--. tt ' - ' iJ -tffi . - r -.1 ""J - i li a. a yiiun - iiT OX 2UaL - - - JLn'U' V V : WUOi!. a s u Km r nrii vThm C2TGC:i CTA11MJW. . Oregon. Tuesday Morning Api3 31843 ne sf r2 Statesman Classified Ads ! Ca 902 CUwifltd A4m!Wt Tto l-e-mlons per line .SSe 81s i Insertions per tine. 40c One moats per line .... It Si Minimum charge SSe: 1 tl mla lxnunt SSe; tl. mtnu 41c Na .r rffO4. ,1 :? rf-:; . , I Copy 8 d VM iwiH wM t dO tb eveotns before pubUcn tloa foe ei-rlrHto CopT r eoivoa ltr thi Un wttt W i andor the h rtlns to tat t Cllfj " - : s The BtteiMi Miumn no flnaa elal responsibility foe rrr jrhiefc may appear to aavei tlsana ts u tlsbao hi iilwi at V? nana la a fault wit r- rlct that part of everTtt la wtiica tn immiwww TIm St I asms mimi Om rtsm ta laJatH twll hi Avrrii It further resei vow th Jb' place an avrtttna owner ho proper ciassifV-rlow. A "BltaCT AC an aC eomtti s SUUamaa bos numbor foe aa 4 draaa -la for tb nrotocttea at th Advertiser aaC moat tberefer ba answered by lttr. Tha Stateenm la aot at liberty to fMvulga MM. tie a to tb Me-tUv ef aa eove Uaar e1nn a, -Bltaor 4 ; ; livestock FARMERS MnVTQOMEBt RBNDBRIHO WORKS PICKS UP. mFREK OF CHARGE DEAD AND WORTH LJtSS HORSES AND COW 8 AJjTWHERK tS THE ' WTL.UIMETTB -VAIJ4CT. WE PAT TOP PRICKS PHONE US COIX.KCT H 8AUCM Phone 5000 - Phone 5000 -ATTENTION Wa pick up daaC and worthlaaa aa nlmala at a moroant'a aotJca. gjUen FcrtUiscr Br Product Ca 2St6r and Turnar Road Pbona Salem 50C Colt -Note: Wa a 11 maat meal to (acd atoras. ; nri n in i i BABY 1 CHICKS 1 Vartetlaa. I cludlna Red a. Rocka. Ham pah Ire, Le horn a. Day etd pullata. eockerela, started ehkrka. Phone 22H- Lae'a Hatchery. X COWS for aale. Fair makers. Emll Ronner, Prattwi,- Ore. Help Wanted $ WEEKL.T. GROW Mushrooma. Cellar, shed, Wa buy fresh. 5c -nr $1.34 lb. i FREK BOOK. Mushrooms. 1)3? Third. Seattle. Wash. v. Situations Wanted LAWN. GARDEN work. Ph. SCSS. DRESSMAK. lira Adsln. Ph. 2(4 EXP. TRUCK driver A mechanic wishea work. 2005 N. Capitol, Apt. I. CAPABLE WOMAN wants work by tha hour. 1 02 1 Ferry. Mrs. A. C Swan aon. - (-, "EXP, woman wants hr. work. 1824 For Sale Miscellaneous ' EPRO. CXJfTTP, on shrubs, fruit; nut tree, Camel. 2Se up. Open dly. S a. m, T p. m. FTulUand Nursery. J0 Center. dn bai. fit mo. See Klnf. (It Front. TWO NEW trailers. 10 ft. deJuae. aleepa 4. : f urn., J-4S0. 14 ft. ataiidard, $200. H down.' bal. to suit. Roy. 05i I. S.. Independence. THE j APRON Shoa T9 N RlRh - 2-PIECE WALNUT waUrfaU bed room acta. $22. Nash Furaltura Co. Stop around.' "It pays." ' ROME BOX sprnif and Inner aprtnc inattresa, 2 for one, $22. Easy terms. NASH FURNITURB CO. Ti" fiiiiJyVVar'aOlf'a RIVER SILT A top dirt. Ph. 4M. CASH REVilSTER. Addlna maeftln. Typewriter, Duplicator. Calculatar and Scale service; All makes sold, rented swapped. Roen Typewriter Es chance. 4 fit Court LEGHORN Cockerels. Ph. 27F5. Rt C. acroas from Doerfler nursery. DROP, LEAF end table, fruit Jars, Iron bed, sp. A mattress. Call morn ings. 52 N. Church. FOR SALE 4 pr.. of lined Telvet drapes la good cond. Ph. 7472. OAT HAY. Phone $423. S-PC. HARDWOOD dinette sets, $12.88. Nash Frimiture Co. Home of lang Ranges. Low prices. ELECTROKOLD REFRIGERATOR in first -class condition, will sell for $23.00.; Oscar Sederstrom, 845 D St. l.ione 532. I HIGH GRADE Mohawk combina tion gta and wood range, all por re in In. price $25.00 for quick sale. Joe Chambers, 620 N. 14th St. I CROSLEY SHELVADOR refrurera tor In fine condition will sacrifice for $50.00. Nick Klein. 235 N. Front. HIGH GRADE late atyle Esht dryer type washer cost new. $185.00: must sell $50,00, Leroy Iabajn, 725 Thomp son sc. - . - -- . ZENITH RADIO . 114 ALL-WAVE, be lance due $41. 0. Terms $5 down, $8 monthly. Bee Mr. Jan . GEO. C. WILL MUSIC STORE USED : CLEANS R. Inezpensira. a-uaraatead. Call 225 Court. ACCORDION. HOHNKR. 120-basa. black pearl finish. Curved keyboard. l?sed about three month. Coat $40. ,v Make offer. Jams C Stone, 1J W. Nob H11L Phons 8817. 7 - PLANTS. PANSIES. anana. nrlnv rosm, etc. Jay Morris, Florist, Fhena ... - . v - - FLOOR LAMPS, half prfc. La res rrnck. $2.85 up. Nash Furniture Co. "Shop Around," "It pays." Wanted Miscellaneous WANTED, used fruit iars. Ph. 45tt. WANTED riHT.ita1 ! Phonw T4. , ADVEIITISINQ Western Ad.vcrtlslOaT ' .". ! RepreseatcUves ' Georre D. Cioaa. Ins. . San Franvlacvi Loa Anxelea, Seattle , Eastern Adtertlsins -i Representatives " Bryant. Griffith A Brunson. tne ' . Chicago New York. Detroit i Boston. Atlanta Catered at tkt I'ntofHc at Balm Oregon as Second Via AT otter. Pae liAed evary morn mo sceept Honda v. u4nm 91 tc tli bonlk Commercuii Street. SUBSCRIPTION RATE2: MaU Subscription Rates In Adrano. Withi a Oregon: Daily and Sunday Mo. 60 cents: I Mot $154. Moa , $2.50: 8 Tear $5.00 ILisewhcr 80 oente " per Ma. or $t.i9 fot I year n adinsnca Per co' 1 cents. Newsstands. caota Ot City Carrier: 00 east a tnoetn $7. 1 a year la advaac la atartoa n d la-tent eounUua. Eloney to Loan I QUICK CASH LOANS f WRITE or pbone 81C8 to Eaka't oldest. Utrtrest borne owned and homo ananaged finance institution. . xeur financial affairs will bo dlsciiaaed and loams -made In strWeat privacy. Yon will bo given every considoration la the re paying. oX your loaa or grantlnaT of ea tension a. hi : , 1 to 24 Months to Repay ,' Ton eaa pay topfull any Uaw to reduce the ooet. ' , - Only Borrower Signs ' Ko endorsers. Loans snade on furaltura. cars or not. JTOT H. STMMiONS, MGR. ; - ' ; JIM d-ARK. ASST. MGR. uc.J4o.m-us .": Ms .. : ..H ;. , v : GENERAL FINANCE CORPORATION f$C So. Commorctal St. ' i' t '4 m Zie. No. S-181 First door south of Ladd A Boah Bank Phono 8U8. Conrenlant ground floor location - LOANS PERSONAL LOANS. 810 TO JW UP TO $ i.OO ON CJLRO. v - AT THIS time of- tha year many famtiJeo aod tadrvtdoaJo have sot tea aoain mrith thair various bills and noatbly atyaMot contract. It this twppaa ta bo year situation soo u f loaa Ursa enough to par ofT all your varlewo tottl aad ntoataiy payment contract. You thea eaa repay the loaa ta one small monthly payment In stead of several. Amt you repay monthly Aant. of loaa mo. 18 mo. 20 mo. f 40.00 $ 5,70 f 4.02 9 tO.00 11.40 10.0$ 5.28 i 100.00 14.2 10.05 0.78 tOO.OC 28.40 20.00 12.44 ; 200.00 42-74 20.14 8C1 i. If yo can saake regular amall mondily payments select, the plaa abov that best suits your needs aad oomo In for tha cash TODAY. CALKINS FINANCE CO. 801. 2nd Fir. First NatX Bank Bids. Salem, Oregon Phone 4440 8-22$ A M-27B State Licenses $100 CASH IN TOTJK HANDS TOMORROW . - ; ' 1 'it No payment du for at least j 80 days Co-signers not necessary. ' Employer or friends not- notified. Our loans are made oa the simple basis of your ability to repay. PICK YOUR OWN PAYMENTS Cash, 4 Monthly payments includ- ' I Ing ALL charges for : ; Tod 5 Mos. 12 Mos. 10 Moa, $ 50 10,02 $ 5.02 $ 8.20 - 100 21.84 10.05 $.72 150 22.75 15.07 10.08 200 43.(7 ! 20.09 13.44 SOO 05.61 30.14 80.1 If you can afford the small repay ments shown above you should not hesitate to see us for a loan at once. Ask for Mr. Miller. PERSONAL FINANCE CO. Snd Floor. New Bligh Bids. Phone 2191 M l 85 - State Lie - S-122 Auto Loans Willamette Credit Co. $ta FLOOR (MJARD1AN BUILDING LICENSE NO M 158 - k&00U00m1k00k&mmm,amm0mma PRIVATE MONEY AtXTf AND TRUCK LOANS ; T CONTRACTS REFINANCED to r oav ymenta Maney for new or useo No delay or red Upa YoojarOl ro- tasa asssslim of two vedtelar - I TO 20 MONTHS TO PAT ROY H. SIMMONS ISf South Commercial Street J Paoao 0108 - Lie No M-I88 saaeBeeveofsafeavanasjsasjesa FHA LOANS 4 atso prtv lot trams A 11 is laokiaaonie Bids. Loans Wanted WANTED PR1T ATTS MONET i TO LOAN on good Salem real so il wm pay interest. j . W, H. QRABENHORST A CO. I "uxi'u'wrijnniiinr -trt-i' r - - - - - - - LOANS WANTED on farm aad city prope Hawk rtv. Before borrawtng inquire at wktna A Roberta FOR SALE Good sound first farm mortgages and bonds. See B. C Zleltn skL with HAWKINS A ROBERTS. INC. Phone 4109 or 9745. Financial FOR SALE some good Fst Mtgs. on new construction, C Int. Good Invest ment. RICH U RETMANN 1S7 SL High I Ph. 86SJ. Wanted- Furniture i- CASH for used furniture anBT house hold goods. R. Forgey. Phone 7445. aSjaaojsieooaeaaOsjSaeSaeaeWaaaaeoaaassesefew n-R PAf 8PCT CASH.' F. N.IA GLENN WX)URI Ph. 1111 Miscellaneous CARS FOR patient or elderly per son la my home. Tel. 8224. MALB INSTRUCTION. Reliable men who would liko to take up Air Condi tioning and - Electric HefrigeraUon. Prefer men now employed and mech anically Inclined, with fair education. wiUias to train spare time at home and later in our shop, to become experts in installing, servicing, planning, ea timatlng. etc. Wrtta givtag age. preo ent occupation. Utillttea Institute, Bos 578. Statesman. i ijTjxririj.xTsiririiTrvi.iJinr " i Denial Plate Repair ! , raro-ttouR 8irvrca in most -s--. ir. ' CASES -(. Bring or Man Tout Plates for Rapalt OR. HARRT SEMLER. DENTIST Alisky Bids. Sd A Morrison, BEL 1497 For Rent Rooms Km, doe ta. 8488; 14S 8. Cottage. 'aeaaaavsaaaaava ilSEKPG. RAU flf- 1518 Center. HOT El MARION - rata : to aorm. aruost, Martoo Coffaa Snoot.' deltceoae aaeoto at - low seicoa firrTEl SALEM low monthly ratea jm i . r rr.uy.h..ii- " .... mmm 11ICE R, H, C water. 869. Center. Room and Board ; ; BD RM. 1424 Ferry. Ph. 551S. U SEE MA Bowea. 805 N Ltbortyi I ' staajnraaaeaWii BRDo RM men. Stink P. t2tfl iitnjyj-nfnrirniirTrir- - - FOR GO. cooking A homo-Ilk ; At motipbere, com to 1144 Center, p j : For; Uent Apartments SMALL FURN,; 1135 N. 13th. j Pa. 4505. a fAf T VttTn " S tlA iTi tril St mod. rurn X rrau hw nUosy r t RM. BST. apt. 48 N. Uberty. Ln-ij-L-Ln.-. li - "","- - t LARGE LIGHT furs. nm. beat. water. Idy rl. bath. 460 JJJL. NICE FURN. 8 R, bath, 590 Union. LOVELY S-RM. rtirtu, prt bath. 1 or t employ, ladles. (! So. Summer. DUPLEX FOR rent. 833 8. 25tHi 1 RM. FURN. ;. Ltsu w. $2.25 Lsrk. 12 Oak., Ph. i'.27- . LOVELY S RM- prtv. bath. haaU water, adult. w. Cottage. Money to Loan For Rent 'Apartments VACANCY, 1st floor, 1411 Court. 1 R. APT. HEAT, ttght, water fura. Ph. 4427142 Coart St. LT. HSKPO. a. 42$ N. Whiter. ' CHOICE 9 R. apt, Tb Devereaax. 839 N. Lib. 99 R. apt PH. eat. t H orly. bath. 250 . Cottage. IAS R. FURN. a pL. 848 Ferry. PATTOS4 ' APTSw fornlahod, 999 Stata Ph. 8244. Apt A FURNISHED APT. 1199 Conrt oaWCaeoe1aaeaiSae 9 Rms. Mod. Cloos ta. Pa. 9984. BEAUTIFULLY rora. 9 rm, corner Apt 918 Loali. Apt Ne. L . 9 AND 9 RM. fura. apt. 919.89 and 918.5. II 38 Center. HAWTHORN 83 Court. 1000 N. Cap It i Homoliko oommodloaa avra mou m.nju. welcome. 98 up. 1919 a 13th. P 7989. AAAAAAftAMAAAWWV APT. FOR rent 1348 Chemeket. SEE THE rtaber Apt before yoa decide. Large A A fry Rockwooi In sulated against boat A cold. Venetian Kind throughout 8 Com'l A Oak 8ta APTS. FOR rent-94 8 Stat St APARTMENT. 44 MILL, 8 RM. TORN, kit, bath. 545 Court NICE X R. close in, 819. 991 N. Com. FURN. 9 RM., bath, refr heat, wash. 778 N. Com'L Ne children. APT , 355 BELLEVUE. 3 RM. APT. Main fir. 445 S Winter. 3 RM. FURN. pt, 151 N. 12th. 3 R. APT, FURN, bth, S. heat frig, garage. 9005 N. CapitoL 3 A 2 R. fur. Close. 840 Marion. OLYMPIC 1st fir.. S rm. fur. apt. Twin beds, 730 N. Liberty. Ph. 7748. 4 R. FURN. Reas. Ph. 6066. For Rent Houses 8 RM. HSE, part fura, $18.80. 1 rm. and kitchenette turn, apt, $15. 22 A. farm ASK. bse. Ivaa G. Martin, Ph. 4419. FURN. 9 ROOM modern bouse, $35. 1179 Falrmount TeL 8437. 4 R. HSE. 915. 924 Broadway. 7548. LARGE HOUSE. 177S Fir. Ph. 5209. PARTLY FURN. hse. SfiC a 1 4th. a Hi rslred. Permanent tenants deal Ph. 22341. FURN. AND- unfurn. house R. A. FORKNER 1858 N Capitol WE HAVE TH8B PROSPECT If TOU want ta oalL. i z change, less, rent e Mr itrsea or .Mr Col lino with Hawkins A Roberta UNFURN. OR rurn. bong- Oak Vil la Court Adults. Ioqvtr t Mill. MOD. 8 R. HOUSE. 1877 a High. Imjq. Pearson' Cash Store. NEW. MOD. 4 hse. 860 N. 180. FURN. A UNFURN. houses. MEL VIN JOHNSON. 728 Court. Ph. 8729. FURNISHED AND anrura. house H. P GRANT 839 Court Pbone 6744. FURN. HSES. A apt T25 N. Coal Hse. in Hollywood dlst Ph. 4581. Furn. 8 rm. Ph. 6406. 760 S. Coral. 1 BDRM. HOUSE with garage. New and desirable, 1320 Baker St Pbone 8358 evenings or Sunday. PARTLY FURN. cottage. 1143 Oak. NEW 5 R. house, hardwood floor, modern kitchen, fireplace, bath, ga rage, water furnished. $14.50. Phone 227S9. For Rent OFFICE ROOMS. 81 SUM Street mnuii room 200 Tel. 87 IS. For Sale Real Estate HOUSE FOR sal or trad, owner. Box 421, Statesman. - NICE HOME, 9 bedims.. S. E. Sa lem, $2000. Easy pyints. TeL 1223.. - MODERN COUNTRY bom with 9 cre varietla of fruit own wator system-oll borner, etc. MO t of Salem 4500 Ph. 510. Life's Darkest Moment ! , TAKE MJR. , ! ELBOWS OFTF iM J ;'. . j i MOW rVIAMV - V TD : I TMSMUST For Sale Real Estate : WILL SELL easy terms or rent 1 A good house, nor Kalxer school all kind fruit . New bouse, largo lot - West Salem, asy dowa payment, aoi. liko rent 'A real bargain. i Faime aciaass city propertya It's real estate, see H. a Sbild7 Ores. Bids. Ph. 9999. lIBtkalBAaajsayajaaatats ' TAKE 1949' car ta ea lata built f Rm. 9 lota 93500. Ph. 7118. Large nous A lot located near HA $1809. Easy term to right party. H A. S rm. baa. paved street. Wert Sal era. 8760 caah. 9 A. with 9 bd. rm. plastered bouse located at Snnnyaid. $2500-9180 da, bal. 917.69 par month. 9 bd. rm ; llvlns room : dining rm ; kitchen ; bath ; garage ; largo lot $1050. $50 da- bal. 16 per month. ' Oldha. 9 email lota 8 blka frees State Houao, $96. Easy term. Modern aow-anberaon homo, H acre located. E. at dty llmita 9 bd. rmaj light, only $2300850 da. bat 939 llv. rm. : kitcbaai aeok; bath: water; per month. Nice lot do to -all school $275.00. Easy terms. RICH X RET8CANN 1$7 8L High Pa. 9489 " I OLD DWELLINGS, good location. IVAN O. MARTIN, Pboao 4419. ej9a1lBa16a STRICTLY MOD. New 9 Its, Ha, with gar. Near bus Uao A ecbooJa. Ftn location. Easy term. Owner, 6600. ANYTHING IN real stt. ' Buy'. soil or trad. Listing wanted. -See N. J. UNDO REN. 179 S. Bisk taaSTaJStsAatak 4 ROOM HOUSE, city water, bath, garage, surrounded by bearing cher ries and walnuts fas Ben Lomond Ad dition near 8. Summer St Owner will trad for Portlaad horn. Price $2500. SACRIFICE SALS I rm. aad breakfast rm. Iars liv ing rm. with fireplace, hardwood floors, furnace, lot of window, good construction, tree. N. Winter Street $290. Would consider exchanging for Hoquiam, Washington, Immediate poo session. 6 rm. modern bom near MeKlaley school, fireplace, automatic ht eor nor lot on largo rm. has been used for beauty parlor. Aa Investment t $8000. YOU CANNOT GO WRONO ON THESE WINNIE PETTYJOHN, REALTOR 4T7 Court Street e$8saTsjsssbjsl4a T ROOM MODERN hooM. Excellent location beautifully landscaped yard bordered on 8 aides by creek. Out door fireplace. Close to state bldga. A real pick up at $5600. See It today. So Mr. EUIs with CH1LDS A MILLER, REALTORS $44 State St Phone 9261. Attention: A Real Buy, A Sacrifice Close-in to the state bldgs. on N. Winter St., a 10-rm. home, full b&so m't., steam heat firepl., bdw. firs., double plumbing, lannd. trys., double garage, a beautiful ' ?or, lot- Horn in execlL eond. new roof. This property I actually offered at $7000. ExeelL Income posslbilittea. Call Coburn Gra benhorst with W. H. Grabenhorst A Co. Realtors. - COMFORTABLE 6 room home on N. 4th, 8 bedrooms, on bus line, large lot. close to schooL Will trad for small acreage close to bus line. Attractive 4 room house on Fair mount Hill, fireplace, hardwood floors, double garage. 4 room house on N. 17th, fireplace, garage, large lot Money to loan. P. H. BELL 429 Ores. Bldg. Phono 8131. BARGAIN FOR SALE 3 bd. rm. plastered cottage; llv. rm : kitchen: bath: Ids, creek lot &ee. Only $1300-$800 Oxl, baL $9.00 per month. RICH I REIMANN 1$7 S. High . Ph. 8633 Exchange Real Estate SALE OR trade 10 A. good soil and creek. 6 mi. W. of Salem oa Dal las highway. For place In Salem. Owner, Mr. Barnes, Route 1, Independence SMALL mod. bom clear, trad for 9 bd. room house N E. 60 A. unlmp. well located. Timber. 31 A, eultlr. near Oregon City. 78 A. CLEAR. T ML Salens, good soil and bldg. Elec. Paved road. $7, 900. Sell or trad for Salem bom up to 84000. C H. SANDERS 119 8, Hlfb 5131. 0qla00mmaaa A GOOD ROOMING hs. to trade for smaller bse: or small tract ot land Just outside of city. P. H. WEIR, 913 Ores. Bids. Ph. 9411. For Sale Farms 117 A. 8 ML S. W. Salem. 14 A. orchard, grass, 6H A. oats, vetch. 8 horses, 6 cows, 8 heifers, 4 veal. 88 hena Truck, drag saw. 45 A. timber, 45 A. stump land, 4 springs, small bldga? Owner, B. Fenwlck, 645, Ferry Street aaat FOR SALE .Attractive 6 A. 8. of town.. Lota of fruit A nut a. 8 rm. mod. house. Immediate possesion. P. H. BELL 439 Oreg. Bids. haaaaaaesaasa FOR SALE : 40 acre. 90 cult, 10 pastur A tim ber, fair 6 rm. bouse, good larg barn, elec A good, diversified farm in a fin dlt 8225Q.00. $250.00 down. See Mr. Celllns, Witn HAWKINS A ROBERTS, INC. - . p tT A. FARM SNAP $2600 if sold next ten-day. Owner going east. 2S A. in crop, bal. timber A pasture, fenced A croas fenced, wov en wire, 9 bam, R. house, good welt 44 mile town. A real buy. See Lout Bechtel or Mabel Needham. 941 State, Room 4. 34 A. GOOD BUILDINGS. C A. ber ries. Spring- water. Price 9126. Easy terms. Owner, 14S8 N. CommerclaL For Sale Used Cars r FORDS Ford Dehtx 2 -dr. Ford Sedan "86" . Ford -40- Sedan . 49 Ford Coach Ford DeU Coup Ford Det Sedan Ford 3 -door Ford Coup Ford . Coup -Ford CoooH Ford Coach Ford Plckop ORVAL'S 7 USED CARS V89BT9aeaSt9e e Used Tracks and Cars C26 Internet Ions 1 LWB, with remo able sleeva. thoroughly recoa . dttlooed. Hrensad T 1998 Char track, good, stock rack, excellent condition. 1997 Plymouth coupe with boater aad radio. 199$ Plymouth delax sedxa. Ztoeks like new. Others to cbooo from. James H. Maden Co., Inc. 217 State St Front A Court Salem, Oregon 1989 DeLUXE BUICX Coupe, $939. Low mileage. 1242 N. CapitoL FOR SALE, '28 Plymouth 4 -dr. 8a daa. Car tat A-l aha pa. Term. P. 444. Acreage A BARGAIN 27 ACRES 9 talW south off ' rivar road spring water runnrfn and piped across plac. Cher riea, prune A apples. No building. 91496 E-Z term Ph. 968. YOUR OPPORTUNITY TO BUY 9 acre beautifully located, 3 modern home, 9 room and I room, city water, caa be purchased In on unit or separately. Total price for both $260 or- 6 room aad i aero, $2100. Sea Mr. Bart let t with CHTLDS A MILLER. REALTORS 944 Stat St Pbone 8I6L SPECIAL: ACREAGE BUYERS Bids, material furn. to tb right party up to $250.00 to const, a small dwelling on a beautiful 6 A. tract, ex cel, soli, on good road, light and telo- ? hone line. Price $1200, $100 down, 16 per mo. This Is an opportunity. Call Coburn Grabenhorst with W. H. Grabenhorst A Co. Realtors. Suburban ' SPECIAL r SIGHTLY TRACT, nearly 1 acre with abundance of tree Bus service. Quick sale, $750. Worth more. . See Mr. En Is with CHILDS A MILLER. REALTORS 344 State St v Phone 926L Business Opportunities . SELL GROCERY A fixture low rent Meat mat iulp gd. loca. Ph. 788. MWWWWMWWM FOR . RENT. Store bid, with liv ing quartera. 1035 Broadway. Imj. 889 N. Liberty. Pbone 8131 or 7629. BUSINESS SUITABLE father and son or young couple. Sacrifice quick sale. 9250. Box 574. Statesman. WANTED to lease, lunch room or mail restaurant In a good business town. Must be reasonable rent Box 676 co Statesman. For Sale Wood ATTENTION: BUT wood that last! Beat old fir. 16". 85. Ph. 791. BONE-DRY WOOD. Ph. -8660. DRY WOOD. $4.59 A 36. Ph. 742L WOOD. Ph. 8370 Oraen. 419 N. 91st ehtjae MILL WOOD. TeL 9941 Wood at west end of Court 8t Load. $3.5. 8 eda. 16-ln4 old fir. 816 Ph. 870. ASH. FIR. prune. 83129. Jadd Dry 2nd growth. O. Fir. Ph. 7607 Old fir 95 Knot tS. Blab $4. Ph. 9486. OLD FIR. $5.50, slab $3.25. P. 82637. Lost and Found LOST. BLACK billfold, contain, bills. Iwd. M. F. MlUer. 2215 HaaeL- P. 939. REWARD PERSON finding yellow sold Wal tham wrist watch Sunday, April 7. In men's washroom of Union Service Sta. on Falnrrounds Bd engraved on bek King ien. n. Runremar awardi 1940. K W. Donogh." Keepsak value. Liberal reward. Ken Gollet, 464 SUt St A'none Personal LONELY T WORTHWHILE sweet, heart husband, wife for yoa, P. O. Bos 71. Los Angel. Crab Volume Lower h i NORTH BEND, April S-fV A $200,009 Uk by the Coo Bar crab t-dtutry for the year ending Apm I represented a $50,000 drop from the preTions year. M.ir. Keller of the stata flstt eommlaslon reported today.. ; Business Cards la this Urtctory loa a - aftonthly basis only. Bate 1 f IJa per llae per jBBOat-W : v - Auto Brakes Mx Paak 974 South Commrca iiicyciea BICYCLES, NEW and r-coodltkmad. Marry wTScott 141 ComcL P. 4416 Chimney Sweep TSXJCPHONB 446A ! It B Northnaaa Excavatinit; EXCAVATING OP an kind Base meats dug. Dirt hauled or moved. Dirt for saie. baker EanJ A Gravel P 946 Florists BreithaapTa 447 Court. Pbeo 6904 Furniture Caah for tool A furniture. Ph. 4917. Mattresses SALEM FLUFF Rug A Mattress Co. Ntw rutlrtn. old remade, rug cieaaing A weavtn. A Itta A Wilbur let 8441 Zwtckera. CAPITOL HEDDING CO, Pbone 406 Natnropriiliic FiiTikian DR. W FL ROCKWELL. NMurooath te phyelcisn, I7t ITalrtrrounds ltd. Tei 4iJ Off,? Hours II m.tn 8 :J9 p m. raca cam a consultation. t : Legal' Notice' 1 KOTICH ON FINAL ACCOUNT A NOTICE 13 HEREBY GIVKN. That tha nnderained Alfred - 93. tatBrsnch, Executor of the estate of relix LaBraach. deceased; has filed Ja the County Conn of the State of Orefoa for Marios Coun ty ' his Final Account, aad that said Court has, by an order thereof.- designated Thursday, the litk day of April, 1940, at the hour ot ten (10:001 o'clock la the fore Aooa of said day. at the County Couttroora in the Courthouse at Salem. Oregon, as, the time ; end lace tor hearing : objections to said Tin aJ Account And the ecu Uetaent of said estate. At - which said time and place all persons so objecting shall appear sad- shew cans, it any there be, why said Aecoont should aot, la all things, be allowed and approved, the said estate, settled aad closed aad the Kzecator discharged. v . ALFRED B. LaBRANCS Execator of the Estate 4t Felix LaBraach, d R0S3 A FORD. Attorneys tor the Estate. M 11-19-14 A S-t NOTICK OF FINAL SETTLE ij 1IENT . h? Notice la hereby given that the undersigned has filed la the County Court ot the State ot Ore gon, for the County of ifation, his duly Verified final account, as the Executor of the last will aad testament aad estate of George D. Bardick, deceased, and that said Court has fixed Tuesday, the 14 th day of May, 1140. at the hour ot ten o'clock. A.M. of said day, as the time, aad the County Court Room In the County Court House at Salem, In Marlon County, Ore gon, as the place for hearing said final account and all objections thereto. ' Dated at Salem, Oregon, this 9th day of April. 1940. W. 8. WALTON, Executor of the last will and ! testament, and estate ot 1 George D. Burdlck, Deceased. GLOVER A LAM KIN. Attorneys for Executor, i Salem. Oregon. Ap 9-16-13-30; My T. FINAL NOTICE OF EXECUTRIX : NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN That the undersigned, executrix ot the estate xt GEORGE MAR TIN, Deceased, has filed her Fi nal Account as such, and that April SO. 1140, at 10:00 o'clock la tha forenoon of said day. has been fixed as the time, and the Courtroom of the County Court ot the State of Oregon for Marlon County, at Salem, Oregon has been fixed as the place for the hearing of objections to said Fi nal Account. BESSIE M. MARTIN, Executrix of the Estate of George Martin, Deceased. RHOTEN A RHOTEN. ' 611 U. 8, Nat't Bank Bldg- Salem, Oregon, i Attorneys for the Estate. M 14; Ap 1-9-16-13. i NOTICK TO CREDITORa. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN That the undersigned,' by aa Or der ot the County Court ot the State of Oregon, for the County of Marion, duly made and entered on the ISth day of March. 1940. was appointed administrator of the estate of ASAHEL BUSH, De ceased, and that he has duly qual ified as such administrator. All persona having claims against said estate are hereby notified to pre sent the same, duly rerlfled. as required by law. to said adminis trator In care of the office of JOHN A. HELTZEL. Ladd A Bush Bank Bldg., Salem, Oregon, within six months from the date ot this notice. Dated and first published 19th day of March, 1940. this i STUART BUSH, as ad mis 1st ra- 'j tor of the estate ot ASAHEL 'i BUSH, Deceased. Date of First Publication: March 19th. 1940. i Date of Last Publication: April ISth. 1940. JJDHN A. HELTZEL. $ Attorney for Administrator, ' - Salem, Oregon. T M 19-S6; Ap. 2-9-11 Medical School to Have Grounds Improved, WPA s . -.-. . r ' PORTLAND, April S-4P)-Rep. Homer Angell (R-Ore) notified the University of Oregon medical school here of presidential ap P roral for a $37,185 WPA grounds Improvement project Work will Include the campus and grounds of adjacent, hospit als, . Dr. Richard B, DiUehunt. dean ot the school, said. Directory V Paptarint?, Painting t I NEAT Work. John P-.S722 I HERBERT, WOOD, r Tot 9979 Plan Service V. L, IRISH, 30J4 K. Caa, Ph. 7181 Plumbing PLUHBINOU GENERAL repair wrk Oraber Broa, 164 A Ubarty. PA 4t Printinf? FOR STATIONERY card, pamphhtta prosrama book or aay kind of print tag. oalt The Statesman Printing De partment. 316 8, ConunorriaL , Telo Phono 9I6L Salvagers and Vreckers CASn FOR old bids, to wreck. P. 8319. Schools COMPLETE your HIGH PCHOOL t bom. DIPLOMA. TEXTS FURN. Writ for catalog. American School Dept. S. Bo . Portia nd. Ore. tibeep bbearm. W. i. COCHRAN. Rt L B. 99 A. 4919. Transfer (Tin LOCAL or distant transfer, stor f burner ' ciL cil 3131 lrmi liancfer Co. Truck t Portland tahy Vell lirillir-? R A, WEST- rt A be 445. Ph. HCFS Lecal Notice u KOTICB TO DEPOSITOI-1 I ; - LADD e BUSH i ! . .NOTICE IS! HEREBY GIVEN that Ladd A Bush, an Oregon banking corporation, (of tha City ot Salem, County of Marlon, Stata of Oregon) by action of its directors. Ukea April J, ' 1940, and approved In writing by the State Superintendent of Banks of the State of Oregon under date of April S, 1949, has discontinued the banking bo tineas, and Its de posits hare been assumed by The United States National Bank of Portland (Oregon) at Its J-dd Bush-Sslem. Branch,' SOS 'State Street, Salem, Oregon. ' r , . I This publication Is made" pur suant to the provisions ot the fed eral statutes governing deposits Insured Jn the Federal Deposit In surance Corporation. ! Dated at Salem, Oregon,' April I. 1940. . : ! LADD A BUSH. " By Geo. H. Riches. Cashier. All deposits ot Ladd A Bush, aa Oregon banking corporation, of Salem. Oregon, were Assumed by The United States National Bank ef Portlaad (Oregon), at Its Ladd A Bush-Salem Breach, SOS State Street. Salem, Oregon, effective April 6, 1940, which will honor the same aad continue a general banking business at said point. All deposits at eald branch, to the statutory, maximum of $9000 each, including those thus assumed, are insured by the Federal Deposit la suraace -Corporation. - 1 THE UNITED STATES NATION- . AL BANK OF PORTLAND . (OREGON). By William 8. Walton, Viee- Presldsnt, I By D. W.. Eyre, Vice-President. -'-.- -A " At t. X Film Mystery Death of Walter Miller, reteraa film character player, ta Holly wood following a camera fight serne has stirred aa lnveatlgn tion Into aa inquiry on the pos sibility Of -eaatotn hoodlnm" trylag to Mmaclo ta oa movie extras. Deputy Sheriff William Bright said that "there has been anany complaints that members of tb Screen Actors Guild were being shoved aromad by eastera hood 1 ana trying to xnnaclo la cat the extras aad bit players ta the snovlea. . I !. ' . .-; ' ' . . 1 1 ii 11 1 1 1 Cross Word Ptizzle I -; 12 13 'A (0 16 21 20 21 22 'A 24V 27 L2 1 20 31 32 3V as 'A 36 Vj 37 3B 'A V VeV t7 S3 OH HOkIZONTAL 11 03,000 rupees ' 4 Vehicles S-SaT plicate 12 Priod Of time 11 DU1 . ' . 14 Unaccented 15 Postaatire pronoun l raro-ffk wkmi ic-ml eoaarry did tie Tifri A EupktaUi fUwt 18 Particles 20 Winged . , 21 Depend tZ Sweet-op . , 23 Court 94 WAat is tU EUrmal Cifyf 11 Tendency , gs Wast ffTwafftT ef I Jrred w srarai or kr "f ' dmmetMfft S3 Paid attentloa -.',.'.. ; 84 SoliUry ; jjJFAat anffinrr eonttnurtta f I' mn arek bridjm aer tAs j MUtiMtippi t SL Levitt SS Precious stone S7 Territory S3 Sour i - 43 VegeUlles 45 Flower 45 Aitoniihl-ax 43 Poem t3 Persian fairy ' 61 On the sheltered side C Negative rota t3 Finds the sum ; ; 64 Observes . I IS Usif ems J.', , VERTICAL' J XVk wrt TA Mrrg WidouTt 2 Crest cf a mountain range 3 f.orj ef Joy 4 Vehicles t Literary coec'.'on 6 Money returned . 1 i asiiioa . . 1 - ! 1 a A r r r L2 StrdetWPATak ; Granted Porlland WASHINGTON, April S - (P) -Th works' project admlntstrii tlon notified Senator McNary ( ti- Ore) the president had approve Allocation of I21S.S0S for street Improvement In Fortland. Tbie money pelnf, rrlU be used for grading, curblnr, sewers and ri- Uinlnd walls . , .Tha sUte WPA administrator will Will determine start, ' J . when the work No, ao-so Sraeeai ef Aaal SUUatent f H Called Ststee Brh of the K.T.I 1- rae ) SsglaadJ Of-ip. I Ltverseot ea ta Ulrty-Urst day el le eember.i 191 J Ceaiwl..ser 193J, am U U iaeersaa r-f (o State ec vrm, : . , " ) CAPITAL I persass in.st ef P.aeait easital steck UI , OeOd.OOO.Oew I ' . , ;COMS '. ' Vet 4eailavi reeelved 4srlat U ye, $9,184,287.17. 1 latere, divide s4 real vseeiv4 dsrlag ta r, 90,1tl. j la.. is inrn atlwr . eaare.s seeeive dsriag tAe rear, 073t.4tJ.70. TetallteaeaM. 9.7PI.44.S7. li DISBCKStUENTS He ha paid duriag tb. year Uclad ff 4JejBitet eei.s.a. 6.I.8S0.SL Caauniaal.aa sae salarie paid 4anaf Ik yeari 93.000,700.40. Taa- liseas. rs4 lees paid dsrisg tke Ti 95S5.501.4S. Divi4ea4a sold aa capita! stack dariag the resii Meae. . AsMast eC aQ ether ipealiter, $2,81S,t64.4. . . Tetal jespeaditar. M.3.7S.9S. j ADMITTED ASKCTS Valoai at real atate ewa.4 (atarket vslael. SlAI2.3SJa. -j Leans je at.rtf ages sd eellBteral, eta, Keae. J 1 Vshiej ef beads ewa.4 : tsrtla4), $11,000,917.37. Vale ef stock ewe.4 (taark.t vslae), $3,000,48 8.0. . Ck la beak 4 aa haad, l,TT. 4 &. f7 ( , i Preal(iBUi la e.orae ef eallartlaa orl le stnea September ; SO, lilt, l,0f 0.2.98. j i laterajat s4 resit is n4 er4, $73. tOt S. OtkerjaaaeU (aet), 913.01 Bt. Ttala4mirt4 sm.U, 42 t,Slft.t(S Si, ,1 ' LIABII.mrs ! 1 . Greae) elalsis er leases sspaid, 61. 0.7JJ. v Aaaaast ml mrrn4 preaiinuia a all elaUaaUng riaka. 8.t23,tu.12i Dae eematisrles sad brokerage, AU after HaWilltlea, 9i'09,2S9 B. ' Tetal II abtliti.a, etrrpt rapiial, $10 48 4.304.147. Capital Dapealt paid ap. $400,000 00. M.rpla er.r all liabiiitlsa, fll.oat, 021 V7. j ) I HarpU ss r. fare a pellt-rkotdart. 81I.43IJ631.07. 1 1 . 1 1 Tetalj 62l.0tll.905 84. 1 buhikkmh in ouyavs 1 1 roa TUK TKAR K.4 prmlssis rMtte4 S.rlng (tie rar. 9S2.eosi4. ; . Na fnaaee paid ! dariag tt Jraar, $20.054 jlO. i Net faaet laenrrtd 4rlaf ta ar, $21,07ilO. Haaaej ef Cnatpaajr, 9Uysl la.uraa. Ceaipaaf. Umitea. Kamelef Uaited Sut.a Maaa(.r, Har eld Waeaer. 8tatl.rr r.44est ttters.r lr a.rtlca, M. r. ttafield. l'ertlas. Or(a. Hmitk Iaaarasee T r. Millar 314., Salem, Orrfe. Lodges I' j . j SALXM IX) DO I V. 4 A.f . A X. Stated Coaunasiratie. Fridar, April a 7;S0 P.M. J. S. Pl taa. W.M. 1 if Pad fie Lasts Sa. S. A.f A At. M M Degree. Wed, April 10, 7:80 p.'as. Waw Harriett WJt f II 17 7 23 2V 2tt 2& 33 177. 31! HO DO S Conspiracy 1 J 9 Reiuvenatad , 104-Cuickoo ' ll-tAft rmatlre vote . 17 Remained 1 I IFie tra tie sdJpfor A sthoss D utcus TAreicvrf 22 J panes rice paste 24 Unit , ;- i 1 25 Peculiar ' 27 Eera boaUn with mCk 23 Gofa repose 30 Kit k In the mide ji peVtrsre ff Ti A it tks aWss CLtrJ UmbUi Carei F 83 Poeed SS Star green foddar S3 Collection of mops 43 Expiate u 41 Work with twe pars pets 42 Cards with three spots 44 Goddess of discord 45 Grows old 1 ; ' 48 Mineral spring ' 47 Spread for drying , 43 Bora 1 ; Aiiaswer to yesterday's pazx!j. Ti-t' l ' ill-'- 11 . lit - , ... i ;l . 1;, .. i . 1 In .4 r 1 i . I 1 1 I .- ' fj. ,l 1 I i if; ;' -I -4 K t,l'i t IjH , . : i j T - J I I :i" I tUt m4 l Lr i r 77, VC vj Vi I