cars For Sale--Used Cars I SPECIALS Last Minute Trade Ins ' 1936 Dodge DeLuxe Sedan 1936 Plymouth DeLuxe Coupe - 1935 Ford 4-poor Sedan ' 1935 Dodge DeLuxe Sedan r 1932 Chrysler Convertible Coupe 4-wheI Job, new top, perfect conditio rambl seat. - 1928 Buick Standard jCoupe kumhle Scat MANT OTHERS AIL RE2k! ER No Reasonable Offer Will Be Refused - We Carry Our Own Contracts HuBbard Motor Co. DODQE-PLTMOUTH DISTRIBUTOR HIGH AT CHXMEKBTA : . '.. - Mrxn jsirsnuiua WE'RE DIFFERENT IF YOU VaNT & APPRECIATE FAIR TREATMENT ! SEE ORVAL'S USED CARS 1917 Ford Ton ring Sedan, trunk, motor overnauioo, original paint, a dandy $391.09 1419 Dodg DeLuxe Sedan, ra dio, neater, motor recondi tioned, chrome wheel 425.tO 1911 Dodg DeLuxe Coupe. heater, original paint sooa tires, dual equipment $1II.0I 1911 Plymouth DeLuxe Coup. radio, neater,, new paint..,, motor reconditioned 1295.00 1911 Ford Sedan DeLuxe. new brake, motor . recondi tioned, mohair upholstery, " good Urea 9 225.44 1929 Clier. 8td. Coup. Jiaw . paint good tires, mocor MMutliiouA. . unholstsrr lik new 1 1191.44 CARS . LISTED ABOVE ARB SOLD ON A l- UUAKAM AISs, 1922 Ford Coach . 1912 ChT. Coup 1912 Ford Coup 1911 Char. Sedan . 118 40 i 144.00 , 95.00 j 49.00 1 1924- Ford Coach 192 Pootiac sooaa 1 ts.ot ORVAL'S USED CARS Cvntitr at CsAarch. BtLUm 17 CHRYSLER tt cheap. 2111 Lee. 1COTTTTT TN 192 Cher. Sedaa cheap. Ino. Service tstauon. jtsruns s wtmbt. DO DOR LUXURY Liner Ss- dso lees than 144 miles. Ha heater. Will anertflc my equity, xaa amau ear tn Trade at nnance oai- w aan you. Call T124. .. Resort Property 4 - VIEW TOTS. ' Wecom. Height. Owner, C. A. Mauiding, Ocean L, Ore. Business Opportunities HOME AND atore combined, well located. In fin condition. Price 4204. terms. Stock and equipment at Inven tory. ' It 52 N. Capitol Street For Sale- Wood BONE-DRY WOOD. Ph. 4I2. 244saajsMab9ja DRY WOOD, 94.14 A 15 Ph, 7411 WOOD Ph. 427 (irsen. 419 tt tl j44)aabjaJi iwcTT-i- wonrL Tost Ki4i ' Wood mt Witt tnd of Court 8t Load. Il.it. l4a1gjia4s ASH. FIR, prune. 22129 Judd Dry tod growth. O Fir. ' Ph. 7147 Old fir II Knots IB. Slab 14 Ph. 441 A OLD FIR, 95.10. alab 42 Jl- F. II0I7. Persorial AFTER APRIL 10. I will not ba r I sponaibl tor any bill xcpt those contracted r p my sea. persons ny, Fred BeUers. o' ... LONELIt WORTHWHILE beatrt. basband. wif for yon, P. O. Boa IL La Angel, Card La this fltrectorr si ; a moatbJy basts only. lUtei S1.23 pet" Kne Anto Drakes 974 Bootk) CommerciaJ Uicycles BTCTCLES, NEW - and reconditioned Harry w7Sott 111 S Com'cL P. 4114 Chimney Sweep ! TELEPHONE 1114 R. tt NortlioeM ExeavaticiT EXCAVAT1NU OF all", kind. Ba menu dug Dirt hauled or moved. Dirt tor aelv ftawta Saai A GravaL P 9401 Florists i Biwlthaspf 447 Court-! fbw 4444 Fomimre Cash f or tooht A fumltUT. Pa. 4117. t lat tresses SALEt FLUFF Rug A Mattrs Co. New mattress, old rmdt mg cleanHg weavtna a UL A VUbur Tei 4441 ZwVfra CAPITOL-REDD1 NO CO Pbon 4449 .N2tcrorhie Physician DR. W H ROCKWELL Ni.turopatV m Pfcwlelan. 170 Faircroands fid. TeR 4a1 Oieflouri II am, H l:M rt. 4 BLJ AJLAAA CvittwliA MAKES A MODELS Hi ' " ' PHONE 4119. FOB SALE. 'It Plymouth 4 -dr. Se. aan. car la A-i shape. Terms. P. 4444 aaja44jaa,sBfj 3 29 CHEV. SDN. Perfect .4144. WOl I teas cneap car in. sio s. zzpd Ht Legal Notice ESTATE OF ABA'EH B. LXOJf NOTICE TO CREDITORS Ia the CXreuit Oonrt of the State oi trrcgtm xor ua tFouiy of Martoai - " Probate lcprunet' Nntls U1iaMhv rlt.il ths laa mnderslcned has-been appointed executrix oi toe estate or ADner K. xuoii, aeceaaeo, oy me tircaii wiui oi ia oiii vi urctpa lu Marion Couaty, and has Qualified. All persons haring claims against said estate are hereby notified to preaent the same, duly rerlfled ns by . law required, to the under - signed at 42S Failing Building, Portland, Oregon, within tlx months from tha date hereof.; I Dated and first published, April a 11 " I v"u.." ..'.' A'w j&alua a. bMiiti, Axecutriz. Sanaoa D. Melnke, AttorneyJ Ap 12-1 9-2 6-Mr S-lt NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLE MENT fotba Is riareihv rlvan that tna undersigned baa filed In the Coun - ty court of tne sute 01 Oregon, A s. 4 V . . su-a -.si . M l . s .fj, tor ius vueuir oi ainra, ner amy rerified flnai account, as the Ad - xalnlatratrlx of the estate of Guy M. McCartney, accessed, una tnat said Court has fixed Tuesday, the 14th day oi May, 1949, at the hour of tea o'clock A.M. of said day. as the time, and the County! Court Room in the County Court House at Salem, in Marion Coun - ty, Oregon, as the place for -hear- in said final account and all oh - jecuons taereio. ' Dated at Salem, Oregon, this ntft day or Aprii, NANCY A, BASKY, aaminisiratrix or tne testate u crew of IS WPA workers un of Guy M. McCartney. De- der the direction of Keith Kir- ceased. RONALD C. GLOVER, Attorney tor Administratrix. Salem, Oregon. Ap 12-19-21-My HO. NOTICE TO CREDITORS No. 10388 Notice Is hereby given that the 1 undersigned by an order of the County Court of the State of Ore gon. . for Marlon County; duly made and entered on the 26th j day of March, 1940; was duly ap pointed executor' of the estate ,of Mary B. Bennett, deceased, and : that he has duly qualified such executor. All persons baring claims against said estate are hereby notified to present the same, duly rerified as required by law, to him at the office of XL L. Crawford, attorney for estate. Rooms 20-21, Ladd ft Bush Bank Building, Salem, Oregon, within six months of the data of this no tice. - Dated this 21th day of March, 1940. WILL BENNETT, ' Executor of the Estate I of Mary B. Bennett, de- ceased. E. L. . CRAWFORD, Attorney for Estate. Ladd A Bnah Bank Bide I Salem. Oregon. : M. 29, Ap. 1-1 1-1 1-1 1 Directory Papering, Painting NEAT Work, roaa Jonas Pzcttlt I HERBERT - St WOOD. Tl Il7t Plan Service V. L, IRISH, 2014 If. Cap. Pb. 7144. Plnmhing PLUMBINO. , G EN ERA L repatr writ. Uraber Broa.. ui a. u berty. ro. sat. Printip' FOR STATION ERT card pamphlets, programs, book or any kind f print, tng. call The fitatesmss Printing De partment tit & CommerrlaL Tels- phon 010L Salvasers and Wreckers CASH FOR old bids, t wrack. P. 2214. Schools COMPLETE your HUJH SCHOOL home, D; PLC) MA MA. TEXTS FURN. Writ for cataloc. Americas " SchooL Dept & Box 440 . Portland Or. Sheep : Shearing? W. J. COCHRAN. Rt LRIIL ill!. Transfer FOR LOCA1 or distant transfer tr- t. burner eO. call till Larmer Transit? Co- Tru-si t Portland aur ell- DriilirT Friendly Qub . Bleets at Dallas DALLAS Mrs. Cecil RiC4 en- ' tertalned tha , members o the Frtendly Hour elnb at her horaa ! Monday Bight with. Ilrs. AIb4.rt Zeats a 'satiataat hostess. . At tracdra benqaeta ot spriaa flow. erg were used about tha rooms. Mrs. Harold Darts, president of I the- elab, presided at s -businesi meeting, tbs reasnuier of t a e time was spent informal ly with a pleasant supper hour followloc. Present were Mrs. J.r E. Jep- sdn. Mrs. Oscar Holmes. Sirs. Ro bert LeFora. . Mrs. J. OS. . McCon nell, Mrs. Arthur Darts. Mrs. Howard Denton, M r s. - Miriam Usn-.y, : K.-S. J. N. Mills, Mrs. W. H. Hill and the hostesses, Mrs. Zeats an& Mrs. Rljrs. Entertains Qub At Independence INDEPENDENCE Mrs. S. B. Walker was hostess Wednesday nixht when she entertained mem bers of the Wednesday rtdr 1 cinb st ner borne on Third street with a T. o'clock dinner followed by "coatracL Mrs. Roy DeArmond and Mrs. Bill Bloeh, from Salem, were special guests and Mrs. S. E. Addison . received high score honors... , ' j, ; ,,r i , Members of the dob are Mrs. Addison, Mrs; R; M. Walker, Mrs. James Hart, Mrs. . John Black. Mrs. Melford Nelson, MrS. Clar es c e Cbarbonean, Mrs. A, L. Thomas. Mrs. M C WUllam. Mrs. Thelma Tallent. Mrs. O. C. i walker. Mrs, , Claxene . Harwood land Mrs. Walker. . I PTA to GItc Comedy I BWKGLE Fridav nirht i the. ways and means committee of the i pgrent-Teacner association ara I sponsoring a three-act comedy "For Pete Sake" at the school I auditorium. . The public Is ln- I rited, A small charge will be 1 made. Homer Conklin-. it chair- I man of committee. I Brash tUege Club Meets l a HK1ISH I 'I II .1 .TCI I k- Th. nr. I alar meeting of the Brush Col Mag. community Club .will be held on Friday night at 8 o'clock in the schoolhouae. Muriel Kaster and Irene Cutler hare arranged a Tsiied program la which both the upper and lower grades will be featured. 1 CommTATiity Qub to Meet LIBERTY The Liberty Com-f I I munltr elub will mt Fridar st If p. m. la the community hall, I Entertainment will Include music. I a skit. "Housewire's ConTenUoa" I by Red -Hills grants, tumbling I acts by classea from school. - The I Girl Scout - troop will hold food auction. The eats commit I tee has asked for sandwiches to 1 serre during social hour. 1 Roilrat fUmtral 1 . . , I irrOject atartca I MBANONWork has started I osr the rodent control project with shaw of the US biological sur rey. The work in 13,000-acre dis trict laatT'f all : was . ao - aucceaaf ul that a petition has been present ed to the county court by farm ers llTing just outside of the Leb anon rodent control area, to hare their - property included in the project, . . . ' Cross Word Puzzle 12 13 16 22 2W 2S 23 30 31 33 m 34 36 37 HO HI HS HI 52 HOSXZONTAX. l-moccaln- ' 'i like shoo ' 4wtringed '. instruznenS . frexh 11 past . 13-ioreLrn 14 topas hum mi&gbird ' ' 15 tendinz te calm , n-eookin d erica - 89 printer's ' measure , - 43 deadly 42 prepares r " zorpubli 1 cation , -i 44 Arabian : ' tJiieftaiii AS cringed AS large cask 49 species . T3 hail! CI before . tl iloham- ' - medan prince J. C5 cry of a cat ' IS child's . v. marble -. 19 wind about ' S3 tyrabol lor ' cobalt . 1 22 malt berer- 25 hifftv . ; ipisched .... : eocnd 2-1 the poplar 25 wolframite ' 27 wina vessel S3 prima dorma 81 personal jroTiotra ". 3 part of . . plant - 3 cTTrinoU - partcf laco- r!'t;re . 3 cuLia eaUt . 1 1 coraT , ' " - fc cxclamawlaa Answer to M-l 44 1 CjA r i jTlAU -'v lid ' t-r? , - -t -1 ' - .ji i! :' 1MJ Vr- ',' .-, -. i 1 i : 1 c t t . : T lM t . : --MO1 - ! ' j j 1 " 2 :''j ''''' - i T - 1 1 j Hi 1 : "V ! . - - . , - - . , i. 1 111 r nr. 1- -11'f atJ 1 1 j j Avaeuse tiste of tftitrlSBtaJ fer tis Hg Makes War ! f V. K y I A il j Wbuton CltttTchni Nasi -hater Winston ; Cburehin, who bias been First Lord of! the Admirjaltr, now is made director of Britain's warring services In a cabinet shakeup which stlH keeps Neville Cbamberlain as prime 1 1 -, irJniater. , Beats Dan Hoan mi I f Aftetl ' S ': years someone " has tteateti SodaMst Mayor Daniel W. Hoaaj of MSwauk. The victor V is Carl Zetdler, attorney and ; bachelor and the yotmgest mayor ' Milwaukee erer had. He is shown' wtth ibis father. Michael Seldler. Lodgea SALEM LODOC Xs. 4 A FAA.'M, M.i Decree Monday. Avrtl 11 :I0 P Jf, J. a. pilakd. wit Pacme Ldg ka. 40. AT A A M Stated Maetiag PrL. April 1. 7:1 sum. Wat Xerriotti W.M, r -. , 10 n 21 n 77a 23 Mb 26 7. 27 20 32 'A 3S 3 3t V2 In TE2TICAL 1 dabee step 1 mature . 8 elosln: v musical passage 4 iybrii of bcSale and . domestic cow 8 select body 6 dwell . 7 Keltexd siJe- 8 fqlrward '10 tera 11 decrease lS-4lzard ! IT poaaes: If 4esanie 3 Uchao- ' - medan ! ' -: maristTAt j 21 fetU I -23 Greek letter - 5 TJS of 1'' Serea ll.lls ' " 'of Rome 1 . i 23 male sa-an ' -3 110111111? : more t ia : 2340 be iti I 81 ox of Tibet 1 22 condition . ' 4 mountain ,' pass " : 25 tremS,l L r's'iT im- '':"ic:-t , yesterday's puzzle. .rtlvf t 41- -nrf r i-i h. tlOS ViO- l.'.:y j '! - aalslai t aUe. rwtwna tffMa I 1 77 1777 77s WA S y77s iaBBasBaaaaasawBsBa t . T UtfT.w: . c9wm m - i f T.: a vr In advaao ta i-arto R. A. WEST, Rt. 4, Bx. 445. P. S-223 U - i, r sounueav WANTn used fm.t lara, rh, 4I1L