PAGE irarETEDI Thrifty Shoppers Save by Watching FOR SiULE--MISCELLAlMEOUS Ads Daily The) OREGON STATESMAN. Salem. Oregon. Friday Morning. March 29. 1940 1 ! I i f i t 4 J I Statesman Classified Ads . Call 9101 Clantftod AgverYtwrns Three- Insertions per tin lit Six Insertion per line 40e One month per line SI 25 Minimum charge 25c: S tl min imum Sic; It mta. 45c. No refund a, Copy to. thta paae accepted until 4 -the evening before putrilca tkn for classifV-ailon Copy re ceived after this time srlll a run under th rteadtna "Too Late to Classify " The Statesman imimM ae flnan etal responsibility foi errors which may appear In advertisement ocb Itahed In Ha column and tm enae where this rapar la at fa all will re print that part of aa tdwttafmrsi la which tha typographical mlatahe occura The Statcaman isei the rtgttt to reject Questionable advert lain It furthei reserves tha nrtt to place all advertising ander tha proper classification. A "Blind" Ad aa ad cootaJaloa a Statesman bos number for ea ad dreaa la for the pratecthm of the advertiser and muat therefore be answered by letter The Stareamaa Is not at liberty to divulge Informa tion as to tha Identity of an ad rec ti ntr nalna a "Blind ad Livestock FARMERS-- unMmnirRT ncNrtCRINO WORKS PICKS UP. FREE OF CHA ROE. DF.AD AND WORTHLESS HORSES ANt COWS ANTWHKWt IN THE Wl I.1.AMETTE VALLEY. WE PAT TOP PRICES BHrtVlf ITU fill I WT 4 1 1 8ALRM I Phone 5000 - Phone 5000 ATTENTION We pick up dead and worthless an- tilmaia at a moment a noucc Salem Fertiliser By Products Co. 25th apd Turner Road Phone Salem 600 Colect Note: We sell meat meal to feed tores. BABT CHICKS 19 Varieties. In cluding Reds. Rocks. Hampshire. Leg ' horns. Day old pullets, cockerels, started chicks. Phone 22SC1. Lee's Hatchery. Auctions AUCTION - AUCTION AUCTION THIS SATURDAY, March SO. tune 1 :3d p. m.. at the F. N. Woodry Auc tion and Furniture Mart. 1(10 N. Sum mer SC. Salem. Consisting of all kinds furniture, tools, radio, rugs, linoleum, dishes, k. utensils, stock, trailer and lots of other consigned merchandise. We Buy, Sell or Trade. A large stock of new and used furniture at private aale dally. Ph. 6110. AUCTION - AUCTION - AUCTION THIS SATURDAY. March $0. time 1 :20 n. m.. at the F. N. Woodry Auc tion and Furniture Mart. 1610 N.J Summer St., toil I em. consisting or au kinds Furniture, Tools, Radio, Rugs, Linoleum, Dishes. K. Utensils, stock, trailer and lots of other consigned mer chandise. We Buy. Sell. Trade. A large stock of New and Used Furniture at Private sale Dally. Ph. 5-1-1-0. Help Wanted $30 WEEKLY. GROW Mushrooms. Cellar, abed. We buy Trrfifttr He. dry $1.35 lb. FREE BOOK. Mushrooms. 1937 Third. Seattle. Wash. Help Wanted Male YOUNO MAN, neat appearance, must be mechanically Inclined. Previ ous experience with electrical appli ances preferred. Answer Box SCI, Statesman. WANTED 3 MEN, ages 28 to 60. for membership staff Oregon-Washington Association; Out of town work, commission basis, but weekly guaran tee. Automobile' helpful but not nec essary. Opportunity for better posi tion If adapted to Association work. Write Box 5C1, Statesman, giving name, address and telephone number. All applicants will be given an inter view. This ad la worth Investigating. Help Wanted Female LADY FOR housework. TeE 454L KLDERLY WOMAN needing home, capable taking charge modern coun try home, two In family. Long posi tion, right party, some wages. Box aCJ. Statesman. GIRL FOR gen. housework. Ph. 4 16 J or rail 1320 Court between 11 and 12:30 -today. Situations Wanted EXP. HOUSEKEEPER, excel, cook. No laundry. Local ref. 2010 McCoy. LAWN. GARDEN work. Ph. 3668. DRESSMAK. Mrs Adsltt. Ph. COS For Sale Miscellaneous SPRO. CLNUP.. on shrubs, fruit, nut trees. Camel. 26c, up. Open dly. 8 a. ra.. T p. ra. Fruitland Nursery, 260 Center. USED NEW BEDROOM. AND LIVING ROOM FURNITURE WAU BEDROOM set, $29.95 to $19.05. Davenport A chair sets, $10 to $5. R. Easy terms. COHN BROS.. 30I N. yUhn7 DOUBLE AND beds, ifh at tresses, drop leaf table, ice box, 564 N. Church. ZENITH RADIOS 1939 3-BAND ALL-WAVE. Bal. due $11.70. Terms $5 dn.. $3 monthly. See Mr. Jans. GEO. C WILL MUSIC STORE PUPPY, 4 MO. old. Will givs leash A harness. 1135 N. 13th. Tuii i 1 1 a -y- - a MONARCH WOOD range Ilka new with oil i burner attachment. Res. price $159.50. used price. $75. Good used Leonard re frig. Excellent condition, (run ran teed. 1 good used Kelvinator refrlg. Ex cellent condition. Guaranteed. 1 Universal Gas Range. One year old like new. IMPERIAL. FURNITURE CO. 447 Court Phono 4131. 1004 BOXES GOOD cooking apples. J5c per box and up. Fresh apple Juice dally. Open Sunday. 1 to 5. Puritan CMer WnrV W Salem. . cDrtAonStatesnan ADVERTISING 'Western Advertising . Representatives George D. Close. I no. 8a a Francisco. Los Angeles. Seattle Eastern Advertising Representatives Bryant. Griffith A Rrunson. In a Chicago New York Detroit Boston. Atlanta ? Enter m't the fotee ( Salem Oregon s Second Clam Hatter. -Hthed ever morning except Honda B$inee of I tee tit govts Commercial UtrttU . SUBSCRIPTION RATES: Mall Subscription Rales In Advance Wlthla Oregon: Daily and Sunday Ma 44 eenta; $ Moa $164: 4 Moa 42 SO: I rear $5.00 Elsewhere 44 dents per Mo. of SI N for I year la advance Per copy S rents. Newsstands, i cents r r...i. i aa MHti m mnnlft l T bll mi m mm' ' $7.24 a vaar la advance to Siarioe and adjacent eounUoa. Money to Loan QUICK CASH LOANS CALL. WRITE or phone (9161) to Salem's oldest, largest homo owned and homo managed finance Institution. Tour financial affaira will bo discussed and loans made in strictest privacy. You will be given every consideration In tha re paying of your loan or granting of extensions. 1 to 24 Months to Repay You can pay In full any time to reduce the coat. Only Borrower Signs No endorsers. Loans made on furniture, cars or note. SEE ROY H. SIMMONS, MGR. JIM CLARK. ASST. MOB, Lie No. M-ISS GrMRAL FINANCE CORPORATION 110 So. Commercial St. jjc. No. 8-188 First door sooth of Ladd & Bush Bank Phono 9144 Convenient ground floor location "WOULD A CASH LOAN HELP TOO WITH YOUR SPRING PURCHASES: New clothing, house furnishings, garden or field equipment, house I rat lag. taxes for automobile purchase or refinance or for con sol Ida Hon of winter debts? Borrow -In confidence from the Calkins Finance Company and repay a small amount each month. For example If row receive You pay monthly $ 44.44 $ 4.02 140.04 4 72 154.44 14 4$ 204.04 13.44 20.0 20.14 The above payments Include Interest. ADTAMOBILK Loana up to $600.00 You srin Ha our friendly servlc. aaaall monthly payments, and low cost. CALKINS FINANCE COMPANY 242. 2nd fL 1st. Nat'L Bk BIdg. Satem. Oregon Phone 4444 S-22S ft M-274 State Licenses Anto Loans Willamette Credit Co. Sta FIjOOR GUARDIAN BUILDING LICENSE NO. M 1S9 PRIVATE MONEY AUTO AND TRUCK LOANS CONTRACTS REFINANCED to re duce payments Money for new or used eara No delay er red tape Yon will re tain possession of the vehicle. 1 TO 20 MCNTH8 TO PAY ROY H. SIMMONS 130 South Commercial Street Phone 9144 Lie. No M-1S2 FHA LOANS 4H&, atso prlv loana Abrame Ellis Inc Masonic Bids. Quick Cash Loans Personal Finance Co. 2nd Floor New Bltgh Bldg. Phone 3191 Corner State and High Opposite Court House M-165 - State License - S-122 Loans Wanted WANTED PRIVATE MONEY TO LOAN on good Salem real es tate. Will pay 6x. Interest. W. H. QRABENHORST A CO. REALTORS LOANS WANTED on farm and city property. Before borrowing Inquire at Hawkta Roberts FOR SALE Good sound first farm mortgages and bonds. See B. C. Zielin akt with HAWKLNS A ROBERTS. INC Phono 4109 or 9745. Financial BENJ. FRANKLIN HOME LOAN Reserve protection clause nllowa bor rowers to reduce or skip monthly pay ments. F. G. Delano. 290 N. Church. For Sale Miscellaneous 2x, 2ar. 8k8. SHEETING. 1x12. 200 ft. 4 in. rod and 100 ft. tile, 635 So. 19th. FOR SALE Hay, oats & vetch. $10 ton. F. A. Mueller. R. 1. B. 396. 93K4. T.1?. A??.N- Shop-- f T8- P- CASH REUIsn ER. Adding machine, rypewrlter. Duplicator. Calculator and Scale service. All makes sold, rented swapped. Roen Typewriter Exchange. ISC Court. SALE WALNUT shells. Sc a sack orlna sacks. Klorfeia Packing Co. 280 S High Bikes St Rep rVamsOei. 143 8 Lib Thoro. Pomeranian Pups. Ph. 7071. Wanted Miscellaneous WANTED FOR cash, walnuts ft fil oerts. Also meats M. IClorfeln Pack ing C 280 S. High. Phone 7633. Wanted Furniture "WE PAT SPOT CASH. F. N at GLENN WllOURT Ph. BUO Used Furniture. R Forgey. P. 74 45 Miscellaneous Dental Plate Repair rfVO-HOUR SERVICE IN MOST CASES Brtng or Mall Tour Pletes for Repaii DR. HARRT SEMLER. DENTIST Allaky Bldg. Id A Morrison. BR 1417 O. C PATTERSON shoe repair tag has moved to 4 85 Ferry St. For Rent Rooms LARGE, WELL-FURN. room. Close in. Private lavatory. 737 Center Street. SLEEP. ROOM In good home. Kit chen privileges. Ph. 5539. SLEEPING ROOMS, 294 N. Cottage. HOTK1 MARION Itooraa 8 pec la I weekly and atnenlhiy ratea to perm, guests Marlon Coffee Shoo, delicious aneals at low prices HOT El S A I.EM, low monthly rates LARGE SOUTn RM. suitable for two. Daylight closet. 1271 Chemeketa. Pleasant rm. for lady. Tel. 4229. Room and Board RiL BO, after April 1. Ph. 7444. AWAY FROM home, want good noma cooking, call at 450 Marlon. SsaWsaaaVsSarss,s,sssSassw SEE MA Bowen. 405 N Liberty BRD RM. men. Stelnke'a. P. 4344. For Rent Apartments IPTTRN. S RM. shower, gar. water. L Thermo heat control, adults. The Ga rbles Motor Court. 2375 S. Commercial. APT. Sc SLEEPING rm, L 633 Ferry. APT. FOR rent. 1248 Chemeketa. 2 4c 3 R. FITRN. art. Inq. basement. Apt, 3. 640 Marion. MOD. FURN. S rm. apt., heat. frig-, wash. 774 N. Com'l. iasaaasaysaaasSassaajaSssajs,ssSassj $12.50 FURN. APT, ht.. cold water. Lady preferred. 1 1 35 N. 1 3th, T. 45 05. LGE. 3-ROOM beautifully furnished flat, fireplace, hardwood floors. Oil-o-Matic heat, plenty closet space. Frlg idaire. gar. L phone. 15S2 Court. SElc THE Pinner Aota. before roo decide. Large 4V Airy Rorkwoot In- sjUada Utroucbout. & Com'L A Oak Sta, Money to Loan For Rent Apartments 2 RM. APT, refrlg, everything funj., $18. Cosy 1 rm. apt., lights, wa ter, gar, $12. Ph. 6288 or 4396. Stratton Apts, 2 3 R. P. 3842. S RM. FURN, ateam beat, frig, ga rage. 2005 N. CapltoL t RM. FURN. apt.. 3456 State. 2 RM. FURN. apt. Lta, $3.25 wa. iz utx. rn. &ztsv sssSs,ssssasss.sssNissssaaaaaaai I OR 1 R., close. P. 5826 after 4 :10. S RM. HEATED apt. 444 S. High. NICE 8 RM. apt, 658 Center. 3 at 4 R FURN, mod. Ph. 7532. CLEAN. S RM. fum. flat, ht. cold water, gar, 1396 Fir. APTS. FOR rent. 24 H Bute St. 2 RM. FURN, kitchenette, private bath. 822-50. 645 Court St. 439 N. Lib. 2 & 3 R. apt Prl. ent. 4 OR 6 ATTRACT, rros. 1411 Court. FURNISHED 2 ROOMS and kitch enette, beat, lights, water. 966 Sagin aw. -i-r----i-.wwywxViji r rJ APT, mod, home, adults, 449 N. Cap. 2 R, prlv. bath. 259 8. Cottage. PATTON APTS, furnished. 823 State. Ph. 6244. Apt. 8. FURNlSHEp APT, 1209 Court. APARTMENTS. 832.60 to $$7.60 Royal Court Apta Phone 3983 3 RMS. FURN. Lights, water, heat. $20. '440 Waller. 3 Rtns. Mod. Close In. Ph. 8884. BEAUTIFULLY furn. 3 rm. comer Apt. 310 Leslie, Apt. No. 1. 6 RM. FURN. apt, close in. adults only. 404 N. Church. 2 AND 3 RM. furn. apt, $12.60 and $16.50. 1935 Center. FURN. APT. 664 a Com'l. P $758. NICE 2 ROOM furn. apL. dose In $15 891 N Commercial. HAWTHORNE Court. 1000 N. Cap ltoL Homelike and commodious. APTS.. FURN., unfurn. Children welcome. $6 up. 1310 S. 13th. P, 7089. 3 3-RM. FURN. apts, lights, water. Maytag, shower. $12. 1620 Ferry. 2 rms. furn. Its, wter. 151 N. 13th. SM. APT. Adults only. 770 S. Com'l. LOVELY 3-RM. furn, pv. bath. 1 or 2 employ. ladles. 666 So. Summer. NEWLY DECORATED 2-R. apt. $15.00. 1st floor. 1397 N. Com'l. NICE furn. apt. Adults. 590 Union. Fop Rent Houses 8 RM. HOUSE, 3 blocks from state house. Ph. 5849. NEW 5 R. MOD. Hdw. floors, gar, garden space. 4 mi. east. $18.50 mo. Ph. 22F16. MOD. 3 R. HOUSE. Phone 9618. N. Summer, b rooms Market, 5 rooms Marion. 2 bedrooms N. Fourth, 4 rooms . 42.50 27.50 25.00 20.00 .. 27.50 In orway, 4 rooms MONEY TO LOAN P. H. BELL, REALTOR 429 Oreg. Bldg. Phone 8121. HOME & GAR, spot. 1287 N. Church. FURN. 5 RM. Ph. 6496. 760 S. Com. 4 ROOM. FURNACE, fireplace, elec. range, $25.00. 4 rooms, new, $20. 6 rooms, $20.00. OK REALTY. 219 Court Street 4 RM. UNFURN. mod., near sr. high schl. and state bldgs. Phone 5977. MODERN 6 ROOM house. Hanson Ave. Permanent tenants desired. Tel. 22361. FURN. 7 RM. hse. Newly redecor. 1330 Baker St. FURN. Sc UNFTTRN. houses. MEL VIN JOHNSON. 72Court. Ph. 3723. FURN. MOD. 4 rms. and nook : 2 bedrms.. fireplace, gar., adults. $25. 380 Mc Nary. West Salem. FURNISHED AND unfurn. houses H. P GRANT. 529 Court Phone 6744. NEW. MOD. 4 rm. hse. 864 N. 16th. sssasaspissbar FURN. AND utifurn. houses. , fe. FPRKPER: .I'A3. Capitol WE HA VK THE PRfWPECT IF YOU want to sell, exchange, tease, rent, see Mr I .arson or Mr. Col Una with Hawkins Roberta. Bridge ( FA VOO 0K3 FATHEAD WHY DID Vt?U WSS .jan. j A HAND UtKtl THAT? fBJhjjr what do tu Metro jjjfttW To 31 0 OW- SIX Tl IrrUH-ll HI if i wee noo To S3 . I - WHAT HABIT Witt- DO V. THC MAW WHO LAID OUT eftS FduR BRiDOe HAWDS I ,51 y For Rent Houses B TL ISQ. 2707 Brooks St UNFURN. OR furn. bung. Oak Vil la Court Adults. Inquire 996 Mill. S-R. MOD, 1138 Jefferson, $32.60. 4-R. cottage 1060 Erlxon, $18. Inq. 1520 N. Capitol. Ph. 6784. FURN. HSES. apta. 73S N. Com'l. For Rent OFFICE ROOMS. SSI State Street, inquire room 104 Tel. 8718. For Sale Real Estate 1395 S. LIBERTY STREET LARGE CORNER, 90x163 feet R, plastered home, garage, excellent location. Be sure and see this bargain. Price $5500. cash, A GOOD INVEST MENT. W. H. GRABENHORST A CO, REALTORS 134 S. Liberty St Phone 6468. 4 RM. HSE. with gar. Brand new. Sm. dn. payment. Bal. monthly. WEST SALEM REAL ESTATE 9S9 Edgewater Ph. S622. FAIRMOUNT HILL ONE OF Saietn'a finest homes for aale $15,000. Valne for $8400. Call for appointment Call Mrs. Ellis with CHILDS 4k MILLER, REALTORS 344 State Street Phone 9361. ATTRACTIVE FAIRMOUNT HILL HOME MODERN IN every detail, all nice large room. 5 rooms below, unfinished upstairs, large lot. sprinkler system. If you want a REAL HOME at the right price here it Is. Price $7000. SEE THIS BARGAIN TODAY. W. H. GRABENHORST CO., REALTORS 134 S. Liberty St Phono C4C8. easwasa,assasis,a,asssv,a STRICTLY MOD. New 6 Rm. hse. with gar. Near bus line St schools. Fine location. Easy terms. Owner. 6606. ANYTHING IN real estate. Buy. sell or trade. Listings wanted. -Sea N. J. UNDGREN. 176 S. High- sasWSayssMsaSSssaeyseySayaasaisafl SNAP, LOTS. LOTS $1200. CASH WILL buy six fine building lots located on paved st, near Richmond school. MUST BE SOLD RIGHT NOW. W. H. GRABENHORST CO, REALTORS 134 S. Liberty St Phone 646$. BUDROW-KASMIR REAL ESTATE 12 Ladd Sc- Bush Bldg. Phone 5945. FOR SALE Lots owned by City $125. to $800. See any real estate man or call 8632 167 S. High Street sasssssssssaassssssysassssaasesyeeaei 4 R. PLASTERED, NOOK, fireplace, gar, $200.00 dn, baL like rent, or lata 1740 Waller Street $200 DOWN 5 RM. plastered house, bath, garage, 2 lots, paving pd. $1500. $300 down New 5 rm. home, hard wood floors, fireplace, $2850. $500, $800 $2000 to LOAN WKLVIN JOHNSON. REALTOR 1725 Court St Phone 372$. 4 RM. FULL bant Fine 3 acre tract city water, beautiful view, cher ry A walnuts, ripe for subdivision. Only $1900 with reasonable terms. BUDROW-KASMIR REAL ESTATE 12 Ladd & Bush Bldg. Ph. 5966. FOR SALE 2 nice lots near State St Also 80 A. good land In Idaho. Ir rigation available. Ph. 4034, owner. Exchange Real Estate IF YOU have a good home In Se attle Sc want to trade for a home In Salem, I have a good 7 room home, hdw. floors, basement garage, lot 120x196. This place la clear Sc will not assume. See Mr. Larsen, with HAWKINS Sc ROBERTS. INC. OLD AGE forces me to exchange 5 to 25 A. Bldgs. Close to Salem, for clear prop. Rt. 3, Box 645, Salem, on Liberty Rd, S. EXCHANGE SALEM property for Portland, Rt 2, Box 645, on Liber ty Rd, EXCHANGE S ACRE TRACT near good school bus line neat 6 rm. house. Price $2950. Easy terms on sale or accept Salem house. See Mrs. Ellis with CHILDS A MILLER, REALTOR3 344 State Street Phone 9261. For Sale Farms 63 A. FARM SNAP OWNER NON-RESIDENT forced to sell at $50 per acre. Good land, no bldgs, five miles south of Salem on 99 highway. Shown by appointment See Louis Bechtel or Mabel Needham, 341 State, Room 4. Consider trade for Sa-l-m Portland, or Loa Angeles prop erty. What have you? Acreage A. TRACTS east on Lansing Ave. Nice bldg. sites. $400 $25 down, $ 1 0 per mo. 1 A. tracts, nice bldg. sites, good drainage. $525 $50 down, $10 per mo. 5 A, 1H mt from city. 2H A. bear ing fruit, cherries, etc. 6 rm. house, bath, lights, electric water system. $2650 $150 down. $500, $800 A $2000 to LOAN MELVIN JOHNSON. REALTOR 725 Court St. Phone 3723. WE HAVE 22 acres of good level land fenced A cross fenced, well. barn. 1V acres logans, 2H boysens, some clover. The price Is $1800, you bulJd a small house as a down payment, time on the balance at 6. We have clients who have town property to trade for suburban homes. Then again we have acre tracts, im proved, to trade for town property. MONEY TO LOAN P. H. BELL, REALTOR 429 Oreg. Bldg. Phone 8121. For Sale Used Cars GO PLACES in One of These Nearly New Used Cars 1939 Mercury Sedan-Coupe . 1937 LaSalle 4-Door Sedan Low mileage. like new. 1937 Packard Touring Sedan ....... A-l condition throughout. 1939 Chevrolet Master DeLuxe Coupe Radio 4V heater. Like bow. 1939 Plymouth DeLuxe Coupe.. . 1940 Ford "85" Coupe, 5000 miles...... 1937 Ford "85" 4-Door Sedan Reconditioned new paint Marion and Liberty Street Lot VALLEY MOTOR CO. 21 TEARS OF FRIENDSHIP HERB M1SSON. BEN D RACIER, ART HANSON 8i4VllsVaTse--'Mat,sgg- Used Cars That Are HONEST VALUES 1927 Bulck Touring Sedan, white sidewall tires, deluxe equip ment, heater. A very clean car $595 1937 Chevrolet DeLuxe Sport Se dan, new paint A-l shape throughout $625 1918 Chevrolet Coupe, heater, dual equipment She's a beauty $62S 1939 Ford DeLuxe Spt Sedan, ra dio, beater, deluxe equip ment Urea in excellent shape $695 1938 Chevrolet Deluxe Town Se dan, thoroughly recondition ed, new tires $575 1932 Chevrolet Deluxe Spt. Sedan, don't forget the hydraullo brakes. Steel turret top, for safety $625 193$ International Panel, new paint, fine condition through out $522 1937 Chevrolet Dual long truck, 750x20. 10-ply tlrea rear. 700x20 fronts. Large flat bed $569 1939 Chevrolet dual long truck. 750x20. Tires front and rear run only 9710, frame rein forcement A bargain . $365 Come and get 'em Chevrolet Victoria Plymouth Coupe 1931 1930 1930 1928 1939 1939 $12S -$ 65 $ 50 fc,ssex Sedan . Dodge Sedan . LaSalle Motor -4 45 $225 Chevrolet Pickup box $ 20 McKAY Chevrolet Co. WALT HOLMAN - LAWRENCE F LATHERS - VIRGIL SLOAN 333 Center Open Evenings Ph. 3138 Acreage BEAT THIS- BUT 27 A, 4 A. PRUNES, 3 A. spples, 1 A. cherries A filberts. 13 A field St pasture, running spring water, 6 mi. south on river road. Dandy build, spot $1475 Ph. 6680. Business Opportunities SMALL BUSINESS with good fu ture for active worker. No selling. Owner called away. $154 full price. Box 564, Statesman. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY TIRE SHOP on busy Salem street $350.00 ; sell, trade or lease ; living quarters If desired. Box 660, States man. For Sale Wood DRY WOOD. Ph, 9560. DRY WOOD. $4.50 A $5. Ph. 7421. WOOD Ph. 6370 Graen. 412 N 21st WHY NOT phone 100F157 1 do. MILL WOOD. Tel. 6341. Wood at west end of Court St Load. $3.60. 8 cds. 16-ln. old fir. $15. Ph. 6709. ASH. FIR, prune. 22129. Judd Dry 2nd growth. O. Fir. Ph. 7S0T. Old fir $5. Knots $9. Slab $4. Ph. 9456. Personal PSYCHOLOGIST, dependable advice. Mrs. Martin, Phone 4960. 260 Marion. LONELY 7 WORTHWHILE sweet heart husband, wife for you. P. O. Boa 7L Loa Angeles Business Orda la this directory rma mi a, Mallilw haala nl. iiatet sji2 per n ith. Auto Brakes Mike Panak 976 South Commercial Bicycles BICYCLES. NEW and rocondltlooed Harry W Scott 147 8 Cont'd. P. 6414 Chimney Sweep TCLKPHONB 4460 R. E. Norths Excavating EXCAVATING OP aU kinds Base ments dug. Dirt hauled or moved. Din for sale. Salem 8a n J st Q ravel P 9406 Florists Krelthttupt'a 447 Court Phone 4994 House Moving Raising, leveling Parkins Brosw 8441 Mattresses SALEM FLUFF Rug st Mattress Co. New mattress, old remade, rag cleaning tk weaving, a 1 3th A Wilbur TeL $441. Zwlckera. CAPITOL REDDING CO Phono 4C6i Naturopathic Physician DR. W H. ROCKWELL. Naturopath kr Physician, 1794 Fairgrounds Rd Tel 4203 Office Hours II a.m to 4:24 p-m. FREE- EXAM CONSULTATION Tor Sale Used Cars ...$895 ...$765 ...$695 ...$720 ...$695 ...$765 ...$425 REAL VALUES ORVAL'S 1938 1937 1937 1935 1935 1935 1936 1934 1932 1931 1921 1930 1934 1933 1933 1931 1930 1929 1929 1930 1926 FORD COACH $496 nn $296 $276 $296 $395 PLYMOUTH SEDAN FORD 60 SEDAN ..... PLYMOUTH COUPB FORD COACH CHEVROLET COUPE DODGE COUPE FORD COUPE PLYMOUTH COUPE , CHEVROLET SPORT 8E DAN CHEV. CONV. COUPE FORD COACH AS IS FORD SEDAN $225 $175 4176 $166 $165 $165 $165 $165 $ 45 $ 45 $ 76 $ 60 $ 96 6 25 FORD COACH CHEVROLET SEDAN CHEVROLET COUPE CHEVROLET PICKUP FORD PICKUP FORD SEDAN PONTIAC REDAN CHEVROLET COACH ORVAL'S Used Cars CENTER AT CHURCH ST. Phone 4703 SassSsjasSsjssaBsSsafcssaassaSasasaaasjssssWsi 21 PONTIAC SEDAN. Mechanical ly A-l condition. By owner. $76.44 cash. 824 N. 18th. Legal Notice NOTICE OF IXTEXTIOJI TO IM PROVE THE SOUTH ONE HALF OP TRADE STREET BETWEEN THE EAST LINE OF LIBERTY STREET AND THE WEST LINE OF HIGH STREET IN THE CITY OF SALEM, OREGON. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that the Common Council of the City of Salem, Oregon, deems It necessary and expedient, and hereby declares Its purpose and intention to Improve the south one half of Trade Street between the east line of Liberty Street and the west line of High Street. In the City of Salem, Marion Coun ty. Oregon, at the expense of the abutting and adjacent property owners, except any street and al ley Intersection, the expense of which will be assumed by the City of Salem, Oregon, by bringing said portion of said street to the es tablished grade, constructing Portland cement concrete curbs, and paving said portion of said street with a 6" Inch Portland ce ment concrete pavement. 17.1 i feet in width, in accordance with the plans and specifications there for, which were adopted by the Common Council on the 18 day of March, 1940, now on file In the office of the City Recorder, and which are hereby referred to and made a part hereof. The Common Council hereby declares Its purpose and intention to make the above-described Im provement by and through the Street Improvement Department of the City of Salem. Oregon. By order of the Common Coun cil of the City of Salem, Oregon, this 18 day of March. 1940. A. WARREN JONES. City Recorder, Salem, Oregon. M 22-23-24-26-27-28-29-30-81: Ap. 2-3. Directory Papering, Painting; NEAT Work, reaa Johnson Ph.2723 HERBERT K. WOOD. Tel $37$ Plumbing PLUMBING, GENERAL repair wrk, Oraber Bros. 164 & Liberty. Ph. 6694. Printing FOR STATIONERY cards, pamphlets, programs, books or any kind of print, lag. call The Statesman Printing De partment 214 g. Commercial. Tele Phone 9I4L Roofing CO MP st BUILT-UP roofing repair, bemt waterproofing. Beaver Blate ,-tooflng Co J W Cope Land Tarda, 624 Wallace Road Phono 662T. Schools COMPLETE your HIGH SCHOOL at homo. DIPLOMA TEXTS FURN. Write for catalog. American School. Dept 8. Box 4600. Portland. Or. Sheep Shearing W. J. COCHRAN. Rt 1. R II A, 4119. Transfer FOR LOCA1 or distant transfer, stor age, burner oil call $181 Lannor Transfer Co. Trucks to Portland da lis Well Prilling R A, WEST. rt. a fta 444. PK Utrt Legal Notice NOTICE OF SHERIFF'S HALE On Saturday the 30th day of March, 1940. at ten o'clock A. M. of the said day. at the Court House In Salem, Marion County, Oregon, 1 will sell at public auc tion to the highest bidder for cash, the following described real property situated in Marion Coun ty. Oregon: Beginning at the East line of. and forty-el x and sixty-three one hundred ths (4 (.13) feet South of the Northeast corner of Lot num bered one (1) In Block numbered twenty-eight (28) in Tew Park Annex Number two (2) of the City of Salem, Marlon County. Stats of Oregon, according to tha plat thereof on file and ot record in the office of the Recorder of Conveyances of said Marlon Coun ty, Oregon. In the Court Hons of said Connty at Salem; and run ning thence South along the East line of Lots numbered one (1) and two (2) ot said Block num bered twenty-eight (28) a dis tance of forty-six and sixty-three one-hundred ths (44.43) feet; thence Weat and parallel with the North line of Block numbered twenty-eight (28) a distance ot one hundred (100) feet; thence North and parallel with the East line ot said Block forty-six and sixty-three one-hundredths (4 4.43) feet; thence East and parallel with the North line of said Block a distance of one hun dred (100) feet to tha place of beginning. Said aale la being made under Execution Issued oat of the Cir cuit Court of the State of Oregon for Marlon Connty, to me direct ed In the case of State of Oregon, represented and acting Charles A. Sprague. Governor, Earl Snell. Secretary of State, George W. White. Adjutant Genersl, Paul B. Wallace and Will II. Masters, comprising the World War Veter ans State Aid Commission, f tain tiff, vs. Hattle J. Arnold. Kirby T. Arnold. Lonabell Arnold, his wife. William Stalling and Mrs. William Stalling, his wife. De fendants. A. C. BURK. Sheriff of Marlon County, Oregon. By Kenneth L. Randall, Deputy. 4 M. 1-8-15-22-29. IN THE niSTRICT 4TOURT OF THE UNITED STATES FOR THE DISTRICT OF OREGON No, B 24627' In the Matter of Leo Arany, Bankrupt. To the creditors of Leo Arany, now of Seaside, In the County of Clatsop and until December 1, 1939, a resident of Salem, in the County of Marlon, and District aforesaid, a bankrupt. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that on the 26th day of Febru ary, 1940, the said Leo Arany was duly adjudged a bankrupt on a Petition filed against him and that the first meeting of his creditors will be held at Room 225, In the United States Post office Building, Salem, Oregon, on the 8th day of April, 1940. at 2: IS o'clock In the afternoon, at which place and time the said creditors may attend, prove their claims, appoint a trustee, appoint a committee of creditors, examine the bankrupt, and transact such other business as may properly coma before aaid meeting. Dated at Albany, thia 28th day of March. 1940. WILLARD L. MARKS Referee In Bankruptcy. M. 29 Cross Word Puzzle "i2 75 20 21 mmZL 32 33 34 yy, 7Zfo ffi 3 3? - uo Ml y 142 H MW ws H 1 brl I Br I 1 1 r HORIZONTAL 1 b ringer of ill tuck 6 watch secretly spread gTass for drying U convex moulding' 11 burn, as s - corpse 15 badgerlike -animal 15 chief . Egyptian 11 three beaded -armadillo IS Utah Indian 19 three-spot card 21 divisions of a forked structure 22 hodgepodge 24 was ia debt 28 cyprinoid fish 27 Jurispru dence 29 again - cover the inner surf ace of H resembling weblike tissue JS made by burrowing 86 kettledrum 38 lair 89 symbol for sodium 40 Arabian Jasmine 42 snare 48 edible seaweed 49 lizard of Arizona 51 palm leaf ' 52 the knee 53 near . 54 faithful 56 hermit. Answer to yesterday's puxxla. Legal Notice NOTICE 'TO CREDITORS No. 10388 Notice Is hereby given that the undersigned by an order of the County Court of the State of Ore gon, for Marlon County, duly made and entered on the 26th day of March, 1940, was duly ap pointed executor of the estate of Mary b. Bennett, deceased, and that he has duly Qualified as such executor. All persons having claims against said estate are hereby notified to present the same, duly verified as required by law, to him at the office of K. L. Crawford, attorney for estate. Rooms 20-21, Ladd A Bush Bank Building. Salem. Oregon, within six months of the date ot this no tice. Dated this 29th day of March, 1940. WILL BENNETT. Executor of the Estate of Mary B. Bennett, de ceased. E. L. CRAWFORD, Attorney for Estate, Ladd A Bush Bank Bldg., Salem, Oregon. M. 29. Ap. 6-12-19-14. No. 10S03 Notice Is hers by given that tha undersigned by an order of the County Court of the State of Ore gon for the County of Marlon, duly made and entered oa the 27th day of February. 1940. was appointed Administrator ot the eitate of Dora 8. Leslie, deceased, and that It has duly Qualified as such administrator. All persons having clalma against said estate are hereby notified to present the same, duly verified as re quired by law, to It at the bank ng house of Ladd A Bush, Salem, Dregon, within six months of. the date of this notice. Dated this First dsy of March. 1940. LADD A BUSH COMPANY, Administrator of the Estate of Dora S. Leslie, deceased. E. L. CRAWFORD, Attorney for Estate, Ladd A Bush Bank Bldg.. Salem. Oregon. M. l-S-M-22-29. Leaves Home "When aaamage between two peo ple becomes impossible it's much wiser to say goodbye," said Dolores Del Rio, Mexican star, as she moved from home of her director-husband, Cedrie' Gibbons, ia Hollywood to Palm Springs. Lodges SALEM LODGE No. 4. A. P. A. M. Official visit of Grand Master. April 3rd. ft Paelfie Lease He. SO, A.F AA.M. r M District Mestiag. W4, Apr. 9, 7:io Wm. Marriott W.kt. 68 Incensed 59 -steep flax 60 Indian weight 61 narratives VERTICAL 1 large drinking' vessel 2 oval J short letters 4 fermented beverage 5 copse 6 threaded T entreaty 8 pronoun 9 bark of Hawaiian mulberry 10 light fabric 11 mocked 14 Impair 20 brawl M thlcksncc 25 division of Attica 28 one of an id desert race 80 fluff from yarn ' 81 at home 22 bright colored bird 83 ornamental stand 34 note of the scale - 87 am bassador 28 split pulse 4 1 me trie measure 43 kingly 44 winged 45 loses color 47 the dill 48 alcoholic liquor , 60 dismounted 65 money of account 67 exists i if ati i. . m n uss