. ,- - - y rr Tha OREGON STATESMAN. Satan. Orogox Tuesday Morning. March 28. 1940 Statesman Classified Ads Call 9101 Classified Advertising Threo Insertion per line 25e Six Insertions per line 40c One month per line $1 26 Minimum charge 25c: t U mln- imam See; I U. mln 46c. No refunds. Copy fo this pax accept antll t :3e the evening before publica tion for classification Copy re ceived aftar this ttm will ba run under -the beading Toe Lata to Classify " Tba Statesman tnumri no finan cialresponsibility for arrora wlrtch may appear In advertisement ocb 11 shed In Ita columna and In esse where thla raper la at fault will re- firlnt that 'part of an advertlxemenl n whlcb the txpoerraphtcal mtatake occurs. Tba Statesman reserves the rtRhi to reject Questionable advertising It further reserves the rarht to place all advertising under the proper classification. A ""Blind" Ad an ad eontalnlns a Statesman box number for an ad dressIs for the protection of the advertiser and must therefore be answered by letter The Statesman Is not st liberty to divulge Informa tion ss to tba Identity of an adver tiser ustn a "Blind ad. Livestock FARMERS MONTGOMERY RENDERING WORKS PICKS UP. FREE OF CHARGE. DEAD AND WORTHLESS HORSES AND COWS ANTWHERK IN THE WILLAMETTE VALLEY. WE PAT TOP PRICES PHONE US COLLECT S4I1 SALEM Phone 5000 - Phone 5000 ATTENTION We pick up dead and worthless tn aimals at a moment's notice. Salem Fertiliser By Products Co. 35tb and Turner Road Phone Salem 5000 Colect Note: We sell meat meal to feed stores. BABT CHICKS 10 Varieties, In cluding Reds, Rocks. Hampshire. Leg horns. Day old pullets, cockerels, started chicks. Pnon I J 881. Lee's Hatchery. Help Wanted MALE, INSTRUCTION. We want to hear from reliable men. new employed, with foresight, fair education and me chanical inclinations, willing to train spare time at home and later in our shop, to become installation and seo vice experts on all types Air Condition ing and Electric Refrigeration Equip ment. Write fully giving age, present occupation. Utilities Institute, Box I S3, Statesman. $31 WEEKLY. GROW Mushrooms. Cellar, shed. We buy fresh, I Sc. dry $1.35 lb. FREE BOOK, Mushrooms. 1927 Third. Seattle. Wash. MEN AND merchandising Statesman. WOMEN program. for special Box SS, Help Wanted Male PULP WOOD cutters, good cabins, good timber, lone job. Ray Stevens, 1915 2nd St., W. Salem. Ph. 1337. Help Wanted Female STEADT place for experienced maid. Cooking and general housework but no washing, can mil xn.rxnji.ruui riPiPiriririii,iin",' - - " - - - - EXP. HSEBTPR. to take charge of home. Box 6 56, statesman, Salesmen Wanted PERMANENT POSITION Maa between 23 A 40 with car. to start Immediately with large metal products co. as sales distributor: earn' lnas about 3190 monthly rapid ad yancement to producer. Not canvass ing. Man selected will always have his work booked weekly In advance. Calling on definite, qualified appoint ments only. Apply Mr. Coddinston, 11 a. m. Tuesday only, 7 so a. zstn. Salem. Situations Wanted LAWN. GARDEN work. Ph. 3 SSI. YOUNG, MARRIED man needs work badly. Phone 3C15. WANTED, BT graduate nurse hour ly nursing. Tel. 4 IK. DRESS MA K. Mrs Adsitt, Ph. (21 For Sale- Miscellaneous USED UPRIGHT piano with bench In good condition 149. SO. Gevurts Furniture Co 275 N. Liberty, ISO BOXES GOOD cooking apples. 25c per box and up. Fresh apple juice daily, open Sunday. to . truritan Cider works, W. Salem. Ssn-WsWe'isetV OATS VETCH hay for sale. Ph. 433. 1 USED WASHER In good condl tion, $32.50. Gevurts Furniture Co- 27 N. Liberty. THOR washer $20. 117$ Marion. FOR SALE Hay. oats A vetch. $10 ton. p . a. Mueller, H. I, n. iss. 2ti. THE APRON Shop. 979 N Hlrt J -PC. USED davenport A chair 114.95, Gevurts Furniture Co., 175 N. Liberty. CASH REGISTER Adding machine. Typewriter. Duplicator. Calculator and Seals service. Ail makes sola, rented swapped. Roen Typewriter Exchange 4. if Court. 8ALE WAIJVTJT shells, te sack brlrftc saeka Klorfeln Packing Co. ISt S High Bikes A Rep. Ha marten. MS 8 Lib 1 l-PC. BREAKFAST set. used. 1-7. tS. Gevurts Furniture Cc, 275 N. liberty. s4--fc,nM FOR SALE S-Piece Bath-room set with fittings, good condition. $25.00. Also S-lnch bench saw, excellent con dition, $29.00. CaU after 5 p. m. Seho- rieid. ziv vista ave., saiem. Thoro. Pomeranian Pups. Ph. 7071 3& Ore fion-State siaw ADVERTISING Westers Advertising Representatives George D. Close. Ino. Saa Francisco. Los Angeles. Seattle Eastern Advertising Representatives -Bryant. Griffith A Branson. I no. Chicago New York. Detroit Boston, Atlanta Catered f (As foetefftes Salem Oregon me Second Close M attar. Pm lieAerf every mtarmtao -ccr Honda Buetneee es f M South Cemteereial Street. - - SUBSCRIPTION RATES: W4chia Oiegsn: pagy and ; Me. AS ns-atsn Ms L $2.$ : t rer t.SS SlsswWrti lae SiV mr SS.M fat I tree SS iesv Mesacs Per copy 1 rents. Newnstsnda, Ft dlv- farrietr: SS enstss 1 Own a Better Used Money to Loan QUICK CASH LOANS CALL, WRITE or phone (lit II to Salem's oldest, largest home owned and home manajrt finance institution. Tour financial affairs will be discussed and loans made In strictest privacy. Sou will be riven every consideration in the re paying of your loan or granting cf astenslons. 1 to 24 Months to Repay Tou can pay In full any time to reduce the coat. Only Borrower Signs No endorsers. Loans made on furniture, cars or note. SEE "T " siMMo.Na, MGR. GENtRAL FINANCE CORPORATION ia oo. commercial St. First door south of I-add A Bush Bank ouvtmeni grouna noor location WOULD A CASH LOAN HELP TOU WITH TOUR SPRING PURCHASES: New clothing, house furnishing, garden or field equipment, house painting, taxes for automobile purchase or refinance or for con solidation of winter debts? Borrow In confidence from the Calkins Finance Company and repay a small amount each month. For example if rou receive Tou pay monthly I 40.09 4.03 109.0 6.72 ISO. 00 10 01 200.00 13.44 100 00 20.14 The above payments Include interest. AU J DMUBU.t; Loan up to 1500.00. Tou will Ilka our friendly service. small monthly pa v men ta. and low coat. CALKINS FINANCE COMPANY 202. 2nd fl. 1st. Nat'L Bk. Bids. Salem. Oregon Phone 444 S-22S a: M-27S State Licensee Auto Loans Willamette Credit Co. th FLOOR GUARDIAN BUILDING . LICENSE NO. M-IB PRIVATE MONEY AUTO AND TRUCK LOANS CONTRACTS REFINANCED to re- dues payments Money for new er used cars. No delay er rea tape, tou will re tain possession of the vehicle. I TO 20 MCNTHS TO PAT ROY H. SIMMONS 11S South Commercial Street Prion 9199 Lie. No. M-1S2 FHA LOANS 44. also prlv. loans. A brain A Eli la Inc Masonic Blag. Quick Cash Loans Personal Finance Co. 2nd Floor New Bllgh Bldg. Phone 3191 Corner State and High Opposite Court House , M-1S6 - State License - S-122 MONET trofld-to your hse. P. 7113, Loans Wanted CLIENT WANTS to borrow 14.000 - 9 for I or I yrs. on t 15, 000 farm close to saiem. RICH L. REIMANN 1C7 S. High Phone 1433 WANTED PRIVATE MONET TO LOAN on good Salem real es tate, wm pay , interest. U. QSABilN HtlRST GO. REALTORS LOANS WANTED on farm and city property. Before borrowing Inquire Hawkins A Roberta. FOR SALE Good sound first farm morte-aaea and bonds. See B. C Zlelin- skL wltn HAWKINS A ROBERTS; INC. Phone 4191 or 74L Financial FOR SALE $1300 A $3500 first mtff. int., pay semi-ann. Good se curity. RICH L. REIMANN 17 a High St. Phone $$32. BENJ. FRANKLIN HOME LOAN Reserve tw atectlon clause allows bor rowers to reaace or snip roonuuy pay ments. F. G. Delano, 299 N. Church. For Sale Miscellaneous CLEAN 4-BURN. kerosene stovs with oven. $12. 1947 N. Church. ! Sensational 2 -for 1 Mattress Sale t Nash Furn. Co. hits a new low. Na tionaliy advertised mattress A box snrinxs $45 value now less than H $22 while they last $22. Remember, box springs A mattress.) Terms as low as $1 down, $4 a week. Nash Furn. Co, Home of Laac Ranges low prices. USED ICE BOXES $2.50. Gevurts Furniture Co.. 275 N. Liberty. WRECKING HOUSE, fixtures and material tor sale cneap. S3Z rx. iiifn NASH FURN. CO. everyday specials new davenport chair, fls. Kome Deo, daveno, $17.50. Custom built bed dav enos $23.95 up. FRKE $7.95 7-way floor lamps with any daveno sold this week. -Shop around" "It pays. Nash Furniture Co. USED STEEL sanitary couches $2.25. Gervurtx Furniture Co, 275 N Liberty. Wanted Miscellaneous STANDS BEES, to rent or buy, del vered. Phone $51$. WNTD, MOTORCYCLE. Ph. 1416 WANTED FOR cash, walnuts A fU- nerta. Also meats M. Klorfetn Pack ing Ca. 319 a High. Phone 793$. Wanted Furniture -WE PA f SPOT CASH." N. e GLENN WOODRT Ph. $119 Used Furniture. R. Forgey. P. T44I. Miscellaneous Dental Plate Repair rWO-HOUR SERVICE IN MOST CASES Bring or Mall Tour Plates for Repair DR. HARRT SEMLER. DENTIST AUaky BMs, 2d A Morrison. BR 34 ST PRACTICE, PIANOS $3 H. U StlftL O. C PATTERSON shoe repair ing has moved, to 44$ Ferry St. . For Rent Rooms HOTEL MARION Rooma. Special weekly and monthly rates te perm, guesta. Marlon Coffee Shop, delicious meals at low Prices lru-i-iruni.iLi-irii " - - HirTRTt SALEM, low monthly ratea s-aataaS-sfSs-tat-sattsSsstaS-M T.ATtnT SOUTH RM. suitable for two. Daylight closet. 1271 Chemeketa. Pleasant rm. for lady. 44$ S. Cottage Room and Board AWAT FROM home, -want good home eooklna. call at 959 Marion. SEE MA Bowen. 905 N Liberty ers-MVssssB'W'saNst4sAs,-A BRD RM. men. Stelnke's. P. $3$4. For llent Apartments COZT Aa4- Priv. ent. Ideal. for em- atsa er coupia. zss jaarion. turn. Apt. Ph. !. asrj-rv tPTntM. td. rnss, tatla, re- trig heat, stater. ar. Ph. AAOA Money to Loan JIM CLARK. ASST. UQH. tj. v b.mi Phone 9141 For Rent Apartments COZY 1 R. apL 5587. 989 NapUoj. 3 R. FCRN, newly decorated. Heat. water, aauits, Z44 Marion. FURNISHED 2 ROOMS and kitch enette, heat, lights, water, 95 Sagin aw. 2 R. FURN $12-$ 14. 485 S. Com'l. 2 R. FURN, pri. bath. 653 N. High. 3 R. FURN. Bath, steam heat, frig.. Karaite, ivuj i. uapilOi. APT. mod. home, adulta, 449 N. Cap. 2 R-. prlv. bath. 250 a Cottage. 1 A 2 R. FURN. apt.. 845 Ferry. ssTnllJXlLiLrilt FURNISHED APT, 1 209 Court. CHOICE 3 R. apt. The Devereaux. sTfcSaaaastsaraaStsttats-s PATTON APTS., furnished. State. Ph. $244. Apt. $. $32 MODERN 5 ROOM newly furnished apartment. Must see to appreciate. neawraMe. i tl ft. W Inter St. APARTMENTS. $32.50 to $37.50 Royal Crt Apts. Phons 39$3 ,A ?MS URN- Lis-hts. water, heat. m waller. SEE THE FUber Apt, before you ucciuc iarge at airy, kockwooi in sulated against haat cold. Venetian nunas urouRnout S Cora l A Oak Sta. 3 Rma. Mod. Close in. Ph. 8384. oBAuncuur rum. i rm. corner APT. 310 Leslie. Apt. No. 1. APTS. FOR rent, 2484 State. 5 RM. FURN. apt, close In. adults 2 AND 3 RM. furn. apt, $12.50 and center. . NICE 3 ROOM furn. apt. clone In $15. 891 N. Commercial. HAWTHORNE Ceurt. 1000 N. Cap- nuuniii ana commoaioua APTS, FURN, unfurn. Children welcome; up. 1319 S. ljth. P. 7059. ' - -rrinrirwwvyAAnj $ R. BATH. It, w.t $29. P. 7111. 2 2 RM. FURN. apts. lights, water. Maytag, shower, $12. 1920 Ferry. 2-RM. FURN. Utilities furn.. nrlv bath, 2261 Haxel ave. Ph. 7664. ''" - -i-wii"vi n.ruunruini'tjTL 1 rma. fur"-. Its., wter, 151 N. 13th. SM. APT. Adults only. 770 S. Com'l. LOVELY 2-RM. furn.. nv. hath. 1 nr 1 employ, ladies. 666 So. Summer. NEWLY DECORATEn -T apt. $15.00. 1st floor. 1397 N. Com! NICE furn. apt. Adults. 999 Union. For Rent-Houses NEARLY NEW 4 -room rot tit a-a 111. Adults only. 1616 N. Liberty. 4 R. FURN. house. Else ranara. r. frig, washing machine, $28.00. 15$$ Franklin. W. Salem. - - - - - -,- iiinii-,-r,vrywrwVvxftvr 4 R. A NOOK. flrsDlaca. (urun. good location, $27.50. Others at $20 to $30. Ask us. Also furnished apts. o. k. REALTY, 219 Court Street FURN. MOD. 4 rma. and nook 1 bedrms, fireplace, gar, adults. $35. 380 McNary, West Salem. FURNISHED AND nnfnrn. honsea H. P GRANT. 129 Court Phone $744. NEW. MOD. 4 rm. hse. 864 N. 16th. FURN. AND unfurn. houaea R A. FORKNER. 115$ N. Capital saaaeeese.e TalllJ'XrU'XA WE HAVE THI PROSPECT IF TOU wsnt to selL sxchanae. ease, rent, see Mr Lsrsen er Mr. Col line with Hawkins Roberta FURN. A UNFURN. houaea MEL. VIN JOHNSON, 725 Court, Ph. 3728. rTlNJVf TRJ tin film knn. rm1r Vlf. la Court. Adults. Inquire 96 Mill. 3 RM. HSE. water, llahts. located at Sunnyside, $8.00 per month. RICH L. REIMANN. 167 S. High Phone 8633 5-R. MOD, 1138 Jefferson. 832.59. 4-R. cottage 1060 Erixon, $18. Inq. 1520 N. CapitoL Ph. 6784. FURN. S-RM. HSE. at 1407 N. Win ter at, $30. Ina. at 869 Marion. FURN. HSBs a" ap t a 7 3 5 K Com! For Rent Farms I ACRES CHERRIES. walnuta mixed orchard, garden apace. 3 rm. nouse, ngnts, good well, garag-e. close In. SOCOLOFSKY. 308 First Nat'L Bank Bldg. Lite's Darkest Moment I HAft Vtoo'l-te OJdF or TFOSd SMART SCHOOL. WHO VOTED J FAVO riMLANO LONG AS S&U WROfld (M A B6 GOV PlCKIAie ON A LlTTte FALLOW, H&ub ecrrfeR tAk5 off hcxir eiAsses: im Aeotrr T OeAT HtHjR GARS OfT Car . . . for For Rent OrrtCB ROOMS. .t91 State treat, inquire room 200. Tel. 17 II. Wanted to Rent REAS.. MOD. hse., I or I bed rma, out of town. Box I St. Statesman. For Sale Real Estate BARGAIN 1 BDRM. PLASTERED cottage : liv. rm., kitchen, bath, Ige. creek lot. trees. Only $1200. $800 do, baL $9.09 per montn. RICH L. REIMANN 167 S. High ' Phone 8632. NEW strictly modern, C room (3 bedrooms) horns in N. Salem, reduced from $6000.00 to $4800.00 for Immeai ate sale. Flajtv terms. See Mr. Collin; or Mr. Hardy, with HAWKINS A ROBERTS. INC. LISTEN WILL YOU accept thla $2000 gift? We are offering a ot nouse cor , 500. It is located close to state bid a A a real buy 11000. will handle. See Mrs. Ellis' with CHILDS ft MILLER, REALTORS 344 State Street Phone 9261. T.FTT TTS BUILD YOUR HOME WE WILL furnish lot and material and build you your own home with a very small down payment. RICH L. REIMANN 167 S. High Phone 863J, ANYTHING IN real estate. Buy. sell or trade. Listings wanted. -Sw N. J.LINDGREN. 1 7 5 & High-- FOR SALE 2 nice lots near State St. Also 80 A. good land In Idaho, lr rigatlon available. Ph. 4034. owner. MOD." COUNTRY home, close to city limits east A. lawn, trees, 8 bdrms, liv. rm., kitchen, nook, bath, floored attic, full basement, trash burner, wired for electric range wa ter. $1.00 per month. $3700, small down payment, bal. $25.00 per month to right party. Whv my rent T New 3 bdrm. coun try home, A A, water, lights, east at city limits, $1900 $50 dn, Dai. it.oo per month. New 2 bdrm. hse, ltv. rm, utility rm, nook, kitchen, garagre, $2900 easy terms. 4 bdrm. hse, 2 large lota. 120x129 east front. N. 21st St. Only $2500 easy terms. Ijirjre hse. A lot, located near H. 8. $1800. easy term to right party. 3 rm. hse. A bath located at New port, rm. for 3 more cabins. Good lo cation and value only $1700 $169 dn. $15.00 per month. 17 A, brand new 4 rm. hse, elec tricity. 1 A. beaver dam. about 3 A. la cultivation, some timber, pasture, lo cated E. of Brook: ot Brooks 92,000, $iv bal. 115 per montn. Rl ICH I. REIMANN 167 8. High Phone 8633. NICE 3 BEDROOM home, full base ment, fireplace, lot 50x150, Royal Ann cherries A wal, N. Salem, $3260. 6580. STRICTLY MOD. New 6 Rm. hse. with gar. Near bus line A schools. Fine location. Easy terms. Owner. 6506. $2650 BUYS 6 RM. plastered house. Fruit, berries and nuts. Near En "Tie wood school. Lot 90x 137 ft. Paving A walks paid. $3200. 6 rm. mod. home, basement, furnace and fireplace, near Englewood. Terms. R. A, FORKNER 1853 N. Capitol Street BRAND NEW 8 rooms A attic, hard wood and fireplace, large lot. Just out side of city ease $3850 $300 dn. Ph. 580. 4 RM. HSE. with gar. Brand new. Sm. dn. payment. Bal. monthly. WEST SALEM REAL ESTATE 959 Edgewater Ph. 6622. BUILDING LOTS on pavement with sidewalks and sewers paid. Will build and finance with 10 down pay' ment or will rurnlsh lot and all mater' ials . If tmrchaser will perform labor. Box 658, Statesman. $30 DN, new 4-R sub, $1900. New 4-R A nk. A, W. Salem, $2100. 8m. at Take 1 or 3 lots In trade. 172 I b, P. 7113. FAIRMOUNT corner with 7-rra. home at $3900. O. E. Has, 1365 State, NICE 4-RM. house $20$ dn baL like rent Take late Ford or Plymouth seaan. 174 wsaier. MUST SELL this week 4-R hse. near schools, bus. nlcs location. Rents easily. 2139 University. OWNER transferred to Washington must sacrifice home. Practically new. strictly modern. 4 rooms nook. ( J bedrooms.) Beautiful corner location on E. Center st $450.00 and assume ntorigage. See this at once. Call Mr. Hardy, with HWKINS A ROBERTS, IMC WE CAN OFFER you a barxain In a ten-room house, on a corner lot and both streets paved. Located at 1199 South Liberty street House is in A-l condition, double garage and the lot is 75x141. Price 13600 with a down payment of $360. Balance can be paid at rate of $24.79 per month. in tne city or suverton we have an other bargain in a seven-room house, basement and garage located at 226 Coolidxe street Price 12800 with down payment of $280. Balance con be paid at rate of 919.28 per month. J. tr. ULRICH CO. 262 State St Phone 8672 COZY 4 -ROOM house, flrenlaca. large bedrooms, basement, furnace. Jfiast iront clean, excellent condition. Owner ill. going to Calif. Price 82659 Louis Bechtel or Mabel Needham, $41 staie sx, upstairs, room 4. t00000000000l0000000000000f000i 4 A. in N, $175 : $5 dn, $5 per mo. BUDROW-KASMIR REAL ESTATE 12 Ladd A Bush Bldg. Ph. 665 Wanted Real Estate WE HAVE Inaulriea for small Im proved, acreegee close to Salem. Give us your usungs. RICH L. REIMANN. 197 B. Mign. Pnone 8633. OF RUSSIA eeATISH OOjV 5"t5 VJVTTHffjS Springtime Motoring Pleasure Exchange Real Estate WANTED, GOOD Salem residence to trade for SO A. farm. 1 mt from CorvalUa, well-improved 1A the best of sou. H. E. WEIR, 312 Oreg. Bldg. Ph. 941L ONE ICTtR mil S mh fc,B hwd. floors, Salem Hts. district, $2900. Will take cheaper house, clear acre age or lot part omt. One-half acre, 6 rm. new house, fur nace, ii replace, nwd. floors. $4959. esrt. will take cheaper place. Five acrea with i rm. bouse, elec. Just off Pac. highway south. $2099, wm uue oia nouse in saiem. WINNIE PETTYJOHN. REALTOR 477 Court Street ------- -.- -i',-lr,-lriiirwwvanjju(ji EXCHANGE WELL BUILT 7 rm. house 1 Urge lots. 8. Salem price $5000 trade for in or near xsaxersneld. Calif. See Mrs. Ellis with CHILDS A MILLER. REALTORS 344 State St. Phone 9241 ------ i'-ifSr-M-w-u'M-u-Lrxri.i"Lii.i-irun TRADE FOR PORT, nrnn CinnA R. lem home. 411 Masonic Bldg, Salem. For Sale Farms LISTEN TO THIS 13 H ACRES ON Willamette river. 3 acrea bearing filberts, about 1 A. large cherry trees, A, peaches, 4 A. prunes a good 5 rm. home, extra large living rm. Evergreen shade trees oy nouse, rruit house and garage. Price reduced for a short time to $S,- wv. oee ix toaay. can Mr. Bartlett wiin CHILDS A MILLER, REALTORS 344 State Street Phone 9261. Acreage J- - v a a.vruow, fwu eon. joou roaa. Kiec. Jjouo. K. A. FORKNER 1853 N. Capitol Street 5-ACRES. CLOSE in nn 99-1? nnrth with house. 20x24. 90 filbert trees, long frontage on 99-E. A bargain for 34750 better hurry. 80 -acres north on 99-E, good build ings. Sacrificed at $100 per acre. See nr. uaimgner wun JAS. D. SEARS, 478 Court Street A GOOD l.nn mnr ENOUGH TIMBER to pay for It Pine Mtron w nrelr mtint, c K. - cheap bldgs, 220 acres near paved . mr(ain you wan i e this. CaH Mr. Bartlett wltrt CHILDS A MILLER, REALTORS 344 State St. Phone 9261 ONE ACRE. 4-rm. horn nna mil- oui suverton itoao, 11050 $300 down. s-HuuM HOME with one acre at $1600 with low down oavmant or will rrai ii la.uu. fnone tTOonnell. 6761. Business Opportunities WANTED RBnrrnT WE HAVE a nartv deaJrinar la t-rmAm. m una new modem home on a good grocery store, bulldrng. stock A equip ment Se Mr. Hardy, with HAWK- la St KUoKKTS, INC UKOCERT. INCUimsn itwk a. iix, located at suverton excellent lo cation 81350 cash. Service station with 6 rm. nliM-i1 nouse, room tor caouis, ideal location, north. $6000. $3009 cash, baL arran ged. Grocery located at 8weet Home, do ing an excellent business (no chain stores). Price 82800 lncludina stock and fixtures. Beer A lunch located at flervala $1500 cash. RICH I REIMANN 167 S. High Phone 8632. 1--'" i-w'-ww,-tr.ri-i n 1 DANDY GROCERY A meat market doing good business In fine location. A snap for $2739.00. Another small grocery A meat case. Nice place for $1050.09. Grocery A confectionery, nice prof itable place for man A wife. Fine lo cation and doing nice business. Nice gas station, 3 cabins A store dome nice business, $2750.00, grocery stock at Invoice. Good hotel on coast 18 apartments A 14 single rooms. Income around $20S per mo. Rent $50.00 per me. Price for lease A furnishings, $1500. See JAS. D. SEARS. REALTOR 476 Court St Ph. $46$. INCOME PROPERTY close In, North Salem. Income $72 per mo. In addition to living quarters. Price $5500. R- A. rORjgNER. 1153 N. Capitol St .SMALL APT. hse. for sale. Ina. 439 N. Liberty. For Sale Wood DRY WOOD. $4.50 A $6. Ph. T421. i'i"-s's-"sVerM DRY WOOD, phone 9560. ATTENTION BUY wood that lasts real old fir. $5.69. Ph. 7061. WOOD. Ph. 6370 Oraen. 413 N 31st WHY NOT phone 100F15T I do. MILL WOOD. Tel. 634 L Wood at west end of Court St Load. $3.60. 8 cds. 16-ln. old fir. $16. Ph. 6700. nMMM"---M'ss-jeeia-ai ASH. FIR prune. 22129. Judd Dry 2nd growth, a Fir.' Ph. 7507. Old fir $5. Knot $5. Slab $4. Ph. 9469. Personal PSYCHOLOGIST, dependable advice. Mrs. M-lln- Phon -'y-LJrt?) LONELT T WORTHWHILE sweet eart, husband, wife for yon. P. O. Boa 7L Los Angeles, For Sale Used (.are Sale. $150 for equity In $$ "Ford Tu dor, radio, hter. BaL due $296. $24.59 r mo. IncL Int. Ins. N. Dallas, S. 8, Business Cards la this directory rua ota monthly basis only. Rate: 91.23 per line per month. Auto Brakes Mike Panek tit South Commercial Bicycle 81CTULE8, NEW and reconditioned. Harry W. Scott. I4T 8 Cora'cL P. 4914 " Chimney "Sweep TELEPHONE 4449. R. tC Northneea Excavating EXCAVATING OP an kinds. Base meats dug. Dirt ha a led or moved. Dirt tor sale. Salem SanJ A Gravel, p. 9491 Florists Brelthaupra 44T Court. Phone S994 House Moving Raising, leveling. Perkins Bros. 9461 Mattresses A LEM FLU FT Ran Haiti Co. New mattress, old remade, ma cleaning A weaving, a 13U A WUbor ts. 144 1. zwtckera. CAPITOL BCD DIN a CQl Phase 99 Watnropathic Pfayaician OR. W R. ROCXWCU. Naturopath- te rUlsrlieaej ITS srwli-twiaa WtA Tel 4391 Ofhce How 11 aja. te 9:39 m. rasa kxaji a consulta- For Sale Used Can OUR FIRST CUSTOMER IS STILL A REAL FRIEND THAT'S SOMETHING! To Buy Any Used Car Is QUESTIONABLE? Let Bonesteele's take any car buying. Be happy a made your purchase. BUY FINANCIAL and MENTAL COMFORT $ $ $ All Makes at Prices to Suit You Real Terms BONESIEELE'S SALES & SERVICE $79 N. Church, between Center A Chemeketa St Ph. 4646 sfsaMMVVMMMMMMMM'1-''l' I For Real Buys in Cars or Trucks SEE P. A. EIKER USED CAR DEPT. Acme Auto & Truck Wreckers 429 S. COMMERCIAL STREET Used Trucks and Cars 1938 D30 International. LWB, 750x20 dual tires, just been reconditioned $760.00 C-35 International LWB, truck with the famous removable sleeve, thoroughly recondi tioned, licensed $650.00 1938 Plymouth DeLuxe Sedan. looks like new $595 00 1934 V8 Coupe, a dandy buy at. $225.09 OTHERS TO CHOOSE FROM JamesTI. Maden Co., Inc. tlT State St or Court A Front 8ts. Salem. Oregon BARGAINS! We will sell these cars for any price within reason: Ford 'A" Sedan '29 Chevrolet Sedan '39 Chevrolet Sedan '30 Bulck Sedan '29 Durant Couoe Two '31 Chevrolet trucks. Hydraulic hoist and body; dual wheels. 1 1934 truck. ACME AUTO & TRUCK WRECKERS 439 8. Commercial See P. A. Eiker Legal Notice NOTICE OP INTENTION TO IM PROVE THE SOUTH ONE HALF gF-TRPg !I5!PBETS2iMarc lth. 1840 THE EAST LIXE OF LIBERTY STREET AND THE WEST LINE OF HIGH STREET IN THE CITY OF SALEM, OREGON. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that the Common Council of the City of Salem, Oregon, deems It necessary and expedient, ana hereby declares Its purpose and intention to Improve the south one half of Trade Street between the east line of Liberty Street and the west line of High Street, la the City of Salem, Marlon Coun ty, Oregon, at the expense of the abutting and adjacent property owners, except any street and al ley Intersection, the expense of which will be assumed by the City of Salem, Oregon, by bringing aaid portion of aaid street to the es tabllshed grade, constructing Portland cement concrete curbs. and paring aaid portion of said street with a Inch Portland ce ment concrete pavement, 27.98 feet In width. In accordance with the plans and specifications there for, which were adopted by the Common Council on the It day of March, 1940, now on file In the office of the City Recorder, and which are hereby referred to and made a part hereof. The Common Council hereby declares its purpose and intention to make the above-described im provement by and through the Street Improvement Department of the City of 8alem, Oregon. By order of the Common Coun cil of the City of Salem. Oregon. this IS day of March. 1940. A. WARREN JONES. City Recorder, Salem, Oregon. M 22-23-24-26-27-2S-29-S0-S1: Ap. 2-3. FINAL NOTICE OF EXECUTRIX NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN That the undersigned, executrix of the estate of GEORGE MAR TIN, Deceased, has filed her Fi nal Account aa such, and that April 30. 1940. at 10:00 o'clock in the forenoon of said day. has been fixed as the time, and the Directory Papering, Painting NEAT Work, reaa Johnson Ph.3733 HERBERT K. WOOD. TcL I3TI Plumbing PLUMBING. GENERAL repair wrk.. Oraber Broa, 194 a Liberty. Ph. 4994. Printini TOR STATION KH T cards, pamphlets, programs, books er any kind ef print ing, call The SUtesmaa Printing De partment. 311 a Commercial. Tele nhone 9191. Roofing COMP. BUILT-UP roofing repairs, bsmt. waterproofing. Besver State rfooflng Ca, J. W. Copeland Tarda. 939 Wallace Road Phone 99ST. Schools COMPLETE yoor HIGH SCHOOL at home. DIPLOMA, TEXTS FURN. Writs for catalog. American School. Dept. a Box 4999. Portland. Ore. Sheep Shearing W. J. COCHRAN. Rl I & II A. 4319. Transfer roa IjOCAI er distant transfer. ere. fcuraes eC eaS tin. Larae Traaaf er Ca. Tracks to Pertkad SaUy T7eU Prillim For Sale Used Cart chance out of your used long time after you have Legal Notice Courtroom of the County Court of the Stat of Oregon for Marlon County, at Salem, Oregon has been fixed as the place for the hearing of objections to said Fi nal Account. BESSIE M. MARTIN. Executrix of the Estate of Ceorge Martin, Deceased. RHOTEN A RHOTEN, Sll U. S. Nat'l. Bank Bldg.. Salem, Oregon, Attorneys for the Estate. M 26; Ap 2-9-16-21. NOTICE TO CREDITORS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN That the undersigned, bj an Or der of the County Court of the State of Oregon, for the County of Marlon, duly made and entered on the 18th day of March, 1940. was appointed administrator of the estate of ASAHEL BUSH, De ceased, and that he has duly qual ified as such administrator. All persons having claims against said estate are hereby notified to pre sent the same, duly verified, as required by law, to said adminis trator la care of the office) of JOHN A. HELTZEL, Ladd A Bush Bank Bldg., Salem, Oregon, within six months from the date of this notice. Dated and first published this 19th day of March. 1940. STUART BUSH, as administra tor of the estate of ASAHEL BUSH. Deceased. Date of First Publication: Date of Last Publication: April 16 th, 1940. JOHN A. HELTZEL. Attorney for Administrator. Salem, Oregon. M 19-21; Ap. 2-9-11 Lodges SALEM LODGE No. 4. A. F. A. AC Official visit of Grand Master, April 3rd. Faclfle Loaf He. 10. ATA A.M. PC Decree. W4ses4sv. Msr. IT. "V T:I0 p a. Wbu Harriett, Vf.M. Cross Word Puzzle H 12 13 6 n i9 20 22 27 20 2 'A 32 33 3 36 30, 3r HO V2 V3 HI we H1 at 2 2& HORIZONTAL 1 Fairy queen 4 Pertaininr to barium 9 In behalf of 12 Anrio-Saxon money of account 1 J Cultivated land 14 Regret 15 Former titles 17 Herdsmen Id Sprinkled with sand 21 Aid St Who teas Wvrmsdiary bitwtrn Clinton mud Benedict Arnold? 24 Insertion 27 Feminine name 29 Unaccompanied 31 Behold I 32 Find the saa 33 Flat fish 84 Chess piece 3 S Towards IS IFAal is (A4t capital ef East Flandertt 37 Resounded 38 Veil worn by Pope 40 Railroad station 42 To invert stitches In knitting 44 Hsvinf a flat breast-bono 47 Gleam 50 Pertaining to the kidneys 61 Seed of a Tine 62 Resin 54 Silkworm 66 Feminine name 8$Wfiat mi tAs former title ef Heile Selassie f 67 Goddess of dawn VERTICAL 1 Plant crowing an rocks I Melody Whmt wmenl eUf0 t 99n netted with CelmmeU UaWer eityt 4 Fotmdsd S affix t pertaining to T Mental tmagn a basket I Allowed to Stay V '' BStBSSBSBSBWBW. " "" - v ' Chow Gam 81k. 21 year old Chi nese txraaty, held IO months la Saa Kranrlaro by ImmlgTatloa mea because she was aaable to identify a picture of her L'M bora father, won a year long battle recently to enjoy the freedom of the L'H. The at t ov ary general's office la Washing ton ordered dismissal of the government's appeal after a fedrral rotart decision allowing her to remain over the proteet of the Inimlgratloa depart men L II.V photo. Hopes High il Harry M. Blosdale, Jailed at 1 Aagelee after flagerpc-lata tak ea for a civil service Jo4 re vealed him to be a fnglUve fratn a Florida chain gang, wore this entile ot high hope after befaa Informed Uotnaor Cnlhert L. Olson had aaaonaced that ha was roaviaced Bloedale had been sabjertrd to etraH and an aeaal punishment and she-aid aot be extradited. 10 II 10 2H 30 31 3v 17? 37 HH V6 3 Z1 Chafes 10 Possess) vs pronoun 11 Thing (law) JtWhmt ts tke firet nmme ef the mtttker ef "Skew BeetTt lft Low hill by the sea to Wke defeated tke 5jMtA Armada in ISStt 23 African antelope 25 Dash 2ft Secret orraniaatloa . 27 Roman patriot 28 Scent 30 Ki b-atio g mammal SSlVhe made m fmmene mareA through Georgia? 34 Afternoon performs nee 8ft S alien 37 Fixed coarse 39 Pertaininr to bees 41 Cats the outer part from 43 Unaccented 45 Tropical fIant 4ft Country ef ancient Greece 47 Mineral spring 4ft Female ox the domestic fowl 49 Equip 63 Greek letter Answer te yesterday's puzzle. S-?A B U H kolplgl Sis mm iVu...T Qil, it Kim l p 'ti JS I 1 i 1 I 21 iil ' 1 ' . I J Lilt -i 1 I , IL1 .29 a rear n aavanca m 4 OS t ATTRACT, ima. 1111 Cent. wssx. it t, sm 441. rib 11m