!- ' - ' ' ' i 1 . i-i.. tw.i- ..im4 a m -. a s. Th OUTGO!! STATEC2-IA1I, Edeffii Orgcn. Ttmdor Morning, April 4, 13 L3 f page rxrni . .:. At LOW COST. Use STAEESMiySJ tTAHT-- f i I J I i Statesman Classified Ads lCall9l0l rumt-' f : 1 ; :- - v Ctasind Advertising rbree Insertions per tlne.25c Six Insertions per line .... 40c One monib pr lis SI t& i5 tntmuin charge 2&e; S tl tnla- tmuhjJSc: I U mln. 4&e No 1 refunds. " 1 Copy lot tilt- rase eeretrted ontff :30 the wnlna before publtf tko fair elaasiftaat ton Crv re ceived ape this lime wtll be run under the beading Tee Late t russify r-.The Stklnmitn (ttumrt im ftnan etal resWanslbiliity fot tvmr which mav arfH edertienfe ocb tlshed 10 tt column and ta case ctwrf tht rape k 'ault w,u r print thatf -pfcrt or mm adrtwtmn la which tbe trpoaraphlrel mletak- The Statesman rrirrw the tilth t releef eueettonnble adverttmna It . furthei reserve the mM to Uc all I advertising under the t roper rbtaeift'-atten jA. -Bi!BT Ad an ad rofttatatee a Statesman bos aambat fot an ad dress lsi for the protertfcm of, th advertiser iik) matt therefor be enewVredj by letter Tbe Stateamaa ta not at "liberty to dlvuljte tnfrma tlon s to the identity of a adver tiser uii a "Blind" ad Livestock FARMERS Mrt VTfsiVMTCH T RENDBRINQ ' CHARUB jDRAD AND WORTHINESS HORSES AND COWS ANTWHERR IN THE WIUHEi 1 l c vrti.i.n. . root oav -rrl PRtfRS PHONE US tIXKT 6411 SAIJCM DAIRT COWS for sate Wm. Bin Ire. lita. J. Box. 16, Baiera. - 'Phone 000 - Phone 5000 ATTENTION ' Wa ptcJt' up dead and worthlaaa an- Baiem Fertilizer By Product Co. zatn ana lurmr cvoaa V - Pbore Salem Colect - Kota : Wa aali meat meal to Cead atorea. , - . mnv nuTP v m Vts f lt 1 as In. c!udln Red. Rocka, Hampshire. Lee fiorna. Datr old pulleta, cockerela, Started chlcka. Pbona 213S1, La Hatchery. Help Wanted t3 WEEKLY. GROW Mmhrooma, Cellar, abed. We buy fraah, tSc. dry 1 1.34 lb- 'REE BOOK. Muahroom. 192? Thlrdf Seattle. Waab. Help RantedFemale WANTED : Ma tare woman Interest ed In eocial work to represent a re search group, part or full time. Liberal commission! and ex pen sea. Cliva gen eral information about yourself and aak for application blank. Addrees PERSONAL EFFIC1EJJCT . RE SEARCH, IB 20a. Salem. Oregon. -iririrw"M-i - EX PER. GIRL wanted for cea. wrt. 3 smj children. Ph. 4. tnJTJlAfaOlJ'iiJli i"fJ " e aaMMMMk. WOMAIN FOR bouaeworlc. Ph. t-2584. ;.l WANTED GIRL between asea f 19 to 22 years, Sen. housework in mod ern C room new bouse i 1 adulta, girt yra. $15.00 per month. Mrs. Al Bart lett Gen. DeL. McMlnnviUe. Ore. Salesman Wanted NATIONALIST KNOWN train Inf Institution irequirea bigb, dass Uepre ' anntative tf contact leads. A perma nent and 1 profitable connection . ta railable t a real aaleaman who baa rood record and a car. Must be free to travel and wtlllna; to cover territory In Idaho and Wyomln With out these qualifications please do not Bos ", Salem, 'Oregon. DO THIS Situations Wanted Girl wants ren. hsewrk. In Country Br. home, q. 2. B. 393. co Mary Heth. 1 11 EXPERIENCED, CAPABLE youbC . ' rharried man wants Job on farm or dairy. Write: Ernest t. Pearson. Otta. . Oregon. I if ITORSINO.HRV day or wk. 41. LAWN. GARDEN work. Ph. 3Sti, DRESSMAfC alra Adsltt. Ph. 2 KXP. TRUCK driver ft mechanic wlehea work. 2005 N. Capitol, Apt. U , For Sale Miscellaneous USED WOOD rangea. $T.5. GEVURTZ FURNITURE CO. - 8 PRO. CLNITP., on shrub, fruit, nut treea. CameL 2Se up. Open JIy. t a. ro.. T p. m. Freitland Nuraerr, 20 Center. BARN PERTIUZ. J. Fry, R. 2, ft. thru- ri"nn.ririr r-M"--' . . TRAILER HOUSE t CHEAP. 555 Marion.. Klizabetb Catteraoa. 1 4 1 USED UPRIGHT piano ft beach, 9.S0. , j GEVURTZ . FURNITURE COu awMnii"r iiiit- iri- i- i - - - FRESH COW, heifer ft Vikln sx-p-rator. W.'H. Propst, Jlt. 4, Box S39. FOR SALE. 1 Saa loading- donlcy. . lines, block ft rigging. Cheap for cash. - J. I. Turnidtre, Jefferson, R, 1. near Buena Vista ferry. USED DRESSERS I9.9S. -GEVURTZ FURNITURE CO. GIGANTIC FURNITURE V AUCTION ( TWO SALES DAILT I .ftefnoona 2 p. m. Evenings 7:39 p. m. Buy - furniture at auction ft save money. Best selection of davenports, chairs, bedroom suites, dining suites. rugs, appliances, etc J Come In today. V COHN BROS. FURNITURE CO.! SOk N. Uberty Street 10 WKS. PIGS foe sale, 32.50 If tak en; at once. Kendle Service Station. S.'lo, Oregon, USED MATTRESSES tt.50. , GEVURTZ FURNITURE CO. , -". - -- - - ... I ADVERTISING ; v Western Advertlsinx . , Represenutivea i "George D Close, taa ' Saa Franciai-o, Loa A age lea. SeattW - : astern Adrertlsins Representatires Bryant. Griffith A Brunoa. Ina, Chicago Kew Yen k - DeUoit ( ' Boston. Atlanta Eater a ml tae vfoffice at Salem Oreoon .ee Seecmtf Claee Mattrr. lieAved every eeoretes esteent Uondav. pusine efltc0tit South Com eer ctal Mtrttt. SUBSCRIPTION RATES: Mail Subscription Rate In Advance. Withm t)iatm; Daily and Sunday Ho. 50 cents. 3 ados. 1160: iloe $i 50 , I veai $5.00 Elsewhere 30 seot pet Mo. or $3 00 fot 1 year to advance far copy 3 cents Newsstand 5 eenta By City Carrier- CO centa a month ST.20 a rear tn ad ranee ta Marion evnd adjacent eonaUeav Money to Loan QUICK CASH LOANS i CALX WRITE or phone 1M) to- Salem's oldest, largest home owned and noma maaaaed ftnance Institution. Xour flnanrlel arfalra wtil k hi mwtA Joans made in stricteet privacy. Ton will iwjr"c oujr loan sr Kranuos ot eaienswna. -' , ' 1 to 24 Months to Repay tTou can pay In fun any time to reduce the coat, : Only Borrower Signs No endorsers. Loans made on furniture, cars or note. I -. SEE ROT H. SIMMONS, MGR. . GENERAL FINANCE CORPORATION lit So. Conmrcil St. First door south af Ladd ft Bush Bank ' ; Coavenlant ground floor location rfwtfM'wwii!'-1 ' e' What Is the Total Cost? JS Costa $4.0 for 5 Mos. 75 Casta 3.90 for 5 Moe i $100 Costa 3 JO for 5 Mos. PERSONAL 'America's Largest Co. In the SmaT! Loan Field" Over IS.oee Marion County Families hart borrowed ever $2,000,000.00 from PERSONAL m the last 3 years. FOR TOUR SPRING NEEDS OPEN A "CASH CREDIT" ACCOUNT WITH US PAT CASH FOR TOUR PUR CHASES ft LET THE SAVING PAT THE COST OF TOUR ACCOUNT. "iaV MILLER, MGR. PERSONAL FINANCE CO. 2nd Floor," New Bltgh Bldg. Opp. Court Hse.. Cor. State ft High Sta. M-105 - State Lie. - 3-123 -XJ-UXXTiri t i i i firnijlr'Biii- " WOULD A CASH LOAN HELP TOO WITH TOUR SPRING PURCHASES: New clothing, bouse furnishings, garden or field equipment bouse painting, taxes for automobile purchase er refinance or for con- soiiaation or winter aeoiar Borrew In confidence f rot.i the Calkins Finance Company and repay a email amount each month. For example If rmi receive e you pay mommy s 40.oa - 100.00 0 72 150.00 i 10 03 300.00 13.44 200.00 20.1 C The above payments Include Interest. -AUTOMOBILE Loans up to $500.00 Ten wfll like our friendly service. small monthly pavmenta, and low coat. CALKINS ' FINANCE COMPANY 202. 2nd fl. 1st. Nat'L Bk Bldg. Salem. Oregon s Phone 4443 - 8-221 ft M-2T8 State Ucensea Auto Loans Willamette Credit Co. 5th FLOOR OOARD1AN BU1LDINO UCENSB NO M-153 PRIVATE MONEY AUTO ANT TRUCK LOANS OUITRACT8 REFINANCED to re duce payments. Money for new er nsed ears. No delay sr red tape Too will ra tals possession of Che eetiteie. 1 Tt Zt MrNTHS 11 1 rA T ROY H. SDIMONS 13$ 8ootb Commercial Street PhoM 9133 Lis. No M-132 JJU"LJsnlt1JLlrnr"J''"""J, - FHA LOANS Hg ' P1 ,OJ ft Sims Inc. Masonic Bldg, Loans Wanted at a WT-f r " Bf7t V A TIf 1 UnMCf TO LOAN on good Salem real es- t. v nil pay inwrwi. - W. H, GRA BENHOR8T ft CO. uijxruin.r.rir"iPw-i--r - - - - - m m m m miH wanted on farm and city property. Before borrowing; Inquire at Hawkins ft Roberta. ir r - wvo a , r v nj Mimjl flrat farm SkVVrtb HAWKINS ft ROBERTS. INC. Phone e or For Sale Miscellaneous BOTTED FERTILIZER. Ph. $5$0. juu u-ijri.ni--i'i',r ' " " - - w tttarorrFID Pomeranian Male ft female, 8 wka. old. Ph. Body, fender motor tools. Man's ulcycue, leol whim. "" nrro ott T a. n Air Ph. 3491. . , . A . A U1J-I 1-- I ----------'" iIW t Tinn nn maTT.Tirit v A-l conl tten. BeasooAble. W. Mackle, Che maws. Ore. OAT HAT. Phono 8433 ttmctrWTUri OKI kAttaat as - 1111 Kdstrvater SU W. Balm. fall of fur- nuita, range ft circulator, sto, aU ma teria ior saie. rrtmrn. vrtr Hra IS ft dehrxe. sleeps 4. turn, $450. 14 ft. standard. $200. down. oai. iq buji. wj. 406. . Independence. nrn-Bwcrr-xm r & v Vs. 1 m nA afnr bldgs. State ft Cora l. All used material for sale cheap, for quick, xomovaL a vane- a er OHT JL i lTHVaBT A fim derson. Orchard Height rd 2 ml. NW Marlon an fo.Jt nrioge. onni BY?T USED 2-PC davenport set, fair con dition. $1 $.$.. i ." - J -, THE APRON Shopt 373 N j High a vim p r-i itgrr r ; addtne maehtno. SlQAl a T S 1" mAW W . -w taw r.rwlUaA asilMolal raftV AIM Seats servieo. All make sold, jrenteel swapped. Roea Typewriter Eahangev aa umrt, : . i . . ... - i Wanted Furniture Micrcr iail atnf fft-ro flTidl hotlM bold gooda.. R. Forgey. Phone T a BA OWrr 4T aV 1214 " a- F. N. ft GLENN WobpRtV Ph. 3110 Wanted-5Iiscellaneons '"WANTED, nsed fruit Jars. Ph. 4511, Bligcellaneous Dental Plate Repair r 0-HOUR I SERVICE IN MOST .... ' ... . rASiri ..... - . . Brtng or Man Iwt Plates for JRepati Alieky Bldgu. 3d ft Merrisoav BR 3427 -r. For Kent Kooms 'FURN. ROOMS. 255 Division St. uuu-ij-iirinri -i-i-- i 1 mKKf rteia. B, close. Reas. 24$ S. Chnrti - HOT El .MARION 1 n tnji.i mmmmit I v anA monthrV rjtas to perm, guasta Marlon Coffee CfOi.njn.rij"i-a- - - HOTKI SAIJCM tow moethle rates ,.a ri ri ir r i- - - "-' " - aa NICK II, II, C water. 45 B Center. Money to Loan' be given every consideration ta the re- JIM CLARK. ASST. MGR. Lie. No. S-ISt , Phone 3153. Room and Board BOARD, ROOM. In private bone. efOF AM;iUUllk, X'XA aW. . . t BD RM, LAUNE'RT la private nnmea. iwt o. uoeny. NICE RU. exeeL ' meela. gar I H blka; from state btdgn. 1337 CoorO - - - -i-i-iiif--M-irirM"nfifijirii irij-unjui A WAT FROM home, want good name cooatng cau at f9 Marlon. SEE MA Bowen 03 N Liberty. BRfX. RM men. Stelnke's. P. SI 34 FOR .GD. cooking ft home-like at- mospnere, come to 114 Center. For Rent Apartments 2-2 RM.' FURN. AND tmf urn. Lights, water, Maytag. 1 520 Ferry, 3 LARGE LIGHT ftrra. rms., heat, water, Idy., pri. bath, 660 Union. lseaeerleAsaaeseAeaAs,eoe NICE FURN. 3 R, bath, 590 Union. 2 ROOM 1st FLOOR apt- lighta, water, wasler, $12.60. 1734 Market. s'es,ajsesaaeJejaweMTek LOVELT 3-RM. turn., pri. bath. 1 or x employ, lamea. So. Summer. DUPLEX FOR rent. $92 8. 26th. 2 ft 3-R. FURN, APTS. $40 Marlon. Inquire Apt. 3. basement. 2 RMS. $12. Hot water, gar., elec washer. 2590 Lee, Ph. 8943. 2-Rm. apt, unfurn $10. 2184 Maple. 2 KM. FURN. apt. Lta, w, $2.25 wk. 1290 Oak. Ph. 6278. m T J"aJV"shfsTarM'"ira MOD. FURN. 6 m. ant. Auto, haat ft hot w. Newly decor. Ph. 3367. sassaaaVaaaaaaaaaaaasyaseeask 4 RMS, PRL bath, 34 5 , Marion. ' ae4eaa0raaaaAtaAasaaaaaaa LOVELT S RML piiv. bath, beat, water, adults. 9 9 IN. Cottage. e,boaaeaieaasaaaaaaJaaaaasnga CHOICE 2 R. apt a.. The Devereaux. 639 N. Lib. 3 ft 3 R. apt. Prt ent srasa,jaaeaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaai 4 OR 6 ATTRACT, rail 14U Court. APT mod, home, adulta 449 N. Cap. 2 R-. prlv. bath. 250 a Cottage. 1 ft 3 R. FURN. apt, $ Ferry. ossWbeOasOaakgaksaxsaa PATTON APTS, furniabed, 332 State. Ph. 6244. Apt. 3. FURNISHED APT, 1209 Court. 3 RMS. FURN. Lights. waUr. heat. $20. 1440 Waller. " -nuarafVViji-VXrMnj,Xr 3 Rata, Mod. Close In. Ph. $334. eMeAAaeMeBAeaeeaeeABbaeexaa BEAUTIFULLT furn. rnv eorner Apt. -310 Leslie, Apt. No. L assObe'saOksOktawajsaksasOxemk 5 RM. FURN. sdL. cKse la. adults only. 404 N. Church. 2 AND 8 RM. Sura. n 819.lt and $16.60. 1936 Center. 0sPeeseksSsBakenkssakya WTNARMB? gVaAras- fl AAA I a-a itoi Homelik and eommodlouax 1PTB . sTTTDM . PW4M... a a aaj - w V .v mui Ua VUllUrVU welcome. $8 up. 1310 a 13th. P. 7083. NEWLY decorated 2-R. furn. apt. $15.00. 1st floor. 1397 N. Com'L 3 RM. apt. Pri. bath. 639 Center. 'asakeskxaaaaatsa 1 R. CABIN, tt.lt mo. Ph. 73L LARGE 3 ROOM furn. apt Private outside entrance. 1431 N. Cottage St. ABsaeMaaaaskBe4Babie 2 ft 8 RM. APT, 486 N. Liberty. APT. FOR rent. 1248 Chemekets, aeakskxaewaaoksjsjtsksjsa 8EE THE Flatter ADta before ran decide. Larg ft Airy Roekwoot lav nutated against heat ft cold. Venetian Blind throughout 8 Cam I A Oak Sta Stratton Apt a. 2 ft 2 R. P. 8842. 3 RM. FURN. apt, 2455 State. 2 OR 3 R, close. P. 5825 after 4:30. I RM. HEATED apt, 444 S. High. APTS. FOR rent littt Stato St. APAHTMEVT ill VTTT.T. a iub. ruruf, git. Data. uwrt. for Rent Houses PARTLY FURN. hse, 550 a 16th. MOD. 3 RM. house. Hanson Ave. Permanent tenants desired. Ph. 2234L MsBlBAss4BsakssjBaBssBiaa 4. RM. MOD. city house: also 25. A for rent. R. 3, B. 645, Liberty Rd, a TURN. AND unforn. housett R. A FORKNER 1352 N Capitol WE HAVE THE PROSPECT IF TOU want to aelL exchange. Mae, rent, see Mr lrsen or Mr Col line with Hawkins ft Roberts UNFURN; OR furn. bung, Osk V0 la Court, Adults. Inquire 886 Mill. How to Torture Your Wife I - rv,ce T2 Face with f-eaut-y "Sic? UTTLS WOMam COAS HCMC I ' AFIR FVauft HOURS WMO FTJPeM : i J MsvMJTeS WTH HCTT BUTCCR. :':'iin';'i.i''.-.-v .- - yJ ftnAnmAAmJA mmm. For Rent Houses FURN. 5 RM. Ph. $406. 7C0 a Com. MOD. I R. HOUSE. 1677 a High. inqq. -i earson s Cash store. : 4 R,' acre ,.: , 3 R, Falrmount Ave, .313.50 .314.00 .916.00 2 R 1 810 S. Hia-h J 18.00 6 R, 1595 Saginaw $20.00 $23.60 e a, xzas xraae KRUEGER, Phone 4723 4 RM. MOD. bee, $21. Ph. 22533. asaasaesasgaajax NEW. MOD. 4 rm. hse. SSO N. 16th. ' 6 LARUE RMS. enfum. Large gar- oen spot. sis. jxs.7 W. Churcn. bMaaxssxsajiesxakbsaaa ' PARTLT furn. bouse. 467 N. 18th. f-RM. FURN, bath. 774 N. Winter. FURN. ft UNFURN. house. MEL- VIN JOHNSON. -736 Court, Ph. 3728 FURNISHED AND unfum nouses H. P GRANT 529 Court Phone 6744 FURN. H3ES. ft apt. 73$ N. Com't For Rent BARGAIN RENT or lease by own er, best suburban business quarter in Salem, with 4 bedrm. house, suitable for combination residence ft doctor, or sales office, etc. lit mo. Inq. 1140 N. capitoi. UFFICK Him IMS. 8t State Street aoulre room 200 Tel 3713 ' VI nirl in Rent WANTED TO RENT, Urge house In business sons on gooa ousiness sxreev Roy J. Rice, 212 Oreg. Bldg, Ph. 1411 For Sale Real Estate BRAND NEW SR. attic, lust east out of city. Hardwood ft fireplace. Only $2850 $300 dn. a t A. i.. ,Wnlnr Twtren. furnace. fireplace, good lot, stucco, Chemekets St, izbov. save an, i saaauur. 27 acres 6 miles south river rd. mostly in iruit, mue u school. no building. - .... CALL ART MAD3EN, Phone t6$t Ideal house for students. Fine bed rooms, big living ft dining room, full bssement ft fireplace. Must be sold. Make an oirer. see aar. iarsen, wim HAWKINS ft ROBERTS. INC. o Tt2rT a t . ri?nf a ON THIS nicely located I acre tract at edge OI city a rm. nouse, gsrsgv, r,mn luuiu ft fruit rm.. fine, deep well, automatic system, good vsrtety bearing iruit. nice ouiy w cash, baL $22.50 per mo. AMUV mi TT M.W rnv nTantlnar am nouse, Bsro, cu .. il uv. n Tr-r.A at tsisa with 9200 cash. Dai. aau per mo. , Can air. isarueu wnn r-uil.ng A. MIT .T.ITR REALTORS 344 State St Phone 926L siesaaeassesnrsak 4 RM. MOD. hse- 92000. Choice of bldg. sites, $550. Owner, 3480 Center Ph. 3J5I4. ties DOWN. BAL. 326 a no. paya for a new two bedroom house with bath, garage and paving. Price $2260r WEST SALEM JKJAX KSTATIS 959 Edgewater Phone 6622. askeBSaskaieTseSe BTTSINESS BUILDING. Now rent ed. Hollywood District Phone 3557. BgsnaMaasaxalasaaa VaTV a7J' ta 1A V awcu . vwe -"-w-s 447 a Maple. Beverly Hllla. Calif. ajsasaaeaeaakesesakeiitaear STRICTLT MOD New 3 Rm. hse. with gar. Near bua fine A schools. Fine Iocs t Ion. Easy terms, tnvner. esee. -ii-Ti-.ri. i . n . - i 1 1 1 -- 1- - - - ... . . ANTTHINO IN real estate. Bus oil ar trad. Llstlnra wanted. -See N. J. LIN DG REN. 171 a High- xn.njnr ji.iiririi-iri n-i"i- - --- - HOUSE FOR sale or trade, owner. Box 621. Statesman. , a ROOM HOUSE with nook, garage. North Salem. Tel. 8402. -sjfuTjjqjxrutririji' laisasissi SAVE TIME AND MONET TF TOU bur your home of Louis Bechtel or Mabel -A. Needham. 341 State. Room 4, see this three bedroom house. 6 rooms, all on one floor. Fur nace, full cement basement half block to bua. Few minutes walking dis tance to business district Price zie. aaaossgeaseaSAaSjxaaasetta EXCELLENT CORNER lot 95x127. Fine location for court or homes $" .1 . .. Nlca S-room strirtlv mod. borne, well located to all school and bus. $3200; loan approved for $2600. i r Extra well located 2 -bedroom clast home, living, dining. Beautiful lot 7x130. Plenty garden ana zruiu rrice only $2100. MR. IK vkstuk juuy in is s large rm. plast bouse, glassed-in front and rear porch. Basement $1800, few day a only. $750 down,, balance $15 ' mo. North. C. H. SANDERS lit 8. High S1SL eksaejeiaiseeaxa 3250 DOWN. 820 PER mo, 6 rm. house, close in. on paved road, north, bath, lights, garage, several fruit trees, beautiful lawn ft shrubbery. 32460. 3200 down, new' 5 rm. home, bath. lights, paving, furnace. $2950. MONET TO LOAN AT 8 PER CENT. MELVTN JOHNSON, REALTOR 725 Court St Phone 3732. A NICE COUNTRY home, large shade treea A beautiful yard with out side fireplace ft cabin. Also fruit trees ft flowers. See this place it must seu. Full price 52350, 8350 dn, $20 per me. This Is a real bargain, F. H. Wetr, Realtor, $12 Oreg. Bldg. Exchange Real Estate T SPECIAL ABOUT 1 ACRE with a nice- 4 rm. house, S miles from Salem. Will trad clear and way soma cash difference for 21 to 40 acrea RO STEIN ft ADOLPH, INC. llttt N. Commercial Street SAV. Avtaffa. t FouuO Two . ' AtoasvHkldM Bit MtCS a vtMJ COtfLD ' STAV Mrvtas FROM ' fie Movies sorts , OftV AM Sjeevf 1 F-r Sale Used Can OTTO SELECT YOUR USED CAR FROM OUR TARGB ASSORTMENT WITH PERFECT CONFIDENCE THAT IT HAS BEEN PROPERLY RECONDI- 1939 Buick Century Touring Sedan. ..$1050 This car la a rarity, bavin g Perfect :1a every way. Black over. 1939 Buick Special Touring Sedan, Beautiful grey finish and in uooa. tires neater, etc fin 1939 1939 1938 1937 1937 1936 Buick Special Touring 2-Door Sedan.,....$835 1 Bright blue flalsli Perfect Buick' Special Coupe..jm..::..,-........$835 Here's a honey radio heater electric ; clock, etc. Dark grey flnisli axceltent rubber large luggage compartment In map nf Art! AAmmt ! thla Mia SAdA V. - . Buick Special Touring S?dan... .. $765 Driven only 17,027 actual miles. Radio heater and deluxe wiWiAMJuw agtwot aaasasM ab,siibi 4iaaj ex auresw Buick' Special Touring Sedan...w. .....$635 Tick Saftl-Fllght tires all around San Toy seat covers t -beater special foe light tan finish. A really fine car. i Buick Snecial Business C6upe.:..L.....$585 Black flalah low mileage aVSe aMBlaa4altlW A vaV -trrkti'Tl Buick Special Touring SedaiL.1....... $515 This car was owned by a well-known Salem professional man who traded tt to ns recently on a 1940 Buick. He gave It the very best of care and the car shows It Radio. ' 1938 Pontiac Six DeLuxe Touring Sedan $675 One of the sweetest handling cars we're bad la oar stock, A fall et of i Royal Master tires, nearly new. Factory built radio heater gunmetal finish. Nothing lacking on . this little honey but a new owner. 1937 Ford Model 85 DeLuxe Coupe... $435 A. clMta as they coma raditait-loclc tc rood HihKr Akai trarftll Trftr I 1936 1936 1936 Ford V-8 DeLuxe Ford V-8 DeLuxe Coupe.i......, Ford V-8 Standard Coupe... 1........ Theae 3 Fords are all good values, and are completely equipped. The Tudor and the Deluxe Coupe are tan aad the Standard Coupe la black. If yon have been looking for a '36 V-l we bare It Terraplane Custom Coupe-.-...L 1936 A nice running, easy handling light coupe tnat la ex tremely economical. Ifa In good condition and ready to go. AND LOOK! I HERE'S A GOOD ASSORTMENT STILL HAVE A LOT OF RUNNING 1933 Buick Sedan 1931 Buick Sedan 1931 Buick Sedan . 1928 Buick Sedan . 1934 Ford Tudor . .$285 00 . 145.00 . 135.00 . 65.00 . 195.00 Tour d re sent car will probably monthly pbayments to suit your convenience, j ; OTTO J. WILSON Used Car Dept. 388 NORTH COMMERCIAL STREET t PHONE aasasasAasgesAeAsgsiajeese dan. Car ta A-l shape. Tarma P. 4443. Exehantzc Resl EsUte n m.l laval Wall, mm bldga, good soil. Trade for small house. Owner. 3391 N. Front St; EXCHANGE WTTJ. ACCEPT aood lot or am. borne b Salem as part pymt oa 3 acre subdivision Garden Rd. Plat now oa record. Prfce 13500; Mtg. of $2400--. payable lis rent What have youT See fra EUls with . CHILDS ft MILLER. REALTORS. 344. State St, Pbone 926L it iimr AT" V. V. Wiih. lar , ..... M. VMra Trill 7w Sa. lent home or housekeeping apts, clear. HOW or TOOT nuwii u . 170 A. 71 A. IN CTJLTTV, baL tim ber ft pwstnre. Good bldga Price per A. Will trade for auto camp or apt house. a oood, ROOMINO hse. to trade for smaller boa or small tract of land Just outside of city. F. H. WEIR, 212 Oreg. Bldg. Ph. 941L For Sale Farms FARMS TOUR CHANCE f A. 86 IN CULTIVATION, all gd. anil fair bldga Paved road, elec Close to school 31200 dn, baL 4. ' n r a at a. 4 .11. VaTa ftvlAwes at XW9 Jtw 99 in CUJUT arsvaa. amva nr. schooL Price $40 per A $606 dn. bsL 3 R. A. FORKNER, 1853 N. Capitol ebasesgssxasaankaearasra 40 A, 2$ CULTIV, BORDERS on Lacklamuta Grows alfalfa, clover, hops. Fair bldga Only $2760 $115 down. Would take very small trade. 5 A. at pratum. gooa eon. none better. Creek, bldga Pries $6760. Take small house la trade. 6 A. ununp, cioee to eauem, ease $85 per I acre, very reaaonabkt. C XL SANDERS 11$ & Hig 5I8L K RE APT TO GO WITH CROP , COMPLETE!.! BTUCitEXJ Sc equip- ncd--ill acres on naved - hlrhway good house. 60 acres tn orchard 40 acres in. crop; balance in nay er pas ture. 3 springa Complete outbuildings. $2000.00 wfU handle. iWill accept serv ice sta, garage or business; lr trada - autbto.iuu -18 acraa of them f FILBERTS). 4 room house, bath ft f Ireptaee, electri city. Barn ft cmcken nous. h ibl ont on pavement The filberts will pay for thle place. $400.00 down. $16 mo. MTRTON MOORE. REAL ESTATE 130 N. Commercial Bt - ' salts it. Biisiiiesis Carda ta . this directory ma .cm st moathly basis cmly. - Bato t $31.25 per Ua pes - anoath. Auto Brakes Mike 973 SouU CommercUl Bieyclesf B1CTULES, NEW at Harry W Scott, 147 8 nd eaeeadltleoed Com'OL P. 46 It TEf JCPHON 4460 ft S Wort Excavating icxt'AVATlNU OF all klada Base ments dug Dirt hauled or moved. Dirt for aala Salens Ban! ft Gravel. P 3401 Florists Breltheupfa 44t Count Phone $904 Furniture Cash tor tools ft furniture. Ph. 4 SIT. Mattresses- iiril rr lire nm a ki.itr Cev New mattreen, old remaae. rug cleaning A weaving. SJi, 13Ui ft VVUbur tea et. bwnera c . -- CAPITOL BSDDINQ CO. Ptoas 40(8 For Sale Used Can WILSON been driven only $37 1 miles. finlab, six-ply tires. -Look It r: '. .$935 swell rendition la every way,' care av rnrmar nntr. . -i condition , In every way; ' has had perfect care check ' A m I Asa Tudor Sedan... .... ..$365 ..$345 ..$325 ..$375 OF LESS EXPENSIVE CARS THAT UCTX AW 'JSAl. 1930 Essex Sedan 1936 Chevrolet 2-dr. 1930 Pontiac Sedan 1929 Durant Coups 1929 Ford Coach .$ 49.50 . 316.00 Sedan 85.00 45.00 41.00 make year down payment Balance la I4IL I J 38 V-l DeL. SEDAN. Bargala If soia at eoce. si a. sua. For Sale Farms 10 A,! 40 CAN BE Irrigated. Keep 20 cowa Good 7 room bouse, barn. bldga Fine aaaaa stream, 8 A. timber. Only tseoe. C H. SANDERS, lit a High till. Acreage i ; . irOR SALE 10 ACRES. ALL la cult, between Salem; Xeiser acbeoL Offered at 32200.00 to eettle estate. See Mr. Cbl lma. with HAWKINS ft ROBERTS. INC M ' ' I I 1 ACRE, I ROOM bouse, bsmt, fur, nace. clear of all encumbrance, loca-5 ted just orx uoerty road to traae tor nice nemo in town. 6 acrea out a 12th. I room modern hooee. vry well Improved. Priced at only $1260.00. I MONET TO LOAN P. H. BELL, REALTOR 429 Vreg. i Bldg. Phono I11L Suburban DO YOU Want a nice mod. sub. home with 7 A. Good view for $1100 and tertnT Shown by appointment. C H. SANDERS 11 8 a High 6131. Wanted Real Estate WANT TO buy small acreage with 8 or 6 R. hoes, cioee to Salem, i en terms. $500.00 cash payment Bex $69. Statesman.' IF TOU have a good lot for sale, let as know. We have buyer BUDROW-KASMIR REAL ESTATE 13 Ladd Bush Bldg. Ph. 6966. For Sale Wood BONE-DRY i WOOD. Ph. 9560. . DRY WOOD. Ph. 9660. tj3xaA4BiiBsajSkes DRY WOOD. $4.50 ft $$. Ph. T42L WOOD Ph. $370 Uraen. 413 N 31s. MILLWOOD. TeL $341. Wood at west end of Court St Load. $3.60. 3jasAAs0akySsaSlk t cda' ll-iav old Or. tit Ph. 6730. ke3SAkMik4tk ASH.! FIR. prune. 22129. Jndd AAAAA9ABmMAWVAAAAAA)AA0Aj0AmAAmm Dry 2nd growth. O. Fir. Pa. 7607. Old Hr $. Knots to. Slab 14. Ph. 141$. ? Naturopathic Physician DR. W In ROCKWELL Naturepeth te Phy1Ha, ilTOO 'Fairgrounds Rd Tet 4808 orflce Honrs 11 am to :3t am. i FREE EXAM ft CONSULTA TION . s j y PaDeruiK, Palntintx NKAf Work; reaa iohasoa Pb.tI3t HERBERT 3ft WOOa Tel 1371 Plumbuig PLUMfifNO. GENERAL repetr Graoer Broa. 164 S Uberty. Pa. 1694. Printing FOR STATIONERY cards pamphleta program a book a or any kind -of print. Ing. call The Steteenao Print! De partment III 8. Commercial. Tele ohnoe 8IIL - Salvagers and Wreckers CASH FOR old bldg. to wreck. P. 3210. Schools COMPLETE your HIGH SCHOOL at home. DIPLOM A, . TEXTS FURN. Writ for catalog. American School Dept. a Boa 4500. Portland. Ore, Sheep Shearing W. J COCHRAN. RliailA 4311. Transfer FOE LOCAt or distant transfer stor age burner ell. call 3181 Larmee Transfer Co Trucks to Portland aallv ell Driilins B. A, WE2T. it e. bea 4(1 Pb. lltri War Romance Alice Faye aad Wanter; Ttaxter find time for romance fa the mJUlst ot war la MIUrrlrade, aow abowiaE at the State theatre. Also billed is "Mldngiht" with Claudctto Colbert and Don Amrcbe. Personal Lady with some furnl to share borne with elderly lady. 663 co SUtaemaa LONELTT WORTHWHILE sweet- heart, husband, wife for too, P. O. Bos 71 Lee Angeles Transportation YOUNG MARRIED couple waat ahare expensee Walla Walia Sun. or Men. Rm. 22. 147 N. Com'L Letzal (Notice IN THE COUNTY COURT OP THE STATE OP OREGON FOR THE COUNTY OP MARION IN THE MATTER OP THE ES TATE 'or HELEN M. S0UTHWICK, De ceased. NOTICE TO CREDITOR Notice la hereby siren that the undersigned, by an order of the County Court of Marlon County, State of Preron. duly made and entered on the 30th day of March, J940, waa appointed Executors of the Estate of Helen M. Southwlck, deceased, and that they have duly qualified as such. All persons bav ins claims against said estate are hereby notified to present the same, duly verified aa required by law, at tbe offices of Keyes A Pace In the City of Salem, Marlon Coun ty, Oregon, within six months from the date of this notice, to wn : April 4th, 1940. C. V. JOHNSON, FRANK WRIGHTMAN, Executors of the Estate of Helen M. Southwlck, de ceased. JOHN A. HELTZEL. KEYES A PAGE, Attorneys for Executor, tOt US National Bank Bid.. Salem, Ore. A 4-11-11-21; M t. Cross Word I i 13 tv n 22 It 20 22 23 2D ?4V 2 30 31 32 3& 34. 3 1 12 Wl BCR1ZONTAL j ; 1 TTXm toreto Varfra"! HmM ' -r Brmiuk t lLPenlnhia name ' IS Ilastcned jgAe rsacAgi tU NtriX FtU Is lto$t ' - - : ! lt--PronoQxt . . . ' I ltwNamber , : -- en Rrt4 af atndenta - - Zl Thick piescrvs 12 Correlative of tiUieT - t3 Thrashes 14 Sound quality ti Relates t7 Declined ' , 2SPlane surface . t9 Bundle SO Speed contests " S3 Unclothes . " tl Asleep - . SS Central parts ' v; S7 Exelamatloa f8 Dance step S3 Had eourage for . : 43 Garden Implement 41 Pronoun , ,t I 4i Serarli :. s , - -'; 41 Facts . ' ' - ' ! 44 Nullify ; , 45 Beetle , ; " - i--4 4 s Prepared for puhUcatloa 43 Those who acatUr seel ! ! VERTICAL . i' 1 TTadt Mmi it mtteci&lei urlih - Poliuxt I 2 Unit of electrical turront : S rartef "to be: , 4 FormeT times IpoeM - S Chinese measure Luenoa Aires is 9 t4 Mfwary 0f ukat rirerf y U as trr( PoUu mud Ten ' mutUrt ; " t Sense prftBS ; 777 ME I on State BUI - Legal Notice ' No. 10182 ' ' ;; NOTICE OP HKAItl.a OP OBJECTIONS TO FINAL ACCOUNT 4 - i In the County Court, of the County of Marlon. Stats of Ore gon, In . the 1 1 Matter of-the Es Ute ot ERNEST P. OSTRIN, De ceased.' I1 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that OUSTAVEI A. OSTRIN. vao the duly apoplnted. Qualified' and acting executor of the last will and testament and estate of ER NEST P. OSTRIN, deceased, has duly rendered and filed In the County Court of the County ot Marlon,' State of Oregon.' a final account or his administration of said estate, and that Saturday, the alxth day of April. 1940, at the hour of ton o'clock in the forenoon of said day, at the courtroom of said court In Mar ios County j Courthouse In tbe City of Salem, County of Morion. State of Oregon, have been duly fixed and appointed by said Court as the time and place for the hearing of objections to said final account and jthe settlement there of. ; Dated and first published the 7th day of March. 1940. M Date of last publication the 4th day ot April. 1940. , GUSTAVE A. OSTRIN, As Executor of the Last Will and Testament of Er nest P. LAWRENCE Attorney for Ostrln, Deceased. N. BROWN, Executor. M. 7-14-21-11 Ap. 4 Lodges SALEM LODOC V: 4 AJT a A.M. 8tste Ceiaaleatie rriar. April S, T it r.M. t. M. i Uae. W.M. XT faetfl L4ce SO. $0. Af AA U, 5 ' "4r M ilWeraa. WaA. A aril la, Ti80 pm. Waa Merriet. WJt, 7' 7 to tl 12 11 'A 21 I2t v. 21 2i 33 3H 37 HO 21 m 46 HI HI t Some 10 Eryptiaa sua rod 11 Gaseous hydrocarboa 12 S apposed IT Coiunrmeoi ' ' : 1 20 Goddess ef fTowlnt' Tegetstlcn fi Ivae (e (As tneet otneas peroea in. golf kitUrgf ZtPlerced 24 Stories : tt Short distances -r 7 Fluttered - - 29 Callers with two banks of ears 30 Plunder I " - . ( 31 Diminished ?. ( 82 French artist 83 One who blow bora 14 Cutting Instrument 38 Showed eonecn 33 Frui t ef the paint ' 40 Detest 17 ! -' 42 Head eorerbif 43 Simpletoav 45 GUI (abbr.) ' 47 Cehoidi I , 1 Answer to yesterday's puizlr. ' HfeyiUr2e!fc;:dli rl I Ali.. 'j r-4 . O -iCkO All I ) IK(. Ill 1 'i ill' . ' , I . 1 4 r ,i f - - 4 Mi'- ' i - r - - I i i Average ftate ef asttbsi II btt, KAUtMAt mt Kiel ratrai SraciMta 1 ! 6 c i x i r V ' !