.... . r f-- 1. VriiJ asrr, . .r.- --.!Tv-V - t-i. . -. . Th OBEGOn STATESMAN Salexxv Oregon- Thursday Morning. Maxch 28, 1940 PACE ELEVEN Thrifty Shoppers Save by Watching FOR SiUE-MISCELLilNEOUS Ads Daily : ' - Statesman Classified Ads Call 9101 CUastftrd Advertising Three tntcrMooi per ltn lie Sis Insertions per line- 40c On month per line 81 25 -Minimum' charge 25c: S tl mtn Imum 36c; t tl. mia. 4&e No - ref and. Copy foe this pax accepted until :$0 the even trig before public tlon foi cluMirirat kn Copy re ceived eft this time will be run under the heading "To L to ClaaK ' Tbe Statesman inumrt no flnan ctal responsibility foi errors which may appeal In advertisements peb llshed la I La columns and In rase where this paper Is at fatrtt will re print that part of an idfrtl"ii (a whk-b the typograpMemt ralstak occurs. The Statesman reserves the. right to reject ouestlonable advert Isfna It further reserves the right to place all advertising under the proper classification, A "Blind" Ad en ad containing a Statesman bos number tot an ad dress Is for the proteetloo of tbe advertiser and must therefore be answered by letter The Statesman Is not at liberty te divulge Inform tie) as te the Identity of an adver tiser ostna a -RlhvT ad Livestock FARMERS MONTGOMERY RENORRINO WORKS PICKS UP, rKEK wr VnAnuo n - .... . ..,r. HORSES AND COWS ANTWHBRf Ul THE W I I.I-A SB C I B m.mMm w daw rrks PSirfffl PHONE DS OUXECT till SALEM xrLn-ruxrunnr"sr"v"i" -i - , see Phone 5000 - Phone 5000 ATTENTION We pick up dead and worthiest Salesa Fertiliser By Products Co. Iu ana xuraer nwn W Phone Salem 5000 Colect ote: We seU meat meal te feed teres. njui onjLnruiriii ------ mnv rnrtmrn is Varlotle. In Ciuaing neat, mocks, nanswii horn. Day old pullets, cockerels. atari cujcks. s-wae Hatchery Help Wanted '. $2 WEEKLY. GROW Mushrooms. Cellar, abed. We buy fresh, 16c. dry $1.36 lb. FREE BOOK. Mushroom. 1927 Third. Seattle. Wash. MEN AND WOMEN for special Merchandising program. oa Stai Help Wanted Male PULP WOOD cutters, food cabins, good timber. Long- Job. Roy Stevens. 10Z BSCon w. oaiem. ra t t WANTED 3 MEN. sees 18 to 60. for ntecnnf rsnrp stall Oregon-rtrasn- immrtam . Aaanrlailnn. Out of tOWS work. AiKVn feast but weekfr' guaran tee. Automobile helpful but not nec essary. Opportunity for better posi tion" tr adapted to Association -worn. Write Box Hl,- Statesman, giving namev address and telephone numotr n will 1m arlvon an later- TtewThl ad ,1 worth Investigating. Situations Wanted "'TEXF. HOUSEKEEPER. excel, cook. rfe launory. ixcai rei. viv c,w .r ism nipnrM wlr Ph ! - WANTED, BT graduat nurse hour ly nursing, xei. set DRES3MAK. Mrs Adsttt. Ph. $246 'For Sale -Miscellaneous DOUBLE AND K beds, mattresses. Arop leaf table. Ice box. feet rt. umircn. lttt S-BAXD ALL-WAVE. BaL due $11.74. Terms 5 dn-, $3 monthly. See Mr. Jan. GEO. a WILL MUSIC STORK MsesssSwwwse A PEW MORE view sections In Block 10 In Belcrest Memorial Park. KRDXOER, 147 N. Commercial PTJPPT. I MO. old. Will sIts leash At names, lias rx. istn. MOTfARCH WOOD nnr like new with ell burner attachment. Kef. wrtee tlst.te. used price. S7S. Good tMed Leonard refrts. Excellent condition, guaranteed. ' 1 Kood used Kelvinator refrts. Ex osl lent condition. Guaranteed. I Universal Gas Range. One year eld use new. IMPERIAL FURNITURE CO. 4C7 Court Phone 41S1 lit, txt. 8x8. SHEETING. 1x13. IT. m. roa ana iuo n. uie. o. lth- lSSe BOXES GOOD cooking- apple. SSc per box and up. Fresh apple Jaice aaliy. open sunnar, s 10 s. ruritan Cider Works. W. Salem. FOR SALE Hay. oats & vetch. $19 ton. F. A. Mueller. K. 1. B. 3. lr l THE APRON Shop. C7B N High CASH RBUISTKR. Addtne machtne. Typewriter. Duplicator. Calculater and s Scale service. AU makes sold, rented swapped. Koen Type witter Kscnang. 4S Court. HALB WA IJ4DT sheila le a sack twin sack. Klorfeln Packing Co. IIS B ifsrh. Bike e Rep. rVsmsden. 141 8 Lib There. Pomeranian Pupa Ph. 7071. CLEAN - 4-BURN. kerosene stove with even, $12. 147 N. Church: i Senas t tonal 2-for 1 Mattress Sale ! Nssh Font.' Co. hits a new low. Na tionally advertised mattress A box springs SIS value now less than H :t while they last H. Remember, box spring A mattress.) Term as low as $t down. $1 a week. Nash Fum. Co.. Homo esT Lane Ranges Low Prices. WRECK INO HOUSE, fixtures and material for sale cheap. 333 N. High aeaabjaasaaw NASH FDRN. CO. everrdav specials new davenport A chair. Rome bed. ?(, SITS. Cuntrrm Bllt bed dav ewoe 3Z. on. FREE I7.M 7-wav floor lamna with any daveno aeld this week. -Shop around" "It PJs." Nh Pwmllnee fV. 1 eKCrTfi0n5Btatt$aaa ; " - ADTERTISINO Western Ad? ertlalaf "W'i' RepresenUUfes. Oeorge XX. Cloee. Ine.' Saa. - Francriaco. Loe Angele. . Seattle JCasteni Advertlslaa; Repreeentailvea - Bryant. Griffith A Rmasoa. Iaa Chicago New Tora. Detroit " Boston. Atlaat . . aTstersd at A ftoTTto at Sateet Oreeew es Second Class U after. Ps liaked -eeerjr sMratae eceept afeade. BBS fltcm tU Sewts Cwssaaercesl Afreet. crrr:f 'Hi HTltJN "KATES: r. i - rw (1 m nA SklBitae Wo. cents: t Moa fliet Moa it : I veer 8&.SS Elsewhere eeots Z, L. er $ for I rear ta advaoce Wr eor.y S rente Newsstands. cent By City Carrier: esots e seofrt. tt U a Tear : to advaace ta lsarioa and adjacent eountlea Money to Loan QUICK CASH LOANS CALL. WRITE er phone (91(1) to Salem's oldest, largest horns owned and home managed finance Institution. Tour financial affairs will be discussed and loans made In strictest privacy. Tou will be given every consideration la the re payiac f your loan or granting of extensions. 1 to 24 Months to Repay Tou can pay In full any time to reduce the cost. Only Borrower Signs No endorsers. Loans made on furniture, cars or note. SEE ROT H. SIMMONS, MGR. JIM CLARK. ASST. MGR. Lie. No. M U GENFRAL FINANCE C0RP0RAH0N 1S So. Commercial St. Lie No. S-1SI First door south of Ladd A Bush Bank Phone 91 (g Convenient -ground floor location WOULD A CASH LOAN HELP TOU WITH TOUR SPRING PURCHASES: New clothing, nouai fumtshlrura. garden or field equipment house painting, taxes for automobile purchase or refinance or tor con solidation or winter aeotsT Borrow In confidence from the Calkins Finance Co mnanv and repay a small amount each month. For example If veu receive Tou pay monthly 4.ee ' 9 iae.ee 7I ise.ee lees 80.e 18.44 soe.ee xo.ic The above payments Include interest. AUTOMOBILE Loans up te $Sft.O0. Tou will like our friendly service, mall monthly pavmenta. snd low coat. CALKINS FINANCE COMPANY SOS. nd n. tat. NarX Bk Blda. Salem. Oregon Phone 444 S-Zlt A M-Z7I State Licenses Anto Loans Willamette Credit Co. its FIjTMIR GUARDIAN BUIIJINO LICENSE NO B IBS PRIVATE MONEY AUTO AND TRUCK LOANS CONTRACTS REFINANCED to re duce pavmenta Money for new er seed eara Ne delay er red tape too will re- p issLssloa of the venicte. 1 TO 80 MCNTHS TO PAT ROY H. SIMMONS IIS Sooth Commercial Street tUI Lie NO M-I0Z Abrame m Kins Ine stasonie Uiam. Quick Cash Loans Personal Finance Co. 2nd Floor New Bligh Bidg. Phone 8191 Comer State and High Opposite Court House M l IS - State License S-12I Loans Wanted WANTED PRIVATE MONET TO LOAN on good Salem real es tate. Will ear . Interest. W. O. OR A BENHORST A CO. REALTORS LOANS WANTED on farm and city property. Before borrowing inquire at Hiwrnm a ko Deris nw Qir.Tr tZnnA antind first farm mortgages and bonda. 8ee B. C. Zlelln akL with HAWKINS A ROBERTS. INC Phone 4109 or 748. Financial BWl rRlK'KI.IM ROUK LOAM Reserve protection clause allow bor rowers to reauce or skid mommy pay menta F. O. Delano. 290 N. Church. Wanted Miscellaneous WANTED FOR cash, wslnuts A flJ aerta Also meat M. Klorfeln Pack la Co 10 8 High. Phone 7131. Wanted Furniture "WE PAT SPOT CASH." '. N. A GLENN WOODRT Ph. 8110 Used Furniture. R. Forgey. P. 744S. Miscellaneous Dental Plate Repair rWO-HOUR SERVICE IN MOST CASES Srtna or Mail Tour Plates for Repair DR. HARRT SEMI.ER. DENTIST Allsky Bidg. Sd A Morrison. BR 8437 SeSSjsSeaesaeaeaaeaebssassaesjsei O. C PATTERSON shoe repair ing ha moved to 486 Ferry St. For Rent Rooms SLEEP. ROOM In good borne. Klt- . . , t re. a cnen privileges, tra. oj. SLEEPING ROOMS. 29 N. Cottage. UOTEl MARION Room. Special weekly and monthly rate te Derm, guests. Marlon Coffee She, dellctoas meals at low prices urvrri a A I CV torn monthlv rate. LARGE SOUTH RM. suitable for two. Daylight closet. 1271 CbemeKeta. Pleasant rm. for lady. Tel. S229. Room and Board RM., BD., after April 1. Ph. 7400. A WAT FROM . home, want goo m cooking. caJl at ISO Marlon. want good home ctrr ma nimi ( M I ttvort BRD, RM . men. Stelhke'a P. 1384. For Rent Apartments FURN. 3 RM. shower, gar. A water. Thermo heat control, adults. The Ga bles Motor Court, 2375 3. Commercial. APT. FOR rent. 124 8 Chemekata. A 3 It. FURN. apt. Inq. basement. Apt. 3. 440 Marion. STRAT. Apts.. 2 A 8 R. Ph. 8842. MOD FURN. 8 rm. apt, beat. frig., wash. 770 N. Com1. tl e STTRM. APT., ht . cold water. Lady preferred. 1126 N. 13th. T. 4508. v m -WMiTWM k..nlfS,lW e.,rafaKut flat, fireplace, hardwood floors. Oil-o-Matle beat, plenty cloeet space. Frig Idaire, gar. A ptaone. 1182 Court. NICE I KiH, apt., venter. 1 A 4 R. FURN, mod. Ph. 7533. C!HJCA7J. B RM. furn. flat. ht. A cold water, gar., 1S Fir. t rm. APT . nicely furn. No smok ers wanted. 175 S. 14th. sseeaaSsbesTHS,,s,s''sss w APTS. FOR rent. 248 State St 1 RM. FURN.. kitchenette, private both, 821.60. 64$ Court St, sMeaMes1eaBaaejssee C29 N. Lib. t St t R. apt. Prl- ent. 4 OR ATTRACT, rm. 1411 Court. Unr '..r..r -m.mmmmmmmM mm rrTPVtctrrr) t nnnus snd kitch enette, heat, lights, water 96 Sagia- sBasBaaesBeAsasesssw APT, mod. borne, adalta, 449 N. Cap. S Bw priv. hath, 260 8. Cottage. assaSWaseaeasseS4seBS I A 2 R. FURN. apt, C4S Ferry. PATTON APTS, H furbished. A 333 State. Ph. C344, Apt S. Money to Loan For Rent Apartments FURNISHED A PT, 1 209 Court. MODERN 6 ROOM newly furnished apartment. Must see to appreciate Reasonable. 772 N. Winter St. A PA HTM EN Tr. 632.60 to 327.10 Royal Court Apt Phone 2943 3 RMS. FURN. Light, water, heat. $20. 1440 Waller. s. WN.Tessssess0 UKE rHk, r inner Acts, before roa decide. Large .A Airy. Rockwoot In sulated against beat A cold. Venetian Blinds throughout 8 Cora'l A Oak St 3 Rma Mod, Close In. Ph. 3334. BEAUTIFULLY fare. S rm. corner Apt. 810 Leslie. Apt. No. L 5 RM. FURN. apt, close In. adults only. 404 N. . Church. - 3 AND 3 RM. furn. apt, 111.60 and 116.50. 1935 Center. FURN. APT.. I4 8. Comt P 3713. NICE 3 ROOM furn. apt- does In 315. 391 N Commercial. wsaaeseeeseeesTee HAWTHORNE Court. 1004 N. Caa- Itoi Homelike and commodtoua APTS.. FURN, unfurn. Childroa welcome. 33 up. 1310 a 13th. P 7089, sessesaeeseMsejssejeabsgesaaoseaS 9 .TM jrWTtt 1eT an. Itarhrai war tee Maytag, shower. $12. 1120 Ferry. 2 rms, furn. Its, wter. 161 N. 13th. SM. APT. Adults only. 770 S. Coml. LOVELT 3-RM. furn.. bt. bath. 1 er 7. employ, ladles. Ill So. Summer. NEWLY DECORATED 2-R. opt, 113.00. 1st floor, 1397 N. Com'l. eNit.rfWsessessNssseesSsWee NICE furn. apt. Adults. 690 Union. For Rent Houses HOME A GAR. spot, 1387 N. Church, FURN. B RM. Ph. C40S. 760 S. Com, 4 ROOM. FURNACE, fireplace. elec range. 93S.00. 4 rooms, new, 920. 0 rooms, $20.00. K REALTY, 219 Court Street 4 RM. UNFURN. mod. near sr. high schL and state bidg. Phone 1977. MODERN ROOM house. Hanson Ave. Permanent tenants desired. Tel. 223S1. FURN. 7 RM. hse. Newly redecor. 1350 Baker St. SaaeeasnbSssa FURN. MOD. 4 rms. and nook : 3 bedrma, fireplace, gar, adults. $25. 380 McNary. West Salem. FURNISHED AND emfura. houi HL P GRANT. 629 Court. Phone 4744. NEW. MOD. 4 rm, hse. 384 N. 18th. FURN. AND uanira. bouse. R. A. FORKNER. 1853 M. Capitol wsas9h4sseiesaas WE HAVE THE PROSPECT IF TOU want to sell, wxctmnae. tease, rent, see Mr Lsraen er Mr. Col tins with Hawkins A Roberta FURN. A UNFURN. . houses. MEL VIN JOHNSON. 725 Court. Ph, 3723. UNFURN. OR furn. bung, Osk Vil la Court. Adult. Inquire 993 Mill. 6-R. MOD, 1188 Jefferaon, $32.50. 4-R. cottage 1000 Erixon, 111. Ine, 1620 N. Capitol. Ph. ITS 4. FURN. ( RM. HSE. at 1407 N. Win ter at, $30. Inq. at 860 Marlon, FURN. HSES. A apt a 733 N. ComT. For Rent OFFICE ROOMS, 81 Stat Street. inquire room 200 TeL 8713. For Sale Real Estate FAIRMOUNT HILL HOME 3500 DOWN A $45 PER mo. will buy a six room mod. horns In very good lo cation. Near bus line, stores A schools. Corner lot, nice yard, double garage. Auto. heat. Price $5000. Located near top of hllL 6 rm. mod. house with unfin. attic (Room for two bedrooms A bath). Auto, oil heat. Very nice yard A shade trees, large lot, 75x100. Price $7000. To see these homes, call G. H. Grabenhorst, Jr, with W. H. GRABENHORST A CO. CLOSE-IN PROPERTY RM. MOD. house located 8 blks. from downtown In business district. Price $3750. Call G. H. Grabenhorst, Jr, with W. H. GRABENHORST A CO. WE HAVE downtown residence for sale. $2260. Can be sold for $50 down and $22.69 per month, C. H. SANDERS 118 S. High 6131. 4 RM. HSE. with gar. Brand new. Sm. dn. payment. BaT. monthly, WEST SALEM REAL ESTATE 959 Edgewater Ph.. 6422. Are You weic.GuS, i -Sw TfiAT ovier. VST ITS A KxjockouT 1 m" fJlJX ) r I ' i VI J T 1 am 7vr sc&jff ooos VOMffReT ATEAAsTM L M3AIM3T leVOM BUKUS -OW.' fS A? TBWSWIC ) Tua-r was I C nwrv-sftOMST y V tf ' o"A V T&ey couco nftose cWsciA CUT TU' PtOTUR: IV POT VxiSfea j HOOKS WlTFtOlTT IC IHtZS WITH. 0004 IT AMY tlSJJ eSHT For Sale Real Estate HOME BARGAIN 4 RM. MOD. borne in good eond. with unfin. attic can be bought for 336 down. A $35 per mo. to include int. This Is your chance to own a good mod. home A pay for it like rent. Good location. Price $3500. Call G. H. Grabenhorst. Jr, with W. H. GRABEN HORST A CO. JUST COMPLETED, a beautiful new home near city limit. N. E.. base ment, furnace and fireplace. One of tne best suburban homes near Salem. KRUEGER Phone 4728 147 N. ComT. FAIRMOUNT HILL- ONE OF Salem's finest homes for sale $15,000. Value for $8400. Call for appointment. Call Mr. Ellis with CHILDS A MILLER, REALTORS 344 State Street Phone 9261. $1450 BUYS A NEAT little home to N. Salem. KRUEGER, 147 N. ComT. STRICTLY MOD. New 3 Rm, hse. with gar. Near bus line A schools. Fin location. Easy terms. Owner. 550$. ANYTHING -IN real estate. Buy sell or trade. Listings wanted. -See N. J. LIN DO REN. 176 S. Hlgh- FOR SALE 2 nice lots near State St. Also 80 A. good land In Idaho. Ir rigation available. Ph. 4034. owner. MUST SELL this week 4-R. hse, near schools, bus, nice location. Rents easily. 3130 University. QeeeseeasOss OWNER transferred to Washington must sacrifice borne. Practically new. strictly modern. 4 rooms A nook. (3 bedrooms.) Beautiful corner location on S. Center st. $460.00 and assume mortgage. See thla at once. Call Mr. Hardy, with HAWKINS ROB ERTS, INC. WE CAN OFFER yon a bargain la a ten-room bouse, on a corner lot and both streets paved. Located At 1190 South Liberty street. House is-In A-l condition, double garage and the lot is 75x141'. Price $3600 with a down payment of $360. Balance can be paid at rate of $24.79 per month. In the City of Silverton w have an other bargain in a seven-room house, basement and garage located at 233 Coolldge street. Price 33800 with a down payment of $280. Balance eon be paid at rat of 319.28 per month. J. F. ULRICH CO. 383 State BU Phone 8C7S Exchange Real Estate 73 A CLEAR, T ML Salem. nod soil and bidg. Else. Paved road, f T. 200. Sell or trade for Salem bom up to $4000. C. H. SANDERS 113 a High 3131. rsSsrsSs9a 2 GOOD RESIDENCES at 4 Cor ners E. on State St, with 1 A. land to trade for residence tn city. This Is nice property. H. K. WEIR, 313 Oreg. Bid;. Ph. t41lj EXCHANGE ACRE TRACT near good school A bu line neat t rm. house. Price $2950. Easy terms on sale or accept Salem house. See Mrs. Ellis with CHILDS A MILLER, REALTORS 344 Stat Street Phone 9241. TRADE FOR PORT. prop. Good Sa lem home. 411 Masonic Bidg, Salem. For Sale Farms THIS IS the time to consider burlnx that farm 100 A, 3 mi. from Salem. H Ktver bottom. Unimproved. A real deal. Term to suit. Also 2-125 A. places, well-Improved. Sell on 'terms you can handle. H. C. Shields, Oreg. Bidg. Ph, 3903. Acreage WE HAVE 23 acres of good level land, fenced and cross-fenced, well, barn, 1H acres logana, IH boysens, some clover. Tbe price 1 $1800.00. You build a small house aa a down payment, time on the balance at 6. We have client who have town property to trade for suburban homes. Then again we have acre tracts, im proved, to trade for town property. Money to loan. P. H. BELL, REALTOR 439 Oreg. Bidg. Phone 31 1L Suburban 1 A. WITH FRUIT, close to school, 5-room plast. house, garage. Elec, wa ter system $2200: $200 down. 3 A. 5-room plast. house, 200. Good location. Good terms. C. H. SANDERS 113 S. High 51 3L Business Opportunities BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY TIRE SHOP on busy Salem street. $350.00: sell, trade or lease: Uvtnerrthe County Court room in the quarter if desired. Box 660, states-1 man. For Sale Wood DRY WOOD, $4.60 A $5. Ph. 7421. WOOD. Ph. 6370 Ursen. 412 N 21st WHY NOT phone 100F157 1 do. MILL WOOD. Tel. 6341. Wood at west end of Court St. Load. $3.50. 8 cds. ll-ln. old fir. 816. Ph. C700. ASH. FIR. prune. 22129. Judd Dry 2nd growth. O. Fir. Ph, 7507. Old fir $5. Knots $9. Slab $4. Ph. 945$. Personal PSYCHOLOGIST, dependable advice. Mrs. Martin. Phone 4960. 240 Marion, LONELY? WORTHWHILE 'sweet heart, husband, wife tor you. P. O. Bos 71. Los Angel. Listening? ACTe av UFB. Ts'0r g ftfRfwerr -Knerr, saJturr. nr fYrrvFwr AM AU. of sm , Sesbm amV aeOVeSC tATeuY? - llfUV weet J MoumTf roJk 2 AWAaTTFMM i WfcH BAWCMW31 orcojS9 Ptxsa CrYcouLoS HOUSIS -A rTrrpaew jC -nVe O00C J MRsarms e a ii oo" fv j uotm aiweruw IS tt S2f J fwaa'ov JfSStZJSS J i C a wKPcnj 43000 I I For Sale Used Cars '31 PONTIAC SEDAN. Mechanical ly A-l condition. By owner. $75.00 cash. 820 N. 18th. Sale. $150 for eaultr in '38 Ford Tu dor, radio, hter. BaL due 3295. $24.60 per mi Dallai t mq, inci. int. A In a. N. Dallas, s. 8, Legal Notice NOTICE OP INTENTION TO OI PROVE THE SOUTH ONE HALF OP TRADE STREET BETWEEN THE EAST LINE OP LIBERTY STREET AND THE WEST LINK OP HIGH STREET IN THE CITY" OP SALEM, OREGON. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that the Common Council of the City of Salem, Oregon, deems it necessary and expedient, and hereby declares Its purpose and Intention to Improve the south one half of Trade Street between the east line of Liberty Street and the west line of HUsh Street, in the City of Salem, Marion Coun ty. Oregon, at the expense of the abutting and adjacent property owners, except any street and al ley intersection, the expense of which will be assumed by the City of Salem, Oregon, by bringing said portion of said street to the es tablished grade, constructing Portland cement concrete . curbs, sd paTtog; said portion or said street with a f Inch Portland ce ment concrete pavement, 27.95 feet in width. In accordance with the plans and specifications there tor, which were adopted by tbe Common Council on tbe is day of March, 1940. now on file In the office of the City Recorder, and which are hereby referred to and made a part hereof. The Common Council hereby declares Its purpose aBd intention to make the above-described Im provement by and through the Street Improvement Department of the City of Salem. Oregon. By order of the Common Coun cil or the City of Salem, Oregon, this 18 day of March. 1940. A. WARREN JONES. City Recorder, Salem, Oregon. M 21-2 S-2I-X 8-2 7-2 1-2 9-3 0-S1; Ap. 2-2. - imTAX ICOTICK OP KXJCCUTRICES To whom It may concern: No tice is hereby given that the un dersigned Executricea of the last Will and Testament and Estate of Joy Turner Moees, deceased, has this day filed in the County Court for Marlon County, Oregon, their Final Account In said estate, and that said Court has fixed and appointed Monday, April 29, 1940. at the hour of 10:00 o'clock A. M. of said day at the County Court Room in the County Court House for Marios' County, Oregon, as the time and place for the hearing of objections to sach Pinal Account and for the settlement thereof. Dated this 28th day of March. 194A. ARV1LLA M. TURNER, HANNAH MARTIN, Executricea of the Lest Will and Testament and Estate of - Joy Turner Moees, Deceased. HANNAH MARTIN, Attorney. Masonic Temple, Salem," Ore. M 28; Ap 4-11-18-35. "NOTICE OP FTNAXi SETTLEMENT NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that the undersigned Clara E. Moore and E. Esther Moore Clem mens, executricea of the last will and testament of AdeHa P. Moore, deceased, have filed their final account of the administration no on said estate, in the County Court, of Marion County, State of Oregon and said Court has ap pointed the 1st day of April. A. Tl lain at the Imnr of 1 a A'elnelr . i . YI " torenoon Oi said nay at Court House at Salem, Marion . .v- j vvuulji uictvu, mm 1119 uiuw sou place for the final hearing of said final account and for the final settlement of said estate. NOW THEREFORE, all per sons interested in said estate are hereby notified and required to be and appear at said time and place so appointed for the hear ing of said final account and then and there ahow cause If any ex ists why said final account should not be allowed and approved, said estate forever and finally settled and said Executricea discharged. Dated this 26 th day of Feb ruary, A. D., 1940. Executricea of said estate. E. ESTHER MOORE CLEMMENS CLARA E. MOORE JAMES E. BURDETT, Attorney-for said estate. F.29 M. 7-14-21-18. Business Cards la thla directory rsra. oa a monthly basts omly. Ratet 3)1.23 per month. Atrto Brakes MUxe 7S Bicycles BICYCLES, NEW an4 reeseaflttlooed Harry W 8ctC 14? Cosa'cX P. 4410 Chimney Sweep TELEPUON 448S It. C. Northniss ExTatingf EXCAVAT1NU OF an Mode, Base ments dug Dirt hauled or moved. Dirt for sale. Salem SaaJ A Gravel, P 9448 Florists Hreltbaapt'a'449 Court. 694 House Movies Raksisc lvllna : Perkins Broa. 8481. Mattresses' -BALEM FLUFF Aug A Mattreee Co. New mattresa- old remade, rug cleaning A weaving, a 13th A Wilbur TeL 844L rwicsere. ' C A PI TOU HCtrpiNO CQ Phoa 406S Natnropalhic Physician DR. W H. ROCKWELL. Matorepatn le PhywtrUa, , 1790 Fairaroond Rd TeL 4183 Office Honrs 11 a.m. to 8:St DUDB. FREE R3CAM A CONSULTATION Legal Notice No. 10182 NOTICE OF BEARING OF OBJECTIONS TO FINAL ACCOUNT In- the County . Court of the County of Marion, State of Ore gon, in the Matter of the Es tate of ERNEST P. OSTRIN, De ceased. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that GUSTAVE A. OSTRIN. as tbe duly spoplnted, qualified and acting executor of the last will and testament and estate of ER NEST 7. OSTRIN, deceased, has duly rendered and filed in the County Court of the County of Marlon, State of Oregon, a final account of his administration of said estate, and that Saturday, the sixth day of April. 1940, at the hour of ten o'clock in the forenoon of said day, at the courtroom of said court in Mar lon County Courthouse in the City of Salem. Conntyof Marlon. State of Oregon, have been duly fixed and appointed by said Court ma the time and place for the hearing of objections to said final account and the settlement there of. Dated and first published the 7th day of March. 1940. Date of last publication the 4th day of April. 1940. GUSTAVE A. OSTRIN, As Executor of the Last Will and Testament of Er nest F. Ostrln. Deceased. LAWRENCE N. BROWN. Attorney for Executor. M. 7-14-21-28 Ap. 4 House Being Built On Hopewell Farm HOPEWELL Top aoil has been removed and construction work will begin at once at tbe R. T. Kldd dairy farm In the Un- lonvale district on a modern fire room one story house and garage. The house will be 2 S by 38 feet in size and will have full size ce ment basement and the adjoining garage will be 12 by 19 feet in siie. They will be of Willamlna brick. , Charles Sergeant, contractor of Grand Island la In charge of the work, Mr. Kldd Is owner and op erator of the Hopewell general store. D. H. Fletcher is manager of the Kldd dairy farm and with his family resides in -the pioneer farm house near the site of the new house. No. leva Sraopals of Annul Statement ef tea Loads Qoarsatee sad Aceideat Cm pear. Ltd, ef Xtw York, ia tae State ef New York, ea the thirty fir. t dsy ef De eeaiser, 1979, atsda te the laseraae Ommieiser ( la Sim ef Orefea, pursuant te law: CAPITAL Amoent of capital stock paid as, 8 tenter Deposit, 99O.oe0.00. INCOME Fet premium! received daring tee year, $7, 028,815. Oi. Iaterett, dividends sad rente received during the year. $512,646.40. Income treat ether eeexee received during the year, S165.64S.4Z. Tote) laeeme, $7,.0S 00. DISAUBAJCMElf TS Net losses paid daring the year inclnd ing eeJastaMa expeasee, $3,77.10XAL CoauUasioaa acit soiaries paid dariag the year, $2,379.S7.87. Taxes, licenses and fees paid Soring the jaar. $331,150.2. Dividends paid oa capital stock dar ing the year. None. Amoent ef all ether xpaditaree, $058,275.85. JUauUanr te Heat Office frees Calk ed State Branch, $600,000.00. Tetal xpeaditarei, $7,564,8 15.8T. ADMITTED ASSETS Value of real estate owaed (aurket valae). $106,000.00. Leans ea mortgages aad collateral, ete, None. Valne ef beads ewned (amortises), $10,556,247.40. Value of stocks ewaed market valae), $734,853.00. Caaa ia banks aad oa hand, $1,797. 879.18. Premium, in course of ceUectioa writ tea since September $0, 1989, ILS46, 000.44. latere tt and rent due and accrued. $101,260.41. Other saseta (net). $382,285 24. Tetal admitted sateta. $15,084,137.98. LIABILITIES Grots claim for loaaea aspeid. SS, 035.S27.70. Amount ef an earn ad premiums ea aU outstanding risks. $8,024,005.02. Due for commission aad brokerage, $333,189.86. All other liabilities. $344,846.15. Total liabllitiee, except capital, $, 744 039.12. Stststery Deposit, $900,000.00. Surplus vr U liabilities, $4,435. 49S.06. Surplus as regards policyholder. $5 985.4SS 8. Total. 915.084.1S7.9S. BUSINESS IN OBbT.GOV FOB TIIE YEAH Net premiums received during tke year, $27,810.02. Net losses paid during the year, $10, 005.64. Ket losses Incurred daring the year. $8,471.04, Nam ef Oearpaay. Leado Guarantee A Accident Company, Ltd. Nasi ef U. 8. Manarer. J, M. Halae. Name ef Secretary, J. T. Cuaniaghaas, Statutory resident attorney for service. Insurance Com missies er ed Ongo. Directory Pattering, Painting NEAT Work, reaa Johnson Ph.3733 HERBERT 32. WOOD. Tel 3378 Plnmhing PLUM Bmcl, GENERAL repair wrk Qrabsr Broa, 134 & Liberty. Ph. 4(14. Printing FOR STATIONERY card, pamphlet, programa book or any kln4 of print ing, call The Statesman Printing De partment. 318 & Commercial Tele Phone 818L Roofing COMP A BUILT-UP rooring repair, bamt waterproofing, Besvtr Slate Hoofing Co, J W. Copeland farda, 83 Walla RoadPhono 4627. Schools COMPLETE your HKJH SCHOOL at home. DIPLOMA TEXTS FURN. Write for catalog, American School. Dept. 8, 45os 4(04. Portland. Or. . Sheep Shearing W. J. COCHRAN., RC L B. II A. 4319. Transfer FOR LOCAt or distant transfer. tor sg. burner oil. call 3181 Larmer Traasfsr Co. Truck te Portland aallv Well Drilling R A. WEST, rt t Ma $41 Ph. I19F8 "Honeymoon Is 4t , '"""A-. "m rfui.-. MtaaH Erwia arfd Marjorle Weaver la "The Uoneymooa I Over." playing today throagh Satarday at the SUte theatre. Companion feature Is "Disputed raMMtge' with IoroUy Iasomr, Aklia Taml roff susd John Howard. Suiirise Service Attendance Large GRAND ISLAND A sunrise prayer service was held at the Un ionvale Evangelical church at 5:30 o'clock Easter Sunday morn ing with a large attendance pres ent. An Easter breakfast was served in tbe social ball of the chnrch at 7:30 o'clock. Mrs. Ernest Douglas who is confined in the McMlnnvllle Gen eral hospital Is recovering from a major operation which she under went over a week ago. Mrs. Charles E. Nelson was called to Toncalla Sunday by the serious illness of her mother, Mrs. Cynthia Turptny. The seventh and eighth grade students In the school accompan ied by their Instructor, Mrs. Rath Stephens enjoyed a skating party Friday night at the Mellow Moon skstiag rtnk la Salem. Member of tbe 4-H Calf clab met Saturday night at the home of Russell Sargeant. Leaving for South With School Band BRUSH CREEK Mrs. M. J. Madsen has received word from her grandson, Richard .8. Madsen. a Junior high school student at LaGrande, that he was admitted to the senior high school and will leave Thursday for Los An geles where they will pay for the National Music Educators confereace being held there the first week tn April, and also over the NBC network. Richard is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Alvln Madsen, former Salem residents. Cross Word Puzzle 1 2 3 M & 4 l O ? m li ZZZZWLZZZWlZZ 11 ILfl ill I !i in inn n in in n In In InnZZ"lnIZII 40 HI HQ 0 MM lIZlnlll HORIZONTAL 1 Remain 6 Existed Obscure 12 Section of a windov IS Persia 14 Feminine name 15 Insect 16 Snip IT Cushions 18 Objects of worship Z0 Forckom tons a Uilrynntk constructed ay Dudalut 21 Hastens 23 Flower 24 Detests 25 Visage 29 Exclamation 28 Winged 29 Cons tract SO Receptacle . 81 Hebrew letter 22 Golfer's cry S3 Affectionate 84 Bone 85 Certain S Pillage 87 Harass 29 Tropical plant 40 Maidens , 41 Method 42 Barrier preventing flow of water 45 Source of indigo 46 Herd of whales 47 Conflagration 48 Disclaim 49 Unit . -60 Again VERTICAL 1 Mineral apring 2 Convert into leathef " XWkit Civil tVar ballU ndtd (As firti attempt te tarode f Ad North t , 4 Biblical pronoun 47 Waal is tae mtsrfsg part f th mm tkt tea at player: HtUn AoedVr Goddess of discord , 1 Smart blow Printer's ineajnre Over" at State 4 ' V. j s 4 z -W.v ' Landscaper to Speak At Silverton Club SILVERTON Elisabeth Lord. Salem landscape architect, will speak on "Color in Your Garden" at the meeting of tbe BUverton Woman's club to be held at the Eugene Field building on April 8. Masicsl numbers will be given by an a capella quartet composed of Mrs. Stanley Swansoa, Mrs. J. P. ttullum. Mrs. Arthur Dabl and Mrs. Conrad Johnson. Mrs. II. B. lAtham, assisted by Mrs. Percy L. Brown, are arrang ing tbe program and Mrs. Glean Br led well wIU be the hostess chairman. Choir Sings Special Easter Anthems MILL CITT The rewbyterian church was crowded SunCay morning for tbe Easter service). The choir, under the direction of Louise Grafe, with Mrs. Robert Schroeder at the piano, rendered the anthems. Baptism and recep tion of new members Into ths church was held. Evening services were dispensed with to allow members to attend Easter pro grams In Salem churches. Lodges SALEM LODGE No. 4. A. P, A A. M. Official visit of OhmU Master. April 3rd. ft radfl Lodge . 60, AJ AA-SL r District Meet! eg. Wed., Apr. A 7:8 pj. Wm. Marriott, vTJK, $ Wkt Rommn doit spas idVati. ttd wiik tkt Gr$tk ArfemtsF Id Jn ssAat eeieitiaf pssstssiesi t Anmmt Fromek t 11 Quantity of matter 18 Food fish (pL) 17 Heap 19 Animal 20 Rodents SlWkmt is Oa Cataase name er tae Gobi Drtt ttWkrm it Afettat GQdt 3 Body of water 25 Cost of transportation 7 Which ef th arrfys aas Uiekojf Reonry populmritodt 29 Additional SO IFa ewwipo4T (As era "Prince Iffor-f 33 Fret S3 On behalf ef 85 -Te rush ent 88 Fairy 88 Ireland 89 Domesticate, 40 Son of Jacob 41 Pale r 48 Measure ef area 44 Cry of tbe cat 48 Depart 47 Note of the scale Answer te yesterday's puzcl, S-20 IwNxrAlNlElNhyjTlpl : taw of ettlsai $0 m tastes. BV