2S.?-:V' 3 ,Th8 OHZGOII ETA TH;: IAN. Slxn; Orvejoa Saturday Horsing April C. ID 13 go II MM o I Statesman Clasxi tied Ads -;. Call 9101 CUwtirVrS A4trt(Mi Dire insertions pr line J Sr. St Insertions pet ' line ... 40' On noaik pr line ..... Sl-tl Mu7imNmebarK-2e: It! ml a Imam lie; 4 U iotn.4Se No . refund . Copy f ttlhi em neewte onttt th mm efne- r-iM.- tin fot eUeeiri-ailoa tNut re ceived eftet Ihls tint wilt be- re nder the DfiJiflf "To La- M The Statesman IMUIM a fwa Mi reoteu-itty fat et rc which nra v arf-i Mt idwtwmi t i-b tlehed I K fehmiM and tot fi iMrt rhte rte t at fault wnt re print that part f iftWiM la whirl the tmo-rh-t atmteae Tb Stsleamaa reoerv rtt riant ta re ten tumloiMibW i4wtiii It furthe ceoervoe tn rurht place . all eterttwn vcxtet the Dreeev rtassifV-aiUMi A "Blind" A -a a ad eeeitalnlr 8tateemaa bos neathes fat a a ed inn 1- fot i lh etreeeefVia of u advert aad aaust. therefore- he KMmtd tetter The tati ems ta aot al llhertv tm divnhte tnfenn turn mm t tb WietMHy r aevee- ta I tha- Mewtny r eetna) a, -Bihwr a4 Liveslork FARMERS MONTOOMEnt R B N D B It I NO WORKS PICKS OP PR KB OP CHORUS DKAH AND WORTHI.K8S HORSES AMI. iDWg ANTWHKRB IN THB WIUIJMHTTK VAI.I.RT WE PAT TOP PRICBS -PHONt V nMJjrr 4UAlM Phone 5000 Phone 5000 ATTENTION We alck m dead and wortnlea lit mala at a metnenfa notice. Baieaa FertUlser A By Product Co. y I IStn and Tamer Road Pnone Salem 040 Colect Motet We sail meat meal to feed Stores. I . BABY CH1CKH 10 Varieties. In cluding Reds. Rocks. Ham pah Ire, Leg horns. Day aid pallets, cockerels, started chlrka. Phone S2S4L Loo'a Hatchery. Help Wanted 114 WEEKLY. GROW Uwhretna. Cellar, ahod. We buy fresh, lie. dry 1.1 lb PR EE BOOK, slushrooma, itll Third. Seattle. Ween. Help Wmtecr---Femalo WOMAN TOR housework. Fh, S-SS44. MAMUPACTURER HAS opening for Iws vouiur la dies, lr-ta. Meat as- Mariu and attract! re. Must be free in travel IIS aer week, gineneea a Tanced. This la not magaslnea, cosmet ics or houae to house. Apply V, n. Smith. aULTloa iloteU Situations Wanted ' EXPERIENCED. CAPABLE young anarrled man wats ob oa farm or dairy. Write Ernest , Pearson, Otla. Oregon. LAWN. OAROEN work. Ph. Sift. DRESSMAK. Mrs Adattt. Ph. 4114 EXP. TRUCK drlrtr At mechanic -Vlahea work. SI IS N. Capitol. Apt. U CAPABLB WOMAN wants work by the hour. 1IS0 Parry. Mra. A. C Swan For baie Aiiscellanctjus USBT WOOD ranirM. 1 7.0S. - OKVTJRTZ FURNITURE CO. SPRO. CLNUP on thru ha. frnlt. nut tree. CameL S4 up. Open sly. it. m, 1 p. aa. Fraitland Nuraery, SI0 Canter. BARN FERTILIZ. J. Fry. R- S. tit. TRAILER HOUSE CHEAP. SSI Marie. KUxabeth Catteraon. t USED UPRIGHT plan At bench, !.. GEVURTZ FURNTTURB CO. ' FOR SALE. 1 gaa loading doaky. tinea, blocks A rigging. Cheap for cash. J. D. Torntdgn. Jefferson, R. 1. near Huens, v lata terry. USED DRESSERS l.S. OKVUKTZ FURNITURE CO. USED MATTRESSES II. S.' OBVURTZ. FURNITURE CO. USED l-PC. breakfaet set. T.S. GEVURTZ FURNITURS CO. EVERBEARING MASTADON atraw- Verry plaatn. io per handred, f S.I0 per thousand. H. E. atnrray. fit. z. ux. as. OLD ANTIQUE I-pc. parlor autta. Mra. A. I nrooks, Zit Center Street. UPRIGHT PACKARD pUfn sale. Ph. I74S 10SI Larmer Ave. for HOUSE TRAILERS, til to !. 14 4ta bal. SIS mo. Sea king. Ill Front. TWO NEW trailers. 14 ft. delaxa. 'win 4. fni-n 14 ft. standard. lie. H down. mi. t suit. Hoy, .. a. Bw inoepenaenc. USED S-PC davenport aet, fair cow GEVURTZ i FURNITURE CO. THE APRON Shoo 47S W Rhth ROTTED FERTILIZER. Ph. SSI. THOROBRE3 Pomeranian pwrx .Mtle At female. 4 wka. old. Ph. 77 BoTy, fender A motor tnola. Man cicycie. tent nous. c. uora i. -PC HARDWOOD dinette seta. S1S.IS. Naah Furniture Co. Home of La Rangea, Low prtcea. 8-PIECE WALNUT waterfaU bod reoea aeta. SJS. Naait Furnltura Co. 'Shop around. "It paya . ROME BOX aprlrg and Inner spring ma t treat, i tor one. tj, Karr terma. NASH FURNITURE CO. WHITE LEdHORM tmhv rorWi Monday. Tuetltr and Wadneaday- at eacn wi i n wee ten. PACIFIC HATCH ERT. Tangent, Or. ADVERTIStNO Western Adecrtliisf -fieprcaeauuves Oewra l Chat Iml Cia Fran.-tar Im iiitrifi, Seattle JLaatara Adtcruaing. Representative Crnl Ur!.T)th A Kruneoa. I no. ChicK9 Ji Yin k Detroit Itnilim Atlanta -- rtirtd t tec wwit mt MaUm r-'.e et bcmtt C'lt af alter. fas- l . -1 ever ixetnt er afeadaw I e"ice ttt (mu I'eantrntJ .'t. f UCJCIIIITION KATE3: it ibei iplkua Kaiae In AdTSnca ... t tt-rm. liilr an Bunrtar s It cent. S kins II I aio ; St. I uii live tsllavwhere 10 jent r S ftru Newaptanda I rente , 't c.f C'ji-r'v $) neats a month in w-t In il'inct la Martoa 4 A. s Money to Loan ' QUICK CASH LOANS - CAT.U WRITS or ebon (Jill) to SalenT eldest, largest bom owned And horn managed finance institution. Tour financial affairs will ta discussed and loans mad in atrtrtaat privacy. Tra will ba given every consideration In thm re paying C your loan or arantlna- or axtenatona. v . -i , t 1 J 1 to 24 Months to Repay i Tou can pay ha full any Urn fo raduc tha ooat. ; Only Borrower Signs.::' -s i-;-ti- Ko-andoraara, Loans nadv i fumltnra, cars or sot. r - - ' . - BIVH ROT H..SrMMONS, MGR. , . Uc. Mo. M-ltl - ' GENtRAL FINANCE CORPORATION tl Ho. Caacinerrial St. ' ' ; . fVM door soota.of rdd Bush Bank , i ConTenient ground LOANS PERSONAL. tOANS. $! TO ! up tu liM.oa am iAxut IT THIS time of the rear many families and tmdlrfctaaJo barvo gotten behind with tWr vaxtoaa aula and monthly payment contracts. If this lauuu to ho nmr situatloai see us for a loan large enough to pay oft all your various bills and monthly payment contracts. Ti then can repay tha loan- ta on small monthly payment tn of soTorai. ! Axat. yen repay monthly Amt. of loan t jimk IS mo.. l mo. O.H (ill 4H UI ee.te . ie.v . aa - 14.a 10. .71 Sa.t SS.41 . 11.44 ! 42.74 S.14 t.l -If ye a maao regolar smalt monthly payments select the plan abova that beat suits your needs and in. lar tne casa : xuxjax. CALKINS FINANCE CO. SOI. Snd Plr. First NafL Bank Bldg. Salem, Oregon ' i Pttone 4444 S-SSt 4s M-27S State IJoanses fcWHat Is the 1 Total Cost? S 4 Coats 4.4 for S Moa. f 74 Cost $104 Cost 4.10 for I Moa. 1.2 for S Moa. at PERSONAL America's Largest Co. la tha Small Loan Field1 Over tl.00 Marioa County Famtllea have borrowed over Z.eei.oe.ee from PERSONAL, ta tha last S years. FOR TOUR SPRING NEEDS OPEN A -CASH CREDIT ACCOUNT WITH U3 PAT CASH FOR YOUR PUR CHASES A LET THE SAVING PAT THB COST OP TOUR ACCOUNT. "IKV MILLER. MGR. PERSONAL FINANCE CO. Snd Floor, New Bllgh Bldg. Phone Sill Opp. Court Haa Cor. State A High St. wt - urate L4c - mm : Auto Loans ; Willamette Credit Co. Ith FIXTOR CHJARD1AN BUtlDtNQ LICENSE NO. M 11 1 PRIVATE MONEY AUTCT AND TRUCK LOANS C CONTRACTS REFINANCED ta ra- patmeuta. Money for new or need No dels or red tana Tou vul ro- kaia) pnaeeseteai of the ventel. TD 2a Ml pfTriS TI 1 rI HOY H. SIMMONS 11 fbMh Omnmarelat Street 0144 i UC NO Mole 2 FHA LOANS 4Vk4 ata prtv loana m tails in m k Bids. Loans Wanted WANTED PRIVATB MONET TO LOAN e sswd Saleaa real tat. Will par "4t Interest. I REALTORS LOANS WANTED on farm and city property. Before borrowing inquire at HMrkliw a Roberts mi BALKcieftd sound first farm mortgagee and bonds. Be B. C Zletia- SkL Wtth HAWKINS m KOMB.H1BW INC. Phone 4l or 74a. For SaJf- Slisccllancouj RIVER SILT A top dirt. Ph. I41L T- i. i .i'i i n ni n i " " " m m--m- CASH REUtaTER. Addln WtdnM. fypewrUer. Duplicator. Calculator and Seal servic. AD make atrid. rented ewapped Roem Typewriter Exenanaw la turt t rLTunj-Lr riji n riiiririr.r-.n"i - - - - - - - - tea KVKRREiRlNa RED rastiya. CO Kverbeertnc etwbym. J. B. Bartruff. R. 2. Boa Sit. Ph. 21 a. USED CLEANER, inexpensive. guaranteed. Call 321 Court. FLOOR LAMPS, half price. La re stock. S3. IS up. Nash Furniture Co. Shop Around.- r pay.- t. a Wanted Farni tnre CASH for used furniture and bouee- hold gooda, ' R. Forger. Pbon 7444. -WE PA. SPtrT CASH- i F. N A GLENN WOODRT Ph. 1110 Wanted liliscellaneous WANTED, fruit Jara. Ph. 4517. filiseellaneons Dental Plate Repair frTO-HOUR SERVICE IN MOST CASES Hrtng or Man iTour Pletea for Reratt DH H1RRT 8CMIXR. DENTIST Allakv Bktg, Id A Mortisoa. BR S4S7 ahknahmjmafsatasahAfhaasata -CARE FOR pattent or elderly Per son la. my borne, xei. . , For Rent Rooms PLEASANT f BDRM4 14S4-Lanner Av. FURN. ROOM3L 254 Division St. kjajhsejhnahTjfe HIITEl MARION Special weekly and monthly retee ta perm gueeta Mario Coffee aho dellctou meats at tow nricoa HilTKI tIAI.KM Mw monthl rates NICE R. IL C. water. CSS Center. Room and Hoard BDj RM, 1434 Ferry. 11. S5iS. BD. RM, LAUSDRT la, private homos, lit S. Liberty. saasesanaanaaasaaaasaas SEE UA Bowen 404 N Libert , BHD.. RJ4 . mea. Ste.nl.aa P. .S3S4 . "FOR Q D. cooking A home-like at mosphere, com to 1144 Center. Fop Krai Apartments RM. FURN 12, elec. wash. Hot '. gar. 2i99 Loe. Tel. 131. S RM. BSMT. apt, 4S4 N. Liberty, . OH fc-T"TV AHin irn'nm l.fchta water, AimjuiK, i rnj. 1 . -.. - 8 LARGE LIUHT fern. rma. beat, water. lJjr. brL bath, 0 Union Eloney to Loan ' ' t JIM CLARK. ASST. MGR. . .r.- , floor location; He. No S-m Phone tlta. For Rent Apartments NICE FURN. S B bath. SS0 Union. haaasasahsasnalBsaaahaaeafa LOVELT l-RSL prt bath. 1 or emptor. ladlo. 444 Bummer.- DUPLEX FOR rant. 91 S. 25th. a'4aaTssAasjajpx S A S-R. FURN. APTS.' 44 Ifarion. taquir Apt. 2. basement. : f S RM. FURN. ant. LAsl. w- SS-24 wk. IS Oak. Ph. 4274. . MOD. FURN. t rnx. apt- Auto, heat at not w. rtiewiy oecor. A'h. in?. A RMSL. PR1 bath. 244 Idarion. LOVELT S R1L nrlv. knth. heat. w. noiuis.-ssA x. mortal ra. CHOICE S R. apt.. The Derereaux. 4J N. Uh. 2 A 2 R. apt. PrL nt 4 OR 4 ATTRACT, rma, lilt Court. APT. mod. homo adult. 4 i M. Cap. aahaaaaaaaaaAaeasAaaaafaa S R. prtv. bath, 250 & Ce-ttage. S A S R. FURN apt. 448 Ferry. PATTON APTS- furntiihad. IIS tata. r-n Z44. Apt. 4. .......... i-.-nrinrrniTiiruvul FURNISHED APT. ISIS Court. S Rma. Mod. Cleea In. Ph. 4444. tiKAnTirULLi mrn. a m. ornar apt. ii Leslie. Apt. No. L 4 RM. FURN. ant- elooe tn. adulta oniy. tot ri. unurcb. J AND S RM. furn. apt. f 12.50 and ta.v. itte theater. HAWTHORNE Court. 1000 N. Cap. at ttomeiiK aat comtnodioaa APTSL. FURN.. unfurn. Children welcome. f op. 1TI 8. ISth. P 70S. NEWLT decorated- t-K. fnrn. ant. sie.ee. tst noor. hit N. cotn'l. APT. FOR rent. 124 S Chemekata. SEE THE Ptaber Apta before run iectde. Lara A Atrv Rockwaol In sulated against beat A cold. Venetian Kltrwl throughout Com I A Osk 8ta APTSL FOR rent. 244 H Stat St. APARTMENT. 44 MILL. X RM. FURN. kit. hath. 844 Court. NICE S R. close In, fit. SOI M. Cam. FURN. S RM. bath. refr heat. wmtn. urn n. tonx mo cniKtrao. APT. TJS BKLLKVUE. "aVKaaaaaaATaAaaaOkstasaksB K. BATH. L. W. $20. Fh. 7112. at RM. APT. Main fir. 44S S. Winter. RM. FURN.. apt. 151 N. ISth. S R. APT. FURN- bath. S. . heat. xng. garage. zve t. uirnti. For Rent Houses FURNISHED I ROOM modern f S0.00 room, new 11.10 room 11.00 OK REALTr, S10 Court LARGE HOUSE. 177S Fir. Fh. 420S. LARGE RMX unfurn. Urn arar- aen apea. u.a. ui? it. cBurca. . PARTX.T FURN. hsa. 50 . ISth. MOD. 4 RM. bouse. Hanson -Ave. Permanent tenants desired. Ph. 2S1IL 4 RM. MOD. ritv honaa; afam tS A for rent. K. S. B. 445. Liberty Rd. S. rURN. AND unfarn. bouses. R. A. FORKNER. 1S5S N Capftot i WE HAVE THB PRttSPECT IP TOU want ta selL axctAnra. ease, rent, ee Mt I Jireen ar sir Cot una with Hawkins Roberta iTMmnM rx e. k., w rt M court. Adutta, Inqulr 094 M11L MOD. S R. HOUSE. 1477 . ITIrh inqq. Pearson a (jasn Btora. i NEW. MOO. 4 rm. has. S4 N. 14th. FURN. As UNFURN. hoonea. i STEL. VAN JHHWSOS. 72 Court. Ph. S7SS haaaaaaaaanssaasaaaaaiaasaayaaaasak FURNISHED AND nnfnra hmiaea H. P GRANT 12 Court. Phone 4744 FURN. HSES. A apt a 715 N. ComL eaaassaaaaeeMsaenaaaeeMksasvaaaanjp Has. In -Hollywood diet. Ph.'. 45SL. 4 R. MOD. NEWLT decorated. 3a. rag. :i.o. czt n. 14th. , Furn. S rm. Ph. 4404. 740 S. Coral. ""aaaaasaaaaaganna 1 BDRM. HOUSE with r&raaa. New and desirable, 1S1 Baker 8U Phone js evenings or Sunday. ! - PARTLT FURN. cotUge. 114S Oak. SRVKRALt HOUSKS to rent, on outage city, $14. C. H. SANDERS lit H. lgh-Sl2L - Thrill of , f JU-,CCe AJOtVI e A i .. ' : . 7 L Jv TleeS TfeaRdt KS A. : : ; 115-- 44TTLC? 0oV WHO UVSTO I ; 1 r arvw,wi',v, j II i vw,' ' cut 4 iho oouMTarr 1 W9f-- tZl AeVO TKl8 UTTt-eJ BoYfc i '( f MMt8 VeAS.VMfcTTEet,. I ....,, 1 J. Y Vi3w ettRtsrrvfl i " fej j pys. i iVji:-i4 ILL f ' , -hH' jams ' ' . For Rent lion ses MODERN 4 ROOM banralow. Blc ly . furnlsJMdj lae refrig. As rmngm, basement At j furnace, garage, newly decorated. S 37.10. - a.-a. kauuk, FDone I7I -or isc For Kent moutr ronm tDI 11 XI it HOUSES A APARTMENTS, furn, A unfurn., $17 to $45. O. E. RA&-S-I155 State Phone 8741. WartiPrl In llrnl unratHN house in rood resident Uat district. rPrefersbly vltb i-S. bed rooma and ddubl garage. Oil 4044. - For Sale Real Estate CREEK LOT bargain. Geo. Aide, 447 .8. Maple. Beverly Bills. Callz. , HOUSES FOR SALE , - -ROOM house, large living room. dining, room,; strictly modern, automat ic furnace, corner lot, excellent loca tion. Tula place la priced at $6700.00 for traick aale. Terms. - . 4 twin hitiusa. hardwood floor. ' I Wnvnw. nrm irlc SS500.00. 4 room nimse, Auagiewooo macricv hm lot anil cartn. Price 12400.00. New 8 room house, modern except baeement. Pirtc 240O.e. Easy terms. v mn. lukum. nur men acnooi. . Bedrooms, bkaetnent. fireplace, priced below actual value at atzbs.ee. lerraa. Win, Alc5iichrisv Jr Ataaitor R. TX Eknbry. Rush DeSouxa 438 Stat St. Pbon 482a haah4Aesa1egjnh STRICTLT MOD. New A Rnx has. with car. Near bus line A school a Fin location. Easy terms. Owner. 1504. ANYTHING IN real sat ate. Buy sell or trad.! Listings wanted. ' . N. J. UNDURKN. li a. wign ,rTryjxjtrjinjnjnijksi"a"as 'i o-m.m a 11050 0ft WTTH 1100.60 DOWN buy on aer land and 4 room house with 4rM2- u. m. kaje, lt orats, rn, x. WILL. TAKE i car on eoulty la 4 room home, priced at $2000.00. O. B. rak, lui- state, rh nit. JLHAajuu'in r n i.r nnnnnririri"iri"i"ii i ' - - - VIEW LOCATION LOCATED Oli ton of afommgstde Hill. 1H acres, variety of bearing fruit, native tree, some pasture, an IDEAL. HOME SITE. Price $1750. ha city water and good highway. W. H. Vixt A ttCiN MUK3I St JJ-, REALTORS 1S4 S. Liberty St Phone 4448 FOR SALE OR RENT THIS MODERN B. Eng. style home, cor. lot, good location. Fair mount district, paved sta- double ga rage, excellent view of mountain A Rental S4S. or will aell for S5000. S5 down. baL $48 per mo. IMMEDIATE POSSESSION. W. H. GRABENHORST Ac CO. REALTORS 1 134 & Liberty St. Phone 4448. TOTT 8HOTTLD SEE THIS ONE ATTRACTIVE MODERN 1 R. Dutch Colonial home, oak floors, f lreplsce. basement, furnaoa. double garage, cor. lot. -located on' high ground, in gooa condition. Price $4750, $1100 cash, baL verv easy terma. IMMEDIATE POSSESSION. Near schoola This place is offered at aa EXTREME 8AC- W. H. ORABENHORST A CO. REALTORS 1S4 S. XJbarty- St. Pbon 4448. CREEK HOMB MODERN 8 R. home, oil " furnace. attractive location, garage, beautiful shade trees, near all schools and state bldg. Price $4500, TOU WILL. LIKE THIS HQM& See, r. ,a. Johnson with. - W. B. ORABENHORST A CO. lie s. Aiberty sx. - 1100 DOWN BAL. XA8T monthly oaVments. win buy this 4 R. horn located near 17th and Market Sis. Nice large lot, shad tree. rirepmck near school. Jrnc $250. IMMEDIATE POSSESSION. see, K. a. jonnaon, wain. W.. H. ORABENHORST A CO. 1S4 8. Liberty St. j4Ssa4srfasaaaj afOD. 8TJB. has- N. 82490. 8250 da. New 4 R. A nk. A $1100. 4 R. $L 500. bath, W. Salem. Take lot ha trad. 17S 8. Liberty' ..Pbon 711S FOR SALE GOOD 4 ROOM bom with base ment, oil furnace, on Chemeket St. weet or Attn, ctose to tn atat capnei building. This house has been renting for $40 per month. Distant -jmr write to sell at $1750. ; . W. O. KRUEGER. 147 It. CW1 SEE THIS f ROOM MODERN house. Excellent location beautifully landscaped yard bordered oa S sides by creek. out door fireplace. Close to state bldg. J real pica up at 6o. see it tooay, sea Mrs. kiiis witn C1TILDS At MILLER. REALTORS 844 Stat St. , Phone S241. 8 RMS. AND bath, basement and furnace. Located 1141 Fir. Large liv ing rm. with fireplace, hardwood floors. Price cut to $1800 for imme diate sale, $500 cash. bai. ilka rest. N. J. LINDOREN 175 8. High Pbon $890. eeaWasei HOUSK FOR or trad, ownoir. box fu bttftman. Sjks4aeja 8 ROOM HOUSE with nook, garage. worth saiem, et- ktez. Exchange Real Estate PORTLAND t RM. dbL bit. hsa. : emt basement ; . furnace ; large attic nr.: nor. lot SS'xlOO l fruit shade trees: . tranaporta tion on through paved at. ; nr. stores. library, theatre, park, schia, and churches, ctr. : want Salem or suburban to $4,000. I&fo. and pnoto at i.i h. um i, . . i 4 BEDROOM HOME located on N. Liberty St. bemt, lot 100 ft. square. t trade Tor 2 acres. - MONEY TO LOAN J H. BELL. REALTOR 41 Ores. Bldg. Phone 8ISL a Lifetime For Sale-Used Cars 1 1 Salem Auto Co. Have Bettei.Used Gais . : Better Trades, Better! Terms BUY FROM YOUR CIlxRYSLER DEALER 7 23 YEARS IN SALEM . ' We are, also olTerinff special' allowances on 35-,6-'7ih"ei"tr , xpiosioxi. Mis - iJ. -, 0-r-s - j Mm took a plane from Portland usea uars m naae on ne.wriymouut ana vjirysier. AUl 1936 PlymonUi Totiting 1936 Plymouth Touring 1939 Plymouth DeLiixe 1938 Dodge Touring Sedan.; 134 Dodge Panel 1938 C3iryiler Royal 1939 Chrysler Royal Sedan.: ar 1936 Pontiac DeLuxe Coupe.. 1932 Ford Coupe peU.wi... 1933 Ford Coach, Yery. clean- 1934 Oirysler Airflow -See These and Others Now! - SALEM AUTO CO. Used ' Car . Super Market ; CORNER COMMERCIAL STREET AT CENTER . OPEN EVENINGS - v , IT f!HEVttOLET DUMP truck. New tires, Jorganson body. 104 Mapl. iOTj"Lixrjiniri-i - -i- ............... ISSt DeLtTXB BU1CK Coup. 8828. Iaw mileage. 1242 N. Capitol. ' iu"uT-rinnnr"if-tM 1 " " trow balk. '25 Plrmouth 4 -dr. Se dan. Car in A-l shape. Terma. P. 4444. Exchanjie Real . Estate SALE OR trado 10 A. . good son and creek. 4 ml W. of Salem oa Dal las highway; For place In Salem. Owner, stra. Barnes, jurate a. Independence - RM. 1IOD. horn. North Salem. Full basement, furnaca and fireplace. Nice lot with shrubs, trees, very well located. Trad for suburban home. 1 acres, new 4 rm. house, alt mod ern except basement. Fin soil, good roads, $2600. Will take bouse ta town. It. A. XIU&JXJBil i 1463 North Capitol j For Sale Fairma 24 A GOOD BUILDINGS. 4 A. ber ries. Spring water. Price $125. Easy terms. Owner, 1428 N. Commercial, j 117 A. tVs ML S. W. Salem. 14 A. orchard, sraaa, 8A A. oata. vetch. 3 horses, t cows, heifers. 4 veal. 8$ hens. Truck, drag aaw. 45 A., timber, 45 A. stump laad, 4 spring, email bids. Owner, B. Fen wick, 448 Ferry Street. Acreage FOR 8ALX - 1 ACRES. ALL in cuUTT between Salem A Kelser school. Offered At $1200.0 ta settle estate. 8ee Mr. Col lins, with. HAWKINS A ROBERTS. INC. - TOUR OPPORTUNITT TO BUT 1. acres beauUfully located. 2 modern horn. 8 rooms and f rooms, city water; can be purchased ta one unit or separately. Total price tor both 250 or 5 rooms and H acre, $2l. See Mr. Bartlett with CHILD8 A MILLER. REALTORS 244 Stats. St. ' Phone 024L S ACRES OUT S. 12 th St. weU im proved, modern, 4 room house, bamt. furnace, priced At only $2250.00. , l acre at Pen 4 Corners, 4 room house, garage, to trade for nice home in town. Money to loan. P. It BELL REALTOR 420 Ores. Bldg; Phone 8121. Suburban SPECIAL 8XGHTLT TRACT, nearly X acre with abundance of trees. Bus service. Quick sale, $75. Worth more. ee sirs, naiis witn CHTLDS ft MILLER. REALTORS 844 State St. . Phono 8241. Basinets Opportunities RESTAURANT A BEER parlor oa Pae highway south. Doing good bus iness. Other business Interests require time of owner. Box- 57, statesman. 8 ELL Q ROCERT A fixture low rent. Meat mkt. euuln. ad. Iocs. ph. jeus. - f FOR - RENT Store, bldg. with liv- tng quarters. 1035 Broadway. Inq. 880 N. Liberty. Pnone sis or 75ZS. k DO TOU want a Good Restaurant and Beer on Coast I Pay for self in one season. Long lease. $20. Liv. quarters; $S000, moeti cash. Particulars see C H. BANDERS 118 8. High 41 SI -BUSINESS 8UTTABLS father and eon or young- coup). Sacrtflcs quick sale. zto. Aioxk4. stateamaa. O ROCERT STOCK and fixture well located. Priced right. R. . FORKNER. 1853 N. Capitol Street. Business Card ta this dlrrrtorj rua on m " monthly . basis only. .Rates ' SlS per line per sooatlv . j-- Anto Drakes Mike Paaefe 078 Btwth Commercial Uicycies BICTCLES. NEW and reconditioned Harry W Scott.-147 ,8. Corn el P 4614 Chimney Sweep i TEL1EPHON8' 44SO I R SB. Nerthneaa Cxcavatin: UXC A V ATI Nil OP an ' kinds, . Base ments dug Dtrt hauled or moved Dirt for asm. Bfllem San 1 A Ore vet P S40S 'Florists Brettlvaupt a JI47 Court Phone 494 Fnrnitnre Cath for tool A furnHur. Ph. 4S17. Mattresses IAI.EJ1 fl.UF? Run I Matt Co. New mnitres old .remade, rua cleanina A weaving 8. ISth A Wilbur Tei 8441 Zwk-kers. - V CAP1TOI BKIMMNt CO Phone 408 Naluropalhic iiiysician lift. W H BOCK WELL, Naturopath ic Ph voir tan." t7rlTrud Bd Tel 4313 Office Hour 11 am t 30 nm. FREE CXAM A CO.NSULTA- rinri . 1 i i For Sale-Used Cars XMUW ! iSedan, b!ue:..S425 Sedany ipreen...$425 Coupe $665 ..3p075 I $345 ;....:......... $745 .$925 .$425! .$195 .$225 .$325 FOR SALE or trad for motorcycle, '11 Model A Convertible Cm. A1s 'It Chev. Co. Bob Mickey, Bt. L Box S41. ro. as . i - r For Sal -Wood ATTENTION I BUT . wood that ION: lasts! Best old fir. IS. $5. Ph. TOOL BONE-DRY WOOD. Ph. 3544. v saa0aAeAaTaAajag DRT WOOD. $4A0 A $5. Ph. 743 L WOOD Ph. 5370 Oraen. 418 N Slst MILL WOOD. TeL 8241. Wood st west end or court St, Lead. 82.50. 8 cda 14-in. old fir. 818 Ph. 4700. ASH. FIR. prun. 32120. Judd lateiSaiaksgsasaA Dry 2nd growth, a Fir. Ph. 7647 aawsenr Old fir 38 Knots SS. Slab $4. Ph. 8468. OLD FIR, $5.5. slab $2J1S. P. 32437. Personal LONAU.TT WORTHWHILE heart, husband, wife for too. P. O. Bos TL Lea- Angelas. Transportation TOUNO MARRIED ceunl ahara expense Walla Walla Sub. or SLOB. JUBV 22, 14T I. OOUI. Lesnil Notice NOTICB OF. HKARIXa OH FLTTAli ACCOUNT la the Cotuty Court of the Stat of Oregon for the County of Marioa IN THE MATTER 01 THB ESTATE Of MINNIE M0EL LER, Deceased. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that LADD BUSH TRUST COM- PANT. Administrator of the Es tate of Minnie Moeiler, deceased, has tiled with the County Court of the State of Oregon for the County of Marlon, f ta Final Ac count and Report of such adminis tration; and that the same haaheea set tor hearing- tn the County Court room of the State of Oregon for the County of Marion, in the Court House of said Marlon Coun ty, Oregon, in the city of Salem, on the 7th day of May, 1940, at the hour of 10:00 o'clock In the forenoon of said day. AH persons interested in said estate are requested to then and there appear to show cause, if any. why said Final Account should not be allowed and the Administrator discharged. i C Dated at Salem, Oregon, this 47th day of April, 1940. LADD A BUSH TRUST COM PANT, By E. O. Stadter, Jr ' Trust Officer, Administrator of the Estate of Minnie Moe 'v ler, deceased, ,p - j Donald A. Young, Residing at Salem, Oregon, Attorney for Administrator. FIRST PUBLICATION OF THIS NOTICE: April , 1940. i LAST ; PUBLICATION OF THIS NOTICE: May 4. 1940. Ap 6-13-20-27-My 4. Directory Papering, Painting NEAT Work, reaa Johnsos Ph.8733 HERBERT S3 WOOD Tl 3378 Plan Serrice V. L, IRISH, 2064 N. Cap. Ph. T184. Plumbing PLUMBING. GENERAL repair wrk uraosr Breev 154 a Liberty Ph. 4584. ! Printing rXlft STATION KKT carda pamphleta programa books or any kind of print ing, call The Statesman Printing ' De partment' 214 .8. Cotneterctai Tele nhon S I I. J , ; Salvagers and Wreckers CASH FOR old bldg. to wreck. P. 2210. Schools COMPLETE your HIUH SCHOOL at Mom. UlfUIMA TEXTS r URN Writ for catalog. ' American" School Dept. a Bos 40). Portland. Ore, Sheep Shearing ! W. J. COCHRAN. FtL 1. E tl A 421 : . : :V - Transfer ' - - FOR' LOO A I or d Is ant transfer" stor es: hornet oft. ctiU' Sill f-arrnet Trantfer Co Truck to Portland daily St A VTC-T. rt A box 44$ Ph, 110F8 lis Called East . Br Brother's Death SILVERTON" Mabel- SllUs, bookkeeper at tha SilTerAlls Timber company mills at fiilver- toiL wi called to Cooke, Nebras ka, this week by the death of her brother, John Mill. Detail of the accident were not learned ft.thr than .that fnfnr1s woe to Denveri coio Church Circle Eleets DALLAS Members ' of Circle "A" of the Ftrt PTeabyterUn chuTch were entertained ; at the home of Mrs. George R. Ebertlns Wednesday afternoon. Officers include Mrs. C J.: ztnatad, praa- ident; Mrs. George R. Eberun;, rice-president; Anne Haugeberg;. secretary and Mrs. E. J. Page. saperflsor. 'rr : Legal Motice ' BLTS WANTED . . TU1 May Ctit clerk of 8chool District No. f will receive bid on IS eords of l-ineh second growth fir wood. To be delivered and piled at schoolhouso. : DOROTHY WACKEN, Clerk. School Dlst No. ib, RonU T, Box 2 I,' Salem, Ore. Ap. 4-13-20. - No. 78-48 SraoDsls ef Aensaf Utateaeat f the IniiiM LniMitu' Mataal Imnrtmet Cenpaay ef Iadtaaapelia, la the Bute ef laaiaaa, ea the tkirty-first dsr ef De- eestser,' issF atade . t the - Aatursnee CoBuaistloBsr et the State f Oregoa. parsaaat t law: ' ' ,UATlTAil - Am east . ef capital steek ' paid as. MataaL '. ' ' ZKCOMK Not prsBhuaa receivetv daring the year. 92.088.Ve0.es. ' . " Istenst. evideada asd rents received dnriag tks year, 41,188.7. Income front ether sources - received daring the year. $12,420.81. -. Total iaeooae, a,26,4.5T. BISBURSAUKNT8 Net losses raid dsriaa tVe year inelud- iag adjnttateat axpeasea, 480L170.SO. CoiBiiiit aad sahvries paid dariag Ue rear. 8424.560.58. Taxes, lieeatee aad fee said dariag the year, f8A.Aaa.sa. Diriieada paid te poneykoldert, 5B, 811.05, " e Ameant et all ether expenditares, tSlS.007.5. Total expeaditarea, $ 2,03.410.73. ADMITTED ASSXTS Valae ef real estate owned (market vatae). $444,070.82. v , Leaaa ea mortgasee and collateral, eve, S383.T89.0S. Valae et beads awaed (amortlttd), 83,104,884.00. Valee of eteeks ewaed (market value). S33S.254.0U. Cash in esaks aad ea assd, f 268.' 474.44. PreatiaaM fat count ef cellectiea writ- tea etace Beptestbsr 80, 110, $110, 774.04. laterett sag rests da ad aceraed. S2T.140.7S. otaer assets fasti, S3a.378.s7. Total adatitted atteta. 83,747,813.30. IOABILITIBS Greed claims tor lessee uasald. 8111.- 83S.OO. tmsaat ef asssree sitiliime all atataaalag risks. 8L4SS.00S.SS. Pit lor etetmitttea aad . ftrokersffe. s3.ooc.ea. . AU ether UeMUUea. S7.OO.on. Total liabilities, except capital. 91 S1S.S24l.SS. Caoitat paid ap. MataaL Sarslas ever sQ bsbiHUes. 91.0SS IS7.S&. , Serplas as regard peueykoldera. A.S,A7.B. , Tetal, 03,757,513.50. BU8INESS IN OREOO10 FOR THE TEAS Net premiama received dorisg the year, 91L04A.0S. f . e lease said aortas the year, 915.0SS.07. . Net lots iaeurred dariag ta year, 984.000.77. . Name ef Compear, Iadiaaa LamVtr- ktens Mataal Istarsaee Cetoyaay. Haass sf A resident, jr. JU. rowler. Name et Secretary. I. O. Saltnwrsk. Statutory resident atteraer for serviee. Ansoraac uommiatieaer ef uregea. - Cross Word1 Puzzle 2 13 r ? 1 h r ,o " Zl26 Hi M2JL1 31 32 - 32 Zj? W6 44 wrv i Mr 1 HORIZONTAL foundations 93 incarnation of Vishnu 10 exist 12 lizard ' IS eprinry IS Malay fiber plant 1 6 boil slowly ' 17 pronoun IS pertaining' to light - : -. sarcasm .." 20 South -. American . - country - - 21 Abyssian nobleman 23 front -: - - 24 elf . 25 malt " liquor 23 a planet 23 uou of the ." scale , " S 9 infirm 52 a dinner , course S 4 -masculine pronoun 55 enrage 37 organ of 53 ehort poera 4J erideavr . 41 mi nut ; particle .'43 American' - ', - coin . 45 large tub 45 arrive 'i 47 destiny SO laborious C2 implied 63 ourielvc ' S4 was in debt 65 betel nut palm .. YEETICAL : 1 barrier : 2 former Turkish offlcer S Japanese banjo Answer to Aj?iE Ato!AL j" A pR OjBjL jllMjAT TIC AL U D . OlV ; I t i t I All I -i :jfj A rerat a time ef tulstleat 21 .ini. riitrtbetad av Claf rtstsne STSdicata, la , ' - - "I ' ' ' ' 1 X ' BrooderlTouse Ial BtArfeed' at !Albariy' ALBANY -Howard Jonea sa- tainea the! loss of a brooder house and 150 ilne-day-old baby chicks. when flrO broke out In the build ing 1 early) Wednesday. The Albany fire department re sponded o a call f6r aid, but th building, a small frame structure, was barnjed to the ground before the fire ttock could get there. The Jones plape Is sear Gibson Hill on the Benton county side of the riv er. The las Is estimated at Around I200-. I j; a Dinner DALLvAs- Member of the Al truistic ejus were entertained at the home of Mrs. Mary Starr Wednesday night with Mrs. John R. Sibley i as assistant, hostess. A no-host dinner was served. Guests of the clutb were Mrs. Harvey Car penter, M1 Hubert Dunn, Miss Helen Butler. Mrs. Haxel Butler snd, Georgia -McClanathan, Ther were also! 21 members present. No. tMM Sraepels st r Ananal Statement et ike Earle Pire Cempeay ef New York, ef Mtv Ttrfc, U tks StsU ef New Terk. ea tk tkirty-llrat day ef December. 1829. made t this Iaaaraace Cammitsioaer ef tke SUUM Orerea, purtnaat te law; ' - I CAPITAL Amoaat let capital stock paid a. fl.OOU.OUO.ae, Net premlama received dorlac the year. 9S0T.004.44ij , v - Iaterest, (dividends sad rent received dariag the year,; $14,743.93. Iaceme from other tearce , received dariag tke eaa. 824,4020. . xouUj lactat, m,i.oo. DISBURSEMENTS . -Net leste paid daring the rear includ ing adjcstsleni expeaies, $235,214.11. . Cemmiasieaa: and -aalsrtes paid earing tks year, 0015,788.53. Taxes, lirenaea ard feee paid dariag tha year. 417,854.67. Dividead paid ea capital stock dariag tea yesr, SJS.000.38." . . I ' Ameant-let iJ all ether xpeaditaree. 870.S49.7Li i I :. i AiDMITIKD ASSETS Value oil real tate ewatd (market rtlnt). None. Loaaa enlmortrtStt aad collateral, ate. None. I i I ' Valae efl Ibends swsed (amertited).i $1,988,775.44. I Valne ef ktocks ewaed (market value), 9S17.2S0.00L i 1 l- -' j Caah in basks and ea band. $48,830.70. Preminm4iB eaurse of cellectiea. writ-' tea tiac September 30, 1939, $119, 661.03, i laterett land rents doe; aad aeeroed, $22,320.22. V; " Other, aaieta (set). $2,442.70. Total sdauUed aaaeta. 02.408,700.18. i . LIABILITIES ; 1 Greas elalma for kttea ; anpaid, $4L 114.77.: .. I ; vr ' -- -. Amount f asearned- premiums n aQ suUUaaiagl risks. $55,947.07. I Dee for cemmiaaioa aad brokerage, 94,945.37. u- I ' .1 AU ether liabilities. $50,548 97. Tetal Ua tUitiee, exempt capital, 9404. S7A08. r, Capital plaid ap. Sarplas ever all liabilities, 8S34.125.J0. Surplus I as refards i pelicykelders, 91.834.128.90. ' 'i Total. SS.49S.700.18. . ) BUSINESS IN OREOOX ' . i TOR THE TSAR Vet premiums received dariag tk ysec. , 88.084.aa. - ...... i : aet - itote . pais sanag tea year. $2,450.73. I fret, tees iacarftd dariaf tks year, ; 93.400.11 nam Cemoaav Com ef New empaay, Tke! Stele Tire i Terk. - ' m f- i ' Nam ef ! Catted SUtes Manager. Bart' BarUagtea. i ; .. i I - I I , Kama sf Secretary, Xversri P. Smith; ' Statutory reaideat stterney for serviee, X. O. Barhtea, psriUad, Oregon. Lodges LoLoil m lead. B1XJEM LODOI Fa. 4 AT A AM. Stated Cemmaaicetien Tridey, T;8 P.M. J. B. Pi- IT radfle Ledge J 8a 80, A I AAM, Wed, April 10. Harriott. WJC 4 4 Arabt 20 former time 21 reckless 22 to the ' sheltered - side 24 ship's smoke , stack 27 sewing instrument 23 dread ,23 -lofty nest i 11 Moham medan 1 leader 33 go back , ' over f 86 condemned 3 eheepfcld 41 declare openly 42 bind j ; securely 43 portion cf ' medicine 4f at s gTeat distance 4i female . bovr.a ) 4 facial r chieftain 5 symbol for samarium . S part Of the '- f- . -:'V , 7 fish sauce 8 stomach 9 like J 10 litUWfor ? the dead 11 pale trowa 14 prondua 16 trapped IS of the shape A m- tm . ' 1 ef a small 2fU i yesterday's ptzzle. "TTrt' . M u i - t - .LI -XL -11 1 ,N:I II! " ' M ' Z '--."rra- . i ...:. iir ? t:j liv Hi -Hi u J 7r i ;'Y-