Thhd New Features Being Planned I Commercial Lamb '-Class, H Fleece Exhibit, Ram j ; Division Added " -'J - ! J ! DALLAS With three new fea tures added, the third annu ai Spring Iamb show for Polk coanty jhaa beea scheduled for Jan 1 at Monmouth. Breeders' met' last rweeg and made sereral change la ne iouw vruIBlu w til jj ! IVa ilui aV lnJ i tereat. , I 'A fleece exhibit, a class for com- '. merclal Iambi iniwhlch purebreds ' ira huMd ml two classes for !Thls year there will b no separate nnior breeders classes. J Ia previous shows classes hare been limited to loos: wools and snedluia wools ana a grsna cwm- Slon lamb has been selected. This ear-a new class of commercial lambs.'; in which purebreds are .varrea, - oas nevn sauea uui m r classes for lonr wools and medium .wools admitting only pnrebreds hare been retainea in tnese tnree Classes, pens of three as well as single lambs will be shown. . la the new ram classes only pnrebreds may be entered. The two (roups will be medium wools land Ion wools. Rams are to be Exhibited shorn and will compete for ribbons only, 1, Among events of Interest to the i !p a bile will be a sheep shearing jdemouitratlon. a lamb carcass meat cutting demonstration, prep aration of fleeces for market and . Jgheep dog trials; tThe breeders committee coa lsts of J. B. Lorence. chairman; ack Stamp and William RiddeU. 1! of Monmouth. County Agent W. C Leth Is secretary for the jrommtttee. . j Silverton Music Week Plans Made f SILTERT037 Mrs. Gertrude music week has appointed her committee to Include Mrs. Tom Anderson,' Mrs. Ernest Byberg. Mrs. W. P. ,;Scarth, Mrs. Irene Morley Pranke, T. T. Ellefson and Fred Baker. ; Tbe eomraitta le-nortu th v plans to ret aw from the for mal prorrams It has gtren at S0 vertoa for National Music week the past several years. The elo gen remains the same as last year. -Support Local Group Activities. But programs wilt be carried on this year entirely; through local schools. On $ Mr 1 ther young people of Silrerton will be pre sented ta choruses, bands aad smaller groans at the high school auditorium. The usual Mother's say program,! given by the com blued 8ilTerton churches, will be dispensed with and each church ta being asked to care for Its observance 1 Its own. chares. It:.'-J?"-8 mrii ftjff 'T'.was Wiawia'v mums. TSMmniilliT ' n Mn..mim tikili VJCrv rrTfraTrTa IT aeflT Wstiii Hfi istii ITli ' ifrrWl jftsT fSTBiafW jWlef T MOT! 4 B ii i i 1 - aT2s aSs a& aU : ; . . - I THE STATES JIAN WANTS YOUR 5 , s ;. . . forits - : ; i ; 9th ANNUAL BABY EDITION ' . By Special Arrangement tcith Kennell-Ellis Studio All Babies Under the Age of 5 Years Will Be Photographed iLbsolutely Free!! UNTIL MAY 1ST ! .Proofs Shotvn Free of Charge .Sittings Free of Charge. -y-:':.:: One of Greatest Sopranos, Director Says r . ... i '. " j - - 1 ' - t ' 1 -- a m ak s at s ai la a e ae Willamiiia Board Elects Teasers WILLAMTNA Teachers elect. ed by. the school board for the coming n year are: Mrs. Kthel Ray, principal. Mrs. Velene Ball. Mrs. Beatrice Lamson, Mrs. Raby Hiatt, Mrs. Twlla Byrns aad Mis. 0. T. Lavine. Contract to fur nish wood for the school was awarded to West Barber. - Organisation of a Church of Christ took place here last Son- day when 39 were enrolled as charter members. The roll wSI bo kept open for charter mem bership through April. A aneleus tor the charca was formed sev eral moat ha ago aad has been working faithfully toward the erection of a church building. Harlan Woodruff of the North west Christian college at Eugene. who has been acting pastor, was elected to serve as regular pas tor for one year. Long-Lasting Light Globe Damaged TTXIOXVALK One of th. easnaltie of the wind storm last week was a 13-watt light globe which had been used con tinuously since January 1028 at the barn cut tbe Clarence Kowlev- Place. . i wn is mmmM vmtmmmtwimjm HsvK'SlN&iNb rlALTJ RE 11 EARS A I Se carried away were rtbeanbag snembers of the rhlmderphta orchestra that they steed mw aad cheered bliss Dorothy Mayner, 2t-year-el4 sopraao sew with Coadmctor Eageno Crmaady, at rhUaaclpala. She's the eUaghier of a Norfolk, Va, soiaia - : ter. Oraaaady called her, "ene of the greatest sbigm Ivs ever hesrd, 3E S3 OTION! Jri icture .. .mmA.m J " " I They Were Around When - ' r . i , . '' . . .'.'," Y . ' ' i ' m BETWEEN TWO OLD T I M E R $-asebairs twamd U be the topic discussed la a meeting ef Ty Cobb (left) and CosmJo Hack dariag a Philadelphia Athletics game with the Sail ftsBV Cisco Seals, which the As wan 7-i, Gervais Seniors Choose Play Gist GSRVAIS The date for the senior class play "Spooky Tav ern" has been set for Msy S. The east will include Norman Nlbler, Mettle Ledeur, Ida Dungey, Jeanette Evanu, Mario Phillips, Bertha Miller, Orville Brown. Kenneth Ballweher, Elmer Blerly, David Pfan Clifford Wanless. Janette Evans is chairman of the publicity committee: Mario Phillips, tickets; Ida Dungey, posters; Orville Brown, property; Alice Selfer and Albert Moulett, stage managers: Ira Short, lights; Albert Moulett, curtain Alice Sel fer, Bertha Miller, sound effects; junior class, ushers. . Mr. snd Mrs. A. DeJsrdln were hosts last weekend at their beach home at Delake for members of the Hcrmosa elub snd their hus bands. Mrs. Vila Kenning was Joint hostess with Mrs. Mabel Settle meter Tresday for the officers of, Nydia, : 1 r ; ; Honor Birthday j ' With Surprise ROBERTS Mrs. Kate Wood- ard was surprised last week whea a group of her friends dropped tn for the afternoon on her birth day, -'; ' I ' Mrs. Carl Ross, Mrs. L. D. Salcaenberg end Mrs. Msrgsret Gilbert entertained the O. T. Wo men's club at the home of Mrs. Esther Query with a . dessert luncheon for 21 members. Turner FTA to Meet ' TURNER The PTA will meet Monday night at S o'clock la the school auditorium, with program and the , annual election of offi cers. 'iv :' , ' CnniilDwcr AmericaV Most CorafortaLlc on Exclusively at v-ie jp""' "f Sweet Home Starts Pro America Qiib SWKKT HOME Monday a Pro America chapter was organized at the home of Mrs. I. A. Seeley. Mrs. J. O. Gill of Lebanon, the county chairman of Pro America discussed the purpose and need of tbe organization and presided wnea ine onicers ror the new group were chosen.' Mrs. John uiibert was made president; "Mrs. Gilbert Sprague, vice president: Mrs. John Russell, secretary; Mrs. H. C. Thompson, treasurer with Mrs. Lloyd . MeCredr, Mrs. Ed ward CardweU, Mrs. Jack Wills and Mrs. Hattle Rolfo as trus tees. 'Besides the Sweet Home women present, Mrs. E. I Clark. Mrs. John Reed. Mrs. J. C. Tt! aad Mrs. Glen Wallace of Leb anon attended.' Mra. Dave MacMIllan, the wife of the editor of the Sweet Home New Era, Is in the Lebanon hos plntal with head Injuries sus tained Saturday when she fell at her home. Her sister. Miss Maude Brown of Portland has come to stay with her until her condition ia better. Mr.' and Mrs. D. A. Reeves, Mr. and Mra. Victor Carlson. Mr. and Mra. Elmer ritzgerald ard Mrs Dora Fitzgerald went to Hood River to attend the funeral of L. H. ; Huggin. a brother ' of Mrs. Dora FiUserald; an tuicle of the others. 4 Elntertained at Dinner SCOTTS MILLS Tho Royal Nelghbora club was entertained at dinner Thursday by Mrs. Ben Thomas. ... .... -' r- - ..... A J Yoa cant watch a pharmacist at work. Not here, at any rate, for we insist that there mast be qnlet aad seclusion for their ex acting labors. But if yoa could have that privilege, you'd be surprised at the ptecisioa and skill of these modera wooder worksrs. Isdecd they are magidaas, hcingiag Ileahh Snd Happiness ia aa admixture of medicaments gleaned froos all parts of the world. Xa hringiflgyour prescription here to be onmpounded, yoa are assured of freih, poceat drags. No alter atkms; ao substitutions; low cost, - 1 t . vnLLmmrs New Trial Is DeniedHart Circuit Judge at Dallas Refuses Request of , VMf SUm Man i - DALLAS Harry Hart, who was found guiltr br Poll county Jury on a moral charge, appeared before Circuit - Judge Ariio O, Walker, hero Thursday afternoon asking for a new trial. The -motion was denied by Judge Walk er. Hart Is one, of the five West Salem men who was Indicted by the Polk onnty. grand jury' on moral charges.--. Norrllle Jack Bellinger. X t. was arrested by William Noble, -chief of police at Independence,- on a charge of operating an automo bile without a license. In May, isat, Bellinger was arrested on a charge of drunken driving. . He was fined X30 ahd sentenced to 39 days in Jail, 'and his license automatically revoked. On the recent charge of operating a ear without a driver's license Bell inxer was fined 125 and sent enced to 60 days in Jail. The Jan sentence was suspended. . John Hlebert, who wss arrest ed February IT on a charge of using a car without, the permis sion of the owner, entered a plea of guilty to the charge and . waa sentenced to 9 days in the county jail. He was to be given credit on the time already served. Floyd Cecil Corbett, who was arrested at Independence last Saturday on -a charge of ' obtain ing money under false pretenses, asked, for additional time in which to enter, his plea whea he appeared ' before Judge Walker here , Friday afternoon. Corbett was oit parole -for a non-support charge at the time of his arrest at Independence. District Attor ney Bruce Spaulding asked that Corbetfs parole be revoked and Judge Walker took the matter under advisement. La Verne Thomas Tan Burea, who was arrested recently on a charge 'of forgery, entered a plea of guilty when he appeared be fore Judge Walker Friday. Sen tence was postponed until a- later dtv David Edmund Dyer and Ferdla La Vers Trnmbley, who were arrested recently at : West Salem and who at . the- present time are serving a six months Jail sentence on a charge of petit larceny, were arraigned before Judge Walker here Friday after noon. Both , waived grand Jury bearing and oa information filed by the district attorney entered a plea of guilty to several charges. These Include larceny from the following West Salem stores: Puritan store, Bosfck'a Mohawk service station. Moore's garage. Pern pies, garage' and larceny from a public school. ' 1 ' School Principal Named at Stayton STATTON Harold Shepherd, a teacher in the West Stayton school, wss elected as the new grade school principal at the regular meeting of the Stayton school board Wednesday night. Shepherd will take over the duties of Louis Baynes. present principal, who did not reapply for the Stayton. school. Loa Ana Hassing, teacher ia the upper grades, has handed in her reaig nation to the board. This vacan- ct will be filled at a later date. Robert Wakefield, superintend ent of j the Stayton schools, waa asked to make a survey to show the possibilities of Increased en rollment. This report will be sub mitted to the budget committee aa soon as It Is completed. J. F. Richards, George Keech and George Duncan were appointed on the budget committee. p , . . , ... . 'Won? en ; Enterteiin. at Spring , ZENA Mrs. Charles M. ' Par Ylne opened her home at Zena to the Spring; Valley 'Hore sionary society for a social after noon Thursday. Mra. E. Buckles and Mrs. Jack Jeasup were eothostesses. Mrs. Fred Mailer presided at the business session and Mrs. James A. French Jed devotionala, Mrs, Charles McCarter acted as secretary in the absence of Mrs. R. a Shepard who is HL. Mrs. Huch Craix will be hostess tor Msy, assisted by Mrs. T. J. Mer rick, Mrs.' x. R. utterback and Mrs. Victor Utterback. The host esses servea inncn u ii mem bers. ' ' ; - A1 X'.ss Scheduled for June 1 irst ........ . -'i -. .. ........ ' --I..- 1 :;" ii'..;V.' ; ' ''..'.,' '; i iVeiv Subprior Iter. Ma. rti Pollard who has , beea. appointed .swbprior to the Benedictine abbey at UU Anieel. He 'staceeed Bev. Joseph ; ScbJadler who has gone to the : Benedlcttnes branch monastary ' 'ia Canadat jj . Legjii, Auxiliary Have Joint Dinner Fire New, Members Added i to Women's Group; to Give Flags ' '. :, i - DALLAS A covered-dish din ner was held by the Carl . Fen ton post of the American Legion and auxiliary; at the armory Thnrsdsy night. The committee in charge of the dinner Included Mra. Otella ijMerdla. Mrs. Cecil Dunn and Mrs. George Cooper. Following, the dinner sepsrate business meetings were held by the post and f auxiliary. Mrs. Fred jStlnnett presided at the auxiliary meeting, it was an nuonced that the group would hold a rummagn sale on Wednes day and aadtThnraday, April 10 and 11, at the Mountain States Power company office. It was also announced that the auxiliary waa making 'plans to furnish a shelf of books at the Dallas city library. The -group waa Invited to hold its stext afternoon meet ing at' the home of Mrs. Jack Basin on April 11. Mrs. E. O.j Anderson, Mrs. Wil liam Blackle?. , Mrs. Ralph Howe. Mrs. Walter -Johnson and Agnes Clara Neal were initiated aa new members. Commander Jack Hares pre sided at the Legion meeting. Fred Stlnnette, membership chairmaa. reported TS featd up members. Karle ii Richardson 1 announced about the dinner, which the cham ber of commerce Is girlsg In hon or of the- new dUsens. and the Legion voted to present an Ameri can flag to each of the new eiti sens at the dinner. The poet voted to send William Blaekley, Jr and Dnane Jones to the Junior Olympics which will be held 11 Eugene on May S and. 4. f. Some discusalon was held on plana for Memorial day. Sidney Whltworth, chair man . of the J school awards com mitiae. gave? a brief report sUt tng that he luul appeared before the local Junior high school and explained th point on which the awards are ? made. Commander Hayes announced that a crab feed would be held at the next meet ing of,-the post. He also an nounced that - the annual dress up night would be held at the first meeting in May. . " - ' t -j i ,'! Hayefcrville Club ; Plans Luncheon ' i i " HATES VILLD Mrs. Frank Marshall,! assisted by Mrs. Earl Bedwell, i entertained St . mem bers of the .Hsyesviile Woman's club Thursday afternoon. Committees were appointed to serve !oa the annual ' luncheon, which Swill he held at the last meetlna at lln. E. B. Tirlnr'i May i. , r i -i--.. . : - Special guests were Miss Jauna Holmes, Mrs. Pearl Reed and Mrs. W. Berkley. l :: : b J llaay Free Senriccs at : Capitol Ltxratr Co. Mr, . John R. . Towlea, former Associate Mrector Federal IXonsins; Administration, will be glad to help yon select yonr loan, prepare all papers, and many other details FREII OF C2LARGXL There are naany other eomp let e additional services. ---i .... ;- - Fr Fdl Detroit Mills Start up Again Logging . Operations . Are Resnmed After Three 's. Months Shutdown D3SCTR0IT The wheels ct In dustry began to ; tarn hero Wednesdsy morning;, after a three months shatdown, when logging operations - and " mllla started to work. : r -. Mrs. Major Banhn and Mrs. James Bud, Jr., were Joint host esses Wednesday afternoon -t the Bauhn home to members and their friends of the Happy Hour club. A shower was arraned by the dub for Mrs. Charlie Clest er, who has been ill and under medical care for the past 20 months. Refreshments were served to the following r embers and gnests: Mra. N. Walter Shel by, Mrs. Richard Lee, Mrs. Earl Parker, Mrs. William Slefert nd daughter, Nancy, - Mrs. Lauritt Hansen, Miss Etna Wilson and little Nina Fish. Mrs. Claude Mil ler, Mrs. Edward Thompson and her mother, Mrs. Saunders from Nampa. Idaho, Mrs. Richard Han sen and children, Delia Mae, Carol and Richard, Mrs. Frank Th rail kill. Mrs. Roy Allen. Mrs. Chsrles Mason, Mrs. Joe Wright and the hostesses, Mrs. Bauhn . and Mra. Rand. The elub will meet next at 1:1 p. m. April IT In the music roo i of the high school. Cafe Owner Back M. C. "WhiUe Goodman, who has had his restaurant, the De troit cafe, rented the past two months to Mr. and Mrs. Walter Bell of Silverton, has taken tt over again. Mrs. Russell Hammon left for Portland early Thursday morn ing, taking Mrs. Charlie Clester there tor medical care again Mrs. Clester - Just recently re turned from Portland, where aha had spent a month under a doctor's care and was reported Setting along nicely but became suddenly much worse Wednesday. Mra. Hammon brought Mrs. C test er's mother, Mrs. Howland, back with her to care for the three Clester children. Walter Shelby, Mrs. -Bonnie Kesler and Iran Ickes hare signed contracts to teach in -the Detroit schools this coming year. This is Shelby's third year at Detroit. Ickes second and Mrs. Hester's first, as she replaced Mrs. Davis here this year' at midterm. As yet ' no teacher for the primary room has been' selected. Church Panning Father-Son Affair ' -., .... . ,;"l:-,Jr. . K SHiRTON--J iue of the usual mother-daughter banquet given annually by the Christian Missionary group at the Christian church, a father-son affair will be given this year Instead , and will be held at the church Tuesday night at 1:10. It is open to all fathers and sons who may wish to attend and Rev. W. H. Ly man of the Court Street Christ ian church at Salem will be the speaker. Mrs. Martin Hannan Is chairman of arrangements. L. R. Neal will be toaatmaster and Rev. Wilson, retired Baptist pastor who lives at Silverton, will give a tribute to the sons. Don McCall will giro the tribute to the fathers. - Rev. Frank - Zook wilt return thanks. Other pro gram numbers : Include a vocal duet by Merl and Earl Grogan; piano numbers by' Wayna Rose; comedy skit, "Dont Cry. by Bob NeaL Bob Dickmaa and Delores Herr; vocal numbers with guitar accompaniment, Pat Grogan; com edy skltiHurry Doctori" by Bob Neal. Calvin Kirk and' Bob Dick man; piano number by Edward Lata, and selections ' by the Four Norsemen,' a male Quartet com posed ot the Almquist men. , Given Caxd Shower .; LIBER TT Members of the Liberty Woman's dab featured a card shower for Mrs. V. A. Ball antyne in honor of her birthday anniversary Tuesday. Mrs. Ball antyne is ill at her home from the effects of a psralytle stroke some weeks ago.'; . 1 . ' ' '. " WIpT NOT COMPLETE YbUli OUTING J Drive about the resldeatia filiArlcts of the city and, see for yourself how jnanf of yonr friends and nelcLbors have been buiiling fa the Iat ' year.' r oSA nEAsd:jf: wnynt J 0...r.n.n. !lohi:3 " . Longest Term Loan Smallest Monthly Payments Only 4 H Iatereat Pay LIhe Kent . KJh Appralsil Valae.. lafonaaUoa About Any F.II.A. Farmers Union Nevs vAmFittLD Tne Dairy Coop of Portland will f urnUh a pro gram and talk on dairy problems at the nexf Farmers Union meet ing Friday Snight, April If. Ladles . are asked. jto hrinr , Of ficto Elected Mrs. Frktxke Will Head Group jat independence , for Coming Year INDEPENDENCE The regular meeting ef the I Independence Woman's luh was held at the Woman's elub house Tuesday af ternoon i with Mrs. Ira Mix pre1 siding. The report of the nomi nating wa$ read by Mrs . Hugh Am sherry and the: following unanimousjy elected for the en suing; yesrj Mrs. C. A. Frstske. president; Mrs. 'Paul, Robinson, first . rice president ; Mrs. C. O. -Sloper, scond vice pxesldent; Mrs. Tom Ritchie, secretary, and Mrs. Joe Rogers, Jr., treasurer. These officers will be Installed, at the lasf ( meeting1! In May, , The neit meeting wfll b. bus band's nicht and the chamber of commerce jhas been Invited to be gnesU to hear Dr. Fred Thomp son from Oregon State college. Dr. Thompson will be a guest of the chamber Jit 'the dinner meet ing. , - f Mrs Clifton Mndd of Salem wss the jguest speaker for the afternoon land gave a detailed re port of hr trip to the national convention) of the Federation of Women'a Clubs held lsst Msy In San Franqlsoo. She was sent as a deleagtej from ;the Salem club. Tea was) served with Mrs. Walt er Smith end Mrs. Amsberry pre siding at the urns. Mt. Angel Normal Gives Leajj Dance MT. ANOEL A ' dance follow ing the jLeap Tear theme waa held by StndenU of Mt. Angel normal school Tuesday night. Guests were students of Mt, An gel collegi., ) Souvenfirs and reminders of all" Important dates on the eampus calendar decorated the hall, giving the daace its name, "Summary Lesp.-.. K. . -i; - ' .. Gale Storm, 1 6t Helens, and Margaret Thompson. Stayton, wer co-chairmen , of the dance eonultteelf V-'i-- -M., y 'We qx bom wli two eys But only one toxvjuv, . order that we may see) twico much as we say. No one questions the importance - 01 good vision . v But mcrny do not realize hovr tnuch strain they could j relieve their eyes from and how much more pleasant they . w?uld ac ; tuaUyj feel by having a j thorough examination and fitting at, .this office, of the rory latest glasses," , ""'nOBEKS " OPTiCAE. CO, .- '.-I; - ' if -. 'j :V Optometrists . .- ; ' 444 sUte St Ph. 5323 no DL9S3SI DZ7 t- x --l: ' i- :': H and everyone ehoirid tour the blossom routes to revel ii the .beanUoos won ders of Mother Xatmre. who 1 has so abundantly ehowfcred the Willamette Valley with her blessings. , i 1 Ixian-tall ( ! Make Appointments Now! - 'if. - j ' St- fW , I ii u 1C23 JL CcrsracrcH n. IWe ,' 420CnEGONELDG. ICS N. (J A'ljal.'iif . Cor. State A ZJbertz Th. 8118 H